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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 13, 1905)
X THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY -EVENING. SEPTEMBER 13, ltZ5. 13 jj u ) SWantAdRates 1 r f ir i' oOURNAL r Entered i Ik peetefOco of PartlasA. Car IrananortaLlae threuh lb BiallB aT.CaA eleae asstter. ' , " .. . , j . aw a a ft. 10 a la- . to 44 pafe. S aula. -' -,'V'' ; Bustaeea OfBee. ...... ......... fobuob advebttsibw unirenitm. , VmUnd lnJiBli Special Advertising Aacr. .' lSu KuuV .uri, r "--l inf. Chioage. vbscbotiob batxb. Terms by Carrteee The finite InmL with Bandar. 1 feet. . The Dolly Journal. 1 year :,:: ! , Tb Delly Joaraal. with Snnday. aOBtha. J-T TK. hall IamvmI aaa,taa k. ruti. i . i th un i. 1 mnatb. I-4 Tb Daily Journal f, months..... 1 The petly Journal, wit Sunday. J The belly, par week. atUn-ti Sunday la- The lallV.V i.ii.".'uii' " , eepted. ......... - Terma ay .' ' Delly Joaraal with Bandar. 1 y..-1 9? Delly Journal, 1 Tr. ....... J JJ Dally Journal with Sunday. montha. Thbi kr Ball. , The The The Dally Journal. months;.... IS A IMlir JfllU 818.8. Will BWI IIMl W " ... aaa 1M Mllr JnruL Will lIKlf. a a"- I 1 Tlw lallr iMraiL I Months. .............. " ' The Pally Journal, with Sunday, t month.. - V e-v- rn- t i .th . .... .00 - Tha Sonde y JouraaL 1 year 8.00 . The Sauday Journal, 8 menu. ..... . Tha Ssml-Wsekly Journal. ' A Semi-Weekly Journal. ta. 12 PSo . Mca iiaa. iHBHnmi hh $180 V ' Suit ttm ihiU W 'aiada ky ArV f&T a bci uaiu iawanw 1. O. Box iU. rcttaB1. OrCa- v,ra -nil tonau. kat n tovn. Tha Joaraal eaa ka (oHi ea aah) at tka f fnllnwlnff plaraai , BOISB. IDAHO H. Mtat Oa. W. B. Ma- Iatyr. -..' - CHICAGO Postofflp Xawa aompajl; lit born ttNatt. 1' i DBNTCR. XLO. J. BUck, tlxtaantk aatt Car tM atraat. V lulu riT v. m Km amanaaav. , WINNEAPOUS K. J. Kaasaaagk, 50 fcartk TtM atraat. taii rr-w aMi.f.M'1 TTnlvta aoaara. ' OMAHA kUltard Botal Nawa at.nA: Maaaatk . ktatloajary xvarnaay. UN Faraaai eMapaay. -ALT LA KB CITT Kmyon Hotal Hawa aaai Barrmr Braa.. 4S Waat Bamntt atraat. asata. " BT. LOUTS Philip Rnadar. II Locaat atraatl ' B. T. -Jatt. i OTIta atraat. . . AI rKANCISCO W. B. Ardln, Pahiea Horal Nawa ataad w im llarkat atraatl OoUl amlth Braa. N nttr atraat -aad Balat rraarta kotali Foatar Araar. Farry kalto ' , inc; N. Wbaatlay, avsaaabla aawa ataaft, aar J ' ear kTarkat and Kcanvy atraata. . v BKATTLB Ralnl-r Oraa4 Natra atucl W. L. Bbanka. Botrl B-attla Nawa atantf. POKAMB, . WABHIKOTON Job a W. Graham ' tACOhlA. WAS HIWOTOl" Cantrat Baws 0a ' panr: Rotal Taootoa Kawa find. TOTOBIA. BBITIBB COLUMBIA Tlctortl Bask A Stationary aaatpaay. - " aa-iaaaaaaaal WEATHER REPORT. Oao4 ralna hara falloa dnrlnf tb laat 14 heora la tha Wlllamatta -allay a ad tka anand nuntry. and llsbtar aavmnta ara raaortad ta aoutbara Orejroa. eaatara Waablnatmt and aortb- ara Idaho. Bala baa a Ian orrarrad la wtatefa Montana, the Mlaaoarl rallrT and la tha Atlaa Ur atataa from New England ta Florida. It la eonlar tbla mornlnf la aaatrrn Orryoa. anathaaatara Waablnrtoa. aontbara Iriaha and - nortbara yarada. and mark warajar aVvnf tha aontharm California aoaat. Oonl waathar alaa nraralla ia tha appor Mlaalaatppl ralky and ; llatt frnat la rapartad at Bt. Panl. - Tha Indication ara for fair waatbar la ttila dlatrlrt Thnrartar praradad by lowar tanpara , turas teaUht with light front In aoathrrn and .. aaatrra Orafroa. aaatara Waahlng toa and Idaho. Marriage Licenses: ' ' rr. H. lathmaa. M; Mlnnla M. Mithtaara. - Oakland. Orraon. S3. ' (.- Joba A. Rothlar, 4T: Bra L. Nrwtmi. XT. . Hoy B Harnoa. 3S; Mary U Ttach, S3. . W. M. fmltb, 3: Nattla Cacll. 20.' T-Aimink y. Ainirraoa, i8:rni-t Miy fkp- .taaa. !." " . - - fharfcar atvadtefrn rWlnnlfrad T.nlllaf , Ionia Olaaa. Raatttr, Waahlrartea, 41; Cm ma XV Fraaklln. 38. i Phil Barklar, Oaktaad, Orrfoa, ; Hattta J. tvttia. H. i - Aatoa B. Joknaaa. M; Mary I. Brown. 1. . ' - Waddlnc Card.- W. a. Smith A Co.. Watk. Ingtoa kldy., anr Foartk and Waahlnytoa ata. BIRTHS, ft- , ritANK Ananat 14. to Mr. and Mrs. Ronbra B. Frank of Fnltoa. a daaabtar. . HANI.arH Baptambar 10. to Mr. and Mrs. Blrk. ,; ard IL.9aaiacB. 43B Eaat Elgbtaaatb atraat, ' a ana. . BAIL rtantambar 10. ta Vr. and Mra. Tbomaa Hall af Bllrar City. Idaho, a ana. CONTAGIOUS DISEASES. HAMMOND a-ptraihaa 11. M. Hammond. 141 Rklrtmora atraat. trnhoid tarar. LIVETT Baptrmnar 11. A Bala Lirett. 2t tirat atrrt, ararirt rarar. DEATHS. x B0LMEi BapUmbar C Wllllsm B. Holmaa, aaad TO rrin. 0 Korth Taranty-thlrd atraat: . rauaa. aaphyxtatloa from (aa. Burial at Camaroa. Mlaaoart. C0ATELL0 Baptatnbar 7. Blatrr Mary Cyril Coatalla. aaad SO yaara. at Ho ata for- tba ' Acad; raaaa. cardiar bypartracby. Burial at ' Mnnt Calrary aamatary. ' . BI KH Brntambar 12: H'lda Bnah. aaad yaara. Wilbur honor. Eaat Oak atraat: rauar. . rhnlara Infantum. Barlal at Loan Fir cama. XITZBVIIiy CZBXTZBT. i Blnala tray $10. Family lota T0 ta 11,004. fTha onlr enmatary la Partlaad whlrb nar. eataally malntalna aad rarra for Iota. - For fall InrormanoB anpiy to w. n. Haeaanai,- wor , eaatar block, rity. W. It, tadd. pros I dan t. Pannlnf. MrKntoa A Ollbanyh, aau laaun ta Paanlnc A Camptoa. aadartakara and ambalm ara. Modara In aaerr datall. Baraatb and Plna. Pboaa Mala 430. lady aaalstant. . The Edward llolraau Pndertaklng enmnaay. ' funeral directors aad embaJmera. 220 Third , atreet. Pbona SOT. . J. P Flnley A Bon. funeral directors aad emhalmer. corner- Third and Madison streets. Office ef tyrmrty enroner. - Telcpb.,na. Main 0. Faneral wreathe and cut flowers s anerla ItyT at Roar City Greeahouae. Twcntyaecond kad r.sax aflmea, opp. cemciery. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. ' rirland enmnany to H. D. ' Jones, 1 Jr.. - - bat A. bWtck 4. Plrlaad $ 1,100 Tka Grrmaa Serines A Loss society to f. C. Andcraoa et 1., lots 8. 4. block r -' T0.1rtty 12,500 R. Bctihalrfcer et at. to H. Bayer, lot A -. , 'block 3, Alblaa Homestead..., 10 , Annie B. Kerr and buabaad to Y. M. . Helta. nt' 4. block 33, ; Willamette Heights addition ., gjno - C. N. McArtbur at a). t HS K. Mv. v Arthur, lot 0. block IT. Birr 'a Hecond ' 1 addition; lota 3, 4. Mock 1, Hawthorne Place . W. A. Gwyaa and wife to I. 0. Trent. .. . bley, west H Mil, 10. block 18. Lin coln Eark amies .r. 2T0 Terwllllaer Land company to I. Trrwllll ger. lot 2. block 1ft. Tcrwllllger Home- ' atad addition 275 ,' I. B. Hbaver at al. to. Mrrtle U Gibson, lots 8. 4. Id. block!. Palmar Shaver' ewil additkm ; 1.200 B- A. Towa aad wife ta B. Warren. Ma --. li 22. 22. blnrk 21. Mt. Tabor :- Tni tono ; W. r. Rsreell trust e. at al. to 3. P. - , Klsley al al., parcel of land , a ten r block 51. Certrr'a addltton .,..'. 1500 x. Aaaa M. Cre mea to Kate Haadrey, lots . 1. 2. 8 T. block 5. Henry's addllloa to .' - Best Porthind X C. V. Line and wife to Thomas Clay- i b. W-t 1. hlncfc R. Alblaa Hnm-etead. SM O. VI. Ekmsa aad wife to II. B. Mo . .t!Mi.w . block VI. Olencoe Park.. . IW C. R, Taewvann ta taaa Tkoaasoa, lot -' '"" B-llwood M25 "rT. ,'"W" snd bnehand In I). ' edne. Vat. n. 2, kWk IA Point ' . view JOO ' 'i.i." 'f lu' U Benrt. I acre, ; . beginning 12 H feet east t? smith. " ,. . v' eoeaar of tree, roster ed ta A. . k' ' ""llr snd wife..,. I, M0 Ti. 1 rfr' Taamelte reewat . 7-J te- " beck IT,.;, 1 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. r. A. Cnaalncbam to W. T. Brooks, lot T. block IT. City Vlaw Park Aanaa M. Jackann ta Maraarat E. TyrrWl. V.ta 10. ii, block laVBbermrk addU . tbw I f B. Warran to J C. Uataka. Iota 20. 21, 12. 23, blorlTsi. Mt. Tabor Villa that kU Braa-n. to Bdltb K. Wood, lot rlAark-2..',inaular addition No. I. Aa O. Boarman and arlfa to Laara H. Korthrup, tot 1. block 60. Buanyaida. , , .... Cbarlotta llolconjh at al. ta Km ma .. Brown, lota a, 8, block 22, Boutaarn Porlland Anna A Mitchell and knaband ta B- A. Bbaw, part af S. K. Klna'a D. U C. , aactton sV luvaaklp 1 aortb. xanaa 1 at , B. W.Hoyt H- al. to Halaa Laka. lot T. 8. bkck 1. Arlata Park No. S McMtnnTllla rollrga to A3. B. Townarad, btt 13. block M. Baiiwaod. Arlata Laud company to J. Hornlk. Iota II. 11 1A block . Arlata Park No. . 0. g. Kauwltoa to Vt. A.' Ckalnaar. Iota ' 8. . 10. block 4. Kartall's Breund ad dition F. U Hoarard and vlfa to Addla Had- lay, lot 12. block 8, Nartk IrrluKtoa... First National bank to A. N. 8tcl-r--wald, andlrldad ot parcel" of-land. Iiafftuuiaa' at aouthwaat ntrnar oa aortb ' " acat ot aaetloa 18, townsblp 1 north, ranga X aaat . ......... .t S.,folltna and wlfa to D. J. Carraa, aouih . AM fart of Vita 8. . block 16. Blrar- rlaw snbdlrlakm to Alblna Emma M. Drown .aad husband ta C. O. ' . Holcomb at al., andialdad I S Intarrat . ta lot 12. block 190, Btaphana' addition to Bast Portland............ , L. L Iadbattar ta V. W. Laadbattar. pattof block .124. city. Portland Omanltdatad Ballway company ta M. B. Swlgart. lots 8 ta 18. In- rlnalra. atrapt lot 18. block IS) lot 80. 81.' block 8, Orchard Homa........ . 00 2.000 aOfJ ' 60 loo 181 "0 '-00 TTO 1.800 25 r Oat four Inaaraara aad abstracts to raal astata rrnm tba . Tltla. eaarantaa . Traas pany. 240 Washington atraat. aoraar Bacoadi TBI XXTB0TB Or A BAJTK't TTUrVLBIBB. Caatrally Inratad aicallantlr iaqnlppad on rrstlralr mansard tha "OLDEST TBI'BT COMPASY I.N fiHSOO.N" orfara cmOTanianca, safaty. - nfomplnaaa aad aaorlaay to all It patrons. - -t . . v' " ' 1. : PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OFjOREGON Resources Over $1,000,000 108 Third Btraat. . ' Pbona Mala 408. ' BEN J. f. COHKM ....... Praaldant H. L. PITTOCK..,.......-.....TIa-Prasldant B. LER PAGET... Bacratary h O. rOLTBA.rr..-TTr?; ;Aalatant Bawetary NOTICE. PB0PO8AL8 FOB CLOTHIKO AND EQTJIP- AUB Depot Quartarauatar'a otrira. an naw Moatgoassry at.. Baa Francisco. Cal., 8pt. 8. lb0. oca led proposals la triplicate, aub Wl to tba aanal conditions, will ea raealred brra aptll 10 o'clock a. m.. Thursday, Sap tambar 28. 10OS, aad tbaa opened, for fur nlahlna and dcllrering at altbar tha Philadel phia. Saw York. Boston, Chicago. Bt. Loala or Baa Fraaclara depots af tba ana rt arm as ter's denrtaient. L'. 8. army. 44.62 pairs alngla-aola marching aboaa and 30.000 pairs black bluchar aboaa. Tba right Is reserrtrd to re)ect or accept any ar all aropoaala or any. part the roof. Prafaranca will aa glrea tnTsrtlcles of domestic msaufactar. eoodl tlons ot qaallty and prlea (Inc hiding la prlca of foreign prndaatlqin or manufacture tha duty thersoo) bring aoaal. Standard sam ples raa be area at aad blanks for proposals and full Information will -be furnished aunn application to thia office. Enrelotien- con tafnlnr proposals to be ladwatd "I'mpasala for Clothing and Equipage to be opened at 10 o'clock a. m.. Btpt. 28, 10n5.,r Major 0. - A. DaroL - depot quartermaster, (J. S. army. .' PROPOSALS FOR TTMBEB TBESTI.E Baale bid! will be rerelTed up to 2 P. m., Baptemoer 14. laoft, by the Portland. Vancosrer St. Johns Bstlroad company for tha building of a railway trestle, ferry Incline, etc., about 11000 faet long. .from Shaw's Island, opposite VancooTer, to a point near . tha .polumbta Slough road. -' : Plans and specifications can be- examined at room 410. Mohawk blag., where tba bid are to be received. A certified check for M 000 will be re quired with each bid. to be forfaited aa filed and liquidated damage la ease tba bidder refuses to eater Into contract aad praslde a suttahia bond for the faithful perfcrmaoce at said work la ease contract la awarded him. Tba right la marred to reject any ot all bids. A. B. RICHMOND. .. Chief Bncineer Portland. Vsaoourar A St. Johns Railroad Company. TO TUB TAXPAYERS OF MULTNOMAH mt'NTT. nt' Kotiea la Kerenr eiaeB tnat an Monday, October A 1805. tha board of equalisation of Multnomah enuaty will attend at the office of tba county dark at aald county nd pabllcly examine the assessment rolls for tba year 100b. and correct all errors In raluatloa. oeecrlptloa ar qualltlee ot land, lota or other property, and It la tba duty m 8U"tiriutrrfsTra "wnwir it" tar time and place appointed, and If It aball appear to each board of equalisation that there are any landa. lots or other property a sensed twice or la tba aamc of n person or persona not the owner of the aama, or aaeeseed nnder or beyond Its rsloe. or any landa. lota ar other property not assessed, said board of eouallaatloa shall ' maka. tha nronatr die re ft lone. B. D. 8I0I.EB. County A Partlaad. Or.. September 8. 180a. THE Illinois commission offer for sale It property on the exposition grounds, consisting of the Rest navllloa. Abraham Lincoln home. and all furniture contained therein, except avhlhlta. nlcturea and loaned nroperty. WTere will Da receives in wminn, wnew accompanied by cert ir lea caeca tor iu per rant of tba amount thereof, for all. or snv Ca-tlon of the above-deecrlbed property, antll ..t.mhM an - The enmmtasion reserves the privilege of refusing any or all bids received, and of Bell ing all or any portloa of aald property at any time prior to September 23. - All communications should be addressed ta Fred H. Hand, executive commissioner, Illi nois Stats building, expbettlua grounds. Port land, or. . ...... NOTICE of Dissolution of Partnership The arm of Mathews A Crsndell baa dissolved psrtnerahlp. Here f tar the business will be conducted by Tbotna W. Crsndell.- who Is to pay an kill -ana collect nu creaiie now outstanding. , (Signed) THOMAS W. CRANDKIX, m ' - . A. H. MATHEWS. , Dated at Lents, Or., August 21. 100S. ' NOTICE Local. 208. I. T- M. A T. A. Special meeting will be held Thursday evening. Bent. 14. L'nioB ball, at 8 p. an. J. A. MADSRN, Itecretsry. DEATH NOTICES". ROBINSON In tbla' city, September 18. 1008, at the family reatdence, 3RT Thlrteentk etreet, .Emily C. Robinson., aged 68 year, beloved wire or w. B. Kootnaon, ' LOST AND FOUND. LOST A hoy's Waltham gold-filled, open -face watch, with Man lestner ron. nerwaan irv Inglon and Wonrtlawa via Gravel Hill roa.l. Return to 240 Stark atraat and recelv re ward. POI ND 4 email band grip on Colombia at., betweea Water and Kraut, last Saturday eve. Inquire,. tejOvsT'olumhia al. ' ' "TIELP" WANTED MALE." CLASSES in plumbing Tba plumbing clasa I a hick baa been aa popular at the Young Men' I hrlatlan aaanclatbHi aigbt school will ke given again during tba corning season, be ginning Mondsy, Kept em her z. npecist alien lion Is ulreit to practical Instruction. Mr. 1 homes K. HnlmeT rlly plumbing laapartor. will bsve cbsree of the rises. The entire cost for sa eight months', conre. two eeralng per wees, at fas. - 00 PICKERS to pick S24 eerea hope; all da aired accommodations, grocery, bakery, res. tssraat. antrberkoo. besatlful cams groaada. dance ball, pure asoonteln water, etc. ra duced escursloa rates:, special train. I ear. Boem 441 Slier lock bid.. Third aad Oak. WAN'tBD Strong bey to work lata mint oiners Been apply; 01 per osv; vr BANKING SERVICE d apply; Si p n Macadam u 8. Portia HELP WANTED MALE. MEN tnd bow wanted ta learn plumbing trade; grant deaiand fur graduates; 84-86 day; msy complete eearas In two months; graduates admitted to Talon aad Master flu in hers1 association. Coyne Bros. Co. 'a Plumbing ' Schools. New York. Cincinnati aad Bt. Lamia. (Day and night rises.) 'or free catalogue adilreee sVsa loth asa., new I or a. - WAWTBD Imaaadlatelr. olanlna mill foremaa wagae I00 par month; sharper aad band eawyer, 83.B0. per day; mesaina. man, as; . atalr bulldeaa. 84: none but steady and first' claaa men need apply. Addraaa Mlaaanla Lumbar Caw Miaaouia. Montana. . . j WANTED Mea to pre pa re for Norambar civil eeirlca esamlnatloua. Y. M.' C A. ereulng Institute: persoaal Instruction. For -full la , farmailoa aiiply ta educational director, As soc 1st loo blilt third floor, cor. fourth and ' xaaiuill ta. STATION MEN. rock-work; rood srtces. ywork. lots of It. side cuts, all winter, eastern ttregDo; tree isre. rsrierwisra at rtsotni - BmploymaBt Office. 28 Worth Second at. WANTED Bright boys, 15 or 10. for office work and grocery atora. Apply amployavntt - eecrrtary. t.' M. C. A.. -TourUi and Xamblil sts.. net ween iu ana iu:su. S BPTCHERS wasted: mast understand - tka kuainess. National Market, ear. Urand are. and j:; at mirnalde at. . : WANTED Boy about 18 to learn koalnana and rua err anus; wagea aa per wees at tirat. Apply Zt6 Stark at. WANTED Well-borer to contract for dorp wall Address Into Vancouver . re.. I'ortlaad, Or, i Bouf -fvaat svoe. j . FIRST-CLASS broiler and loacbmaa. Address M. -Lampbell, ' 820 Jar aa St., Beattls. - waaa. WANTEtV-Sallora for Manila and Australia; Apply at Bailors' Home, corner 2dY and Ullsaa. BOYS waated. permanent employment, good pay, western In ton Telrgraph Uov 101 Third at. WANTED Shoemakers, lastrra. factory band. apply ispin naua Co., Oregon Clta, or. ADVEUTI8IN0 aollrltors. 88 to f 10 dally. See aiiea morniuga. iu. nnsriocB oiag. WANTED Reliable boy. In welry atora; rat- erencca requjraa. m nizta- at. WANTED Errand boy; Meady Job, Mann A ateaca, va necooo at. ' WANTED Handy man to work In etable. 286 r ourta at. ' HELP1 WANTED FEMALE. - TOO PICKERS to pick 2, scree bo pa; aU de sired accom roods Moas, (rocary, bakery, res taurant, butcbar-sbop. besatlful camp gronnds, dance kali, pore mountain water, etc.; re duced excursion rates: special train,' 15 ear. Boom 441 Sherlock bids.. Third aad Oak. WANTED 150 atria to maka overalls and shirts; Instructions given to inexperienced, Apply - Neneladter 'BroS.,"Btandarf Factory No. 2. corner. Eaat Taylor and Grand are. WANTED Toons Is riles who wish to become it a loco anrsee. AOdreee uotner nu per lor, at. Jueeph'a koapluL Aberdeen. Wash. 01 RL wanted for boaeework in email family. van toranoon no.- z saat vil taenia at aouth. t Aakeny or Plna at. aara. HANSEN ! LADIES' AGENCY. 843 H Wsshlng- toa at., cor. seventn. npstaira.' raone Mala 2002. Famala kelp wanted. WANTED Girl to da light housework for board and mom and go to school. Call T42 Bavler at." Phone Pacific 08. WANTED German gh-1 for geneaal housework in ttermaa iamuy. oi eaat Taylor at. rhone Eaat 2005. WANTED Experienced makers, also appran- ticaa. novelty Millinery store, all Third, at. WANTED Ctrl to take car of child during oeyiime. vppiy asnrninaa, was cesrnev si. WANTED Gond plalsr conk for hosroing -bouss; woman; ai oay. jea norm lata at. WANTED Ml ' girls for" dreaamaklns; acbooL Ml i ' e - a. 1 f n, I A -W anstsraTB Saasjanj BJsVa .ara AT ITU I tl. WAltTKD A good clrl for rnt-ral housework. Apply room 100, A bine ton bid. GIRL for rtifrJ boavwork; mxmt qymn. svtit Pkntwx. a-nat si I KA ' QIRL wntvl to take car of cta1)drB AdtlroM 89 "aria, TaBI W atVUll 18411. . WANTED Gtrlta. Woatm Mailt to Co fU Al) 0!RIt wanted for gentral housework. SM Cp- MALE AND FEMALE HELP. THE demand lor competent bookkeepers aad aienograpoers uvnTasier ton tne supply.' From August 1. MttfSlto August 1, 1005. we placed 207 In goodrposTtlomtichad cslla tar mors tbsa 600; our graduatea are JILL employed; we will asalat you ta a position wbea competent; enroll now; day or nlabt, Bebake-Walker Btialneea College, Stearns blk., blltb. and Morrison ata. WANTED Teachers: PrlnclnaL 800 snd ap- music, vocsl and InatrumeutaL 800; aclence, man, ISO; English and Latin, man, T0; rsral. 840 to 885. Hks Teecbars' ' Af enoy, 1200 Williams are. Pbona Esst 844. WANTED Af once, a bright, energetic, pre- kumiiii, mmm wwwa, m B - "I taitri, to tske np aa attractive proposition. Inquire T33 Chamber of Commerce, 0 a. m. WANTED Immediately, lady or gentleman to represent na old reliable bouse on salary of $16 to 120 pet week. Address room IT, 201 ft Alder St. . . SALESMEN Exclusive agency fine underwear and aeamleas hosiery; good opening for bright men and women. 811 Commercial blk. SOLICITORS Mea or women: permanent aa h nailers; experience anneee aary. 005 Dekam bldg. HELP wanted and supplied, mala or female. R. O. DRAKE. 205 H Washington at. Clay 445. aBassassxCBXaBXtaaaasaEM an in 1 i I'lassasataj SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. TWO abort-order and oyster cook want posi tions; small place preferred; one day and other night shift: work reeeonehle for win ter; rellehle. Address or call 846 Burnslde. MAN and wife want place In. camp or ranck; good conk and kelper. Address News, Duns mulr, Cal. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, beet of references; eslsry Sim per month. Address R 44. Journal. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE RESPECTABLE woman, good worker, wanta wor ny tne oay or oair-aay. Address L. O,, fill. Ul..lll. ' . Oii .11 a. v., ,,., - , STENOGRAPHER wants copying or addrt'aalng envelopes to do at home; reasonable. Address ' B n4, rare jonrnai. CHAMBER work wtnted In respectable places by two reliable youag women, Address S 45, care jnumti, EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. . HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. FOB MEN.. V 28 It, Second tt. Pbone Main IBM. PIONEER EMPLOYMENT CO. Labor enntrae- tors; kelp free to employers. .,, 215 Morrison. -WANTED AGENTS A OK NTS WANTED To sell esjr snpertor kllk grade nursery stock; new and complete oat- t fornianen rree; rasa weesiyi wme leoey : for . choice territory, . Capital City Maraary Co., Bsleat. Oregon. WANTKD-Agenta-to eelt good irtlrle to stores. offices and bomea. oa rirst at. ' WANTED FINANCIAL. WANT to borrow $6,000 an furaltara of room- ing-BWUBar woriai . ' " " ". a i .ra rata of interest: insured for $10. two. If you bars the money Investigate Ibis. P 40, T....l - , alete rurslshlng hotel reora la boat location ! . . t . I AQoraaa. u ae, auwaw. . WANTED TO RENT. PRBUAKENT nartlca desire snlte lleht hnat, keening rooma; must be Beat and good nalah- hvlnj- teraeahlw avaltrlM, MMt. offh-e, though will consider nice cottage in goon sueuTBas ej a . kju . aajatera pariiee local. WANTED To rent, S or 10 acre close to car - line; plenty of water. Improved for good chicken ranch: give full particular. Hobaa m TSggsri. low Bisia at. - r , WANTED To rent bouse aultable for 8 - snisll families, or email eotlaee rlotta In. steel bridge, ! or would buy. 404 Eaat Mor al. .. . YOI'NO ma a. Dermanestlv Inratad la Portland. desires room and board la refined private , rsmiiy. aauresa at -aw, care jouansL. WANTED A mom for houaekeenlne. ar with . board, by middle-aged single gentleman; work. lug eteauy. on, rare Journal. : WANTED REAL ESTATE. ; FA BUS WANTED AU kinds atock. Doultrv fruit, grain- aad nop farm a; must be good - ana ressonsnie in pnc; sITa run oeacription, prlca and terme. ,. ' 208 Allsky bide. WANTED A to 40 sere tracts near city; have customers for them If bargains.- W. Bosea vtaoa. jsxvtj rirsi sr. , t , I. LANDIGAN will par cash for cheap cottage aaa rurnicure. rnoat noon jaa. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS ''.., WANTED. '..''. WANTED To rent, several showeaaea aultable for exhibition purposes at lair grounds; will buy If terms suit. Apply at once. Phone East 4406. or address b 47, car Journal. . PAINTING, spraying: and whitewashing trees. basement, earns, oocsa, ete. ; largest gaeoiine spraying outfit on the ceaat. M. G. Morgan at Co., wiu aiiiwanaia si., rnone saat X011, evenings. Sundeys; maale tor sll oecasloue very ...1.1. AJk 1 uMHtla a rTal U I .IA HIGHEST cash price paid for bottles aad yank or every aeeenption. . rortiaau not tie supply Co.. 310 North Eighteenth. . Phone Main 22X HIGHEST rash price paid for bottles snd Junk ot aver description. Portland Bottle Suppiy Co., 801 North Eighteenth. Pbona Main 22bH. WANTED Horee to work 1 hour each day on light nut wagon; will Buy It suited, v. u. Smith, pbona Front 3043. WANTED A spaa of 1. 100-pound bore; mnet be errand, true, gentle, obeap. p. o. bog 0T. Oregon City. WANTED m ar 2 horse power marina gasoline angina In running order. Addreen 8 53. car I Journal: '"" BOOKS bought, aold and excheaged Bt the OM boost atora, jam x nmniu ai. F. J. BY DEB. printer. Second snd Washing toa ata. rnone aiam ooan. WANTED Second-hand sidewalk elevator. 200 Third t. . , WHO IS M. O. MORGAN A CO. T FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THE KING New building. ' handsomely- fnt- nbibed, equipped with every eaodern conven ience; ea direct car Una to exposition; all outside rooms; beat, ana, electric llgbta, porce lain hatha; very low rates; take Fifth at. car from Union depot to SOB Jsffarsoa at, near City HalL FINELY furnleked front room; within walking aintnr, vt car - line, private xsmiiy, no rblidreai with every convenience, porcelain bath and phone. Pbona Main 2808. 431 Third St.. earner College. ' ,-,... HOTEL TAN ROY. Commercial men's beadqrrarters.-Aret claaa. water-tn - a 11' the-moms, baths free, castral, direct ears to depot and exposition. 62! Third St., ear. pin. C . THB HAMANN. 18S N. 18th., cor. Hoy Newly inrnisnea rootna. fi.ou up; convenient location, 15 minutes' wslk to fair grounds; Morrison car at nalon depot direct to house. Pbona S4T0. BIARQUAM HOl'SE, 140H "tb Rooms an suits or single; nouseaeeping rooma; gas aioraa, bath, electric lights; trenaleata aoUclted. THB BELLEYt'E 00 rooma nicely furnished; rricea reasooaoie; traveling puou ao lid tea. Fourth at. Bood T01. THB ALtlER. 485 Alder at. Nicely furnished rooma, convenient ana quirl, ' dsui, phone, central location. ELEGANTLY furnished mom for one et twa f en t lames ! private xamlly; gas, . bath, oej ay lor at. THB GLADSTONE 6 12 "4 Bevlee St.. furnished rooma; under new management; prices raa aonable. FBONT parlor for gentleman of refinement wba wishes 'room near toa earner ox aiy. nsi Everett at. CHEAPEST and beat located room In Portland, i weea aaa up. unman, airsx sew janaar sts. FOR RENT 2 nice furntebed front rooma. 271H Tblrd at. Pbona Black 148., ROOM and board $4-60; furnished room $3. Mra. M. Tan. 874 Macadam road. THE GRAND, 4&H N. Third at. Boom for mea. ti.ou per ween una no. FOR RENT Two rooms; brtakfaat If da aired. T21 Mlsslaaippt av. THB CASTLE 373 Washington St.; furnished rooms. I'nona main 1010. t WBXIBTTED room for rent. ' 29 Union ara. Phone Beat 8740. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING FOR B1CNT Turolebed houaekeeplaf room In hut heiek hioek na rest sldei eso ranaee. ' bath, etc.; no transients; prices modersta. Logan blk., 10SM Lnion are., cornea bssi Aldsr. . Phone Union 3268. - 2 LARGE housekeeping rooma. pantry.- bath. BToand noor, to eoupie giving 1 i-jT,r-n schoolboy meals (not lodglna): bnalnaaa woaa aa. Answer 8 50, cere Journal. HOUSEKEEPING rooma ar tenia, full eqnlp- ment, $8 par montn. . Phone aatai -eixn. Lewis and Clark camp, Mt, Tabor Heights. HOUSEKEEPING apartmenta. quiet location; trrtua taouerata, 0U ttitooiaa. " v... eon. University Park.- Pfcoo Scot 1208. . NEATLY furnished housekeeping and sleeping rooms, elose In; balk, is Tenin. nesr mars. LARGE bouaekaeplng rooms, 26a per night. vetnei Hotel, tatnta; hi. ocoit car, n tars. FURNlSIiri) honsakaanlna reams. af bath. 05 Russell St. . Tske Mississippi car.-- FOR RENT Two boa sek raping rooms. 120 Grand ave. FOR RENT HOUSES. SOME on to rent and ear foe a ajodern- 8- mom cottage, new end elegeni; owner going - esst Saturday nvornlng, 08 Dlvlaloa at., be. twaen 82d sad 83d ata. Wsverly-Rlcbmond car. COTTA0B. modern, five rooma and bathroom, - fntt brier basement. No. - 838 - Madison- st; Inquire Wakefield. Fries A Co. and Job Klustermsn, 01 Norlb Twenty-first St. FOR RENT Good arooa boaae, with ' tarn; good fnrnaca and hath, with gaa or electric, Ity: grounde 100x100; location 116 Kaet Six, ' teenth at. North. Pbona Union . FOR RENT House, t motn. ' hot and cold water. $14: house, 4 rooma, $8; at Willamette ara tion. t. Jon mi ear. si. n. -omiio, owner, Willamette stsUoa. 8TITART atatloe. Mount Bcatt cer 4) large rooms, outbulldlnga, moo era; pa ruse witnoat . . children; furniture for sale. Call tb Belie ve., rourtn and nairnon. FOB rent ' for the winter. 8 -room modern t nlabed house; rood location, with flee vlaw on the west side. , Call at' 180 Lent al.. aad T'-4't owner. FOR leva a or sale 10 mem boose with ground, four block from Washington sr.) eeatrsL asiqiure 00 norm uia est FOR RENT HOUSES. MODERN furnished houss; 0 rooms, nice loca lion, very reaeonsble. East lttb and Morrl sun. I hops Moott 2aB. - FOR BENT House aad barn. Woodstock. $5 per month. Address n no, journal. .ROOMS AND BOARD. - : FIRST-CLASS room and board for permanent people. $22.60 aad $20 per month; table board $4 per week. . Aator house. Ttb and Madlaun aaa. .ai. main axiii. THsT'- IRVING Elegant aerommodetloaa, . na exorbltaut cbarara; dining-room In conbee- uoa; prtcos rignt. . cornwr lata ano irviug. ROOMS with board for Derma nent , teaaata. reaeiiaable; flrst-cla horns couklnt. 231 Sink et. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNt , TURE FOR SALE. - FOB beat results on ' ' ' " . , "FURNITURE. rt Whether to buy or akll. ring 1 Main 6860. . PORTLAND AUCTION BOOMS, PORT! 211 First at.. STOVES and part of furniture of new 4-room eottaaw for sale, cottage fur rent, 818. . ITS - Beat Thirty-eecond at, - c Fl'BNITURB of cot tare for eels very cheep, cottage fiber ma a at. . rent, alaa cheep. 49 ri'BNITl'RB 8-room house, entirely We. nl- arn: rent $25. 104 Tweuta at. - Van ia iing. " '. V . - .. .; ri'RMTl RE of, 4-room booas for sale; hone tor rant, s monthly. e-U) t porta at. FOR RENT OFFICE ROOMS. LARGB top floor far lease. Morrison at., near poatorncr: elevator; suitanw lor otticaa. As dress M 41, care JournaL ... FOR RENT Centrally located office-' w jtkA pnone. h. ia. t-sie, us necond ai.eity, OFFICE-ROOM for rent. nangh bldg. Apply elevator. FOR RENT FLATS. 4 ROOMS In new flat. $11.60; swrythhsr not. em. . sas r-eat tsaaningion ai. , BUSINESS CHANCES.. PATENT covering- several count lea ea an aritvie mat- ta waniea oy ewen store use Is ready seller,, must be , aold en account of other business; bare la a cbance to get Into bust Dees oa email capital, where yoa can make big money In n abort time; will ell county righte cheap and will tahe ecre aeor. pt In. enchant ; Inv-stlg at tbla If you ara looking for a business opening'. H. W. MILLER, 108 BUU aU THE CVjeur dAlene 1 Idaho) mining dletrtet prodnced $lA.Ss,ow in ll. we-are agents for this district. Call aad learn Particular. Smith. Bros., 122H Sixth at., cor. VY ashing tun. FOR BALB Fine located' con feet looery, cigar and tobacco atora; alaa tea, cream parlor, doing good business; 8 yes re' lssss; 8 living rooms la tba rear and basement; big bargain; food reason for aelllng; no a rants. Addreva 40. Journal. ...... , FBEB LANDS IN OB BOON. - FERTILE soil, pure water, delightful rllraatei Und of alfaira. apples ana clover, ror rou laformatlon addreea the Columbia Southern Irrigation Co.. 638 Woreaatoe- klk.. Porlisad. BRSTAUBVANT Beata 80. wall equipped. 10 tranalent rooma, low rani; an erowuea axreoi; restaurant end rooma clear around MSI per month; we will aell ell for $1,060; $600 down. Home Lend Co.. 1464 Flret at. GROCERY FOR SALE Well selected aalabla atock, good rixturee; proriiante rasa xrsoe that can he Increased; Is res. comfortable living room: vBry low rent; only $600. Horn Land Co., 146H First at. . COAL mining proposition In territory being occupied by Canadian ramie sna ureal VtkaaM e.llwaVS! Snlendld OOOOTtnoltV foT Investment: $1,000. J. V. Crelfbtou A Co., 100 Aj lnirv at. 1 - BARBERS 2 chair abop with bathroom, county seat towa to peel county rn vrvroa, Tiztunaj, atock, etc., win invoice aeuvi aau at a aao ttflce on account of alckneaa, Lock box :i, Moro, Oregon. - Diaettl'. to a a. n ttositad eeeardlna tbs openlDC of the Indian reaervatlous In Mon- tana. elther"th Crow or Flathead, can do aa by calling or wrltlne; to aoo iroodnougn oiag., Portland. Or. . NEW hotel, beat location. TO rooma, all taken every night, completely lumisarn; cmra $2,000 nee-montki long lease; account of slck nesa muat ha aold cheap. Address O 67, JournsL FOR BALB On account of alckness, nice, class. -mKlllg pusineee on asat aioej aa irw $10 to 3S'per dsyTprTc $i:400,-l-wijr Invclea; no saeuts wanted. O 60, Tb Journal, TO trad for real cstste, equal value, city or country, rurniture -rooro oooac. iiua rni ra ins, ao Incumbrance, value $1,300. Phone Hood 1044. B 48. care Journal. A GOOD pay big rlgar, tea cream and con- reetlooery ousinesa xur a. w . ctieaxr mi in laeee, 1 living room furnished In eouaaetloa. Call at once 812 Burnslde at. BARB bargain If taken tkle week, neat a arret op posits Piedmont ear barns; fine bnalnaaa chance. Call or sddrees 02 KU1 logs worth ave., oa Bt. John ear Una. RESTAURANT, eaat aide, receipts $28 to $85 Immediately; 'owner leaves city next week. Address P 6T. care JournaL FOR SALE A rsr bargain ta a country atora 1 a.. Jk K. ...In. AT lflaln. T. U. Smlck, Dlionvllle. ., Douglss county. Oregon. GOOD paying rests nrant on best atraat. fine location. Or will trine tor law sdib or rwiiu- Ing-bouae. Room 38. Rnasel bldg... ldOVt 4ta. FOR BALB Established photograph atndlo; . ... , . I . . A A auienain eqilipurrni, S mri it,-w, auwia V. 0. Box 407, Oregon City, Or. FOR' sale or trade tR-ronm nous doing food . business! very finest location on Sixth et. Ad dreea OWBer, XOOO. vara tmaii., FOR SALE Roomlnc-houee; IT rooms; newly Hirni ,Dm , treaie w ' a. ar-ra laaaa. .a, rj Russell at. Pbona Union 603. WHEN looking for a location, either city or country, call en the Northwest Land Co., 206 Morrison at., room 211. . WHEN looking far a laeatlaa. altbar eitp ot country, call on tha Northwest Land On 806 Morrison St.. rnonv.211. $1,700 TAKES dMIeatcsern; lo handle butter snd eggs; receipts $00 dslly. J. V, Creightoa A Co., 188 Third at. , i FOR BALB On fourth Intereet iti well eatao llahed eotnmlaatoa business; food proposition. S 42, rare of journal. NEWSPAPER r4ut for sste In a growing town) well established bueineaa. Inquire T. L. K.. care JouraaL , - , $126 PARTNER wanted, old eatahllahed real estate ofIce; experience unnecessary. . Call 812 Pine at. ' ' , run PSIin rirtnuai e.n --'--"', - ' I , muat aell account ( alckneaa. Address 8 65....Jo(irnal. ..... FOR SALE Brick botel. 00 rooma. food furnl. turn, splendid Isaae; In Portland. Y 44, Jonraah $760 BUYS half Interest In food psylnr wood ysrd. . J. V. Creightoa A Cov, I05U, Third at. FINE opportunity la established buslaesst need kelp- aad capital. Addreea G 64. care JouraaL FOR SALE Small dairy; leeee t yeses, on BL Helena road, A newer J 44. care JouraaL PABTNE CR III isn. real estate; mnet b food sat- alda man 208 Allsky biog. FOR BALB 'lgsr and confectionery atora, cor. Alrnna ara. aad uoiosmiia. a. FOR SAE A fond paying cigar Store. 102 Third St., city. Call WB0 IS at fl. M.0R0AB CO. I FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. . . r-- .. ACBB TBACT81 - ' -i0B SPICLjLTT 18 ACE 8 TBACTSI FD-lsd treets, water to each . seta. ' TERMS $10 PER ACRE CASH ' " 810 PEB ACRf FEB kOSIH. Yon aa to theae acres oa the same ' csr. pay tha aama 6a tars tha let man pay. ' Tha lot man la your neighbor, but b to rs evicted la majority of features that auk uu UDnrnaa soma. .-..A. C tHI'RCHILL A CO., I I . U0 Sasond aU . . BAST SIDE RIAL ESTATE CO. ' Phone East- US. SA East Morrison 6-room cottage, -rloss la. prlea $1,200; $0o0 cash, balanca easy ternis; Investigate. How e tbla for a bsrgalaT 0-rooui houaa, 15 mlautee' walk, from Uorrbwa brtdf. $1,000; cash $600. . . acre. 1 black ear Una. close to erbaol; T-raoa . modern house, fond barn, all klnda of bearluf fruit; prlca $2,200. easy terme. We have several new eottaeea and houses for sale oa eeey1 payments, from $25 to $100 own. balanca to sun; cheaper men payina rant: rlosa to ear line. Alee acreage of all klnda Hated at a bargain price.. Call and see u oa ore yoa ouy . . . WELL IMPROVED BCSINESS CORNER j ' WITHIN - S blocks of Portland hotel, bringing In good real, $26,000; fine investment; aubetaatial Improvements going up Bear by muat aecee - eerily greatly enhance Its value.. F, A. Inaley, sit Lomioerciai Dik. - : 8 LOTS. 7th. neer Clinton t., $060, within a niocB ot two cer lines. 8 lorn (corner! near Sell wood Junction, $360. . 1 lot. 18th, near Brooklyn at.. $600. 1 ' 4-reoo houaa, Sellvrood, easy terme, $860, 1 1 block la fruit trees, Tremont addltton. fDOU: email house, water piped into - W. HOSEA WOOD. .141 First St. FULL block ea Grand ave.. eld bulldlnga 1 mW I "B V" pea avuaittt jaatt iiniwa a-.iiwa ' for hotel, tenement bouse or store buildings; nothlug better la East Portland; prlca $so.0ut: SI6.O0O, balaace long time ai low rat of Intereet. Address O 43. cere Jooraal. 88 LOTS on car line, food aelL $00 aack. Hon see aad lota oa monthly payment, iz acres near car line. $1,800. cleared, 21 acres nesr Troutdsle.- all cleared. Ipu. ' Look na up before yon buy eleewbers. Hobaa A Taggart, 108 Sixth at.. ... '. ; r FOR SALE Wa have some good barn alne to offer loves tore, hot a Improved and ualm proved; If you. are ' looking foe food laveat menta we raa fix you out. - , NORTHWEST LAND CO., -- -V 206 Morrison St., Hoora 211. DO yoa want a, houaa and lot oa Eaat 8th St.. near veg sr..: at price el wit 11 ao, 1 aava It. Lot 60x100, 4-room houae, brick basement, bath and toilet, fine cherry trees; $2,360, part cash.' Addnaa O 46, car JournaL $flflO BI'TS 10 well Improved residence lota la untanoi cases wen. aoo real .neap, iurnisaee aa abundaace-of pare soft water. Addreea Don Carina Boyd, the real aetata mea, On tario, Malheur county Oregon. $2,0000 ACRES 'Well Improved, all ta So iruit, lair ouuaings, a nmeas irom car Una, can be bought aa very aaay terms Im mediate xoafesalon; will toke part In raal asuts. ' Call lot - Third at. -- - , FOR BALE Neat au barbae cottage, 4 rooms. lot 00x100: rmit trass, vlaea, shruuaery; soma mrnltura; 8 blocks car line; $5O0 reek; tbla at a 20 per cant Investment. Owner,. 8. Ym Journal. - , .- . - HOMESTEADERS We can loeato yoa aa vacant waeet or irritation laaoa ia eeetera Oregon. Call or write Vaa Cleave A BrbolL Real Batata Afata, Echo, UautlUa eeuaty, Orefoev. ....... VERY choice lot. 60x100, Holladsy'a add; else a home at Mt. Tanor. jooxiou, aa car use: Boll . Raa water, T rooma. bath, bar a, all klnda fruit. Owaer, 120 Tblrd at, FPBJ ALr-G--draaldetieeiwirtJ otLjlth at.; eome uniniptoveu tma oa eaat aioei aiaa acres ge In largo or small trarte. 203 Morriaosv at.. .Room 211. FOB SALE 4 aereav cheap, with - asodere 10-room nouaa, along fon una earune; ana bearing fruit ttaia; must be .m. ,-Iasialrs oa pcsmlsae. 7 MUwaakl at. FOR BALE 60x200 en Eaat Washington and Bast Water sts., suitable for warebouae or 111; a bargain; see It. 206 Morrleoa at.. Room 211. -' NOTICR THIS AD. If yoa want a houaa. Iota, acreage or " farm. can aa the 010 . reiieoie urn oc 11 Sfnsr a Petty. 202 Commercial blk. rOR 8 ALE 7 room modern bona. 8 lota 60x100 each ; - food garden, fruit : 1 block car una, close trr acbool; price $1,700, aaay teems. 335 Broad at.. MoaUvllla. VERT desirable attea oa railroad suitable for factor! ana asenuraexunng nusineas or ware bouses. Call or addreea Jos. Bectatel. 370 Eaat Burnslrte at. , ... $200 BUYS four good residence lota la Ontario; a fooo investment, a our raa, . 1 row arms Boyd, the real aetata mas, Ontario. Malheur eoanty. Oregon. , . , I H A VB eome choice wheat farms for sale cheap ana mmmr '' " r ,efi II oa H. D. RaadaU. Olss, GlUIsm county. Or. BU-tLftlNO bvra one half block from Flrland etetlon, $120; terme easy. Tyson Klneell, 002 Commercial block. Pban Main 2823. . FOB BALB at barf a la. modern T-room koaae en Ksst lay lor. cios in; terms ta aait purchaser. Apply F 42. aara Journal FOR SALE Modern suburban eotugv. etoae ta car llae. aaa location, erouna turaiu. 0. W. P. Townslte Os.. ltd First (t. CHOICE Improved scresge oa ear Una near city. 1 to 10 acre tracts si oargaia prices; assy terms. 166 Fourth at., room 88. 800 FARMS, small tract and lota; bargains oa O. W. P. electric line. o. K. Adnuou, Lenta, Oregon.- Take Mt. Scott car. 6c. SNAP la konae aad lot at University Park; $1,200 handles it. - aionitoa at Bcooey, eolum bin bldg., 806 Washing ton at. NEW modern 8-romn booee. neer tba ear Has. 31.890: amaii eaan psymant, remainder. aama aa rent. Call 107 Third at. MAKB aa offer for B-room modern cottage. Joe Nasbo at Nashville statiaa, an Mt. scott car llae. Muat bar money. , . FOR SALE 870 Jest water front. 1 miles a nova et. jonne, on ootiievaro. Apply jsnies Oleen, 406 East Clay at. AN elegant 10-room hens ta Piedmont, lot 100x100; rrnir ana snmoDery ; ror $3,300, CU 107 Third t. . . WB offer 5 room eottate for $1,200 tbla weak; locsteri nesr iniriy-iirsi sna bimioa, ata. Call 107 Third at. , - - 1, BEflLWOOD lata. 15 down and $5 a-meaU: trom $tb to aatsj, aeuwoo Acrwnaita va. Pbona Ualon 1401. .. .1 . -V-. FOR SALE Lota 11, 12. 18, block 8, Arlata rare. iw eacn. . aaarass oste weneier, Barton, Oregon. MODERN T-rootn bouse ore Twenty-eighth at.. lot oovimi reel) eargaia at $1,000. , Call 107 Third Bt. $1.060 New 6-room eottag aad 8 large lorn , ea tor. urana ave. aaa anaver at. aaa owner, 804 Shaver at, . ' ... - , rortTI.AND HEIGHTS 8-room bona, pleassnt ly sltnsted; 64 .fruit trees; easy terms. Mala 6480. PLEASANT homes. fnur seven rooms, fruit, flowers, two blnrk can. i 460 Magnotl t., Woodlawn. - FOR 8AI.B 8 isnm koass aa ear Use ant err fruit trees, ata. Isaalra 81 Bast Sixth at. 6-ROOM heoaa, cheap tor aaaa. Inqnlre L. B ,1 .in 1 ii. iua. a .... atutttaatitai ajn MT. TABOR home, on ear line, f rooms, bath, bare, looiioo. lot of fruit. Owner, 120 3d st. SMALL house and 8 lot for sl vary cheap) 8400; easy terms. N. O. Butt, Arlata. 80 ACRES In the Hood Rivet ppl belt. J. J. l-ewis. !. rirst St. HOUSE ad lot rot sale Twenty-elgtjl h St. iBonlra 41 East room kooas, ' Inqulr at UNDER ANY CLASSIFICATION - fa. 4 takes for Uee tbaa 18e set day. Seven words, aa a rule, sonstltuts a llaa.' bat eeek Ilea la charged reguuleaa of tka number of worda. WIUIT BATE T lassrtions (tnaladinf ouaaar nana, ao va-a.a per use BOBTHLY BaVTB l&MTHLY BATE -ftasladlag all SaaAay issues) tl 00 p.r liaa pat moatb. . lasuaa ) si.po nsr ASVERTUIMZBTS x meat ha ta Jauraal bsalaess ofloe by IS s'elook weak day aad by 10 e'eloeh tetwday evening fat so an easy ateus, xa aaaur aiaaaineatiaa Display rats glvea epea applloatiaa at vr . tha afto. ; : THE JOURNAL i BRANCH OFFICES ''' ; ' .... ADYEBTIBIBXBT8 . Will be received at regular tMtaofSee rstea. Followlne U a list of aethor1s4 agenta, wba will forward your advertise, neat la time fur. pabUcatlaa la tha Best ,-. , - boxtx axox. - "' B. ' A. ' Preston, drutglst. " Twety-thlr4 and Thurmaa atreeta. -Nob Rill Pharmacy. 880 Uaaa Street, corner Twsnty-orst. . A. W. Allen, pharauclst. Slxtaeath aad Marshall atreet. . V McCommoB'a Pbarniscy. Bloetseoik as 3 WaahUf toa atreeta. ....... ' -. woven. BIBB. B. F. Jena A Co., druffUts, Front aad Glbba streets. ... '-. Cottsl Drnf eompsoy. First and Ore at (treat. Fablaa Brerley. duffUt, 400 Jeffaraoa tract, ostaer Teath. ' Bettmaa Pharmacy, orierr BUth ana) Bsrrlson streets, Plammer Drnf eompsny, 800 Tblrd atreet, araar Madison. . . - 11A8T BLDX. ' ' W. 8. Lrwa. drutglst. corner Oread avaaa aad Eaaf Burnslds trt. Nickels lnompaoa., 128 BuaaeU treet, eomer Alblne evenoe. - Jsock Drug eompsoy, ersr Hswtbsraa aad Grand aveauea. s W. C Cable, druggist, cor aer Hollady venu aad Larrabee atraat, near teal brtdfe. - -.: r : B. A. Wllaoa. 133 Griad aveaae. Bear East Morrison. - B. W. Ball. 858 Eaat BeTtnth atreet. corner Stsphen. XnSBXABB.' r. J. Clark, druf g t.ooB-qrtsr tjaloa venna. . y -. 4 . , BTnisTTSIDB. , J. .' Worth, pbsrouclst, 80S , Baltaaat att-art. y . ,. .,...,.r-,' ... BkOOXXTB. I Brook lya Pbarmscy roapsny, Powell at Mllwaukia atraat. .. ' ABXETA 0XXS0B, Arlata Pksrnucy, Mora, and Footer atreet. FOR SALE FARMS. rimif - 400 8cTi,"n food landr all wall fenced,", nearly new; iibj acrea saner piow. xeu acres In paatare, 100 acrea la timber, alee new 8 room house 3 good be ma, food orchard. To acrea floe creek bottomland. 22 acrea la N hope, fine hnpoooee; B. F. D. and telepbond -In -community; In Clerkamae county; thl 1 cheep farm; only $28 per acre. - 844 acres all floe land, about 100 , acres -- " beaver dam. house, barn, aprtnge of Water, 0O" acrea euilivaieo. acrea pasture; suuaiew . on food road 4 ml lea from Forest Grass; this Is a snap for quick Ml; won Id trade for rood " Portland property. Cash price now $11,000. - 27 acrra. all well f raced end cross, feared, 24 acre In crop, $-srres la pasture, . 0 acrea la hot at. food house, barn and out bullnings; orchard, good teem, harness and wagon, 6 bead of rattle. souxchlrkens, all- farm Implements! mils to Keedvllle. 12 mile by wagon road to Portland. - A bargain. ; 100 acrea good lead la Clark count'. Wash- , Ingtoa, convenient te eeheol and ekurch, 120 acrea fenced. 80 acrea cultivated... 40 acrea aeeded to pasture, watered by springs, 0 acre In eeehsra. Bouaa'rueltc son peinteo nsm, - 00x100 feet. 8 head cattle. 8 horeee. aome bofa aad chickens, I wagon. 1 boggy, all farm toon. 40 toss ksy, 20 acrea la oats and wheat. S acrea la potatoes; all gne for $3,800. 40 acrea la Clackamas county, hearly all tenet land, S acre cultivated, about 2 OOO.noO feet fine timber. 1 mil to eawtnlll. good T-fwnea bouse, fond barn, orchard, etc.; very cheap, only $ 460 acrea. nearly all In cultivation: 10 acre In hope.-, orchard, house, 3 barns, all flret. claee lend, none better; front e oa Yamhill river. In Yamhill county, 1 mile lo food rs li med town: will aell farm.- all fully equipped. atock, Implementa aad feed; masf aell to settle an estate and divide Interest. Don't fall to aaa aa about this farm. . 128 acrea, all flret-rleee soil, loS acrea la high atata of cultivation, 22 acrea timber, fine 8-room house, nice condition. Urge frame - barn with silo; smokehouse, painted; fruit drier, woodshed, workshop. 4 acre enniee fruits. 1-8 mil to creamery, store, school and church: lp mile to Vancouver, In Clarke -county, Wssk.; eon of tba best farms la the state. .' " , . T2 acre, houaa. barn, orchard, ) acre -cultivated, fine eprlng water, at Clackamas ataUon. -'..'. . 826 acrea. one of tb choicest and beet , farms la the Willamette valley-,' fiaa houaa and fine bare la .Yamhill county. . Prlca JD.oon. 611 s.r.a, all ssiadUnlM. JuaflCTltivated. houae, bara, orchard, on R. F. D. inn cffint ti route nesr eiccTric . cer Una: tit BO acrea good lead, all rencen, zi . acres cultivated. 12 scrrs nearly ready to plow, , houae, hern, orchard, hnphoues. living water, 2.600 cord food wood; on good road. rein, venlent to both river end rail trtnapor tattoo; 16 mllra from Portland: 83.500. - .. 41 acrea on tba Section Line road: 40 acre enltlvated. Tbla place. Including all tb per- aoaal property. 1a going at a bargain. . HENKLR A BAKER, . 1 - SIT Ablngton Bldg., Portland: Or. 180 ACRES Al land, 00 acrea hi cultivation. about 40 acre of wild mea now, so acrea - high land clear, about 30 acre elssbed ready to burn; located an the Sandy mad. west ft Ftrvlew; ell fenced nod cross fenced: I good 8-room honee. wood house, chicken -houae. barmt family orchard: fin eprlng water piped Into -tli houaa aad to the barn; 20 acrea of pota toes. 1 acre of corn. 80 tone of hsy. T0 . bnahels of oate. Iwlanca of land aeeded to clover and timothy! 2 (rood horses and - 2 mare, weight 1.400 pounds; 1. anw and 11 pigs, 2 ahotee. 0 bead of cows, 8 heifers. 1 - waaoh and hsrness. 1 mowing machine, newt 1 hayrtke. plows and hsrrow and other tonla -too numerous to rnntlonr price $08 per acre: -half ran stand long tlms st Vow rats of Intereet. ' Remember, this la close to the el'y - on a rood mod. and Can he cut no Into fn. -- ' acre trct and wild for $T3 to $100 per ner. 08 acrea ftrat-elae land, nearly level," 80 la . ciiiTivairon; no -issira. a-. snd pasture; good orchard, good fsrwihotHe, fair barn, woodhoue and ftber bnildlne-.; .. fine water, on good road; R. F, D. msll. , nhone hv bonse. school serosa , the road: 1 mile to ReedvUle. 4 miles to Beaverfon. 11 ; mile to Portland: 40 head abaep. 10 bes.l rattle, S doaea chicken; prle $05 per acre, terme. :- ' ." : ' , '"-'V'.. ' " 6$ acrea Ira Washlnfton ermnty. : it aerea ra ; eniTtvaiinn; aon., , "iv"- . .1.. prunes, cherries, etc.. plenty of rnll frtilM k acrea la clover: food ei.rinf . hams. 2 head heree. cowshed, r- ' nnnae and bonaCliold fnmltnro (see list at office! : 1 No. separator, fcem- .""''; snd waeon: 4 enwa. 2 vearlfng belters, .8 ; anrlny carves. 8 boge. harrow. 26-galloa kettle, loo chickens, new Osbom mower, garden drill anil cultivator. boea rMrs-ka. bar-, forks, pulleys and hopes, 90 tons of Ha v. s heed of gnats, 3 ahevp, S atenda or nee. 4 acre late notatoe-. H.acre In urnlMi , tntareat In telephone of tl-e central if- fh!aTnr..tPef HMIsboro. m mll-a t. - Olencoe. on a good county mad: prlca $2,800; ., Room 1 Hsr-ton bM., on Tblrd t., between ",. , Weningica enw .ear. B01f acr'n'rli'l.nd. an gravel. .11 ta eulrlv. " Hon. hone eoat $J0O. ham eet 8260, eblcken varda, houses snd fence cost $. well and tmmV eoat $123: food boraa. waaoa and harnees: 8 One fresh eowa, 1 yearllag and S- - veer-old calf: 1"0 flne bens: 8 aerea la no. t, toes worth AV; 100 fruit tree. acre One atrawherrlee, 10 eorde wood: remembet thls I snly 600 feet froin tb elaetrle esr.- Ilnet ess five term. Price only $1000. If yoa went a home 0oa't mis tbla. - Addreea . F 48. care JournaL 1 . J ATTENTION, HOMESEEKER8. $r aerea on river-and railroad, email town, , $0 acrea cleared. 0 scree la fruit and bervles.- A. room koaae finished In fine stria, plenty f water; ran eat 40 tens of timothy and r lover on tbla lend pee year. We owa tbla and went to-eellirWill rive tar ma na this. ' arte $3,400. Hobaa A Tsggart, 100 Sixth at. BEAUTIFUL S or 8 1088 Front oC . . -: --. t '-" ' weekly. Apply ic BO, : 1 'V: I". 'A