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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 15, 1905)
crziii daily jsur-ALV' rc iTLAKD.- l.isay cvcrmS &yri::irr.vii5.- ; t ri : U 3 a, - -- -.. w. . 1 1' I r i" i r . -e. Hi-. b'i At 1 1 trig Nod niwww. a reeuy to i. at t "d p-r - ; 1 f - it r( n : X ' y ! f ;' 'i f f t. i .... r . . i . tou t . o d r - e j ft rent ea" 1m ' Third at., IrortMBd. ' too DOZBN Uum'i fniltjare, all iIm, uoed ; once, good u new. timp, Portland Ron le , . Supply Co.. Swl North Eltuteentb. Vila Its. W print roar un on M ealltnt ear, nrawer .; elae and style, 4c; JbO buslueea card, fl. Brow teamal. 4 first. Portland. Or. WOVEN. WIRB Sb4 nnboksrered eat, .earn scores, unam tad eea cine Teat Awning Co.. ip narait'M. r fa ari rirat. LARUKST tork ef hot lira In taorthweatr order ' filled promptly. Portland Brttl Ht"-oly Oo., S81 Korth klfhteeotb at. Mala 2 a. LAUNCH for tele, length M faot. 10-H. P. . gine, larf carrying capacity; pried vary cheap, Addraee a ed. cara JoarnaL . . i OBNl.'INB head-mad India falanketa tt kail ,. pric for a few dare ouly. tv$ Stark at., betwaea Front and rirat, , DB. kill haHUit won "alia without elf. liHta Mllweuki are., . beUwood ear. Uratton etatiua. . - " - CALIGBAFH typewriter, flrst-eleea condition, . !. C. H. T'lttett. lawyer, d Mutter bid. I'OU SALE 1 aipall air eompreaaor. cheep. . il. 4 Martaa A Co 910 Mllwaakla at, . HORSES AND CARRIAGES. ( iui MLanom ivarr rniMf wiin war - nl - (mai nna Mor. at Joraar. d aal gona Bilk. $40. Call 41T ablsstoa blda.' -1 BORAS, banwaa- and oaablnatloa two-mted - lw(ir taa trbola rl. or arparata, .(or aala . ' dirt cbaap.' 224 TamblU at. . . . A PINI ton knatr. koraa and nan . ror aai moan, or traaa urn a a. , Haflfcor, t4d Waablagtoa at. - - - . . (loot) biucy and barnraa tor aala; arte 130. At 1114 F.aat talnma at, - TO EXCHANGE. , " OTTft CKOCIfETT. ' riS Waablnftpn at. ,- PnoiM Black 187 1. Kor aalb or mhna for bona and t. all : the atork and, 'niplrnwnu and- part at crop - n a IMIiraarm In. Clackamaa enratj; :: farm can be raoloO; raluc will ran from f tl.SuO to fl,U0f wltt pay dJUareacc, If aujr. WAKTBD To trade, rhlrkraa for a bora. ln '. - qulra tlat and Covrb ata., C'r(ral, Or., 4 ' ' ' -blorka aoutb of MobIt1IU car Una. ' FOB cachant 30-are fnilf ranch and fnrnl J tnra of T-room flat for flrat-claaa roomina home. ug Morrlami at. , PERSONALT XU. Al.mrTD IAKOCRMON. Kcaropatk, carca - all chmnl and acrroua dlacaaaa. aach aa rbatimattani, catarrh, para Ijr ale. Ilrar and , kWiicr - troablaa; all ' bead-, and atomarli traublaa, aack aa conatlpatloa and drapepala, ara corad In tba abgrlaat noaatbl . time; all arrrosa and - (com la nraekneaara- ara naraia , neatly cared. !rr Anderooa rn hla treataenta ' doea not aaa any druaa. bat appllee tba ' celrbralad neambalhlc treatment, which aor direct to tba canae of the alluient. Ilia afflcca I ara dally rrowded by tboajfba Jtara .falle-tl im- pet rmrr PT in aa or urate or nnraerr. If yoa ore one of thee, call oa Dr. awlerenit -' for rre conaultatb and adrlce. Leww bulMlna.. eoraer Morrlami and l'arkrPbon - Pacific 409. Off lea hour from t a. m. te p m. - . . i , bi vrii . - T. P (Tltal-Powar) tableta arin reatora ta ' , 'yoa tba aaap. vim and rlaur af BMnbood; If yoa are lacklae; la tba nuwer of TlUllty. It loaa reeulUnc from Indlecretlona and cea, ,.' eeod for a box of three tableta and be con vinced of their merit. By mall la plala Pkf., .'' tl. THE A BMSIK0N0 TABLET C MM -', mW Lo;l Uafrd bldf., Detroit, fcUea. DETKCTIVS ageactaa Confidential loeeatl(a rlooai renurta made oa anr Indlrldaal baaliiee ' or property! boofce eiperted; beat dty refer-7- ' eaee; cbarfee reaaonabic: orreepeadeac aa .---- llcttcd. Ureava netectir Brreice. onicea Buna ooiumua ctoa,, aw. waaniaftoa au, ' - Portland. Phvn Mala tdln. ' v PORTLAND MII.UNKBT SCHOtlO Learn nay . tne lanhioM la 1 areeke. fall couraa tl'i: peat eaatera mllllaar la eft aria; aieo aukea t. tmm a.vto haBH-aiada baada at one half v atr pneea. cau lu vaafna. ar raciory. Mala llr. a VIBRATION aaaUant ctrealatloa. braakt dowa . aad electa waat tleane, rebnlld new and . healthy clla free demonatratloa. Ofttc aad i treatlna-rooma, Tlbratorlnm. aalta tS-ttt. Lawla ... ' bld(, aor. park and Jtoriiaoa. : . ' blatrlmoalal Rerlater." lOe. atalna deacrlptluna and partlcnlara of aeraral bun dred neldento f Orecoa aad Waabioftoa wbe wleh to marry. Iataratat iotrodariM - , elety. RnaaaU kMf. - NO DBL'OS, no opera r tone; Prof. Daaa fleea , oateopathy and maaaetta treatment, redaee . , your fleeb, relleree aappraaeed awnthly Irrey " nUrttlea. Conaalutkm free. , Of fled, alii , Oaodnonth blda;. . 1 , I0ST - poarera restored by the treat Dr. Lcreaa'a Neree Tonic Tablet: 25e per box. . . ' a ttmmm fee II H. Write ee cell at Inll'l , '.' Pharmacy- Ht Morrlaoa, hot. let aad tar MANLY vlfor raatored by Dr. Robarti' Nrrre UMwaiea. una monta a creatmeni. an; a aaoatha. Ml AfaaU, Wo : arnt aecarelr sealed by mall. oodard, Clarke a Ca., Port lead. Or. , BOOKtl Kara tbey are! Decameron." "Ben. . tamerna." "A Hot Tamale." "Panay Hill." "Twaaty Tear a raker." "Porbldile Fruit." SO each: Uet fro. A. Sckmale. S2S Plrat at. COyriPESHAI. IN Tt HaTIATTWW IHpiilH ' . arty)- booaa eiperted; heal dty rertreaecs. j . Lock Bot 874. Portland. Or. -yr WANTED Ta coafer with tboa mtemplat Int a bualnea courea; to your poraoaal and flnajclal Internet te Inreatltat. Addreaa i 41. car JooraaL LAITIES Tea 'appear SO yea re yoancer. re . anore all wrluklea. hat akla Ilka releet by atlnt Oregon Orape Ski raod. Pboa Kaai ., "-. 'MENt WOMENI Rarmood'a pllla poaltlTety . car aerTooaneai and lark af Tltalltyj II, 4 - bole S3. Plammor Druv C 9a0 Third. -BUSINRM aroma of ability wlebee t meet tentiemaa at meane ror auainaaa -rounaai ana ' adrlce. Addreaa Baalnaea, car JonmaJ. r SL ITS while too wait. 10c. Ladles' aklrt pressed ftoc. GHbsrt, 10H Sllth at.. t neat to the Quelle. Phon Clay tut.. ' CLEA RANCH aele all tlttda of walata. kimono. .'. naalln aaderwear, etc., below eeat. , Slag Vf -Cbrmt Co., S3S Morrlaoa at oUlXliN , CRAbT Cblropodlat. maalrarlnf and ebampoolaf- Parlor 4S4 Abtaf tua bUf , Pert land. Or, Black Saflt. . PR. ATWOOD IS R lie eel bldr.eor. 4th A Mor t riaoa. Dlaeaeea af women. Consultation freei FRER Mtnple corn, bonloa and wart car.. BdV win U Dean, dept. R. Taantoa, Maaa. OTPST EENOBIA'S nerba, roots and bark rare all dlaeaeea. Hoome lux-m Auaay bios. . TURKISH BATHS, 600 Oragonlaa Mdt. taaM - all altht. ladiee au aay. ajam isa. ' EXPERI.NCI!i dreaamakar will ak estate i meats in ramiiiee. l ama oaa. ATTORNEYS. OIlKaoN LAW COLLECTION CO. 4IT Tea. t to block. Collect lone made threatbont the United Stetea; bankruptcy matters a apeclaltyi bad tenant ejected: rant collected and tee- era! law baaiueeei notary pnoua. A. M. TANNER, attorney, Sn Commercial blk., RecoRd and Waablnftoa au. -man main e-u. ' B. T. TAUT! ART, attoeney and fonoaellor at law. '. 4ld Chamber or Commerce UK if ART EMPORIUM. . PBOr. RICHARD MAX METEB Portrait and - ta aoecene nnieri inaTrnrtion in ai isinvii.s, water color, etct. ead drswlnfi art (allery " connected with studio; plctnrea for aala and framing t order. Jl Alder at. Phone 1UO. BIRDS. MRS. S. M. PRITE. SO Oeasd ere., beaatirul I w pet led renery birds, reaaonable: all good tlorer. aad aettefactma tnaraateed. O. e A ..-a . BATHS UAS3AGE. THE Palace Maaaat Parlor la the ably alee ta get a aica Inrlawatlnt bath orMnaeaatei yeant lady. -IS year oJdT" WltJi Imisiaut, recently from Kear York. Stark at., between Third and k'oarth. The Tacoma, raom S1-S2. MISS ' ENaLISIWExperlenced nnree. ttre medteatcd hatha, elactrie and matoetlc treat. V. njent; alao rmoy c-jrna, ,J4Sn flUtb. corner Aturr, rwwa aeefc- THE ' SNOWDEN BATHS Lady ' attend ante, 287 ti Alder at., tab end re nor bathe, aiaaaag and elactrtclty. Phono Mala tMa. two -young ladlra glee maaaat a, tab aad vapor IIOIX I'.n.l k. . W.aLH.lia BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. ' HQWR. DATIS KILHAM. 1 OS-Ill Saeoad as. Bleak book manufacturer; agent tor Ioaee Improved Loae Leaf wdgerai aee the new Eureka ' leaf, the beat a the markaC BICYCLE DEALERS.' - COLUMBIA. TRIBUNE AND CRESCENT. BPORTIJiO GOODS. BZ PERT RBPAIR1BO. P. P. JCEENAN. SOS THIBD ST. i 'Coal And wood. CHHROHLEI BROS, have re moved from taat , Davw at. ta 42 Kearaer at. near Jlth: b auw the air test woodyard la tb city, carry, lac Ul kind af wood aad eoaL Mala SSI. 0REGORT MORRIS, eaecaaeor fa Cala MeKnna, dealers la wood and coal at lowest prleoii eatlafactloa gnsraateed Cor. Tenth and Irving. Phon Mala 4S7S. AL8INA VDRI CO. Dealer la dwood. eosl aad graea and dry (tabweod. K..R. aad Ab btee are., t bwck east af ferry. Baa SI. STEEL BRIDGB PCEL CO., d'elere la eoaL oord wood and dry slab wood- Pbaaa Eeat 44. 0REOON rUEXi CO.. all binds af oal and woad, SOS Amar. raoao KIRK HOOTER, Sit Water aiv. weed aad aaak Pnoo Mala dBSS. CARPET-CLEANING. STANDARD Carpet Cleaning Co.. largaat pleat eo the coaat,;Trtnr nd -Harding-em., teas, phone Eaat 2tM Caraeta cleaned, refitted, Sewed and laid; both a team and latest eom- prsseed air nressmi renovating aaattreeeea end , fealbera a specialty. . ATI year ernlm OMaaed; we rieea papered and palatrd walal eauaraetioa gaaranieeai $rtea reaaoaablel tafereaeaa. Bed SMI. SANITARY carpet cleaning, aactloa and eom nreeaed air combined; carpet cleaned on floor - wltbcat rtmovaL. Mala M4. Kaat 3S4. - CAB PETS eaiaM oa tb Soor; w rale a aaaonatratioa. Paoae Clay HI. Ire t i. HUNTER Steam carpet aad matti , fteaaerT BOO Jefferaoa. Pboa Mala SI. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST Ql'RKN THKLMA Orfted aplrtqal medium and clairvoyant, ecieatlfle palmist: acknowledged by thousands the moat .reliable In Portland aa baeloee. marriage and success. Consult bet If yoa want facta. 144 K, sth at., neat ' depot. ":' MILLIR I.EB Olftrd child from birth, now la Portland and will glya teat reading for 2Se: - four mennera of reading; locate mining and hidden treaearee. Roam B. 224 H Plrat. OTPS P.KNOBIA Tell paat, present and furor- ' Ne matter what yoor troablra ar aba will help yoa. Room S2S Allaky hldg., Morrlaoa' and Third. UADAME JOHNSTON Clairvoyant , palmist. Card reader) I give facta rellabl and lm ' aorftkt ell affair of real Hfa. Raadlaga toe. SS Seventh at., near Oak. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. DAVENPORT BROS, Oeoeral -eosnmlsalea ma. chsBtai fralt aad peodeeel eooaltnmeat ae belted; prompt ratama. IBS Proat at. , JP rna waat 'ta get pood retara far year , prod see, ahla. to aa: pay hla best prtc tor m I. a. b. P. Millar C. KTERDINO PARRKI.U prodaea and commas. moa aaerchaat. 140 Proat at.. Portia nd. Or. Phon Meln ITS. CLEANING AND DYEING. PORTLAND STEAM CLEANING ft DTEIN0 I Weibs; practical kattsr la onactlsi taatkai t"ta an if Blame cloanediiod carted by' aa I pert. HI Peextb. Pboa Clay 104. . CIOTHKS cleaned) and preeaed fl per atoata. Ualqua Tallorlat Ce. S4T Weening tee at. I. W. TI'RNRB, arofeaaloaat dyer and eWaaea. OS lefferao at. Phone Mai SB 11. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. ESRKRa-OUNST CO. . DwtTlbtsrt f ' . , r f-IKf CIO ARB. '-' Portland. Orewo. CEMENT CONTRACTORS. CRAS. H. CARTER CO., eemeat mtrtetora, Set Esat Twentieth at, Pboa Bast MIS. AU work gnera ateed. tHIROPODISTS. IP foor feet are wot of ercVr, g to Dr. Worley Benjamin. Seventh and Stark, tba toot ape cutlet Pboa Black Bit. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. AUTHORS WOOD, carpenter, (milder; re pairing and-Jobbing; afore and office flxtare ' bill It. Rhtfp Cobimhla. Mala 8297. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. WHOLESALE crockery and glamware. PraeL Begtl C., 109 ta lot Plftb. ear. Stark at. ' CAFES.. THB 0FF1CR tm Washington tt. 771. Sakiael Plgneaan. Mala DRESSMAKING. SriIRTWAlSTS. 'wool -or waeb glib, mad fat (1.19; ablrtwalet antts, . 4B East Mer it. Peoae Eaet ttl. , DRERSMAK I NO Strictly BP deeltne. 4AB Clap at, to dst hi taat JpENTISTS. NE Y CHURCHMAN, dent bit. KM Marunaht bldg... Slitb and Morrlanat, Phone Meln Ills). DOG AND HORSE HOSPITAL. Dt C E RROWN D.Y S..D.C.M Dot. bocss bob. pltal.taT Baraalde.Phoneei MslwMindi EaatBSao. ELECTRICAL WORKS. NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL RNQINEERINO f --. Stark at., fort la ad. O, K. tee - tb electrical lip. (baa A V x ' f A Aae i i n - - - - L. and M Exorea Compaay. til Waahtagtoa at . Ponn a-ala Su4; furniture, plaoo and er. ,u pt. jtly tet- "d to. emlly t VtNTtt warml t eea ears faaL . a barer rmnmrm Co.. e Mala-eBl. FURNITURE FACTORIES. OREGON yornitws Manafaetarlag Coaaaaay Maoufactnrera f Inralwra for tb - trad. Perils ed. Or. VrSMlTL-RS) aunefeetariaa and apectol U ale Senear's famltnra factory. STa Preat -f GROCERS. WADHAMS A CO.. wholesale grocera, maaa faOajrer sad eoniailaeaoa marrttaala, 'erh ' aad Oak ata. . . 1 1 ' '. ALLEN tj LEWIS, eommlaatoa and prodaea aner ekaat. front and Darts ata.. Portland. Or. hotels: BOTEL Pendleton. PeaeUstoa. W. A. Brown, i HOTEL Portland. eVaerteaa pla: (t, SI par day. HOTEL St. Oeorg. Pandleloal Vm41og hots. BCLTETtCRB; Ealuueen -ptant 4tb and Alder a. HAIR AND SCALP SPECIALIST. 1. J. BORO, maaafactarev of hamaa batr aaila, eta. 4SS Beat Ninth. - Phone Beat tall. - hardware; Portia ad Hardware Oa. eeUdta sspsataulty ta ejaoto prlcea. tat Ut at., aor Alder. Mala 1SS4. INSURANCE. ' ' .. ISAA0 ! WBITC tr laaaraaea. SOS Daa. LAMBERT.1 WH1TMER A) CO Fir Insure ne .ad reel estate; ofnre 10T-108 Soar lock bldg. Mala lOOSi depU dud Beat Alder, Eaat dot, JAS. Mel. WOOD, emplojere' Bahltlty aad atnaaal aeciaenc anrery aowaa as aia aiaami Pboa 4T. Sot McKay bbbr. - II. P. BARTPL8- COMPANY lira laa. . d4t Sbevbt bldg. Oiwgoa Paeae Clay BBS. LOCKSMITH. J, B. RICHARDSON, expert lock and kersailth; . general repalrlnti raatiroa hraalug; all work guarantoed. 3U Fourth at. . Pboa Hood 1783. REYNOLDS tfoaral repair air aaop; expert ma Chi a- Kmptly filled; ageata I Wash. Main do. tai, aaeaamiin; oroera . Miller ksylasa lock. BROWNB'S IN TOWN El part Wckamlth aad blcTcl repalrtag. S8S Star. fay phoae, CUy SSt; nlthf phone. Mela BBSS. . MONEY TO LOAN. THB STAB LOAN CO. - Any aalarled employ) wage as r nar. aaa Sat aa bia Bute, without mortgage , 1 - Month. 7 M Moatkv Week, no.OS Repay ta a S1S.U or SS.SB er SAM 129.00 Repay to aa S S ar SS.BS r il.SB 14.00 Repay to aa 1 4.00 or U.p.erii.M Bid blcbay hldg. ' , MONEY ta laa. salaried people, teamster, etc. . without security: eaey payments; largest . bualneaB ta 4S principal citiea. Xolmaa. Auagtoa a lag. focus Mam oi ayvjanz iv uiaa oa rrai uiew m Uteral aeearltyi apectal attaatioa chattel ' mortgagaai -aoteB - bought CL W. Pallet, sV4- sVctoa hldg., Sd BUth SC. pee table place Where mate nna gente eaa borrow mosey aa dlarooade a a walry. Collateral Loaa Bank. !UM Waaa- lagtoa at. paoaa tuaca n. S LOANS and apwerd aa all kind of earM . ar to aalarled people ea their aotot Sowaat rateet no publicity, do dday. BiS Ablngto blg. Paoae Red 1TSS. - ' v CHATTEL iuan 1a a moo ata rsattsg fro Bat to SO.uuOs roomlat-heoare a specially. . new Br Loaa Traet Co.. SOS . eiDing Jag ton bldg. WB aaak all kind af loaa oa good carltf at lowest rates; special attaatioa Sir cnattol lean ira Marnaoa MONEY hma la am f frpat tOOB t . to. 000; term to BBK in ' tuO-10, Cooimarctal blk. MONBY TO LOAN la large ar email a moa ata oa good security: lowest tat. WUIIaat O. Beck, SOT Palling bldg. - THB CRESCENT LOAN COMPANY Salary loan, from tar ta at moa the: aegdeellal. til Oregualaa.. MONEY TO LOAN aa CUcbamaa connty laada. , B. P. d P. B. BUay, SOS Chamber af Ooav PORTLAND REAL ESTATB LOANS, t AND par eeat, Wa Deabolm. t2fi ralllaa Mdg. LOWEST rates oa fnrnltara and piano. - Fast en, Ixten Co., 440 Blierlnck bldg. Clay B2S. MUSICAL. . COURTNEY'S MUSIC STORE, SO Plftb t Good line of sheet maale loci guitars, mendo- - line - I- lee- tbaa- aaaai ixioa; Calambla .recorde Bc - - SECOND-HAND mas lea I laetraawat af all kinds at etnrcat price, ceeh a laatalimanta. - F Is her Music Ca. ISO Third at PIANO tuning. S3; ner feet work raarai C. W. Jbneen- l4oaa Mala ISll. MAGNETIC HEALING. ; MRS. U H. HART treat ill glee see. atooMCB troabl. nrrvooanaae end fanctioael weak area. ConeoUatloa free. . tSOtt Park. car. isffsrooa. MILL FINISHINGS. BOXWOOD and planer trimming alway aa hami at rn mannara nooa ue. rnon sin 2.-111. Foot of Eaet Pine at. - OSTEOPATHS. DBS. ADIX ft NORTHRVP. 415-ld 17 Drkam , bblt.,. Third and Waahlnttoa at. Phon . Mala S4BV Ktominatlooa free. DR. 'OTIS ft MABEL AKIN, 40S Machay bldf. Clay 77.. Rea. M. Sl.'.l. ConealtatloB free. overalls; BOSS OP THB ROAD OYIRALLS and am ebanjea' -clothing h ante made. Neaatadt Bra . ajannractb.-vr. portlaad, or. PAtNTS. OIL AND GLASS. P. BL BEACH ft CO Tb Pioneer Paint Ce.1 wlnrtew-glas aad gUalag. IBS Plrat at Phone lot. RASMUSSEN ft CO. Jobber, palate, ell, (lea, aaak aad door. Second sod Taylor. PLUMBERS. .. - DONNBRBERO ft RADRMACHRR, aaaltary plnmber. S4 Toarth t Both pbaeara. .. POX ft CO.. sanitary plnmber SSI taread bet Mala ead Belmoa. Orca-o Phone Mala BMOI. :'. PLATING. " . THB 0UEOON PLATIN0 W0KKS. 4S1 Waeb lagtoa at Pbew t7. Pellahlag. pUUng - and laaqaerlpg. - - ' j' lrnm PRINTING. - ANDERSON ft DUNIWAY COMPANY, printing, lithographing. bUnk hooka. Pboa Mela tl. ssej aim mu RUBBER STAMPS f. C. STAMP r:ORKS, tS Alder at., pboaa) Mala 710: rahber at imp aeaas..siniaB, gage, trade cbecket eend for cateloara. ROOFING. TIN ROOP1NO. Battering, repairing aed tebblng. I. LoatlL BIS Jeffscooa et SION-PAINTERS. OOI-O S'ONS, wlndnar letrerlng, cloth beaaer. r n. -.1 electric tlgna aad sign et all I a e anlrkly. f eater ft Kleleer, Fifth i I .1. taea Exckaag Bd. N . '' . . t . ' . Rorr. P0 ' airij CORDAOS CO.- e- - ata.. Port - 4, cirT-r: Vr A a all t- -troe.ioa av . el aad Cfseawauu. et, .. etda auia. TTHS Trinidad Asphalt Pa viae; Co. at ParUaad. OffJc S Worceetee blk. spiritualists: LOKTTA-Splrltuallet. mot I am and healer. The arknowleifurd leader. Marreloua car.s. . Spe elalf rheumatic and etuobora dlaeaeea. Year adrentaae tu conault me. iUiom lu, Zti 1st MRS. STANLEY, ' aplrltnal nvdlnm. returned fnna Heaald. Raom 1. lWVr Phen Clay SH7. SAFES. DIE BOLD Manganese esfss; ftr aad barglar- , procf work: all and prison work: tockoata ' opened: repairs. I. B. Parle, dd Third et SHt?WCASESNtt SBOWOdlfiU of mrf 4mervtUm WbH, bw BIS Wiaaran BSa laramn BBMrwan 10 WTMm - sbaasaa mmw VO., rWaMSpsaa. . . .VIOLINS J. A. WE SCO, vtolla-maker and repairer ! week Brat class, gs HueseU bldg., 4th aaa atorrieon. TRANSFER AND HAULING. SAFES. BUnoa and faraltar aaovod. peched reedy foe aalyplag aad ahlpped: all work gaaraatoed; Urge. S-atary, orwa. auw-praaa warebooee for aaotage. Office MS rirat t C M. Oleea. Pboa Mala B47. C O. PICK. afSca SB Flrrt at., betweea Stark ana wi era., paona ava; pianos see i Braved aad packed (ar eulpplat; eoaianedloa brick wsreboaas, Freot ad Clay ata. DEAIBABLR eammerclel etorata. tarn I, nee of levator: low Inenrance; wouia ncetve nd reehlp If desired. S41 Proat et.. cor. Mala. 0RE0ON 'TRANSFER CO- JBd- Worth -Btathv Paoae Main a, tisarr kaauag aaa atoaeae- EE tioes M. Phlmmer about atorage: fireproof; cut rates, got Uhlrd at. rnona aaaia mn. POST SPECIAL DELITERT P.. SOOkj Waab- laeTtoa at Phon Main Box 1 TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWBLB DAILY Comb, rwah. aaaB. Si par moo to. Lawrence Bros. Towel pappty Ca.. Foorth and Coach. Phon 4BS, WALLPAPER. M"RQAN WALLPAPER CO.. J84-1SS Biaaaf et. bet. Yamhill aad Taylor. Portland. FINANCIAL. PORTLAND TRTST OOMPANT OF 0RZO0X. Tb Oldest Trast Company In Oregoa. , -lAvKESOUBCtB. ova 11.000.000. Oenoral banking baelnese condocted. Bavtng aenoait received. . lime certincaic ireneo. I to I per cent; apectal ceriincatea (nor nouvt, av4 l a per ceor on snort rani ,t-I foe Usssj-ot-I'llAUSTRATIOriS - - raoaa aiain aaa. ltm iniro nr. RRNJ. 1. COHES.............Praoeiit H. L. PTTTOCK ....Ylee-Prealdent B. LEB PAOET... Secretary I. O. 00LTRA Aaalatant Secretary UNITES STATES NATIONAL BANK . -OP POt.TT.ANT). OBEOON. NOBTXWZST 00B. THIRD AMID OAS STB. . Traaaarta a Oenaral Banking Baalaaa. - DRAFTS ISSUED ' I Avallabl fa AU Cltle f the United State . . tad Eoropa, , ongkon; and Manila. COLLECTIONS MADE ON PAY0RABLI TERMS Preeideat. -J. C AINSWORTH V ice-1-r est dent...... 4.....W. B. AYBB Tlce-Prealdent B. LBA BARNES Cashier B. W. SCHMRER Aaalstant Caahler.. .......... ..A. M. WRIGHT Aaelataat Caahler v.. W. Am HOLT FIRST NATIONAL BAIT ar wiiTt ivit - ARKAOtf. lIgnatd Depoaltory and Plaasdal Agent at tb United State. . m Prealoent..,, J7;... .A. L. MTLLS use lac ........ w. hiwjih Aaelataat Cashier .TT.,. .W. C ALY0RQ Second Aaalatant Csahiee 3. P, STETENI Utter af Credit Issued Avallabl la Earop aad tb Eaatera State. : Sight Stcnanr tnd Telecrapkht Tranarrrt (old oa New York. Bostoa. Cblceto. Bt Loan. St Pan I, Omaha. Ban Prentaoa . aad) tb principal point la tb Northwest .. Sigh and time Bill orawa I earza va ean ea London. Parte, Berlin, Pakfont-la-tbe. MalB. Hongkong, lokonama, upnaaBvai, Cbrtatlanla. Stockholm. St Petersburg. Ham tow. Enrich, Honolnla. - t . . . Collect loo Mad ea Favors hla Term. ADD m err TOW. limit. L ' (Eetabllahed tn 1BBS. ressaeta a emneral Baahlna BastBOea. - Collection mada at all nolnta aa favorabt terms. Letter of credit leaned available la turop and all polnta la tba United Stetea, Sight Bicbanare and Telegraphic Transfer old aa New fork. Washington. Chicago, St, Louis, Dearer. Omaha. 8a a sad Montana and British Colomhla. ' -' Ezcbang cold a tondoa. " Pari. Berlta, Frankfort. Heackoog, Tokobama, Maalla aad rioBOlBra. SECTBJTT SAVTHOS IPTTST COMPAXT. BBS Mei risen St., Pertlaad. Or. v Traasaota a Oeneral Bankmg Bualasaa. ' SATnrOS DIPABTMXW. latoreat Allowed ea Time and Saving Depoelm. Acta aa -Troatee foe Kate tee. Drafts Bad Letter of Credit Avallahl ta AMI A. t rwia Pint Vice-President A. fe MILLS ..Sscoad Tkra-Prealdent B. 0. JUBITS Secretary CEO. P. BL'BSELL. , . iamtiit Secretary tBCBABT' It ATtOBAI, BAWX, . , POSTXAMD. OBXOOB. i. FBAKK WATSON .Presto eat R. U DURHAM Vice-Pr est rteat B. W. HOYT .....Caahler 6 SOROS W. HOTT Aeeletant Caehler , Tiaaaaet a 0nl Banking Bualneee. prafu aad Latter of Credit leaned AraUabl , . to All Atart f tha World. . ' ' . j ColleAloo a Specialty. - M 0BBIS BROS. 13S Ftnt St., rertiaaa. ur. Offer Cllt-Pdge Inrestmentt In Mnnlripal tod Railroad Bonda.. Write or Call. ... MORTOAOE LOANS 0a Portland Baal Batata at lm! sUta. v titles Inn red. Abetraett Famished TITLE ODASAHTEE at TRTST CO. . S40 WeabingtoB St.. Cor. Seoond. i , ii . llLL.B.n,j $1.0031.00 Turkish Bath af and good bed fop tha night, an fop U, King's Baths ' Seventh and Wash ington Bul Finest and largest la tha eity. NEW ENGLISH INSTRUCTOR , AT PACIFIC UNIVERSITY .., "-fyr ' fSDvelatiDUnatcb te The loaraall Pacific I'nlvrrnlty, Forest Orove, Or., Beot.- lS.Presitfent - W." I. Ferrln an nounced today that Victor E. Albright of Delaware, Ohio, had been rhoson to fill the place vacated by Oeorge B. Woods aa professor of publlo speaking and of Englanh. laToi Belly Teatief Cara, -1 Woarnal Special Sarrtca.1 ChlcAgo. Sept. IS A dally tottrlat eaV service between thla city and Ixm Art-gelea-wna Inaugurated fody by wair of the Chicago. Milwaukee Bt. Paul. Union Paciflo and tha new San Frdro Una. ' V; M 00 8i;;iii juILli RB." Lamorj Ceti Cyarter Block at Corner of Cvtrett . for Brick. - i.- STRUCTURE HUNDRED ; FEET SQUARE PLANNED Building Sure to Be Three Stories High end Possibly More end Will BeUttdtor-Reuir-Stortrtnal Apartment Rooms, j , . R. ' B. Lamaon has uurchasad tha touthaat corner of Slxtb sod Evrtt street a for 132. J00 'and will maka sr rangeraenta aoon for aractlnp thr a 10ft by lot brick building, wblcn. win thrc or mora atorleg high. This daal haa lust ban eoneummated and Is not filed jret for.racord. Tha purchaa la on of tba aavaral holdlns Mr. Lamaon haa In tha north central dlntrict Ha and Mr. Hart ara aractlnp; two brick atructurea on Burnsida ana lmmedlata vicinity, one 100 "by 100 faet and tha other 100 faet deep. Tha latest purchase) la on tha line of Mr. Lam. Son's ecqurremenl In that dlatriot, as ha usually geta a, locstlorv on one oi in moat 'traveled atreeta. Blzth atreet has becomd tha drivewsr:id !. .the).. depot and l ' Already "a " retail aectton of Breat promise. , Mr. i Lamaon will rent the lowor floor of tha bulldlnS for stores and tha upper floors for offices or living apartmenta. There Is a smau irami structure on tha quarter block, which will probably beitorn down at an early date. .. . . v -'" RECORD OF BIG DEALS. To ataUs Anrrasrattaa; Vetvily Tare wiadrad noaaaad Tile Ttrarday. -The heavy realty della luat recorded in wblolt William- Fl lad r appear a both purchsaer and vendor af. tot transaetlona reported ' setraral . weeks sco. Thd sale of tha iiortnweai corner at Tenth and Washington streets, -for a consideration of . ISO.OOO, the tjora mercial Trust ' company appearing as vendor.- la for tha-tract' on which tt' cavatlon Is In progreaa ror tna eraciiou of a five-etory brick onice Duiiamg. The two transaetlona In which the Va nhntLan .RaaA- Kataite companyand William, niadner-convey to Cnarl Rwaenv lot t. block 48, ar the record for the deal at Fourth and Waehlngton atreeta," whereby Mr.. Sweeny bought what is known -As tha Washington building. The correct consideration wag 100,000r and not a total of 1300.000, as tha published transcript appears to Indicate. . .' -7 LAZARUS Wlt-L BUiLDa Bongh rropeitr oa WasUsurtom Btreet and riaaa Tajrea-Btory Brtek. Edgar M. Lasarua haa bought is; by 100 feet on Waahlngton Street between Thirteenth and Fourteenth for $21,000. The vendors were Grlndstaff V Schalk. A three-atory brick la to be erected on tha property at ance, for which plans are being drawn, - Tha lower floor will be used for stores, and the two tipper stories ara expected to be used aa a family hotel,' or apartment - , BUILDING PERMITS. ? if,. e Aniteiaia dwelltnsp on fnm. mercial atreet between Beach snd Cook avenue, '11,(00. C 6. Huntington, dwelling on Stevens atreet. between Eaat Thirty-seventh and Eant Ttiirty-eignin.. tew. t r a.nits ,ar1lleiw-An - T.Mt sranua between East Tenth and Esat Eleventh atreeta, si.sos. Herbert KimD. store on Union avenue at the corner of Alberta, $500. ' Portland General Kiectno company, brick waolfOTi' tevTOtlr-atreet,betwen Alder and Morrison, $400. , e w u.,.ln.nn . Jsvelllnw nss P!net Twenty-eighth betwen, Eaat Main and Eaat Madison, fz.ooe. ; . Thnmi e 3 a-iklna. dwelllna on Tenlo avenue, between Eaat Fifteenth. snoVEaat S90VVI110S.MIIS, SMrw.1. EPATrTTCRIvil v.'ke ritinee , rA ' etiree ntftrw hrlrk building on Fifth atreet, between Morri son and Alder, ,000. Mrs. M. A. Wllhelm, dwelling on John eon street, between Fourteenth and Fif teenth, 11,100. E. P. Croskey. dwelling at 141 Fargo ajtreet. flBV. ' "' . " v u.rm.n -twrhardr. darnlllna? at the corner of Kote and Clackamaa streets, loo. . - ' . : :. - .- i -v Zateraatloaal Art CoagT. ' - ' Maraal Bpadal Ssritee.l Llcge, Bept, II. Nearly every coun try; of Europe, is- repreaanted at the third International art congress, which opened In Liege today under the presD dency of M. Augustus Beernaert, minis ter of state.' Tha eongresa, which will continue Pne week, la diylded Into aev. oral sections for the discussion of the academy and Industrial schools, of art, dramatic and lyrlo aft, and tha aspect and administration of tha publlo do main. ' I. I1 1 gg IN A WEEK ; Wa treat successfully alt private nay. , ' voua and ehronlo diseases ef meat Si" blood, stomach, heart, Jlvetv kldny and throat troubles. Wa care BTPHIHH j t without mercury) ta stay eared fey -ever, We remove STRICTURE, with out operation or pain, in It daya. ;. Wa atop drains, night lonee and -spermatorrhea by a new. method In a week. We can restore the sexual vigor, of any' man under 60 by means of local treatment peculiar to ourselves. - We Cure Gonorrhoea - In a Week The doctors of this Inatltnt are alt f regular' graduates, have bad many, yearn' experience, have been, known In Jr Portland for It years, have a reputation f te maintain, and will andertake ne caeai unlcaa certain eure can be effected. t ' We guarantoa a eure In every case we ' tindartake or charge no fee. Conaulta tlon free. Lettre cotfidantlaL Inatruo- tlve BOOtC FOR MEN mailed free la plain wrapper. , .;. W eure the vmrat ease ef r"s hi Irs tT f tloe. Cur guaranted. - If you cannot call at r -aasful i . ' Office hours, t te I and T dr. v. r: Offleea in Vsa r?y : TRANSPORTATION. C'wavgLU-- r-a" Daily UwmjU Trip ta Oasosls IVsakS Steamer " bailey Lavb wsk daps t:3t a. tn. Sundaya, a. m. Arrive back I pi n. 1 ROUND TRIP $1.50 Through steamers for Tha Dallas and way polnta leave dally T a. m.. Wharf foot of Alder atreet. Phon Main B14. ALASKA FAST AND POPCLAIl SriAMSHIPt Leave Seattle t a. m. "refferaoa," September T. IT. IT. Doipbm.-Sriitrihee , 1. - tt.- '.' CALLINO AT . RBTmiKAIf. , JI NBAU, DOCflLAS. HAINKS, SKA0WAT. Connect with W. P. A X- runt for Atlln, Hanson, Taaaaa, Nome,, etc. FOB ALL tOLTTIFATBK ALASKA POSTS. . . .. U:-,,- - B. . 'HTrni,r' Saptsmber d." lp. m a aon..;. n e.- . , en .. . Celt lor ins so rroiinerrai A leak a. "Indlaa Bashstry," , "TeUm fn lot " t m ALASKA S-sS. CO. ' -Irank Wooleey Co., Agents. SSt Oak St. Portland. Or, C. QEB WO Th.s Greet Chinese Doctor Feraaerly lee tad et tot aioar bl. Has Moved Ta tb mrt baUdlns at S, B. af Flrtt aad btbarlaoe IVltPSJbOB '.'T 163 Ptrtt Str, Dr. tt. Baa' We. tba than! "-' Seat. hi well kaowa and faasoas throat bout the O. S. heceass his woadarfal and marveloa care a bee beralned broedcaat througboat the length and breadth of thla country. H treatl any aad all eleeaae with Bewerfal Chine roots, herbs,, bode, bark and vegetable that a etlrly aokaewa aaeaieai acieaa ia ibii natrr. aad throaah tba aee of thee barmleet remsdle he guarantee to ear catarrh, aatkma, lung troablaa, rbenmatlam, nsrvonancaa. atomaeb, Uver. kldner. f ansaJa twhlaa and aU-nrrraW .. This ramoa aoctor ewres vnrnoaa saw i of tb half, arltbeat aatag Boteoo ar araaa. Rand red ef taattmnnlabj on 11 at but fSoaa. Call aad aee him. Charges medal to. Patleat aat ef the eiry , writ for blank ad etreolar. Incloa 4c Uma. Addraea Tba C Ca We Qhtnasc Medleiae 0 IBBib Bt, or. MssTtaen, rertiaaa, or. . riease maatlea (bit paper. CLAIRVOYANT Brother William, the Quaker Prophet IT 18 eTST AS CntAP TO SFS THB POST. - ASTRO DBAD-THANCR CLA1BTOY.AMT. .low rut. f 4 hereby solemnly agre tnd guarantee to make no chart If I fall to .call yoa by name In full, aamee of -poor friend, eaemle er rivals. I prom las to tell yoa whetnetv-eeor boabead. wife or aweet heart te trae or ' false; tall yoa how to gain the love of th one yoa moat desire, area' though mllea kway: how to aurceed la bneleeae. spertilstton. lawsuits ; bow to marry the oae of year choice: how to regain yoor youth, health and vitality. Re more evil la. floencea, earee drink hablte, aocstes treasare. I1SH Waahlngtoa tt., ear. f BUth. . .. 2)(LlD)g DAmriOPCTt-.'D inr;c:jii3iTrj:na rci? ill Tr. am nU-Tft!s to the tzzt CJy , Threat eh futlBBa staArd aA ksasefet , to -cara aslly ha Osaaka. ChKayax, Bpok 1 to net ileeolng-ca- dally to avaaee .ri tbresgh pailmaa tomiat aleeplagara (peeoea. ally eoadaetad) weekly te Chlcaa.- Reeuaug thatrcara (eeat free) to the Bast dali. UXION DEPOT. Leave. I ARlvaa. CMICA OOPO RTLAB D , IPinit. ttlBl s b. av For the Bart via Eaat- Dally. Dally. - lagtoa. ipntim vt et , For Rsstern Waahlag ton. Walla Walla Lew. Brit a. aa. Dally, , IMbB. tatoa. Coeeg rAlene aoo wreat Hortbora points . ATLAhTTTfT iTrinf SrIB a. I Dally. T:!B I DaUy. For the Baat vht faaat- lnttoe. Oalaaibla Btvey Dtvlaaea. FOR ASTORIA aad wy BMW p. B. a"sa, aanui i ting witn laaliy. . , tmr. for Ihvaca and at. SVindar. About ' BUM . tn. . "rsa ieeea.nmr. tlaa-j natnroay. as. Susdaav aala. Ash -at. 1 10:0O p. a". J. Pait,, fr AatorU and Jtorth BeacS aa follows: firpimbr, jj, 7:00 a. m.; Septem ber 14. StOB g. m.; September IS, S:1B a. m. TamblU Btver Bout. FOR DITTO rtoueaJ City sad TamblU river T:no a. am. TM.Ba, Dally, ax. tunday. CUnta, ttmr. Bath aad. Dally, odea. Ash-et. dock. Lss. Soaday. Vtater psrmltUag.) f Saab -Brrar Rente. FOB X.BWI8TON. Ida., saw way poinsa iresB Rlperia. Waah.. ataara. apokaae aad Lewis to. T1CKBT OFFICB. Third aad Wsebhsgtea. Th ' ' - poono Hill Tllr A. te CBAJO, Oener! Peeeeager Ageaa. . EAST" ... .' M ' 4 . J: SOUTH DRIOB DBPOT. OVSBLAND BXPRRSS.I Train, for Sal.m, Roae- barg, Aehlaad, Sacra- men to, Otdea. tea Fraae TaB s, aa. emeo, Stockton, Los Aa- telee. El Paea, Mew Or- kane and the BaaC 8:tp.ak. Morning strain co-l o . .. dally' eicept Snadsyi titoa.. wita traiB nr mi.i-awgs.saa. AneeL a 1 1 v a r t e B.I Brownaville. 1 1 1 1 I- f I d. Weaaluag aad Hatroa. - Intent paeeenivr con- sect at Woedbora wtrb 10:tt a-BV Mt. Angel aad SUvtf to local. ' -'..... '. Corvalll paaaiBgar. , Bd a. an. Saerldaa passenger. a. as. Forest Orove naaaanger. lll:Vp. m. SKWb. m. T'SS a. m. 4:60b. in. 1110:45 p.t n.n. IIDally ercewt fntndar. ' - " . rrtlaaCwg SaroServlod aad TamblU Depot foot af Jeffereoa Street. , 110. t:06, AOO, S:B0. S:00, S:3S. T:4S, 10.1t n Dally (except Snaalay). BJ0. j4, S.- lb tS a. bvi 4:00, IIM B. aa. Sanday w. : - . ' . -,".a a-e.. HeearBing rrwm us'i, - t:S0 a. m ttSS. SK. d:BS. Ob T:X S . 1I:IS f. bj. Dally (eacvt odr t S:S0. 10:10. 11:49 a. m. Except Moaday. 1S-J iTavaTfrom M-e- depot for Dellae sad IVW medlar Points dally t:0S a. at. Arrive rsr hTh JfBd'BdeBc Mraamatk . Meter f- operate dally to Monmouth and AlrtU, c BenTwItb Southern Pacta oasany B traa at Dallaa and le pswd-nre. First -da as far from Portland fcenasa. aad San Frnctsco t, berth SB! aaaoa a .. far SIB. eeeond-elae berth tt-SO. ; USckts tiireeterw.aolnt sndroropt at lapen. Chin. Bonolnld and AhtraUn. City Ticket Ofdee er-roer Third d Ws Ingtoi atreeta. Pboa Mala Jit-. - - C.V BTIHOEB. WjJ- -''. Cttp Ticket Agent. st,.-.. - TIME CARD OF TRAINS DAILT. CBIOlt DEPOT. Dert. Arrive, v.nMts Park-Kaa- ess Clty-St. toul Spa-j rial tot rbekaU. Ceo-j trail, otympia. "-r-Herber. Stath Bead. To mm, . Beattl. Sookae. t tOB. Bk 4 BO B. as, Lewbiton. Butte. BIIW Inge, Denver, Omaha. Kansas City. Bt, Lean, and aeatb. Nortb Const Limited, electrt lighted, for Ta- 100 Bv St tat a, av Deettie. sp.aane. Butt. Mlnaeapolln, Paul and th Kaat. Pa ret Bem4 LlmltetL for CbebaUa, Centralis. Tacoma aad . Seattle 4J0B.I 10 At p, I enl. Twin Cttr toe Tscoma. Seattle, Spe- asne, nojene, antte, Tellowaton Park uin. 11:41 p. av :M nes polls. Bt. Peal endJ IB BBBI. . A. D. CHARLTON, . ' AatlBtant Oeoeral paaaeagev Agent. tot Morrlsna at., ow. Third. ,. ' Portsed. I oa. ' Astoria h Columbia River Railroad Co. UNION DEPOT. IMki Dally. S.St a. I Pee Marten. Rainier Ill SO I flarskanle. Weetsort. Deiiy. Clifton. A torts. War- reoton, FlaeeL Haav mond. Feet - Fhreesa, Oearhart Park. Seaside, AatorU tad Stasher Eipraaa dally. Attorit Etprsea. Tm a. i IIDally. t:B0 B. BV Saturday only. Ijtieept ,'"'-MAT0 ' . ' - Q. f. tad P. A.. Aateris. (. C A. BTEWART, Cominerelal Af-t, M A4 ptreet. lawo leel m, I Arrlvea,