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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 13, 1905)
. V. , l.:?'- : .-V, ;- , THS orcou daily jouniiAt, roirrLAND. -::.t :day :i::o EAST SIDLJ IIL 3Et:-i '2 ' 711 , V i -"-" v . i. V V- - . HAVE A SCHOOL swaaaaaBsMSSnssasssssssasB, , sue-- ' iNKi ' LL-ii f-H 9 Ai'.i'l.if'-: 1 K? lACJXaTY Cifi FLEET COiIIG fob mm r.tular Liners and Tramps Bs- gin to Arrivs for Cargoes . . :'.. ,. for the Orient, v ;1- i ; ARABIA IN THE RIVER WITH PRODUCTS FROM THE EAST Stcuper Imaum Reaches Astoria and Ia Held ' TberW by Officera," Who r Decline to Gire Her. a . Clean. Bill , f Health. 'Vv'c V) - -Tonight the ctejunsulp .rW. wJQLSfe . rive from, the .'orient -with a full cargo of treJgtnVi -big portion .of which is Intended for points In the Interior. The liner reached Astoria this morning after . mi of" 1? days from Yokohama. . JUl her space' haa been engaged for the outward trip; she will carry flour and craln, moatlyf consigned to i Japan. (the la scheduled to sail September If. The Numantlawwtll leave for Japan next ', Tuesday with -a full cargo of wheat, j, floor, machinery and lumber from the . Eastern and western mill. ' . Last evening the British steamship r laiaura. under charter to Balfour, Quth rle A Co.' arrived - at "Astoria - from , Shanghai in water ballast, and la de- tained by quarantine officers until they ran communicate with Washington au- thoritles. as they fear the ballast is ' impregnated " with contagious disease - serms. If she should be ordered, re ' leased ' this afternoon the steamer will probably Teach Portland tomorrow She - will , be the third oriental liner in port for 'keneral cargo. " -, '. The Imaum will take about '. (,000 . tons of flour and grain for Japan and China. Of the big tramp fleet recently engaged to come here she Is the' first to arrive. From now. on one may be ex pected to come every few days. , v -British , steamships - Romford ' and . Twickenham were chartered yesterday - 1 . J ) v 1 i --a mkc ff(niw.; Jill O afternoon to load flour,, wheat and. gen eral freight at-Tacoma-and Seattle 'for Vladivostok direct; They are in . ori ental water, but wilt 11 at once for the mound. These are the Bret veaaela to. be engaged thla load for the Siberian port. . Local shippers have received i Inquiries from Vladivostok for price lists of different lines. of freight, b.ut so far .have closed no deals.' ' ,. LONGSHOREMEN BUSYZ Will Meet aad Decide Bate of Fay for - ' Handling Oriental might, . - A special meeting of the longshore men will be held tomorrow to make preparations for loading the big fleet of tramp steamers ' for the ' far east. As the freighters will carry mixed car goes the men are desirous of reaching an understanding beforehand as to the wage scale for handling the different lines..- This matter Is provided for In the regular wage schedule, ' but It is explained that all the members are not fully-acquainted with It- Including the . gralnhandlers. liners and riggers, who are closely affiliated with the' longshoremen, more than SO men are employed along the river.- More than half of thla number is engaged la shlpsT The officers of the union . say they expect an unusually busy season. They - are strongly opposed to any change In the Chinese exclusion law, declaring that the old statute will not be the means- of reducing commerce between here and the orient in the least In support of this statement they point to the big fleet of tramp steamers com ing here to load for the far eaat and say that the Chinese will have to buy Pacific coast products, as they cannot procure them from any other source at tha same figures. .. t SAIL FREIGHTS HIGH. Charters sTava store Than Doahled la ;,v.;. Vast IU aioatha. ' Shipowners are asking 16 shillings for 'traoaportlng general 'cargoes 'from Euro pean porta to Portland, whereas leu thsn six 'months ago the prevailing rate was 7 shillings. - One of the local im porting firms stated 'yesterday , that If the tariff were not exorbitant they would engage lour snips to onng general car- goea to Portland. One is desired to bring coal, another to carry cement and two for general merchandise. But as the matter stands he declared they would try to get -along without -engaging the vessels. The opinion J . advanced that the owners have, arrived at the conclu- n If slon that nearly all shipments from the Pacific coast this season will be made In steamships and for that reason, they do not care to send their sailing vessels in this direction. Hence they are asking unreasonable-rates, -knowing the figures Will pot b accepted ,:--ri:r- r v-r ALONG ' THE WATERFRONT, jCaptaln O," F. Bnllf and. J-P- Bulger, Inspectors of hulls and boners at Ban LFranctsco, and Henry Lord, assistant In spector of boilers at Seattle, are here to spend their vacations and attend ths United States Inspectors Edwards and Fuller will 'leave for Taqulna bay to morrow to inspect the steamer El Roscoe. ': .. ' - . With ' members of . the Seventeenth battery- and Fourteenth .infantry, on board the government ooai Major uuy Howard lefUPortland this morning for Vancouver barracks. The men were at tending the field sports on the fair grounds. ' ' "" 7..'" Steamer Northland-arnvea yesreraay from San Francisco and will load lum ber at -the Inman-Poulaen mill for the return trip.-. -, Astoria. Or, Sept. IS. Arrived Hat night British steamer Imaum, from Moll; held In quarantine. Baited at : a. m. Steamer George Loomls, for San Francisco. Sailed at 1:18 a. m. Steamer Elmore, for Tillamook. Arrived at 0:41 aw m. Steamer Harrison, from. Alsea. Arrived at S:ll a. m. German steamer Arabia, from Hongkong. San .Francisco, Sept II. Arrived at 7 a. m. Bteamrr Acme, from Portland, and steamer Roanoke, from Portland and coast ports, for Port Los Angeles. . Astoria. Or.. Sept' It. Sailed at noon Barkentlne Portland, for San Pedro. - Astoria, -Or. Sept II. -Condition of the bar at a. m., emooth; wind north west! -weather cloudy. . STRIKE SPREADS TO .MANY LARGE CITIES ' "f, V " aaseassssssBSBSsw s . (Jeomal Special settle.) .. Indianapolis. Sept. II. "Highly sat isfactory" is. the" comment of President Lynch of the International Typograph ical --union - on- tha progress -of - - the printers' strike In various parts of the country for an eight-hour day. Men are out in the following , places: , Albany, New - Tork; Peoria, Illinois; .Grand Rapids, Michigan; - Syracase, Toledo, Richmond, Jersey ; City,' Newark, Niagara Falls, Saratoga,- Ann Arbor, Michigan; Sioux Falls, South Dakota; Watertown. New ' Tork: - Indlanapolla, Chicago and Detroit All of these unions have secured, agreements with a. number of offices. ' . - . LIGHTNING KILLS TWO '-' AND, INJURES SEVERAL (Bptelal OUpatch te The JoaraaL) ... Wood burn. Or- Sept. 11. Astka re sult of the severe electrical storms In the-Willamette , valley during the past two days, a boy near Champoeg named Eldrldge was killed and a man near by prostrated. At Hubbard a woman hop- f picker from Portland la rumored to have been killed by lightning. At fttnunt Angel a barn belonging to John English was set afire and burned, .and. George Caney, a butcher, was knocked down and partially paralysed by a bolt '. , Xjawsoa Wins Big Case, - ... (jaeraal Bpal aerrtee.) . '.Boston, Sept it. lit - the supreme court hers Judge Morton has denied the Injunction sought by Louis- Rahn' of New Mexico against T. W. Lawson In a suit ' Involving $1,710,000. Lawson caused a sensation la court by declar ing that Mr. Rshn' was responsible for the death of. Superintendent Oilbert Johnson, who was fatally stabbed at tht Lawson mines last July, j Bids for High School Structure - to Ef Opened In a Few J ;:.v'',';:.-' Days. -p.. INFLUENCE ON HOME : BUILDING 13 APPARENT r . --) w-f nii r New Edifice. Which Win Coat One Hundred Tnousana la. to Be Com pleted In Time lor . Opening of ; School Term Next Yean It Actual construction Is to commence-at an early date on the High school build- ina- for the east side. Within a short time Architect Thomas J. Jonea will let contracts . for. excavation - and the masonry work o.the basement, and when . this, la completed the super structure will be placed. Mo exact time has been fixed for finishing the bulldmg, but the school board expects to have It done In time for occupancy by the be ginning of the nex term.. This lloo.ooQ eaince win ne the pnae of the east side. While devoted to pub lic uses, it Is having a -good Influence on residence property generally, as it gives to the honvabullder better educa tional ' opportunities - and enhances the worth of property as a home .district When the building Is -'finished High school students of the cast side will be saved much time and considerable ex pense. In the past famlliea in which were High acnooi students nava.onen preferred to secure a wesslde loca tion during tha term for the conven ience! of the children, but thla condition will loon be part and the east aids will be rbade a municipality within Itself, so -far as educational facilities jar con cerned., .. 1 , WAREHOUSE BEGU.' V ataeUaary Firm Will - BnUd oa Kalf : Blook Faotar Zrvtag Street. At the time of buying the half block on - Lovejoy street, vetween ; uaii Twenty-flrst -and East Twenty-second streets. John A. Roebling's Sons A Co. announced the purpose of building a large warehouse and yesterday the pre liminary work began. Tha contract has been let ror a one-story m-icay covering the entire ground space Indicated. The total cost when finished will be ap proximately- I1S.C0O and - work will be rushed. The location is In a dlstrlei which. Is given the best service by the railway companies and where a side track may .be-had at little coat All the large - wholesale - concerns - entering this field are establishing warehouses either on the waterfront of the east side or In the north central section. REAL ESTATE JJOTES. More than . 1109.000 - was paid on Northwestern ' Improvement company options north of Hoyt street and be tween Twelfth and Ninth streets the past week. . say Informed realty dealers. These options are being taken, up. as ka. n.tnr. ami atMriv (lnwntl will fbe made, for msny weeks.' It la said that they cover practically all tha land be tween Hoyt and Front and Twelfth and Ninth streets, savs tha property of the Columbia-Engineering -workSr-the- le Crackea property and one other tract which has heavy Improvements. Bids are being received by the man agement of the Vancouver t St Johns Railway company for constructing the trestle and ferry Incline between Shaw's Island In the Columbia ' to Columbia slough. There will e about 12.000 feet of trestle work In this contract. A. H. Hammond, chief engineer of the road, states that bids will be opened very soon and If satisfactory the contracts are to be let Immediately thereafter. This work will give tha Vancouver line a new route at the northern terminus and much better facilities for connecting with the ferry. . . REPAIR PERMifs. W.. La -France, store at ( Front alretia.xoautaOu O. J. Burkhardt. residence and green house on GUsan street between Twenty second and Twenty-third, to cost 1,000. I- BUILDING PERMITS. J. A. Roebling's Sons Co., ware house on Lovejoy between Thirteenth snd Fourteenth, to cost I14.S1S. . . 1 - E. E. Merges, dwelling.1 in Alblna be tween Russell and Goldsmith streets, to cost 1100. - i O. C. Reed, dwelling on 'Multnomah street between East - Twenty-first and East Twenty-second, to cost f 1,000. ' v Swedish Lutheran church, parsonage for the pastor on Nineteenth between Hoyt and Irving streets, to cost 11,000. wild team Canaan. (Jonrsal Special Berrlee.l . Salinas. Cel., Sept 11 Officers . last night arrested a man who has been ter rorising residents of the bill aectlon near here for several weeks. ' The - man is an Italian and gives bis name as James Ross. He acknowledge that be has. been confined In an asylum at - Blackfoot, Idaho, for tha past 12 year, from which he escaped last August; He was In tat ters and barefoot. ; ; , . V ''.'.j ICaebJa Withdraws. ;;;'." '''.' (Jooreal apeeial Servlee.) ;i '. Philadelphia, " Sept 11-The Retun lican machine has withdrawn lta county ticket nominated last ; spring , before Mayor Weaver began his campaign against corruption, and a new ticket will be selected by the city committee. . Mellin'a Pood ia endorsed by the phy sicians. Hundreds of doctors are using Mellin'a Food in thsir osvn fam- : Hies for their own children. If Mel- . tin's pood is rood for tha doctor's baby, it ought to be rood for your baby. -Let us know if yon would lik to trr Mellin'a Food and we will send you a aampla bottls free of charra. Henia'O Feed Is te aeiraaifr!sefi k.eed. which recofred tae ai .lake award of rd of the Uaixiaaa far- , i asseeti ittlen. U frtLenai. I sMarVaWisi It4. Blglsf MKLLtN'S fOOD CO, BOSTON, MASS APES! No Pain No Pain r INIClS TEETH - We are the discoverer and orlglnat ora of the only reliable and sclentlflo system of Painless Dentistry. We ex tract crown. All and clean or treat teeth absolutely without pain end guarantee all work for fifteen years. Our work Is the best, our prices the lowest con sistent with nrst-class work. , EXAM INATION FRt:n Our nlates are unde tectable from the natural teeth, and are guaranteed to fit FILLINGS... '..'.....aoo. Tea and fl-OO GOLD CROWNS ,. .00 BK1DGE WORK ..fKX FULL BET NATURAL TEETH. . . .M-00 Open for kaslaess- aattl S e'oleek evaalag. Costcn Pcinhss Dentists 91 V JCorrtson St., Opp. Male Fraak . ana vsioiaos . . , HOURS 1:10 a. m. to t p. mJ p. m. ' Butt' day. 1:10 a. m. to 11:10 PL&frlE AND SQUARE ' DcALIINu always obtains at Avery's, where you can alwaya buy the best quality and beat makea of carpenters tools and builders' hardware at low price for fine quality. Our goods- are all- on the square and they last longer and give better service than any others manufactured, , , - . AVERY. & CO. Between Ma aad Ash, FlllilUCEtEinil ELECTRIC HUE Commercial Trust Company Will i Provide Funds If Present , Promoters. Fail. T 4 CONCERN CONSTRUCTING ' ' BIG IRRIGATION WORKS All Rights of Wajr end Terminal! .. Secured '. and Eastern Capitalists Inaura Succeta ' of Projected Line Into Grangeville Country. -) v (Special Dispatch te Tke JoenuL) '. Lewlston. Idaho, Sept' II. It definitely learned yesterday ..that the stockholders and officers of the Cotn merelal Truat company, under the name of - W. H. - Hurlburt Cat, are behind the Lewlston ar : Southeastern Electric Railway company and In the event IB. Cowper-Thwalt A Co. fall to provide a? 1 I. a a jaiaaiiasarithlii the next two weeks the road will be built with, funds supplied by W.- H. Hurlburt Ca of New Tork. .-The Commercial Trust .company 1- hav mlturin nUna in will ,4tHfnA few days award the contract for con structing Irrigating canal by whlofi several thousand acres of land south of the city will be placed under the ditches within the next year. In con nection with the Irrigating project Mr.. W. H. Hurlburt, president of the Com mercial .Truat company, lias been In New Tork for the greater part of the past II months and recently the electric road project haa been taken up by Mr. Hurl burt and his associates and a decision haa been reached to finance the road In the event Mr. Cowper-Thwalt and com pany failed to . secure the necessary fund. '. . : - - . ...... Xmportaat to Company. " i The electric road 1 of vast Import ance to the Interests of the Commercial Trust company - as the projected ' line traverses the proposed Irrigated dlatrict of the trust company for a distance of 2 miles and will afford the only trans portation for the new Irrigated dis trict - w;-- v -'"':" -r --w- - - At the time the electrlo road was in dorsed by the people of Lewlston and surrounding-country by mass meetings, one of the most active cltlsens In the movement wss Mr. O. W. Thompson, formerly vice-president oft the Commer cial Trust company.' Mr. Thompson haa since been personally Identified in all of the negotiations of the electric! com pany and has recently returned from a trip over the line with President flpof ford. On this trip all of the terminals, franchises and rights of wsy were se cured and It la now up to -Mr.' Cowper Thwaite to supply the fund or turn over the project to W. H. Hurlburt A Co. who will build. the road. ' - '. aUffcts of Way'Seeured. "There has been considerable delay in securing the rights and terminals at Cottonwood, Nes Perce and . Grange vllle," said Mr. Thompson.' "Mr. Cowper Thwatte has declared positively that as soon as these rights and terminals ar secured he would start work Imme diately. v' , . f -.' ' ' . , "Last week Colonel Spofford and my self went to these three towns and have, secured all of our rights and ter minal a. Thla matter Is now settled snd it Is due to Mr. Cowper-Tbwalte to fulfill his promise within two weeks. - "We want him to build ths road., but If he does not want to or cannot build It we have people who will and the elec trlo road I assured. If Mr. Cowper Thwaite cannot build it we expect him to' step out and let these other people take hold." , . ' .i ' ' " A little life may tie sacrificed to a sud den attack of croup If you don't have Dr. Thorns ' Electrlo OJI on hand for the emergency, s THIS IS KILLINGS WORTH'S AUTO 1 ' 1 Skowlns -cJi." s i party ef hiTMtars wha paid sauo eaes . fnr seats la sis ante aaawa ' few month sao. ' Tw.ntl . ladua - sad scDtleBMa parebawd of Kllllsts.' wsrtb SB iskaraa of.ataek mt tOM oer aksr tnsswerth 'mold tkls . paacbsM fur SU.OOO stork ia tha W.Uwtroot J Lead comixiij. aad fall ef eoefldene la tie graad futura ef sow poirhaalnc ml ton a Mcoad ria la Br AUTO. Ana. biaveh, iuu oi utir to for tha saatlnf eaaaclty ia four times larger. The party f I am bow forming is 100 bar. eaeb sbare rpraoUnc ob mrr. And a certain as lb stars twinkle, a cartala will ab fortunal purrbaaw roeelT l,00 ftir tb taTwitownt f fnou. .Tbl 1 a low oatlnuts (or tha icllntlr locatad- 100 acrs." It bas a streetcar as well a s dmp-waur fronl. as and Bust t soaa to he fully appreciated, for I t.ll yoa iB all SIRIOf 8NH Uka U s wIM-eat proposition la fact, Klllingiwort baa htm sold earthing but ths boat sad h sever failed In making aood profit, jn his sunjrQa eatoon during, the 36 years .engaged Is baying. aad tailing Portland proprt.- . . ., t ; ' IP YOU HATS A DESIRB TO MAK SlONltT CAU, AT OKClt TOD AT. ' KOT To- MORROW, aad carefully examine this, tb boat proposltloa orer offered la ral estate oa the Paclnc Coast. ..I take the siodlclna- strwlf.- I-- keow It's-sal. se-well aa aood r tha banker, Berchaat, dortor. arhnol tnatriretor. toortat, aad so bottee toale oa earth for the wldowiaad orphan. LKATB THKM COIN, for you atrons, .vtswous aaaa aooaar or later, suit bid thou dVpepiJlnf pa your udgaBt, care and. forstbought . aa. svwlastuig farvU.. Solid earth wlU boat iaaurase. . w , ; ,...,.'..... - Tb a dot hi only a stde trip. Vy efforts ' ere eeatered in ,m.kln Wsmat Park 'the neet-baltt roaideaee swtioa of Portland. It Is tb Sneat-kteated property and it la ap -te the earaora te M that it aver eaaialaa the bt - Building restrictions - . ... HO SHACKS CArt 'S' IIIVT lit WALK IT PARK.' GOOD BOalES OS XOKS. To , will de yourself aad family .a kladaesd by asamlnlag today Walnut Park. ' ' . . , We are wiling bom sit for only 110 andtll a .treaCfeot ; CaU at eace ea . : W. M. KILLINGS WORTH Ceatral eface ' Walnut Park., Psoas rbeae JJrowa ou. 1' 'W..B. I asean sxsetly as stated above, beaes Walnut Park' will be ta eenter. Ur time a llrtog reality, send for Wahtat Park wlthoet It - i.. . . ' 1 ' AM ThsHcoHoos' Visited Still lott of people that live in Portland have not been odt r there. Well, we will telTyou one reason the HOO HOOS" visited Vernon. The HOO HOOS are lumbermen and they, heard howTmtny-.were ouilding homes In Vernon and they ; thought it a good plan to find ou how much lumberwould be used so they could tell what kind of an effect it would , :have on the lumber market of the world.:. ' -jllL:. ' Get in now, right asv'ay, while you have a chance to get ' nice choice lots cheap and xn easy terms. They are going '; i like logs before the HOO HOO'S saw. Lots can be bought . now from" $90' tor$400.:-.v; MOORE INVESTMENT-CO.- y'yr.y my SIXTH ST. ; PHONB MAIN 16. Pi -.Ao mwA s.rnotn houses. Michi gan avenue, near Beach street. Rents ll a montn. . rnce et.svv. J, V. CreightoniCo. Rich Man's Home Poor Man'i Price Attention! : Homeseekers! Attention! lf1TShPonWlOT . - to suit purchaser.' - Photev and owner sen be seen 11 Morrison , i street Phone Msln l10. f Stock Ranch Near North Taklma: .0a acres fenced and .Q00 neea goo -- jk water ana -.--needed, one third cash; best sheep ranch In northweat . . J. V. OTWlltMxwai as w. ? - -. . 18SH Third Street. - TWO RARE SNAPS Business corner,' central: brinm, ! monthly ...v. .. ...... 113,000 t-story ound brick, central; good In- come-bearer , ,s . . . . . .... . 'ti F. FUCHS, 149 First 1 Z-rOotn nouif ' on unw wiubi toUet,siU,UonrTlrahtubi nd furnc; a a, . .miA..IMaa 9iKlaV Iff Aff i SUilt ttt. Old H t. m sautuvm . w im t room. IS. - - -- TWO '' CHOICE ' LOTS n KAvinn- - tteautlful location en Park street , A ilne building site on Clay street. See Orundy-Helroth Co., 14w , Morrison street .. . . - i IS FINED FORTY DOLLARS t FOR BEATING HIS WIFE ' (tpsdsl Trlspatch 4o The JiernaL) " Hlllsboro. Or., Sent II. Henry Beck er, charged with assault and battery upon his wife, Mary Becker, had hie trial In the Justice court he re yesterday. Tha evidence onr the part or tne stsie showed that tha accused struck Mrs. Becker with his flat and that when she arrived at her neighbor's place, near by. her dress wss badly torn and her moutn and ' nose bleeding freely. The case wss hotly contested on both sides and resulted in a verdict of guilty. Defendant was fined 140.. which he paid. y,r astes aaV. T' On September II and IT tha Canadian Paclflo will sell round-trip tickets to eastern points at very. Jow rates. Tickets will be good for stopovers; going and returning, with the final limit of 10 days from dste of sale. v ..... .. .- For full particulars call on or address F. R. Johnson, F. P. A., Canadian Pa cific Ry 142 Third street, Portland, Or. i . m ref erred atoek Canned. 0ooda, . Allen Lewis Best Brand.;, la Bt. Johas praDertr. sarins 17.600. kill. ease, aad baa paid aoo set for mcb. pbare of bar all are bappr. pro! Mr rous, tbrttty eoatoaMtt lrtlaad and 8t. John., fnr tbay era on, and ar Scott U34. Snberbaa eface So Ckamber ef Cesv whoa Portland haa 500,000 poputattoa 10 year IS now my entral of flea aad wllhbemm ia sup lad fold.r. Me library FCLLTJ eomawte . : f W.iaf, K. t. f - i - a 1 'N .'",'., rV4- HOMES AT RENT RATES FIRLAND ' ' Choirs tract ht coator ef Mt. Scots dlatrlrt, IS mlnatoe tram rtty Mi. acott car Ae far, no tranafor. Iota $120. paj.M a ', dowa aad $.t a month. Hmtaoa . built to suit yoa and sold st . rot (vlth - lots) at rrat rat. HI ah, pur air, all eonTonlearr. and entgmrlag all otber - sub 'i srba, GEO. W. BH0WN . 303 rafllog Blag. ' ' Pboa ' MlB 112. - R. A. TATLOB at Ftr laod. City -ofllc opa Tnlnaa. ' SSO acres fine timber,' near I Portland, $12.19 per acre. ..';'-:..-'- ;";. Sfl,000--Oood , l-room ' house, hear ' car . line,. Improved street. East Side. Saao 100xlftL and -- modern 7-room : nouse on Jbasi piae, eaey grmi. $4,100100x109 and modem" icolonlat '7- .- , -, room house, on Union avenue. A v'" .-fins home. ..-.-rT-.vJ- SavOOO A fractional lot on Washington. . . street . $1T,000 Three-efory brick on 1st at In - coma IIM a month. .... $10,000 Three-story brick on 1st at In-' come $110. , ;, '..-. -vi it",;-' S10300 100x100 on Id st. Siao Lots oil car line, only 20 minutes f from center of cltys -water and . - graded streets; It per month. w it- Sahlstroui 108H eth St. Oor. Xorrtson. LOOK! choics lots nr & Pattersca l, . . aj- lyn: At ice a Day Thl mpMtr growing tnharb Is as the Mt. Sratt lvctrlc car lln. as mlautKa' rid fmm bMlaooa rntr. Be fari abuatfaace ef pure ' k Iter block kit alley. TVm't tnrnrt m reel estate settf-yes kave visited' IV.aXXK.--fV. - - -' B. ALFORDQON ; orrxoa t.Ybt statzov. -A am .