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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 13, 1905)
THS OREGON! DAIL1 JOURNAL, PORTLAND. VSDIIITDAY-iSVENINoV ZZTTZ:iZZ 13, Itl ... i ' A i- it s-ur lil OIG 1 First Session of Sort Yt Hld In iXX District4 Opsnsc. at First : Z Congregational Church. .' CHRISTIAN WORKERS OF' r MANY STATES ATTEND " I. - J.. I . y. I - tt,M .y , Mew En in the Society Wrk Said V to Be just Started by the Appoint i vroent of Field Secretary With Wide - Powers, . .'; ' In the first1 Congregational, church. ' Park and Madison streets, this morning. tha three-day conference of tHe Chrls- . tiatt Endeavor "Institute of the North ''"west begsn: .Tha institute InctVides the states of Oregon, Waahlngton aod Idaho., and I delegatea from Varloua : aectlone of those states attended today's C session. Others wfll arrive this even- , lng and tomorrow. . . :r i " . Tha inatttute ia tha first of Ita kind aver held in tha northwest . It wai de rided uDon In connection with tba an' tertalnraent of visiting ' Endeavorera to ,' tha Lewis and Clark exposition. Ita purposes are tha discussion of tha van ' oua departments of Christian Endeavor work and. to Inaugurate tha work of .: Rev. W. J. Sharp, who waa recently ep- - pointed - field secretarjr'f or tha "north- ,- west.' ; . v - ' t Members of tha Institute declare that the appointment of -the field secretary , marks a new era In tha work. It la the , .' first attempt, they assert, to utilise tha power ox tha institute through a field secretary and great results are expected. ' Todar Beasto ad Ita Vert. Rev. A. A. Winter, pastor of the Evan fcellcal church. Tenth -and Eaat Sherman streets, presided at today's aeaalon t the institute. After preliminary re marks, in which ha told the purpose of ' tne convention and ita hopes, -devotional exercises were held. They- were con- i oucted by Rev. u. A. Thompson or Bell- wood Presbyterian church. ' Mr. Thomp son's theme wsa "A Call to Service." . Following the services there was a conference on. the Tenth Legion." con ducted by, F. Edgar Berth : of Seattle, . atate president of the Washington , Christian Endeavor union. ' Questions were propounded by delegates relative to the. giving- of ona tenth - of - one's possessions or lncometQ Jhe rt urt and , were answered by Mr. Barth. . Rev. C. T. Hurd of the Evangelical . cost :h of CorvaJlls conducted a confer ; encd on "The Spiritual Life Of the 80-cletj.-- The discussion lasted for half en lour, ater which Von Ogden Vogt of Ejoaton, general - secretary of ' the '- TJnltad Society of Christian Endeavorers. - waa te have spoken. . A telegram waa . readj' from. hlm however, announcing - that his train had been delayed by a' ; landslide. He wUJ arrive thle after; . .soon. ,' - - --' 1 . , . TD: BRIDGE AT ST! JOHilS (Continued from Page Ona) - ' - y ridge 'and a high bridge .three quarter ef a mils long serosa the Willamette. . A gap of to miles, from Waahougai to a point about a mile east of Van- couver. la JLll that remains Atnseoured of a right of way for the Portland ' Seat tie and tha Northern Pacific Railroad companies down the ttortt bank' of the r r r rt. I. tJtillll) Columbia fiver from Wallula to tha alte of the -proposed new bridge across, the - Columbia. ' This gap is the most lmpor - tant, and will, it la expected, be the moat - expenalve to pnrcnaae. Mr. Kerr, head . of tha Northern Pacific- company'a land ' . department, - reached .Vancouver yester day to take charge o&the atrenuous campaign against the "Wallula Pacific and O. R. ft N. companlee for thie strip. ' A. O.-Avery, assistant chief counsel If or the Northern Pacific has arrived at .: -Vancouver, from , Taooma, and la ar- v ranging to rent a dwelling for hie fam . Uy. with, ithe Intention, I of remaining a ,- year or more. . He wllFbave charge ef .'the legal matters of the .Portland ft "' Seattle company. The engineering work i te In charge of W. W. Bethel, of the . .. , Northern r Pacln engineering - depart- f - ment. assisted by George R. Toung of Bt, Paul, t ;;,. -.., j L'. .: ' Snrveyoaa la the ; Three -or feur-crewe of surveyors have , been hurried Into the field and era at Locks. : They are In charge of 8 L Paul ' and Minneapolis men.- Including - M. ,, Woldaon. W. D. Clegg. EL W. Lewis, W. J. Henry, James Battlen and- 8. E. ' .Know lea. Each party contains from 16 to JO men. Complete commissary out ' fits and carloads ef grading equipment . and .horses have been eent up the river , on boats of tha Regulator line and dle- , trlbuted at points between Vancouver and. the Cascades. ' The equipment - la :. Northern Paciflo wheel scrapers, and the engineers in charge are Northern Pa . cifle men. A Quarter of fresh beef . la being ..sent . dally ' to different points ' along the north bank, between Vancou ver and Waahougai, . oonalgned to Por - " ter Bros., a Chicago contracting firm. '. The necessity for quick action has .".not found tha Northern Paelfle unpre pared, although -It V has compelled,, the ' ' company te retort to methods more open than it would otherwise have-employed. awe isiey a" kovav SAtuHe NW8U co Hsw-yosic. ; OOOlllUEST JOIil IIISIIIUTE W. J. Sharp. , In the absence' of Mr. Vogt. Pr. E. L. House "of' the ' First - Congregational church delivered an eloquent address on This One Thing I Do' He waa fol lowed by Pr.. Wallace of fipokane and ur. Leveu or ueioic conesv. ur. myu waa formerlv an Instructor of Mr. Vogt and attended the session this morning in the hope of hearing the address of bis former pupiL . There wsa no afternoon session today, but an evenlne- session, will be held at T:4S. Dr. E. P. Hill will preside, praise services wn oe oeia ana ttev. J. M. Wilson of Seattle wiU deliver an ad dress. ' . - - s P. Edgar Barth will preside at tomor row morning's session. The program Includea devotional exercisee conducted by Rev. C T.: Hurd end a conference on , "field Secretary Work," - by Rev. W.'j. Sharp, field aecretary for Oyegos and Washington. . Mr. Von Ogden Vogt will also apeak during the session. - Tomorrow evenlnrs session will con list of praise services and an addreaa by Von Ogden Vogt Rev. E. B. Muckley will preside. Rev. V. A. Thompson will preside at Friday morning's session... Rev. W. J. Sharp will conduct devotional exer cises and the conference wilt include the- subjects of 'Missionary Work,-' by Carl Reeves of Seattle, and "Junior Work," by Mra. A. H. Burkholder. ' ,. x The committee on arrangements dur ing the convention consist of Rev. L. M. Booaer, John A. Ropkwood, Rev. H. E. Powell end Rev. A. A. Winter of Port land. - The state .officers are: Oregon President. John A. Rock- wood: secretary. Miss Dolcle C. Mans field; treasurer, A. W. Brookings. ' Washington President, F. Edgar Barth; secretary, "Misa Minnie A. Gib bons; treasurer, Lawrence Jack. . . ' Tha game has been forced by the unex pected appearance in the field of the Wallula Pacific, and tha departure of Ita tight of. way agents, senator Rand and George Stapleton. Into the field te secure rlghta of' way for the O. R. ft IT.- 'With -this avowed enemy moving agalrlst it. the Northern' Paciflo did not dare wait longer. . Immediate action be came- absolutely- necessary, and In less than It. hours the Portland ft Seattle appeared on the scene horse," foot' and dragoons, to defend the threatened In terests of the Northern Pacific. ' OolamW JUvec Brtace.. ' It Is practically settled that the Co lumbia river bridge will be erected at the alte formerly surveyed by the Ore gon Railroad Navigation company at the weat end of the town of Vancouver. Here a large pier, ettll etanda, erected some years ago by tha O. R. ft N. with a view of Invading eouad territory)' In retaliation for a aim liar mova made by the Northern Pacific. The ' pier and franchises have passed to possession or tne Nortnorn paclno and the pier. which cost j. m a well bre- aervea atate.' The Northern 'Paciflo' owns ' depot grounds snd other property In tha vi cinity, where Ite Kalama apur extenda along the rrver bank to tha westward. At a point near tha liter la a traetof two or three blocke owned by William Ranck of Vancouver, who Is said to have soia tne ground a week ago te the Northern Pacific, clvtna tha nmuni terminal grounds for a turnout to the eld bridge -pier. In the eeme vicinity uuuu.icnuvnta ty Alder man E. R. Schofleld. It la aald parties wno oesirea to speculate on the prop erty were eeeklng to buy It, but tha owner refused to permit Ita use for that purpoae end la negotiating for Its saie airect to tne railroad company. Eastward from the Northern Pacific eepot eite it ewne a rranchiee from the city for trackage grounds, and has a right of way along the river through the army post J For a mile eaat of thla point It owna the Clausen tract, a dairy farm bought two years ago by jnen sup posed to represent - the - Wcryerhauaer Lumber company; It turned out to be a Northern Paciflo purchase. .JLaad at eo lifmre." '. ' ' From thle farftr eastward to Washou gal there la not a foot ef land, as fat as can be learned, tnat ia now owned by either of tha contesting railroads. Some of the land Js held at goodly fig. nree by the present owners, and thla ,1 rpr?i ....... t... v.-,- trA , PIAN0S x SECOND HAND" AMD SLIGHTLY USED - 1 - , . ) Ae ahnne mu half their real value. We have a large stock of them on band of alihoit every known make, and -mutt et rid of "them to make room for thei Urge shipments of new goods arriving. . 1 nis simpie an nouncement 1 is sufficient without giving a list of makes and prices, for our house is recognized as the jcreat real bargain house of the city. Come in and look them over and we are mttrm vuiill Unit anmethino' to vour liking. Remember any second-hand Piano you puy 01 us can do exenangea any time Within two years for a new Piano at the price you pay for it m ee - a f ' a - . uau uus weea. . . , NEW PIANOS 'We have the largest stock of high grader trp-to-date Pi a noe ever- ehown in Portland- such Pianos aa Knabe, Everett, Mason ft Hamlin, Hardman, Fischer, - Packard, Conover, Ludwig, Vose and Cable need no introduction to the public No cheap makes with painted cases and -celluloid keys find a place on our floors. Remember, our Pianos were ' specially selected for most of the state and public buildings at the Exposition, another evidence of ' their superiority hen our prices and terms are the lowest that can -be obtained- If you want the best for your .money yon want tevsee us. - - c411cn C, Gilbcrt- Ramakcr Co. SIXTH AND MORRISON part of tha route wllL it Is said, be the scene of the hardest - fought battle In the right-of-way campaign,,'. ' Property valuea at Vancouver .have been greatly stimulated aa a reault of the developments of the last week. A number of aales of business property are reported today. The Ferrell prop erty, a lot to by 100 feet occupied by. a one-story frame building -on Main street. was sold to Mr. Carter for S,400. : The Auditorium, an old theatre building on a lot 100 by 100 feet, at -the corner of Washington and Third streets, passed from Miller to Doyle for tt.000. It la reported that a lot SO by 100 feet at tha corner of ' Seventh', and Washington streets waa sold by the Daniels heirs to parties unknown for $4,000. A prom inent real estate dealer at Vancouver said; Will Xelp Taaeoave. "There is no further doubt felt here that tha Northern Paciflo la to come down the north bank of the Columbia to Vancouver. It will be a great bene fit to this city. A reasonable advance in property la to be expected, but It la hoped there no hold-up games attempted againat the railroads where It mekea reasonable offers for property required by Its construction plan. The town -of Vancouver can stand a boom very nicely, but 1t will be the railroad company that will bring the boom, and It ought to be received with a fair splrl ana ancouragea to proeeeo wiin ita un- aertaaing. .-.- The Portland ft Seattle now occupies rooms In the Mulligan building, rented by Prealdent . J. Couch -Flanders. : It has leased the' second floor of the Pack, ard building, on Main atreet, and has a forcaof , carpenters snd plasterers . at work subdividing the space Into officea for the engineering and legal depart ments. --,.... - - . k . Chief Engineer Bethel, of the Port land ft Seattle, said: , "The building of this railroad will be a good thing for Portland and for Van couver. Anything I might, say about Its plana or operations at thle time would be premature. I do not avan know when we will move into our new quarters In tha Packard building." ( , RAILROAD MEN WILL, BE V IN-PORTLAND TONIGHT " Escorted by General passenger Agent A. L. Craig, and Assistant General pas senger Agent McMurray of the Harrl min lines In Oregon and Assistant Gen eral Paaaenger Agent Smith of the Northern Pacific at St. Paul, the as tro! excursion of the American Asso ciation of Traveling Passengeragenta wlir arrlveTn Portland thla evening on the steamer Bailey Oatsert from The Dalles. Their special train from Chi- g" Mtnm mir Uia .MortLyrrn Pi via St Paul to Spokane, thence on the O. R. ft N. They were met at Butte yesterday by a reception committee of Portland railroad men. Arriving here thla evening, they will be served with dinner and immediately afterward a reception will be held at the Portland Commercial club In their honor. A large number of the members have brought their wlvea on tha Portland trip, and tha reception will be attended by the wives I. of tha members of - the club, who will exert themselves to make the evening eJhjoyable for tha visiting women. Tomorrow and the eucceedlng three' days the traveling paasenger agents will b shown Portland and tha exposition and I given a trip to the beach, where they will spend Sunday. - TRYING TO PREVENT ' STRIKE IN CHICAGO v j Jearaal Special Serviee.) -' . Chlcaao. Bent. 1 2 Plim Br- mmt to be employing nonunion men to take me ptaces -or rreignt handlers In the ni siriKe ia aeciarea. it is be lieved they will be able to flit places Immediately. Both sides are endeavor ing today to I prevent a strike. The freight handlers have appointed a com mittee to confer with the managere thla afternoon, . . . . , SON BORN.TWO HOURS . AFTER )TS FATHER DIES (SpeeUI Oisaateh Is The TMraali Colfax, Wash., Sept. 13. fTwo hours after the death of Thomas Morrow in Pullntan last-night his wife gave birth to a Baby boy, which Is alive and itrong. Morriw waa a prominent youni busi ness man -and -wis takan urday. He sank rapldlyntll death cam' . Four phyalclana are unable to agree n the cause or nia deauu Telle revet Beoors. (Joereal Special ame.t " New, Orleans, La., Sept. It.i-At noon 14 new caaea and two deaths from yel low fever were reported. J At Jackson, Mississippi, four esses ,re . reported. Hamburgtown is quarantined. ' . - - - 1 T - BTebeaaka'BaalMt.. ' Free moving picture exhibitions. Neb raska paviUon, Agricultural palace. - :. ' PEllUJbfllJGU RlllLE'SIflCK : , . -. ' " ' . - Disclosures of Insurance Meth ods Continue at' New York Legislative rnvestigation. BIG DEALS FOR CAIN ; NOT INVESTMENT '"'I'm, 4 asjBBwaesBSBaasawawsjsBBaeMaa Treasurer Randolph of New York - Lift Compelled to Admit Transac tions o the Most Outrageous Na ture Dabbling in Markets. '. Qearssl Speelal Setvka.1 New Tork. Sept. IS At the resump tion of the Insurance Inquiry this morn ing Frederick ' K. . Shlpman, . assistant treasurer -of tha New Tork. Life, waa called on the. stand and questioned ss to syndicate operations. - Ha reiterated much of yesterday's testimony covered by Randolph in regard to tha transac tions Of railroad " bonds particularly. He - acknowledged the - purchase of 1500,000 Burlington bonds made jointly with the WJ8.. Kanchot. company, not for Investment, but for' profit. Ship man said that auch purchases were for tne purpose 01 reselling -tne common stock. . . From Treasurer' Randolph of" the New York Lire it was further learned that It " hat' been" the ' practice of the Insur ance concerns to buy stocks and bonds forbidden by the Insurance laws - of New York state, transfer them- to dum mies or third parties a day or two before the state commissioner made hie annual Inspection, so that they would not ahow on tha books of tha concern, and -then have them deeded baok again after tha report was made.' In one instance 1800.000 In . International Mercantile Marina stock wss deeded to J. P. Mor gan on December si, lds, and deeded back by Morgan on January 2. 1904. On December 10, 1I0, 1800,000 worth of tha same stock was sold outright to Morgan for 1720.000, strewing aloasTtd the New York Lire or, which was charged to profit and loas on the comnanv'a hooka. When the Insurance company waa not making collateral loana which the laws forbid. It made a practice of lending Its money to the New Tork Security ft Trust company, which made ' tha col. lateral, loans.. . . .. ; -''. RAIN "STOPS HARVESTING . r IN PAL0USE COUNTRY , - ihkiii Lnspaica ce tbs javrsaL - Colfax. Wash.. Rent II Ria. ni. began falling laat night and continues at 1 o'clock today. All harvest work la stopped, but no damage to . grain le feared. It la hoped the rain will raise the water in the Snake river to permit a resumption of navigation. Thla Is uie urn. ram. in more tnan two months. WIU Advertise JUa tote. ' - (Jearaal Special Bervles.) . Concord. N. H.. Sept. lt.-Amon the many distinguished visitors 1 who have arrived her to attend tha Concord fair as the guests of the governor of this state is -Governor Glenn of North4 Caro una. who will be one of the speaker at the meeting tonight His addreaa wUl be principally devoted to the- ex--' plotting of the advantagea and resources of the stata-of North: Carolina. Before he returns to his own state he will alao visit Boston and probably deliver an address before .the Massachusetts Busi ness Men's association... - :. Sxcnzsloa JSatea to Sfewport. ' The Southern Paciflo company has placed on sale at all -- Tortland offices round trip tickets te Newport et rate ef $4. limited te October 10. ItOf. and for $t Saturday to Monuay tickets. Ample hotel accommodatlona at reason able rates are provided at this popular resort 1 iiAsnir TVOZB0 wuim . Produced by Peerlesa Pattern No, 1785. All Beams Allowed.-. The design here portrayed is .irecom mended for Its excellent lines.; A Stand ing collar finishes the highneck. The mode will look well made of lawn, lans downe, albatross, flannel, gingham, cash mere and chambray. j The pattern la In T alien 13 to 44 Inches, bust measure. For 14 Inches It needs 17 It yards 20 inches wide. 11 yards 6 Inches wide, yards 44 Inches wide, ok- A '4 yards 60 Inchea wide, all the pieces being laid one way; or, with the nieces laid both ways, it needs 17 yards to Inches wide, 10M yards 89 Inches wide. IH yarda 44 Inchea wide, oil 7 yards (0 Inchea wide. Above quantities allow, for a lengthwise 10-Inch skirt ruffle having a 1H-Inch hem and 'being 7 yarda long and alnn for a -bertha frill SI Inches wide end 1 yards long. rnce, iv cents. r..: . ,. - m 0EOOT D AII.T yOTTmsTAt nro asova attkw rout paid vpobt mzoxurr or vsw vr i rmiom no.."........:., sise.:.....;... Name .; 1.. "'.. f .. .-'','. s ' . .-. -i, ; ' : Address ....... . ....... . ear ... . ; . . , . i. . r,: . . . . . . ' Stats ;. . . .', . ,'i .'. . ." : ,rCoiiilL2i3 in L ItnmMW, :1IC:8Q a 11'; N . v ' ; - V My Stock Qamprises' tlu .Newett.Desosof : y. " v;.-t'f;- Silvcrivarc Cul GIcss. DrcnzL . . To be sold regardless of cost Nothing reserved . . Sales commence 10:30 a'. ' ro; 2:30 p. m. and 7 iii :: Ladies espa -teed ew'-represem . As to responsibility "and strictly honorabte deaUngs I refer tp the First Al HIUJUSU ' JSSUUa. Ua W Asylum Official Forces Oountj to Pay Bills for Keep of , -t Indigent Insane.; v . .1' i (Jeoraal Speelal Serviee.) St - Joseph. Mo.'. - Sept 11 Under threat of emptying the Insane asylum, the county court paid a bill of f lt.t3t.S0 due from Buchanan county.--for-the maintenance of too indigent Insane at the asylum. Dr. C N. Woodson, super intendent, threatened to turn the pa tients loose on the community at noon unless the disputed bill was paid. The threat silenced all Ulk about the lack of funds, and resulted In tlJ,2JM(T be- 4ng turned over. - ' v 1 Chara-es were made against superin tendent Woodson and othec officials thst county funds are . belngvumd for etate purposes and that excessive rates are charged for the care of the Insane. Pleading poverty, the "county court neg lected te make pay men ta due July L Aa a result, tha ultimatum was deliv ered declaring that unless the money waa forthcoming the madmen would be turned loose on the community. j; H ELL0 GIRL REPLACED :, BY AUTOMATIC PHONES ', '' (Jeoraal SpeeUl Serrlea.) ' ; V ' - v Allentown. Pa., Sept 11. The Con eolldated Telephone company hae 1 de cided toi spend $200,000 Installing girl less telephone planta here and In Hasle ton, depriving more than 100 girls of jobs. Tby will be oijt as soon asjthe new planta are ready, probably Decem ber 1. . The 60 glrle here are eo cross about It that many left Instantly and the service Is greatly impaired. Directors eay they are eorry for-the glrla, but caloulate such a girl-less ex change will save 130,000 a year. If the trial- plants are successful, aa It lieved they will be. the girl less system will be installed throughout the entire p nnaniMated TWritenr. which Includes icanitpn .WllkesbarTei and ten other of B'ailf 'li'"1! it iinniri - i the largear"ciHea IfTnnsTlvarltarWsTT of the Suaauehanna river. More than 400 girls are employed In these ex changea. -. ' ' . TAGGART MOVED TO TEARS AND WIFE BREAKS DOWN ' (Jeoraal 'Sseclal Serviee.) ' . Wooster. O., Sept II. Attorney Sterling cloaed the argument on behalf of Major Taggart this morning and aaked that the boys be given Teggart to be cared for by his parente and that Mrs. Taggart be permitted to visit them. The Judge and many spectators as well aa the participants were moved to tears. Mrs. Teggart for the flrat time broke down and had to be assisted from tha room. Major Taggart sobbed. - . HaHBaMeMWMeaMeswsawaMWaea . Teteraas te amalgamate. , ' , ' (Joeraal Special Service.) Altoona. Pa., Bept II. Several hun dred members of. the eastern and west ern divisions of the American Veterana of Foreign Service Are assembled here to ettend the Joint convention which Will open at frohslnn hall tonight Thla morning the members of the two divis ions held separate conventions in which they arranged their business affairs in preparation for the amalgamation of tha two dlvtaiona Into one organisation. This afternoon a preliminary Joint session wilt be held in which rules for govern ing the convention and amalgamating the two-organisations wilt be adopted. The flrat general meeting ofthe amal gamated .organisation will be held to night and an elaborate program has been prepared for the occasion.-" -V Wisconsin Methodists atsetT" ' r . Uesraal Special Berries.) Madison, ' Wis, 8ept II. The west Wisconsin conference of the -Methodist Episcopal rhurch opened here . this morning with a large attendance of dis tinguished ministers from all parte of the state. Among th prominent clergy men and officials of the r-hurch at tending the conference are Bishop Lu ther B. Wilson of Chattanooga, Tennes see; the Rev. Robert Forbes of Phila delphia, Rev. J. F. McFarland, Rav. W, A. Qusyle of Chicago apd Dr. A. B. Leonard of New Tork. general mlssloii- ary aecretary of the M. E. church.' - - . Preferred Seoek Canned Seeda. Allen Lewis' Best Brand. r' i23'SIXTH THREATEKED TO TURN LOOSE I N - TiVO HUDRED LUIIATICS 7 . , ' .' -Vr. -,i I..' I uu' .i .....Ji - :,. n. ,. '.ili . J WILL COMMENCE - v 1 . Diiiinsni!sana-G:2-Lcrci,Ko2li-cI.--.; weu. -. - .. rv , ' u J. OANSL HARRY E. MYERS, Auctioneer ; ' : If you ; it to you. now in. Spschl Jspanese A'- Vw'estorri Importing 329 WASHINGTON STREET. wife's i'ii;iso:.:Ei:Ess sets - MATTERS RIGHT V Relatives Share Estate With Young Mari Cut Off for Mar- vrying a Dancer. :. . . (Jooraal SpeeUl Service.) '. Pittsburg. Pa-. Sept. It. The eatate of Jacob ' Reymer, held to be ttOO.000, will be equally divided among all heirs, and Samuel - 8. Reymer. the son who married Nellie' Paris, the dancer, will not be cut off with 110.000 ae hie father intended by leaving each a clause In the Lwill. ..''.'., -.- v ' - Samuel 8. Reymer, the eon. has .been In this city with hlk young wife since last Saturday arranging a reappointment of hia father's eatate. He was asked If he would contest the will. - He aaldt . fWbattry o-fereak-father's-wtlt and mothera heart T Not a bit of it I'll get my ahare. never mind how- the division Is made." Mrs. Samuel -Reymer, the bride te in k w. ua iu a" a sbjwivii ui luw w madCneVer Vlnd her mother-in-law until last week. -he le eaid to have won the hearts of her new relatives In a short ttme through I CLATSOP BEACfll Greatest Ocean Resort in the PacifiNorth west Astoria & Columbia River Railroad V ' r THROUGH TRAINS NO CHANGE. ' Leave tJnion Depot, daily. . . . 8 :00 A." M. ; . . ; - Arrive Gearhart Park.....Vi2:20' P. M. )I v.- Arrive Seaside',. I,,. y.VtM P.' M. 'Vif; . y'lX'- Leave' Seaside ,,..;.;,r..T. 5i)0' P. M.' ' ;, 5: LAve Gearbaft Park..... 6:10 P. M- i ' ...I---; Arrive Portland .... ..... . . 8 :50l p. M. -X- 4 nOURS WtEE SSCSES CFTCEG2AND PAOF1C CCEAN -This scenic-route paraliefs the majestic Colombia for-100 ; miles, giving every advantage, to see it in all its grandeur. , Reason round trip tickets. ....-n...V........$3.00 iturday round trip tickets, good two days 2.50 V- Single seats In the parlor car 50 ceriU "extra each way. ' , For ; Information Apply 848 Alder St, . .. . . t ' : C Ae STEWART; Agent ; j. c. mayo, a p. a:-; . 1 1 ' Fir.2 Iz . . . r - . . . w . T , - :'' .- .. V -'. '-. -,'...' : . -A v f ... -V '- T71!tT7 bVUJ e .. - . v .... j Oriental Curios wish anythTns; in this line, we sn give at the very lowest prices. . A largt stock This Weti oa Cotton Crepe Cotton Crepe,, regular 15c ' SHIRTWAISTS AT HALF PRICES. We wish to call your attention to our large stock of Lunch Bsskets with strsps.' Large sise 60f, medium S5t and small sise S5. ; These are Just the thing for school or ttsyeling. .vw,-: -' Before ; purchasing elsewhere call-' on us and we will guarantee you tbs best attention. ' IMPERIAL HOTEL BUILDINO. her winning ways. It Is thle aa welt ee the mother's . devotion to hT I son that eauaee the sternJl!)er'Linaadatsaio pa set aside. - ..... WITTE GRATEFUL FOR i K : AMERICAN 00URTESY (Jearaal SpeeUl Bervtee;) -f-Oyster Bay, Bept II. The president ' hae received the following from Wltte: ' "Before leaving the United St a tee I beg In my own name and en behalf of my fellow-workers to offer heartfelt thanks to you, -to your government and te your whole nation for tha cordial welcome upon - my arrival and the " uniform eaurtesydueiagay -sojounvtfce -ateeaory-ef which will Uve in my heart forever." tows fceafae ef Oltlea.. - . (Jearaal Special gervtes.) --. - ' ' Burlington, I a., Bept II. What Is ex pected to be the moat Important eon-, ventlon of the Iowa State League of MunlclpalUiea opened here today for a two-days' aeaalon. Over 10 citlea and ' townaofJhleetate are represented In the convention. Many prominent mu nltrlpal officials' are in attendance and an Interesting session Is expected.' The . league has secured the passage of. IS mmrtifyal laws by the last legislature. which are of great Importance not .only to the citlea represented in the leaguV but also to those outside ef the league. -- H- Phone Main 6C3