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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 15, 1905)
r V- 1 v THE " OREGON " D AILT : jOUSHAU PORTtAirPl' TISIDAY.'EVISHIHO.'' SEPTEIIsr?. 15, ' U:i ,- ... . t ,- .: . . C7:-v mm&fa . J; AT MODEST PRICES Third V - Ti.:rd I Curnsids Cntiiig of a jacket: with two pairs lof trousers, dne plain -and one be worn j Norfolk or pjain style this combination makes FOUR SUITS IN ONE. J. H . $3.95' and $5.00 Rear Schbol Suits $1.95: to . $3.95 When You See lt In Our Ad. It's So ... ; i1- lT and OAK CITY DAY CLOSE HIE STREET Executive ; Board .Threatens to : '' Barricade Rrst, .' Between ; r"':" . Stark and Burnside. I, PROPERTY OWNERS ARE . 4t?xIWARNED ,TO REPAIR IT ' - prement I In a Very, Dangerous v - Condition and If 'Action la; Not ; t . Taken at V Onct ;. Expenaitre Acd -; Flnt street between Stark and Burn- 'We atreets miiat be improved or the r;.. eltjr exeoutive, board will take atepa to ; - does the thoroughfare.' The pavement ' ' ' '. . la of biick and baa become ao worn that ' - - . It ii filled with great holes and au) " Ilea which make travel extremely dan aeroua. The property owners bava been i V '.trying to get the city to repave it out ; of the atreet repair fund, but the atreet '' committee of the executive board could ' i iot consent becauae of the large, ex penditure. 1 ..f'y " V '.... A resolution will be preaented to the city council asking that immediate steps ' "' be taken to lmprtfve the thoroughfare, if the council refuses to act the execu"1 . tlve board -will Instruct the city engl-1 ' :'t neer;; to barricade ' the streets .It., was ""'.""tateil at. the street committee meeting , c yeatm-day that the street railway com- ,"; panles were willing to lay their share '. ,.' of the. pavemeiv. . ' V. Howard hltlng. agent for the Carbo- . llneum Wood. Preserving company, made' ' 1 a statement regarding-the condition of 'Holladay avenue -from tho steel bridge '', 'I to LArrabee atreet where the Wood , blocks laid by1 the company had bulged '.. Inta miniature mountain ranges since " the rain. 'He laid the blame on Captain " Wanser. ex-elty engineer, stating that ; preserving the blocks and placing them . " on the street was done binder the per , .' ' aonal direction of 'the , city engineer. "The tompenr. "Whiting said. " protested . -' , against! Warner's method of . treating the I .,.' r bluclia.' j Whiting lUteJ that although ; the company was "not at. fault for the - ' '. eondltlon of the street, to show Its good .i tuXXti It would re pall the pavement and '. ' guarantee to maintain It' and er a bond. ? t v. The matter was deferred rfor, Investlga- - A -bit for' 171 J.M presented by the ' Trinidad s Asphalt company - for repatr- ' ) tng asphalt pavements was recom ' ' r, mended to the city, council for pay ment. AH hough the repairs had not r been properly authorised by the city , the work waa .found to , have been-, well i none. , . " Inspectors ln,Hhs'itir engineer's office ; will not be granted the Increase In sal aried asked, a, there are no available Wc Want lOODoys and Girls ? . V" '"' ' 1 v,a fc-f" 1 ' To' Come Oat Monday Morning as 11 a'olook e For the. rehearsal tor the Grand Carnival and Pageant which takee place ' on Wednesday next, September SO, from. a, m. to p. m. " That is the day that every girl and boy of Portland and vicinity will hivs free ad-, mission to the-grounds of -Tha Oakav"--.j- ---..i ,i " i. For Our Adult Patrons iks"a&. ' ' The return of a day of sunshine brought' 10,009 to "The Oaks' da. Yesterday. Strangers are specially Invited to spend a day with us. The only place in all America that offers 100 unique and interesting fea tures forr -, :'V,:;;:r; J fi-J'-,: ', ' ' Adaaiuioii-thr Otwndtrl Oct-CbSLna, 3eT Take tke W. r. ) By. Oo.a Oars oav Tlrst ana- Aide Stissts Tara ' fa. ; ' Music by ryCrbano'g Royal Italian band. Afternoon from S to evening from 1 to 11. . S , ' : ' ' ' ' Finest cuisine on the coast at "The Oaka Tavern." ' The only Warm Swimming Tank and Bathing House on, the Coast. A bath Including the ' use' of a new bathing suit, ti cents. t . ' - . NOTE THIS FEATURE '.Wednesday. September 10, from n."m. to t p. m.. Grand Children's. Carnival Day and Pageant. Cinderella will present her Golden Slippers to any girl from to II -years who can-wear them. Now on exhibition at the Knlgnt Shoe Store, J4 Washington street mm P Y OUR GREAT SPECIAL V Heiltrfs Millinery. Mrs. ' lleiander, having Just returned from the eastern markets. Is new ready meet her patrans with an extensive lino of nlga-class novelties.. . .- Am J fsxoas oir vor bots' ob xovrxr- $3.50 for ii-'-j Is the Vanduyn A Walton Brand, and equal to any $4 shoe sold anywhere In thla. country. Thla statement we dee Ire very strongly empka slse, becauae we can do so with all conscience. It comes direct to us from the hands of ths maker, and . does not havel(f bear any part of the expense of the manufacturer's1 advertising) and kindred burdens. The shoe renders no profits to any ons but the factory and 'ourselves; and -hag no other expense of any kind upon It, ao that 't. -.' ;: - - J --" VYe Lose Nothing by. Selling Jhis $4 Shoe for $3.50 It is a strong and durable shoe - and at the same ' time dressy enough for any one or any occasion. - We pars aa AttraetJTO Tarlety of Man's' Xoelery sf .....f'Sy.Aa tnO'latesi SseUras.. ';.i7 . Tat stood T4. VANDUYN C WALTON . 1 tra Wasatagtos Stree, Between Tktea aa rerta. HIS cstablishmci ourrtradcVclfbr bcst iThe finest manufacturers of Clothing, Hats, Shoes and Furnishings procurable4n c Winter of : 1905,and 1906. arc now ready for early fall buyers. The Hub 5 is a store of close margins. We buy for cash as -low as any estoblish- meinJJm rcern on the coast, styles and Qualities considered. Our .enormous and crbwincf business is not built on1 the sands of chance, but on a Gibral- tarot .iue:meriLk: r . ' t . ' : . ''.r ....... Mall OlteS Almost tinlimlfed in variety of materials and Fashion's most popular kinks and whims, starting in price at $8.00 and continuing in quality, to satisfy the every de- . mand of the man who demands tne most iuxunous,to w. , , ' Suits are the kind that press the custom tailors to action if they wish to equal" '' them. There; are more;' than 20 styles, of fabrics, in double artd single-breasted -:" sack; usually "sell at $15.v r.h'fW:.!:"' ?.-rfvr''r.';;-c?-;' 7" Tf ifny i. '-.f '' ' SIS The Kirshbaum label tells . the Jale Not one.oi the leading houses of America, :, hut America's largest and best wholesale1 tailors. Be it a black, blue,' gray or , " fancy design of material, you will find yoiir kind among thesq 80 styles of $18 values'. SilW, satin or Venetian lined Serges and i Worsteds, .Kirshbaum kind. 'Also . - . mr a e .' Ilf J ? ' . A, t- C.-2a "-- Cheviots, iniDCts, unnnisnea worsteas, etc in supenur siyics mu iaunts. ouus , that you tniust pay ?25vior outsiac ot ane nao. ,iV.- '.r -: S2S.OO Suitr4re'.' the"- kind tterplejswimen thartailors don't always satisfy. The ele-. eant imported materials, and' the "classical .outlines distinguish the finest points of ' trained art producea oy ariisi.iauor smii. $30, $35 and $40 Suits Takes you into'a class of materials and fabrics that seem like gems trying to out-. shine one another. '. Europe's choicest loom products combined. ,with.jmejica,'s,. hbTcMfiaTloringlibssibm ';T.: Fall From'$6 to 50 Is" the range of prices. -Good reliable Overcoats for hard usage tb highest qualities thatJ$jojsjJileprjc ; ' j ... , . . .... It g For'' Silk and Satin Lined Coverts and Cravenettes. . Just 20 styles ? elO , and colors and 20 values. On sale tpmorrow (Saturday) at $15. , ...y,.: Y ' -:"J', J ' v ... . - :.; . . ' y riSEs fee. 1 I " t f . . 1 By Any Others Name Are Jfust V u'-y- ; the Same. . ; , s o3.oSC !" Saturday .Specials. ' VVe". will offer twelve, styles of . $5 fall fashions worsteds all of thepi the kind that does not bag at the knees. . . . . -T- . v ' ..' , .... . ',-'-, : Quality and tailoring are their virtues. ; . '''"..'.. j vei'mWHhfnksndmere right, that he has a good ; shaped head, butithe right style for a' mail-helps things," you know. " : V' Hamilton: Hat3 ! . f ' 'Over a "score and ten of styles and colors to' choose from.v AU built on classical 'and detail outlines insures you quality, .hats that look, feel, fit and satisfy . ,J . r :. - ; : ... . .j. , . V. i -y Thlbett's Fall:' Fashions ) I ' ,v We will continue to sell the above made shoes at $3.50. While the rise in prices of leather has compelled many other" makes ' to be robbed of many points, of, merit in prder to nieet prices' - Thibett's are. just as of - yore. The ' Hub sells close profit-. .margin merchandise. ' i ': " ' '.v ::;V; J', A. Alsace. Loraine.Balbriggan for .the man that wants something,, extra -fine four styles, of colors" at' $10 per suit.' ; Single gar ;mentsViiot sold; a. real $12: quality.- ' pXfh' i For balbriggan 'and jersey leeced, silk tapings and hard.buN tons; knit seam; is the best value in Portland Wool Jersey Ribbed Balbriggan and Knit Wpol Garments arr ; the same price, for' the same quality 'as last year; but the price N '.of wool is 'tip this year.' ' .'. z':'''l'jL--.. . . .... ". .... . .....--.- . .". . .... The