The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 14, 1905, Image 3

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    - 0F Caw Tew. ... . i ' . I , I
e a a La vJ
I'L.i LmU,
. ra&rly Four Million Feet Cent
... Out Today on Dritieh Cteamer
; to Hsnham. 1; T
', Only One :. Hu a Shipment of
r Greater - Dimension Left Wil-
r lmette or J Columbia,-When the
,. Oceano Took Fir to the Far East
"; , --'..' .
". With 1.600.000 feat of lumbar, valued
-i at tK.BM, the British steamship Totten
, bam left at noon for Taku Bar and Nlu-
- ehwahg.. China. It la tha second largest
-cargo of Oregon fir that over left tha
Willamette or Columbia rlvar. Tha ftrat
.' placa la held by tha British ataamahtp
. Oceano, which clear ad from, hera about
' two -years a so for tha far aaat with
100.000 feet. ,
For transporting) thla mammoth cargo
tha ownara of tha Tottenham will re
. celve 130.000. almost equal to the price
of tba lumber. . It la aaid to ba Jhe high
,' eat freight charge ever paid to a Unm
y ship company for transporting lumber
'. from Portland. : Before shereachee her
. deatinatlon tba ateamer will make two
coalings. Prom here ahe will proceed to
. Comox,. Brltlah Columbia, and take on
, 0O tone of fuel. Thla la expected to laat
'her until aha reachea Muroran. Japan,
" where her bunkers will, again be replen
' " lahd. . - V - -.
v -" About half 'the isteamer'e 'cargq will
be discharged . at Taku ' Bar; tha re-
. tnalnder la f or Nluchwaag, It It:
pected that the flrat port will ba reached
..'.In a -trifle more than SO dayer
v The ateamar left on a draft of about
. l feet. -The ahlpment la made by J. X
, -Moore tt Co.. and tha product' wae sup
piled by the Portland Lumber at Menu
t factuiing company. , The Tottenham- hat
. been inr port a I nee Auguat 11. and ahe
. - waa given Quick dlapatch. Nearly 8.00O,-
I 000 feet la stowed In the hold and the
remainder on deck., - '.-,' a '''
.. -Tha Brltlah steamships Rumford and
Twickenham, chartered yeaterday to
f load- grain and flour at Puget aound for
Vladivostok, belong to. the aama Una. aa
ths Tottenham. The Twickenham waa
launched about five montha ago, and la
In Japan on her maiden trip. - - .
Onartored Twe2ays Ago, Bvery Oorae
f the aReatae Xs Takes. -
'Although tha Brltlah ateamahlp Algoa
waa chartered but a couple of daya ago
to load flour and grain at Portland for
tba orient every foot?' Sijftjar -specs baa
been engaged. Her irgj' will consist
principally of flour, and tha officials ef
the Portland A Asiatic Steamship aom
pany gay It la possible tnat ahe will take
ut a bigger ahlpment "than- ahe "did
when ahe broke the world'a record less
than two year a ago. She aatled from
hera cn November 7. 101, with 86,378
."barrels of flour. , '
.... In referring to the number oi tramps
under charter to load a thla port for
. China epd, Japan .yesterday .the steam
. ahlp Oceafio wadT careleaaly omitted
from the llat. She la of 1.060 tona net
register and ta capable of handling 1,000
- tona or. wheat and flour.'
Xsoesalve Balma la Japan Three tern yasa
- ' las to assay ef the -People, v
Typhoone have played .. havoo with
.. commerce In the China aea during the
peat ' few weeka, according to Captain
' Mentsenthln of the ateamahlp Arabia.
- which arrived laat night from-the orient.
. In the worat blow known In that eec
- tlon for yeare tha American ahlp A. O.
Ropes, bound from the sound with s
' ' lumber cargo, waa atrlpped of her maata,
became helpleaa and waa picked up by
the Hamburg-American liner Speala and
t towed to Kobe. She waa so badly dam
. aged that the own era decided not to r-
jjalr.her Hc.klppar.and hla wife
t .child were on board. Many other ahlpe
- reached the different Japanese porta in
, dlatreea. The rainfall haa been excee---.
elve tn Japan of late and the rice crop
. la almost ruined. Captain Mentsenthln
,'.eaya it Is feared that a-famine will
, result. . j .
. ' He reporta that Just before he sailed
' from Yokohama a Japanese transport
'..loaded with wounded soldiers collided
with the Brltlah, ateamahlp Baralong
' -and was Instantly -aunk. Some of the
Produced by Peerleaa Pettern No. 170.
, 7 All Beame Allowed. 7., .
Simplicity and goodtaats characterise
ine aainfy rre cover tivrv poriraveo.
The front Is gathered and tho back
tucked. Nainsook trimming with edging
and beading waa used for the design.
Cut in sixes Jl to 40 Inches, Price, 10
cents. - ( .
rmaoow sazlt yoinurA& wax
vaxd vroM mmamm or
. FaUCB. J;" r ';:;'. -f
No Site..
Name ............... .;....
f t
, xvaoxxr wnnxcm oobsbt corn
r -o were t-'-'i V9 ty tha Brltana, tut
lti Uvea were loaL Several, ateamera
ware waiting at Shanghai and Hong'
kong to taaa Ruaatan prlaonera home.
John Holmee and Hana Hansen, who
want to Hongkong on the ateamahlp
Aragonla with a ahlpment of to head of
eattla. from thla port, returned on the
Arabia. Before their deatinatlon - wa
raached the herd waa Incraaaed to at
head. Aa the aale did not Include the
ealvaa the purchaser of tha cows paid
extra for tha Increase. The following
la a full llat of the freight brought by
the Arabia:
. For Portland-1.B0 bags of rice, JS0
belea of copra, 14 bag of gunnlea. MM
pacBBga or lea. us pacaagea or curios,
It rolla Of matting and 40 caaea of Chi'
aese "merchandise. .
for - Interior . points 1,110 , cases of
eurioa, t4 tuba of camphor, !t tona of
merchandise, (.700 packagea' of tea,
M7t rolla of matting. 12 balea of raw
ana and packagea of silk goods. -
1 Some of the captains and Bailors' in
port ask the people of Portland to save
for them thali ma gail nee and auggeat
that they leave the reading matter a
Crowe A Anderaon'a,' Charlea P. Bee be A
Co. a. F. C. Hgemann A Co. a or Brown
A McCabe'A - - .... ; -,
While on the way to Portland yeater
day from the Lewis river the steamer
Maacot . went aground ' at Bachelor'
laland, but was carried Into deep. water
oy tne nign tiae.
Brltlah ship . KHloran waa chartered
this morning to load a general cargo
at Hamburg for tho sound by war of
Bah Diego. . '. ; .; ',
Tonight the steamer Alliance will sail
for Eureka hnd way porta with freight
Intended for ahlpment on 'the Newport.
The latter failed to pass Inspection and
bad to go out light.
Captain Ratmer of tha German ship
Adolf la aerloualy 111.
With a. shipment of ISO corda of tan
bark the steamer W..H. Kruger arrived
last night from Needle Rock. California.
On the return trip ahe will carry wheat
and lumber. " . ,
While in tow of tho ateamar-Dallea
City yeaterday the gaaollne launch De
fender got adrift In tha Columbia river
raplda end jeapalsed. She waa In charge
or Clifford Bchaffer, who waa thrown
Into the river, but immediate asalatance
aaved -'trine from , drowning. The Do-
fender waa being taken to Lyla. She
under charter for 00 daya. aupposedly to
ine norinom racino nauroaa company
TBe craft will be repaired and ahlp
on a steamer up the river.
Russian ahlp Rennla, under charter to
a. W. JtcNear to load grain at Portland
for . the United Kingdom. . sailed from
Ban Francisco yeaterday for, the Colum
bia river. . . ' , 1 -
Astoria.: Sept. 14. Arrived down at 1
and aallad ateamer-Coloaablar fr-8an
Francisco, r .,, .
Ban FranclacoflDt 14 Arrival t 4
a. ; m-'Ateamers -Newport-: and Aurella,
rrom rortiana. Bailed at 11:10 a. m.
Steamer St. PauL- for-Portland.-. ,.:t
Astoria, Sept. It.-Arrived at 7:t and
left up at t:t0 p. m, Steamer W. K.
Kruger, from 8an Francisco.
Ran . Francisco, Sept. II. Sailed -' at
7:2 p. ra. Ruaalan bark Rennla. for
Portland. Balled at 1:10 p. m. Barge
oanta fauia, ror forUand. Balled at
p. m.--Steamer .Cascade, for Portland.-
.Astoria, Sept. Condltioa . of , the
bar at ' a. ro.-i-Smooth; , wind aoutb
eaat; weather cloudy.
The International Jury of awarda for
the department of mlnee and metallbra-y
-f at the Lewis and Clark exposition was
organised yeaterday, and has already
begun . He labore tn connection with the
award of prises. The personnel-of the
jury - v: -.--' .. -. -.. r--. . . .
Chslrmani Edward H. Benjamin, San
Francisco, president California -Miners
aseoctation; VicsMshalrman. T.' Ogawa,
commiaaioner from Osaka, Japan; re
corner, victor J. Hall, Philippine lal
ends; Major 8. w. Roeaalar. , United
SUtes army. Portland; William H. Dot
man. Portland: K. W. Parker. Waahlna
ton. District of Columbia,- aUtlatidan
United Statoe geological awrvey and ex
member Pennsylvania coal commiaalon
Joseph Hyde Pratt. North Carolina, ax
secretary International Jury of awarda,
Louisiana Purchase exposition, depart
ment of mlnea and metallurgy) M. Hat-
tori, Toklo, Japan: WaldemarLlndgren.
aahlngton, Dlstrlcr or CotntnBlsV chief
department . precious metals. United
Statee geological survey: : Victor - C
Hoicks.. Salt Lake City, chief northern
division. United States geological sur
vey; Klroy Thomas, Denver, Colorado,
umtea Btatea geological eurvey.:
Lincoln Beechy tit the alrahln Gela
tine will try tomorrow for . the world's
record in aerial navigation. .If weather
conditions are favorable he will ascend
from... the aeronautlo eoncourae on the
fair' grounds at . 11 o'clock and after
looping the towers of the Government
building will start for town. He will
call at the different buildings, and will
ateer hla ahlp over the poatofflce and
maneuver around The Journal building.
Ha will then return ta the fair grounds
and land on the exact spot from which
no ttarteo. : . . ... . - .... . ..
a the-Astoria m OoliuaMa BUver BaU-
Tralns dally at a. m. from Union
depot. - Round trip' every day, tl-00;
saturaay-Bunaay- ticketa. I.0. 'Infor
mation at 141 Alder street, or telephone
Main sua. .-,'..,. . .......
. I Obmfedevate) Tetaraas ateee.
, tfearaat gpeaui serrlee.1
Oklahoma Cltv. f, T . i'4 -
annual reunion of tho Oklahoma and In-
oian - Territory united Confederate
Veterana and Sons and Daughtera of the
vonieaeracy opened nero thla morning
with a well attended meeting. Mayor
Meaaenbaugh delivered tho addrese of
welcome. Mejor-Oeneral J. a. Wilkin
responded o Oklahoma,. Msjor-Oenersl
jonn i uauit ,ror. Indian Territory.
Senator J..W. Bailey of Texaa delivered
an addreaa oa "Jefferson Davis" and
Colonel J. W. Johnson also delivered e
anort aaareaa... -,.'.....,.,,...,' -
Saenkeioa Bates to Bswpots,
The Southern Pacific company h
piacea en sale at all '- rortland offices
round trip tickets to Newport at rate
pr is. umnea to October 1. 1(01. and
tor a aaturaayto Monuay tlckata.
Ample hotel aceomirolationa at reaao ar
able rates are srewlded at thla popular
nwsn. . .
An auction aale of unusual Importance
is that now going on at 111 Sixth atreet,
tho Jewelry store of Mr. J. Oansl. Mr.
Qansl haa a full Una of Jewelry, allver
ware, cut gtaae. bronses, etc, ail to be
sold regardleaa ef coat In order to re
duce the etork prior to hla onenlns an
excluarvo Jewelry etore. Mr. -Harry B.
Myers of Chicago. the well-knows
Jewelry ' auetloneer, la conducting the
"'e. . i .......
. e.'.3u:.:; vrmm
Nautrd Zone) Fixed Catwean
: Contestants end Dltarm-'.
' ament Define, " j .
' " . (Joaraal Bpeetal SM-rkia.t '
London, Sept 14. The Japanese le
gation 'glvee out . the following aa the
text of the .-Ruaso-Japanese armlatice
proclamation: - -.-
First A certain distance aa a sone
of damarkatlon shall be fixed between
the f ronta of the armlee of the two
powers In Manchuria aa well aa In the
region of the Tumen river., Korea.
Becond The - naval force, of one of
the belligerents' shall not bombard ter
ritory belonging to or occupied by the
other - - ,-
. Third Marltlme'capturea will not be
suspended by the armistice.
Fourth During the term' of 'the ar
mlatice new reinforcements shall not ba
dispatched to the theatre ef war. Thoao
which are already on their way there
shall not be diapatched. north of Mukden
on the part of Japan, or south of Harbin
on- the pert of Ruaais. - - -., r'
Fifth The commanders of the armies
?.nd fleets of tha two powers shall de
ermine In common accord the condi
tions of the armlatice in conformity
with the provlalona above enumera,ted.
- Sixth Tho two governmente shall or
der their commanders Immediately -after
the signing of the treaty of peace to
put the protocol Into execution. (
The protocol was signed by Mr. Wltte,
Baron Rosen, Baron Komura. and Mr.
Takahira. -. - , -,
(Continued from Page One.) '
this yeer, there waa a . scramble ' by
speculators .for every tract of land that
eould be bought or held on .option from
the Columbia to the Willamette river
as fsr south aa St. Johna. It la aaid
that la spite df the rush the"Northern
Paclflci.peoplo secured a Urge part of
tha lands they required and that there
were practically no opportunltlee to hold
them up for advanced prices. '-"-.
The lands purchased In the name" of
the Wayorhauser Lumber company are
to be the site of the principal opera
tions of ths Northern Pacific in the line
of heavy eonetruetibn work.- When this
was bought by ttie Weyerhauser agents
It caused much surprise among tnillmen.
There were montha of maneuvering by
the Weyerhauser representatives before
they pr6fesaed to have found what they
wanted. The" largeatawmnia do not
require one third of the acreage acquired
by-the - WeyerhauaeT ; company on the
pentnsuls. 1
WU1 Bane the laatbe MUJ. -: .
If waa supposed : that . the company
did not desire to buy more than to or
40 -acres and there waa amassment
among lumbermen when its purchases
aaaumed territorial extent three or four
timee . the acreage needed for etrlctly
lumber milt uses. It Is still believed
the Weyerhauser people Intend to some
day build a. large lumber, mill at St,
Johns, . but that the purchase of the
lands there, by them waa primarily. In
the Interest of the Northern. Pacific Is
now conceded. 1 c
The Portland A Seattle le drawing
upon Portland -for wheel scrapers and
men to Join the construction forces
along the north bank, of the Columbia
river between Washougal and Cascade
Locks. Steamers of the Regulator line
are. taking equipment and supplies snd
distributing them - at various . points
along the Una - " -
One of the Tacoma incorporatore of
the Portland A Seattle, in an Interview
concerning He purposes and the results
that will follow, bints that the people
of Tacoma may find comfort In a prob
ability that the Harriman Mnea will re
taliate by building a railroad from Port
land to Tacoma and Seattle. He says
tba company he helped to Incorporate la
organised to construct a triangular line
from Portland - to Seattle, and from
Portland to Spokane, via Wallula Junc
tion. .7- ' ;
Aathorttative Ste tamest Xooked roe.
That the Incorporators are acting for
other and larger railroad Intereata le
fully admitted by him.. He eaya the
time le not ripe for a complete atate-
ment of the plana of the promoters, but
thafaom definite" announcement"" mA'y
be expected within a few daya. Such an
announcement waa - predicted by-The
Journal several days ago. Vice-Presi
dent C. M. Levey of the Northern Pa
clflo will remain In St. Paul but a few
days and early next week he Js expected
to return ao, Tacoma ana Portland. It
Is said be will probably come authorised
to make aoms sort of o racial announce
ment aa to the Intentions of the Hill
people regarding bridges over the Co
lumbia and the Willamette and a new
line down the north bank of the Colum
bia, l . .. ': . -
Work ta Vreparattoa for Boa4 Begins ta
Veaooave aad Will Be moahed,
(Special Dlapatch to The 'Joaraal. 1
Vancouver. Waah- Sept. 14. Much
activity contlauee In the railroad eltua
tlon In and around this olfy. The work
of remodeling the Packard building to
suit the uses of Constructing Engineer
Bethel Of the Beattlo A Portland com
pany la being rushed to completion,
Several mora carloads of grading out
fit are expected hero tonight and It . la
thoughj; that, the steamer Dalles City
will be .brought from Portlsnd so that
no time will be loot In getting the out
fit on the ground. -
The roontrect for a large part of the
north bank line. It la learned on good
authority, has been let to a Duluth firm.
Aa originally drawn up thla contract, it
la believed, called for commencement of
construction on or anout January- I
10. Hence the slownees la setting the
present worg startea. -n-.., , , ., .t
' ; .-. --a. - -. - '. -i
Bteaaee Albany Boa tears Ooastraotloa
Material tot the Varth Bank Una,
1 J (SpsUI Olapauh to tae Jamil -
The uallea. - BeDtr l . The aton,.
Albany, came up today with a load of
construction material for the Northern
Paclflo on the. north bank of the Co
lumbia and scattered It along at dif
ferent Dolnts unloading the laat of her
cargo here,. - , .
She left Immediately-down the river
and will probably, be kept on thle run
to carry supplies until the road la fin
ished. , . . ' t , '. ,
One camp has been established aev-
eral mllea above thla city near tho weat
end of the Paul Mohr portage. -
The Regulator worked all day Sunday
between here and Lyla - - -
The people here are very much elated
over , the prospects for a new road.'
f- - m i
The Southern Padflo company haa
placed- en sals at Its Portlsnd offices
round trip ticket to Shasta Springs at
rate of $10. Beautiful. Illustrated
namahlata 4eacrtntla this Teenrt eaa
be secured front aay Southern PaolSt I
asTeat. . J
- CO TOr.'.lT.OV
Recj&wer-ef the Meyer
Pisacs to Be Clc::d Out,
at JU2 and .
Uecd Pianos. Finest Makes, fer a
: Sone; A tlouse-Ciearinz Enter
prise That Will Interest Provl-
dent Buyers Prices From $18
Up to $3jS, Which Buys
i Lovely Weber Baby Uprisht.
-' These Meyer pianos were built accord
ing to apeclflcatlona of a middle Weat
dealer, aa la frequently dona now In a
eumber of the medium and cheap grade
piano factories. The manufacturer, early
in the aummer, became overstocked with
tnem and offered ue a peel a 1 inducements
tor cash to take them off hla hands.
instruments such ae these ere fre
quently sold for 1276 and even 1300
more than double the prloe we ask foe
them. There are enlv three remaining.
one In a very pretty walnut caae for
1141, and a , little more money $157)
buya choice of tha . other two, in
either a line walnut or a dark oak case.
We aTuaranteo them to bo thoroughly
well made and Juat as represented. The
tone quality la quite pleaaant and also
durable to quite a degree. Pay to a
month or rent with privilege of apply
ing rental paymenta toward purchase. -.'
. .... . Vsed Vlaaoe.
- Our present great accumulation of
uaed pianos, some of them really excel
lent instruments, must be disposed of
quickly. . We shall want every Inch of
available apace theae coming weeka and
want every one or these used planoa out
of the way. Prices have been pared
down to the core terma of payment
will be made to ault any reasonable
buyer tho instrumenta Oill be guaran
teed by ua aa to aervice and cfuallty, or
money refunded, and If you are not pro
pared, even with these liberal Induce
ments to buy. why we will rent you one
of these uaed pianos for a mere nominal
mommy reniai. - . ,
- Wo cannot deaciibe each Instrument
here. - Suffice It to mention a few of
the namea and aale prlcea, vis:
Large oak-case Schiller. 18:' fancy
walnat I vera A Pond, tltt; elegant lit
tle Newton upright, 171; a Kingsbury,
1117: very fancy mahogany Doll. 118:
another, nice, medium-slsed mahogany
Ketey. new, 1300: Llghte, Newton A Co.
upright, 184; a very ahowy new mottled
walnut Starr, $17? a largeet-alse ma
horanv Kmeraon. 1178: very fins larceat
slse fancy Lester, almoat new, $286; a
rrood-iooKing Lruawig, imd; anotner, tne
argaet and ahowlest made, $14: a mag
nificent Pease upright, $214; another
very fancy mahogany Vose, $116; and
laat, but not least, a auperb little 1600
Weber baby upright, genuine roaewood
case, carefully repollahed,-$37.
oodTJfgans, l oo I r
J WOTiave also s7 large number of very
line organs ror nomas ana churches that
we are cloaing out at Just' about half
price, on payments oz s, si - or
monthly. Bend for list or call and see
them. - '.-
Another Inducement: Any of these In
struments will be taken back by- the
Bllera Piano House toward payment of
any new high-grade piano, and wa will
allow the run amount pel a to date or
return at any time within two years
from data of purchase.
Hundreds of homes yearn Tor a piano
to enliven the hours spent Indoors, but
not caring to tnveat In a new piano, they
have been compelled to , rorego tne
pleasure they would seek. Here Is ths
oooortunttv for these homes to bo sup
plied with a reliable musical- Instrument
at- virtually half price and on terma of
navment hardly equal to ordinary rent.
Call Immediately or telephone or write
PARTMENT. ,! , Washington street.
Portland. Or. - - ,
. tSDselal DtaiMtea to The JeoraaLl V
- Helena, ' Mont, Sept -., ft. Lambert I
Naegele, a native of Germany and vet
eran of the civil war, editor of the
Montana Staata Zeltung for many'yeara,
and owner of . the Waahlngton Staata
Zeitung, died In Seattle yeaterday. aged
78 yeare. He wae a pioneer of Minne
sota snd founded a paper at New Ulm.
He came to Montana In 189, afterward
removing to Seattle. He leaves, a wife
and 18 children,- aome of whom realde
in Minneapolis, where tt 1s expected tha
funeral will bo held. " ,
To Passenger" AgerTts. ,.
Ton want the best of everything In
Portlsnd. Don't forget this then. The
Tavern la the finest cafe- and grill In
tho west -Take all your raeala there.
It IS oppoalte the Oregonian building.
uaier annex at lo Alder street '
"Am I really awake T" murmured the
vagabond on the park bench.
. "I'll pinch you . and. ea." auoth tha
quick-witted policeman. Cleveland Plain
ueaier. - - - -. -
The cut repre
sents a new -shoe
made in :
two models, of
two leathers. :a
Laco or button,
i. Cuban
- -
n f V E call attention to our
y''f complete showinr of
'.WW : shoes for fall weaf.They
represent the best endeavors of
America's foremost shoe de
slcners. To the woman who
appreciates a combination of
style, comfort, and durability in
footwear at moderate . prices,
these shoes will certainly appeal
P U L L '12
233-85 nOTlRCOJ CT
inrnorwois , .
soles.Cnban I -.' : h
heels. Vici CV J
kid or pat- f? J
ent eoft t ; .! J
L ' '-)-.-'- ;
F . f!. ... ,v -. -,-
Votes received op to
Of The Journarg !
Hawaiian Tonr
.. riaST .ay yeans hey ever 18 yeera
.of ace bit be aeaainated at aay tln oa
blaaks prertasd by Tee JoorasL .with tbe
eadnrMBieat of two wtU-aowa cUlaaae
ef tbe district la wblch ate resloes. - -
' SEOOXlWriiFM fadees aareaabte-te tbt
different eaadlaatae shall be Mleetad ta
erftelally assoaaee the wtaaer la each 41a-
tnct, one yoaag May u ae cni sen nei
each district. .
: TBTBD As la other etectloas. each dis
trict shall vote sepsrsfelr, . Tbe veto la
eee eaanot affect tbe other. Matters prop
erly eoaeernlng tbe district will b settled
br tbe wlabee ef .tbe ais)orlty. Tbe wta
aer sbsll bsve tbe Hht to asm s proxy
If enable to etteod herself. . , , .
TOTTSTB Voting will eeaanMnee Tbsrs.
day. Aasust A IMS, sad .eloss Sstar4ir. :
Deesmber SO, at S o'ebek p. aa.. lo.
' Ooapoas most be voted wltbia eseea oars
sfter bans. Cospens cat traia tbe Daily
Journal most bs aeatly tiimawd. All
eoaposa, whether sliujle or speelsl, aiast bear
tbe aaBM et tbe eaadldate to be voted (or.
-, eoTrrojis ux ervxv as roxxowsi
. niTI-eincle eoepona. eat treai tbe dally
paper, are good (or one vote. Saberrlptloa
to the gTselag Joaraal and Sunday Morning
Joarnal, three months, , a sneelal
, coupon et .. lfiO votes (paid la aavance).
Snbscrlptloa t Evening aad ftaDday Morn
Ins Joarnal - all montha, 83. TS. a special
..eoaaoa of. ISO votes (paid Jn sdvaare). 8ob
. serlptloa to the leenlDt and SundajOIora
lag Joaral 18 montba 87.60, a speelsl
sou poa of TOO votes tpaM It. sdvsaee).
Saheertptloa to tbe Evealnt aad Sunday
Morales Journal, these montha by malt,
f L90. a special eaepoa e loo votse (paid
la ednaee). Snbscrlptloa to tha Evening
aad Sander Morning Joarnal by t mall sts
montha. SaTB. a' special eoaaoa of xso jptm
(psld Is sdvssce). SabsniptJoa M (be
E renins aad Sunday Moraine Joarnal by
mall U montha, (7.00. a special- eonpoa et
TOO votes (psld la adraaeet. Seml Weeklr
Joaraal. 81.50 a year, special eon poa et 10
votes (paid la advance). . ;
- SIITB Ooapons eboald be voted et tbe
seadqaamrs neatest yoa or mailed le tba
eoapoa department et Tbe' Joaraal. or . at
ear point named below. Votes will be
coasted Mondsys, Wtdneedsys sad Frtdare
ml rue totaie ansooaeee to tae asbUe tbe
fMlowlag dar.
Aay candidate wlthdrswlag rroej tbe eea
test cannot bare bar Totes eoaated lor ae
etber. .
KXAoevAmriBj avs totoio raozsi
First PUUIuS Mnltnomab and Cwebamse
eoantlas. Voting plane, Ooapoa Da part meat
ef Tbe Joaraal efSce. , , . :
TlatrUi Caloa. Cmatllla and
-Wallowa eoaauaa. .. '-...:..:. ,.-,.'. .
Third Wetrtei Waaoo. ghermsa, OtlUsm,
Morrow,- Wbesler sad Creek eeaatlea.
r earth" tMstrleb Baker. , Oraat, ' Baraey
tad Malbear eotutlse. , s , .
Fifth TJlstilut. Otaahte end Clatsoa
eoantlas. Oreroa; Klickitat. Cowllta. Clarke,
rscinc.. waaaiaaam ana aasmaaia eaoaaea,
Wasblagtos. . ,
f Starts. Wetrlrt . Marina. . Una aad . taae
. eeaatlea. , ...
Sveath DUUIat Waeblnstea. Ttnamsok.
. Tsmb.'II. Beatoo, Polk aad Uses la eons ties..
Zurth Sistrtei Donrlaa. Caoa. Cerr.
Josepiilae, Jack sos. Klamath .aad. Lake
eeaatlea, ,. , . , ;, . . - ., ...
.'.'Any information regarding eon-
rdidons of tha Hawaiian tour should
be addressed to the manatjer of
the : Contest Department of The
Journal... , .
CouponFree Hawaiian Trip
": Honolulu, HawaBaa Isiaslj
; ' v s ; I '.' .... .. ; ' : ,' ' ; " " ;
1 Wile fbr.. ii.t.MiM..-,.,rri ...
" This coupon must be voted on " r II, 1",. .
1 01
Be Seen; atTlie JomalExtae:0
Wednesday eyenias in the Journal'. HawsIIjji Trl
" -.i"-' v Bxsrmzcnr wo. i -
Mlaa Bailie Madlgan, Olds. Wort ma o A King a tore.....
iisa Minnie a, f nililpa, deputy clerk
uun oaiy, a ean naraei aireei
- Miss Sadle -WlnUrmanUa. Cltv rivs Works
Miss Oretchen Kurth. telephone operator Portland hotel
-Mlaa Ruth Lee. bit Hood atreet..
Mlaa Bess Sharon. 210 Eaat Thirtieth street ..........
Mlas Henrietta Wlnkleman. 407 Eaat Couch street
Miss Lucy Gould, telephone operator
Marian Ieahy, Woodard A Clarke
Mlaa Soohla Olaon. za Ivr street
Mlaa Alvena Horn, Oregon City...
Mlea KdMh Bern. 144 Btark atreet.
Mlea Margaret Smith. t Williams avenue ,.
, Mlaa Irene Hlggtne. & Everett street
mm raiji, ios nrai street
Miss Genevieve Holmes, 864 Harriaon
jnias civa miriDeri, tn. Johns. . . .-
Mlaa Laura Dorbyahlre. 480 Water
. Mlaa Elsa Orlesel. 806 East Thirty-first
Mlaa Burae Reddick. Orearon Cite.
Mlaa Cornelia Barker. 8 84 Orand avenue
Miss Nellie Munger. (( Raleigh street .v.-.t..
, (VoUng place. Coupon Department. Journal office.)
:: :-..v.- '.;.?'' v.- DamuOT wo. t r v.k;- a -:-- ;
'Miss Katie Nash. La Qrande, Oregon ........ ............... ....nit. 40
Miss Molly Proebetel, La Grande. Oregon ..10,874
(Voting place. I ji Orande, Steinbeck A Blever confectionery.)
Mlas Agnes Fletcher, Pendleton. Oregon ........... .,11. 114
Miss Grace Hawka, Pendleton. Oregpn . 10,6(0
,....,, (Voting plavce, Pendleton, Brock A McComaa' drug etoray; '
"'!.' .... - -; nnrrnxoT no. s ;: '; . ' ;;;Y': '
,,Mlss Stella Klchardaon, Hood River,
. miss Lura. iramer. ttooa Kiver. Oregon ........
(Voting place. Hood River, Wrtght'a store.) 1
Miss Emilie Crossen. The Dal lea, Oregon .......
Miss Lucille Crate, Tho Dalles, Oregon ........
(Voting Discs. The Dalles. Recorder's office.)
.. Mies Florence George, Arlington, Oregon . ... ,7,828
(Voting place, Arlington, Braham'a confectionery.) t ,
-Mii...::... ....... , 9xmtuxot aro. e ;,r-';' :!,-.?''-':
Mlaa Hattle Barton, Baker City, Oregon . ...... . ..11.0S
.Mlaa Ethel Parker. Baker City, Oregon ........... -.10,(71
Miss Oertrude Tice, Baker City, Oregon 8.771
Mlas Myrtle Bratton, Baker City, Oregon ....................... (,1(7
- (Voting place. Baker City, Levlnger s drug etore.) , '
Mlaa Clara Swain. Burns. Oregon. ; .... ..... ....... .10.1(7
miss crina as sving, vnuno, urngon
Miss Amelia Wllliama, Kelso. Washington ........ .......... tIUtl
(Vottagt. place.. Kelso confectionery.) . r
Miss Katherine Gore. Kalama, Waahlngtoa'T."." IV 'j . rt t'l-rrw. n tvete
(Voting place, Kalama, Coffey's a tore,)
Mlaa Mary Berge, Home Valley, Waahlngton ........ T.T1S
Mlas Esther Anderson. Astoria, Oregon .................. SvSSO
(Voting place, Astoria, Owl drug store.) :' . -
Miss Florence H Barren, Vancouver, Waahlngton .................. S.811
(Voting place, Vancouver, (18 Main atreet):
- piTsucr wo. e
Miss Madge Battee, Eugene. Oregon .........
Mlaa Emma Moffett. Eugene. Oregon .-
. v., i,9wjLin., au,u null . Hl. .ivifi ' ,v ? , ' v
Mtso Llsslo Veatch, Cottage Orove, Oregon
Mlas Effle Stewart. Cottage Orove, Oregon . .-.i. ............... ..ZS.4J4
Mlas Maude Blair, Cottage Orove, Oregon . . . 4.(ig
(Voting place. Cottage Grove. Gill's confectionery.) . , j '
Miss Lucy Morcom, Wood burn, Oregon ........ ................. .tie. 4 4 a
'Miss Myrtle Trask, Wood burn. Oregon . ,. ...41MSA
(Voting place, Woodburn, Beebeo A whitman's store.)
Mlaa L. Belle Darby. Salem, Oregon ..................... .......,0,eTt
-Mlas Mary Davidson, Salem, Oregon ...... ... ................ ...,10.041
Mlaa Pearl Shelley, Salem. Oregon ............... 1.4-t
Mlea Nettie Reddekoop, Salem, Oregon ...... ..........
Mlaa Minnie Aachenbavch, Salem. Oregon ...................... - jij
(Voting place, Salem, Haas' drug store.) .
Mlaa Maggie Chambera, Albany. Oregon.........'............... a45J
Mlaa Pearl Savage, Albany, Oregon ..................... too
Mlas Alice Locke, Albany, Oregon.. ......... . ............ t)l
ma. j-. in 1 1 j vr. niih Aiuan;, K'lWH I7T1
. (Voting olace. Albanv. Dawson's
Miss Kathryn Garvla, Sllverton, Oregon ..... ....
(Voting place. Sllverton. Brook'a drug store.)
Miss Addle Simpson, Lebanon. Oregon ........ ..
. (Voting place, Lebanon, Cotton'a store.)
9TeTB7 wo. y .
Miss Bertha Cnurtemanche, McMinnvllle, Oregon
(Voting, plana, jak-Mlnnvllle. Houaor'e store.)
Miss Hasel Kennedy, Lafayette, Oregon ........ ..
(Voting place. Lafayette poatofflce.) -
Miss Cora Spangls, Dayton, Oregon- .................
(Voting place, Dayton, Harris' drug store.)
Mlas Marie Hoatetler, Hlllsboro, Oregon ........ , ...
Miss Roea B. Bowcer. Hlllsboro, Oregon .... .,..
(Voting place. Hlllsboro, Schulmerlch'e store.)
Miss Minnie Roy, Dallas, Oregon.. . .. .
. fVAttna nlen. rwilaa Rt n. MnfMMM...
Mias-Lllllan Webster. PhllCnath. Orearon -.';.' '. . : t sa
Mlas Roaala iC. Holahelmer, Beaver ton. Oregon
Mlaa Olive Stratton. Newberg, Oregon 128
;..- (Voung place. Newberg. alwell A Co. isug etorV)T ' " -
- i-"' ' DzermxoT w'tK W ' -'. - - ',.
M1aa Edna Parsley, Roaeburg, Oregon ......................... . 11 411
Mlas Dale Harmon. Roaeburg. Oregon ........ .,,,.l.4i7
(Voting place, Roaeburg, Hamilton's drug store.) , ...
Miss Louise T. Jones, Jacksonville. Oregon ',..,i..-.7nnw tjl
Mlaa Frances Oe borne, Ashland, Oregon . '......... .-i..e. .
... Y.,,1" Aan,n. Buttons newe-etand and Say lea)
M ae Maude Berry. Grants Pass. Oregon ........ . ..... 1.1 M
itas Maude Bader, Grants Paast Oregon - .A.... lot
(Voting place. Oranta Paaa, Smtth'a drug atere.)
Mlee Jennie Woodford. Medford, Oregon ". " ' If
xt, (Voting place, Medford. RuaseU a confectionery.), ,-' .
Total Vote.
circuit court..
...,... 18,47
!. er 2l4t4S
V.; 18,48
, .8O.02S.
........ '...1R.07 1
.......... 14,464
Oregon hotel
. .... ll.iTt
Drug Co.........
...... . . ... 11,1 T
........ ..10.7t
.... .10,06
7.11T '
... . 8.188
.e d) a e
.......... .a. in
........ 11.401
j.- e,
- . -f -. 'i -. -..
. t . . . .......... ll.4
.. ev."
drus store.)
.. e.4 3
.-' .7:t.;-
.V........' 8414'
flonCayt VcJ!-::-
C7 C
. . -v I ... '.v , :-
; 1