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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 13, 1905)
Tin: cnzcon. daily jouhiiai; rcr.TXAND, : vzdnzsday EVENING. . SEPTEMBER 18," 1CC3. ,'e ' Toufj to:ics; EVEiffilG PAPER r.iommiG PAPED On fcnndrod and - foertee of te Mrteet WDartm.nL atorea tkroaalKMI tbe-L'nll lutM w.r. i sekea wbki iwu tM mosr"profltble Mf-Tri-liinf toe morulas m tlx svenlne; 104 preferred tli iila , paper, .10 . pre- ferred the morning, ' Tb. Journal will pebllae e Utter eadt 7 Evening roa m of lb 104, 1 "The evening paper is much . the better for u. We believe a,, woman can read the ads in the, evening and plan her workjfor. the following day giving - the evening, paper a very great ad-; .vantage.-' 1 , ' " , v : "L. B.-UVINGSTON.' -, i , "Advertiaing Manager.'.' w "'The'fcnau-UTln'eaton ly Goods "Co. .-t Colomba. ... , ,-. v -' - "'; J-The elreulattos f ft .ToaraaJ yeerterday was . n,t3, ;'. b BaAjOS perttoa of II tM U'ort- laad. V ;' ;r . ; Toaieirrs Ajroapcorra." ;, Marqueai.,"Mrs. Wlggs at tas Cabbeg Pt-t' ; Belaaro "Juoah' Eicplr.,. "Qaeea of tba Hlahwsr' , Star Tssdevllle HenryH. Anders this morning: filed suit In. the circuit court for IJ1.J0I dinuiN against the Oregon Water Power at Railway company tor Injuria ; received while working with a. logging craw employed b the company. Anders alleges that, on September 12, , 101. whlla working In Clackamaa coun tr for tha Oragon Watar Power Rail' war comoany. cable of a logging donJ ,kay k angina - broke, atruck . him "and i- wrapped around him and mraw mm a ' great distance violently to tha ground. , breaking the bonea of both legs In four . 1 . . k AM AMfllr An. - (IHVfl) IVUUVUHi HI""" p.ww dor also atatea that his legs are shorter than they wars before the accident; whlfh caused him to be confined la the TioapKal-f or- nearly three months, , Ha allegea that tha cable used for hauling the logo, we defective. -,.,-, . Arrangements have been completed "for" the openlng-on-Friday-ef-a-free dispensary In Pilgrim chapel, on Second near Lincoln street. South Portland, by tha First Congregational church. Dr. H. A. Stark will have charge, and co operating with him will be the Starrs of physicians from the uooa eamanian and St Vincent s hospitals. . The dis pensary will be open between t and ' o'clock jvery afternoon. The Institu tion has been established for the pur pose of extending medical services to ' poor-people 'Who cannot afford to em ploy a physician. At the dispensary they will be given the best medical serv ice in the city iree or cnarge. ' TV " ' There will' be' Interesting muslo In tha shoe-- trade en Saturday at Feat a,- J07 First street, between Taylor and. Sal mon. i The great Are sale of clothing .. end mesa furnishing- goods- la to be - doubly discounted tn the - shoe redue- tlona, ladles' 'shoes. In no wteelnjured by the fire more than that, caused by water and smoke, going as low-as 10 cents Per pair. Men's shoes will be sold at like - reductions. - making this the . greatest shoe slsughter ever known In Cortland. rThe clothing reduction will i continued garments sold at a whole lot leas than the wholesele cost. - Noth ' Ing is being reserved. This closing dut fire sale means, business. . , : The Portland Admen's league, com posed of the leading advertising repre sentatives, of business houses and pub lisher of this city, will bear J. A. Fll clier commissioner ..ior.t-aiiiornia . at at l:Se o'clock in the Portland Com mercial club's parlors, on "How Califor nia Advertises.'' He has been at the business for 20 years, and Is an enter taining and instructive speaker. ' Busi ness and profeaslonat ' men, . in& also women, are Invited. ' : : -, ' ' l Reduced Seaside rertee -; :'t Via the A. C. R. R. -V To Clatsop Beach.' i - '. '"Only 13.00 for the round trip. .-- Tickets good unulOctober 1. Trains Union depot t a. m. dally. See the majestic Columbia river Xhalnrbrna.r DHhyTPacIno bceanT Information lit Alder street ' - . Or Telephone Main 0t...-. . ' Mr. Anna W.-Rees, 140 Bast Thirty fourth street, was struck by an automo bile and dragged for several yards at Second and Morrison streets last night. ' The machine, was driven by "Sketch" Davis, t Mrs. Reee had stepped from a etreetcarAQd was crossing ; Morrison - streer 'when she was struck. She suf- " fered severe Injuries to, her back. . C W. Rlner. charged with obtaining ' money by false pretenses in the Tanner ' creek sewer contract, has filed a peti tion ln-the circuit court asking that his trial be poet poned." - It had been set' for September II, but Rlner allegea that his father, R. M. Rlner. a principal witness for the defense. Is In California and . may' not return In time for. the trial. ' ;V Presiding" Judge Fraser thle morning refused to hear . the - appeal case of Thomas McQllnn. who was fined 150 In . the municipal court for having kept the Tuxedo saloon, formerly owned by Mc Qllnn aV Johnson, open after 1 o'clock a. m. ' Deputy City Attorney Fltsgerald filed an objection to McQllnn's appeal. : I LL -,. II CHANCE OF TIME ,. ,'' TAUT sTSAatlS Clias. R.: Spencer Bealenlag Mnsday. September It, will leara ker am-k, font of Waahlnctoa afreet, at T a. si., for Tk Dalle aad war saints, ne ModT. Wertneolay aad mdar. R. tnrnlns will leave Tke Dalle ea Tneadar, TbnrM aad Saturday at T a. aw (or Portland aad way sointa. t ' ;. on sundav. I ; "'.-' ' Tke sipeneer will sHk the round trip te Ccade Loeka, leavlna root ef Waablactea atrset it It. .si., arriving aom at . at. Round Trip $1.00 J B tae : OelamVIa Blear . eaatalaa, peka. rorka, ledcea.' fanrona, anrfva, wa terfmlla (Multnomah, MO tsel), grove and foreate from tha deeka e thta the faateat sttamboat eUlng tha water ef tacae rrrera, . , , Telephone Mala 1431 v.inioii,. . Oeseral Masagae, ' rortlaad. Oregea, stating that It had not been taken with in five days after' the case had been decided in 'the municipal court and also that It had; net been tiled om the flrat day of the term of the circuit court following the taking of the appeal. tHTmU- U- peofcaMy the-Urgeat peaeh evee gews-te ea eahlblUoa)' at the Agri cultural bulldlnr at the fair. It grew tn the orchard -of Max Pracht of Ash land. 'Jackson county, whoa , peaches were the finest shown at the Chicago fair In 1SII. .which feet Is proved by the medals In his popseesioa. The prise psach at Chicago ' weighed ZI ounces, whlla the peach on dlaplay-wergha I. Ordinary peaches run to to 10 to the box. but It. takes only 1 of the Jadk- sei 1 eomily wuuuen w fill a crater Washington and s California hortleul turlata are proud.' not without reason, of their articles, but doff their bats to Oregon in viewing, the Jackson county snow.. - Dogs'tiiat rove . the streets' without licenses are under the ban. The-10 days' grace granted by the city poundmen for dog fanciers-to secure licenses for their anlmala have expired. . and the dog catcher started on his rounds yesterday. Ever dog that is csptured will be taken to the city pound and the owner, to re gain possession of it, will have to pay a rine or ll and take out a license coating II for male and 15 for female animal. .Mayor Lane haa given orders to the peundmaater to allow no dog to leave his possession without Imposing the pound penalty, and the order will be obeyed.' To date 48 male and ST female license have -been laaued. - M. Hanlhara, aecretary of the Imperial Japaneee legation at Washington, ha written President Goods, that Baron Komura and Minister Takahlra. Janan ese -peace envoys, will be unable to visit the Lewie and Clark fair. , The reasons given' Include 111 health and lack of time.. ., . Article "of Incorporation of the Home Telephone Y Telegraph company were "a yesiernay oy Charles E. Sumner, vna vriison ana Albert Andrews witn capital stock of 11,000, 000. . The oompeay is preperlng to Install an au tomatic telephone system here. ':' . . - . . . : .. '. ia. i j " F. w . Thompson, general . western agent of the Rock Island rallwav ava. tern, with headquarter at - San Fran cisco, is in fort land visiting tha fair. Ha, la accompanied by Miss Janet and maeier can Thompson. - For San Francisco. The elegant steel steamer Jteaonao sail direct Thursday, eptemDer it at- a. p. m.- Cabin 111 Steerage ft. Meala and berth Included. C. H. Thompson, agent. Its Third street Wanted At Igorrote village, at all tlmee, ehort haired dog of masculine gender. Boys bringing san- to vlllxge will . be suitably rewarded. Pet and hunting dogs not desired. , . . The Portland Walters' club will hold their dance Saturday evening. Sentem ber 1, In Merrill's new halt A prize win om given to me neat-lady and gen tleman waitser. . -Medical department -.Unlvereltjr of Oregon, will , commence , ' 19th aea- slon Friday. September IS. Matrioula Hon book Is now open at 110 Dekum Duildlng. . ...... The Domestic Laundry company filed artlclee .of Incorporation yesterday, naming Alexander Orth; J. W. Durr and T. J. Oelsler. directors: eanltal atncir B.WU, - I i . .. ( , . , Fred L. Olson, forwierlv elerV h mualcipal ,,cnujrt..,. haa-. gone- to - ColHTte Hot Springs to recover from - serious aniaca,oi. inflammatory rheumatism. M. P. Carpenter, a business man of Milwaukee. Wisconsin, with his wife; Is visiting - friends In Portland and Incl- aeniauy-enjoying the fairs r" SDitaner'a PhlThmemnnl . -n-u-.. .i September 17. 1:J0 o'clock, 8econd and mornson. new mimnari a, an in.t.i, ments admitted. - , . Dandnar verv evenlnr t nli" ,ni Clark pavilion. Twenty-seventh and inurman street.: Tourney's orchestra. In, wat,tie4 aImhaJI 1 KA . . f spring, fl.00; all wbrk guaranteed one v a v . J a v e. . ai.4k . If you need signs, - let us get ac- eulnted. Foster aVKleieriMjrif;b and ja.veretfc j . . Professor Bears haa mritraM t the city, urganisea classes take notice, ytrf a meal without meat at the Vege tarian eaie, io bjixui treet. Dr.' A.' B. Potter of Oklahoma' la visit ing friend In Portland. Tents Noon Bag company. Flrat and COUCH. t - - ' Dr. K. C Brown, Eye-Ear... Marquam. i' tamalee are the When In Seattle Oo to the Rathskeller, a hlgh-claaa place to eat. Sea foods, eastern meats, large orchestra daily. - . ' Milwaukl Country, Club. Eastern and Seattle race. , Take Bell- wood and Oregon City car at Flrat and Alder. - . -v , - SPOKANE CELEBRATES - IN A QUIET MANNER " Spokane resumed ' the ' celebration of ita special week at the fair today, but without the pomp and ceremony that marked the .event of yesterday. There wa an informal reception In the Wash ington" building this afternoon and mu slo by the Administration band.' . Light refreshments were served by the hostess and her assistants, but apeechmaklng was omitted. . .,. -.-'! Natives of the Dakota a residing in Oregon -were received at the North -Da kota booth in the Agricultural building today by Robert F. Kerr, secretary to the governor of .South - Dakota, who acted a master of ceremonies. The event waa really an old-faahtoned h ante shake, but It object , waa to form a Sputh Dakota eoclety, which will "prob ably, be done late this afternoon. . -a T ' " " 'Te Ksooa for All. ' The Igorrote Village ha already be come the - Meeca of the racee of men. At one time yesterday there were to be seen watehlng the dancing. - the Cau casian, the, Mongolian, , the ' negro and the Indian, thua bringing together at the one time representative of the five race of men. ,..' The Igorrote were especially Inter ested In the Indian and negroes. They had met many Japaneee and Chinese on 'the steamship which brought them td this country, but the Indian and negroes' are new to them. ... Don't delay a" minute. Cholera Infan tum, dysentery, diarrhoea com sudden ly. Only safe plan la te have Dr. Fow ler's Extract of Wild Strawberry alwav bn hand. - v . . , " If yrjd write to-a Journal advertiser say that you. read his ad In The Journal. tlLLKCIIDOOJ in nnmiAnn t u it yra Governor Folk' Fight for PresU . dency to Begin In Earnest " l' . i'at the Exposition.; v MISSOURI DAY WILL BE INTERESTING OCCASION The, Great District Attorney Will B .Entertained by Leading People in the City ' That I ' Popular With Presidential Candidates. V Joseph W. Folk, governor of Missouri, with his family and tha member of bla official staff. 'arrived this afternoon to attend the. Missouri day .celebration, to. morrow at, the exposition, r Since the visit of Vice-President Charlea W. Falr banke, no visitor ha been more dis tinguished. .'.' .',-, -5- j m t v..-. '-' Indeed,. Governor Folk' coming U scarcely second to that of the vice president. Inasmuch a Mr. Fairbanks 1 credited wtth the Intention of asking the Republican, party for the presiden tial, nomination in 108, having accepted at face value ' the announcement of y?v IT" V C ( ' r Commissioner . . E. E. Mcjimsey. President Roosevelt that he would not be a candidate for reelection; and Gov ernor Folk 1 presumed to be on a tour of the west with the hope of gathering support for his boom for the Democratic nomination-for president. ,.-, . - . When the Missouri executive left St Louis en route to- Portland the state ment wes made that he-was a presiden tial candidate. No denial haa been made and the people of the country have ac cepted It as settled. acres be true, then Portland svlll have entertained two. presidential: candidates at the exposition, and thereby may have entertained the future president. Pioneer la Saw enforcement. . Governor Folk advocates the eortof aaminisirauon mat rresiaeni koo seven himself haa popularised. .. Indeed, say his followers, he. was one of the pioneers lnfhe law enforcement warfare "that has been waged- In late years, and as district - attorney - at St. Louis reeHy made the flrat successful -fight against the grafters " In pollttcs on a cal of any considerable magnitude. it waa as district attorney that he attracted the attention of the world, and hla election to the chief executlveahlp of Missouri was on the distinct issue of continuing In the state government what he had begun In the local affaire of the states metropolis. To his law enforce ment doctrine be has added a pconuncla- mento against the lobbyist at the state capital. When Alton B. Parker , of New York was nominated by the Democrats for president In the last campaign. Folk was regarded ae one of. the eligible candl dates. : The conservative who had of fered Parker won In the national con vention,' but Folk was not forgotten by the searchers after good timber from which to construct national chief ex ecutive. -.1 - , ' Governor Folk' visit, therefore, takes possibility that he. will be a candidate for nresldent. and It is expected that lh6jrsarids"wiiraTOothe"exposttron" to e him. Governor Folk Is accompanied by about SO of Missouri's prominent cltl sens. - This evening they will be guests of President Goods - of the exposition at ' the -New York building . on the grounds. . Delays uj ownaenrsi. The arrival of the nartr waa delayed by a cioudburat on the 6. R. at N. line between Pendleton ana uarnnart, wnere last night an Immense maas of ftrth and' rocks , was washed on the tracks, atooDlng the train due nere this morn Ing at T:30 o'clock and the outgoing train that lert rwuana yesieraay morn ing at :ll. ' ' The Missouri day exercises will begin at a o'clock tomorrow afternoon at the Auditorium. Addreases or welcome writ be made by President Goode on behalf of the exposition, oy rreeiaeni n. i. Kern of the Missouri stats committee. by Governor Chamberlain for Oregon and bv Mayor Lane for Portland. Gov- nnr Folk also will deliver an address. Mr. Frank' Eberle and R. J. T.- White will sine. - immediately after tne exercises. - an Informal reception will be held In the Missouri building, where everybody will have an opportunity to meet Governor in the" evening at 7 o'clock a banquet will be served at the American Inn, at which covers, for 00 guests will be laid. The Invited guests Include exposi tion., officials, prominent'' Mlasourlana, government of nclala, army and navy nennsra. membere of the prees and some of the leading eoclety people ot-rori- Urvmmissloner E. E. K. McJImoer will act ae toaatmaater, and Governor -Folk and others will speak. In honor of Missouri 'day, the fire worke scheduled for thl evening have been poatponed until 10 o'clock tomor row evening." when a grand display will be given on the lake west of the bridge f nations, with several set pieces typi cal of, Mlasourl and her governor. T7T Bpeetal xwuraae, .Very low 1 0-day tickets east, offered by O. - R. N.v septemoer . i. it. the O. . K. n. sens sv-oay spe clal excursion tickets to esetern points; stopovers granted going and, returning. Partleulara Of C.-W. Stinger, city ticket agent O. R, N Co Third and Wash- agtoev- streets, rua-i-u rase oil OREGOIHIilEfr Heavy Harrlman Engines Re . quire. Concrete Bridges and , . Many Are Being Built,' FOUR MILLIONS FOR . THESE IMPROVEMENTS Most of This Will Be Spent in the State at Once Preparing for New Rolling Stock Block System . for : Blue Mountains. ' ; - '. . '.' ' . New equipment already' received end more of the earn" sort ordered by the Harrlman railroad llnee la too heavy for the. bridge structuree and It haa become necessary to take out ell the old brldgee and replace them with the heevleetaypee of steel bridge work. Massive concrete foundation are now- being put In at Weatherby. Baker City, Deschutes and other points, and at many more places the bridges win be chengeo. - - ' I The brldgee over .the John Day river. Hooa river. Banay river, umiuiis nver, Walla Walla river snd Deschutes river will be taken out and heavy steel bridges built. The steel I now on' the way fromaeaatern mill to Oregon. 1 The new brldgee have been planned to accommodate the heavleet traffic , The bridges will be five time stronger than the estimated atrength necessary to carry the new consolidated locomotive. Theee monster englne,of -the- same-type- as that-shown by the Southern Pact fie at the Lewi and Clark exposition, weigh 130.000 pounds. Engine and tender com bined weigh KO.00O pounds, without load. The tender has a capacity of U tone of coal and 1.000 gallons of water weighing I pound to the gallon. - - The larger part of a $ 1,000,080 appro priation- for Improvement or the nam man line in Oregon thle year la being spent In preparation to accommodate the demanda of the added weight of theee locomotives. Something over $100,000 Is being spent In the Installa tion of a block signal system on the mountain division In eaatern Oregon, to add to the safety of operation of O.R. A N. train on sections of the line where the curvature ana dangers from ml takes Is greatest. " With the new block system It will be Impossible for more than on train to enter any given sec tion of track at the same time, and head-end collisions will be prevented. m AT THE THEATRES, "Mrs: Wigga" at Marquam Tonight. Madge Carr Cook, the Mrs. Wig ef tha Cabbage Patch, whose drolleries has amn-ed o- aisny thooaaads, la the awther of Mia Eleanor Rotaaoo. the leading young wemaa atsr r A. ira. .ha acared ss eniusnur ra urn- . Un. flank haa sever etlaaed a perform- m "Un. Wlaas ef the Csnbage Patch." whlrk opens at the Marqaaav Orand theatre - sight at : eewx, eaoimams 1 r A-w. . BamnlaT slahta. with' aDeelal prlee aist- Inaea . toMcrow and ,St9rWieJKsrqna.n ! inratae Morrieos sireetbetwaea Slitb aaii Bevaatk. Beats are eaUlng tor the ea- gageaMBt, i - ------ The-Popnlar Chapere '. Ko ataaleal eaoedy rmt writtea haa bemme SO anlTtraelly popular aswing neatre-geers aa laldore Wltmark's "The Chapereaa.' whleb will be asen at the Marqoaav Oraad theatre aU next week, beginning Monrfar, wMb aperlal matlneaa Wedneaoar aad Saturday. Tn pre- dnctloa thta seasoa Is even more elaborate thaa ever before aa entire new tsreaa ef scenery haa been . Da In ted. Home ef the me no her of the company are Madeira Marshall, Rath I.kird, Doria . OoodwlB. Harry i-aaeu, Jooa rnra. Oeorae Ideeker. rrank Wooley, .W. V. Btrnaa and ethers. Tha advance sale ef seats will pea aext Friday morn Ing at 10 o'clock. it ... ; 3if. Bm at orand. ' , - As the Deadline set this week the Oraad Is offering the four Honaawortbs la a alaglng and comedy eketrh. The Buarh ramlly. In which a eonpl ef tiny tuts perform " darfetg feats oa gymnaalnia appararas; Brooks and Brooke. In a danrtne set: Jameh HawleT. story teller, and the AMre broisers to the equlllbrwf work, sad the Illustrates snag see awving pictures make ap a eaplUI bill. . . "Mrs,, Wtggs I Matinee Tomorrow. A - aneclal erlce matinee will be given to- BMimnr at ths Marquam Orand theatre at I SO o rlork. "Mra. WKga er tae uaiKiage raiea' wlU be the bill, for whir seats are selling. Matinee at Baker Tomorrow. . Amuaemeat seekers who Ilka lively moele, fast fun and beautiful eeenerr and eostsmes will fsmeus Keaterky Belles eatrsrsgsnsa enmpany has mad a hit. The vaudeville acts are far oat of the ordinary, and the faree-eomedy. MurobT'e Miatake," la run er action. Main tomorrow afternoon. Saturday matin the last performance. . i . : i . "Queen of the Highway." The last two opportunities tn see the exciting melodrama. "Queen of the Highway," at tha Empire, win be tonight ana tomorrow signt. The play telle the etory of a wemaa wboas life waa ef the most romantic character; from a queen ef the en-cue ling she becomes a re male bandit, and meeta death In a tragic man ner wtth no friend except her faithful dog. The Show at the Star. Clancy and Bwarts head the star's bill In s novel little dramatic sketm. . Violet Cenke. a wlrewalker. Is eery gracerul. Ma Jan haa pretty stare, effects snd slnss well. Roy Me- Brain Introduces a new ph-tured ballad, and several other acta, including the Btaroseope, are- aa tba bill.- - .- - 1 "Judah- Is Capital Play. "Judah," a presented by the Belssce stork eompsny. Is s dramatic aenaatara among the playgoera of Portland, and the management hi being rewarded for Ita enterprise by audlencea which crowd the neea nightly. .The play will he on the remainder of the week, with matinee Saturday and Sunday. A?The King of Tramps."' A melodrama pore' and almple la "The glut Uif Tfampa," at the Lyric theatre thai week. Th plot la original aad away mar toe atereo med form of playa of lota claee. There la not a dull moment la the piece. There are the sal feature between the acta. Xrow Kate Sid Trip Tickets. - -Many visitors to Portland are taking advantage of the side trip lt-day one fare tickets Issued by the O. R. A N. and Southern Pacific to holder of Lewis and Clark tickets sold east of Pocatello. Pocatello or Butte nd the western boundary of Arlsona.' Such holder are entitled t side trip at above rate from Portland to all point on th a R. A N. In Oregon and on the Southern Pacific a far aoutb as Ashland: from Umatilla to Pendleton, all points In Washington, and Idaho, Including , Ore gon points between fenaieton and Walls Walla. Particular by aaklng at O. R. A N. ticket .of dee, . Third and Washington streets, Portland. - , . Fief st red, Shoes Ceased Ooeas. -AUea V Lewis' Best Brand, - E. f. LYTLE VICE-FkES!3EIIT 0F 8D BO Railroad Builder Will StiirCfve Tim to the Development of Oregon. ; -.r ' E, E. Lytle, formerly of the Columbia Southern railroad, haa bought a large n"I!l .!L.ofLJ?hr'-f.t-01 Pr'stta gJdnaxf TISOlc, Sixths andJUorrlspn streete. and nas oeen : eiectea vice-preeioenc or the Institution. Official and patrons of the hank express great satisfaction with th choice. , . , . . ' Walter H. Moore, formerly a director in the bank, has been elected president. L O. Ralston, the ' retiring ' president, will devote hie time to land interests. The new officer of th bank are: Wal ter II. Moore, president: E. E, Lytle, vice-president: W. Cooper Morris, caahler. Thaae. wlh Leo Fried e and W. H. Copeland, form the directory. . Since Mr. Lytle sold to the Harrlman Interests hie stock In the Columbia Southern railway, which road he built, the public has been deeply Interested In learning what are -te be his future movements. ' Popular report haa aatd be would take a. hand In the .develop ment of central Oregon, and there have been rumor of projected . enterprtsee tn which be was to be a controlling factor. . . It 1 understood that a vice-president of the Oregon Savings bank he will not be required to give .much time to the management-of -th banks- affairs, and that he will probably soon put, Into ex ecution plan for more railroad con struction. : . ' , V Mr. Lytle wa associated with Moore brothers of Moro In making the Colum bia Southern a paying property. Their continued association In , the" -banking business in Portland causae msny to believe that they will launch Important enterprises In tha near future. - , Ho, tef 'Astoria. Swift steamer 'Telegraph leave Aider street dock 7:19 a. m. dally except Fri day. Returning leavee Astoria I p. m, arriving Portland S:S0 p. m. Sunday leave Portland I a. m., Astoria 2:10 p. m. Arriving Portland 1p.m. r,""l,,,""e'gBeggga Moat of the aVargeat Plane Sealer . Carry tha- Ae Tnslr Xeader. Other the A. . i Other the BBTYY Other the-r-STABa Other the ClUMOaT ' WO nave 411 the above and a number of others, making a com bination Of HIGH- OR A D E PIANOS that cannot be aurpaased. No matter what you want In tone, case or price and terms, you will be satisfied by coming to us. DUNDORE PIANO CO. Stelaway Peeler -v. tSS WASsTXJraTOaT sr. -v AjnrnicsWTnv SSTheatre rnretloa . W. T. Asa-n. O HelllS. he. wtk aad Ttkr- J Psoas Jfaia Ms. TONIOHT AT M OTLOc:. Tkarsday, Friday and Batnroay . Nights, BPBT1AI. PKICB MATINSES . . . . Tbnrsday aad Bstarday. . ' : Mrs Wiggs The Cabbage Patch The Drsaatle Bit ef the Beaana. PRICES SV SAe. ane. Tile. II sod II. ob. Beets now Benin - ror tne antirs w. Belasco Theatre Uth aad Wash. Belsse Ksysr, Prop. IsTR WBRK BRLABCO STOCK CO. TONIGHT TONIGHT Preaeatlat far the Pint Time la Fertlaad - JUDAH HBN8.T ABTHUB 10NBS' OKBAT-pLATr Blaborate Prodnrtlos Fine feat. Vlatlneea Batnrday snd Bunday.. PDir.F Mstlneos toe. ISe snd eOe. riVIWLit Klsht-ase. See. eOe and TBe. NEXT Will-"Captain finks, ef tha Bona nsrinee." . BAKERTHEATRE ou una x amnui Ptann Main 10OT. OREGON THRATRB CO Go. U Baker, Manaser. THB HOME Of Bl KLaTHOt'E. Ttsilfht and All Week, Matlneea Tomot row and Batoraay mo rermrmanee eatnraar nifnt). Wnallen a Martell'a Great "KENTUCKY BEIXEB" Extra raf ansa Company, Introdocln the Bereaav ins rare, "nniPHT a mistake" Life. Merriment and - Evenlne. 7 Sc. toc Ma, 3Be!'- matinees. BOe. xoe. ite. NEXT was. "TB Merrymakers." EMPIRE THEATKK, Uth snd Morris THS POFIXAB THEATRE. Last Tee Times, Tonight sad Tomorrow Ntfbt, . . Beeaou s umirii ateioarBma. CBAB. A. TATLOR'g COMPANT U Queen of the Highway" A atartHnf rietnre ef Life la th Wild Weat. Evenlne. 10c. BSe. Me. BOc: siatioeea. 10r. 16e. Joe. . NEXT WEEK. Btertlns Snnday Matinee, Fabla Romani' THE Q RAND ' THE rotrm xiLnroawoKTHt ' JAM El HAWLET f TKE BUICHI FAMILY , BROOK AND BROOKS ALDRO BROTHERS - FRID URINTON l ' TKE ORANDiaCOPE. General sdmlaalon lue: faerved seats ea lower floor toe. Dallr matinees, entire lower floor lOe. bos seats Bte. T H E ST A R CLAKCT AKD tVAlTI , . TIOLIT WEISJT-COOEE TBE GREAT MA JVMM THE RINALDOa JOH M'ORATK ' " '- - ROT M BRAIN ---i-J - .r nt tTSRoaooPX. h General admlaalnn 10c: reserved eaats ea lower floor Ially mstlneea, estire lower fkwie 1"r, hex eeata Br " ' LOUIS M. BOLL Plana fltudla will ooen September L rsrlors t and 1. litis Washlnftoa St. Steinway ? The Royalty ai5TAiTivcd" ALLOW US TO INTRODUCE TO YOU T King 4 -SOHMER" DIRECT. FROM THE METROPOLIS, r f . 'isy : 1 NEW YORK. :-r -'' r ; WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TOiT " V I , r INSPECT THIS MATCHLESS 7 ll - :-:rv-r'-Y "rw'-r ' " piano .; :sJ. i . ; '. . - ' : ' ; AND HEAR ITS IG NOBLE TONE. . - i v WE HAVE 'BEEN APPOINTED DISTRIBUTORS y; V V ;t;:;;;:V'.;;F9R; OREGON. ; - - -i'.FOR SALE AT-NEWYORIC-- - - :. FACTORy,.PRICES. J::tC-:i . L 'j J -CASH OR EASY PAYMENTS. - Manufacturers': Piano Co. r:;.y-k 350 ALDER STREET.- VV; &2 Third St. 0 i HIS is the time of year one nnde neea tor new rurtalna There Is no bet ter place to supply this need than here.' Our stock includes many entirely new designs in white and ecru Nottinghama, . Svriii LaceIrish.Point Lace. Bobbinet, Renaissance and Mus lin Ruffled Curtain. Youll be gfeeabry-sTirtrtMdirihirlow" PORTIERES THERE are some new ar rivals in this department. Fringed portieres in many new pattern and colors. But the newest thing is Mercerised Silk Portieres with embossed velour borders and imported tapestry borders. . They have the made-to-order effect, and sre destined to take the place of fringed portieres. We show many novelties in this claas of goode. The prices are tempt-,.-- ingly low ..;-.;. -.-..- Oar term are th moat lib eral la the olty. We ask leee down and lose per week thaa elsewhere. Mo extra eherfe for credit The Store Where Yoor Credit b Good EASTEM 01TFITT1NGC0 191 WASCIKCTOX STSEn AinrniasTTat. LYRIC THEATRE WXEX STARTnia stOlTOAT, SErTEMBER 11 "THE KING OF.TRAHPS" Rural firama of American ur la roar Arts bv 4 fi . U-l. . ' BEE. tha Elakt with a- i ika ..."'rTr Trams, the Lrrjaeese. ADaTUSipa ate., UU1W SXAZ We. tiiii of Piancdom Milanf. TOV OAsT ! Moot Dry Fir-Wees Delivered st PER CORD -"-h nmt m bats omr. Tot tea . BUY NOW!! Phone Main 353 Great Auction of Chinese snd fir'l Owinr to beln overstocked for, the Fair trade . and th very limited room In our store, we eon eluded to force our soods at auc tion sale. The largest stock of this kind In the elty. consisting; of beautiful sltvei waie. uloiasouner eatsnma, new bras ware, ebony carved . furnitures, ' embroidered Bilk . kimono and. fine dsoorated porcelain .tea acta, e to. - . .r. Bale oomrnenoes f:IS aad 1:1, 'p. ra. Continue re ta Ulna; before or; efter auction; wholesale at war-. nous. - - , aBBBBBBBnaXf Andrew Kan & Co. ' MT eBBstOfrtefOst tBtsfMte. ' 7 earth aad rtfth. WcSavcYca " Before inverting for jrouf Fall Suit, Overcoat of all kinds for the rainy season. Underwear, Shoe a. Pants, Hats, Umbrallaa, Blankets and Comforters, b sure, not to overlookour.JewljL arrived stock auaranteed satis. factory use with 20 per cent leaa in price ini:umparlsoB?iar other stores prices. Our honest dealing has been known to tha public for the last 13 yean. . JOHN DELLAR At Two StorwsCcrncr First and YamLHl Streets & Cor. 3d and Davis Sts. Portland Academy Tall Tsm WOl Oesa Bert. II, II a. au ' Tn etaool enmpriaea: Aa eWmentary . arhool, with ' primary ' snd grammar ersdea. - Pnptls reeelrad al yeare. An aredemy proper, Wales Its for tea urn ane weetera eoiiefes. A bosrdtsc nail foe ftrls. The prtnclpsls nro at tbe iA enrollment of stedeats Iraski I eademy for fk IraaKB- ana rrem s 10 e p. m. i- for cataloana sedresa. .-il- ' 0TLArO ACADEMY, . ,. Ttrlrteenth end Barrhna. rortltod. Oreses. SlIliJnMfllJIDffp i "' . rOBTXeAsTO, OBJUVOsT. , Forty-seventh eoholastla. jrear bf In Tueaday. September S, IMI. '' rirst-claaa boardlnff aad day ertreot-' for girls. . . Courses of elemeetlry. secondary and htsher education. - - Conservatories of tnusle and art. r rJoney Iff t ' A. i-