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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 13, 1905)
V. 4, Til- o:.-C3:i daily 'jour::AU ichtlai.t). v;j::r3DAY cvzunio, czptsmszh is. izzz. rz Arssd by ATI That Hops Need C fretsnt R tins and the De Materially Cene fted lnttad of Damaged Dadly. ' TODAY'S MARKETS P Iff HEINE FlltLl; CHOP SHORT ; '1 - v 'r'-- . . ' ." -': ' v 'l ' ; ' Government Report ' Tells of a ! Shortage Throughout the (Entire Country.' T RAINS BENEFIT HOPS t AND HELP TO MATURE ' ' ' Market pull With Dealers and Grow-ert--Nci lh - Hujry to Corns To- V;- gether Wheat Is -'Higher " With Improved. Oriental Flour CalL Trout Street. Sept. 13. The principal features - f ths Portland wholesale markets today are; , , ,' Apple market to firm; crop abort. - . : , : " Hop amp good hi California. - ..: c Rains cum Oregoa hopa ta mature. i . Poultry to very ftrm at prtee. . " ". Irmil twI and taota higher., . , - t'eeebae ere eelllng better.-; . ''''.' , General fraK trade la null. ," ; ; Egge hlfbar with a ecanrlty. ;: ,. v ftutter market rather Indifferent. , -Tillamook ereaberrlee to market. . 'i Bartlett pears ara lookint better, -r-" Cantaloupee atlU drugging market. ' , ... ' . Ordinary potatoes doll; sweets off. , '.' California bean crap heavier. , : Duma ara very alow eale. i . Small ham a quarter klfber. . ' ; Apple Market final Orap Short. ' " '. From the, various apple-growing aaettana ef the country coroe raporta telling of a smaller '. ' appla crop for tha present eeaeoa. Cafsvorabla :' ' weather la moat aartlona wes tha direct can. ' It to generally believed, however, that iba 1 quality will ba generally fair.' Oregon will not - - 'produce nearly aa heavy a crop aa toat aaaaoa i , ' ad tba atoea will ba conaldarably aoaUar tbaa ,. PaaaL Tba followlnf to tba UUat axwanimaat crop! ' . ' - - New Earl and rrolt food, azcapt apptoa, ' lrbtrb ara poor. ,Kaw Yeak Apptoa acarca. ' ' -- a PaanaylTanto-APPtoa dropptaf. - " - Maryland and Dalawara Apptoa plaatlfol. . Vlrakita Mora farorabja raporta from aartV ' ara poritoa aa apptoa. x Arkanaaa LUrbt crap of apptoa. Taanoaaaa Apptoa Boatly faltoa off. Kontacky Apptoa aoatluaa dropping J crop tn- - - x Mtoaoart Apptoa acarca-. -r - .--Z V Illlaoto Apptoa acarca and dropptaav. . . r ladlaaa Appto crop llbt. .' " Weat Tn-f Inla Uaa tbaa half crop Of applet ,,. Mlchlsaa Appto praapaeta poor. Iowa Appto crop doellnlnc. v Kanaaa - Apptoa fair. - , " Oklaboma aa4 Indtoa Territory Appfea falling tMally. ::- -,i -. " j - (XI arm do Appto crop promtolaf. ' i h Oraaoa Apptoa la waU-acpt orebarda foot. Cqllforala Appto crop aaiall. ' " -Hop Orap Saad la Oallfarala. V Tba wcatbar baa aaaa WT farorabto ta tba Sop crop of California, aceardtap to tba porara. '.. awl raport. Tba following la tba goraraawat ptataataati - ' . ' ' 'Hop-plrklog to profraaalnr' rapWIy la all acfloaa: tba ytoWl appcara to oa Tarjr -aaaran. aorna dlatrlcta baring qolta a baary crop and athara axcaadlngly ltrht. bat oa tha wboto It to probabto tba crop will ba about aaaraga aad f . good anallty." - ' ' . la Dragon th lata rataa hata ban ary Much if a banoflt balplng tba crop to aurora And rtoaalng tba rhwa of aeeamolatad dual ef .'aararal awotba. Waahlngtoa caodirlona ara ary atmllar to thoaa la thto auta. Tba aiarket to dull ' at tha moment. .. with dratora la no A1Tf t bar. Saitora w n-woriTtDi'-mactl, . altbar. - ------ Zgg Karkat maaohaa Klf bar. -t Tncfa la a battar faaltoig Si tba agg Market nppllee ara atlll very lleht and prieee today ara anlng batwaaa . boU Poultry ahowd a ary firm tooa. with racalpU aaly fair.'. Prtoaa at tba top. Tlta batter market to Indifferent along the t tret. etorka ettlt abowtog an . tacllnatloa to arcumalata. Soma city , creamery prtcee . ara " '""""Mlamoak. Oraaaarrlaa 1a Xaihai. Pome amall ablpmenta of erenberrtoe from i Tnianwok were reretred along tba atraet tnla awrnlna and found only a fair demand at 14 a box. Quality eieeltoet. bat atoea email. Beat paarbea, the large atoea. are araroa and top raluaa ara being malntatnad oaltbeaa. Pmaltor atoed frnlt la ererplentlfal with prlcee lower V. Caaahaa are coming freer- from aaatbera Ore (ton polnta aad are eelMn better at the Hat., , Black t Pa are aalllng at Varloaa prlcea, "fmm W ap. Tokaya are In excellent demand wim pi Uaa at thi " ataaaata aaa aalllng fairly well at the petee. . -f Tematoaa are not aomhtf ao freely, oa accoant lof tha anfaeorable weather, hot demand la ' good and prloxavhigber. , Ordinary Petatoaa 9ulli Sweeta Down. Nothing hot dullaeee to area fa vtha -market "for ordinary petatoea and prtcee are alow. Re. -oral rare of aweeta came la from tba anuth yeaterday afternoon and found a good demand va , acrennt of the better quality. Prtoaa tower. ,hOWTJrretal' Teal aa Hoge Slgkar. . Ooler weather, hae been a material help to the dreaaed meat market.- Receipt, ara only . fair, bat there to aa Inereaetng demand. Both ..real' aad hoge of heat quality were eagerly ' bought during the day at advanced prtoaa. Hnnrn alxed heme are U' higher oa account of the abortaga In tha uppllee, Other alaaa aa- changed., f V.. ; Wheat la Higher.-' . ' The wheat market to about Be higher today. Thto waa predicted by The Journal yeetenUy on account of the better feeling ta the artoatal flmtr market, rtoar ealoea unchanged. The following prtoaa are those paid along ' front afreet by tha retail trade for fh-et-!ai quality in round kta. I'redacera price, are aa pacified: ''.( rata. Dour aad Toad. ' tVHSAT New chib, 7 (let Bad Ruaalan, (Mel blneatam. TSci Taller. Tic. - - BARLET-4-ead. 2l.aoZl00t oUedrStt.M . dtiU.0O brewing, f22.60dJ2g.00. , CORN Whole, 427. uo I araeked. SSS.W par taa ' RYR gl.aa per ewt. OATSProdaeere' price Na, I white,' I23.S0 ea.00: gray, 21.00t 24.00. -. KLOL'rt k.'tera "regoa nateata t4Mt) 4. SB; atralghta, tS.TB; axporta. S3t0tja.S3; aalley, 4.1tl grahaam, V.. ft.Wt iwa, ..( - rra, B0a. gfl onj halea, M.TS. , MILLBTOrr Bran, 14.00 pet toot mid . dllnaa, f2S.OO: ahorta, cpantry, $30,001 city, . glB.oo: crnp. i.w. ; , u. R A T Producer.', prwa-4Tlmoth, ..jt e.ll.e. fancy. ordlner: Timothy, (WUMaietteJ '3: ?.ooti ""-lO.Otri ea.tara Oregnn. gU.OOOlS.oo; mixed. M.Mes.OOl rueer, f.wiu.wj grata, ao.auaj - Tool cheat. $S.0od M. Snttaa. Igga aad Toaltry. BFrfTll g AT Sweet. tl aoor, 2c. -' " BVTTSB City creamery, beat, 80fJJJHi; ' aacood grade, SHc: ootalde fancy. 27 He; or.ll nary. l.Vi .tore, 16Q1UHCI Callforala faaey, BOOS No, 1 freah Oregon, candled. SSflSOe; cold atone and aaatern. 23e. ? CHBSSt New Full cream, twfa. 14lKi Xouna America. Mmileel Cheddar, 14(4c POULTRY blchen... mixed. ISUe net Ihi - bene, 14til44c per lb; rooetere, old. PHOIOc par Ihi fry era, 13 pa lb; broltora. lie per Wednesday prices in Sept. Dee. - Chicago .UA $ .S1HB Duluth .? '. $1H -. Mlnneapollg .SOU .114 B Liverpool ..... atH 4 iml4 : Milwaukee ..,,. A .11 A New Tork...., ..... , .HUB Ban eranclaco. ...... . 1.11HB Kanaaa City.., li . BU Loula.....v ,7- - .1J4 Old September. r JOURNAL'S r DAILY , v TIPS TO SHIPPERS All poultry In good of cm and. -Freah egga bring; a premium. Poor fruit la not aalable. Prunea are drug; on market , Only beat local grapea aell. Store butter, again wanted. tb: dacka. ItUflUUc oer Ihr tjloe per lb: turkrre, lHflKc par Ibj dra t2Q2oe par lb; equaba. gl 00 pet doa. . Booa. Weal aad Hldaa. " HOPS Oa tract, leog Oarrgua. 14ej Wa.h-Ington,- lie; 14 crop, 14c for qSoIca, 14& UUt for prime, aad uedluma. , WOOL im dip, e.tler. aaaraa to Bedlam. IP&zi" '," utra tgaa, MUHAIR Komlnal. gOdflle. ' '.' - BHgEPBKINB Shearing, ie3B.. oeaoci medium- wool. - Suajuel aucxf.i.vo ean.' - TALLOW Prima, per R; 40e; He. S aad greaa.. tCttHc. . : CHITTUI BARK Sc per tb. V -H1DK8 Dry hldea, ho, L te) Xba and up. lJiaH. per Ibf dry kip. ho. 4. a to 1 tta. 14c; dry calf. Me. 1, aader toe. leejlect dry aaltad hldaa. eteere. eoood. SO ba m a H4I Hat M to M lba, gSHci unaee ae ma aad cowa, gaHc; ataga and bulla, aeaod, 1c; kip. It To 0 Iba, ics aoaad, la to 14 Bw. PO s4et calf, aound. an dee 10 Iba PVke)l: greea (uuaalted). la par lb toaai aulia. la par Ik toaa( koreehldee. aaltad, eaeh. dry. each, tl.00Ql.eoi colt hldaa. each. SSOhUci goat aklna, eommoa. each. lOfUac; A agora, with wool en. each. SScOll. v ixulta aad Tagatahlaa. 1 POTATOES Beat Oregoa. SOToe; ear Iota, eoc aark: ordinary, 404 our; eweet. m ONIONS ew Oregon yaltou; Caeera, $ l orf. car lota, eve; watia nun, aoc, per id. rniutn rnni-ra innu, oreooa. anectii.jg; fancy. 1.50;, 1.50; orangea. late Valenclaa. tS.OO: bananaa. httoe . ; toamoa, choice, fS.WflB.Tk per box: fancy, g BO per hex; llmaa, aiaxlcao, 1.2 pt 100; ptneepplea, $4.00 per doa; paachea, fancy. 6j85c; ordinary. Soi7(lc: pluaia. T3e$fl.O0 per crate; cantaloupea. l.00il.2s per crate; watermeloDe. gl.OI per rwt; grapea. Oregon, B0tt7fe; California. gl.OOftlJiO; peara.-Bartbtt, tM(BW per box: Winter Nellie, tl-25 . wer ihoxi blaekberrlea.; caaahaa, g3.W wg.ftO doa; freah prunea, le per-id; pomegraa ate., per box. ' ' VBOKTABLKS Tornlna, new. gl.OO per Mr! earrota. 11.00(11 ZS par aackt heeta. tl.f t.B per. aack; Oregne radlriiaa. tha per doa) cabbage. Oregoa. ll.OOtf 1.23 per cwt; greea pepper.. 8v per box; local tomatoaa, 30440;; paranlpa. I1.OO01.2B: atrttig beana, 1H2-; cauliflower, Ttcgfgl.00 doa; rhubarb, te lb; horaeradleb. lOe lb; arttohokea, 40090a per doa; hotboUM lettuce, 60 6 7 5c; head tote ace, lie pet doai greea eetona. 10gJH3He per doal aplaach. ac per lb; greaa car a, TBe per aaekt peaa, Ic per lb;1 coeumbera. TBe per aack; celery, Colorado. eoc; local. TS5e per doa; tggplaat, S3.00 per crate; pompklaa, lc ' DRIBD r It Dim A do lea. eeeooratod. e)8e ae lb; aartoota. Wte par lb aacka. - Aaa ear. R laea: aaachea. Ue per lbt paara. ear lbt nmnea. Italian, H4Ua war - lbs Prencu. tH4He per lbt flea. California black. er4e er lb; California wbtta. per lb; hima. pitted. ear lb: datea. aaadea. de aac IhS tarda. II. BO ear lB-!h has. f . Sreeerlaa. Huta. ta.-- 1 - SUGAR Sack beela Cube. Id TO; powdered, fo.BS; fruit granulated, j.4B; dry gr.nal.ted. i8.4t; Conf. A. SB.BO; heat granulated. AS Mi extra C. 4 (6; goldea - C, S4.86 D- eellew, 14. TB; bbla, 10c; ft bbla, S6c; aoxea Sue adeance ea aack tow 23e per awl for eaao. U dara: mania, 14tlV nar lb. . - HdNEY is per er.te. ' . COFFEB Package hraada. 91S.TS. SALT Pine Halea. ta, Sa. 4a. Be. 10. gl.flOl Ubto. dairy. BOa. glMO: 100a. glo.18: Im ported Llrerpeol. BOa. 17.i lOtw. dht-SO: k24a. gld.OO tra fine. bbla. Se. ga. lOa. l4.B0en.BO: balk. S20 Iba. td.OCfift.Mi aacka. BOt. Keme. - . SALT Ooarae Half rrouad. 10r. war toa. fr.OO: BOa. pr toa. gT.BO: l.lterooot ham reek. lH BO par toat go-lb rock. IT .Out loue. aa.TS. Ubore prlcee apply te eatoa eg aethaa car lota. Car lota at apodal prtoaa euhtoet ta tloctnatlnml. GRAIN BAOK Calcutta. TM.. - B ICS Imperial Janaa. Ka. t. eiP. hUe: New Ottoana head. Hi A tax. 4-eie-ale. BU. BCANS gtmall white. tl4Uet latwa white. IHci pink. tliaSUeLhayoa, dlacUmaa. afaxlcaa rede. . - NCTS Pea note. TWe: tombea. SUe per lbt raw. amiOe aor thi roaataa.. t eocoanota, gROpOe oer doai walnata. 1401 He per lbt pine nuta. 1041 ItUe nee Ih: htckore ante. 10a per fct rheetnuta, eaatern. l"01c ne lbt BraxU TJ 15e per lb; filberts. 14aiBe per ! faacy aacaaa. 14eiV: alTonda. Itlto ear lb., y I Palata. Coal OUa. Hto. " "ROPB Pure Manila. 14ei ataadard. ISHei atoal. 10 e; Hole brand alaaX tt. ' COAL OIL Pearl or Aatral. Caaea, tOta aet gal: water white, iroa bbla. iOe ear - gal: woodea. 18e per gall haadUsht, 170-dea. aaaea. 22i.e per rat. - " 1 . . OASOUNB aft-dee. eeeea. tte ae gall traa bbla. tdc par gal! atoeaa. caaaa. StMe per gal: toon bbla. IV nar al. - - BKN7.INB g-dee. caaaa. gse aar-avi mm U,fa 1,1' . mm 1 TURPENTINE la caaea, tie per gall woodea bbla. axe per ral. WHITB LB A I Toa lota. Te per lb: BOO-Bl lota. Be per lb: laaa tote, g Vie per lb. - ; WlUK NAILS Proaeat haae at gt-TO. LIN8BBD OIL Pure raw. la hbto. gde per gal; caaaa, TOe per gal; genuine kettle boiled, caaea, Tte per gal; bbla. 67 e par gal; ground cake, car tote, (to 00 per teat toaa tbaa car w. fin nn tr.m. ' Keata. FUh aa4 rr.Tt.loBa. PBBflH MBAT Pront atieet-Beer ateaea. Bt6o per lb;, porkr block, PHtSVa per lb; pack era. Ac per lb: bulla. 4fl Jo par lb; cowa, with pelta. B4ttc per lb; real, 'extra. SSV:; ardlnary,' Te per lbt poor. per lb. - HAUft. BACOIT. ITU. Port mi nark ocll name. 10 to 14 Iba. 14e per libs 14 to Id iba, le per lb; IS te SO Iba, lg4e par Ibi eottage, te par lb; break flat bacoa, fWwlIHe per tb; picnic, be nor '-lb; reaular irtiorl eleara. amoked, lie per lb; emoked,' lte per lb; eleer backa, aaamokad. lOfte-lb; amoked. 11. per Ih: Union batta. 10 to lg Iba. enauioked. ae per lbt emoked tte awevlb: iclear belllea. aa emoked. lie per lbt amoked. 1A. per lbt aboul- iToCAL LARfJ-Kettle leaf. 10a. 10a. U per II He per loj lb; Ba, 10K,e Ib; fie, Utto per lb; oo-ib una, team rendered, 10a, 10e per par id CANNPJD SALhtON Colombia rtree. Mb t.Tla. 11.80; t-lb telle. tt-TO; faaey 1-lb flata. tl.POl W-lb faaey flats; II. IB; faaey 1-lb ae.le, itl Alaaka telle, pink. dBCItOci red. glJO; aotolaa. ta. tall. 12.00.. r ri9U Rock cod. Te bar tb; flormdera. Be per Ib; halibut. BHc per Ib; eraba. 11.60 per due; atriped baea, 12He per lb; catflph, 8e per lb; aalmon. etlTeraktoe, he per lb; bluebacka, ne per lb; herring. 6c per lb) an lea, ge per Ih; ahrlmpa, IOe per Ih; perch, he per Ih; black cod, Te par Ih; alleer amelt, Tc per lb; tobetere, 16c; freah mackerel, go par Ih; crawfleh. tit per dne. OYdTBRS Hhealwater bay. par gal. IX til per aack. M.TS. CLAMS Hard Bben. par hag. 93-00; lama, It-Og per boa. , . in wi -- t: - RAINS HELP HOPS - AT INDEPENDENCE v (Special' D1 .patch to The JnaraaL) Indepeadence, Or.x Bept. II. Thunder atorme came un about t:3 t. m. Tuead.r. fnlLnweH be lightning and a heery rain. It rained eun- atoeraDHt ia.t aignt) riouay and abnwerlng to day. Heporta come that almost all flrea are out In the mountain.. No damage la reported to 4be hop crap. The yarda ara la excellent condition. Grower, atate the hone will atand aeeeral daye' rain; the cauae of damage from ralne la In drlrlhg tba louee Into the bnr of tha hop, where when be dlee 'he toaeee a black pot that hurt, tha enlming ef the hop. Many or the growara atate the rata will ha ef benefit to the. crop In place of a damage. A few grower, are nicking right along, although there are eeraelonat .bower.. Tha lightning did eoote damage to tetopboaea aeuth of here aad la the city. j. rw Tout conn xaIxxt. '. y ' New Tork. Sept l.-ffld.l coffee rkwe:" January ...IT 1U g7.(Jly IT. 46 T. 60 Pebruary. ... T 20 Uarch ..... 19 Kentemner gas r.oo r.oo October April T0 May T.3S June .......T.40 Norrmber . . T.iO December ... f.lw T.1J T.40I l Oaf fee la New Tork, Sept. 13, Heats ear.! Spot enf. fee to la moderate demaad, hat mrreaaed aalee are likely at any time., aad It to aakt that Prance and- Germany Buet buy coffee -eery anna, aa they hare eery email etorka oa hand, kad the same amy ba eald ef ladle potato. ' Veralga Oaffee afarketa. Harre, Sent. 1A Coffee unchanged. Ham. hurg declined le to He. Rio, recelpra. 4.(1 bag.: market unchanged; Santoa, aj,(K0 bags; market barely steady. . e Hew Terk Calk Oaffee. . New Tork. Kept. 1.1 t'aeh coffeet tie, ll ltto; No. Saafea, iMe., He. T DEARS HELPED FREHCH CROP Broomhall " Estimates France VVill Produce Twenty Million . -; More Bushels This Year. DECEMBER-MAY EACH 4 ' LOSE A HALF CENT September . Goes Thres Eighths " Under';. Yesterday's ' Price Liver. ' pool ' Market; Closes .With Gain- Early Trading in Chicago Firm. WEDKESDAT'S WHEAT MARKET, - r t'" . rioaa -. t'toae toes ' Ctoas ' Wed. Toes. Wed. Tear Age 8cpt........... .fit At .! , .00 1.1S lc. ... iM)D e , Hay .6WA M 1.1B .1.11 ft ' Chicago, Sept. II. Logan k Bryaa aay: The wheat market ruled 'etrong earl and .made aome headway oa the bull' eMe, but bearielt aetlelty hiereaaad ea the publlcattoa ef Brooaa hall'a bullet la eatlmattag the freneh crop at KO.OOO.OUV buaheto larger tbaa a year ago. The local crowd seemed Inclined to believe that the leading ball totereet waa cauttoualy trying te market aome of their accumulated bokuiua. Sentiment changed aubaequeutly aad preeaure mereeaad to aa extent enough to coot the mar ket -about lc Beatlment eoeme more mixed, but ea the advance today's aet toes sums unita- portaat. . Ugnidattoa ia Cera. September corn to under preeaure from llqat datloa and defered futurea were heavy, too, and reactionary.. .Conalderlna toe beartoh aea- tlment prevailing, too action of the market waa not aurpruung. ni niter Boau, may, saama resting. - I Provlatoa nrlcea throne hoot the aeealou showed s dropping tendency with the volume oc Duainess small. Official. ..quotations by Orerbeck, .Starr . Cooke eompaayt' . " T WHEAT." 1 : - ' Opea. ,Blsh. low.' Close. Sept.,... $ t .82 $ JtlV, .8 A Dec .8S M . .3 ,.8B May -" .86 - .mM, .16 -MMA CORN. Old Sept. - M . .M Jlt r JI1A Old ItoC.. ..46 '.4S : .43 - AH A May .43 .4.1 f .43 .43 H OATH. Sept. Dee.. May. .M .7- MIL .2 xm ruu. Kept..... - lilt - 16.11 Oct...... 14.T0 14.Tt . 14.60 14.IW) Jaa lt.tT "ll.tT -lt-lT . I.ARD. . Sept..... T.Bt T.M T.M TJW Oct.... T.6T ' " T.0 T.8T -T.40 laa...... S.8T ' ' S.T1 ;.i.Tt . SHORT BIBS. ' Pept..... P.46 P.4A , S.4.1 . P.4 Oct g.BT A.5T ISO "g.M Jan...... 6.5J. Sat 6.33 SU ' 7? CH10AOO CASK WHZAT. '' Chicago. Sept. 13. Caah wheat: ' Bid, Mas: S re. . . .... JS . No. 3 red...... M No. 1 bard...'. Jl No. I hard ,.,.. . No. I norttaem. -.. .PON A.k. .R4 .8 .8S No. ajmrthera, ................ ,M No. I spring. ... .30 ST OnOAOO SBSJg CAM LOTS. ' 4 Chleaao. Seat,' 11. Ore ta eaf iota: Care. Eat. 1WM Wheat ..........fw. XI -a tst (ot n ,............ ztvj m - aoa . 500 Oata , 21T - X7 721 Wheat care today: Mlnneanolto 663. Duluib IX. Year agar- MlaeoapeHe tea, Duluth S3. . Lrriarooi. smanr iiasxxt. i Liverpool. Sept. it Ckee: Wheat, Septem ber, is a. d higher; December, Ss 7d, d klgher. Cora September. 4a td. anchanged; Decem ber. 4a 10d, d higher; January. 4a 3d. d Jilgb HOGS AND VEAL CALVES 25 CENTS LOWER TODAY : y---- -- - -- - ..e.c Eastern Hogs Being Bought by Packers on Account of Qual rty Local Neglected. Portland Tnloa Stockyards, Sept. IS. Uve tock receipts: Rnga Cattle Sheep Today 390 . 23 -l.OM Week a go lit ... rMB Prevkma week 4.1 100 11 Month ago . Holiday. Further weakness waa ahown la the hog mar ket today. There waa another decline ef 33 cent, la the price following the ear exclusively told In The Journal yeaterday. There to a slightly better feeling In heat Cattle and tha price la maintained. Veal calve, are Inclined to weakness and there' waa a ceneeseton In the price of a quarter today. Today S3 veal calves arrived. 4 Official prices for llveetoek: . - , ' Hoge Beet ea.tera Orepoa. fd.fln; blocker, aad Chine fata, I5.OOC3.S3; atockera aad feed era. 14.90. . rattle Beat eaatera Oregon steers. ISM; light and medium ateers,; light cowa, if onCttitO: stackers sad feeders, l2.ttQt.30; bull.. 11.60. gheep Wethers. ' 3c; mixed aheep, lc; straight ewea. I0tc: spring tomba. due. C.lvea Oood veal. 160 to 300 poueda, a6e; rough and heavy. 3fJ3c. . - - . , , ZASTXaa H00I "WXAJt. Chics go. Sept IS. Uvestock receipts: ' Hnga Cattle - Sheep Oileeaw ...V..,...e..S.r.t4.0no Si.ono Kaneaa City g.ono l8.on 6 (too Omaha .. ..M.orrn 6.000, 17.000 Mea nnenad weak with T.OOO left aver. Re ceipt, a year ago were Prices: Mixed, 13 2S5.80: good snd besvy. B.toe an; rohgh and heavy,; Ught. 33.30Q3.gO. Catttor-gfeady. , - Sheep Steady. ' COTTON CLOSED NINE ' TO TEN ADVANCED -New Tork. Sept. 11. Cot toa futures closed S to 14 bolntg. higher. T. A. Mclntyre Co. aay: Tfclay'a rally waa daa to cove ring ef ahorta' an a little better eupport from the bull rlfcine, report, of aore anf.vorable crop con ditions ka Texas and a better epot demand. Wa are expecting the msrket te maintain a continued good undertone, but we see nothing better ahead tbaa a ecalnlng market. Only torse holdings are contained la the October ami December option., but the Wall .treat pool bee It pretty well ander control. Official quotations by Overbook, Starr A Ceoke company: Open. ,..1043 r-ehrnary "'.kik Uarch 1060 April lOW May 10IW September loin Ortorer ..............lOM November .lo December 103d ' Blrh 1063 low. Ctoae. 104 104T 10.VI nut inno i IOSA 10AA - KV4 1CKIT lOftll 1111 lose IOIK I (KM 04t ' 102H im loss. ' iota ,iost 104P 103 ' 1044 Lrearpeet Cettea Higher. Uveraool. Beat. 11-Ootton futarea efeaed 4 te I palate higher. ; fosTtAJp mA3m tTATxmrr. rtnrwira ISW.M4 01 Balances r M0,00g.40 : Starltag' Bates. ' ' New Tori. ' pl. !. Kterllng r.tea: Day Mad, 4si.M6ibJ.lBi go gars, 4Si.32fiiaa.gJ. OY LUKE rs TOiiE is Stocks, Show Quite I a Uttle Strength at the Opening and Improvements Are Made. ' S.. , i ' 1 1 US j -'' GENERAL TREND OF r VALUES IS DOWNWARD Early Tradfag Quits ; L'ively but T!i-1 This Afterwards Oars Way to Ex " tremg Dullnegg--Smelteo and Steel Stocks Ars Wesk. Declines.' Amalgamated ... Louisville . . .. 4 amaiter , Cer A Peaadry Mexlcaa Ceatral .. .S luty C naiiunove - -.. Colorado Fuel ... 8t. Paul i'anadl. a ....... do prenrrea..... t Norfolk .. i. ....... a. ivuirii Ont. A Weetera.,.. .. Pennsylvania Pacific Mall JCrle , do td pfd.... do lt ufd... Peopto'a Gaa .. Rock laland . . . tit. U A H. W. I oloo Pacific : IUlnola Ceatral M I Heading .. 'Southern. By ...... ,. h, Coal ... ! .. 4t,ii. a.. aaael. ....... ,.'4l do preferred.,,., aIdvakceb. Sugar ,. Hiwiaconala Central. u. m n. w......ii oo preierreu. Oreat Weetern .. Colo. Southern, Sd Southera PaelfleJ. iMleaoari 1'r-lflc. Brooklya ,. gig. L. A S. W.. pfd New York. Bret. IS. Loran A Brvan aay: The markst Tlosed Irregular, but oa the wboto nrlcea are tower tbaa yesterday's final tgurea. Quite a little atrensth nnd aome Improvement wee made early In the eeaaloa, with the volume of puaineas quite large. Tbla aobaequently gave way te dullness, wbleb saeouraged preeaure, and ra rinai aesiinga prices esssd orr quite snsrpiy. The trend of the market con tin uaa uncertain. The etrength eeema te- come largely through pool activity, but when tbla ceaaee prices aag eeaiiy, giving the impreasloa tnat tbe xoarset requires onatant aoppert. The uncertain and Irregular tread Mares sentiment aomswhat mixed. i Official quotations by Orerbeck, Starr A tooxo company:. DESCBIPTIOlf. Anaconda Mining Co.... Amal. Copper Co...... Atehlaoa, com.......... do preferred Am. Car A Foundry, de preferred Am. Sugar, com Am. Smelts com do preferred . m , . Baltimore A Ohio, com do d referred lllA 113 .1114 Bl ova sou Wife 104 1UO 104 1 33 101 ao 3d 101 loi H iaib isH 1HTH 13PI4 MB 1X1 in 11 111$ 1114 as Brooklya Rapid Trenait. T grat t anauiaa racirie. e 1H 183 Vk Chicago A Alton, eon.. l. u. w., com.... L-bl.. Mil. A St. P..., C. A J. W.r com..., Chicago Terminal By. t'besaoeake A Ohio... 1.71. 14tt 18U MS Com. Fuel A Iron, com 4J V um. Boutnera, com. do aecoad Dreferred 42 U Delaware A liodaon... 21 Del.. Lack. A Wca....J 17. m m u.. com. .... do preferred. ....... Erie, com do second preferred,.. no rim preierreu. . tlllnola Centre I Leutovrlts Kaak' "ia Met.- Bt. By. 14T14 Mexican central By.... Minu t 8t. P. Ste. M. de preferredrk...,,.. Missouri Pacific.. ...v.. U. K. A T eom...., do preferred.......... New York Central Northern Pacific........ 147 Vi Norfolk A Weetera, com 84 V. oo preierreu. ......... North American N. Y- Ont. A Weetern. Pennsylvania By r. u. b, a u, vo Pressed Steel Car, com. do preferred Pacific Mall S. S. Co.. Beading, com do second preferred. de first preferred.,.. Ken. Iron A HteeL, com. do preferred .r Bock laland. cem..... do preferred 814 46 W IH 214 so it Southera By., com 8fl4 do preferred 101 Southera Pacific... 7U iom peeaaaaoa i in law St. L. A . do Dreferred. Texaa A Pacific Tennessee Cosl A Iroa. Toledo, St. L. A W coo oo prererree .......... TJaloa Pacific, com U. M. Leetber, pfd U. 8. Bnhhor, com...., do preferred TJ. S. Rteel Co., cam.... do preferred Wheel. A L. Brie, com., do td preferred Wlseeneln Central, com. do preferred ......... Weetern la too Tel..... Wabaeh, com... de preferred... 8 lorn Total salea for day. 8SS.000 shares. Money closed 2V,d2 per cent. tokopah smrua sroexs. Ssa Praactoco Sept. flcial close, BMralng a Bid. Montana 3300 Midway.. l.go MrNamara ..... .M lelmoot 1.4TH North Star .... .64 Beacne ..' ,0T Gold Mountain.. .10 Jim Butler .Td Bed Too ...... .44 It. Tbaopak stocks, ef. wioas Bid. Dixie a .it Kendall ........ , Columbia Mt.. .. .!( Silver pici";?; Jnnibo Kxtea. ... Black Butte .... ((olden Anchor.. Bay O'Brien ... .TO .ne It .to .T .d :T .t . .ia .38 Ton. Nevada .... .13 iw. unio tob. nni,,,,rSia O. Boll Frog..,,. OoldfleM PI Illamondfleld Lone Btar ('.ah Boy ...... Eclipse Sandstorm Sandstorm Adama .. .62 .lie) .05 .11 Ex. Mohawk 1 boitov corria stocis. . Boetoa Sept It. 4f flcial copper close Rid. Bid. Adventure . Atlantis ... Allones '. . , Blngbsm ... CI. A Aria. .1 3.11H . n.oo ,. 32.TS ,. . ino.lH Osceola ., Parrot .., Phoenix . Otrlney .., Hbannon . Tamarack Trinity , ae M .... S6.AO 101.00 .... Too .... lie. oo ...s- a.PTty Calnmet ..... 360.00 Cnrper Bange. ea.ttl Centennial ... 14.50 Weat.... IS T Inlted Victoria ....... 4.T3 Elm ..... e... - 3.BO Winona ...... 10.RO Wolverine .... 134.AO t: R. Minlne . ' a. f a Oranhy .. flreene i. T.UH ts.oo Old DomlatoB. T. 60 Mfhewk --. t J M.hO Mlchtgaa ItatH'Brltlab Col.... - figo sav nuvenootooAt STooxs. ' Bid. tee goat later., '. otI t(l Ask. otf ie Contra Cnete Water gpriw Valley ' Mnlual Rlectrle T(l a. V. Oa. rlectric... Ilneiokee Snrar.. i 1 M.kaweu gnr..... Paauhaa Bin.r. ....... ll..b. rkM ......... 3d n si POtl 10t4 California k'rult ,. Pacific State Telepnons... -""H oottSTOCX arnrna stocks. Ssa rrsarleoe. Sept. 13. Official clsee. ing aeanoa Bid. a 'Bid.. "avage .31 Poloet i..,V,, .na I ntnei Cob. . .go Tellow Jacket It Ktrhesaer ...... .eT - H.le A Nararese 1.IO Bntlloa ........t Bek-her .r .73 ton. Cel.-Vs.... I. ao Opblr S 3 '4 Calednala : . Me.lcaa 1 ofl Aadea ...,.... .21 Boorploa .13 k. 7 V7ATGL." GdEATEST ' GROCERY Twenty yesrs of complaints have helped to better our serv ice, to perfect our system, to brine to your homes the best goods the markets of the world afford.: r'- '- ' ' -l:.-'.'" Our wagons stop at your door four times a day, leaving our store at 9:30 and U a. m-j 2:30 and 4 JO p. m. Be sure snd send your, order, st lesst 20 minutes before departure of wagon. If you remember this you will ob tain perfect Service. Help ua . to, help you. j tV ; ' ; ' f. Dresser & Co. GREATEST GROCERY Seventh'-and Waahlngton Sts. East Fifteenth' snd ' Broadway. " u. Seaside, Oregon. v'y sotnmro, stonava ox , . , (EataMlahaa 1113.) WKHAT AJTO BTOOX BaVOXaBtb ' ' atoons 4, Crroaafl S'loor, oar oo -aoMom. TOO LATE TO CUSSIFT 13-mom fnrnlahrd hoardlnc-honae. rent 340. price gPOOi 3-tno csah will hsndlo thto. balance t per atonts. idis is a paying nouae ana win ' be better after the fair is over thsa It la now. rl. K. Edwarda- repui dept.. 1U let at. WIRE SORRY lift Those Who Assists in Rushing Through New Box Ordinance 7 Feel Pangs of Regret. WRATH OF PEOPLE IS - STIRRING THEIR .SOULS And -In the-Meantime the-Seloe Men Rejoice Over the Illegal Or tlinance That-Can Never-Be En forced.' - . -i, ' Tber are aorry they did it," wag the dxpreaalon of a member of the city council yeaterday In speaking of tha 11 members who had railroaded tha box ordinance through the body at the laat meeting;. "They aee tha error of their methoda arid would give considerable It they could undo what they have done." Since tha ordinance waa passed the councilman who hurried the measure through Inatead of having It referred have become repentant. The measure la not only ambiguous, but It prohibits hotala. In which are barrooms, -from maintaining bedrooms and living-rooms. Tha excuse given by the 11 members of the council who e?ted for tbe oral' ffltrice fur ' itllruadliig"1'!! Hiraugli His body waa that they dealred ta ahow the other three members and Mayor Cine that they "knew what they were about and 'dealred to ahow them that they could paaa ordinances without their as sistants. . Several of the couneilmen have declared that pollUca were back of the actlona of the council. The liquor men are jubilant over the bungling; job of tha councilman and have been boaatlna about the city that they are able to secure each legislation aa they deaire from tha present council. It la stated tnat several members or tne body controlled by the liquor element were fully cognisant of the defects in the ordinance and led the others Into a trap. , ' Mayor Iane hag not placed hlg stamp of gpprovsl or disapproval on tha ordi nance. He has until Monday to decide He atated today that he waa aecurlng legal advice on the matter and refuaed ta espress an opinion. PLANS OF MISSOURIANS ARE CHANGEDBY RAIN The, .Missouri 'society hag had to changa Ita plana tor the basket picnic to be held tomorrow at tb exposition on account of the rain. Inatead of spreading lunchea on the lawns in Cen tennial park the picnicker will gathsr around the tables on the second floor of the Administration restaurant. ' Mlssouriana and . their frienda are welcome' to attend. All who '- carry lunchea may leave them at the feetau rant until noon when the entire second story of the building will be thrown open' to the aoclety and friends. At t o'clock In the afternoon -exercises will be held In the Auditorium at which Governor Folk and Governor Chamber lain ' will exchange greetings, after which a reception will, be held In honor of Governor Folk and party In the Mis aourl tulldlng. , ' CONSIDINE FORMS HIS - VAUDEVILLE CIRCUIT ; (Jearssl Sperlat aVrvtee.! -Cleveland, Sept John W. .Const- din oa Seattla and other theatrical manager In jhla city today arranged a circuit of from 10 to theatres of th country, exclusively vaudeville; 1.8, 80e will be Invested. " Folloeanaa Is Oompleiaaat. May-Williams, a worn of the north nd. la on trial before a Jury In Judge Sear' court charged with stealing II. te from Patrolman H. Carleon on the night of July I. 101. Carlaen alleges that while he was patrolling the norttt end In clllsen'a clothes he was accosted by the woman, who robbed him. , ' Ill ; queer or mysterious about dyspepsia. ' it's tht T.V.:r . r result of a defective digestion.. Its remedy . is. sir; to restore the' stomach to ""its natural condition. It te . "2 ' - for this single and special purpose that ; ,f . feiiiii u.V ;(L!QU1D) i;';-- VVV ''i, V ; is prepared. Jt digests, arid assists the defective'stomach -to digest food, just as the stomach In proper condition ! ( woiild'do, without help. t 1 ;- - ;': 'V-. . . : - ; - - v :A : s Are you willing to be helped and cured? Then go tot v any druggist and get a bottle of Dy ses . t' Take it according to directions for three days, anrj,if it . . doesn't benefit you go to the druggist and get your money y' back without question or argument, y - ", ' '. w V 50c -ad XI.OO Per Bottla r IHlt CHASE lvlFC. CO.; MXWBUixCH, N. ir-'f FOR SALE BY WOODARD, CLARKE ACOe-""-. ; ' ' , " ..- ..... I, r PosihTt :(-to fin vr'M tsYuitM im. mmmm mi mms Tnoassnas la PorUnd aad all ever the aerthweet eaa teetlfy le ear great aad as examglee auaeaea. . . GONORRHOEA May be" atteaned with the gravest ssmplles. tloas if.aegleeteg ee Improperly treates. We have a epeelne treat meat which ewes uulckly, safely and aalnlsssly. SYPHILIS Is anath.r neoulree nlseaee, the ravages ef which whes fully developed so sea eaa eearrtbe. Whea It shows by skta arupttoas er by sores la stoats or throe Its horrors ara already hegus. Wa safely aag thor eughly curs go sad ae mineral poleoea ara employe.. ' VARICOCELE AND HYDROCELE We treat aag care, ant by tbs sM sarglesl seocegurs, hut by a ealaleaa aiethed solely ear tea. Wa likewbe will ears you and M.e ye the eufferlng aeaocUted with panaafmihaaa, Vansjaar Biiiajiiaas, wis. mature Deeuae, aee ei mmi, ""TJ " AmhlMsa Is ths hrlafeet ttaae it eaa be aoae aad we Issue yea a safe aag Buattlve ears. Consultaries snd eiamlaatloa free. Write for symptosi blaas ssd hook If go eaaaet cell. Ofgee Boarat tare, 10 te IS. ST. LOUIS,. Mtdleal and Surgical DISPENSARY Oer. Sd aad Yamhill sts Vartlaa. Or. DAinr.jPovDzn teufohMy, flrvts. Flivor, : ClrOSSETODZYEnS CUSS'S C3HC.IN6I ABB . Quit old by gill Orusstate, TnaATitair ' r I AW , ,1 Bje- OVERBECIC, DTARH t CC?" , , . Metnbsra Chicago Board f Trsi j. , mAz. tiomion, cttc-?, i ' 101 Third Strest McKay I bo a tninif c- Ceatlnuove I'srxetg by Private Win. f , . " M'g g-1 V:'-: ' The Great Chinese Dcct:: rmmerlr lasstsS at SU Aider W esras Islre. . Has Moved Tenths mrge BniMtng at a B. .( rtrt aag marriaua vf I torrauros .. m s-srwa awww. Stn ft See TAS, the Sveal Oktneaa tlaeai , le well kaowa aad faswae throughout tbs I. a. hacaaaa hie wonderful aad aurveloas sae-4 have eeca heralded broadcast throagheat t leagth aad breadth ef this country. Be tree-, any ssd sll dlaaases with aewerful Chla.i I roots, herbs, hnda. hack, and vagetahlee teal are entirely ansnow te msalaal aeteass la tais rely antnow to and thrones the I he suaraateea ta nr. sag taroush UM Bee ef taaee aarauaes Alan ke tvirtilM. te mm aatarrh. amams. bins troshlaa. rhaumatlasa. net esuen Hver. kldaay. fsmale troubwa asaV sll srtvsM dleeaaas.. ' . Tbla rsamae aaeter tares unrsewa ise si ef the knife, wttheet aatag soieose ar draee. Him fired, ef teetlaHmlah) ea tha St big fSes. Call aad sea him. Charge, asadertts. r . . oovsuLxanov rssa T 1 ; ' Pstleats eat ef ths city writ for Mar and circular. Inclose 4: .tamp. Address 1 e 0. See We Kadleme Oom lee lag Ik. ear. Mmilaas. faetlaad. Or. rieaae sasane f-r- . OOSOBBUaTOma, mXMW TBB04XBU. TAJUOOtrXXm. I0OMM CT KAraoos, mraTiaLATxeag. wmaTfa, astxma ad mxxm prssTArs, we want every man afflicted with th shove diseases te honeatly Invsartlgat our special system of treatment. We in vite in particular all who have treated elsewhere without ueeeaa, all whose case have been abandoned by family physicians, and so-called - mWYffc jars." all whoa trouble have been aggravated and mad worse by the as of sax's, rsaa axMnmrn, v?AXe TnVXATlCBaTTal and so-called STw IOSJ. We will explain to yon why such treatment baa failed to ear you, andV wilt demonatrat to your entire satla facttmn that wa can cur you safely, quickly and permanently. -Our counsel will cost nothing., and wa wilt do by you aa we wou!d wish yon to d by ua If our cases wer reversed, ,7 Writ for euf home treatment If you cannot call. The DH.LIEDIG STAFF ftoorna S amd T, Wlsm Xsaa, Sd aaa munmwm aunsi avnau we. t ' v . . .Bbllab ISTS. $1.00 ALL FOR $1.0(1 Turldzh Uzlh i4 ri the WgBt, tt3 fg I . I Seveatk aai t mgtosj tu. I aad hsrer-i t sa tib ef-. i 1 1 i III iiiiii auaiwwi I m in"iJ Tl - f r ' ' I ' r A.