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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 13, 1905)
1 v. - :;ieos :w it be used for ,JDMISW6. PURPOSES That Is Publio Opinion,. ; as Shown by Protests Sent to ''! Commissioners. 'V ;'.v' riTY officials are: OPPOSED.TO THE" PLAN i v, : ' ' 1 If County Officers Persist in Efforts ": to Defsts ;.Drwrests'. and Piers, I Ordinincs W01 - Bs. Passed That .'Will Prohibit It 'I :'? V i,'.. , -..." . i'- , The city end county governments tnay . (Hash over Uia proposition of the Utter , to Blaster tba bridge, spanning -the "WUlamatta rlver with flaring . advas- tisemeat. : Although' tha county-, con . trols and operate th-rldgev-4hr-are tha property of tba cltyj and If any revenue is to be derived from th atrue " turea It is said by municipal" officials that . it should go lnt Portland treasury. . lv , ,-. f ' Members ' of the- council . say fn . ru-ide-ea should not be used for adver tising purpose, -which would give tha Structures ah wwlghtly appearance. If the' county commissioners persist in ' their effort.-to grant v concession to any advertising -firm to tack or paint signs on tha piers or to spread banners , in tha decking, tha city council, backed .by .the Clvto Improvement association, i. will take steps to prevent such action. If it is found that advertisement! cannot be kept off tha bridges other wise an ordinance will be Introduced ba-"-- fora th-eouncH - prohibiting painted aigns ' or advertisements of any sort from feeing placed on them. ; :, 8EIII STEAMERS Extra Tonnage Engaged to Load creaastuTTt ax roraana for la Orient;;' : ; UTTLE WHEAT WILL GO l. TO ATLANTIC THIS YEAR Merer Before Hare So Many Ships 3 Been Needed to Transport Freight i Front This JPort to China and j Japanese Points, 0 Algoa ,.;-... .. 4.STt'w , Knight Errant ... 4.77S CHARTERED ' w1 Kelvinbank z.sns Couisdon ...... xi.... 1.771 w a .Aglncourt . -g-a 1 ma u hi , v;T7.-iv;. M e - Croydon 1.41S - . ,-. v . i. "Total 4,.. .,.JI,m e With tba chartering of the British steamship Algoa yeaterday afternoon by ? tba Portland Asiatic Steamship com- pany, to transport wheat and flour to 'i Japan and China, seven big staamahlps are under contract to tha local exporter ' to load at Portland for tha far east tha bulk of the cargoes to ba delivered to firms In Japatf.' These are exclusive : of tha regular oriental liners.'' i Tha actual -amount f frelgbt which these steamers .will carry from her will approximate tS.OOS tons. ; It is tho big get ' smount of tonnage that has ever SeDtember comes in with a bound, and ,; finds everybody miting. ,..-ii-r; .: 't . ,.' It's "Fairl times ! . Carnival times! ton the TraiL) ' . , .Pleasant times and good times." ; r" ' The Fair a success I r Business booming! General conditions never bet ter. . V ' ' r ',',-,: '' '''''..'!!'; f ' . Our store and stock in sym pathy with all the rest of the cheerful conditions. ' - "Come and see what we have to offer for this season in every deoartment. - . Rain Coats, Top Coats, Suits; Shoes. Hats and Furnishings. We are holding a "tenten- MaT for the . benefit of our friends and patrons. , tlCIlCLOTHIK j 0 Outfitters to Men and Boys 13-13 Tilrl SirttL Ktif Kmtz Cltlsens heartily commend tha stand Uken br Tha Journal In proteatlng against th uaa of tha plera and draw- re U of - tha WllUmstt river oriages fm advertising Durtoes. Tha taxpay er' league and tha Woman club this morning aent written . proteats to tae oouniv eommlssioner -agalnat letting a -'contract for tha usa of the bridges ta-wraHMW1 tnaTHtedrmemfTgT-va oua aorta of pills and chewing gum and footwear. It ia reported tnat tna com miaaionera' have also listened to scores of verbal protests against tha proposed measure. '-n .- ' Frederick W. Mulkey, prealdent of tha Tax-navera' league. In . letter .tha commissioners . states -that tha protest made. by tha league waa "an earnest ef fort on jtehalf of tho taxpayers for civic Improvement and for clvio pride.". This protest is sign also by U J. Gold smith, secretary af tha league. Tha' following proteet has been sent to the commlsKloneraJrorohaVrrnjjns club of this city: ' , T"" ... . , rW. tha ; officials of j the -Woman club of. Portland, in tha Interests of municipal pride and Improvement, do moat heartily disapprove of the actions of the county authorities, in permitting tha plera and draw rests of tha bridge across the Willamette river to be cov ered with unsightly advertisements, ... " "Foflhe past few years a spirit of civic Improvement hae- been ; growing in tha city of Portland. Tha -press ot tha city has encouraged Its growth and tbe city authorities have done much for its advancement. : ) ; fi--t i " With these facts In mind ; tha Woman's club wishes to go on record aa proteatlng most emphatically against this action and deeply deplores tha fact that tha county authorities should st rlks such a,.blow. to -tha-apl'lt -of -municipal pride.- ir-i " , - "MR. PABRETMAK, Prealdent ' -MRS. MIRIAM B. BROOKE. Sec". bean under charter at one tlm to load at Portlsnd for the orient. , .. ' Exporters aay that many other tramps will be engaged before tha aeason Is far advanced. Tha demand for- grain and flour in tha orient ia greater than was aver before known In the history "f shipping on tho Pacific coast.; In addi tion to the tramps every regular llnor will go out on schedule with full ear goes. I Space Is now being engaged on the regular freighters 'Scheduled to sail In November. . ' . - Tho,JA lgoa, la an-routift;ohe orient to Bar) Francisco and will arrive at Port land In time to load and aail nest month. This 111 make three steamers the com pany Will dispatch in October: the other two are tha Croydon and. the Aragonla. ThaMtgoa la on of the: largeat tramp steamers tbat tfrequents th Pacific coaatjf Less than, two years ago she we s at Portland and took . more than 85,000 barrel of flour to the far east, one of the biggest flour cargoes ever tsken from any port In the world. While the ateajner la only 4.897 ton net register, she is capable of handling more than 10.000 tone of freight. The story of the mam moth cargo She carried from here waa published In almost every paper In the United State. , The ateamer Is 4U feet long, U feet wide and 13.4 feet deep. v " Tbe nest to the largest tramp engaged te come to Portland 4 .the British team- ship Knight Errant, i which la of 4.77 ton net register. If 1hM ' la nni anon a check to tha I unprecedented business for the . far east shippers say It Is evident that very little grain' will be sent to the European mar kets. Siberian port: arr also drawing onlhe-Parlfln coast pnrts for. foodstuffs. Japan 4 stocking up Manchuria, - and this Is believed to be the principal reason for the Increased shipments. . . . POLICE ASPIRANTS ARE BEIIIIS EXAICD Sixty Men Tested-for-rPhysIcal Defects by Civil Servjca Experts;. ''-J, ,:J J Sixty" spllcants for appointment as patrolmen In tha police aervlc were ex. amined today aa to their physical quali fications. City Physician Cauthorn. City -CommIlonT-of -Health Matson and .O. tk McPherson, secretary.' of the commission, . assisted ' by Deputy City Auditor Orutse and Claude Demmer of the city engineer's of flc. conducted the examinations. of applying the physical test were in augurated to which a number of the ap- plleente objected. TB rules-TeCKBUyl adopted by tb commission are being followed out. and every physical defect I being noted Applicant under live feet -nine inches In height, or weighing less, than 110 pound weight, or over six feet three. Inches in height, or weighing oyer ZZS pounds will not be eligible to appoint ment. . The qualification regarding weight and .cheat, measurements are graded according to ths height of the applicant. - : Tna written examination and tha lists showing the agility of tha applicant will be given tomorrow and Friday.. ., ". ,j- .. '.-jv:A' .; MAN. WIFE AND TEAM ARE BLOWN TO ATOMS journal Special Service.) ' Oarkaburg. Va. SepU !. David lie Kay, hla. wife, horses and wagon war blown to atoms in an explosion of quarts of nitroglycerin today. Nothing but an axle of the wagon was fouad. McKay . waa driving homo from tha city with the explosive in hla wagon. In some manner it waa aet off,' probably by the Jar of the wagon. The glycerin was to ba uaea in Masting. , , - Mala Veteran ta mansion. (Joaraal Spaeial Smae.t ' ' Bangor. Ma., Sept. II. Th urvlvlng member ot th Thirty-first Maine vol unteer infantry regiment are holding their annual reunion st B. H. Beale Post hall today. " Last year (6 of th original 250 members of ths regiment attended tha reunion, bat this year their number haa dwindled to less than' 60. The local veterans have made elaborate preparation for tha entertainment of the vlaltlng comrade and will mako things as pleasant and intereetlng for them aa poeelbl. Tha first buslnes meeting will be held this afternoon and ln the evening there will be a campflre and amoker with, addreases, muslo and singing. - - --.1 - JTe Olnee So MnMer. -, (Speelai' Dlapateh ta Tk JearsaLt'' . Grants Pass, Or., Bept. II. The dis trlrt attorney, A. E. Retmes. has bees working te days on th N. M. Jea sings murdsr snd has found Bd clua, ' " t'. , , V..' ' .. ; ..... W I . ;. Facts are MUDDorn " : -Throv&h Then, Past Them or ArovclThta Nearly every one admits that Tha Journal is an axcellsnt news paper, Uve, wideawake, crisp and newsy, a credit to the city fanZ the state of Oregon and tha Pacific coast Many marvel at its rapid rrowth. Not every one yet appreciates Ita.fuUjralua as an advertising medium. . This is common, A young growing man -tf bmintss is Bt.iauiH isted at headTand "old established- businesses may Uve on tha rPon they have gained. Tnia ia nor-wnouy ioicii ..Uvivid in point- large advertirn that : thirty days plsced test adin all three of the city daiheaand with- ; out the knowledge of any kept account of tha answers. , Tha ad waa . four colurona ee'en inches ep. Exactly the same cooy waa used in the three papers, and from The Journal were received three times aa many answe as from the other evening paper and four jndoM i half ae many as the morning. In other words, of alT thr sm" 60 per cent were from readers of The Journal, 21 pel ctM horn the other evening paper and but 14 per cent from the morning paper., ; TWa is or! of thi many cases coining to our attention daTly, andi lA it ownrnost. eloquent commentary.:: It la likewise a suggestion', won the relative value of the evening and morning medium. In aU the "astern cities the former leada by far. and it ia rapidly goink that way throughout the land. . In most communities it haa ceased W be mstter of debate. The fact ia eetabliehed that in the morn inatbusy hurry of the day ia before you and the morning paper ieta but a hurriS glance until evening attest, then the evening ' 5rlr la Lfor vou i with today's news and claim firat attention the' mtSngySpe7with yerterday'. reports. With the evening wrnestha careful peruaing of the entire paper, particularly the ad wrt?semtsTand When tomorrow's shopping campaign ia pUnned. CHASE'S TRIP WAS EXPENSIVE " Van Dran'a Barke.eperJ1nad One Hundred Dollars for Con- : ' ' tempt of Court. , FLED TO SAN FRANCISCO i ALTHOUGH SUBPOENAED Judge Frascr Said His Absence Had Strong Bearing on Case and That ,1 Jury Almost Found Joa : Young iNot Guilty. . Fremont R. Chase, formerly nisht bartender for Kaspar Van Dratt at the Washington cafa near Twelfth and Washington street, was nnea 1100 mis morntns by Preidtns Judge Frasar f or contempt of court, c Chase, who bad seen the shooting, had been subpoenaed to appear as a. witness for the . state In tha trial In which Jo. Young was I rharaed-wlth aasauHlng Van TJran with a 'dangerous weapon, no text xor dm Franclacc several daya before tha trtal John F i-pMnii.n anornav tot Chaaer-antered a- plea, of guilty to tha charge of contempt, but alleged that th bartender aosenoe aia not "It seems to me that it cia anect id. aa." remarked JudgsJrassiV-anJJist I tha Jury, after being out ror aeverat hour, returned a verdict of guilty along with a atrong plea for mercy, and on account of the lack of Chase s testimony nearly failed to return . a verdict of guilty." - . - Chase became quit angry when Dep-1 uty DUtrlct Attorney Moaer, in review ing th ia. stated that he had pur chased a ticket for San Francisco and also on for Astoria on in steamer T J.- Potter, hoping thereby to throw tha ofllcer off in their eearcn xor mm. Mr. Moaer alao told howCh had gone to San Frsnclsco under an assumed name. . Cha offered Mor $10 If he could prov that he had purchased a ticket to Aetoria w-rwwr n nied th charge in a vigorous manner, t think thla case should ba made an .nmnl." aaid Judge Fraser, "so the In referring to other charges that mny b brought agalnat tnaae, jar. moser stated that they naa noi oeen.oroppro. as reported. . - - - r --" . , AMERICAN DUCHESS AILS JQN ATI Vt LAND flaanial Snactat gar rite. I ' rn1IonrBpL IS 1 h luchess or Marlborough, accompanieo Dy nr ur nn. tha Maraula ot Jtjianaiora, sanea today for New York. She will go di rectly to Brookholt, th estate ot Mr, niiv.r U p. Belmont, near Weatbury. Long Islsnd. her mother having closed her Newport villa. Marble House. Th duchess expects to remain In America 10 weeks, long enough to taice in tna Maw Vnrk. horse show. It 1 almost two year lnc th former Consuelo v.mWhiif haa been In America. Bern la tha- most DODUiar 01 tne tnree Amr ian horn duchesses. Mrs. Belmont, her mother, i now mora closely Iden tified with the Meadowbrook than with the Newport aet. and a great social season is expected at weatDuryaur- Ing th vllt of the duchess. Low Excursion Rates to the East. On sale - September 1, . It and IT. th - Rock Island rail wav will aell round trip tick ata to e atari) point at greatly reduced rates. For full particulars call on or sddress A. H. McDonald, general agent. 140 Third street, fortiana. uregoa. . rirst fjtetae of tk Queen.. (Joanul SBerisI Seivtef.l London. Bept. II. Th commission for th first statue of Queen Alexandra to be erected In publio ha, just been alven to Mr. George E. .Wade, tha .dis tinguished English sculptor. - Tha statu la Intended for Hongkong.1 Which has already given commissions foraatatue of King Edward and tha Pitnce of Wale. -.Ths statu is to b erected out of a fund raised In connection with th celebration' of th coronation In Hong knnar. The oueen will be represented In her coronation robes. Tha statu will .b of bronsa and life -sis and tha pedestal will b' either granlta or tnar bie. " " t , . . -1. California Prune Wafers Cur liver disease and all stomach mt,niaa: thev act sentlr" but surely. strengthen the bowel and stlmulste them to healthy sctlon. - a ,100 Wafers 25 Cents a. O. Skidmora a Com SrngrlstaV lav ThlrS Btreet. i Sol Agents tor Portland, Or. Hlffilf5 mil taium wim puiuwhiiw Consolidated Company Redog hlzes Right of ; Employes to Assign Their Pay Checks.; THIS VICTORY WILL v USED AGAINST MAYOR On Basis of Corporation's Action At tempt Will Probably Be Made to Contest Rule ' Agstast City Em ployes Selling jnarranta.- --- The Portland Consolidated Railway company ba confeaaed Judgment, la a case Involving th right of an employe to assign Ms wages, snd hereafter th company will honor all certificate of assignment without question. This de cision waa reached after careful exam ination of th statutes snd the authori ties In Oregon and other-stajtea,-whll i ths ease of Oeorge.McOowan against th streetcar company - was . pending. McOowsn sued tha. company lor due tor who had assigned it to him who, notwithstanding -th assignment. had drawn his money for -that montn. wnmiii had notified the corporation and filed tha certificate of 'assignment; tha -nrprat)nw Ignored It and Pid th money to - Kent, eaytng tnat it wouia not thereafter pay any heed to uoh claim a that which McOowan held. W. 8. Hufford brought tb un xor McOowan In Justice Raid' coart, snd Judge Rufua Mallory appeared for th company. Argument was st : Ungtb snd many-authorltlea war cited. -The legal department -or tna company tooa th matter under advisement, and to day noUfled Mr. Hufford that bis con tentions would be conceded snd th eass has therefore been so decided. The cage was looked, upon a 01 con- airiarahia lmnortanc. for th reason that manv claims almllar to McOowan'a ar held by different business house and tha policy of the atreetcar company if successfully supported oy law wouiu have made It possible for them to be rendered uncollectible. . , Bafore the case was orougni tne com pany - staAeo h1B:---wmi hiut..i honor assignment eertincate. aimpiy because it waa desired to ascertain their legal status. . Th case ha also raised a. question ss to the assignment of salary warranta by municipal employ. siayor in ha taken a stand against th contln uatlon of the praotic and ha r used .aakiiam Af a aula that all em ployee In person must take their war - ts now hi city uuni vEtiwp. Is understood that th question win soon be brought Into court for sdjudl- cation as to whether or not sppolnted offlclala com within the meaning of the common law which from earliest tlmea distinguished between publio ervanta and mploya or pnvat con - cern. . . . ' . ' Tha common law neia mat it waa aninat tha interest of th crown rori official, to pledge n advsnc. sal- arlea; there is no statute in tnia siaio which touches on that queatlon: henc. rh.common?aw Probably would appl, and support th contention of th mayor as to elected officials, or thoae mentioned ln the organic law creating tha miiniclnal offices. Bom WHO wisn to prevent th mayor" nw rule from going into effect may allege that in the case of appointive offlcr not men- tloned tn the organlo law he ha no authority for hi action, and will prob- ably bring the matter Into court fora decision. 1 Oolonel Wosd Modules Hi fMstmsat. Portland, dent. It. To-tha Editor of Th Journal Mr. Hehey of th reclams- t Ion. service writes ins that tha township and range, and consequently the section numbers, were in mau figures on tna plat furnished ms a few days ago.- I have sent the plat up to tha examiner snd desire to ' make this correction In my statement of yesterday. C K. S. WOOD. Driving (ramblers Out. - (Special Dispatch t Tk JearaaL Walla Walls. Wash., Sept. it.- 19 gamblers and dlereputable characters (imh rni.nilwl nn anil rrArmA An f of town by the- pollca withrti th past .k. nntiiJ of - Pntica viiir. jPavls has given orders to clean up th town&,and th vtciou. element ia oeing rounded ud aa faat a the patrolmen can. lay hand on them. . , Saytom moseer Zead. ' , ' ISpeclsl DUpstck ts Tke JoeraaLT Dsyton; Wash., Sept. .It. Mr. on. en of Dayton oldest inhabit i. died her Tuesday of old age. i. Tryon cam here many years ago Tryon snts. Mrs. Try on cam hr many years throughout ' th country. Th ' funeral occurred from the Routh Methodist church ssterday afurooea. rARRMlTlOJiiS As to room at stcriaiifiuHleto 'The TELEGRAPH sails like an eagle to Astoria In 5 to 5j4 hours and home again, inst ,ie current, the saSe day in 6 to o, lours. When you board the TELEGRAPH you mustn't '. . -expect to have a ( moment's. time to snooze. She is not a snoozers steamboat. . s W(& DdCIt' FOC:bfe: ALDER. STREET . :0s' GROUND TRIP EVERY DAY BUT. FRIDAY. Boat leaves at 7:S0 a. m. Sunday 8 a. m,' Re-: ,&1S'' turning leaves Artoria at prm arriving in Portland at 8:30 p,m-? 7 ... .V' .ttaa.,tttT7ittittMM0MSMMMMMtttMfltttttttMMMM! The Day Boat Down the Columbia f - Leaves daUy from Taylor Street Dock at 7 A. lVl-Call'up MAIN 613 M MIMMMKMMIIItttf -IV ...;, Makes the round trip : 8:30 it RAIN WASHES AWAY PROFITS Olt THE TRAIL v - - Concessionaires Feel Very Blue ; Because of the Cray Days r -:-- and Complain.' ; 1 Th Trail jslndistrs' ia covered, oy a mammuin " was designed to keep orr tne rain, as weIi M .n- aUn, stormy weather plays naT0 with ths bualness of th Ihow. ,nd tna ,tatement was made by a proml- Mnt concega0nalr this morning that if , continues for six or slghl day 1 ther- wlll be very few attraction left M .n arreat whiU way. . i r vaatardav ' caused th ; t, ..j o. Vu"a" v.- - - - - ' v - . . ff ager told hla people to take a and probably will 1 .P"ndI" long aa the rain keep the attendance down to a nominal figure, i The complaint has vn been mad i that the exposition naa not supporieu tna TralU . Th t bulns don there, according to on manager, was during Kllpatrlck' tay with th auto- mobtle and bicycle sensations. . Tn, Trail people got together and 0ffred to. pay half tha cot if th fair would extend Its contract with KU- natrlck. but th proposition was re- fused. ' With no special free event to I attract exposition visitor to th Trau. th show people say they have' not s chance-to get back ths money they put I n their attraction. EUGENE: FRUITDRYER DESTROYED BY FIRE ' ' ' (Special Dispatch te Tke Jesrasl) Eugene, Or., Sept. II. The fruit- I dryer of ' C. HenslI snd Btlnson, nve nlieav north or " Jtugene, waB nurnea Jearly thU morning, ft caught lira from I tha furnace and apraad so rapidly that It was Impossible to check It. Mereral tons of creen and dried fruit and many cord, of wood wero burned. Th lo I - I . Ti!s fa a better country to I ivt Jq, bcXaUSC SchUkfif S Best I ' . t 1 2a m it ' i - ! . ' gog ff it. I gear I ; : . ' - -a. ' ' a hotel. For example, we carry ;t2irSmr:,eujlietBra fcr u.U . TICKETS GOOD TILL OCTOBER, on 4)MMMa Vancouver: Transportation Co. 'A- FOR daily, except Sunday, leaving & ni, returning arrives .6 ssSasjsassssssasssi ML T. 9. WTSX IT DIDN'T KURT . A"-BIT fa wast they say ef ear aMtaees ef Snlss SaaUl work. We ee work let trasj eat ef tke etty lrtty ta to44 say SaUy. gTsrytblag as te Sate. Oge evaalsgs aa Saadaya. Mats SOS. WISE BR05.. Dentists Ths Vslliag. eea, land aa . Waaslagt-s. --The Preserver Of a houa 1 good paint paint that fill the pore of th wood formerly filled with sap; pslnt of whleh no Ingredient eata away, more than it keep; paint that a (Til to appear ance In addition to sustaining pres ent good looks. Buch paint ana lot of It Is to be found constantly at th tor Of ; , . V . FISHER. THORSEN & CO. rmovT airs at osmxaoir itbistj I. t MOO.' Insurance $1,009." It waa on of the.. largest dryers In ths upper, val ley. - Ve Tax TraveUsg Bkows. J - iRpartal OiapatcS to Tba JoaraaLI .' 'Albany, Or., Bept H. -The city coun cil last evening defeated tha nw license ordinance providing ' for license for show, travHsi doctors of all kinds snd entertainments. The ' bill will be stnended and reintroduced. !Bdaod Bates to Ckasta, RprlBrs. ' Ths Southern Psolfle . eompany has plseed on sale st Us Portland .office round trip ticket, to Shasts Spring al a rat of $1. Beautiful, lllastrsted pamphlets deecrlptlve pf this resort cas to scura from any South Fsclfle aasat 4 ., ... s : ... .'J j . -s , M passengers to, II 50. - ! ,.4 V noirae Taylor Street Dock at m. : THE ; Canadian Bank of Commerce- ; Capital $8,700,000 y Reserve $j,50oo' : ' Portland1 Branch. 144 Washington. X. A. WTI45, Manager. ' TraTelcrs'l letters of Credit 'Avsllsbls la all part of ths world ' lit branches In Canada and th tJnlted ' States. Including: ' Ban Francisco, Seattle. Victoria, Van couver, Nanslmo. New Westmins ter, Dawson tiuxonj. .-. ; v.. Drafts Issued on j any, Branch 1. - '. Transfers of mony to or from , sny part of Canada by letter or -A General Banking ' Business Transacted Keeecisisee;isscsj IF YUWin TO ADVERTISE IN NEWSPAPEHG, AJfTWTtERfl AT ANYTBttS ' Call as r Writs lictmiiismiisizniiEia ltd Sansome 5treet . ; mxi raAficiaoo, caw. sbbbBSbBbbbbbbbbbBbS V t .. 1