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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 13, 1905)
ft TXOTOKZA BOX WTUT-' ore r&m inuui emboaaed en each sheet, all lettara. Plain white paper with eareiepea to -eaetcht war tee TaTua." Special at. bey..V..iaV 6 IM -tmwn Aim oxjuut BOX FATBB With views . of Fair en each sheet of paper and on envelopes; eur tie - ' value. , Special .at,', the box houqb nnoT c? onioAoo cJ 0 P.O. S3AY, SEPTEMBER 14 "KlSSOURi DAY" vcJ.Qfl.C, 1 J 1 :ti:i in ftilm-toldTBr&n"tBtt paf- According to tha amount 70a bay 700 shall sirs, ana penny or dollar wired ia a penny or dollar earned.", COME BE SHOWN, JKE CARTOOi TSIAT MACE J.SSCIX! FAMOUS vxaxx wxxrs JA- 100 In package: ur lie value, Special at, the . packsgs....xOe OHO BOVATB raOSABLl 91 ajtd oobsbt " -isaooi In ... iu slsss; our lie Value. Special at .......484 vAjroT xaob bdsb xaxi1 vabbx in .colore, 1 10 jrerda to pieee; our 00 value; Special at. the - pieee ........ ...... 34 TVXT" Ajro rar soon - Our lie value, i 8pe- etel at, eech.,..v..T4 Tiourr mrmn TAXOTOf WWPH -Delicate ' and refresh mr; J-eur 10o ; value. Bpeelal at, the .. cake ....44 unu sxxx nx tax txxbab For band or machine " use, 109-yard spools, in black only, else O av A:.aii Ida vaJues. naclai t uah . . . S 101 - NUn-In tubes for all kinds bf fine loath era, easily . applied; l(e value. . .' '.-. Special ,T. -1P4- rsx sxoi kioi- BBS -Reversible, used Instead of cloth. pp. brush; eur Ite value. Special at, each.lS wwvra wmamx, . nr avrxoas Two or four holes, one dosen on card, all slsea. Bpeelal at, the IXPOBTXS V lus ?uuruiot is bulk. Tlol't. ro. loTr bUnm. . 1IU, - 4ak - tollotmf ooura w la. alak botflta; our aoe aalu. Boaelal at,, ea.. ..,..... OUUI TOXXB SOf Large else cakee; our lie -ruer-trpetralTlhT cake 74 TAwnt inu urn COMBS f Our lle... values. Speciarat, v'i. eecb. ............;.10 L r SOT. "JOB" VOXiXV The Kam Who nrhew Vs AH Worn To Beep a nwrte Tanurms. mm C a - s t .1 i ill 66 v re 1 n ru) n UJuwU As' well as W own home people and the niighty .h invadcre from over i the world, a Great Special Sale; herc:tomorrowfirrhonorof-Mlssourr VTill offer! Should any house CiiiUAJSJNms i tus s;iai bmbw x, noa. a nxum x y aim vv , x uy WB7WIlXSHOW TOU A SPEC1AL " r ; DEMONSTRATION. OP . ' Wisdom's Yiolet Toiler "'":'';v Cream-- ;. TIRST FLOOR TOILET .SUNDRIES . SECTION. . - , . A yon pa' thro ihe store don t mUt aeeint; Mrs. Goodwin, the tkin specialist, in her -demonstration of this famous Toilet Cream. It is the most exquisite preparation the world foreofteninf and whitening- the skin of hands and face. It absolutely re moves wrinkles, and is a comoination 01 rare and harmless substances prepared ."in such a manner that, the most gratifying re sults are attained. WILL SXOW TOTJ '" ' - Durlnf the run of the ' . x American Manual Trfilnlng 5ch)li)tteCbiitet--- What some prominent and bard-headed bualnsss men think of ManuaLTrainlnav for bos.- nere is wnai Mr. C K. Curry says; ' - , Alt OPEN LETTER 1 - , , NORTHWESTERN WAREHOU8B Ctt Portland. June 17. 1I0B. American Manual Training- School, Cltyt Gentlemen t Tour method of teachlns Manual . Training la all that could bev desired. Mr eon Clarence, contrary to my expectations, has become very much Interested In your work. Tour system not) only teaches bey the use of tools, but also tends to develop him along the line' of thoughtfulness. patience and ac curacy. I cannot speak too highly of your system.- and if my eon shows an Inclination to learn the woodworkers" -trade ! will certainly let him continue to take lessons by correspondence. - In my Judgment it la far ahead of class room work. Tours vsry truly, -' (Signed) ;JLl. K. CURRTr rTBB ' AWAT BBB TMBBB OOM. . . purs scmoiAMmrr wirsTxa - AMBBXOAB MABVA& XBeUBX . BOXOOX, OV OXIOAwO. v This school la under the direction of that famoua Instructor, Prof eeeor R. F. Beardsley, who was ths pioneer In intro ducing Manual Training Into the graded, schools In the United States, Professor Beardsley was for seven years the Supervisor (of Manual Training In the Chicago publle , schools. The entire course of Instruction and the individual requirements of students Is under the personal supervision of Mr. Beardsley. It helps boys to find their work to find themselves. It euree 'em ef the drifting habit and teaches them to spend their leisure time in a rational manner. Boys whose ages range up from S to to years are In the most receptive mood for this training, though many elder, "boys' And It a delightful occupation' for- leisure, hours. The three scholarships ,we have secured will be swarded en Thanksgiv ing day to the three boya or girls who receive the three hlgheet totale In the popular voting conteat now on. A vote will be laeued with evert St-cent pur chase. Ballot-boxes are distributed con veniently about the store, aa In former contests, and the three boya oe girls re, celvlng the lergest number of Votes be fore1 p. m. of Wednesday, November t. will each receive A wurnm gome WE WILL SHOWYdU A Uniqae Exhibit of Autumn V ,. , , - " ; v (GRAND SALONS OF DRESSSECOX&JLOOR ) He "Was Shown" HOW ONE MAN EARNED A DOLLAR. A story is told of a well-known Portland legal light who was driving in the country' on a hot day during th past summer. He had missed his road., when, after a rain search for the right one. ha spied a colored man apparently as'eep by the roadside. He woke him up and asked him if -he could direct him homeward. . The colored man. In Discs of telling him which way to go, Jndicata4t-byong-hig-footnhrnrighr -wayrOurlawyerfrisnd looksd stthef tnair for a moment, and then said to nim: lt you can show me a lasier move than that I will give you a dollar."- Ths colored' man opentd his eyes sleepily, rolled over on his side and said:; "Please put In it my pocket, Boss." And ha got ths dollar. : We dont believe in laziness, and can tH our patrona how they can earn dollars tven easier than rha colored man rot hla. - Come to the store I U ... . -.f.K-.. .,,;.- .nthn,i nn 4ras. a Parisian fsvnritf "sf ftihi'm 1 ffflirt. m myv'wff- tomorrow AND BE SHOWN somjlJherBere XV style with waist- Ana Our Own Mile, oenrocuci, uit inu uiuui Parisian styles witn tne lishment west of Chicago deemed worthy of renresentinc the Sehroeder gsrhtents. If you would Jiesr the full style story h. ,r,iAiA nir,ir in ita entirety, vou MUST , come here. "And it costs .no more to come and bevsure of correct dress in selecting than it does to o elsewhere and take -chanceir In suits the price range i wide "TOMORROW IN PORTLAND'S LARGEST, . LEADING AND ONLY. AUTHORITA- - TIVE STYLE STORE.'"-, S,;-,. ly'-,,-' For years this store has been a recognised authority on fashion matters in all thissection. xt. ;. u. ..,.,. ,inn. hut nnr lvtre is asked and tastes consulted by the leading style-makers oLAraericaAVhatPaquiniato Paris, AltmaiMo-New XOTkand Marsiun Field to" Chicago thfe store is to Portland and her tradjngjxr wemen g aimentsvTiiseagornrmtgmireent exposition oi smis m ,coia. maintain the position we have held as LEADERS OF. FASHION for more than a quarter century.: -We trust that-Portland women interested in correct modes nvdress will attend all the minor "openings" held around town, which are the "curtain-raisers- to our greet style shows-Mhat they may the better appreciate the marvelous exhibit shown here.i There is an air bf sameness savoring of the commonplace that characterises them all as usual how dif ferent the style story told berel The great displays made here are Tevelations to shoppers and 'visiting storekeepers alike, when compared with the very ordinary- UewheVe.f Our repre sentatives are home from New York and other eastern atyle centers with all the information that women of fashion want to guide them' in the selection of a gown pr wrap Jor the ....nv .r Wk Vnnw that Pamiin has undertaken to restore the dress Of tne reign: kUllllllg osauu vv e e . - evw 1 . . - . r1 the Emnire Frances, another famous French modiste, introduces, the short Empire coat tie coats of embroidery in old tapestry colors. And our own Mile. Sehroeder, all Americert modistes, combines charmingly all of the beauty of Pansi characteristic touch of American taste. -This store: is tne oniy estaousnmc $12.50 to $175.09 T SUPERB NEW LINGERIE WAISTS hsve arrived. Magnificent hand-made creations,- Prices run from $7.50 to $28.50. Dainty mulls and linens, predominate in the showings. i S f WOMEN'S NEW. COATS. ?i - Overwhelming assortments and wide xhoot ing in the great convention of new Fall Coats. Three-quarter and full lengths. Serges, broad cloths, cheviots, coverts, tweeds and fancy mannish; mixtures share in popular fsvor. All the favored shades and colorings. : Choose from the simple, and plebeian garments, yet 'full ol style as a nut is full frmeat, at f T.SO, or run along us the price sale to the Patricians atf iStop where you will, at the In-be tween price stations, youH find here each gar ment best at its respective price in America. . - CHILDREN'S NEW FALL COATS. . Very smart-and natty garments, long and graceful, made of sturdy materials, including serges, cheviots and fancy mixtures, . Coats for girls from 6 to 12 years of age. - s RICH NCK FURS. -T - f - The largest and finest assortment of superb Neok Furs ever shown by any one Portland house.. The lines are too varied for descrip tion in detail. Suffice to say,-all .the. very latest idess of America's leading fur houses engaged in. manufacturing.high-class Jur gar- ments and wraps. Sables, Isabella fox, black; marten, mink, squirrel and bear. 3.60 to f 1TB L : .. av-T. TOOU AWB BOOBS BBBBBS TJT TMM OOTJBSB. 8m the outnt In the Manual Training niiiutMiiii ntawlav fifth street window. Oat youf patents, teachera and friends to voto for TOU, boya. Remem ber -every vote counts, andjths stand--lug of ToirtsitahlJ'wlIl be publlshedT during the week . an , certain daye throughout, the contest. , . , , , , -c; - , sPEaii notce All Tetse). BTaet Be etoetea as Time of Non. will be issued after, on dupli cate checks or otherwise. Any patron not receiving votes due them at time of purchese will kindly report th matter, to the Superintendent. , , Vssbm of Trading Ten Oenteetsaieg la Asaeriean Btaaeal Tralalag Bekeel Te las Ooatest wits Staaaing ef Back at - is e- sa. TeAay. , Robert Melon. Sunnystde....' .1.1 IS Loren Whetake, St. Lawrence lie Thomas Dickey, Harrison 10 A James Winston. Harrison. ..... ..4 - T" Grant McDonald, Ladd ..,11 Hasel Olmatead, Highland.... lot William Stepp, Atkinson .....10 Robert Holmes. Harrison.. 104 Marlon Ogden, Ookl.y Oreen. ...... Ill Robert Dunbar, Ladd, .... ... Ill Scattering . . .". ,111 ' Total .......J...U...........I. WB WZXJb SXOW TOT Tomorrow, en Third floor, nesr the big el.vstors In ' the Annex building, A DEMONSTRATION of the bsnents te be derived by cooks and housewives In ths use.ef the -x-- - , T.,-.- -' UMYERSAL CAKE, MAKER t W have secured the services of an eapert eak.bak.r who will demonstrate the help thie friend of housekeepers gives In th. saving ef untold labor and Insuring better rs.ults. Th. ."UNI VERSAL. CAKE MAKER" beats very rapidly, as there are Ave revolutions of the 'mixing flyers at each turn of the handle. Every housekeeper knowe the good fVe depende Upon beating air Into the batter, keeping continually the same motion. The .' Universal Cake Maksr" le constructed upon this principle end He efficiency cannot be realised without a trial. Corns down td the store tomorrow and BB BBOWV. - - t - - . - I SsmemstraMema U Oake KaklasT a S aaS 4 p. ss. Be prosapt, ee aa set Se any ef ae aeaaeneisaeius. WILL SXOW TOO Chrming Autumn Midinery l the) nj SemBB- ANNEX SECOND FLOOR. In our mllllnefy section women ,flnd. -the-choicest cisatlowr-nh mllilnera art the work, of, foreign ertistee ee well as the clever products of our own designers. In a superabundance of se lection not even approached at any other Portland store. We would be . pleased te hsve every woman who comas down town tomorrow call In and enjoy the display. Of course It's but aa in formal one end yet, it excele by for meny of the "former exhibits about town. A -description of a mere fraction ' of the boot ef ' pretty creations here would be wel nigh Impossible, sd vast ' are the showings. Come In tomorrow we will not even eak you to purchese. rv merely .WANT TO SHOW TOU, Be a Mlssourtan. just for the dsy at any - .rate. Oet the aplrlt BB SHOWN. , As a sort of a aplce to the beauty feeet we ehall offer moXAX. VOX TXVBatDAT OBXT -t - -SS XATS BOX fl.SS.7' 10 choice new hate for fell wear of ' smartly drssaed women. In the lot ere black- ellk shirred hate with jet crowns; hand-made hate ef pretty braids and hats of silk velvet prettily draped with ornamental trimming. All In a pleasing vsrlsty f-.eolortrigs embracing navy, "Alice bine," red. brown, green, reseda, olive, etc. In all the popular and wanted shapes, including Polos, Tur bans, etc Oood usual II values at a choice tomorrow only at $1.08. " WB WTXXi SXOW TOT Ribbon' Bargains Tomorrow FIRST FLOOR. ' : SOS ABB SOS XIBBOXB VOX sse. ' ' Tarda and yards of bright, now Ribbons, Satin Taffetas. Fine Print Werp Rib- : bone and handsome Mallne Ribbons of best quality; all eur tee and I0e values. Special at yard ................ .83 WB WZXX SXOW TOW -. - - - A Orsnd and Ttmsly Bargsln in S'a Gloves Specially Priced toCloso S1.00 ABB I1JI BELX B1VOTBS FOB - - -v Tse. '. ; -" '." For tomorrow we will offer all of eur ' fine Silk Olovee In black, white and colors: our 11.00 and ti ll veluee, at the- Speclel Sele Price of. the pair TbV WE W I LLy SHOW YOUomcrro vv Friday Siitiirdoy J:'-X -T A WONDERFUL CONVENTION OF THS - BIuuKST - Values in New Fall SWhs :.:L,---1j:-Z---' - RHQWNvOM-THg-WESTERN-SLbPS I m ' For verification of the above statement plan to pay a visit Thursday to Portland's foremost Silk Store, in 'the 'Fifth Street Ane Fit JPloor. ' there we shall offer for three days, start-. in'g tomorrow morning, the greatest values in new and stylish Silks evtr offered at theropen- Sng-of any season in Irrrajjgtnrf hitfT, '.." :' ' '"'-' i '' '. "' ""''".r' ' ewloveUySUliffi most popular and wanted colorings. These - are the identical duplicates of silk teemed "un precedented values" by smaller stores with limited Buying facilities at $1.00 the yard. We have about 5,000 yards only of these silks, so advise early selection. , But for three days OR WHILE THE QUANTITY LASTS we will SHOW you again our complete T 17 mastery of the SILK markets of the world and again demonstrate our position O I absolute arbiters of low prices, by offering these silks at, the yard. ...... ....v...... , WE WILISifo BARGAIN 'SEUIN6:0OsSllllpRlrR JTSme over tomorrow to the Annex Stores where, spread lout before you in almost bewilder ing variety, lies thousands upon thousands of miles of the newest and handsomest Dress' Fabrics shown in all the northwest. The most 'generous choosing in three states-.No local store Could possibly make an equal showing with thetr limited' facilities ! in market : Among the , many extra values we shall offer In the very ' smartest Dress Fabrics of the fall season in J A GREAT THREE DAYS' SALE WHICH OPENS TOMORROW '.'',.;'. . ' Continuing thro', Saturday are the following: ..,7 .; SPECIAL IN COLOaED DRESS GOODS Our regular $1.25 values in New 1905 Novelty Suitings, all in the most wanted hard-finished makes, such at mohairs,- Roscana's, mohair and wool Panamas, all-wool Panamas and herring bone Chevron serges; these come in all Jhe new colors and styles. Special for three days only, yard. ........ ............ r....... .,... v,... ......... .f . 52 and 54 Jnch AllVVool Novelty Suitings, in 'the largest assortment of new weaves and colors shown in the city; our regular $1.50 values. Special for three days only, yard.i ; : : BLACK DRESS GOODSSPEClAt ; 7 ; 54-Inch Ail-Wool Panama Suitings, in plain and neat novelty weaves, these are the newest' weaves and best wearing fabrics made these-fabrics are- purchased-direct from the makers, tberebjt,saving the middleman's profit. ' Without doubt they are the best jrslues. ever shown in "the jjur-regular prices of $175 per yard." Special" for Thursday, Friday nd . Saturday . oniy. yara i WTU SXOW TOT Bargains to Interest Housekeepers TOMORROW ON THIRD FLOOR. -XIIBBBX SMlSUfW.aTW Dalnty pink flower with green eprey, - full gold lined, fancy shapes - ' 10-plsce set; regular value 11.21. Spe cial, set 95.05 S0-plece set; regular value $1.15. Spe cial, set . 90.70 lOS-plsce set; regular value 111.41. Bpe elal, est . ........99.85 OOBOTOXT " ATB-TXOXT WQOQ - Made of sheet steel; something new; all parts made by machinery and - dies, therefore, all parte are alike end fit perfectly. Top double-seamed to body; no rivets; highly finished, pleasing and smooth In appeerance. QTZOZS STB XX XBATXBS " TOX -.. OOAXn The improved mannsr of attaching the top and bottom to the body makee It absolutely atr-tlght - Being - made 7 of heavy ateel, in place of cast-iron. It becomes heated through quickly and ra diates shortly after stsrtlng the fire, thus saving coal. It presents a pleasing snd smooth appearance and Is a new feature In Heating Stoves. Nsw black and antique finish Mantel Clocks. "Values from 93.75 -New Gold Finish Clocks for all pur poses; pricee very reasonable. Oood Nickel Alarm Clocks. Special at . ..." ......59 - avaXAB sbts, rse. - New Old-Blue Salad Sets; II pieces. Special at the est ..;.........,..75d French, Auetrlan and Beleek Art China for decorating; thousands of articles to choose from; many new shapes and de signs. - H " - SOTTTBBTX OXTXA, ISe. ' N Oregon, Portland and Fair illustrations: thousanda to select from. Values up from . 10e WB WILL SXOW TOV Knitwear Shops FIRST FIXJOR. SSe- ABB S1.00 WBBXWBAX BOX SSe. , Marino Vests and Pants; veste with long sleeves; panta ankle length," with" : French banda, 1 Both - gsrmentsv- ere neatly trimmed and splendidly - made. Oood lie end 11.00 values. Special Bale Price, for Thursday only,'-atthe gsr ment . ...55d WB WTXXi SXOW TOV Great Sale of Lacs Curtains ON-FOURTH FLOOKTOMORROW. Irish Point Lace Curtains; about It dif ferent stvlea ti Twd-"Tr it pairs of a kind in the let. Most of these Curtains are samples, or Curtains that have been used for die play and are slightly soiled or mussed from handling. We place them on sale for this week only at big reductions. Our v 11.10 values. Special at' ths pair . ............92.00 'Our $4.10 values. Special at the pair-. 92.50 Our 15.00 values. -Special at ths pair ....92.76 Our M0 values. Bpeelal at, the pair.. .... 93.25 Our 7.00 values. Special at the - petr . ....1 ...94.00 Our -17.50 values. Special at the pair . 94.50 Our 11.50 valuee. Special at the pair . 95.00 Our 110.00 values. Special at the pair 4 .96.OO Our 111.00 valuee. Special at the pair ......97.50 Our 120.00 valuee. Special at the pair . ..r.. 910.00 WB WTXZ BXOW TOV ;r Smart Footwear Tomorrow IN 7TE "FAIR-WAT BOOTS SHOPPE" , r-SIXTH STREET ANNEX , ' FIR8T FLOOR. ' . A Splendid? Shoe Bargain for Mem. "' SUB'S Se) BXOBS BOX SS.eS. These Shoes ars the celebrated "Pin gree'" make end the eals rncludee every single line ef Men'e Shoes In the house msdo by Ptngree Co.. Including both the "Vogue" and the "Oovernor" lines. We have-these Shoee tp all the different klnde of leathers and fourteen Styles to select from, either single or double soles..' Most of these Shoee are our 11.00 valuee. - Special Sale Price, the pslr 93.45 WX WTXX SXOW TOV A Pair of Hosiery Free I r : ' FIRST FLOOR. Women's Fine Oause Black Cotton Hose, our fsmous German make the "O. K." Thess hose are good weight with spliced heel and toe and- double sole. Splendid Wesrtng quality. The regular price is 50c the pair, and they are extra value et that price, but with a purchase gf two palre et ISO the pslr. we will give to you ABSOT.TTB1.T TMMM OXAXBB OBB SZTXA VAXB WX WTXX SXOW. TOV Special Valuee Tomorrow In, Nw Dress Trimmings FI,BSTriOQB, riwB. Our ISe value. Our 10c value. Our 7So value. Our 11.25 value. Our 12.00 value. Our 11.00 value. BKSXOXBSBT FBSTOOBTS. Our 11.00 value. Spttlal at the yard- . . i . . . i ... . . .. . 504 Our $1.10 value. Special at the yard . ..........T5d 1 to I Inches wide- Special, yard. ...184 . Special, yard.... 254 ' Special, yard. ,..384 Special. yard..,.63e Special, yard. .(LOO Special, yard.. 91.50 - WB WTXX SXOW TOV ' . TOMORROW BOMB RARB BARGAINS ,; IN-',- ' -'- i';- ' Household Linens, Domestics FIRST FLOOR SHOPS. '' ; . ' TABXB BAMASX. ' ' Nsw-Patterns and speclsl valuee tn Richardson's Irish Linen Table Dam saka. We offer three great special values, priced at the t yard 684 844 and Sl.OO ; XtXBV SXBBTXBOS. '-' Woven of Round-Thread Pure Flex. tU yarda wide. Priced at the " yard - .... ....91J65 I t yards wide. . Priced at the yard ......91.60 BXXAOXXO XXVXX XAPBXBS. -In msny hsndsome patterns, full din ner else; our 11.00, value. 'Special at. the dosen 92.38 BATX TOWBXS. Full bleached, soft end absorbent we offer three great bargains Lot 1 Slse 11x10 Inches heavy quality. Special at each , ..104 Lot 2 Slse ,20x10 Inches good quality. Bpeelal at each 204 Lot I Slse 14x41 Inches extra weisht Special vt each .......... 254 ' OXOOXXT XBBSFXBABS. Extra heavy, full regular slse.. Special at. each 854 $8.00 fox xoraw sou abbs wobtx . sa.Ts. - Pure Linen Fancy DrawnWork Squares very pretty good quality; our l.7 value. Special at each ........ g2.C0 Extra long, made of best quality Sheet- Ing. . . i yarda by 1 yarda Special at each l J IH yards by 1 raraa epscwi r each 3 I J - -J.