The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 15, 1905, Image 11

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t::s ct.zzz:i - daily jcur.::AU - rirrxAKD : ziday EvniiifcG, sz?TEi:rm w,
GlflllTS l'JIilP Tilt
Joaa sltchel a & 904 tame for Etettle.'
Score: , t
Tacoma , , .. . .4 4 4 1 4 4 4 I I ' 4
Seattle 4 141444 1 f 14 t
Battertea Brown and Graham r Jonea
and Blankenahlp. Umpire McDonald.
cek: soujed
Captain -- David Jordan )t An-
nouncee'.nmt Practice for
: Next Sunday Morning. , ;
H ; . - - - -
i'v Sscrc Gcrii-
Oaklaaa WUa la Twelfth. '
' ' (Joaraal Saaelal lairloa I '
Baa Franciaeo, Sept 14. The . Seala
tied the Commutera in the eighth 1 In
Portland Sluggers Take, Second
nlng yeiterday, - but the Oak(ander
managed to. win out la the twelfth In'
Came From the Angels ol
nlng. Parke Wllaon waa put out of the
game for diaputlng one of Perrine'a de-
Sunny Orange Land.
cleione In the aeventh Inning. -- Bcore:
j - R. H C
Oakland . . .4 0 4 4 4 1 4 4 4 1 10 1
San Fran ..4 0 44 4 14401 I
Battertea Graham and Bymea; Hen
ley, Wllaon and Shea, Umpire Perrlne.
I Cri;:e 7t!;t Pcij.!
so Cda?
- - - 1 1
ll - : ft
i-: A
)otiea and Toier Pitch Brilliant Ball
-Xbut lhe Format, Work. WaMore
. ;.: Effective Braehear Make a Bad
K Throw That Contribute, to pefcat
1.' yr -;Y , a1." . ,. . i r
- ;, . .: ," : jjqrM Hptlil eervlee. .
"Loa'Anseles,- Sept I. The Portland
,pints. were reaj. giants aaaln rteivy
and defeated toe Angela I to I iiut piwo'
.era struggle. Jones waa la the box for
.the vlaUora and only allowed three scat
tered hlta after the eecond Inning.
J The same, started out nicely, the men
. going Out In order in the flrat inning. In
the aeoond the Portland ,batamen took a
'liking to Toiler' curree and three aafe
'drivea netted the visitors two runa. The
;, Angela cam back strong In their half of
the eecond and a baae on balla and three
'good hlta aent - Braehear and -Dillon
acroea the ol&t. tlelna the acore.
'!, Both ditcher aetUed after thle Inning
-Hind hlta were a scaree commodity. Noth
ing more in tha run line waa forthcom
ing until tha seventh Inning, when Law
' '. reaee- UoLms connected with one of Te-
'. tier's choicest for a double. McHale waa
up next, and drove a acorcher tn the ni
reotlon. of Braehear, wnlch the big util
ity man grabbed and whirled to third to
.catch McLean. Tha Portland catcher,
however, waa tn the way and aa tha ball
.couldn't aaa through hla anatomy it
.bounded'Olt hla body and rolled towarda
(the fence. .McLean never alowed up, but
galloped home with tha winning run. ,'
The Angela made herole efforts to tie
fthe acora in tha eighth and also the
f ninth, but their aun.waa set, and the
badly needed tally waa not to be had.
'There waa a record-breaking crowd pres
ent and the cheering for the ball player
;waa terrific Ata, HouaehOlder. McLean
'and Jonea coming In for the Hon'a ahara
(of the applkuae-lUcpuun Dillon of the
home team put up a brilliant game at
'flrat' baae and waa 1 roundly applauded.
'The Angela pulled oft three lightning
.double playa and the.vlaltora.ope. . .. ,
i ' The great Improvement In form of tha
Portland -team evoked conalderable fa
vorable comment for Manager McCredle
'.here. Eaalek la elated to pitch todar'a
fame and will be oppoaed by Dolly Oray.
The acora loiiowa:
AB. R. H. PO. A. K.
Flood, 2b .........
Toman, of. I s :i I a '
-Smith,- 4b. ',.. 4 e 1 4 -
Braehear. aa. ' ., 1 1 1 1 J
'Dillon, lb. .......... a 1 I II 1 e
Cravath, rt. ......... 1 e 1
.Roaa, .it. -...... t tm-w . a j: e -E x a e -e
-.'Pief, c. ............. 4 0 0 S 4 e
: 'Toiler, p. a 44 i
Totale ......
..XI .-' IT II 1
...... i a i i e
; ...... e 'i-!f e
- - AB. R. If. PO. A. E.
r...M...(4 ,e e ,-
C' "211 f
Houeeholder. rf.
i.'&lcljean. c. 4 I . I
McHale, ,cf. ......... 4 1 I f e
iBweeney.1 Itf. ........ 1V tit
Vjonea, p.; t 1 a
u Total . . ...... t T IT IS I
. ... liiiinn
Angelea ...... 1 e 1
-1 Hit ...e i i e e i e 1 a
.'Portland ,
" l, ' - 8CMMART. .' - '
i Two-baae hit McLean. Sacrifice hits
Cravath, Roaa. Flrat baee on errore
- ' Loa Angelea, 3. Left on baaea - Loa
-Angelea, ,1: Portland, 4. Baaea on balla
jt Oft Toiler, 1; on Jonea,- 4. Struck
'out By Toiler, 1: by Jonea, 4. Double
. -playa Toiler to Spiea to Flood: -Bra-i
ahear to Dillon to Snlea to Smith to
Spiee; Ata to Mitchell; Bra hear to
Flood to Dillon. Stolen baaea Flood,
' .Smith. Kit by pitcher Cravath. Toiler.
Time of game One hour and 44 mln
utea. Umpire Da via. ;
rt.,..e iiMtii e i
...'..a i e l o e i i 7
flikLnd ......
Partlend . ....
'lm Anirlee ..
Man KraMlee
Brattl .......
V teat
Oeeaf jToaea Wlaa. '
,f. (BpeeUI . Dtopatcb te Me JaaraaLI '
i . Tacoma. Wti., , Sept. 14. The Bi
.waahea batted Brown very bard yeater
dar awl' won -by w good tnkrgla. Oacar
.' Won.
Philadelphia .4 ...... 11 .
Chicago . . ........... 71 ,
Cleveland . . . .' 47
New VorkTT.'niv; . i-41
Boaton . . 41 -
Detroit.. ............ 41
Waahlngton . , ....... 41
St. Louie 44
44 , .404
45 .442
44 .4(4
- 4 .147
At Caioage.
R. H. E.
Chlcaco . . . .- .
St LoUie rnv,w,m,v,'.Yml --4 S
Battertea Altrock and McFarland;
Howell and Sugden. ; , , ,
V At miaaelphla.
Boaton.', .................... .4 4 1
Philadelphia.. I 4 t
Battertea Olbeon and Armbruater;
Bender, Henley and Schreck . u
; ; . . : . . " At Mew Terk.
Waahlngton ......,..,.,....,. IS I
New Tork . .7 11 .1
Battertea Adama and Heydon; Hogg,
McQuire and Kleinow. . ,
At patter.
Detroit . . .......
Wieveiana . .
Battertea Dotfovan and
Moore and Clark.
4 . 4
.' ' ' " ", . Won.- ' Loat.
New Tork . .......... z - 18.
Plttaburg . t ......... 0
Chtcaro .. 76
Philadelphia j, ....... 71
Cincinnati 7. 44
8L Louie. ........... (0
Boaton ... ........... 4
Brooklyn . . ...........
( ,
t ,
At Sieeklya. . .
New York. ..,.... ....... 10 T 1
Brooklyn .. . .... . 2 t '4
Batterlee McQInnltjr and Bo we rm an;
Stricklett and t Rltter. -Umplrer-O Day.
Boaton . . .....j.. ...... ...... .2 7 I
Philadelphia T-i-mmrrnTTTi-
- Batterlee Wllhelm and Needham;
Duggleby and Dooin. Umpire Murray.
' ..'- i ' -
' Cloe end exciting playing marked the
order of the progreaa in the Irvlngton
tennle . tournament yeaterday. The
moat intereetlng match waa tha one In
which Raley defeated Ladd In a long
three-iet match, Ladd! waa playing In
great form and with a victory In eight
fell down In hla work and Raley won
out. The reaulta werei
- Wallace Morae beat Woodward 7-8,
1-7, -. ':
Weet beat Lead better -, 7-, -!. -,
Weat beat W. Morae -L -, -.
Swing beat Oammla -7, 2-4. -.
.lAndrewn beat E W? Morae 4-4. 4-4.
Raley beat Ladd 1-. (-4, T-t.
Roaenfeld beat Herdman 4-4, J-t, 4.L
Miaa RobertaoB beat ' Mlaa Jeaephl
-. 4-4. . " '
I Mlaa Leadbetter beat Miaa Lamberaon
-l. 4-. t :. .
Mlaa Joaephl and Mlaa Weldler de
feated Mlaa Robertaon and Mra. Bald
win 4-. 1-4, -7. ,
Mlaa Fording and MlaaMorriaon de
feated Miaa Caratene and Miaa Fox
-. , ' ' r;.
Flaher and Mlaa Lamberaon defeated
K. McAlpln and MUa Leadbetter 4-4,
4-1. . "
Rohr and Wilder defeated Scott and
Cook 4-4. 4-1.
Thla evening' the Irvingtori Tennle
club will give a .reception and dance to
their f liende - tn the ' magnificent - new
clubhouae at Twenty-flrat and Thorn p
eon atreeta. Elaborate, preparatlona
halve been made . for . the affair. . . ' -
' Ooo4 Boat Tonight., ,
Jmtm1 Beeeiai awrks'' -
Baltimore, Sept. If. Mike Twin"
Sullivan and Joe Oana, the lightweight
1 m in e It -round
bout before the uika Athletlaclub''In'
thla city tonight. Tha boy will, fight
at 126 pounda, the legitimate light
weight limit, and the bout promlaea to
be one of the faateat ef the eeaaon.
Oana wUf rule favorite, bat the New
England boy will have conalderable
auppejt among thoae who have eeen him
box. Both eppear to be in good -condition.
.- . f -
' - ' Make and WtlUama Again. ' " '
- t (Joarael Special Srvle. -
' Philadelphia. Sept. If. At Llepervllle
tonight Peter Maher and Jack Wllllama
wilt engage In a limited-round bout. It
wll be their third meeting In the ring.,
WMIIama having won both of the pre
vious co'nteata. " " .' "
From tha Bic Liat ' of Candidates
- Begiatered tha Outlook for a Crack
Eleven at Multnomah Club I Very
- Bright Llat of Player. "
On next Sunday morning at 1 o'clock
tha football equad of -the Multnomah
Amateur Athletlo club will meet for the
flrat practice of the eeaaon. The work
out wMl be held In Multnomah field and
from the Hat of appllcanta who are de
al rou a to chaae the plgakln for tha local
club thla year It la a forgone conclualon
that Multnomah will be . weU repre
ented. . v - '
Captain David Jordan laaued hla mlt
a few daye ago for eandldatea and" the
reaponaea were prompt: There 1 con
alderable new material In the, club thla
year for football, and aa there are a
number of crack piayere in the Hat f it
will be no eaay matter to get a poaltlon
on the eleven. - The eecond team men of
laet year are a lively and huaky collec
tion thia aeaeon and It la practically
certain that at leaat three of the poat-
tlom will be filled by theae playera.
Captain Jordan and Manager' Watklna
will direct the work of the men for the
preaent, aa no coach baa yet . been
choaen. There .- will be no California
trip, thla eeaaon on account of the great
expeme attached, but the teag will
have a journey to Seattle, when they
meet the athletic club eleven of that
city, a number or tne old familiar
facea will be miaaed from the club team
thla year,- but the 'management feela
that the younger blood will be able te
give Multnomah a flret-elaae repreeen-
tatlon on the gridiron. Thoae who will
turn out on Sunday morning are: Cen
tera, Keller, .-MoCraken and Walker;
guarda. Butler, Johnaon,- Dow ' Walker
ana 'Bud' Jamee; tacklea, "Mam'
Seely and Keller; enda, Jordan, Caatle-
man, Dowllng, Orirflth, Foley and Ru
pert; quarterbacka, I. Walker, Rupert,
Stockton, Kerrigan. Sereanoui and Jor
dan;' halfback!. Baker, Lonergmn ' and
Saundera;-ful Ibark, . Breed.
It will be aeen that the above men
tioned piayere. will make any. team on
the coaat etep lively. Pave Jordan will
probably play quarterback thla year and
direct the play from that poaltlon. Jor
dan playa a a tar end and can perform
at the quarterback poaltlon juet aa well.
- In the cricket tournament at the ex
poaltlon yeaterday the Victoria (B. C)
team won from Portland In eaay faah-
ion. The feature of the match waa the
aplendld playing of I 8. V. Tork of the
vlaltlng team. . The eummary of - the
teama: : :r-. - ''? '
- Victoria ' ;rr- ----r-:--:-:.
. . . . Maid- Wick.
; Bowler . . Ball, ena. Runa. eta
L. York .,.,... 20 . v 12 .
Barnacle ........ 24 1 11 ..
Cobbett . ........ 20 i ' 14 ,.
W. York . 72 A 6 t t
Taylor.......... 48 t . 10 4
Portland ' - . -
" ' Maid- Wick
Balla ena. Runa eta.
Bowler -:.
Fen wick . ...
Mallett . ....
Lawrence .
Atkinson .
.. 41
Warren . ,.....-. 44
1. 44
1 ' 1
t 14
, Will Try te Break meeorda. '
. (Jearaal Special Serrlee.)
'' Milwaukee. Sept. 16. Horaemen tn
thla city and other' parte of the itate
are highly lntereeted in today'e racing
program on the fair grounda. Audubon
Boy, t:ltt. owned by J. H. Gatcomb,
of Charter Oake Park, Connecticut, hae
been engaged by tha fair management to
try to break tha etate record at the
fair thla afternoon. The -preaent rec
ord of 2:0 J la held Jointly, fey Dan
Patch and hla lire, Joe Patchen:- The,
famoue old pacer eatabllahed' that rec
ord In lt7' lna. match race with Bur
Pointer and It waa not equalled until
i..t y..r When Dan Patch duplicated
the record of hla aire.
Football at V. ef 9.'
4 (Jearaal Special Service.)
Philadelphia Sept. It. In reeponae to
the call of Captain Reynolda a record
breaking crowd of football candidate!
for the Vnlverelty -of-- Penniylvanla
eleven reported at Franklin Field today.
The aquad of laat year a a playera re
turned from their preliminary training
camp at Mount Pocono today In, fine
trim. There are two acore other eandl
datea with which to fill out the team
and Captain Reynolda la aangulne over
the Outlook for a atrong eleven. . :
Piefeiied Stock Caaaee ejoeda.
..Allen. Lewie. Beit Brands. ...
f he 'ideal . Beer .'
"DUDWEISER is the 'standard Of quality by which ' 1
; J3 .: all other beers are judged. ' ; ; , il
i V If Commanding the highest price, yet leading in
- t"l it.... ii . ''u-i- . : 'i.jjit!'! t-"
eaics; proves inat 11a superiority is recognizee inrouga
out the world. . A ; . ' .
Sales lor 1904. 130,388,520 Bottles.
1 V.
i UaA reel . ' yr.X..-.--
ft r ' "I
' Anheuser-Busch Brevlnd Ass'n
c.:,.r j- St. LouU.U. S.A. , . .'
; ';..".;.''".': - Order Promptly Filled by ' ' ' "' '
, Tlllmann t Dendel, Distributors, Portland, Oregon.
' CtrM er Tim Cpn4
I Piayino Ccrds f
i J. K; GILL CO. i
Booksellers and
f Stationers.
Crtat things at LKIe Prices
- The flrat annual bluerock ahoottng
tournament will he held at Medfonfc
Oregon, onv the twenty-eecond ' and
twenty-third of thja month. The crack
ahota from all over the country wilt be
In attendance. Six hundred dollar.
added money will be given -to the win
nera. There will be a party of ahota at
Medford that will vlelt Portland on
Bunday, September Si, to give an exhbi
tion ahoot at the trapa of the Multao
mah Rod and Oun club. The men are'
W R-'Bill' Croaby, holder of - the
wona a record for the larfeeat etralght
run; Fred Gilbert. H. C Hirachy, win
ner of the great American handicap;
Charlee Power,, champion amateur tar
get ahot; Rollo Helkea. Tom Marshall.
Jack Fanning, D. W. King, Jr., and C
D.-Flank. - The Callforna ahota are: R.
C. Reed; C. A. Halght. W. H. Beaver,
otto Fendner, A. J. Webb and J. W,
Brad rick. - f.
' . 'Oorhett meleaee.'T
Pitcher Corbett of the Portland Baee
ball elub waa-releaaed-yeoterday. Cor
bett baa . not . been In very good form
aince Joining the local club, ao h
releaae waa expected. -
- Xw Bate Side Trip rteketa.
' Many vlaltora to Portland are taking
advantage of the aide trip 14-day-one-
fire tlcketa laaued liy the O.-R. N.
and Southern Paclflo te holdera of Lewie
and Clark tlcketa eold aaat ef Pooatello,
Pocatello or Butte and the western
boundary of Arizona.-' Buck holdera are
entitled to aide trip, at above ratea
from Portland to all point, on the O.
R. A N. In Oregon and on the Southern
Paclflo ae far eouth aa Aahland; from
Umatilla to ' Pendleton, - all polnta In
Waahlngton and Idaho, . Including Oregon-
polnta between Pendleton . and
Walla Walla. : Partlculare by aaking at
O. R. N. ticket of Hce, Third and
Waahlngton atreeta, Portland.
'-, ., ' "eBBBheaee ' . v
It till be Baby day at the fair to
morrow a day which mothera have
looked forward to for many week, with
Immenae Intereat. It will be alao a a pe
dal day for -rnaurance men and . eaat
Multnomah county. The order of evente
will be aa follower ' , .
a. m. Oatea open. -
a. m. Exhibit building, govern.
a. m. to 12 m. Concert. Admlnletra
tion band, Transportation building band
tand" -
10 a. m. and hourly afterward Free
moving picturea. Nebraaka pavilion.
Agricultural palace.
14 to 11 a. m. Concert, United State,
artillery band, government terrace.
' i p. m. Baby day parade, atarting
rrom ' pavilion annex, Admlnlatratlon
2:48 p. -m. Grand concert. Royal Ha
waiian band, bandstand. Gray boulevard,
2: SO p. m. Organ recital. Profeaaor
F. W. Goodrich, Forestry building.
'- 1:10 p. m.r-U. 8. lifeaavlng exhibition
drill on lake.
- A. p. m Baby, day exerolaee, .Audita-
rlum, Admlnlatratlon band.
: pV m. Concert, United State ar
tillery band. Government terrace:
6 p. m. Grand concert, Klralfya
"Carnival or Venice company on ruatlo
etepe (free). . (In event of Inclement
weather thla concert will be held In the
Auditorium.) Ci
t p. m. Government exhibit cloaca
, p. m. Exhibit bulldlnga close. - - -
7:10 p. m. Grand concert. Royal iHa.
walian band, bandstand. Gray boulevard
(or In Auditorium).-
p. m. -Graijd electrical Illumination.
. p. m- Fireworks display on lake.
11 p. m. Oatea close. . . i . . .'...r.-.- -
aearaal BpeeUI Berries.)
, Philadelphia, -Pa., Sept. 14. Advices' re
ceived by the committee In charge of
the local arrangement, for the meeting
of the sovereign grand - lodge of Odd
Fellow Indicate that the gathering will
be the largest In the history of the order
in thla country.- The advance guard of
delegatea and visitors la expected to put
In aa appearance tomorrow morning, and
during tha succeeding 44 hours there
will be a steady Inpourlng of the three
link. fratarnitT from far and near. Tha
sessions of the supreme lodge will 'begin
on Monday and continue through the
week. In connection there, will be meet
Intra and reunions of all i the various
bodies affiliated with the fraternity, la
eluding the uniform rank and the ladies'
auxiliary. The I. O. O. F. lodges of
Philadelphia and vicinity have completed
plan, on in. elaborate scale for the re
ception and entertainment of the thou
sands of visitors. The downtown portion
0 tha city will be handsomely decorated
in honor of the occasion and nothing is
to be left undone to contribute to the
comfort and pleasure of the visitors.
All wool super weight natural gray, - rr
- the garment ...'e-eeeV
All wool heavy weight natural gray, , "C ffk
the garment V v V '
. All wool bluo or gray rib, spring needle, Sjl CO
...-...'the garment !-. rr. .-... f si t...iim.aa. aa. .-. V -
Wool and cotton mixed, double front and back,. CI Aft "
the garment.,, ;.....,,................,................. Vvv
AH wool, natural gray, double front and back, . SI 50
the garment '. ................ V
All wool derby rib, gray, blue or ecru, . u C 1 ?( ";
the garment V
: Finest English wool, super weight, ' . ; tl '50
the garment .... ............... ...... -
All wool flat, knit, natural color, medium weight, ' C C
v the garment . . , . . .......... . . . . . . . . . . , , .... ........... V V
Oregon medicated red flannel, .,. CI KCk
the garment T. ...... ................ . ... . . V v
Finest Australian wool, heavy fleeced, C 25 '
the garment ............................ -
Besides twenty other lines ranging in price from $1.00 to $5.00 the suit, ,
' , making in all a showing equaled by very few. stores in America today.
" t, "
By manufacturing our present stock before the rise in wool we are able to
y, - quote prices 25 per cent lower than any other store in the" state.
All Wool Dark Gray and Mottled
'r Doubled Blankets, the pair
White Blankets, Our Finest Prod-
-iririuctizthe . pair . -. . .
05.00 to 09.00
OREGON FLANNEL OVERSHIRTS, the Best Made, each f 1.25, 81.50,
f 2, ?2.50, ? 2.75 and f 3. HEAVY WOOL SOX, the pair-25e to 50.
We'll Sav Yon Mossy oa Any Kiad of Woolsa Gooi
QivcaSnJi-i wsuiiiviiv vdaiiuji
i '...; . .
T7TS : r
To Astoria and Ocean
Beaches on
1 ) .' V,"".' '-:.).
, The Day Boat Down the Columbia
Leaves dafly from Taylor.Street Dock at 7 .MiONL up MAIN 613
: .I.IMM.M.MMMI ,:
Vancouver Transportation Co.
Stea.rr5ir LJindli
' " ' ' v ' J ' V;-' - y
Makes the round trip dafly, except C -zy, -vij Tr: ' r : " "
. , 8:30 a. rtttnrj trrivt36 r
- - . ... A'.