The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 15, 1905, Image 10

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    a- Adke CdeWa i daily jcuriiAi; -ronTLAt:
Third Street
J A V V w V Or' f . A . A VA v-wi D i
" V '''
We are Sacrificing Merchandise Positively ONE
" v- v-:
at LessThan One-tHird
Saturday, Sept. 16
'Sctcrtiy, S:pt 16
;THIRD Values
, yj uouar s worm ui guuus uy 1 1 p. lii. ouiuiuciy. xuux yinx uur price, jdc on nana cany; lvoors .wni open oaiuraay ai a; m.
v .- and clo
for the goods damaged during;the rain storm this' w
gbbdfc seasonable merchandise; Theeari
hand1 5ATU R E HE MB B R!Oth;-We -will r positively trive prices unheard of in the citv of -Portland.
Prices csrkea nssux ca uca Arcae. tcu is no
IcSjry, Ct Every Price Ticket Is a P5IZE TICKET
Ycirray siiirs
from ;12J to 2V especially adaptable for school and "-
" dress purposes , Every Suit worth three times price
r AH sbes; regular$1.50 value. ; Wreckage - fLHi:
?; price. . , ,". '' f ? v. ; ; 0 1 C v :
doys' suns
: 500 SUITS Best sizes and colors; worth i. A(in
,$2.25. Wreckage jprjee. ; i V; r.V rr. '40'
-; 385 MEN'S SUITS comprising Fancy . Cheviots and ,
l;. Cassimeres ; regular price of these suits was d A f (f ; ' y
. $10.59. Wreckage price. 7..V....i.yii .', .f'xmLo J
VICUNAS AND CASSIMERES, union-made Suiu; .
regular prices $12-50 to $15. j : V- v f'i;V - ft C-jX"-,
Our price. . ; . ,i. . . , .'. ... f . . l; . i .'. . v UOil 1
made; Wreckage jpnee $8.-i'jfVi'v:';. .f? iCCJ.)
. Sale .price i.V. v .... . . . .'.,; ... v. Prfi ,' '.
v , -:'r
All Wool M11 ' Wciriflli 18, 22.50, 25
' $30, Suits
Kow $11.60
$10.50 Suits ;
Fancy CbTiots and rlmr
; Kov $4;25
-This-sale-of fers-you- two- Overcoatr aflesr. than "the -price of one,and practical and economic buyers
can purchase a nobby fall Top Coat and a, stylish winter Overcoat at less than the cost of one sea-, :.
-,-, .i:; ; V'-.i'i'wi'i garment elsewhere.' - "--'ir".--1 V'i s.;-r ve:'.-.
$18ies S785-$25 Vn8S8.65l-$i0aii8s $1601
There's a difference.,. There are Shoes made to sell at bargain prices shoes that have no "solid
foundation that have paper insoles and counters, and paper heels and soles. Such shoes were
made to sell at low prices, but they were never made to give satisfaction. This store has no such
bargain shoes in its tock. We have shoe bargains, however, that came to us through cash captures
and skillful buying shoes about which we can say without exception: i If not satisfied, money te-
f .
Shoes for the Merchant ; Shoes
for he Qerk; worth $4 and $S
'' 'TO OO AT
Shoes for the Teamster1; Shoes
for the Logger; forswear and
for comfort worth $4 and $5-
Prices ttsrked PIxIsly ca Edi Arfidi' This Is No
t UKcry, tzl Every Wee Ticket Is i FKIZE TICKCT
' They're sUin-proofk pull-prooj, rip-proof and jar-proof. ; ' '
Smart in cut, too, and made of soft, yielding fabrics
that -make , the 'boy feel good. The clothes '. will
please the boy; 'the - prices i will please the
rt mother". - ."Satisfaction ' or - your ' money back."
.??"r."".k!?i.,:;.$l.S7 to $3.43..
Take vour choice. 350 -
Take your choice, 550 - .. r .. , '. AO" .:
SUITS; reasonably priced at $8.50 to $10. (J k H
48 YOUTHS SUITS, all sizes, dark union cheviots; ' )'
worth nd.Mld at.WJO
28 "DOZEN " KNEE PANTS, cheviotv tweeds ; anti X
worsteds, made for .wear and -warranted not to rip-t-; :
never sold for less than $1J25 and up to $2.;, CQ
MO DOZEN BOYS' KNEE PANTS," strong and x
well made, saorted.'r-f 5 .V r: ";. : ';;- '''7A
. patterns. , t r ... ......... , A j ,
Don't be misled This stores has no connection with any, other, establishment ' Wc have on
Vinstitution that will prove we are:connected wito
mm mMmmmmm W
arnfi ill 'lillS
Black and Red. Ban-" -
dana Handkerchiefs,
. large, size; were 10c.
').'.,'! ' ' Now . :
3:tor;10c :
Reversible' Silk
f Four In -.Hands; ,
f i n e '2: 50c t values. !
V-'- - Now, 'y';V
11 Cents
Men's Derby Ribbed ,
' Underwear ; good,
value at $1.25. Now
57 Cents
Black and Tan
Hose; were 25c.
i .'-U -U Now ';,;'i":
7 Cents
Linen " Handker
chiefs; were 10c
t'O -'-Now1;':.'!
' 2 for 5c
' Sanitary Under-
-wear; was $1 gar-
ment. Now
43 Cents
Silk Tec ks and
Scarfs; London's
old price ' was 50c.
.' Now:
(19 Cents
Manhattan, ; Cluett,'
Peabody and Mon
archthe $1.50 and
$2. kind. 4Now
55 Cents
Children's Fleece
Lined Sanitary Un- '
derwear;. was-' 75c:
. ; Now -.v -v '-
35 Cents
Success of Sellwood Institution
1 Stirs Up Other East Side
-V-!" ;-: Sections,
SenUl of ' Room and Employment of
Caret ker All That la Required and
bat Little Trouble I Experienced
Hn Raiamj thr Money.-T'T"---
tv. ... aiA. rn tim Jnoraal 1 ta
h tm of Mra. If. W. MrKlnm-J. WO K.t
lrrtMa dnct ,TJfpwlMi KH X7. , f 4
'SsMlwood U the only tmut Bldt'eulwrb
that tu.t llbrmry and that wii or
aanliMl alnc tn (irat af the yt. Br
tl of th other tflatrlcU with laf
papuUtkna far remaved from the cltr
Jtbrary mwd auch a branch Inatltutlon.
Had ta avaral' caaaa, notably In tha
H-nlnaiilar auburba and tha Alblnaa,
wave bey baan mnitlrd bf aome of
tha bualaaaa man looking toward tha
ocurlns ot one. Tha centra) lanoranca
recardina tha requlramcnta of the city
library in lending books atanda soma
what In the way of thoaa faToring the
movement -. '..- v-'; '; ,. .- .'
According to tboae who were instru
mental la securing the Sellwood library,
and who hare kept the institution up
during tha year the work is not great.
... Rer. p. .'A. Thompson was one of the
flrat tb consider the' project and bring
the matter before tha attention of cither
residents. A aubscrlptlon paper waa cfr
culated and generously signed by the
buslnesa men1 of Sellwood and residents
of tha place generally. A room waa
rented and refitted at considerable ez
. nense. and a librarian waa aecured.. The
Portland library sent a case of ( books
and tha subscribers .bought magaalnes
and opened a reading room In connection
with tha library, - So great did the de
mand at once become that another Inaue
of ( books waa asked for and circulated
soon after it waa received."' . , . '-
' "The library baa proved atgeod thing
for the young people 'of Sellwood." aald
Mr. Thompson yesterday, "and boys who
had spent their nights on the streets
now spend .their idle hours in the read
ing room, or 'at their homes. with an
Interesting book. - About H0 Will be
the amount expended tha first year. 1o
on account, of the eost of refitting the
room this representa more of an e
pendlture than would usually be neces
sary. However, wa found little trouble
In securing the needed money, but now
have a list of regular subscribers who
keep up our monthly expensaa. . This
winter we will give a series of lectures
to Increase our funds."
To establish a branch . library It la
only neeesaary to secure a room and the
services of some one to care for th
books, which supplied by the
Portland library in such quantities as
are needed. . -The
effloere of the Sellwood Library
association are: A. W. Wills, president;
D, A. Thompson, vice president: Ura
Helen Kerr, secreta ry, and Bella Taylor,
librarian.' - ' ... - -
Jjlaoola Baaxex Sees Oouatry and Will
Ooale Back wttk large Tuads. :
- W. T.' Auld, president of the dty
National bahk'of Lincoln," Nebraakav has
Just completed e tour of Interior Ore
gon, finishing hie trip with a week's
stay In Portland and an Inspection of
tha east 'side suburbs, especially the
manufacturing district of St. Johns and
the possibilities of the peninsula.
t The visit of Mr. .Auld will result in
considerable investments In Oregon
property, and probably In East Portland
altea. Mr. - Auld . was especially lm
preased with the vast unexploltd re
sources of tha Interior country, and to
friends before his departure atated that
be would make material Investments In
central Oregon during the next few
months. On Mr. Auld's return to Lin
coln the cashier of the bank will make
tha western trip to confirm hie -chief
estimate of the opportunities here, and
on the reports -of the two the Llnooia
capitalists who are seeking larger- re
turns for their' money will act. 'Mr.
" T Caliiornla Prune Wafers ; '
Are- made froai the freah rtlfornl fruit (M
II the land to eael 'and refreak tha
atoaiarfe and Intmtlaea, and to keep the teow.ta
actlre. Tna okmi aritrata inrina cas take
tbeae wafer for (Vmatlpetloa. Inllirethn. and
all Unr and Bowel troablas. wit boot fear of
irrlprnjr r sale. Taer art sentlr hnt aurelr,
tlmafate diaratlna and (en tha Hmn and
hMrptWa at food, refreahlng the whole kedy. I
- loo Waters 35c
a. ev grkidmora m
Tairg SoU AgeaU
Auld could eaaily invest tlOO.OOe of per
sonal funds In Oregon, and from state
ments made prior to his departure hie
acquaintances here conalder such,sn In
vestment probable. Twenty years ago
ha visited Portland and the growth of
the country In the period since his last
visit impressed blm deeply. . ,
St. gonna Water Oompaav XaetaJU Tww
Big Vampa bjU BfUeg of Xalaa.
During the spring and summer the
St Johns Water company has made lm
provementa In Its plant and buslnesa
main aervlce .that aggregate I2&.000,
This week the company ordered another
big pump for the station, though a new
pump of large capacity waa ..but re
cently, installed. The company dealrea
to have two pumps each of which will
be big enough to aupply water for all
needs. :. The big ( reservoir . completed
this summer has enabled tha company
to keep a large supply of water In store,
so that pressure can be maintained in
most of. the towns by gravity, even in
tha dry est weather when tha demand Is
greatest, end thousands of yarde of new
and modern mains have been, and are
being, laid, the growth of the town re
quiring that several forces of men be
kept constantly In the field laying new
lined of ptpe.-ae well aa enlarging the
central feeders. , . j. j
OoM tomgf-lata, 1ST
its for Foitlaad. Of.
SeUweod aag . Johaa Ate U ItaU far
. Boouriag aUlt . -
Sellwood and St.' Johns have another
bone to contend for and In thla last
etruggla Sellwood apparently has a bet
ter chance to win than It had whea the
woolen mills' were moved la it Johna.
Tha wool ' acourinc olant of Thontaa
Ross of Las Vegas. New Mexico, Is the-
prise tne piacea ara working for,, and
several complications - enter-into the
atruggle. Tha plant was to hare been
eaiaDiianea at Bt. johna. ' It waa under
the . wing of the management of; the
Portland Woolen mills, however, and at
that time the St. Jqhna council' and the
management had a. alight mlsunder
etandlng. which "ended with the . an
nouncement that the scouring plant
would go , to. Sellwood. But at- that
time It waa thought certain that the
Clarke' mill would be established at
Sellwood and there waa an opening for
a scouring plant. " since then tha sub
scribers to the. Clarke project have
given-up hope of getting the mill. The
scouring plant . may, however,, be yet
located at Sellwood, since proximity to
a' woolen mill la not an essential to the
successful - operation of such ' a slant.
and since the old Portland milt site' on
Johnson creek la still unoccupied and
la admirably adapted to tha purpose.
Two Nights and Matinee Left.-
""Mrs. Wlsrt ef the TaMace Paten" Witt be
the attraction at tha Maronan (Irand thtotra.
en kforrlMa, aetwaea Btith aad aeventh streets.
tonight aad tontnrmw nlftit si S:ZO o'olork.
A Ktedal artra antlaee will Be alTtn to morrow
afternooa at f:Ze e'rlock. I'eople dealrlns te
1 thla feeaatlfnl plar ahnald secure seats
earbr. at Mrs. Wltgs Is asvlng "lots ef eoai
ay." ',. -,
; ' 1 , 'The Chaperons. ;
The ennpany that will preeent lalnnrt Wit
SMrk's eparatle ooatedy aaeeeu, "The Ch-
. ...
erone.' at the ; Marqaaai Onind ''thcatnt next
wieek. onenlns Monday alakt with .aiatlnee
Wednesday and Saturday, ta one of the blse-rat
osteal comedy orsanlaatlona toarlnf the eonB'
try. The. arodnrtloa la new In every .mneet
and the, company Inrtndea the- popular Madeira
aurahall. Hirlh Uoyd, rtorta Ooodn-la, .Harry
Idell. Jnha Prlcn. Ueors . Lydeeker, Frank
Wooley, W. V, Htntaa. Jndlth Ha yea, ITanUng
tan May -and Males Clark. - lalrtora Wltmark
baa added two new amalral aanhera. Inehidlng
"irue Ulrr-:aad "The Whole .Dan Family.
Seats are selling. '... . , ,, .....,,t...
'Fabio Romani" at Empire.
The Rmplry'e aext, attracllon, etarihtf wltb
the ilunriay matinee, la the romantic drama.
"Panto 1 Rnmanl.' a very eleverly srranavd
dramatlaatloa of Mart Corelll'a aovel, "Tha
Vendetta," probably her sreateat wnrk. ': The
tnry deab with thd dnpllrtty of the wife, of
rablo RamanfT and her fame for tha' friend
of her haebaad. which" reeulta la thelt Joint
contrivance te eonalew Romani to the torture
of a II rn death. Throoch the terrible arap
tlon ef Moont Veamrltia his recap from en
trmhm.nt la maiM poainile - and la followtd
fcy'tbe death ol hla fa tea wife and friend.
Beet now', aa aale, .. . ; . .: ,
Mra.. Wigga" . Matinee Tomof row.
T a apecUl Brlrematln'e WllT he Ogives ""tomor
row at the.Marqoam Orand theatre of "Mrs.
Wlm of .the Cabbage Patch." Seats are sow
elllng. ! .,. . . . ..
. , k Hit at Belaaco, '
nenryAiihiir Jones' "'magnificent drama,
Jadah." baa 1 proved te bo one of tha moat
neceaarnl of tha Belaaco stock eampany's pro.
dnetlona. It la play of deep emotional Inter:
ei, "Jadah". will ran ap to and tnelndMig
nnday nlaht. , The following hill will be
"CapUIn Jlnkl-ot the Horae Marines." than
Which there la so better America a comedy.'.
At the Baker Next Week.
Sunday au tines will open the new week st
the Maker, whea. "The Merrymakera" r.itraa-
faas company, ana of tha Jollleat troupes aa
i in i
tb? . will ; present two ' rattling tarera.
"Twe Wealthy Mea rrnm Abroad" aad ''A
INak of rtn)a,. ntcrmhiled with a wealth
of boantlful choraa nnmbmt . Mfinui ,awu.
villa 'seta. y- v- , . , , . , ;,
"Kentucky BeUea" Tonight -
The last two perfermancea of the brilliant
borlcMtn. . "Kentucky Bellea." will be slrea
at the Baker tonight aad tomorrow matin.
Tha prod act Ion has reeetead the nlgheat prate
ail week, aad has braked 'all record In at
tendance. . y j ,. ,' -
X'-f'-. : "Al'ths Lyric."!';' .A' '' '
"The ging of 'TMmra'l lajhe title of th
play that la ft Tbei Lyric thla week, aad from
all fhdlcaflona It, w)U bate the largear week's
hnalnaaa In the' Malory' off the hoaae. Eaatera
people expreaa their aurprlee that aaeb enmpleia
pradnctlona, both- from a acVole and art I" tie
Mint .l.w . eaa-a iw,MiieJ ttm Clio hIm.
tksrged. -' - -.-. ' '' . ...-.j
. " '' '-?'. ':.',
Grand Has Fine BilL.J - '
Oymnaata, head-to head balancers, dancdra,
atnea-'SHir'mmjNltafia am fnond on til 1,111 -m
the -Orand thla week. It la a atronf randeTlllo
entertainment with plenty of aorelty and ahnnid
please. every r Wrrev ed wtoderft ' tslei lalnmeiil
The headline act Is that of the four Hon.
Worfhe. There la a dally matinee aad , two
seriormancea a mcit ai in Hnra.
-: ?
Qood Show at tha Star.
' Clancy and Hwart head the Mil at the flier
sad ara aeon In a aorel little dramatic eketrb.
Violet rooked a wire-walker. Is eery sreee-fnl
and preeenta! neat specialty. -.Ma June ha.
pretty etago effeeta and alngs . la a pleaatnc
eoteo, McOrath'a hand-balancing act la eater,
talnfnf. iereral other acta. Including Rnr Mo.
Brala aad tha Staroacnpe. complete a food MIL
Stusuate Oolcta. . . ,
MiatlT " Promo Quinine, the wdrtd-wfrie
Cold Cora, raweea the nana. Call tor the
fall aame aad look for the ela nature ef B. W.
rova. ate, - . , , ,
. V
.: v
. i
A '' ,?
1 -
.,. v,., ... ... if;;;.