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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 15, 1905)
THE OREGOIT DAILY JOURNAU PORTLAND, FRIDAY, EVENING. ' SEPTEMSZH 13, 13. 12 V ' V fllll JETIYII DE HECESSARY -4. General Mackenzie .Say Work on Columbia Rivar Bar la :';-. ''Of the Best, tl; ADVOCATES. PRECAUTIONS ' AGAINST ALL MISHAPS : The Present Extension WUl . Give a ; ' Depth' of Thirty ' Feet if Low ' ! Water, "Which I' Considered a ' 1 VrrrSatUfiCtor Giierals Markenxle, Mills and Storey, . accompanied by laJorBoeaaler and f . oUief local Cnltcd -States engineers, re- -turn last evening frm- raautlw f ) the, Colombia river.' -Where the govern , went Improvements wetrsf given a thor-, ' ouch Inspection. In company - with . a . number of engineers General Mackf nale left for Cascade Locks this morning: to . Insnect the work at 'that point The other member of the Washlngloa party left for Ban Francisco to examine the coest defenses. :'-.' ' -'United States Engineer Baa null, who has charge of the Jetty work at the itiouth of the, Columbia, aaya General llackensle .waa well pleased with the -rraprovetnent-and expressed the 'belief : that It" would prove a success. - The thief of engineers apent th greater Dart of yesterday afternoon on the Jetty trea- tie and watched the building operations. The chief 'thought that this on Jetty ouli) ba sufficient to wash ' tW M t out to a denth. of St feet at th low water tm If : such Droves true a vessel drawing SS feet of water wbuld- b able to crosa tb bar on nign nae, - r He believe It will be necessary to build a north Jetty In order'to' maintain nerrnanentlv a a-ood depth of wafer. If this nreeahtlon la not taken. It li thought that another bar wtt b formed Just beyond where the present on la located. Th 'original project approved by th war department provided for the building' of a north Jetty. . : ! Engineer? Bagnall la .of th opinion that tb Jetty, under" eonatruotlan, will be completed early In December. H aaya, however, that this matter depend to a great extent on th weather. SHIPBUILDERS BUSY." ! iat an tamaaboaamaa Kavlag ."Work Bushed m 9tpn. ,. - Repair' work on the) quaratine' ateamer Electro hag been completed atthe Sup pi shipyard and th vessel will leave for her 'Station' at Astoria "thla after noon. A portion of her bulwarks and house had to be rebuilt, a the ateamer waa run- Into a couple of weeks ago by the tugboat Samson, near the mouth' of th Columbia."". ..:r." - "? .""""" ' .Work la being ruahed on the' steamer , North King at the same yards, -'-.- 2 t When lie Ja out of 4he-way-thT'on-atroctlon of th 'government snagbotet for aervlc-on the oppr "Willamette will b started "with all the men who can work to - advantage on th Job. The keel of th craft haa been laid. - Bh will take" the place of he- Methloma, which will be brought to Portland next week, when - her machinery . will be removed and a portion of it will be put j In th new boat. -' - ; ,' Next month the ' handsome tugboat 'being built for Captain Hosford at the i Portland Shipbuilding yards will -be completed and will tow log rafta from points on th lower Columbia river to the .Portland Aside from these Jobs, all work ii th shipbuilding line in the harbor la of a minor nature. 1 A number of gasoline launches and small steamers are being overhauled and alight repalra are being made to two or three boata owned by th Oregon Railroad Navigation com- ;:, . : ; ,. ,v , A SHOAL WATER IN RIVER. . J -. .." ' ; ,' . i ; ' Atllaao" (So Aground aad Incldeat Bug-gesta Change la Xaxsor Unas. ... . For thre hours ; last night the ateamer Alliance waa aground at the -foot of -Couch stieet and consequently did not get away for Eureka and way ports until 11 o'clock. Heavily loaded, tthe drew about IS feet It In estimated rteep at the pojnf avjhr she was VavJ the Burnslde bridge to th Alneworth dock, on the west side of the river. The L'nl ted State engineers hav been ap pealed to by those owning the docks In that neighborhood to extend the harbor lines so that the wharves may be built How to Make t Children Healthy Proper Care, Clean Tee tb. Clean -X 'K- Skins, Healthful.: Stomachs, ' v Plain Wholeseme Food. -TB A" ' man or woman are more often than not th result of Improper par or training In childhood. The child de not know, and the parent is too " fif ten careless or negligent and for this : -the child must suffer through grown-up ; years.. .- . , K How often do you see a child who usee the tooth brush properly, yet many . - ."-"v"n muuin mm xrom mat and .-many a stomach trouble comes from ' bad teeth. Thla la only one inatanca. ' . ' How many parents study whHt their irniioren ihduio est. Many cases of con ; stlpatlon ar caused by .wrong food. A fentleman, the publisher" of "ttwell nown magasine, came Into 'my office th other day and In speaking of these matters said: "Our Utile girl wiia bad . ly, constipated. We finally took her to ' i i well-known Sanitarium and they told tus that the breakfast foods wa hud Kn f using were to a considerable extent the-j cause. ve inea several or those recom ; mended by the doctor at th Kunllnrlum. ; but th child dldn't llke them, although she improved somewhat In he ltd. She . always was .fonder. of Malta-Vita than any ether brkfant food so we got e'er that... Mb enjoyed It and after uaing it , , a short tlm she waa completely rlT of - i. the trouble." ... . Now the people who make MnHa-Vlta tie not advertise It as a cure for Con stipation, but they do claim and with , facts to bark them that It la th most , perfect natural food on the market and tiaad regularly will restore to normal .. ronUition any person who Is suffering : .from- flennt-emml nf th iHmH. paratos and besides It Is lust the best ever tasted. , " h'" ln H ' th element f.,iih,lm,rubortr' Wheat makes meat Hutchison, the great British food ex- K..& sari,raT.,dft.v.,f' .i - ----- v.,.. i,,iu i,,nu, biii. wh5 MaiJ ?iU .,h wheat. That e Vita alM m.JLT?,,M rnusrl. Malta- fore beeauee Amn pt thi wheat .n The Market Basket .. -... . . .-,; ... i Egga are. high, bnt that la no fault of the' dealer. The hen la to blame, For eom reaaon .the supplies ef egxa have shown . a atesdy , decrease , during the past month or so. No. longer this sea son. will they sell aa a cheap product. Egga are eggs, but there la a vast dlf ferenc In price as well aa quality.- Tou ean secure egga that were laid in th hennery state f Iowa .''way back. In reoruary. . i ney ere, . not .or cfloK i quality, for since that time they, have been closely confined In a cold storage plant, with the. temperature somewhere near the freeslng point. These are. or conrae, the cheapest eggs tn the mar ket ' Next in the line of egga you will be offered some of our own cold atoraga' product Sometime . In , tn monm or March or perhaps April, , when the hen waa worklna more than union hours. handlers put away for wintei a us sev eral thousand, cases. , Now 'that fresh eggs' are getting acarce. theae ar being withdrawn from their hiding places and are put on aal. , '.'. ;'-, Sutter .prices, war.. Inoraaaod 5 cents a roll. thla week .on account or,, tne smallnesa of the arrlvala of th flrat- class, product? There Is plenty of ordi nary grade 'creamery nutter ana in is is selling at th old price, but for first- claaa product one. haa to pay more. - The' peaoti season Is on th wan. Supplies of th amsller sixes a r still lsrse: but th flrst-claaa fruit la rather sao u)d prices - are higher, t In. th retail marceia the price of peaches -la ranging, between 75 and SO centa a box. Pomegranatee war on the market thla week-for the first time this -season. They are coming from California and ar selling at cent eacn, . , Bartlett pears are cheap ana every- on can have his fill without f training pureeatrlnga.' Black grapes' ar lower' bu th white ones and th.Tkaya are not ao plenti ful - and ar held rather high. Prices r'ahktrig -between" ' 0' and ' 60 cents basket - "' . ' Supplies of ripe California" tigs are considerably larger. bat prices are too high for general consideration. ' In th larger marketa they ar selling around St cents desert, , . .. out to deep water, but as yet no aetlon has boerf liken In the Matter. ' The tugboat men who bring log raft up the river ar th only onea who hav war -far'Offered -any objections to the plan. In th event that th engineer do not allow the docks to be built be yond the present harbor line, the owners in thai district say that they will either have-ro-abandon th dock or do a lot of expensive dredging every year, and the latter proposition Is thought to be so expensive that It could not have sen loua consideration. Othera. however contend that it Is practicable, that It would Improve th property to eueh extent that bigger rents i cured and that the increased Income would pay for the dredging. - IMPROVE THE DREDGE. Port Qommlaaloae re Think Adding rifty Pee to IVwtitk, Would Xely Xer. ' ifty feet will prob-.bly soon be added to the. length of the dredge Portland. This matter .was stated soms tlm ago by - Th Journal, - but U came up . for official consideration yesterday after noon at " the monthly meetn.g of the Port of Portland commission. Captain Pease. C F. Adams, Superfntendent Groves and Engioeer-Jxckwood , were appointed to ' loqulr Into -th subject and come to some agreement concerning It . By adding SO feet to the dredge th commission thinks sh will be abl '. to out a channel 200. feet wide with the same ease that- she la able to make a Cut ISO feet In width. Jt has been given out thst alterations were- to be made to th dredge Columbia. This news (T is . wholly Incorrect; . . i .. : v ... DRUMCRAIO READY. With Big darro of Lumber Iteamer WUl Ball fog PhUlpplne Tomorrow. At noon th work of loading th Brit ish bark Drumcraig with 1.600.000 feet of lumber for Manila waa completed and the vessel will probably leave to morrow. By the Pacific Export Lumber company the cargo - Is - consigned - to private firms In the Philippines and It will be used for. making government Im provements. -.' - The British steamship Volga will .be the next vessel that this company will dispatch to the orient She' la due at Vancouver, British Columbia. ' In a few days from Java with augar, and as soon sail for Portland and is expected by October It. . ALONG THE WATERFRONT. Captain Jensen of Ban Francisco has succeeded to the position of master of the American ahlp Berlin at Astoria and under charter to load grain at Portland for California ports. The vessel , will be towed up there esrly next week. . ' The work of discharging the German ship Adolf,.. recently, from Hamburg, was stsrted yesterday at th Mersey dock. r Steamer P. 'A.-Kilburn will be taken to Sao Francisco-for repairs by a tug boat. Captain Crowe, local .representa tive of the underwriters, was Instructed to send a tugbost from Portland to take th Kilburn to th Bay CltyA but last night he ' received another message stating that a deal for a vessel had been closed with a Ban Francisco firm. ' Th longshore unions hav been so short of men during the! past two days thst they hav been drawing on the em ployment agencies. - with eou.uuu reet or lumber the steamer Despatch" sailed for Ban Fran cisco last night.. The Redondo also left for th same port carrying 20.000 feet of lumber and S60 tons of wheat. Tb hydrogruphlc office reports that temporary fixed white lens lantern light will soon be established at Eld red rook, on the Lynn -canal. Alaska. - steamboat men ssy that the recent ralna raised the forks of the Lewis rlvei by-about four Inches, but It la expected that the streams will soon all to their former low stage. Shipowners are cautioned by the gov ernment against permitting their ves sela to be anchored tn the vicinity ot th telegraph cable in uan de Fuca strait. Pugntsound. A" r - - , , Btevedorea and- longshoremen readied a astlBfactory agreement laat night as to whst rat of wages should prevail for loading tramp ateamera under char ter-to carry cargoes, from Portlsnd to the orient Then boata will take out a mixed line :of 'freight, ai4 for-handling th varieties a different -wage wltl'be paid. The scale was submitted to th stevedores, so .that no misunderstanding would1 arise sfter th steamers srrtve. In previous . seasons .ships, hav been obliged to lie Idle for everal days be cause this" precaution was not taken la advance. . : 1 MARINE NOTES. Astoria, flept. -It, Arrived flown"1 at ' Th weather'ls ' not favorable for large trade' In watermelons, but never theleaa quality was never better. Canta loupe ar In their prime and ar selling at 0 and JO cents each. Casabas, still another' member -of the muskmelon family, la regarded with more favor." Al retail they coat SO and-St cents etch. . Outdoor lettuoe Is practically a thing of the past and the hothouse article la again , In market with th price at S cants a head. Bell peppar. In sixes such as yqu never aaw before, are coming In. Uemand la ehasMrtg a constant Increase around 10 cents a pound, i Tomatoes will not b ao good here after, as the first ralna. generally crack mem. At present tney soil at SO and SS cents a oox. ' - -,. urvmt wainuia rrora California- war shown Un the marketa today -Demand is angut round 0 rentg a. ponnd- ceiery la of choice oualltv with aun. pliea fair. The amaller heada ar Bell ing at jo cents, while extra choice ones rang around IS cents, or two for "II gents. ''-'.' The opening ,of the aklm on laaiAh tn in t.oiumoia this week haa been a ma terial neip 'to the fish markets. Sup- sr vsry gooa witn the beat aal mon sailing at .11)4 cents a nound utner nan ar quoted: Halibut, 11 rents; rugae sound amelt. 11(4 cnt flounders, 10 . cents: catflah. 10 t. nerring. i pounda for IS cents; black anq ling cod. S pounds for SS cents; sturgeon. 11H' cents; California soles. i centa; striped baas. 10 cents. Th. last are ratner scarce.. . . J-"t week there waa a surolua In h supplies or poultry, put thla week there IS not a sufficient amount coming to sup ply thq trade. In ; the retail marketa spring cnlckena ar quoted from SS to eu centa each, according to slxe and conaiuon. wnu good rat hens rar between SO and 7S. cents. Turkeys ar not Dlentlful anil Am.A is good. Today they ar quoted in th retail marketa at SO centa a pound for iue aressea article. Extra large and fit 'ducks ar sill fix sail at 11.26 each and gees ar selling at ana !. eacn. . , : j:jo and sailed at llrzS a. m. Steamer irapaicn. ror Ban rrancuco. Arrived down at 4 and aailed at 11 a. oicsmer iteaonoo, ror Ban Fran clsce . i .. . ,. Arrived down at S:l( a., m. Steamer Alliance. I Astoria, Sept H. Sailed at S Ust uigni Dieamer Uarald C. . . v.. .. Aatona. sept.- IS. Condition of - th oar ai ,.s a m. smooth; wind north; weather, clear. . ' DAVENPORT'S FARM VAHTED ; . BV CALIFORNMNS . Remarkable Collection of Fowls and Livestock in:Demand for Educational Purposes. - With th end of the-Lewls snd Clark exposition in sight. Homer Davenport has received two propositions for the re moval or tne cavennort farm v h. fair to California. The-first ar th... comes from Manager. H. 3. Henderson of th street railway coinnanv at p.. dena, which has a park similar to th Oaks, and th other from -'Th of America" at Ocean Park In th same state. They are anxious to obtain' the rar collection of birds as a permanent attraction, and both want Mr. Haven. port to personally superintend th farms. . . . Davenport la wllllns to acentie prlc Is large enough and ph w Oeer. who waa manager of the farms at murna nams. Jew Jersey, will leave next Saturday for Pasadena and Ocean Park to look Into the propositions and ascertain which would be the mora ad vantageous to the cartoonist-farmer On fact which might stand In' the way of a contract Is Davenport's ambi- " esiaoiien Poultry farm In Flor ida for the breeding bf birds of th tropics, 8uchantastltutio.h.-w contemplated for some tlm. a turtner Indication of tb Interest taken In the exhibition .her Is an oner from Rudolph Bpreckles, son of the Cali fornia -sugar , ,, k. . . . . ' .v Hifl.iiinucni AIHD lit feArnl steed. tert"tT paid S8.600i for the animal and prob- CITY 173 THIRD STREET, NEAR YAMHILL Successor! to McKINNON GROCERY CO. ' Don't pay for your neighbor's groceries Pay cash and aave; 20 per cent on your bills.'' Th is Week Specials 19 Pounds' Sugar.". ; V'.VVv.'; .... .. : .';'. '.fl.OO "; ; 12 Bars Good Laundry Soap. .25 Box No. 1 Macaroni.. ..,....'......'.35?, : 3 Cans Carnation Cream. ,'...25 : Can Baker's' Cocoa. i . '.'.20 , 1 Pound Gloss of Corn Starch. .5f ' Gallon Can" Pure Maple Syrup. ...... ., . ..1.00 ,s- , 1 Pound Can Schilling's Baking Powder. .40f , ,V 173 Third Street Meats Meats t lhs Hamburg Steald ...... , Boiling Meat' per lb.......... Choice Pot Roasts, lb........ Cottage and Picnic Hams, 'lb, 9 lbs Loo Saussg ,154 ..4 ..5 eg) .15 I lbs Bologna f Cooked Corned Beef for-lunchea, Ib.lOe) Choio Cresmery Butter, roll 554 People's Market and Grocery Cor. First and Taylor Streets " 'tree Delivery to All' Parte ef tkf Clijr. v 'J XOTZS MSXIin, And-then packed In atr-tlght, germ tions, and Whit Clover Butter la fiMttle and Astoria. The cream is rtlaced In a-machine neratur of from 160 to S00 degreea, foreign substances, alwaya found In ordinary cream. It then flows over k. temnerature to 48 desreea. Even the water used for waahlns th W also use great care In distributing and marketing our "WHITE CIX)VER-' butter. After the cut into bricks and wrapped In parchment paper it la Inclosed In a paranne farm-PrOOr uAHJ Un, me DUiivr in nownuirij praimm 1 1 VIII ninMiniraiiink reah aroma of th butteTvHITK-CljOVEBjLiAahnjybuttr packed In Coast. Rverv nrecautlon la used to ; - - . Ask your grocer for "Whit Clover." . If you ar not willingly supplied 1st us know and we will give you the ' name of th nearest dealer. . - - j -. ., T. S. TOWNSEND CREAMERY COMPANY ' ASTORIA x PORTLAND & SEATTLE ASK (leomc and See Our : of Nice Roasts Veal, Sausage, fresh made Satur- , - day morning. -Lean Strips B. Bacon. ... ;.16d Lamb Stew ...... i. .4e Corned Beef (sugar cured)... 5 174 Third St. Cor.Yamhill See E. B. Col well's Adver tisement on Page 5 Successor to A. J. Farmer ably would not consider a price of less than S1S.000. NegotlalonS f,) pending anJTnernftgr wllPprebahly ha.ssttlcUL during Manager. Deer's trip... Phone Main! 1654 Groceries - . - , " . II lbs Granulated Sugar ..S1.00 Upton's Tes, No 1 quality. 1 lb....65e 10-lb box Maccaront, paghetl or Vermecelll ,......35e I cans Pet Cream .,..2Bg 1 sack Potatoes . ........ i , ... SO tt ck-Har-Wha Flour .-...X.OO Tomatoes, bos ...... 1. .25t t lbs New Oregon Honey,........ 254 avoe Kaia 1414 25c Counter GROCERY - -; SSBSSatrM.-i.Mb4. ;t;vi omaAT rox BcrairTiai, XaT zs mass' raosc " - proof cartons. W hav Installed Pasteurising machinery ' at OUK nine sta distributed to th retallere from our headquarter In Portland and agencies at specially conatructed for Paateurlxing purposes and brought to Thla destroys alt kerma. i nis oesiroys an germs. - Pasalng ry cream. It then flows over plpea filled with Ice v wuter used for waahlng the butter la Pasteurised. WHITE CLOVER" butter. Insure the best and hnost healthful butter CARTON ..;- Phone Main 2o, West rrk aa Waahiagoa Bts. 9100 . L ... 11 pounds Dry Granulated Sugar. ' v "';';: 35e-''-'r':;; " Box. Na 1 Spaghetti, Vermicelli or' Macaroni . - 10e - Package Scotch OaisJ - 1 - :' ' ' :25v - .. . . Pound Gunpowder or English Breakfast xa. . . 30 Pound Hoffman House Mocha and Java con:. Package Poatum on rig-Prune Cereat It bars Good laundry Soap. , 20e Can Baker'e or Ghlrardelll's Cocoa. tWWfs,a,"BVl'Bl,w'A4as Aaxd Delivery on East Side Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays; Upper and Lower , Albina Tuesdays, r, Tnursays and Saturdays, JOHN'S MARKET ,tVe fan-pleas- all- of the people some of the. tlm and gome of the people all of the time. But he Is a Crack-er'Jack wo can pleas all of the people all. of th tlm. . we .can come as near doing .ItjiB anybody. ; Come In end let us try. Remember, we have All the Good Things: in the Heat Line 7 And Saturday at l a. m. . our shop ' Is full to overflowing; with good things to eat. So don't forget th place. JOHN'S MARKET 43H Worth th . . lmoae ilalB ITS. 1 Try our Fancy. Blend ,: MOCHA and JAVA COFTEE , rovaTBs ram si-ao. Ckll, 'Main i:t. Prompt delivery. !,.. Fellows :..a. w.-.v.vl.tttt-w. '-jW'11iwiWr'1'r llllllj -sna iossatobt. i ' mmmm a tm- through a separator- that removes all ice water that reduces butter Is - llned CARTON- In th! sir-tight. j mm Maim envn n i mj I isi wn mi sealed CARTONS on the Paelflo that tt Is possible to producer BUTTER! WASHINGTON MARKET IIS Fine Street. VitT Stark aad WaaaiasW -rheae Haia Mie. Rolled Roast Beef Se Prime Rib Boasta ............. ...........itUj. glrlola Steaks is Teaderloia Staaba ,'...,Ui, Perterbevae Steaks .....ISe Reeag Steaks ............rt .. A..... .10 flala Steak, d lbs far .....,. ........ft Leg Mattea .... ... .m...... .10 Lag Lastb ..UttJ Muttoa ('bee, ( lbs for ...Hi Lola or Rib Chops lOe to IStte Shoulder ef Muttoa ..le tiuttoe Stew ; 4a Pork Roasts ......lOe to lSa Pork Chops .100 to 12 Teal Roaats .................. ...10 to Teal Cbopa 10 to 1IV Saaeag Meat lbs far .......X HamtMsrger. lb foe ,...S6 Sosar4Mred Breakfast Baeoa le ftrmt Cresaeery Ratter.,,. ...... ......ftte to eo r reach Raaeh Escs.. .......SOe Bread. S loaTea for .ae 8usarared Uaai 5e Boll Beef .......9 to Se Vegetables ef all klad. ORIS TAPFER, Prop. Telepbea orders delivered proaiptly, east ar . west Side. . . y , ' The Empire Market Hag - the name and- reputation 7 for cleanliness, and it is a. matter of per sonal pride with us to have every order first class in every particular. , . ..... TH0AIAS-DUPI 261 First Street, Near Madison. -PHONE MAIN 494. : To trade when you get your choice Roasts, - Steaks, Fiih ' and FdwL Strictly Fresh Egga. phone us your order if you cannot come to us." Kindorf Bros. 130 Grand Ave. Phone East 412. The American Market The old reliable and up-to-date mar ket. ' We do not cut prices, but civ you the beet in' the market Every' thing in the line of MEAT, FISH, POULTRY and Eggs strictly fresh. ' Tokt point Oysters." Charles Hacker W Grand Ave,: ,': Phone) East 69. BUTTER! BUTTER! f Our , Other - --Prices. . f'rloee. Beat rreamery ......... t&e-soa fic-TOe lsiry butter , . , .-. rt. r;.!r4ea Ranoh eggs ........ .22VCr:5J c Beat sugar-eured hsms 14o lc Hreanrast trsron ISe lcl Beat of tea, lb. e.. .a lOe-Tile lari. b-id, call ....... .iSe-aKn .,. sr. el Oaiekeas ,i,.lfte aa ire I Al goods retelletl st Wholesale prices. La Grande Creamery ea 1 isb . ' w io Yammii bt. The Place cunicuriER! I Oregon Crzzmtry Butter oic, CDs end 6Cc On sack good Hard Wheat Flour..S1.00 IS pounda beedleea Ralslna. ......... SB. Beat leand Currants, lb. ..tl0 Tomatoes, standards, 1 cans....... 1ft i can sum oeans. ................. e Two-S-lb, cans Hominy. ....... to S oans Corn. Paa or String Beans. ..tee 1 Dkc. Postum or Flsr Prune Cereal. .SO Good Salmon, I cans , 10 Tomatoes, Solid Pack s ... .JO Twen S-lav pkga--Oold Dust. . .,.!,. On S-lb. pkg. Armour's Washing Powder ..18 Fels-Naptha Soap . ..........S IS bare Royal Savon Soap... ..go S bars Baby Elephant Soap., gs NIc date lOo lb.; S lbs. - 1 lb. Whit Honey. ..I 10-lb. pall pur Lard..... .fl.oa S-lb. sail par Lard. .;...0o - 1'cans Primrose Cream..:- Is 1 lb. English Breakfast Tea. ...... ,.10 I lb. Ounpowdar Tea to Millar's Naptha Soap 0 Full line Flaceha Bros.' Mustard, Cat. sup, until eauoe, Mangoes, eta. . Townsend, &-Van Schoonhoveffr" New Store. U First' etrbot. Morrison and Alder, phone Main 11SS, - Saet Side Delivery Tuesday aad rrlday. HcKINNON & SMITH CASH GROCERS V : Phone Esst 2S3 The Hew Store. US OAAXD ATS,, S ooors freta Morrlsoa, leaders la blgk grades of Ooffea, Tea, Extracts sad apices. . . r1 , HAVE OPENED FOR lUfiNESS AND SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE Bar exairuxATio ueAa.......:.....ti.M" IS soaiMls neat Biutas . linn e-pouae Best Lara. SOr; 10 poands Sl-OO . I Beosd Roysl Baking Powder eoa 1 pound arhllUna's Baking Powuer. ...... aa. sack sood hard wkeat floar Bl no Bolld sacked Toaaatnas. nar eoasa,. as. Seaaee bottle Vanilla Extract ............ lot S-eaace bottle Lemoa Xxtraet 10e laasle-roet ripaper. t sheets for ...... 6e Good Jsva Ootfe. lOe per poaad, S Boaada. Sfta Oosd Eaxllsh Braakfaat Tea in. 1 ooasd UuniMHrder Tea ....L...... ' H. ' I tiass Bros. letsup, s dot lies 1 psexas Cera Btareh Beotca uets .., n Best Java and Nnea Oof foe, per soaad .. Soe 1-Boaad eaa Baked beans ................. : i S-emind caa Baked Beans .... o Postum ........,,....,...,.........,., gn. OooaV Baesa ....Ifle Tig Prone Cereal ." 9ne Beat Hasia, per pound i Wklte and Tallow Cora UeaL 10.1k aaek.. 91. Beat Baso and Tsplora, 10 poeaos Soe 1 sooadbost Cocoanut T777...V.."V;T."7Vi 16- Bettle Blnstag So S cans Oresoa Qran Creaai .............. Soe S cans Primrose Creant .................. lne Fancy Table Brrap, see galloa Soe Ollre Oil, aoart bottle 40 Larre box Macaroni ...................... toe S plats Oreaa .jr., .......... Ss I ntATa : TOW XTXm am rem Another Illustration of th progreex . slveoess of the PAUACK MARKBT I this new. feature. THB ONLT ONB IN PORTLAND. It enable a Urge display and at th same tlm' assures th con sumer of meat that the article bought is - always fresh and swt- Full Line Eastern Hams, and Bacon . ' ' - Home-made lard; fresh dally. Choice eornbeef, steaks, chops and roasts Of all descriptions. .. . -,i . FISH Everything in the line of furta freeH dally. 1- . s.. raoRAsurs aarb nxriTS. -'- POULTRY Of sll kinds, fresh- killed and' dressed dally.. BUTTER, EGGS, ETC. '. an oum sczarr TOirsTTaxjr, ' rmn ,. . woisia ot m y-ACxno . . - ooaar. - . . 260 Yamhill St. Bet.' ad aad 4th ate. rhea Sfaia taOT Meats! Meats! Watch that crowd 1 All flock to the popular uptown market where everything is best' at the lowest prices. Prices, the same - to - all. -The place where all the meata are kept in fine condition and alwaya aaiableComejand get our prices. SPECIALS FOR TOMORROW Boiled Beef ................4 Pot Roast .5 Corned Beef ........ ....... 5V Rolled Roast .............. .9f Beef Steak, 3 lbs.;T;...'...;25d Hamburg Steak, 2 lbs...... 15 Lamb Chops, 3 lb .25 Sausage, 3 lbs. .25 FRIEDMAN PACKING CO. Corner First and Columbia Sts. Phone Main 1H. l-L Free delivery' to anyiart of city."', Cowan's Market .1 Isi not a stranger to economical housewives,' They all know it's here they get the best of everything in the line of Roaats. Poultry, (Fish , and Oysters. Strictly Fresh Eggs a spe ciatty. . See us . ,-, :,,.... -,V ,.r T, ',- -'- 273 L Morrison St; 'Wear Union Ave, ' PHONE EAST 147. - ' Butter 60c a Two doten Ranch Kggs ,, .',860 Full Cream Tillamook Cheese, per lb. lie Enterprise Creamery Co. 12r FIRST STREET Palace Market Fresh Oregon Creamery Roll Between Washington , and AldeV ' y . ,'.'"-..:-."-i.--,''.'---i i-- V