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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 15, 1905)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURMAL.' PORTLAIO. FRIDAY EVENING SEPTEMCEIl Entered at the pos toffies ( Portlaad. Oregoa. foe IraaeporUlJoB.. Ibroegk the sualla at aeouad. ' ciaaa matter. "" ' wA-. -""". . Postage lor single pterTr"or aa 8. 18 or J J page t, 1 nut; M to 30 page. S caaU; 83 i e pager. wm -. ; 7 V" (.-;'; . :.'f'.v'l -; t j .LSHoE. . '" BiasiamM Office........ ,..,Mala ua I0RI.IO ASTKKTtSIV BEPEESEaTTATTYK. Vreelaad-Benjamln Special Advertl'lnf Agency, Iso Kama atreot, hew York, Trlbua Build V lug. Chicago. ' .v. .:,'' :' tvnoumoa rates. " Af Tarau sy Carrier, 1 h 1-ally Journal, wit riuoday, aHtter LOS 1 laiiy eouraa.. e iii'..... - Tk Dally Jeuraal. with Munday. 1 moalh.. -6i She Kelly, par weak, dfltwrad, So-day la- The lally, per week, dcHvcccd. Sunday ti- ;cejrted -;..'-.'V' -M . Tama Mail. - , ' The Daily Journal, wltk Sunday. 1 -ar...$7.00 TI liallr Journal, I year... S2 ' Tb Daily fouruaC with Sunday, anontha. 3.73 Ilia Pally Journal, t aiontbe. f The I wily Journal, with Sunday, 1 monthe, LOO . Tha 1-ally Jouraal, netmtha. . L40 1 -a Ially Journal, wltk Sunday, 1 month.. , M The Dally Journal. 1 taootb.... ........... .50 The Sunday Journal, 1 rear............... J' .Tba Sunday Journal, 8 anoBthf.,.. ......... -- Tka aaifcWaakljt JewraaL- Tka Seml-Weeklr Journal 8 to 12 page . . ark laaaa, llleatratad, faU awkat ra- port. I Tfaf i .......'. ........a him. Marraa ardara aod aaull aaMMiata ara atwMbla la 1 aad , wl poataaa auaya. THM lOVmVAX. '- f. O. BI Ul. Partlaad. Orn-. ' mil tek iontAL .max- : 9vn. Tha Joaraal ran ka found oa aala at tka following BlTll ... BolHE. IDAHO H. Uf Co. W... Me- ' CHirAGO Poatofrtca Kawa cotapaayi lit Oaar. ? DENVER. t"OU)BAD0 J. Black, Slltotntk a Ourtla atrarta. Vtviltt I'lTV Vbm Krtf Kawa eOBoaar. MISNKAPOLIft M. i. KaTaaaufk, SO -kootk Third atrart. -. .ww vituv rvrr niHt.u'i MmIam aooara. OMAN A MUlard Hotrl arwa ataad: Mrafk Ntatkawrr rninmny- l,Kraaia atraet. . RAI.T LAKE CITt Kenyoa HKI nawa ataad; Barrow Braa.. 43 Waat goeoad atraat. aoath. -T. LOt'lH Philip Koadar. 1 Laeaat atraat; K. T. Jatt. rtl Ollra atraat. - - - . SAX rBAXt lWO W. E, ArdliMt. Palarw Hotel , srwa ataod and inn Markat atra4; TOillh Broa.. Huttar atraat aaa naini . . Fraarla fcntrl: r'oatar Oraar. Farry fealld ' Ina; N. Wbratlr-T. nwaabk arwa ataad. car- - ar "Markrt and Kaaraay atraata. ., igKATTLH Ralnlar .Grand wwa ataad; W. I Shuk. Ijolrl Heattlo nawa ataad. 7 PI'OKA.VE, WASU1.NUT0N--Joha , W., Grakaal : -tx - " - - : .TAtOMA. WARHIXOTON Cantral Kawa oa naar: Rotal Taxotoa aawa arand. . Tl TrtEIA. BRITISH COWMB1A Victoria :-. Book Statloacry coaipasy. WEATHER REPORT. Uaaay ralna kn- falla rn Kanaaa aad llffht a aaiaaata aaa -janartad. in. tha appar Mtaala- aipnl vaiiay ana rna laaa rraioa. , ,, It la oaoto thla BwrabM la aoatbara Owa and alone tka aaat akipa of tha northn-a Rorky nouutalua. It la warmer la tb laka rrrtoa , aad tha Ohht aallay. Ka froat la raoortwl at any of tha waatber baraaa atatlona la tha Intar moantalo aaioa -of tha- north I'aHfla atatra. . hat tha tnnorratnraa la aaatara Orr(o and ' aoatk'r Idaho indlrata that froat accurrad la ! rird placra la thoaa aarttona. -Tha Indlratloaja ara for fair waatbar la tbli dUtrl-t toalnht ad fatnrday. rdm Caran.- -W. O. Rolfli Ca..-Wak. tnartoa bld.. aor. Paarflfand Wahlntoa at a. , m , 11 1 n f. v;. births. - ABWSTHOXU tatrtaahar 10. to Mr. aad Mra. Kdward f. Anaatroug, 844 Oracoa atraat, a 1 danahtar. .. BARKER Oaptambar 1 to Mr. and Mra. Wll . i Hint T. Barker. Tl Eaat Scaentk traat. a dauehtar. ' " m ' M SA-frteptaaiber' IX. to Mr., and Mra. Paul K Mnaa. f not f Mill atraat. a daacktar. - f CONTAGIOUS DISEASES. Rentaaabar 1.1 roartraa aaara : t CHawa'a boaa. axaaka at DEATHS. ' DOWVIXO Reotrrohar- IS, laabal - Dowohig. acad U yeara.. S82 Rnaa arrart: raaaa. heart rilaeeaa. Burial at Loaa Ktr ramatary. . , L1BRV RentemW 4. J'a B, I.lly, a red 64 yeara, at . Mount Tannri . caoae, ,,earebral henwarkitffe.' Creatatorlnai. -. CI. A RX Rcirtambar 12. Mary Aaa Clark, aced . Wl yaara at Ht. Johaa: rauae. arnlla debility. Burial at Lata Fir eeaaetery. . EJTimTirW CEMtTEET. . J- Rliutla craaaa 1. Paajlly lota tl V) M.OR Tha only reuaMary In Port U ad whlek per . . pataally aaalotatna and earea for lotaj Par full lofncBMtlna apply to W. B. Maakafile. - Wor - eeater Work? city. . W. M. La ad. pmldeaL . Punnln.' MeFjitea at Ollhaarh. aartaaani a ta rnuroln A Camploa. undertakara and aanbalra ara. Modara la aaary detail. SraaaAb aad Plaa. Pboaa Mala 4M.. Lady aaaiataat. "T Tka -Edward Holajaa Tadertaklnc eeainanw. i, fanaral dlrertora aad aaibalmara. 230 Tkard at reel, pknna 60T. . 1 - ' . J. P. Plnley A Ron. funeral dlrertora and amhatmera. aornar Third and Madtou atreata. Mfr at eaaaty earooer. Tekphuaa Mala . - - Pmeral wraarha and rat flowera a apertalty at Mnaa City Oreeakonaa. TwaatyMeoad aad Eaat Morrlaon. onp. eemetery. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Jf. Coy and wife to Wlltlani Plterfoer, i lota a. 4. Work 4. elty $ 1 Coramerrlat Truat company to Mine, lotl . 4. bk-k 2T14. eltr 80,000 Thereaa E. Mltrnell to H. Baxter. lot . Mark 14. Hralnard. 100 KrlMloe Itanaen to M.i Manaen. lot 4, haiek 121. Rtrnhrm' adilttlnn 1 ai. r.rana m xmenran Tmut Inreat- atent eomnany. Ma.?, 2. 1. 4. bloek 127. Couch'a adilHIoh 1 ton B. . J .lane Carter and hothead to Marie Berk, 1 parrel of land bealnnlng ltm feet auuth erly from nnrfhwrat rnrner of the acre frart deeded hy Mary L. Church e al. , t K. I.. Tnompenn. ; t40 1 A. Freemen: end wife to K. L. (llllraptr. , aonth 14 lot T. bkx-k 2M. rlty Tlrtorta Freemaw R. U Ollleai le. ' aoutk V- Wt 7. Work SS4. rltr...; ' niaa C. Snragae t R. J. F.. Tbnmpann et al., lota. . 8. 19, 20, blork 1. "Xnrtnandale .- 200 ' American Treat aV 'fneeetment rompanr to F. W. Hnatlngtflti. lot 1(1. blork . . 4. Rellweod 1 JO -f Pi. B. Hetmea and wife te W tt Wheeler. . lot 4. Mock 14. Willamette 1 Mary ti. Merrill and huMiaad to I,. R. I.oH. eaat 87 feet of lot B, blork P2. f Rtepbetla addition ...i,. &.V) ' It.- B. laimana to Jennie J. Tjinnon, lot e R block 21. WltUmette Hetghr. a-1.ll- tloa t B, B, fmana and wife ta R." B. Iamaon ti al.. weat 7 feet of aorlh H of lot 1 v ' R, block 4. city.... 1.ono 'lneWi Ineeetment company to . E. . Waaannee. enndrr tola M Hill Tlew. aad .at kef awajierty., ..... .......... . . Wraartott Eg farm to M. 5. . Mara et al.. part of Orar D. U C, aee. twa R, rownehlp 1 aoutk. range 2 eer -t . Et. k. An4erao and buaband ta J. -- Kolb et al.. parcel of land hegtnnlmr . at eaatheaat comer traet A In Rrhonl park, eartloe), . . wwaablp 1 aoutk. ranre 1 eaat W- M. flregiwr and .wife to . Kolb ; 10 20 end wife, part of , tract ar lot A. Rrneol park .if it" I Rkeriff ta ni.rtaa lfer' Ma 1. -17. J a4eek 4,. Smith' aubdlTlaloa and Pdrtl- t tin to Eaat Portland...., ; ' . . T . mn. mw (n fl W AtHeV. lot ?S blnr-k 74 I alaeraltr Park. ....... i " tWI I MIUe R rlrk lead . aad haahand to E. . - t urieanane , at - torn R d linear Id. " Margtee Hldilaod i. .- I,R A. fl-eelaad and wife to W. C. Allele. , , Bft fc . , rm N mKm -t tnarnehlo I ' " aouth. raere 8 eaat. ;. . I, foR Mrrnriiy Rariaga Ik Trnat enmnany la . : Inlit rl'lman. lot a, hlork t. rite.-..,, I ete.rt Phllllne I r - 1m R. '. r l.lor It. Norah Flfta... 7 S3R - - 4lelhenk "d wy to Oek Park Mad eoannaer. Iota A 8. .kleek t. ewlginal tea a f St. Johaa. . .... r. ...... . , , I,80 F, AV-iaadre aad hMhaad fo F. T. ' w, w Mw Bodlay'g addltloa U at IN i lead ..,.y.f, ,... . rv-a y ' TEDEPOSSTS lour itueTJoney . Ca aara Intmat aad ft ba at roar , . i,v rail for . otbar wu warn raoiilrrd. Wauld yaa Ilka t kaow awira abuut lt hti nm it aar ana aac a saariat iwminw of PvDoall. Wbftt 7o waat th ao"y yoa raa karo it, an tka latmrmit It kaa aarard whll hara, by inn aa taa rw aaya' aouca aa amiKM at tha ibm ut daaoalb Aa Intmatlna and amntabla vlaa. If yaa would Ilka to kanw mora about It fall or arad for our book of "ILLl'STKATIOKg.": PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON J?EMJUK:iiS OVIZK Si.oooIqw V Tklrd Btraat V ' Fkoaa Main 45X . :u;;,:-rr:r. praaid; t ....... , Vk.rraaiilnt Harrnary ,Aalataat Haarrtary H. U PITTOi K........ a LEI PAOKT J. 0. UOLTBA.. SAVINGS' BANK OF A; The Title Guarantee Trust C6r- PAYS INTEREST ON DEPOSITS RECEIVES DEPOSITS SUBJECT : -. -TO CHECK . Banklnir' houra. ; .tA. M. XoYpFm. 8atun)aya....'. ...... . A. M. to 1 F, H, Baturday vanlna.';. ... , I to 1 o'clock WWashiii'etontStKeV ; PORTLAND, OREGON. ' :"'M"r REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Tka Hlbemta Rarlnaa bank ta L. -Clin- - aaati-am-aa, aioea a, AiMna rrwrtrrrt Charlea B. Ladd and wife to R. 0. Bloaa. pji o. , uroea si, noooiawa... Charlea refer to A. Tnrtledora, lot 1. blork 1. Hmlth'a aubdlTlatoa ta Eaat Portlaad l.oon Qrt -Tour Inanraaea and ' abatraeta ' to Ml aatata from tka Title Guarantee Traet eoav pany. 240 Waaklnaton atraat. corner Second. MEETING "NOTICES. ' Ml LTNOMAH CAMP. Wa. TT. W. O. W aaeeta toalch la Ua ,kall, Eaat Sixth, near Eaat Alder.". All Tl.lttna nal(bbor Twruiaiiy weraoaaea. M. ft WILKI.VH, a ft 3. W. WOOOWOBTH. Clerk. POBTLAND FEDERATED TRADES COU.VCIL. Regular meeting thla (Friday) craning at . o'clock, t'aloa block, Second! and - Stark eirueva. OBANT M DONALD, Secretary FUNERAL NOTICES: KRVIN la tkla ri('y. September 14,'IIWO, Fraak, the oldeat ana of iMald and Mra. Mary Brrln. aged IU yeara. Djoatha. ru aeral S p. a. Saturday. Meptemher Id. from I Inter a rkapel. Third and Madteeer atreeta. aa Fraarlaco paper pleaaa copy. NOTICE. 1 PROPOSALS FOR -GYMNASIUM BU0ES. guartermaater'a oroca, SS New Mootgoaiery at., San Fraacbico.' CallforaU. Auguat 26. iBuS. Healed propoaala la trlpllrata. aub ' Jert to the nana! conditio na ' will ba repel red at thla afore antll 10 o'clock a. aa. Monday, Keptember 18. louft. and at that bour opened, - for furaiablng and dellming at either the .New York. Philadelphia. Boetea. Ckicage, St. .. Looia or Baa Fraaclaoe depot f tha ouartar maater department, Vnlted Statea army. : free of drayage and aeeurely packed for ahlp- meat, . tfc - following artlelea - at - clothing, equipage aad materia, ther being the aama for wkieb Wda will b opened at each of the depot a a bora aanaad, via: 6,000 palra at gymnaalum thoaa. All artlelea amat conform ta axiatlng ' ataadard aamplea aad apaciScatloaa. .Stand ) ard aamplea can ba wm at thla offlca aad apeclSratlona, obtained bete. . ., . gnantltlea apeclned are auhject to Increaaa . 0 per cent, It dealred by tha department. ; Both early commencement and completion f I j inamllal dare moat atate bow aooa they can commeaca deltrar and tha rata ner dae and week antll ' Baal completion . of contract, lacladlag alee ' tha 20 per cent tncreaae of name. If required. ' Tha goaerameat rearrna Ibe right to reject ' ae 'accept, any r all propoaaM er any part I theraof, aa tb Intereata of the aerrle may I require. A GUARANTEE In 10 per eaat of tha ealae af tha artlrhw bid for meat ae- company eacb propoaaL Certified check will ba accented In Ilea of wrlttea gaaraaty. I'NODABANTEED blda, - bide- - baaed upon aamplea differing from etaadarda ar aped Scatiooa. ar bW for dellrrry at place ether . than a bore WIU not he renal dered. Preference will ba glren to artlelea of domeatle prodne tloa or aenufaeture, eonditkma of quality and price (Including la tha price of foreign . pradurtlona or - nuraafactaraa - - tha r duty thereon) being equal. Bidder, or their repreaentatlTaa. ar la. elted ta be preeeat. Blddera ara warned agalnet collnaloa for malutatnlng price. Blda npon area quantltlea than adaartlaed for will be eonaldered. Blda received after the bour act tor opening will not b coo alder ed. . ' ' Blanka for propoaala aad full Information will be fnrnlebed upon application to thla of !. . beelopea eontalalng propaaala to ba ' Indorsed. 'Propoaala for Clothing and Equip age ta Be Opened at 18 e'Clock A. M.. nep- temtier 1H. iia)." v. a. usvul... Major and Qiiartermaater United . Statea Army, Depot Ouartermaater. TO THE TAXPAYERS OF MULTNOMAH COl'STY, OB.! Notice la hereby glren that on Monday, October 2.-WW. the board of eqnallaatlon of Multnomah county will attend at the office of the county clerk of aald county and publicly examine tha aaaeaanM-nt rolla for the- year llX), and correct all error In ealnatlon. deacrlptloa er quallttra of land, Ma or other property, and It la tb duty of all peraona rnterreted to appear at tba time and place appointed, and If, It aha II appeal to enck board at equalise tloa that there are any lead, lota nr other property aaecaaed twice, ar la tba nam et a paree or peraona aot the owner of the name, or aaaeaaed under or beyond tta fa lad, or a ay landa. Ma or other property not aaeeaerd, aald beardwuf equalisation ah a 11 make the proper aorreetlona. . B. D. HlOt, EE, County Portland, Or.. September S. 1006. THE llllnote rommlaelon offere for aala ita property on the einoaltloa grounda. eonalatlng af the Beat paelllun. Abraham Lincoln home, and all fnrnltnr contained therein, except eibPnla. plrtnrea and loaned property, , Offera will be recelred In writing, when 'rertlfled ckeck . for JO per cent af the amount thereof, for all. or any Ka-tlon of , he aboea-dreerlbed praperty. . aattl ntember S. . .U.ThT cammlaaloB teeereea- tha prtTllrre et " an niaa rrcairrd. and of ecu . Ing all ar inf portion of aald property at , aay time prior to Rep(fmnaT eg - !' yntcatlona ahouU be addreeaed ta Fred H. llaail . eiecutlre remmiaaloner, till, aota Rtata balldlag. aipaaltlan grenade. Part, SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE LAKY, wltk amatl-ehlld waata pnaitlon a aotieeaeener ror eioenygeatlaaV lira. lekaenef ma, il 1 Ada North Blxtb i- a 1 1 ii y f ) LOST AND FOUND. LOHT-8eptea)ber 1. between . tha Marqua urand aod taa corner oa Mirth aad Taylor hta.. a pltik roek aryatal brea at pla. Finder will na rewaroea oy reiureina Aaa a aruaatora. LIMIT Bala til a eU aad 'IIS. ltt and tOt Betura to at 24tk at.; loarai. rewara. LORT Randay eeeoln. Sept. 10, garnet brace. va au aoaua .car; -rawaru. - a boo rxvc ' HELP WANTED MALE.- WANTEDRatlroad laborera aad teaBMtara far eaat era oregoa, winter Job, frea paaa. - t'ouereta laborm fur Baker City, f2.ZS, fraa rare. ... ' Laborera aear Idaho aa tha Ore eon Rati .road At hjuetgatloa company, wagea 92.25 par aar. Tree transportation, amp erery night. Sreeral )oba aoutk oa tha Rout barn Pacific. Teaasalera. aboealera. - arade flnlabera. aVfrra, dutujrf ra. rw k Bia.Jhriuga. eatpautarg auo aeiiiera. oiarKaaiiina. irte uaaa: unarrx nirn. par oij; board. 4 per week. ' . laborera fur lamlier aallle, planing ml I la. w and acTeraL.aUMa .Joua. ia anniiriaa. t aaaa at AKDl.VAVIAS.AMKRfCAK ES4PLOTMEXT ...... Or r It R. f . " 2T0 Burnelde at. - .... ii . 1 MEN and boya wanted to leara plamblng trade: araat aaaana ror araduatea: aa-aa day: asay romplete coaree la twa moot ha; graduatra admitted to lialoa aad Maater Plnmoera' aaaorlatloa. . Coyne Broa. Co.' a Plumbing B.-boola. New York. Claolanatl aad Bt. Louta. Day aad Bight claaa.) For fraa atalogaa addreaa MR lotk aa.. Maw lark. t - HOt'RB carpeatera. B, R. depot work., fill 4 Bridge carpealera, go, Tree tare: mmwrigni. , (3.60 to R4; puwderman. (Tn aad round; uhii , aaarpaneTh aa; couaa.-eVt ewi,ei aiwB.a and diiung-ruoBi oeip. , HAN8KN R EMPLOTVENT OFFICE, -S North Bacaad at. WANTED ImaMdlataly. planing mill foreman. - wagaa lt par awnta; aoarpar ana -oano - aawyar. ta.Wl per day; ' molding men. 13; ' etalr balldera. 4; none bat ataady.asd flat. , ciaaa mea aeea ap;i7. aooiwjb Lumbar Co.. Mlaaoau. Moatana. . . WANTKD Men to prepare for November crrll aerrlre axaminationa, 1. hi, v. a., araajng Inatltuta; paraoaaJ Inatraetloa. For fall hv formatloa apply ta edueatloael dlreetr. Aa aorlatloa htdg., tbtrd floor, our. roartb aad Yamhllt ata. - ' ITATIO.f MEN. pack work: road price, aaw WOTB, HFU V 11. BHie die. W Win . . I Oragoai fraa far. Part leu 1 are at Haaaeo'e Empwymaat Offlca.' M North Racoud at. WASTED Brlrht boya. II or 18, for. offlca work and grocery a lore. Apply employment faecretary, X. M. C. A.. Fourth and Yamhill ata.. between 10 aaa 10:90. - , - HOP-PICKERS to plot 624 acrre tone;-all de- aired acrwmmodatloaa, grocery, bakery, rea tauraat. butcher-aaop. btautiful camp grouade. dance ball, pure mountain water, etc. Boom 441 Sherlock bldg.. Third and Oak. WANTED Bxperltaced laborer to dig for ptumnera: laexpenenred need not apply, (.ail .at 1M Eaat i th at., hat. -7 ad a, m. Miller O fteiU. , . WANTED Strong boya ta-work Utbe mill; aona otnere aeeaf apply; l per day; pa: weeaiy. appty iuiz MINER wanted to work for atoek la gold mine. eouippe witn ntarmnery. goon aaluea, la aoutbera Oregon. 201 McXay bldg. BITCH H BR wanted: ' aroat aaderatand tha buelneee. National Market. Ooc. Urand ara. and Eaat Bnraalde at. WANTED A maa experienced In eelllng fnr- uiiure. curpeu ana wan paper. Mouaerurniaa Ing Oa.. Salem, Or. . WANTED Well borer tit eon traet for deep well. Aaureae aw v eacouTer . aaa., Portia do, or. Phona Vaat 2S02. ,r r-- L..-t,, - OFFICE -hoy about 18 yeara old. Apply Jour nal editorial foam between 6 aad T Pni. may. . . . FIRST-CLASS broiler and loarhmaa. Addreaa O. M. Campbell. (20 Ja-aa aLy' Seattle, -- Weak. .... ., WANTED Bailor for Manila and Australia. Apply at Sallora' Bom, aoraar 2d aad Cllaan. BOYS waated. permanent employment, rood poy . waatera lasoa Telegraph Ca 101 Third at. WANTED Shoemaker, laetere. factory kanda. Apply Capia Sboa Co., Oregoa city. Or. ADVERTISING aoUdtor. t to 10 Ball. Sea allien morning, iui aneriocB Blag. . BRIGHT young man for outalde work. Inquire r. v. ntamp woraa. . HELP WANTED FEMALE. BOP-PICKERS ta pick 624 aerea bopa; an de sired accommodations, grocery,' bakery, rea. taurant, butcher-abop. heautlful camp groende, dance kail, pure nwnntala water, etc. Boom 441 Rherlock bldg.. Third and Oak. WANTED 150 girls te make 'oreralls aad . aoirta; 1 net ract loo glren to Inexperienced. Apply. Neaaudter Broa.. Standard Factory No. 2. cor aar Eaat Taylor aad Oraad aaa. . WANTED-LYonag ladle who wiah ta bacom trained am a, a. Addreaa Mother Raperlor, Bt Joaepb'a hospital. Aberdeen, Wash. CIBL wanted for housework ta small family. , Call forenoon No. 20 Eaat FlfteaaU at., aoath. . Auk say ar Plan at. aara. BANSEN'B LATHES AOENCY. S4SH Washing ton at., cor. Sreentb. apatalx. rboaa Mala 2082. Female help waated. WANTED Oermaa girl for general housework - la Oermaa family. 674 Eaat Taylor at. Phone Eaat 2006. ... WANTED Woman to assist In conking; wage , W0 per month. 104 North Beeeath at, v WANTED 10 girls for drees making aebooL 271H Morrlaoa at., cor. Fourth. WANTED fllrl to wait en table la boarding. at 104 North Beeeatk at. ... WANTED Young girl for light boeeework. T7I Kearney at. Phone Pacific 128. . WANTED Tbnfonghlf competent . aa. - Boom B, 1 19 Second at. v business woav A GIRL. to help with cooking and kitchen work. 161 North 18th at. GIRL for freer si koueework; must ba eompe . teat rbona East 4168. WANTED Aa experienced waitress. Curtis. 286 14th at. - Bobart- GIRL wanted to take ear of children. Addreaa , S 48, cars Journal. - - .- COOK, no aecoad work.. Flandrra at. Call : mornlnga 080 MALE AND FEMALE HELP. THE demand for ' competent bookkeepers tot strnogrspbrra la greater tba a tba aqpply. From Aogiait 1. 1V4. to Aaguat 1, I0OK, wa pUced , 7 la good pieiltlona; had calla for mora than , 60: our graduatea are ALL employed) wa will aaaiat you i a posmoa wnen eumnetentj enroll now: day nlaht, ' Behnke-Walkee Bualneaa College. Morrlaoa atn SUarn blk.. . klxtb aad . . J I - WANTED Teachers: Prlorlnal, do and ap wards; grade teachers, 646 and upward; ' music, focal and InatrumentaL too: aelanee. .. man. ISO; Eagllah and Latin, aaaa. 870; rum I.J f40 t fon. f isxa learners Agency, 1200 ...mi . . owma l . a , , i -XJL. WANTED Lade aad gentlemen anlldtor for the beat paying proposition In tha elty; 84 . to 86 a day easily made; h tie tiers can mske - 10. Call toreaanna at 2814 North latlr at. WANTED At one, a bright, amergetlc, n are table maa or woman, a good talker, ta . take ap aa artraerir propoaitloa, laqalra 7 HI Chamber af Commarca, 8 a. ai. , . BALBRMBN Eaelnsle agency- ftn underwear and. aee re lees aoaieryt gooa opeaing roe aright men aad woeoea. 811 Commercial blk. BOI.ICITOBS Mea of womn; permaaeat an pleyment to naetiera; eiparieaca aery. 80S Dekual bldg. HELP wanted and en prilled, -mala af female. R, a. DBAKE. B06H Waahlngtoa at Clay 446. SITUATIONS - WANTED MALE. CHRISTIAN maa. anber, Induatrleo. waata ta drlre O'-lieery or any nonoranie worai wen ' acquainted In elty: can (Ira good references tress carutiaa people. - x u, care dewaai. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. WANTKtWPnelftoa bra maa exoerleueed aa engineer and fireman, with oil aa a fuL rnone tfoou 000 esq aaa aur aar axwry. YOl SO ama waata poaltlon with reliable law llrm In atari r ' 1 t'"1! i i ! r-t;"Tr-f reference. Auareaa B bt, ear Juurual. BY young man. kaady with toula; raa do ear peotrrltig, eeuch work,, palatlng atgoa; refer. Adureaa ,au, care journal. '. OIINAMAN from Uallforata, flrat-claea cook, for hotel and raatauraou Wong Yaa. 141 . Recoaa. at. EXPKB1ESCED bookkeeper, beat of aaferencaat , aalary 4100 per uoutfc. Addreaa E 44. JuuraaL EXPERIENCED young man eteaogranhar wlahea poaltloa IB iiHvwua. Auureaa a ai. eouruai. A' YOl'SO man wanU poalMoa la wboleaala bona r a collector. Addreaa T 4a. Jouraal. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, beet of referenrea: aalrrx luy yr jwmh. tililraaa 01 4a, Juuraat YOVNO Oermaa rtoemlat. Dr. Phil., waatt chemlcaf altuatlea. Addreaa 8 M. Journal. EMPLOYMENT-AGENCIES. HASBEN B EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, V (OK MEN. ' M N. Second at. , . Pboaa Mala 1528. PIONEER EMPLOYMENT CO. -r Labor eoDtrao tura; help rree . to cmproyore. aio Morriaoa. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS WANTED Ta aeU our awparlor btga- Srada auraery . asoea ; new aaa aompwi ouc t furalahad free; caab wrkly; write today fa choice territory. Capital City Nureery Co., Salem, Oregoa. , WANTED Ageata to aell good artletaa t atom. orrtoe and aoaaea. BS Fleet at. - WANTED TO RENT. eauawaajeaaaJpiBkBpaa, PERMANENT partlea deal re anlt light booar. aaeping roomo; muat aa Beat auq guou aeutn borhood; preferably walking die Lance poaU afflcav though will eooalder nice cottage In aood an bur baa loeatloa; eaatera partlea locat ing hare; reference. Addreaa 8 61. Journal. WANTED To rant a bouaa eultable for 2 email famlllea, or email cottage cnee Jn, ateet bridge, or would buy., 4ve Eaat Mar rleoa at. . T . Y01NO maa. Bermaaeatly located In Portland. oeairea room and Board la renneo priyaia family. Addreaa S 49, ear Journal. WANTED te rent Four furalahad boaaekeeplng ' rooma or rurnlaked aouae. Addreaa Vogt. KM Lincoln at. I'bqb Pacific, ltia ' WANTED REAL ESTATE. . FARMS WANTED All ktnda atoek, poultry. fruit, grain and bop farme; mnat be good and raaeonabl la price; glre full daacrlptiaa, price, aad terme. . . . 209 Altoky bldg.. . i-w- WANTED For sale, many more; fnetomera for nargaina in gooa aouaaa. Kelly htelametx. 1R3 Morrlaoa at. . -- T. X1KDI0AN will pay cask for cheap cotUga aaa rurniture. raona nooa las. WANTED FINANCIAL. WANT to borrow 16.000 an furniture of roonv ing-aous worra fiu.uoo; two yeara at low rata af totereet; I nan red for 110,000. If yoa kara tba money . fareaetigate thla. '. P 48, care Journal. WANTED To borrow 81,600 (security) to com plete furnlehlog hotel rooma la beat wcatkai Addreaa f, 45, Journal. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS PAINTIN0, sprsylng and whitewashing trees, basements, bams, dock, etc. ; largest gaaolioa apraylag outfit oa tha coaat. M. O. Morgan Co., 70 Mllwaakla at. Pboaa Eaat 2817. WANTED Young maa " for companion on a banting trip la the axountalne; am familiar .e-a-tth tha gronada; rood time guarantee!.,--AeV - nreaa X 61. care JouraaL . - ORCHESTRA, B piece,-, want engs re meats aaenlnga, Bondaya; music for all occaetoaa aery waaonabla. 48 La ere tie at. TcL Mala 6603. HIGHEST caab prtca paid for bottles and jniik of erery oeecTiptioa. rnrtiana not tie nnppiy Co., 881 North Elfbtaenth. phona Mala 22S8. WANTED Men' oM clothing, ahoei; hlgheat Klca paid. Call Cncl Joe. 60 Tklrd at. ion Pacific 46. ' HIGHEST prlcea paid. Men'a old clothing, shoes. uncle Joe. no intra at. i-non pacinc an. BOOKS boogbt, sold and exchanged at tba Old Book a tore, 22 xamiiui at. F. J. RYDER, printer, Seoaad and Washington ata, . rnona Mala ansa. WANTED econd -kand sidewalk elerator. Third St. 200 WHO IS M. O. MORGAN A. CO.t FOR RENT HOUSES. FOR RENT-Oood v-roora bona, furnace, batb. Kate and mantle, a gaa or electricity; good ra. lot- 100x100; eor. B. 16tb aad Gllaaa ala.; key at No. 80 R. 16tk at.. N. Any ,'neeeaaary reference will be made. Phone nlon6jJU-mmil j , roreint swiSm. eiw and hat broom. full brick basement. No. 633 Madlaoa at. - Inquire Wakefield, Frlea AV Co. and Job a KMstcrnua. 61 North Tweaty-tlrat at. FOR RENT Honaa, 7 rooms, hot - and cold water. I4; bonae, 4 rooma, ; at Willamette station. Ht, Johns car.. U. N. Smith, owner, Willametu autloa. STUART station. Moant Reott car 8 larg rooma, autbulldlnga, modern; partlea wltbont children; furniture for aala. Call tba Bella rue, Fenrtk aad Salmon. TO RENT New 6-rooa cottage, full basement, newly furnlahed, $26 month to steady tenant, Inrlndlng plana;. no children. 210 Eaat 86th at. FOR RENT Cottage. 843 Clinton at., eornef Eaat 17tb; 6 room, cement baaement. cleo ' trie lights; 16 Apply at 76 North 20th at. TO RENT Nicely furnished cottage at Sunny side, October 1; S room. 826. Addreaa I 46. cere Journal. . FOR RENT A. 8-rmTO-erjrtsge--at 824 Vntoa -are. - Addreaa or call at V0 PenlnauUr ar., - city. - - - - - - a- HOUSES FOR RENT FURNI. - 1 TURE FOR SALE. FOR best result on-"; . - ' , "FUKNITCRE,, . Whether to bny er aell, ring tip Mala 6866. .' - PORTLAND ACCTION BOOMS, , ,211 First aL Fl'RNlTCRB of T-room honaa. all complete, with plan: rent $2o; going aaat; aell at a bargain.. Hone Main 3&46. .... FURNITURE of -4-room cottage for aala Tery cheap, cottage for rant, - alao cheap J8S Sherman at. - - - FURNITURE 6-n entirely sate era: rant $23. Morning. 104 . Twelfth at, . Call la 6 ROOM bouaa for" rent, fnraltnrr foe aaw, 1226; a aaap If takea at onc 13 RVeentk at. FURNITTJRB of for aale; bona Foartb .at for rent, 68 monthly. ita. FOR RENT OFFICE ROOMS. LA ROE lop. floor for leaae, Morrlaon aL, aear poatofficrfaleTator: aultabl tor of f loan, - Ad dress M 41, rars JouraaL FOR BBNTCfiif ally located offlca wltk L. Ueta, 11 neconu ai., ciiy. OFFICE-ROOM for rent. aoagk kldg. Apply alerater. OFFICES and rooma. Iewg building. White, max neks re bldg. Inquire V FOR RENT FARMS. FARM la Willamette eattey, good terms. cak f tat, Apply 811 B. Tsyluf ft., rarUaad. Of. lEWJD FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THE KINO New' building, handsomely fur- nwbed, auulpped with erery modara coa Tea trace; oa direct car line te axposltloa; all ootatd rooma; heat, raa, emetrte llgbta. pore, law,btinK-4nrf--laarataM;s at-i car from t'nloa depot to BOB Jefferaua at near vity xtaii. . HOTEL TAN NOT. Commercial men'a neadqnartara. Brat class. water la all the rooms, hatha free, oentrai, direct, cars to depot aad exposition. - UM Third at., ear. Pla., i' . THE HAMANN. 136 N. 18th., cor. Hort Newly furnlahed rooms. 81.60 up; eoovenlrut location. 16 ralfratre' walk ta- fair grounds; Morrieosv -. car at ttaloa daput ulract ta aouae. rooue aaiu. MARQUAM llOL'SE. 146i 8th Roams en stilts i or aingiat. Bouecaeeping rooma; gaa aioeea, bath, eUctric lights; Uaaaleata eollclted. THE BEM.EVUE 60 -rooma alcely fnrnlabed; prlcea reaaonabla; trs rail tig nubile aoHcitaa. tUm-Jtmrlk at. Head fill, r THE ALDEB. 4.16 Alderjst. Nicely flinilakad ruoma, coorenient. and quiet, oath, pnona, central loratlon. A NICELY surnlshed front room for rent Bar, nianently: aultabl fur two gentlemen. 152 HaliDon at. ; . ELE0ANTLX' fnrnlabed room far on or twa ?enlhmeai prlrata family; gaa, bath. 661 aykar At. THE 0LAD8TONE 612 H Re alar at.,' furnlabcd rooms; anocr new . maoagamaatr price rea, eoaeble. ... . FBONT parlor for gentlemaa of refinement woe wishes, room near taa eeatcr ox city, nai ' Everett at. . .. .: ,. CHEAPEST and beat located rooma la Portlaad. 61 week and aa. Oilman, first and Alder ata. NICE newly furnished room In prlrata family, 88 per month. 18U Kaat Kightk at, car. Alder, BOOM aad board W.Bn furnished room $6. Mr. M. Yana. 874 Macadam road: FOR RENT 8 cbiMren; (IB, faraUhed rooma. unft8lmjkt 1S4 Urand are., is.. THE GRAXD,. 4fiH N. Third at. Room for - mea. flO par week and up. i MEN dealrlng nice aulet plane ta room will find It at 2K8 Water at. . - . . , FOR RENT Twa rooma: brrakfaat If . aired. 721 Mlaalaalppt sje. . , THE CASTLE 872 Washington at.; fuaolahed rnone Mia iwv, Fl'RNISHED room for ftnt. ;2B I'nlon are. I'hona Eaat S740. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING rOR RENT Fnrnlabed housekeeping rooma ta beet brick block on aat aide; gaa range, bath, etc.; no trsnelents; prlcea moderate. Logan blk., 10RH, Unloa ate., corner Last Alder; Phona L'ojoa 3283. - . - BOL'SEKREPINO apartmeata, . anlat Iocs tloa; 4-room suite. 8io montn; x-rom. an mourn; ' phone, water tre. Dickson, Vnlreralty Park. Reott 1208. - HOCREKEEPINO rooma or tenia, full aquln- naaal, 88 per Btnmb. , Phone . Ksat li1a Lewia and Cterk camp, ML Tabor Ueixkta. BOC8RKEEPINO apartaneuta, quiet loratlon; terms moderats; so mlnntes from city. Ulck soo. Unlearalty Park Pbooa 8oott 12S. . NICELY furnlahed housekeeping and single rooma, with nse or. bath; rent reasonable. 132 Ruaaell St.. Alblna. . -' - . TWO completely furnished boaaekeeplng room. 128 North lata at.. Between u. ana H.- ra i"i i i ' 11 . 1 , it "i ROOMS AND BOARD. . FIRST-CLARS rooma aad board for permaaeat people. and xb per monta; table Board par week.. Aator bouaa, 7th aad Madlaoa ata. Tat, Mala 8231.- - j- - '- - THE IRf ING Elegaat accomssodatlona, na exorbitant charge; dining-room In connea Hon; price right. ... Cernor lath and Irrlng. ROOMS-"rHh board for permanent tenant, reasonable; flrat-claaa borne cooking. 231 Sixth at. FOR RENT FLATS. - MODERN 6-room flat.- on block north steel bridge, front lug" rirer, eaat aide. Inquire 288 Larrabee at. B-ROOM flat. .Including baaement nee of batb - and water paid; no children; 816. 626 Mill at. BUSINESS CHANCES. Al Bl'SfSESS propoaitloa for aala-Lnggtng camp, - all construction work, chutes, skid way, brldgea and roadways completed; bunk bouses, kitchen and atahle erected; l.JOO.oiO feet choice red fir and 75.000 feet ex tre flae piling; location north fork Lewie rieer. 8 mllra from Yecolt, Wash. . Great opportunity tor logger; $ will take It, Apply to E. A. Baton. Tacolt, Waah.. or J. A. Sheffield. ' 273 Stark L .. .. .-r WANTED Man wltb a small amount of capi tal aa a partner In an eatabllabed paying bualneaa; muat be willing to catrf to tha wants of customers; huaineaa ta now cetab llebed; long leaae, cheap rent. Thla la a grand opportunity. H. W. Miller, 208 Good Bougb bldg. : - . ' FREE LANDS IN OREGON. FERTILE soil, pur water, delightful climate lend of alfalfa annlir ties' ii wi., aw ewt ""Information addreaa tha Colombia Soutbera lrrlgatloa Co.. 638 Worcaatar blkM Portlaad. FOR SALE Fine atoek aportlng gooda. guns. . ammunition, fishing tackle and repair shop, doing Al buslnraa, centrally located. WlMam etto eslley, with or wltbont building. Ad dreaa T 40. cars Journal. BARBERtl t-cbelr atiop with bathroom, county .eeat towa la beat county In Oregon; fixtures, . atoek, ate., will tnrolce $400) aell at a eac - rifle on account of alckneaa. Lock bos SI, Morn, Oregon. NEW hotel, beat location, 70 rooma, all taken . every night, completely furnlahed; clears $2,000 per month, long leaae; account of sick ; neea muat ' ba sold cheap. - Addreaa O ST, Journal. , FOB BALE Oa account of alekaeaa. nice, cleaa, money-making bust neea an eaat fide; aale from $16 to $33 per day: price $1,400, or will tore Ice; bo ageata wanted, O 68, Tba Journal. A ' GOOD paying cigar, Ice errant and con fectionery bualneaa for aala; cheap rent and ; leaae. 1 living room furnished In connect 1 Mil-all at one 81214 Bnraalde at. ... . r ,.-. FOR SALE Half InteTeaf In a grocery boat. neea doing t safe and goad business, in I1KHi lorstUia. . Addreaa X0 Rosa at. . Pleaaa call mornlnga or phono to Eaat 1103.. ,. BASS rmi," ' . .wwww wr... ini.u, .11 , opposite Piedmont ear barns; ; fine biwlneaa poalte Piedmont car barns; i fine bualneaa ance. Call or address 02 Killing worth ., on Bt, Johaa car line. ... Ynence ave RESTAURANT, eaat aide, reretpta $23 to $M dally, ateady; low rant, long leaae; gnawer Immediately; owner leave city aext week. Addreaa P 57. eare Journal, QUART A blgb grade, free rollllng1arge ere body In aoutbera Oregoa; will bond for devel opment; capital wanted. . W. N. Uubla, 731 Wllliama are., Portland. . . . FOR SALEA floe dairy, feed- end all areea- aary . Tiitnrea, wiin large cuy .route; In. come' $.iiO to $4m per month. Address B, eare Journal, naiem, ur. h. WIEDEE at CO. opened their furniture house at 287 Flret ft. I'ltaae come andlje them for nargatna fog 'new1 and Beeoud-haod furniture and atoee. . FOR RALE Stock of getters I mssibandta la good location; aalea from $000 to $1,000 per month. Addreaa Lock JVnt 8. Tangent, Or. FOR aala for $.W paying Vmlneaa, man of woman. MJ Williams eve. cor. Roeeell, roam 18: "L" car. Phona Eaat 4103. BERT reattsitriht proposition en tha msrket; na competition: .select pstronsge. Little fash " needed. Call 802 Commercial blk. FOR SALE Established ' pnotegrapk atudlot splendid equipment, good bualneaa. - Addreaa 1 P. O. Boa 407, Oregon City. Or. FOR sale or trade 8J room house, doing good , hi rH neea! very finest Iocs t Inn on Rlxtb sL Ad- dreea owtier, T 44.-veare Journal.. FOR RENT eXi-tv-m hotel In heat- location In rlty for money-maker; cheap tvaL , KeUy Btelamatg, 1M Morrlaoa SL - x e . . . j - " .' - -s; :' BUSINESS chances; WHEN looking for s location, either city er country, call oa tha Nortliweat Land Co.. 806 Morrlaon at room 211. FOR SALE--One fourth Interest ta well eetsV IlshetL commlaskm bualneaa; good protwalllon . S 42, cvs of Journal. NKWHPAPER nlant for aale In a rroaloa town; wsll established bualneaa. . Inquire T. L. E., care Jouroal. . . v ' FOR BALE Flrat-claaa hotel raetaurant. cheap: must aell account of alekaeaa. Addreaa S .a T. .1 .'Le WW. WWW. WW,. ,. - . FOR BALE Brick hotel. 86 rooma. good fural ' tore, epteadld laaaa; la Portland. T 48. Journal. FINE opportunity In eatabllabed bualneaa; Bead kelp an capital. - Address u aa, aara eoaraai. $75 BUYS real aatata offlc today; targe ilat good lueaueue. ranicwara ivi aiorruran si. WR f.Etl rrfflfrfesirnifwholeTn aaloua doing good business. , T 48, car Journal.. PARTNflR ba real aatata; maat be a guod eat alW maa. Altaky bldg.f FOB RALE Cigar aad ooofeellonery a tore, - Alblna are. and Ooklamith. - .' .. FOB BALE Rooming -bona of 14 rooms, 460; a snap. 203 Fifth aL ' . - - ' WHO IB M. O. M0B0AN CO.? FOR SALE HEAL ESTATE. ! ' ACRE TRACTSI 1 ' OUB SPECIALTY IS ACRE TRACTS! Fn-elaed atreeta, water t aack fcra. , ' TERMS fio PER ACRE CASH ?j i '."lO PER ACRE PER. M0MH.i 1 Yoa ro to tbeae acre ' oa tba car, Tba bay tka same 6e fare the lot aaaa para, a lot man la vour neurhbor. but ba la I - atricted tir -malority of featurea tbat nuke a true aoournaa noma. .- . . . '' ' A. 6. CHURCHILL aV CO., I- a -i' '-;- . : -' . 110 Second et... . ... r :-.' - EAST RIDE REAL ESTATE CO. Phone Keet 625. 404 Eaat Morrison at. 6-room cottage, cam hi, price 61.200; . (630 caeh. balanca Bear tarmat lnreatirate. How' thla for a bargain? 8-roora bouaa, IS . minutes' Walk from Uorrtaoa brMga. 61.000; - cask 6W0- r - ' - n acre, i blocx car una, cue to acnoai; i-rootn modrra bouse, gnoo barn, ail ktaua ox waariog fruit: nrlc X2.au0. eaar tereie. - Wa bare erreml new cottggea and houaea for -aaw oa easy paymenta, rrom a to gnaj oown, baunc to ault; cneaper tnaa paying rent; close to car llne, Ahw" acreag of all fcinda Bated at a bargain price. CaU aad aaa na before yoa any. WELL IMPROVED BUSINESS CORNER . WITHIN - ----- - - "1 blocks of Portland notet bringing In good rent. 326.000. Fine lareetment. Suhatantlal Improermenta going up war by muat necw esrlle greatly enhanca ita Taine. , F. A. Inalry, 211 Commercial blk. : " 50x100 ON KEARNEY at., $1,340. Brand new a-room cottage oa Ilfaxioa gr., 31. MOO. eear terma. Modern 5-mom cottage an ley at.l all Improre- nenta, neat ouy m Ainma; ai,iuu. . .. e TYRON . K1N8ELL. 802 Cosnaaerrlsl blk. Phona Mala 2823. GOVERNMENT land A few choice claims caa J takea under the nomeatead act; no build ing or other tmprorementa on them a yet; caa ba- had b narina a reaaonabla loratlon . fW; fare to teem from I'ortland $1. Particu late H. w. Miner, aua uooanouga Bldg. .. A FULL blork an Grand ara.. aid building Bringing axoo per month; aa exceiienr location for hotel, tenement bouaa or etore buildluga; aoahing Better laiKaat rortiana; price gw-vouu: w 816.000, baUace long time at kSw tntereat. "Addreaa o 49, care journal. , DO yoa want a bona aad lot oa East Stb at.. Bear uaa si., at price ox mr- ir an, a aara It. Lot 60x100, 6-room bouse, brick baaement. bath and toilet, floe cherry tree; $2,360, part caab. Addreaa O 46. ear JoaruaL . $850 BUYS 10 well lexnrored residence Iota ta Ontario; caaeo weu. auo xeet ore p. lumienee aa abundance Of pure eoft water. Addreaa Dna Carlos Boyd, tba real aatata aaau, Oa. taria, Malbrnr county, Oregoa. - .. . $2,800-41 ACRES wall Impiweed. all la Baa ITUIK, xair .. ooiiuiuga, a Diocae iroaa 'wc line, raa ba bought on vary aaay terms; Im mediate t-flssaaslon; will take part la real aetata! Call 107 Vi Tklrd aL FOR SALE Neat enourban cot tap, d room. lot nuxiw; rruil iraea. Tinea, enruorarry; ansa furniture; 6 blocks ear tine; $500 rash; thla la a 20 per cant tnreetmeat. Owner, S. V, Journal. 1 ' : .... . . HOMERTBADER8 We caa locate yaa aa vacant wheat a lrrlgatloa land fca eaatera : Oregon. Call or srrlts Vaa Cleaea At Scbolk . Real EsUU Ageata, Echo. Umatilla Bounty, ' Oregon. - . VERY choice lot, 60x100, HolUday'a add; aaw - a borne at Mr. Tabor, lOOxloo, oa eae- line; ' Bull Bun water, T rooma. bath, bam, all klada fruit. Owner, 128 Third aL FOR BALE 4U ' acre, cheap, with 10-room bone, along golf link earllne; Boa t bearing fruit trees .- muat ba a.wa. - Iaqmlra - oa pramteaa, BTO auiwaaaw av NOTICE THIS AD. ' If yoa want a bouaa. Iota, acreage ar farm. all mjSkWil rejuaoia t -fu 'etty, vta tJOnmerciai pia. FOR SALE 7-mom nwdera aouae. S lota 60x100 - each; good garden, fruit: 1 block- car line, rloae to ackool: price $1,700, aaay terma. 30o Broad et., Montavllla. $200 BUYS four good real dene lota la Ontario; a good Investment. , Addreaa Doa Carlo ' Boyd, tb real estate maa, Ontario, Malheur ' county. Oregon. - - - . I HAVE aooie choice wheat farms for aala cheap and oa eaay term. Write ta or rail aa H. D. Randall. Olex. Gilliam county. Or. BUILDING mra ana half hjock from Flrland atatlon. $120; terma aaay. Tyson KlneelL 808 Commercial block. Phona Mala 2833. FOR SALE at a -bargain, modern 7-roont bona oa Eaat Tytor, cloaa la terme to ault purchaser. Apply F 42. ear JouraaL FOB BALE Modern suburban cottage, eras to car line, Bna -location, ground 100X1UU, 0. W. P. Townslta Co.. lid first at. , 200 FARMS, email tract a and lota; nargaina oa 0. W. P. electric linn 0. R. Addltoa, Lenta, - Oregon. Tak Mt. Scott car, 6c SNAP ta honaa. and tot at University Psrk l - $1.20 handle tt. Monltnn A Bcobty, Oolum bla bldg., 806 Waahlngtoa at. : . FOR SALE 370-' feet water front, lv miles above St. Johna, on boulevard, Apply James Oleen, 405 Eaat Clay at. . $1,850 New 6-room cottage and 9 large Iota on corner Grand are: and Sharer St. . bee " owner, 304 Shaver at. - - BARGAIN I' new 8-rootn cottar, good . kit. one block from ear line, $1,000. By owner, 847 Kerby aL . SELLW0OD lota, $6 down and 88 a - month; from $76 ta $200. - Bellwaod Zowaflta Co. Phone Unloa 1401. " FOR SALE iLota 11, 12. 13, block 8, Arlete Park, $128 eacb. , Addreaa Kate Wake tar, Barton. Oregon. v PORTLAND HEIGHTS Soom kouse. plreesnt , ly altnated; 64 trait tree; easy terms, . Main 64.181 . ; ; PLEASANT home, fnar and aerea rnnma. fruit, flowera. two blocks car. 450 Magnolia "St., Woodlawa. . FOR BALE 6-room bona on car line with acre fruit treea, ate. Inquire 281 Beat Rlitn St. ; cr.- .-c- - 6-KOOM house, cheap for rash. Inquire L, E, P- Hemlngtnn, Rnerntont sva., Montavllla car. MT. TAROR home, en par line. 7 rooms, batb, barn, luOxlOO, lots of fruit. Owner. 120 3d aL $42021 tots 126x100 esckl. near Woodlawa; sarrlflee cash. 118 Ablngtoa bldg.- . 6-ROOM house. Ma inoxino. at SL.Jokaa; kalf cask. 604 Molilemlth. Alblna, SO ACRES In the Bond Elver appl belt. -1. J. Lewis. 1481 Elrat at? BEAUTIFUL $ or room koaee. - 1082. Froat sL . . . ; ,. . ,..' laonlta at j:u?.i'ial::: Went Ad" Rates UNDSR ANY CiVA JSI riCATION " ' ' Five Ccsts pa Lhe - Na a takea for lees thsa lte1 pat. tax. t SeTea veorrta, ae a rale, const. tuts a Una. but eacb line la charged regard! as of tba number of words. ' . WEEKLY RATE T Inaartler. (Inataitas an Sunday taaua) 64 Caa IS aar Las per week. . ' wfoafXRLY BATE fUeledlaaT n Bund-y leeuaa) .6d par Una par maata. , JtDVABTUAwEBVs must he fax Joaraal . baainaaa efiee by 18 a'oleek weak Bay ' aad' by 18 a'eloak Saturday avaalaf for tha ateaterfeayaa, t aaoura alaaaiaostleav Blaplar . rnta 'fg'jg appUaatlaa at THE JOURNAL ; p-BRANGH-OFFICESn win-, be received at regular rates. Followlna la a Hat al aaala-efaaa at , authorised stents, arbo will forward your adverttee. BMntia tlava for publication. 1b tha aatt 0RTH BIDE,'' - '-.! R. A. Preston, druggist. Twenty -third kad Thurmaa 'atreeta. . Nob Hill Pharmacy, 889 OUaaa atraat, aornar Twenty-flrat. . - , . A. W. Allen. pbarBxaetat, BUtaaatk aa$ Marshall streeU. MeCommon's Phirmacy. Illnetaeatb aad Waahlngtoa atreeta. -. f , , , v - .- BOTTTS BTDX. . B. F. Jone Cat. drufflata, Froat and Olbba atreeta. . Cattal Drug eonpaay. First aad OraAt ttreeta. Ksblaa' Byerley. flttfftat, 400 Jefferson atraet. corner Tenth. r Bettmaa's Pharmacy, earMf Blxtk and Barriaoa atreeta, v , ' ' Plaaxmer Drug ooapaaF, 280 Tklrd Bttwat, eoroet Madlaoa. ' - tAMT BUB.-r--' .W. Sriaw. drugglat. corner Oraad avsaaa aad Eaat Boraalde atraat. ' Nlcbole Tbompsoa. MB Raaaall atrsaC coraer Alblna avesus. Jaacke Drug com pa ay, aornar Bawtkora aad Oraad avenuea. . W. 0. Cable, drugglat. ear aar Holla day svrnu aad Larrabe atraet, aaat Meal bridge. ,. , R. A. WMaoa, -133 Graad avaana, . near East Morrlaoa. . - . B. W. Ball. 866 Eaat Sevan tb atraat. coraer Btapbeas. ..... . . , " .!? . t uoBXJkjro. ' '. '..-:. - F. I. Cleik. draggUL 1008 Berth, TJaiaa ' subbysidk. ' 1. WorftjBaTmacllt., 608 Btlmoail Brooklvo Pjksrmacj- company, F awe 11 aad r - ABUT' OXX0OV," ' : K. ' : '". ; Ar lata Fbaraaey, More aad Foster atraet. FOR SALE-FARMS. W-U JriTJSAfJ" KEAPavfafTfJNTI- . T ' 1 acrea, g0fect Of alslloa. ajar'trlc Une SS mlnutea Into city; apleudld garden ground, beautiful view, all teased, ao rock or grstrl. -2H acre cultivated, road on S aide; tbi ta flnBroperty; only $050; terma. e , i i 6 acres aalmproeed rick gardea ' Broa', aeer ear line, l-mlnute walk to station, easily , cleared, sifter aear aurface: can all be Irrl gated front well wltk windmill; a anap; 8500. Lli"" SUacrea on Johnaon creek, -anlmpraeed; ,: CI era rune . luiuaaja uauai cirereu,.. JBUl2..30OFiL 1 sere. ' fenced and In fruit treea; caa ba sold In lota. 61 So to $2 each. T larg Ms; 1 block ta aUtloa. cloaa in, at tba low price ?cuM64 i ourth'aL. room BJ,Buaaat bldg., or 120 North 13th. evealnga. . , .- CLARKE COUNTY B AROJAINB-w . A Widow a Bscrlnca 80 acred Meet land, rich aoll, 1 a rocka. SO aerea cleared, 48 - acrea fenced. S heoaee, barn, atone dairy, . family orchard, cloaa to railroad, ecboel and -amall town, worth $3,000. Price only $1,7(M. Desirable 6Vk acre. S la cultivation. 600 trait treea. 8 room hooae, bare, Vanooaver S mllea. 61.000; terma. " .. Bnap 180-acre farm, ' big tmprovamenta. , beautiful boase. large crop,' atoek, imple-" axenta, aear railroad. . All for 6i,60 la - caatlgata. ' 40 acrea rood aolL 25 aerea level, 9 aerea , cleared, crack, eaacara bark, aaly tV) atlaM : . from dally eteamboata. Plica $366. Sararal knndrtd acrea logged last fvod aoll, well located: would mala . excalleat t peature after eeedlng. -80 acres level land,, good aoll. 12 cleared, barn, orchard, aj mllea to Vaacoarer. $1,008. Addreaa Jamea J. O Keaaw. 1 Chrtat bib, Vaacoavar, Wash. - . , Was I5T BOW IB THIS! . - - . . B aerea 8as land, a gravel, til la cultiva tion, honaa coat $700. bara coat $250, ebtekea yarda,. boaaea and fane Coat $200. Well aad rump coat $125; good koree, wagaa and ameaa: S Sua fresh cowa, 1 yearling aad 3- year-old calf; 100 Bna ken; S acraa la pa . tatoee., worth $300; 100 fruit treea, H acrea Bn strswberrlee, - io cords wood; remember thla la only 600 feet from tha electric car line;, caa give terme.- Price only $2,000. If yoa waat a bom don't galat thla.' Addreaa - F 43, aara Journal. - -; . ATTENTION, HOMEREEKERS. SO acrea oa riser and railroad, small towa, SO acrea cleared. 6 acrea la fruit and berries. LwJO-room house,, flnlshiig la flae eivlc Tntntf Ol waimr, caa ni v- 1 1 vs nnwiaj enu r lover oa this land per year. W awa thla and want ta aell; will give terms on this; ' pries $2,400, Hobaa A Taggart, 1U0 Sixth at. 720 ACRES at $20 on Rogna river, 400 acrea in high atata or cultivation. fT.oon; Ideal iiu proTementa. Haa commercial and aoclal ad vantage; on railroad aod electric pewer line: , a lovely place and home; ideal for amall . tracts. Addreaa W. N.. Ruble, 731 Wll - Usma- are, ONE aad on 10-sera traet,, of a mile -; . frera 0. W. P. alectrl Una and Cedarvllle -etatloa; vary Baa aolL laya level aad Very easy to clear. $26 down, balance very aaay , - terma. ' There I nothing bettor aa tha Bur- . . ksL - 46, eare Jenraal. . , . $86 PER ACRE 80 .acraa, 80 cultivation, all level, gooa puiiuiuga, iour aarsa orcnaru. -timber for 1.000 corda wood. In water, -ackool. 2Vk mile to market towns on elec tric Una near Portland. 118 Ablngtoa kldg. S3.760 BUYS a $1,600 farm af 138 scree. v , room houee, barn, good water, 21 mllea from ware bouaa, 1U mllea ta school; Sl.OuO csah, balanca 3 yaart' tin. F, J, Mahoaiy, Tekoa, Wash. - - v ., -r : FREE LAND IN OR BOON nndar tka . Irritation AaL Deed direct from "Carey atata. Writ today. Booklet and insp fee. I Cook A Co.. fcl Alder at., Toctlsnd. 0(, B. 8. ' PLACE of 100 acrea good land, fair Improvo- tnenta; price gl.non; halt caao, nnwnc a rn a ' yeara' time at per cent if desired. Inqulr T. L, ID., JouraaL. . . . .-. . ,4 ACRES level land, well Improved. 414 mllea from O. W. P. ay., must sen si ours. Adilre T 40, earn Journal. rnn ennthern Oreeon reel estate; larg or smalt f'frset. Dlllard A Clayton. Boaeburg, Or, . . HOOD River 10-scr ranch, good house, bant. orchard In bearing, uwner. in iniru ai. N FOR SALE TIMBER. - " J QUARTER In T. S JR., R. 4 t.. W, for aaw; innni i,,w,,,pv, .-r. , ,.mr, 'acre. . Address J. T. Johnaon, 433 S. 4th at. FOR ' SALE Two homestead ' relinquishment . . . J WW.. ,W. Wrlll wwW.H XI riaimai enun. p.w.w. w w,., . , p, Nlfleon, Hotel HbelnpUla. ii I FOR bo mea tea da. timber Hrlaimt kad farmlaadf eee A., al. eiainrws ei lw., .y saorriaow au, L- rertiana. uv, -, SeRtP of all klrifls at lowest prices, fully guar enteed. ainiiiion w ocoov, , voiamoi eiog . 805 Washington aL - 1 1 i CERTIFIED price. W mere. acrtn. tnr else G. Howsll. 633 Cham! 3 at Oom- 40 ACRES timber-land, Yamhill county, $200. . Apply aao- aiieeieeipH are. .. raona vntoa - 6152. ..... FOR HOMKRTEADS. - ftmber els Ids and scrip " apply so J" i.ouimerciai via t . 130 ACRES timber land, $100.. Addrtat T AL gara Journal. .... , ... - . T ... .: ,.4--. '-Vv'i-:."i