' -v. f . - ' - Ccnte FATHERS .AND MOTHERS, WHAT ARS YOU DOING ; ; v--.-. -vv.; ros Youa coy? --. . Are you letting , him just drift along in the rut, ' attending t school when it's in session then. three or 'four', months of play then back atschppl gain- the same old routine . studying ; the' lame things the" other boys study, r e ear d less 'of ', waeiner ne is making the progress he ought to make? : v , .Or. are,, you watch-inr- Vhis r development" , carefully, keeping in .close. touch ;with his school work, his play .and bis. leisure occupa tions'" generally inr short, jsrc" you eivine the same close attention to your boy s physical, -mentaland moral development that you're giving to Vour business or social duties? Do you believe in a 'practical education for boys the kind that Do jrou believe Jhat a boy Should be taught to apply the knowi edsre trained in school? -To learn practice as well as theorv?. - , Do you want your boy to become a useful citizen, instead of a mere; social ornament? , -, v THIS STORE GIVES THREE FREE SCHOLARSHIPS IN THE c:rro Crrz UOC23 C? OUJOAQO r 1 l i V n a: n. - ; . : . weed's pointi - h-V I ViiS .v, ;. rs i -I r. ...... .in ill! illltlinl;12 Hcyc! Wcrccclcr Ccrcclo gl, .. Come, sec our showing of New Fall fcrSh r.rJ I cester Corsets and "Con Ton" and t::' t Ccrz: r- These all have the new, long-waist e,':ctt, lcr" t?-; ( high bust. Be properly fitted in one of these tsos-.U t c of our expert fitter before trying on new fan f owrs ; cr ic in and get posted before buying. We will gladly show is j these new models and explain all the good points about C .They are priced at, each,, from tl.3 up to...;.... t, GOpD NEWS FOR HOUSEWIVES GREAT SPECIAL , : . ... .. SALE OF ' - Irioh Point tcce Curtdhi to ' You read yesterday's full page of sparkling news from the store-Wisn'tlt brimful of in. terest? But a paee couldn't hold it all there's more to tell vou thla mornlnr and much r. mains untold. Come and let us tell it to you here. Store rossio ia full of intense interest these new Autumn days be sure you don't miss a bit. Of course the most important subject talked on now U Fashion. - We believe with Fielding that Fashion is the great governor of the world. It presides not only in matters of dress and amusement, but in law. ohvtici. oolitic, re ligion and all other things of the gravest kind. - Indeed, the wisest men would be puazled to srive any better reason why particular forms in all these have been at certain times universally re-I Our $12.00 values Special at, the pair. lahand at this store walk Quality and Price with Fashion. 'The highest quality with the low ,i; f ; v. fourth floor, c irjn iwni iacc vuruins, doui C.- feTent style to select from; with from two to 36 pairs of a kind in the lot. Most - of these curtains are SanfpleS, or curtaics that have been used for display and are slightly soiled or mussed from handling. We place them on sale for one. week, only at big reductions. . - ;;;' . , . Our $ 3.50 Values Special St. the oair..'... -: J Our $ 4.50 values Special at, the pair..r,. ....... ..,;...) uut o.uu values special at, the pair... ,V Our $ 6.00 values-Speciar at, the pair.......... Our $ 7.50 values Special at. the pair.. ......... Our 8.50 values-i-Speciai at, the pair. . . . . .'. ; . ; . . . . t " . ! uur xu.w vaiues-peciai at, the pair.., .;.. Our $12.00 values Special at, the pair.....:........... Our $15.00 values Speca! at, the pair........;.....,... ra.r ; ccco C7.C0 i7i THAT WILL HELP; SOME Read particulars irf Sunday papers. ;;' i'' 'v:;V- v FASHION 'IN -- orid rBeautiftil Neclwear Flannelette Night-Gowns IK First Floor. Newest Fancies in -Windsor Ties-Silk Windsor Ties, with rge - pom aois - ana ooracrs o meicn- aois, very -swtiip price, each 77.v.lTi-;-.i-.i; ;..... ........ ..... , .. .7; . .....BlS Dotted Crepe Windsor Ties In all thejnuanrahadesdaefc-arirf I -. . . ' . I II i ' i --wnitc-yTice, eacn ................ . . . ............ i ... . .bi.uu .Very Beautiful and Dainty Lace Chemisettes in a variety of different '' styles; all prices up to .....r..............j............C5.00 ElegantKeathr Boas Everyone made of genuine ostrich feathers :m Diacisr.wniic mna coiors; pncc, cacn irom. .... ,910 up 10 ou U Wool BianftefegSS , A GREAT DISPLAY OF WHITE AND COLORED WOQL vv. r-..' - ',: - BLANKETS. Just now is a good time to put in a good supply of warm Wool Blankets for winter use.-vQur. stocks are full and complete, and you' can find here just wnatyou need and .must have. ; . . WhKe Wool Blankets, line and superfine m' quality, soft and warm; priced at, the pair, 4.50, $5.0Of 6.00, 7UKr f tGray VVool Blankets, priced at, the pair. 84. 84.50, 5, 85.50, 6, 90.SO, 97, ?7.50, $8.50 and f . - ; SCARLET WOOL BLANKETS AT SPECIAL PRICES. Our $5.00 value ; special at, the pair. .. . . . . . . t .82.50 Our $6.50 value: special at, the pair... S3JS5 New in Art Goods forFancy Work . ART SHOP SECOND FLOOR, ANNEX. You will now want to start in on vour fancv work for the holidays ' ' a . . if ' .... 1? 1 ' t . 1 ... ana we are iuiiv. equipped in every line ana can lurnisn you wiin anything you may want - . - , ---r , f '-: ' . We are pleased to have ladies visit our Art "Shop and examine all the new things in fancy work; One of the newest things m em broidery is the Hedebro work, r ' ' , ' - -. f 1 ; . llf. L.- - : T 1 tFt-!i. TJ y , w? nave a line snowing 01 vusnion xops inu w nue iinyyi, stamped in new and handsome designs - All kinds of new; fancy Braids and Point Lace Patterns We are headquarters for Brainard 81 Armstrong's . Embroidery . 1 . . it .v. J' A . . . 1 . - FREE EMBROIDERY LESSONS GIVEN . DAILY. Specials in Housefurhishings - r. , ; THIRD FLOOR. : v'1 Today we open a 'new line of White China to be sold in sets or "separate Pieces, mediums weight,' neat shapes, strong and tough, equal tq Haviland China in looks, but stronger, less liable to break and about one-halt the, price, everything tor the table. CLOCKS 1 New Black, and Antique Finish Mantel Clocks; values up from . , , . . . . ; . . ..u.7o v in ew ,uoid r inisn mocks . tor au purposes, prices very reasonable, v . i- ' ' Good Nickel Alarm Clocks Special at.... .50c SALAD SETS 75c . New Old-Blue Salad Set, 13pieces. J Special ' at, tne sei i......; ,..,7oe rUUlL AT MODEST PRICES; -BIJOU .SALONS ANNEX SECOND FLOOR. This store is famous for its handsome millinery, its elerancei refinement andxclusiyeness. - While society leaders of wealth -o-not-nesTxateat the prices asked by some of the "excju- . sive il) millinery establishments, all recofimiie that the in trinsic value of some hats never warrants their fancv prices. Any style can be and is copied after a short season, while a. V . - in our own workrooms we copy many imported stvles. our ,f -expert trimmers have a' creative genius of their own and our t J .L 1 , . . as mucn as aocs ine,DUiiaing iiseu. , 1 .Portland womenaSvait with eager interest the first show ings of this great "Style Store." And the enthusiasm increases with each day as the season advances. .This year our milli nery folk have fairly outdone themselves in their maentficent and charming selections, .The exclamations of delight and flattering- encomiums : that reach -our ears dailv are amnle proof that the jiew hats have made : a tremendouaJiiU-Many . .1 - . . ' . f a . .... . . oi ine siyies are connnea iocauy io tnis store, ana no other Portland house , has the artists to successfully eopy them. ".' Oni WAU0U ATTN fltttT i ." We are n6w showinlr a full line of ladies' and children' Flannel ette Gowns, in dainty stripes or plain blue, oink or white. T1W are prettily fashioned and finished with cord; frogs, braid, silk floss and. lace.. ..... ;v; v'-l ,.v ; . Ladies' Gownt are priced, each, from. ; . . Sf up to wuwren a uowns priced according to size, at, each.iSO to Z5$ PETTICOATs FOR INDIES. . We hive Justreceived-enother-lartrmhInmenf of Kirtr and colored Petticoats in all the newest and best styles, in regular sizes. We also have a . full line of these Petticoats in extra laree, sizes SEE THEM. : in '.Children's Wecr Cheap ., stores are never allowed the selections we choose, hut have to ronton thn,.i-. I eah with our "discards" hats" YDTT crtin1v Ah' want W invit . I r. whether you have buying in mind or not. r Here are the correct and authoritative styles with no more to Pay than you would be asked bv stores of absolutely M. . - m J ' -j 9I1V Mjiciiut piuuuEuons ,oi, qucsuonapie parentage, cnoose as you will. , . . yi YOU'RE SURE OF THE BEST AT ANY PRICE. TREE EMBROIDERY. LESSONS GIVEN IN THE "ART STITCHERY SHOP." SEC GREAT SPECIAL SALE OF Women's Fall and Winter IN BABY-TO-MI83 SHOP SECOND Daily shipments brine us rrianr new lines of Infants' ajpd Children's Wear. Yesterday we : received a larsre ship ment of Children's Bonnets of silk, vel vet, crushed plush and bearskin, in white and daintyr pretty corors, nchly. trimmed with furs, laces, chiffons and ribbons. They omein many styles, conspicuous among which are the full. front, Dutch. and French; effects. Prices ranee from .25 to f23.C Unit-Underwear ' IN KNIT UNDERWEAR AISLES-FIRST FLOOR. ' . Just to start the fall season's selling with a rush, we are goinir to do the unexpected and place on special sale brand new fall and winter Knit Underwear lor women.7 This is certainly auite an un gual thing to do, but as is well known, we often do unusual things here a fact which is generally recognized by bur hosts of patrdns. For Wednesday's and Thursday's selling we offers ,' women's 83c arid $l.UU Merino ' Underwear for 55c r ' l Women's White Jersey and fine Cashmere Ribbed Merino Vests and Pants vests with long iccvcs, panis anxic iengin, wim rrencn Danas. uotn garments are neatly . tnmmed . and splendidly made, uood 85c and 1.90 values. Special sale price, for two days only, at; the v V ART CHINA : French, Austrian and Beleek ' Art China .for decoratinsr. thousands of articles to choose from. many new shapes and designs. ' r.rJV-.-.-:-.-.. V SOUVENIR CHINA 10c.'-. - . . .'v''-. . Oregon, Portland and Fair illustrations, thousands to select from: values up irom .... , . . ,. . . ....,.....'. ,10c " v LIBBEY'S CUT GLASS. - ' The hame Libbey on a piece of Cut Glass guarantees best nualltv of. glass, perfect cutting and designs that reflect and give brilliancy. : , t AMERICAN PORCELAIN DINNER SETS. , . : Dainty pink flower with green spray, full gold lined, fancy shapes ow-piece sei, regular vaiuc o.to; special, set. ... . . ; ..... .fcft.Bo 60-piece set, regular value $8.5 special, set J! : ; . . . ; . C0.70 lOQ-piece set, regular value $iz.45 ; special, set. .iT.'.......ra.S5 vOMrOKI" A1K lUni . WWOD STOVES. k : -Made of sheet steel, something Jftew: all parts made bv marh?n-tr audi diis, therefore, all parts are alike and fit perfectly. Top double' ? garmcni. ....... i..... 4........ ...... .......... garment Women's Hosiery A PAIR FREE WITH EVERY. TWO PAIRS AT REGULAR PRICE, ;'L' Emphatically here is a Hosiety special that is worthy of investigaUon. Wonlen s fine Uauze Black Cotton Hose, our famous" German make the O.-K." The hose are good weight, with spliced heel and toe and double sole. Splendid wearing quality. inc regular pncc is wc me, pair, ana tney are extra value at tnat price, hut lor these (two days, with a purchase of two pairs at 50c the nafr we will riv to von ABSOLUTELY PRRlt n .v.M Aim v. Im.wm. r. U" WnAKUEii Ul.ll &A11U fAiK. . ' - . ... -1 New Lines of Infants' Slips. Kimonos and Nirhtinralem. Bu-r- Robes, Bootees and Baby Baskets. From this Small-Wares Shops First Floor. . " " WHITE PEARL SHIRT BUTTONS. , ' Two; or, four holes, one dozen buttons on card, all sizes; special W ibc cara ... .....j,... ,...........;... ......O OMO ZOUAVE DETACHABLE DRESS AND CORSET - " :" - ."SHIELDS.- ; .' : , In all sizes, our 65c value ; special at....:....;...;,......"...4C3 TWENTIETH CENTURY" NEEDLE AND PIN. HOOKS. Our 10c value; special at, each... J... ...... .7$ GENEVA SILK FINISH THREAD. . - For hand or machine use. 600-yard spools, in black onlv.sizeCLnr JC- our juc vajqefepeeiat-at, each . . . ; .7 FANCY SHELL BACK COMBS. , Our 15c. values ; special at, each ...... . ........... ...;..i;,lC FELT SHOE POLISHER'S. ..' . Reversible, used instead of cloth or. brush, our ?5c value ; special v' ' i SUNSHINE SHoVpOLIs'hI'VVVvV- In tubes, for all kinds of fine black leathers, easily applied, 23c 1 special . .............,.,... ...... .' . - rltib IMrOKIED KNULISH PERFUMES. In bulk, violet, rose, clover blossom, lilac, pink land heliotrope odors we furnish hottlest our ROc value, aneriat at n $:. ' r .. "r VIOLET PERFUMED TALCUM POWDER. Delicate and refreshing, our 10c value ; special at, the cak.....4 CLEAR GLYCERINE TOILET SOAP.' , Large size cakes, our 10c value; special attthe cake i 7 FANCY LACE EDGE SHELF PAPER. In all colors, lO.yards to piece, our 5c value; special at, the piece. 34) PLAIN WHITE JAPANESE CREPE PAPER NAPKINS. 100 in package, bur 15c value ; special at; the package. .10 WHITINO VICTORIA INITIAL BOX WRITING PAPER. Initial embossed on each sheetall. letters. Plain white paper .with envelopes to matchur 35c value ; special at, box.. ........ 10 -LEWIS AND CLARK BOX PAPER. With views of Fair on each sheet of paper and on envelopes, our . 85c value ; special at, the box . . . . ; ; , , . , . , , . . , , , . , .... ..23 Fashion in Dainty New; Laces fS ST Narrow Mechlin Edges and Insertions Priced - at, jneyarq .iu jo af New Maltese Laces and Insertions Priced at, the yard.. lajif up to S3 seamed to body,' no. rivets, highly finished, pleasing and smooth in I XrUhlCrochet. Edges an4 BandsPriced uo appearance. ' ' - . I t.l-. u. , " "QUICK STEEL, HEATERS FOR COAL. The improved manner of attaching the top and bottom to the bodv makes it absolutely air tight. Being made of heavy steel In place of cast iron, it becomes heated through quickly and radiates the heat into the room shortly after starting fire: thus savin c coal. Tt nr.- vsenis a picasingana jmooin appearance ana is a new teature in Heating Moves. . .r ..-r," , x.r : " :. : from the yard... j. ( With aHovers to match. ...... ..,.45 Beautiful Black ChantUly Edaa and Inser wn rncca at, Tne yara up irom, ....lOf? Net. Top Venise Laces In cream or white- handstand insertions to match priced at, the yard, from ...... 15 up t j f3.C0 ; Persian Bands In great variety. Some in 1 embroidered braid effects ; priced at, the yard, up from. ..I,......... ....... ..75 Some in embroidered velvet effects ; priced at, - the yard,' up from ; . .... . .1.00 Some Beautiful Embroidered Edges One-half inch wide; priced at, the yard.........75e Some wider ; priced at, the yard. ...... pl.OO New Laces in jpersianr Eilecta Priced at, the yard, up from. ....................... T&f dtUnnul Nrw C-irxhd Trimminrs, in black i -or white j priced at, the yard, from. XZ ' : ' 1 t The Olds, lil Wcrtmnn & tlrnr; Sawing AtoJJ