T I C Z.J .D."'.'." I C-.rrira, " JZ-ZDAY t.VERtllQ-ZZFTVZZZZZl '12. I , - 7 ' -7: W'Uslt'-': FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. I clean tad dry, reedy to cord, et $2.50 per . cord; Mk and Sr at cut rate; brick tor Ml cbeap; express tor hire: knna for real, - Phone Union 1T1 or law Cast Dlvlslca at. FOB SALB 80-foot electric launches, need at , LwU and t'lark . expoeltloe, for aale cheap; tleo launch bulla, ruwboata and eaaoaa. In quire r. W. Bbermaa. boat landing, expoaltsua '" grounds. BILUARD AND POOL Uble tor rant or fat sale on ur payments. ' ?r TUB SBUKSWICK-BALKB COU.KKPIB CO. 1 all Third efc, Portland. X 600 DOZEN Maaoo'a frultjare, all elaee, need . mm, (iod aa new, cheap. Portland Bottle Supply Jo.. 801 North Klguteanth, Mala ZM. . WB print tout name on M ealllnc card, propor , aiaa and style. S8e; SO bualnaia carda. tl brown Scbmale, Sew First, Portland, Or. WOVEN-WIBB and apboMtered oota. aaa atoroa, baoiBMcka aad caatp. fnrnltare. Pa- dno Teat Awglng Co.. ST Nertb Flrat, -LARflE8T atock of bottles Bl northwest; ardera filled promptly. Portland Bottle Biipnly Co., Sin North Klgbtaeatb at. Main B288. ' TWO f tret-calf halfera. one Holatlea, that other iHnum, atrge, ona nanaera. a. nignianv. - . Mt. Scott and Seatloa Una roads. ' tAUMCS for aale. length SS feet. 10-H. P. sa- glne, large earrlng espacltyi price Tary cbaaa. Addraaa H SS. ears Journal. - GKNUINB baad-made Indian blanketa at halt Ktce for a few dara oaly. . SUS Stark at., twaea SYont and First. FOR SALE freah mllrh sows, with or without : calf, luod Mliwaakla are., Ssllwood car. Orattna atatlon. ' . HK1H grade pland for aale at a bargain. Call at 10s eraad are. Mtchlgaa Csa aad Coffee '; store. . MUST Bl BOLD Freeh trafhem tew. belter - calf. SOt East Tblrtj-eecond at., Woodatoek X- ff. - : ; CAIJQBAPH typewriter, flrat-cbue eondltlnn, 1S. a H. Plggott, lawyer, 4 Malkey bid. - (OR BALE Bewtng machine, "late Improve tenia. BT8 Irving aU ear. Blgbleenlh et. " BOO nwn BRICK "Mr aalf it ST per t1iutiaand; - oeuverea. ttooai aui, Hcnay suuaiag. - - FOR SALE 1 email air com pressor, cheap. M. U. Morgan Cow. STO Mllwauhle at. . NEW piano, cost $47.1, will sen cheap It taken at aace. Address B . Journal. IHR aale, ctiesp, Rnrllnh astter dog, "wall trataed, louelre StS Kelly et. MUST tell elegant aprlght ptano, atandard make. Phone Eaat diss. - HORSES AND CARRIAGES. FOR BALE Horse (very geotle) with buff? - aad harness. $80; one cow, 4 Jersey,' e gal - goes mUk, S40. Call 41T Ablagtoa bldg. .BOR8B. harneaa and combination two-vested buggy, the whole tig. or separate, for aale i dirt Cheap. 23b lamhlU at. ' . A FINI tow -baggy, bore aad aaraiaa, cost . SMB. for aale cheap, or trada tor lot. A. B. . Backer, tS Waahlngtoa at. TO EXCHANGE f WILT, exchange Sli acrea la high etate of cultivation, ml lea from Portland, on the v 0. W. P. ear Hue, for 4 or T room residence ea the eaat aide. Bee owner. 10TH- Third at. QROCBRY a tors; good clean atock, new build ing, cheap rent; will Invoice end aell 00 eeata oa the dollar: or exchange tor city property. Bee Lee, SIT rentea bldg. 84 Sixth at WANTETU-To trade, rhlckena for a horse. In ' quire Slat and Codrh ete., Central, Or., 4 - blorka aouth of MoaUvUU ear Una. GOOD timber claim for aale or exchange for roomlng-bonae. Call 10T"4 Third at. PERSONAL. OR. ALFRED L. ANDBRRON. Neuropath, raras all chronle and aervooa dlaeaaea, such aa , rheamatlam, catarrh, paralyala, llrev and ' kidney .-tronblea; all head and Btomach trAuhlae, eueb aa eoaatlpatloa and dyspepsia, are cured 'la the ahortoat poaslble time; all nervous and female weakneaaea are perma neatly cored. Dr. Aaderaoa In hli treatmenta . i does ant use any drugs, but applies the . ' : celebrated a on pa tats treatment, . which goes direct to the causa of the ailment. Hla offices are dally crowded by those who have failed to get relief by the aaa of dmgo or earperv. If you are orie of these, tail on Dr. Anderson r-r for free - consultation sod advice. IewM building, corner Morrlaoa and Park. Phone aclflo 40B. Office hours from g a. m. te r . -. . ' MEN I - - ' '' V. P (Tltal-Power) tablets will restore te . you the aaap, elm and vigor of manhood; If you are lacking In the power of vitality. Its loss resulting from Indiscretions and excesses. send; tor a box of these tablets and be con vinced of tbetr merit. By mall In plala Pkg., . SI. THR ARM8XR0N0 TABLET CO.. IKC., SOS Loyal Guard bldg.. Petrol t. Mica. . PETBCTIVB agendas Confidential - Inveattga tloaa; re porta made on any Individual bnaltieae - or property! hooka ei parted; best city refer. eneo; charges reaaoaablr; eorraapondaace ae Ildted. . Oregon Detective Service, of fleet '- SI4-S1S Columbia bldg.. SnS Waablngto at., Portland. Pbone Mala S61S. . I PORTLAND M1LL1NERT BCBOOL-kLearn pay. , Ing business la S weeks, fall course $11; .' e i pert eastern milliner la charge I also makes ' latest style band-made banda at one halt tore pi-tree. Call Ita Vangha, tor. Factory, Mala 'Sim. . ; -. . VIBRATION eouallsee drculatlos, breaks dow 'and electa waste trssue, - rebuilds new and , healthy- eella; free demonatratloo. OfSce aad tree ting -rooms, Vlbratorlnm, aulta t84a. .Lawla . bldg, cor. Park aad Morrlaoa. - THB "Matrimonial Register," 10c, eeotatnd ' deecrlpttona and particulare of several buu- - dred realdente of Oregon aad Wash Ing too- who wlah to marry. Intaratate Introducing So ciety! Russell bldg. - NO DRUGS, no operatlona; Prof. Doha gives osteopathy and magnetic treatment, reduces t-- jrmr fleah, relieves auppreeaed monthly hTreg ularltlea. Consultation frse. Offiep7-0J .'. Goodnoogh bldg. ... - , . LOST powers reetered, 'by the (reat Dr. ' Lorena't Nerve Tonic Tablete; S5e per bog, S boxec tor fl.B. Write or call at.kyaaell e . Pharmacy, 227 Morrleoa, bet, lat end . id. MANLY vigor restored by Dr. Roberta' Nerve - Globalee. One month 'e treat menj, 8S: S ' amntha, SS; eent securely eeeled by mall. Agenta, Woodard, Clarke at Co., Portland. Or. BOOKS! Here tber are: .Decameron." "Hep. ',. tameron,"."A Hot Tamale." "Fanny Bill," , V "Twenty Years a Faker," "Forbidden Fruit," "" Ml "Q seen; nam yree. a. acnmaie. x ntat ax, t-flfriDKMTtit. TNYRSTIOATIONS RenorM ertyi bonk a exported; beet city refereacc. Lock Box 374. Portland. Or. - ' - W ANTBDTw eon far with- tboee' ewatemplat- Ing buelneee course; to your personal aad financial Interest to lnvmtlgara. Addreat i 44, cere Jowaal, - -.. , - BUSINESS man. highest references, desires to meet ledv with money tor business proposi tion; fnH particulare confidential. R 81, care JournaL LADIES Too appear SO years ycuiujer, re move all wrinkles, have skin like . velvet ' by Being Oregoa Grape Bkla Feed, t Pbeat Eeat llldT, .(. TURKISH BATHS. .400 Oracmtea Mdg.l geata 1 , an Bight, ladles all day. Mala IBai. . kXPERIBNCFI weaig la f I r'he tasata F20JAL.' MINI WOMENi-aRaymond't pllU poettlvely iicura nervouane-s had lack er vitality; gi. 8. lirug Co.. zoO Third. BUSINESS womae of anility wtabaa to bmi tntlouuui of mean for business counsel and advice. Addreae Bualnaaa, aaro Journal, a- SUITS proaaod while aklrte preaeed our. aaat to tha Quelle. wait. BOc. Ladies 01 Ih Inert. 10814 Sixth at.. Phona Clay 8u0. TO exeats and caavaeecre i If Joa want tha boat aaller you ever bamllad and at boat profit, call at BUS Washington at. at one. CLBABANCB a. la all kind at vrelete. klawnoa. muslla aadarwoar, ate., below coat. . Blad -Caoag Co.. Mat Morrlaoa aC , . LILLIAN B. C B AM Chlropodlat, mealctrrlnf ana eoampuouig. rarwr tua ADiagum wag rcruana. u. aiiaea tBBB sample corn, bsnloa aai wart ura Be wla L, Dean, dept. B, Taunton, Maaa. i . QYTBT BENOBIA'B aorha. roota and bark nra all diaraata. tumoir Kill AiUkj Bids. ATTORNEYS. OBEOON LAW C0IXE0TI0M CO. all ran. ton block. Collactlona auda thraashMt tha Dnltad Statcai bankruptcy mattara a apoclaltyi ' bad tcnaata ajtctadr rrnta collcctad aad g oral law boataoaai aotary pnblla. . ... B. T. T AGO ART. attaroor and coaaaalka' at law. 41 Cbanbar of Oonmarca bids. ART EMPORIUM. PBOP. RICHARD MAX METER Portrait and laadaeap artist;' Instruction In all palatine, water color, etc., and drawing; art gaUary connected with atndlo; pietarea for eale- and framing to ardor. Sag Aldrr St. Phone ISM. BATHS MASSAGE. , I THB Palaet Maaaage Parlora Is the only piece to get a alee Invigorating bath or maaaaget yoang lady, 18 years old, - with aaalatant, recently from New York. Stark at., between Third and kourth. The Tacoma, roonat S1-2S. MISS ENGLISH Experienced nurse. glvse medicated bathe, electric, aad magnetic trratr meut; alao removes corns. 146V) Sixth au, -corner Alder, rooms S4-SS. THR 8NOWDEN BATHS Lady attendants, 287H Alder at., tub end vapor oaths, aiaiaaga and electricity. . Phone . Mala SONS. BIRDS. MRS. S. Mr FBITB. SO Oread avt4 bsaatlrot . Imported canary blrda. reasonable; all good elngera, and eatlafacttoa goaraateed. r ' i ' ' BLANK-BOOK MAKERS., f BOW. DA TIB KILBAM. 10S-111 Secoad et . Blank 'book manufacturers) agenta for Joaaa ' Improved Laosa Leaf ledgers; see tag aa Eureka leaf, the beet ea the market. BOTTLING WORKS. G. M. BOTTUNO CO.. bottlers ef flaa car bonated: beverages; family wlnea aad llqaort a specialty. IB Union a vs. Phone Eaat 1S5. BICyCLE DEALERS. COLUMBIA, TRIBUNB AND CRESCENT. POMT1NG GOODS, EXPERT BBPAIRIM4. P. P. REENAN. SOS THIRD ST. COAL AND W 00D. leev-waasaasa. OHDROHLBT BROS, base removed Uavte at. to 4S Kearney at., aear 11th i to aw the largest woedyard la the city, carry ing aU kinds of wood aad eoaL Mala Ml. ORBOOBT St MOBRIB. eacceeeore to Cain MeKuae, dealers la wood and coal at lowest prices; eatlafacttoa toaranteed. r Car. Tenth and Irving. Pbone Main 4870. ALBINA regX. CO. Dealers la rr aad greea end dry a lab wood. R. R. aad Al- aina are., a eioena aa ei lerry. ,aea ei. STEEL BRIDOB FUEL CO., dealert la eoaL cord wood aad dry alabweod. Pbone Eaat 434. OREGON FUEL CO., aH ktada of coal aad wood. SOS Alder. RIRR MOOTER, SIS Water at. Wood aad eoaL . . fhoao aula l owe. FOR SALE 8,000 tarda Or wood. Pboae East ITS. 3 RPETXCLEANING. STANDARD Carpet Cleenlng Co.. largest plant oa the coast, Lorlug and Harding au.. tele phone Eaat SS0 Carpets cleaned, renttrd, - eewed and laid: both ateem and latest com- preset d air precast; renovating mattresses aad reatnero a epectaiiy. - - BATB year walla cleaned! we eieea papersd and palated ' walla; satis faetloa gaaranteedt '. price reasonable: refer so act. Red SsaS. SANITARY carpet cleaning, sactloa and com i preset d air combined ; eerpeta cleaned on Door - without removal. Mala B3S4. . Eaet 2&S4. CARPETS eteeaed aa tha Soar; we ralee aa Clay gal. tree somaactroooa. HUNTER Bream carpet aad mattroae. leaner, too Jeffereoa. Mala Sid. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST , GYPSY P.ENOBIA, Telle past, present aad future. Ne matte what your ' troubles art ahe will kelp you. Room 828 AUaky bldg.. Morrleoa aad Third. MADAMR JOHNSTON Clairvoyant. oalmtat. card reader; I give facta reliable end las- porraax on au ariaira or real lire, toe. SS Seventh St.. near Oak. COM MISSION-MERCHANTew OAFENPORT BROS. General osmmlaeloa aear chants; fruit and predate; eonotguaaeata te - Belted; prompt retnme. ISO Front e. IP you waat ta set goad ret nine for year produce, chip ta ae; pay highest price W eggs f. a. b. . P. MUlar Co. S. BVERDINO FAR BELT prod nee tad eommla. , Moa merchaata. 140 Froet uU Portland. Or. Pbone Meln ITS. - CLEANING AND' DYEING. PORTLAND BTBAM CLEANING DYKING Workei practical hatter la eoaaeettoai feather boae and nlumee cleaned and curled by aa ex pert, til Fourth. phone CUy 704. t. CITHES cleaned and pressed SI per month. . Unions Tailoring Cow S4T Washing tan at. B. W. TTTRNBR, ptofieatontl dyer end cleaner, -80S Jetfevsen ge. Pbone Mela SB1S. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. 4 BSBBRG-OUNBT CO. . DlaUlbntora af , : FIRM CI0ARB. " ''. ' Portland. Oregoa, CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. A, J. AUTHORS and H. R. WOOD, carpenters and builders i repairing and jobbing: atore I and ernes sgtaraa cent. , Shop Sua Corai Mala 089T. CARRIAGE ft HACK COMPANIES THB UNITED CARRIAGE CO. Cam a gee, tally -be rigs aad carry -ells. US Blaveatfe - at. cor. Morrlaoa. Phone Mala SSS, CEMENT CONTRACTORS, CRAB. H. CARTER CO., Cement contractors. 840 Eaet Twentieth et, . Pboae Beat 187S. All work guaranteed. . CHIROPODISTS. IP poor teat (re eat of order, go to Dr. Wortef Benlamln. Seventh end Stark, the Seat ape sisllst. Pboae Block SIS, - - CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. WltOLESALB frwksiy tad graarware. . Praaa. Begcle Ca.. 100 te log Fifth, aor. Stark et, gLECTRICAL WORKS. NORTHWEST. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING ; Company, 00 Stark at., port la ad. 0. K. fee everything ta tbt ejattrteal Uaa, Phoat Mala.lSeS.,- PACIFICT Electrle Co. Sngi seers, ematiaetora, repalrera, electrte wiring, auppllea. 04 First, gar. k Mt. I ala 4 -A , R. B. JTatt, testa t CAF2S.. . TP OFFICE t 1 Waablnstoa i tfl. Sawnwl vtwsao. DRESSMAKING. SHIRTWAISTS.' wool at weak M'h, made Set 11. hp; ahlrtwalst liM. M Utt Mar at. Paeno t-mml 11. DBESRMAK1NG Strictly op te datat astatt deslgna. 48S Clay DENTISTS. VBT CHURCHMAN, dentist. SS4 wtarauam hldg.. Sixth and Morrlaoa. Phone Mala 1TU0. dog "and horSe hospital. DB.C E BROWN. D.T.S..D.C.M. Dog. horse hoe pltaLSST BBrnatde.Thonee; Malaeucdl EaatSaaS. EXPRESSING. L. aad M. icxpraat Company, Sit Washington , at... Phoaa Mala S04; furniture, ptano and ex pressing promptly stetnded to. Dally te Lent. 1 FURNACES. ROTNTON warm-ahr fornaeae save fasL J. O. . Bayer Faraneo Co., BPS Beeead.- Main 4SL . . ": FURNITURE FACTORIES. ' OBEOON Faraltitre Maaafactarlng Company hfamiracrvrers of ' turnituiw tor tha trade. Poetlaad, Or. y . rCRNITURR maaafactarlaa aad tpeetal ardere. L. Raveaehy't fnraitnre factory. S70 Front at, HAIR AND SCALP SPECIALIST. I. J. BORG, maasfactarer of hamaa ban? pal la, eta. 4SS East Mark. Phone Beat Stll. HARDWARE. Portland Hardware te. aollclta euperlaalty to ajaote prices. ISS let at., cor Abler. Mate 1SS4. . GROCERS. -.Sr-r--.- WADHAMS CO., wfcoleaaU groecra, maaa taOorera aad aommlaaloa maritaata, - Teprtfe ' and Oak eta, . .- ALLEN LEWIS, commtsstoe aad ptwdpetrw ebantn. Front aad Da via ete.. Port la ed. HOTELS. HOTEL Ptadletoa, Peadletea. W.A. BOTEL Portland. Amerleaa pUn; SS. $S pet day. HOTEL St, George, Peadletea! heading beted. BELVEDERE; Bwroawan plan; 4th and Alder eta, LINSURANCE ISAAO U WBITI. Bra I bob neap. SOS Dekam bAMBBRT.-WHlTMBR-eV CO. Tire lasaranaa and reel estate; efdesa 107-108 Bherlook bldg. Msla 1008; dept 404 Beat Aider. Beat euL JAB. Mel. WOOD, em plot are liability aad In dividual accident aorety bonds of all blade. Phone 47. 803 McKay bids. IL F. BABTFLB COMPANY -fire) Inenranee, 44S Bherhvek bids. Oregoa Phone Clay SSS. LOCKSMITH. J. A, RICHARDSON, expert lock aad kevamttb; general repairing; eeetiroa nresing; an worg guaranteed. 30S Fourth Bt. Pboae Hood 1782. REYNOLDS general repair eaopi expert ana chin, let, mckenrita; oedara promptly tilled; agenta Miller keyless locks, tas Wash. Mala OoSU. BROWNE'S IN TOWN Expert lochemlth aad Bicycle twpainag. -SSS Btara. fay - Ckiy SSS; ' night pbone. Mala SMS. MONEY TO LOAN. THR BTAR LOAN CO. Any salaried employe, wage earx 'am hla ante, wllhoot mertaiaa Month. U Month. Weeh. Sm.OO Repay te aa 813.83 or S0.8S or ffSS 829.00 Repay to ae $4 OS or 3. ec I.M $16.00 JUpay to ae f 4.00 or $3.04 at . $1.00 aio men. ay bios. avail is asea, eeiariee peopw. venoavisra, without aecurlty: eaay payments l large. I boalneea ta 40 principal eitlee. Tolaua, 338 Ablagtoa bldg. Pboae Mala 04ST. MONEY TO LOAN aa real psreoaal aad Bel la tsral aecurlty; special atieatloa ta chattel mortgagee; aotea bought. O. W. Pellet. 804-0 leatoa bid... S4 Sixth St. HIGHLY raepectable place where ladlee aad EDti tan barrow aaeoey oa dlamoadt aad welry. Collateral Loaa Bdna, mtt Weeb gtoa at. Phone Black 71. SB LOANS and anward ea an kinds af escurktr ar to ealarled people aa their antel lowaat rates; no publicity, ee data.. BIS Ablsgwa bldg. noao Red 1730. CHATTEL ioaat la tmooatt ranging tram $34 , to SAOuO; rooming -koases a specialty. New Bra Loaa Tract Co., SOS Ablagtoa bids. WB make all kinds ef loaaa aa good security at lowest rates; special atteetloa glvoa ebattal leana. IBS Morrlaoa at. MONEY! as loan la same of from 83.000 ee I aa.ooot terms to euit ta I aV agh S aa F - a a-tm- I efAW'tU, vCMDIasaslXsn sHetw MONEY TO LOAM ta Urge or novate oa gooa eecantyi lowest Beck, SOT Felling .bldg. am . TUB LhKStT. B?'T' SePAM -OOMPABT nana, from tnrea to ats SdoatlawT SIT Oregon la a. MONEY- TO LOAN oa Ctackamaa county lands. E. F. and F. B. Riley, OOS Chamber af Caam PORTLAND REAL ESTATE LOANS, S AND S par eeat. - Wan, DrnWaa. SSS FalUn LOWEST rates on furniture and planes. East ern Loan Co., 440 Sherlock Drag, lay nan. MUSICAL. COURTNEY'S MUSIC STORK. SO Fifth et. Good line ef sheet mnelc 10c; guitars, mando- , Una 1-8 leaa than usual price; Columbia records 35c. . .-I . . -..-...-- - SECOND-HAND aaalcal tnetramaatt ef all klnda at lowest pricea, eaah ar Inetallmaata Flaber Maala Co, 100 Third at, PIANO tuning. $3; perfect work guaraal C. W. Jthneea. Pbone Mnta101. MAGNETIC HEALING. MRS. L. m BART traata til dta troablo, aerrousaeet and function ai weak a Coaaultetloa free. SOOtt Park. oar. Icfferi MILL FINISHINGS. BOXWOOD tad - planer trimmtngt always on band at tbe Standard Wood Co. Phoaa East 8.118. Foot of Eaat Pint tt. OVERALLS. BOSS OP THB ROAD OVERALLS and - m chaates' clothing; aalea made. eTeaetadtad Bras., .maaafaetarers. Portlaad. or. V OSTEOPATHS. DBS. OTIS MABEL AKIN. 408 Maclaay bldg. Clay 778. ReS. M. 2181. Coaoultattoa free. PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. r. B. BEACH l CO. The PMaeer Paint Os. window - la ae and sUtin. 18S First at. Pboae 1384. J ... .1 , RASMUSSBN g CO Jobhera, patirta. all. Rates, aaeh aad doore, Seeand and Taylor. PLUMBERS. tWNNEBBBBG BADEMACHER, ennltary piamoera. ae rouria ea. eeia FOX 4V CO., sanitary e lumbers. SB1 Be road bed, Mela tod Selnma. OreewaPbeoo Mela ' "s :pLATIN0. THB OREGON PLATING WORKS. 40! Wnaa. f Ingtoa at- raoae gaia. . gmieaiag. pmuanj Oa4 saeoatgiaf,. . .!'' printi::3: aNVON A DUNIWAY COMPANY, Bctatlaa r uevn 111 . v. aiaar t una. a. aea aioev pa., pnusw Mala TlOt rabber atarnna aula, ataaetav baa. gags, trade check a; eead tor eetalogao. ROOFING. TIN ROOFING, Battering, reoalrtsg aad gsaarsi robbing. J. Lsetli.- SIS Jerteraea at. . . 2 PORTLAND CORDAGE CO. and Nertbrap au.. Port U ad. STREET-PAVING1. WABRBN Ooastruetloa Co., atreet pavtag. aM - walka aad crosswalks. T1S Oregoniaa bldg. THE Trinidad Aapbalt Paving; Co. of Portland. OfSce tod Worcsetee blk. ' SIGN-PAINTERS GOLD SIGNS, window lettering, cloth banners, eeoooasleal electric eigne and slgna of all kinds made oslrkly. Footer Klelaer, Fifth and Everett. Pbone Exchange 88. -- SAFES.' DIBBOLD- Maaganeeo aafeet ftra- tad) barrier procf work; Jail and prison work: loekoata opened; repairs. J, . Davie, ad Third at. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES of every deWtpttoai beak, bar aad atore Sxtarea maoa to order. aaa uiut Manufacturing Caw. PortlaaaV VIOLINS. J. A. WEBCO. Tlolta-makar aad repairer work arsr cmaa. go uaseu bids., 4ta ana TRANSFER AND HAULING. SArES, alaaoa tad farnltora aooved, packed rsaay pgr ahlpplng nod shipped; au wurt Suaraatoedt large, S-etory, brick, Bre-proof wareaouee tor atorage. urnea 128 rirst at. C. M. Olaea. Pboae Mala $47 a O. PICK, efnes SS First St.. be twees Stark and Oak eta., pboae Sttd; planoa and farnlrare . moved aad packed tor thlpplngi oammodleat brick warehouse. Front aad Clay ata. DESIRABLE commercial storage, elnae la, nee of-levetort low Insurance; would receive and reehlp If desired. 141 Front at,, ear. Mala. OREGON TRANSFER CO., 184 North Sixth. . Phoaa Mala SS. Heevy keeling aad storage. POST SPECIAL bELITERT Nay 800m Weak, lag-tea at, Phoaa Mala Sdz. - EL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Oomh, brush, aoaa. per awata. Lawrenoe Breav' Towel Supp PV reurtn aaa coocti. rnone easv WALLPAPER. MORGAN WALLPAPER OO.. 1M-1M Second St.. bet. YemblU end Taylor. Portland. FINANCIAL. PORTLAND TRtTST OOMPABT OF OREOOR. , Tbe Oldest Trust Company In Oregon. , , RESOURCES OVER 1.000,000., ' General banking business eon ducted. Be vines deposits received. Time certificates lamed, S to 4 per eeat; special certificates (not under fSOOK 8 to 4 per rent on ebert call. , Call for book of "ILLUSTRATIONS." Phone Matn 463. ' 10 Third St. BENJ. LCftHEN. President u ..np.. ...... ........ . . .rrennan PTTTOCK..A, Vice- President PA0ET...X.... .-ri-.SsnatarT He I B. LCD I. O. GOLTRA..........Aeeiataat Secretary u VITXD STATES WATIONAL BANX . ,y ' OF PORTT AWTi ORPOOV. MOtXaTWXST 0R. THIRD AND OAS STB, Traamam A Oaaeral Baahlns Raalaeta, DRAFTS IMIIKU Available fa AU Cltlee of the Ualted Statet anal Kurope. Uongkong aad Manila. , COLIXCTTOM BL1DB OR FATORABLX TERMS rnwmi.,,,,, Vlss-Praal dealt. ,..,W. B, AYBB R. LEA BARNES Tlce-Proatdeat Caehlet. Aealatast Cashlor.. Aaa Is tent Ca abler . ... ..R. W. BCHMSKH ...A. M. WRIGHT W. A. HOLT FIRST RATIONAL BANS ..;' OF PORTLAND. ORXSOXT, Dedgnated Depository end Financial Agent af too Ualted States. President... .......A. L. MTLLB Caoblor . W. NBWKIRK Aaalatant Ceahler ,.W. 0. ALVORO Second Aeatataat Ceahler. ......B. P. BTBVBNI Lettora at Credit leased Available la Earopc tad tha Eastern States. Bight Rxchaage and Tele graphic Trtaafert aald oa Nam York. Boetoa, Chicago, Bt Louie, St. Paul, Oasaha, Ban Franclace aad tha principal points la tbe Northwest. ' . Sight and time bill drewa ,1 nn-t ta cell ea London. Parla, Rerlla, f-vank rort-la-the-Mata. Hongkong. Xekobaat. Copeabageak ChrleHanla. Stockholm, BL , PhUeabars, . Mos cow, Enrich. Bovwlnla. 1 CoUoetlont Made ea Favorable Tarme. ; LADD Til TON. BARXXRB. (XatabHahed ta 188S. Tuatatilt a Oaaeral Banking Busts aaa. Collections made at all points oa favorable tarme. . Letters of credit Issued tvellable is Europe and all potbM In tbe Ualted States. Sight Buhaiia tad iral.arapkla, TxanAfert toM- oa1 New-Yorkr Wtablngtoa. Chicago. St, Leote, Denvev. Omabs. Saa Fran :leee .. and Montana aad Brltbth CnlamMa. . a.xf:nesgw ' mit J vo Mmoua, a-ans. dwui. aaa SECURITY SAYINGS ft TRUST COMPART. SOS MorHaoa St.. Portlaad. Or. Traata eta a General Banking Bualaaaa. -- SATTNGS DEPARTMENT, latermt Allowed en Time and Sevtaga Depoaim. Acta et Trasteo for Retetea. Orafta and Lettera of Credit Available in AR ' Parte at tbe War Id. 0. P. ADAMS , . . . . Preaideut U A. LEWIS First Vice-President A. L. MILLS .Second. Tlco-Preeldeol B. 0. JUBITZ.... Secretary GEO. F. RUSSELL. Aastetant Beeretary BR0HAJIT8' NATIONAL BANK. , PORTLAND. OREGON. ' I. PRANK WATSON Preetdeat R. L. DURHAM Viee-Presldeut R. W. HOYT ...peablar GEOROR W. HOYT Aaalatant" Ceahler Tisaaacta a General Banking Bualaaaa. Drafta aad Letters of Credit Issued AvaUable . to All Parte ef the World. . Colleetleaa a Specialty. ; M ORRIS BROS. - 118 Tint SW Portland, orv .; Offer Ollt-Edge Investments (a. Municipal and - Railroad Bonds.. Write or Call. ' ' MORTOAQE LOANS Da PcrtUad Real Estate at Lowest Rate Titles Insured. Abstracts Fm-aiebed TITLE GUARANTEE TRUST CO. ; 840 Weahiagtea St., Oer. Baeead. I SOUTHERN GOVERNORS ' ' VISIT NEW HAMPSHIRE V K (Joornal Special eVWed.l1 i Concord. N.,H Dept. 1 J. Today wss Ooremors' ir at the ttnto fair, and tig southern 'gdrtrnors and tha Bovdrnord of seroral rajrtern rtatea wera In at tendance. Amons tha dlttlnsulahed Tla Itors wero tha followins southern gov. ornors: . N. B. .Brown or Kioriaiv, n. tj. BlanchmgeV-of Louisiana, James K. Vare daman of -MlaBiatlppl. . JeffergorT Davis of Arkansaa. R. B. Olenn of North Caro lina and William M. O. Dawson of West Vlrsltirtt. - tA11 of them delivered brief addreeaes oa the fairgrounds and wero afterward .entertained bp the Commer cial, club. They will roraafo hero aer orsi days and ne,tr weeR , will -vUltJ at St. Johnaburjr.' 7 - I , i i ' V BpwaUl Bgonrtlon BVataa. Terr low 30-dy tlcketo oaas efferod try a R. N. September IT, tha la B. N. eella So-day spe elat egouralon tickets to eastern polntst etopovere sranted solnR and retrnlnc Partieulara of C. W. Btlnser, ty ticket agent O. R.- m i Co., Ttura Rxid Waah lnftoa streeia, iorusoa. "oing, Duak books, raoas auua it. at. RUBBER gTAMPSL AT THE THEATr.ES.1 Miss Deffry in "A Wicked Woman, Tonight at the Mantua m dfand theaUe. oa MorruKm between Sixth and Seventh alicela, I he charming aetreso, Josepblna Deffry J enp portjd by her excellent compear, will' preec it the society drama, "A Wicked Woman.''.! l'oe ular urlcea will prevail. ' Curtain rises at t.30 oewca. : v . ' ,Th Chaperons' Coming. . tas aU.'aet km t tht Meruuam (Irand tbeetre all next I week beginning Monday, when tuia charming muilcal piece will be presented with a aewidreae of scenery and coatuihea aad ateempany avreud to none m the-, country. The clever etory and witty dialogue -of Frederic Rankln't ok hi smart and plegelng, while tha tuneful musle of Ialdura Witmark't aeoro never grows old. :.' , The King of TrRmpa: The Lyric was taxed to Ite atmont ca laat night tod. .tb ila went with a deal en notuing to he desirea, f. u. MC.ea la tbe author of "The Ktag er Trempe,1 tbe leading role aad Droved himself a pable character actor. Mlsa Mark waa and whieome. There will be a matinee dally :"Mn. Wijgs" Tomorrow Night "Dt-hght-cdr" crwd Preeldeat , Roooerelt, when ha Aoulevitlo bo woo aaowa tbo-oorltable cebbego patch wherein Mrs. Alice Hegaa Mke round Mrs. wiggs and Levey Mary. ' Ae a dra matic force "Mre.' Wlgga of the Cabbage Patch" la. unique in Ite defiance of 4echnlqao In play- noiioing ana ite.eneer reliance oa heart tatereet. "Mra. Wiggs" eooies to roe Marauam Mlrend theatre tomorrow, Thursday. Friday-and Sat urday eights with epeciai price matinee Thurs day and Saturday. Seats are eelltng for tbt wsea. ; ) .... Drsmstic' Sensation. ' "udah." the dramatic eeneetlna of tbe aea ena. presented fur the first time ta Portlaad last night , by tbe Belaaco stock company, te en attraction that no playgoer can afford to ailee. It la equipped gorgeously aad la in Itaelf a tre aiendoua drama. , Another Fine Bill. J- The four nouaowortkg. head liners , at - tha Grand thta week, wore a decided kit with their alnglng aad comedy eketrb - yeeterday. The Buach family In gymnastic pantomlno were pleasing. Bronka and Brooke do a atralght dancing act. - Aldro brothers art clever equllib rleta, and James Hawley, tbe avmologltt, H a mlrthmaker. Pred Purtnton ataga "In the Valley or xeatenlay," and the moving pictures are comical. Dally matlneee and two performaacet every night at the Grand.' . . , . The Show st the Sur. The" Star M giving a- good enow, which h crowding the tbeetre every evening. Clancy and Swarta bead the bill In a dramatle eketrh ta- titlmd '-r-- ,t Inl.l IW'.lliw n.nfc w , r. uinii i nn ! wivf lap, a, graceful aad McOrath obdwa feate of atrengtlu Ma Jane hue e nleeeing voice and the remainder of tbe bill to ttrong. , , Kentucky Belles st the Baker. - The Kentucky Belles extravaranaa ' comnanv. which cpened Sunday at the Baker, baa beea pronrmtced the bear of taa three burlesnee preseiited aa far. The cborue and vandevllle numlra are especially strong. There will he a matinee tomorrow, Thursday . and Satnrday The Samrdaj matinee la tbe laat 'performai-.'e of tho week. . . Matinee Tomorrow at Empire.' "Queen ef the Highway" will he ae-n for four more nerformaneee at tho Empire theatre, aa the engagement of the Tayloe. company will close on Thursday evenlog. This eompauy baa been highly successful here, aad this excellent organtutloa could easily at ay for a bmg on- week's engagement oa Thnreday night. "Queen of the Wighwey-v received with much favol by the Empire theatre audiences. peclal Wednesday .matkaee at 3:18 o'clock NEW YORK CAPITALISTS BUY MEXICAN RAILROAD ,,' i. , l i. ii i. ' .-. . . (Jouraal BptHal Servtca.) . ' New Torkr- Sept. ll.-r-8enof B. M. Derosa rent, owner of-tho - Pachuca and Real del Monte railroad In. Mexico, ar rived hero today for tha -purpose of nesotiatlns for the sale of that road to a syndicate of New York capitalists. Tho aystem Includes the street railway lines In the city of Pachuca and aeveral steam railroads leadlns; to mlnea in that region. ' , . - A syndicate of American capitalists, represented In Mexico y W. O. 8ea vera, haa recently bought tho Ban Ra fael A Atlixco railroad for IS.000,000. The aame syndicate also owha a govern ment concession for the construction of a railroad from Mexico City to Solo Point, on tho Isthmus of Tehaunte pec , The , San Rafael cV Atlixco will bo used aa a link in ' tho proposed new lino. ' ,.:;:..',. 4 -. ' - , Ho, for Astoria. SwJft steamer TelesraphT leaves Alder ia.. V m. .dsJlyexcepJ day. Returning leavea Astoria. 1 p. arriving Portland 8:10 p. m. Sundays lea vet Portland S a. m-Aatorla 3:10 p. m. Arriving Portland t p. m. Scott's SentaL-Pcpsia Gzpsnlis A POSITIVE CURE For Inflammatloa or Catarrh of the Bladder end Dlsaeead Kid neve. BO OOSB BO PAT. Caret quickly aad aormaaentiy the wont cases of ojowsa'i neea and taleam, ae matter ef hew long standing. Absolutely harmless. Sold by droggists. Price 8l.ee. er bv mail, aoxt paid, 81-00.1 boxes. tSTt. TKE SANTAL-FEPSIX COL Tot Sale r Waedard. OUrae Oh, ! sur.H cc:e fo.v piles: OSUf (a Files asmeaeessoierare aad eaaoo Itshtni la form, ae well ae Blind, Bleeding or Protrudlni Piles are eured by pr. Boaanho'pl tope llohlng esd bleeding. Abaorha laratdrugglamoreeat by mail. Treal lleSamedr tnanova. Bon . bymalL Treellae free. W rl lm lobotxyoaura aaw shjos-h ,u, r&UMom Ta m paelty that is, wne edssyed very ea- tweet dT S K f V I WEEK We treat eneeessfuny sll private tier voua and chronic dlaeaaea of mem also blood, atomach, heart, liver, kidney and throat troubles. Wo euro SYPHILIS' (without mercury) te 'atay eured for ever. We remove STRICTURE, with out operation or pain, in II days. We - atop ' draina, night loaaes snd spermatorrhea by a new method In a 'week, We can restore tho oeaual vigov of any man tinder to by meant of local treatment peculiar to oureelves. We Cure Gonorrhoea In a Week Tho doctors of this Institute era alt . regular graduatea. yearn' experience, n Portland for 18 vear have had many. eve been known in care, have a reputation to maintain, and win unnertage ae eaat anlaaa corLaln cur can bo effected. Wa en aron tola n cure In every eaaO wa tmdertake or charge no fee. - Consulta tion free. Letters confidential Inatruo tlve BOOK FOB BaN mailed free Is ills In wrarjDer. .. .. 1 We cur tho wnrst eaaes of piles la I tlon. Cure guarantoed. - a, ir vou oanaos oaii at emc. vnn tot ooaeroi. Offlee houra, s to S ana t to t. wano DR. w. NORTor TRANSPORTATION. COLlir.IDfA RIVER TL ill Dally aVmn4 Trip to OaawaeU a.oc" ::fJTCAMErt.v',';a- "BAILEY QATZERtM Leaves week da 1:30 a. m. , Sundays, a. m. Arrives baok f p. m. Ground TRippjor- Throush stearaors for The Dalles and way points leave dally T a. m.. Wharf foot of Alder atrebt. Phono Main Sit. ALASKA FAST AND POPFLAB STEAMSHIPS Lsavat BMttle B a. "Jeffsea,".-, pii aiusrT."IT- STf' Dolphin," September 8. 13, S3. , v ' CALLING AT - ' ' - ' RETCHIKAN. JINEAU. DOITOLAS, HAINES. 8KA0WAY. Connects with -W. Kome -fc.8tt-feI iMlB' Taaaaar I , ( OR j ALL BOCTHEASTERH ALASKA PORTS. S. B. "Tarallon," September d. to, '.' ; , B, S. "Dlrlgs," September IB. 20. , Call o. tend for., "Trip . to.. Wonderful llaaka,!' "Indian Basketry,'1 "Totem . THE ALASKA S. S. 00. ,' . - Prank Woolaey Co., lAgenta. :. tRS Oak St. - I Portland. Or. 4 GHESMFIELD : VsTORlo xealmlgt aad Olalrroyant. i ten oi cnangea that are in atore for yon, succeaaea, fall urea, mar- Vringee, divorcee. ' laweulta, travels, deaths, , dlaeaaea, talanta, home and heart affaire, and , queatlona that per tain to tho future. ' Palmistry taught, i, medlumlttlo per - aona developed. I . accent rm fee In advance;' If you are not aatlsfled, you pay me nothing. I am permanently lo cated at tne rioiei Hutierv fv waan- lnarton afreet, above Tenth. ' Hours from s to P. aauy , ana ounuay. r ee, euo and-1 1.00. , .L, . ,- on. Gu:::rs IMPROVED v LIVER FILLS . -' ONLY ONI FOR eVD0SBU-i OURS MKADAOMR f -Ty removing Um cbiibb OURS ILIOUSNSSS., t, w , . by aiding digestion 1 vtMyl)urilng 2oTfood ' BEST PILL ON EARTH SOLO BT ALL BUOOISTtLOmBTSIAn.OsT KBCBIPT 09 PBUOa. aaa. MB BOX . INONAMSrORFRBI SAMPLS BOX DM. SOtABKO CO, rIUU)ELPtllA, r U. S. A. for modern dental -work. - World-i nowoed spoclallata, - leowost priced oonalatent with Orsb-olaaa Go to tbe NEW YORK DENTISTS rovmra ajtu Btommzsoa stb. . Opea day end night from : tv an, antll 10 b aa. - - Every , lalntareeudandahould know anoal uie wouaerrul MAtVU mWra Spray p new vagaaaa srneae. !, asad -(-. liaat-eaf. eaaBjoaa coavaaiont. It be cannot entnly the other, but aendauunp for Illustrated book full paitlenlara and dtreeticna in valuable to ladlee. MAatTBI, CO. dd b aad ST.. iim a o Bist ros BALX IT W00OAKO. i nr ALL MllFJQ Bath and good bed tat tha nlgkt, aa for H. King's Baths SovoBtk Bad Wi Ingtoai Sta. ' rinaat and lnrgwat baths laytths olty. ,. Men. What b This? Something New? A hygienic electro vacuum appll i B nee. A borne cure for weakneee. nnnetaral obstrnetona, local rheama tlam, varicocele, locomotor etaxla and nervoue debility.- Send 'tump for free .descriptive book. Dept. -J, Health Appliance Co.. Seattle, Wash., or call' and see ttr st 108 Msrtb Butt' St., rortlaad. Or. - f- ee- w or three treatments, wlthamt eiMra - - ; arawaiiam oianaV trwatniaat , ' aya r ' r "-ys, n ta is, : ) C 1 -.. 4e IS) LttUaR.1 .AVlSWViv. JU i WaW. Af aasnaaaaasaBWv--Bawr nTI 1-1 III re I. e-m a 'I TJHlOet DSPOT, urkish - : I u, (Tij 0 3 Trtici to the East l-iy Z Tbroegb Pullman rteadard aad tosxrlet e"e ng-eera dally to Omaha, Chicago, boat tourtat aleeplng-cars dally to b a aoaa V threagh Pailmea tourist aaeeclag-eare (n- elly eoadueted) weekly te Chicago. B--. . chalrcara (eeata free I te tbe Baet da,y. " CRIOX CBPOT. Laevee. Arrtvea, CW0AOO-POBTIJ1MD ... pmii. eBTfha.. Botnvl Dally, Dally. - SPORANB PLTER. For Eastern Waahlog ton. Walla Walla. Lew d:!8p.an, Dell, y--. 8 a. I Dally. . mtoje, Coeor d'Alear naoT- ureaf , etortaers polnta. : . . . ATLANTIC EXPRESS. or tha Beet via Haat- . Ingtoa. 8:18 f. m. Dally, T;18 a. I Dally. Columbia S Ivor Dtvtatea. Wiim ,awi,a - - . - vdi, ana way PJtata, aennecttag with '. tor Ihraee and 8:00 p. aa. Dally, as. 8unday. Satnrday. A heart S:00 p. Ba. as. Saadayv 10:80 p. m. T. J. rntt r i i. ..J wk a.-..i " '"""'re: September 13. T:00 a..m.l Septem- n w a. m.; neptemner m. e ia a. m. -"" TamklU Bivor Bouts. ' ' oa daTton City aad Tamhlll river polnta. atmra. Rath aad TnIO a, at. Dally, eg, fonday. T-gOavBV. Dally. monoe, Aaa-et. dock, Water permitting.) ex, Sunday. Snake livsV Keate. FOB LEW1STON. Ida,. tnd way potato -from (tipena, Waah.. at rare. Spokane tnd Lew niton. TICKBT OrriCB. Third and Waablngtaa. Tele- a - Sn,W,',f,eEC,,' TVrt Agent, A. ta CRAIQ. Oeneral Paeaengor Agent. - OTBBLAitD axpnaaa. Tralaa, for Salem, Roee-I B, AahUm BM. S:dS p. BV nwato, Ogden.. Sha fraa-1'M S, Sh.. claco. Btocktoa, Loe An ve, e,i raauv i-vw w- leana and the Eaat, Morales train ei aecta at Woodburn a-lle - eiveenS Bunrfev 8:30 a.m. with trala to Ml-mm Hw a-uaaatll. B a a 1 pruWarSVIIKi OB P 8 am field. WeadUag aadl natron. ... Knees naaaensee M 8:00 p, BL T en a. an. 4 :80 a. m. neets at Woodburn with 10:SS S.Sa Ml A seal aad Sllv In, tne-1 CorvalUa paaatugn. "S:80 p. au Sheridan noeeenaer. "S:SS a. ax. !lu:so p roreeAlrova poaaengeP. 1 1 :IH p. m. ri.ii. . . ; n I I i Dally eacept Bandar. t ealaa44eweaje Saburbaa Bervtoe and TaaabDl Divtsioa. '-- ; ,-r -''-Penot foot et iefferaoa etreet. Leave Portland daily for Oewee I nO a. ta.1 . M OO, 8:08. 4.00, 8:80. 8:00. 4:88. T ed. 10.1 p. m. Dally (except Sunday). i JO. 0:30. Bl 1A-2S a. aa.1 4:00. 11:20 s. as, Saadag eaiirw : L'" fe. , e .o a.... iVaTasTDinji Brnsj wfwi " - B:80 a. m. i:M. 8:08. d:M. S:S. T:V S: , 11 : is p. m. faiir - , , -M. 10:10. 11:48 a. m Except atoaday, Um a. m. Saedey only, 100 a. nv, , . Leavet rrom earn oepoa iwr misa 11.1. notnu Aallv 8:00 av Ba Arrive ISa,- The ladVnondtnco-MonnMmta Motor . I opera tee dally te Monmouth end Atrlle, c aecttng with Southern Padne comptay'e tracne tt Dsllaa and Indepeadewce. - m- . i ,.u h. pwlawd to Baevnnsaoea and Ban rrancJaeo 8S0. berth 88: Mad I in Ate. Vslr.m ttHmm aWtTlTt Thlrti ftM WUeV fnttoh ntr-t(i. PbM Hals Tt& TIME CARD " :v': OF TRAINS . LPoiiandt PAUT-- aaa Cttr-at. Leala SpeH rial for Cbebellt. Ce tralla. Olympla. Grays :V.ax, , Harbor. Scuth Bead. Ta S:S0a.aa. coma, Seattle. Spokane. Lewletou, Batte, BIU Ingav Denver. Omaha. Kansas city. Bl, Lamm end eeatbeaat. North Cos at Llastted. electrle llgbteC for Ta-I 1:00. an T.-OSaVI coma. Seattle, Spokane, Butte, aflnneapoue. St. Panl aad the Beet, Raget Sound Uarfted. for Chehalte. Ceatralla. Tacoma aad Seoule only, ! t '. 4:80 p. as. 108 a, i Twla City. Bxoreaa, - for Tacome, Seattle, Bpe-I ssno. neieua, Batte. Tallowatone Perk. Min 11:48 f. a. neapolis, at, raal the teat. Ar D. CHABLTON. - -Aaatatant Oeneral paaeengec Ageat, -I M Btorrlaoa Bt.. eor. Third. , " Portland, Oregoa. . Astoria & Columbia " River Railroad Co. UNION DBPOT. Arrives. 8 :00 s, ah. ror hfayger. BalnlM.Ill tO a. at. Dslly. t:80B Sk IMtaaaaie, weerpor.iimu. cilftea. Aaterta, war-1 reoioa. . riavel. Baax-I mond, yort Steveaa.1 C-arbart I'ark, ScasMa.1 Aaesrtay aad aeaeaere. Bipreaa dally. T-00 a. a. 8:80 a. at. UDoiiy. .. ' Salurday only, ti stmavmsaS mr-emw. . r. tad l. A.'. Aetoela. Or. C. A. BTBWABT, rcn.l Ayj-T Sad AC etreet.." Pboae klata Sua. noko otaea s nu . i- s ( eeag, Trtrtaoontlrtnl 1 25 Trfslrt. U-''y ' - o fact, t::." to f-. ' r - " t ' f outhMI? Uavea. I CrwiOlt PgfQ-f. I Arrives. -Offlce ra Van Ny HotpU Us Thir f : . 1 ' ei : '