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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 13, 1905)
1 1 : :tiis bGo:i : daily.' journal,' Portland, ' Wednesday .evening. September is; iscj. BABY KILLED BECAUSE " IN THE WAY and- MCOOTTS) Our great Basement department offers splendid opportunities now at the beginning of the school ; year. Our marvelous values in Boys School Suits and Overcoats are attracting'. much attention.- ' ' ' . . ," ', ' i ;'-;'. :( .; ",'.:: 0VEDC0ATS schoolsutts 'Double-Breasted, sizes : 8 016, and. Norf oiks with regular and Knicker . ; . ; bocker Trousers at . Iong Belted, Double-Breasted, in plain .' ' ' colors and mixtures all sizes, ; I $3.35 to $7SO 1 r.'f 'Yfi lUT. HYtA W. MURDERED." jyifi :lJ5rJ 111 ; BECAU.8E -.SUE WASC... J W jP y I t '' 111 IN THE WAY." ; ! : : , If I f? JV If : . In graph. sHoy "her . '-!""! la J " 'mik -WW. J ml lUONn' HER LITTLE - ' r "'. " I Kv f W;. PLAYMATES, -V,;-, ' ' ' Vl ' i O a H t tV, V -V X)0 - DIAGRAM INDICATES ' :i ' h ' .;-.V - I THE WOUNDS WITH . " S ' ;!;.' Iu VV'V " vy WHICH SHE WAS I. . - - : r to . Coroner Scholar' AgneaTBenoude I "I met Denier on roadway one nlghtl Agnes Renoude's" story .of the murdef "af her two-year-old baby Gertie HyJand by - Ousts v Pettier, with - whom the - mother- waa living, la one of the moat i awful In the criminal history of New York City. Denaer hated the baby and Wiled her "because ahe waa in "the way." He beat the baby with hla flat. dashed her head asalnet h wall and tabbed her with a penknife.-- - PAYSHTRIBUTECTO VVHITftlAN ! W , - L B. Capen, Head of American : Board of Foreign Missions, at Martyr's Tomb.' INDIAN PLAlfcTHAT 3T"BftOUftHT but mission High Place in Hiatory Referred for l th Mm Who Saved Oregon to the United State Part Played by the Church. " - (Sperltl - Dispatch -te The JonraaLl Wall Walla, Wash.. Sept II. At the ervlcea at the Whitman monument, in "'"lilull tea delegates te the-eAOvantlnn OX. the American board or foreign miaaiona In Seattle participated, L. B. - Capen, preeldent of the board, delivered an ad ' dreae in which he aald: ' i hv wondered whether the mtaalon if the American board to the Sandwich lalnnda'ln Hit . or Marcus wnumana mlaalon to Oregon'haa had the wide reach and influence in ahaplng the dee tlnles'of the country. , Blot out elthe.r event and you will have to rewrite, the ' hlatory of the nation. , ' "Tha early ploneera had told the In- dtana of Opd and of a book that told of him. Becauae ofithla atory. four Indiana rame from thla very region 1.500 mllea j to St. Louie in ' order to - know mttre. Two of them died and the other two, 'dlaaDDolnted. turned homeward. - The ad- -i. rfreaa of one - of theee men before he left-la one of the moat pathetic : pas- aae-ea I have ever "read. Here It la: 'I came to you over a trau oi many ,1 a I ' : ' Contains all i; necessary to .- : y mini and musde- 'W, i iHff( ; itHat Healthy, 'i condition" which is"admired . so much, j', cspecialty in children-v'CS; ' '-' - Get some to-day. It's delicious. ; - ' """ ' LITTLE GERTIE V ! Another woman introduced him to mi. After I had .known him a month I agreed to go and live with hlra.I knew that he had three -little glrle of hla own Barbara. 12 year old; Florence, 10,' and Madeline.'!. ' "He complained about my baby. " He aald ahe waa nkughty, a nulaance. She waa in the way. He often aatdr .'I wish to hell that brat waa dead." )?' .' " "What could t do? She vas my child. I atood between my -child and him.- Of course. I did tell him the faulte of hi own. He waa'- Jealoua- of me,, but he waa Jealoua of hla children, too. "Sunday night he -got Into another rage' 'over my child. He had been drinking, but he f waa not drunk. He a truck the baby in the face with hla flat and aald: Oet that - -out of here meeeie from he settlnr sun. Tou were the frlenda of-my fathera. who have all cone the lone way. -v I came with--one eyaipatUypened.--omoTellgbto-Ujf mv neoDle who alt in-aarkneee. . i so back with both eyea cloaed. How can 1 go back blind to my 'people? I made my .way "to you Jf with atrong arm a, through many , enemlea and atrange landa, that I might carry naca mucn iq them. -1 go back with both arms broken and empty. The two fathera who came with roe the bravea ior many wimara and ware we leave aaleep here by the great water. They were tired In many moona and their moccaaine wore out My people aent me to get the white man a Book or weaven. iou iou mnu where you allow your, women to dance, u we do not sura, and the Book waa not worahip the ureal epirna wnn imn, and the Book waa not there. Tou ahowed me the Images of good aplrlta and plc turea of the sood land beyond, but the Book waa nof among them. r ' A riaAatlve 'AppaaX v .' i . "I" am going back th long, aad "trail to my people of the dark land. Tou make my feet heavy with tha burden of glfte. and my moccaalna will grow old In carrying them, but the Book la not aeHMH-th!?- Wheu I tell my poor blind people.- after one more enow,-In the big council, that I did not bring the Book, no word win be apoken by our. bid men they will rlae up ana go out in auence. My people will die In da rime aa and they will go on the long path to the other huntlng-grounda. No-white man-will go with tbem and-no white -man'a Book to make the way 7 plain:- I have no - more - :(Thla . memorable addreaa met " a re- eponae. Dr. whitman ana nia wire ana Rev: andMra. Bpauldtng were aent out to -work 'among the Indiana of Oregon. Fort Walla Walla waa 'reached Septem ber I,- ISM, 'and -the rude . home waa built, and ready ' December, 1 lSM;vat Waillatpu," the place of the rye graaa,' iS mllea from Fort 'Walla 'Walla. A church waa .OrnnlaedfAuguat.lS. 1SSS. Aa auggeatlve of the peculiar conditions of thla time Kt It be remembered that In all the territory now covered-by-Ore gon, - Waahlngton and Idaho 'there were but SO Americana.. The' secretary 'Of -the American' board Baked 'each ''of 'theae ..m. - ejr . jatm . tHe elements nourish body, , robilst -produc or 111 throw her off the fire eaeape.T I begged him not to atrlke the baby. He did atrlke her again and again. I couli tand It no longer, T ..ranotIOh kitchen, afraid to see what he doing.--- - - - - r" ' " " - "When the child stopped crying I knew ahe waa dead. I went back. - "I took tha child to the kitchen tuba; I lighted a candle, ao aa not to hava too much light there. I wasnea.tne cnua and dreaaed her. i V "tou know, the baby waa dead, and I. - could do no - leaa for her.,- Still, I thought- that -enser-ahould - not-come to harm.-What had been done waa done. '.'He atood. by me while l maae reauy. Tou better wrap it up in newspaper,' he aald: and ao I did. -I carried the body out He aald it would look better if I did. So we went along the streets, with the baby , covered up, and. at last, we left It in tha place where it we found." two missionary famlllea to live on f 10 a year. . " ' ' WUImtal raaaeos BUM. --Whttman'e"7-famoua ride In the winter of 1S42-4S I have no time to apeak at length. It waa a fearful Jour ney, full of peril and exposure and al moat certain death. Loat In the anow. hla aafety aeema to partake almoat of the mlraculoua. He waa determined to brtng back a company of Immlgranta to aeiiie tne country. He apparently had twoipurpoaea In view.. Flrat to confer with the American board officer at Boaton and aecond to-aave thla great Oregon territory, to the United Statea. He aaw that the Hudaon'Bay company waa determined to have thla region for aelflsh' Intereata. They continually de-clarfdtJil.tha.-CoujiU-y-.wa-4uleeeT mountalna were Impaaaable. the snows of winter Insurmountable. . . Tt was the purpoae of thla eomnanv ta bring thla whole Oregon territory Into the domain of Great Britain. . "In the senate document of tha For ty-Ant congreaa, February- 1SU, we reaa: "mere la no doubt but that the arrival of Dr. Whitman In 1S41 was op portune. Tne . prealdent waa aatlafled that the territory was worth the effect to, win It' ... . . . ' . . . Brought the Tlrat Settlere. 'Whitman. In the face of almoat In aurmountabla dlfllcultlea, piloted a large aeiaany e 4wmlrrrtf barH-Wlhr Ur rltory In 1S4S.' During the next few yeara he waa most faithful to his work, but because of treachery or political In trigue, or both, he waa murdered by an Indian, November Zf, 147. "After the. frightful maaaacre in which Whitman loat his life the feel in waa wldeapread that the reault achieved by theae mlaalons did not com- penaate for the" great aacrlflce, 'but we have revised bur eatlmats In the light of future-events.- . "Not yet 70 years have-paased and yet' see. what Ood' has wrought. Here we have one of the great granarlea of the nation and Its largeat foreats. Juat acroaa the aea, almoat at our very doors, are China -and -Japan.' The conqueet of theae great virile races Is the laat great battlefield. ,. "No- more' fitting '. monument could have been erected than the college which will forever bear- Whitman'a honored name." i . WOULD PAY FOR GOODS i : . WITH A RAISED CHICK si." ' ' -r (Special Dt.nU te tke JoaraaLt ' .Pendleton, Or., 6ept. IS. An attempt waa made yeaterday to paaa a ralaed check -on H. Weaael,' one of the mer chanta of Pendleton.' The check was drawn' In ' favor- of B. F. Hodge and signed -by A. C. Frledly orlslnally. It waa drawn for 1 1. to but waa raiaed to I 0. 50. Hdtogrpreaented " the ralaed check aa payment on a bill , of gooda amounting to ,41. Weasel, grew sua plclous and Inveatlgsnton proved the de ception. , Hodge In the meantime had fled. --. MANY HUNTING PARTIES . : SEARCHING FOR DEER (Sserlar DtaoJtca le Tke JaaraaLI . Albany, Qr Sept. II. Many hunting oartle are belns formed In this city for a trip lnt the Ceacade mountalna and the Coaat range, where deer are re ported aa plentiful. Hunters will go Into the faatneaaea and many of .them will aoend nevxral week a In the woods and hilla. In- the , hlgMr mountains raina have been falling for th piat 14 hours and the deer ars-now expected to begin to move to lower levela. and it is thla that tha hunters-have been waitlnc XjjTE welcome strangers in " the city to our store. Come and enjoy our waiting rooms. Free telephone. Par-. -r-cels checked free of charge. OREGON GOLD FELL UNDER Ff-A. Wing- Final- Estimate 'x Filed With the Director of . Mint Made Public. . : EXPLANATORY REMARKS HAVE NOT BEEN ISSUED Operators Disappointed at the Pig ' urea but Believe Present Year Will Show Better Results as New MOls - Have BeenTn Commission. tT! IMrector of the Mint George E. Rob erta haa Juat given out F. A. Wlhg'a ee tlmate 6t the precious metal productloa f Oreeon for the past year. ThU esti mate la 'the final report of Mr. Wing. who annually furnlahes the mint the figures of meul production i nCr?ri: J WaaoTngton and Alaaka. A preliminary estimate waa made aome time ago, af ter Mr. Wing had completed hla tour of his territory, and it la found that the revlaed figures do not materially change the reeults. . Mr. Wing places th gold proauction at ft.MS.Ill fine ounces, worm ii.sva.- lis. and ailver at 1J3.167.7I fine ounces, of the commercial value of S77.IJ1. Thla estimate Bhows a Tailing on from the preceding year of aeveral thou rand dollars In gold. The explanatory atatemenl. pf Mr. Wing, -which would cover the causes which In his belief caused the decrease, are not made pub lie nor will be until the director OI-int mint laauea his annual report. For many years It was the conviction of ODeratora that they did not get full credit for their gold output In thla state, but since they have looked Into the palnataklng work of the government of ficials, the opinion - la modified, Mr. Wing la in cloee touch with all the smeltera and - reftnerlea of - the north- west, and haa acceea t shipping records avenue for realising upon gold bullion. Throughthe aid offuow government asssyers elsewhere, ne IS' aiao aoie to keep in touch with any depoait oi e)e4 oietena loeamiea. which is a double' check on his Investiga tions in the region of its proauction. After securing all . thla Information, which Includes all reports that the man agera will make, Mr. Wing- vlalta the sold and silver districts ana nae inter views with the mine managera wherever boaatble. The reault of thla exhauatlve inaulrr Is not doubted any more, as it la generally conceded that the govern ment haa means of reaching authentic data not poaseaaed by arly other agency. ' Tha production for 1S04 waa a disap pointment to obeervant operators. The new equipment that went into comm le sion augured an increase over tne pre ceding year, but it seems that there waa enough Idleness among old'mllla to more than balance for the new- work. De spite the record of the past year opera tors feel that 190S will make a material ly better showing, as there haa been fairly ateady production In moat of the districts both eaat and west of tha Cas cades, while the remainder of this year will aee still more more Important work taken "P. ' 1 ' MINING NOTES. , C V. Haselrlgg of Medford brought to the city-, a njuantlty of copper-gold specimens front the strlkd made recently at the foot of Prefton peak. Siskiyou county, California. He put aome of the rock on exhibition at the fair, and said that the vein from which they were taken had a width of 20 to SO feet. Since' the discovery wss made, the site belnf near the Blue Ledge copper prop erty of which much hae been said t,he past year. Dr. J. F. Reddy,' John D. Olwell, J. E. Enyatt, Charles Strong, t. L. Hamilton. W. L. Jaokaon and Mr. Iazelrlgg have become Interested In the property. The most important property of the group. Is known ss the Hardscrab ble! and the owners Intend to have It CASTOR I A Jot IiifkiiU and Children. Tht KbJ Yea Mi Always Izzgli Bears th Blgcstsrs of AVERAGE CRAVENETTES A complete line of genuine Waterproof : Cravenettes for boys, lyoung men and thoroughly prospected as soon as they can conveniently do. so. Manager Armltage of the Tellow Jew ell property, southern Douglaa county, has aent to the local orrics of tne com pany samplea of a high-grade ore taken from a- cut Ha the creek channel -wnicn la 100 feet deeper than the tunnel work ings. The ore haa free gold and pane well, but In general appearance atlll retains the characteristics or tne con tinental ore, on which vein the Tellow- Jeweir HTbelleved to belocatedW Henry Miller, local repreaentatlva tf the com pany. aald that Manager Armltage la preaslng development work steadily, and that tha vein growe atronger wtw aepin. whtle-llie showing is worellksthsr had In the Continental. Wlflls Kramer, manager of tha Kra mer Gold Mining company, which owne the property of that name In Mount Reuben district, northern Joaephlne county, has arranged to Install a a tamp mill on the property, and tha work will probably be undertaken thla fall. The Kramer had a Parker rotary stamp mill for a time, but the plant proved a fail ure. . and the owner desires the time- honored gravity-stamp instead. There is considerable ore In sight for a small mill. . - ...... ; .... BEACH RATE REDUCED. - Three Dollars for BouaA Trip Announced by O. B. V. Co. . The every-day round-trip rate rrora Portland to Worth Beach polnta has been reducedby the-. R. A N.Co. fro.n 14 to S. tlcketa on aale until Ootobet 15 with final return limit October IL The T. J. Potter, queen of ttver boats, laavaa Portland for Astoria -nd-North Beach polnta aa followa: Septem ber 12. T a. m.: September 14, I a, m.; September IS, S:1S a. m. Tha Potter U now making certain aayugni inpa iroin Ilwaco to Portland. The Haaaalo-leaves Portland for Aa torla and way polnta. connecting at' As toria with Nahcotta for Ilwaco and WortbJ Beach polnta, Aah. street dock, dally at S p. m.. excepting Sunday (Sat urday at IS P- fn-J 0X1 .t, " Storm magea at Bayton. (Spselal Dlspatcb te The Joornst) Dayton, Or, Sept IS. The first rain of the aeaaon vlalted tbla aectlon Mon day and tha atoms haa continued since. The- thunder and lightning haa been the most severe wltneaaed for a num ber 1 of yeare. 1 The rain will he a great benefit tn farmera, giving vegetation or an ainda a fine, start, and will alao lay the dust which waa quite a menace to travel. It will not affect hop-picking unless It Bad blood "and Indlgeatlori are deadly enemlea to gooa neaiin. Bitters destroys them. Burdock Blood H 1 1 1 1 1 1 ". ' l 11 )i It 4 I I "500" . . -. - i Score Cards f Bridge Whist Pads i 1 Folding Card Tables An Elegant Assortment of Playing Cards j 4 :t-' THE I J. K. GILL CO. : Booksellers and ; . " ...I-. Stationer. 1 THIRD AND ALDER Great TfcKt$s at Utlk Prices g4Mr4Hra0 The Gwavtcat'Clortiing Hooae AS FALSIFIER' ..... . 4 9 ' I ' ' ' ' ' - Storrtrfr-4rrdignatOii-Swep Prineville Country Over That Paper's Misstatements. STORY 5F GRAIN FIRE IS PUBLICLY DENOUNCED Citixens' Business League Adopt . Resolutions Nailing - Journalistic Lies Journal ' Is Commended i 7 Exponent of Fair Play."--; (SpeeUI SUpateb to The learaall . Prineville, Or.. Sept. IS. X storm of Indignatlonwnloh haa-: swept through thla portion,, Of tha county during ths past week and shaken It like tne swirl ing currents of a cyclone, cams to a cul mtnatlon' laat Saturdajrnlgbt.wrientht Citlaens' Business League of thla city adopted resolutlona denouncing In un feeling terma the mlerepreaentatlon of facts conUlned In the Orefonlan'a re cent story of the Craln fire. The blase occurred three miles eaat of here on tha Porflly ranch and was a comparatively Insignificant, one. The story In the Oregonlan. with Its details, haa been proven falae aa haa the chargp of Incendiarism laid at the doora of tha locali defendants tn the Isnd cases. .Ths resolutions adopted read as folows: "Whereas, The Portland Oregonlan, In Its Issue of September 4, conta,lna an article, purported to be baaed on facta. Tproperty of Wllford J. Craln. six miles from Prineville and . belonging to tha aald Wllford J. Craln, had been de stroyed by fire during . the night, to gether with his entire production of this year's hay: that tha loas was total, and that Immediately . after the firs tha tracks of three men were found leading from tha scene of tha conflagration Into the city of Prineville: and : -Whereas. It la asserted that t fire waa an act ofIncendTafiim-tnst1gated by Wllllamaon. Oeaner and Blgga, resi dents of this county, and at present de fendants In tha land casea now being triad , In PnNlanrt;. and "Wbereaa, It ia the sense ' of tha Citlaens Buslneaa League - of Prine ville. acting for the residents of tfhls city snd eastern Crook county, that the aforesaid article Is wholly falae and mallcloua In Its Intent; that Its malevo lent " construction Is wholly without foundation, and that It waa purposely intended aa a detriment to Crook county. Its buslneaa Interests and association!, and waa directed against the society of the county In general; and, .- further, the facts show that the property de atroyed was not on the ranch of Wllford i. Craln, one of the wltnesaes In the land cases, butwaaon the Porflly ranch only three milea from thla city; that the fire did not occur at night, but waa diacovej-ed about midday: that a barn belonging to Wllford J. Craln alone waa' not destroyed, nor-hls pres ent season's crop of hay, but a ahed cov ering aeveral tons of last season's product; that the property lost belonged equally- to Ralph Porflly and Wllford. J. Craln and waa partly lnaured: that there were no tracka of three men found leading from the scene of tha fire Into the city of. rrlnevllle, and that It la ths opinion of Ralph Porflly, one of the owners of the destroyed property, that the fire waa accidentally aet by a party of campers, tranalenta paaalng through the county, who had apent the night In. that vicinity,, and who were not nor have been In any wise connected with the defendants In the kajid cases; there fore, be It i b . "Resolved. By the citlaena' (Business League of Prineville. expressing the an divided sentiment! of tht residents of Prineville and the eaatern f ortlon of Crook county, denouncing In anquallfted terms the .culpably falae, wilfully mis construed and widely exaggerated state ments contained in tha article hereinbe fore mentioned, that a copy. f theae resolutions be forwarded to Tha Oregon Dally Journal, believing that newapa per to be tha only journalist! exponent of fair play and Justice in Portland. a. that they be publlahed in refutation of the alleged facta aa they appeared In the Oregonlan of September 4. "M. R." ELLIOTT, ecretary." Steamer Tc!r;r for :t;r!a. Round trip Leaves Alder r turning le i , Portland S. land lit, f - -t rv -). t r i. t OREGONIAN FLAYED ' I Double seat and knee suit, yery dura- ' ble, in pretty weaves and colorings. ;- e$e5.00 and $6.00 in the Northwest Mow Is the Time to Ac. It's Up to You to Know Yourself , Your Friends and Your Enemies. . ; ; : :u PROFESSOR Deforest . .': ' Located -T. -234 MORRISON STREET :""; PARLOR 4 and 8 T " Offara te each (ndrrMaal the reqaisite el suata a. Maury te a sacesesral ptlartsMge to health, happiness sa4 prasperlty; to partake of the blessiags year Creator lateadsa fee yea; to galoe the hlp eC daatlay te a (( -harbor;- to erereosie iuaai uaatable eeataelaa that are lying la the pathway ef year plus. -.'enselt that aila.ut Payehle apea every eaestloa fcr praper sotaUoa; he will help yea) witnont mi. The cut repre sents a new shoe mads In two models, of two leathers. Lace or button. turn or welt soles,OnbsA V.. I. XT I -I UW4e. V U,4 M v kid or nat- - enttoit . . .y r PRICE $3.50 ' Y' 7 complete showinf of UU shoes for fall wear.They represent .the best endeaTors of America's, foremost shoe, de sifners. To the woman who appreciates a , combination of styles comfort, durability In footwear at moderate prices, these shois will certainly appeal FULL AH '283-85 tlOMlICOn CT BTE- 3 Tsr siedera tat aewa4 s Lswest rs oo-" C W t--N I r- NEW FALL rk-'V"