-.. . Or. THE OSEGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAtlP. MONDAY EVENING. SEPTEMBER 11. . 16C5, r, V KIHPliTS HI EUBEiJE- ; flection Today ;to Determine V . 1st Vhther City shaU Supply Hy'k lfcht and Water. A rtOPHET3 SAY BONDS T : WILL SURELY BE VOTED . : t Tmuc of Two . Hundred Thouaand Dollara' Worth Proobeed' "to Se- 'TV cure Power and Reservoir Sitea and Works on the, McKeruie River. (Special Dispatch to Tbe looraal) Eugene,. Or., Bept. 11. Eugene today s holding ay election' to decide whether or not the city ihill luut ;fz00.000 i bonds for the establishment-of munici pal electric light and , water plants. Eighteen month, ago the voters de clared themselves In favor pf municipal ownership of these - utilities. The -city council has been working quietly on the . matter ever since and at It last meet' : ' t, ln ordered that the matter of Issuing s bonds -be submitted to the voters. '; " A site for the proposed electric piam on the McKensle river, SO miles east of jths -city,- has been chosen add the water .power .of the river. at that point ap propriated. : Options on. tracts of land - near the city foT a water talent and res- ervolrs have been taken and everything .. is in readiness for the erection of the two plants if the bonds carry. " It Is predicted that the bonds will carry two' to one. although the electrla and water companies have made a stren- uous light against It during the last two . . or -three weeks. : '.:'f , RUSH OF SIGNERS FOR : KLAMATH IRRIGATION . '' (Special Dispatch to The JoaraaLi '' " Klamath Palls., Or., Sept, 11. Ntnety two per cent of the excess land under the first 19 miles of the .Klamath Irrl--' gatlon project has . been . subscribed. Holders of Tl per cent have agreed to ,. slgn the excess trust deed to the gov v eminent. Abner Weed, who recently jurchjiaed-iSfl: .,' project. . has subscribed end promised : to sign. ' B. B. Reames is the only large Jiolder who has not ' subscribed, and ' -without his land the Water Users' as sociation now has Tl per cent subscribed on the lower project. Today is the last dsy -f or the cent ' rates. Hereafter I KC . those wishing to sign will have to pay , It cents an acre for Irrigation. It Is expected that by night nearly all will have signed. --Construction -bids will : 800H"be altdTor DjThe government Vrnaa Pryer Destooyed. - -- i - (Bpecial Dispatch to The Journal.) Eugene, Or., Sept. 11. The : prune dryer operated by T. C Summer end M. D. Mitchell, two miles northwest of Eua gene, was destroyed by fire Saturday afternoon- . The flrav-waa .caused byl sparks from the furnace and burned so rapidly that very little In the building was saved. "Within half an hour from ' the time the fire started the structure . wa-4nshes. ' There -wer seven -o , eight tonsjof prunes In the building, it cords of wood and a big " supply - of . boxes, trays, etc. all of which were do at roved. .The loss la estimated at 11,500, wiia g i.eoo. insurance. ; -i'-, . . ' ti : : . j - Want Yeetltale Opened. (.y-.- ' (SdmUI Olspetch-to Tbe-JearaaL) . . The Dalles; Sept 1L A petition ad dressed to the general . superintendent of the O. Jt A N. company has been elr cula ted and signed by nearly" every ' , business man and prominent resident of the eity, asking the company to open "-' the. vestibule .doors on ell the passenger trains at the stop In front of the hotels, So that ' the passengers may leave the strain on either elde. . " Zmbeclle gdaee Xnf aaey. - (Special Dlasateh to The JoaraaLI Roseburg. Or., Sept 11. Louisa Belle Elklns, aged 40, of Oakland, was. com- v-gmittea to the State Insane asylum Bat- .. V'urdajr by County Judge Thompson. She has been an- Imbecile since her Infancy '"' ail' was not1 violent." but ftis death oft '! only reiauve and guardian left her ,v 'k no .r "f no one to care Tor her. , iranner'a Sonee Suned. ' Moaraal ImcI.1 Barrtra t "" erest Ofove. Or., Sept il.sThe se, barn and outbuildings belonging t " Jfrank Bh. a farmer near Centervllle oeetrtyed by fire Saturday. Loss, V little life may be eacrlnced to a aud nr'attok of croup if jrou don't have wi, ,? nomas- tiecirio uil ll on hand for , alk emergency, -avr iV, -' .He th-. "1 XAstsr kitcmmm Armow. t". Produced by Pattern' No. HOT. ' AW Ream Allowed. -117 Ladles' Kitchen Apron, with the mo mmt .rocicei i-oruons in une.. The pattern is In I slses 20 to 14 Inches 'waist measure. For 14 waist, the apron -.requires yards of material 17 Inches r wiat, or rural incnea win, ail jljhe plecee being laid -one way titr, with nm pieces iaui pom ways, yards 27 Inches wlderor 4 yards It Inches ..wiae. rrice, ie cente. , OmkOOsT 9AXXT JOVmtfA&WXU nra asots VATrasir rosT ' sao vrosi mmaurr or ; nxom. k. ... ;! sise '. . .1 . . . . Name' ....... I... ...... . ; j . . . .' ' , Address .....;.".......,.,,.,..., . , . , , ...-. aty ..... . -i..C... sue. I3D TO O RJLHQAD FOil KOOTEC'J O State Appeals From the Decision of Coeur d'Alene Land Of fice to Washington. . . (Special Dlepatck to The JoarnaL) V Boise, Idaho, Sept 11. The, state of Idaho has taken an appeal from the decision of the register and receiver of the Coeur d'Alene land office rendered IB favor of the Northern Pacific rail road In a' case which Involves several thousand acres of timber land In Koote nai county,' valued at millions of dollars. These lands are held toy the railroad company by virtue of lieu land scrip laid on the lands prevloua to the survey of the townships in which they are lo cated. . The state has contested the title because congress in '' granting . certain lands to "the state for educational pur poses provided . that the . state should have 60 days In which to make Its se lections . after . the townships . had. been surveyed and the plats filed In the land office, in preference to everybody ex cept actual settlers. ' i. The state contends that the act of congress giving to the railroad company. lieu land scrip . in exchange for lands Incorporated within ' the boundaries of forest reserves does not amend the .law giving the state Its preference right of selection, and until after the : state se lections were made,' or the (0 days had expired, the scrip could "not be laid on the lands In question. These .acts have never been construed by the courts, and as the states of North and South Dakota. Montana and Wash ington have similar.' laws to that of Idaho, a decision Is looked forward to with a great deal of Interest. The ap peal was taken to 'the commissioner of the general land office, and from there. win go to the secretary or the interior, before it can be taken into the eourte for a final decision. ' .' M'MINNVILLE ASSURED OF NEW WATER SYSTEM 8pctal Dlepateb to The JoarnaL 1- . McMlnnvllle, Or.. Sept U.-r-McMInn-vllle Is now assured of a gravity water system, as a result of water rights and reserve, which . were ' secured by the water commission during the past week. W. M. Bostaph. - a civil engineer em ployed by the commission, has made measurements, of the flow of springs and Caw lee oreek. ported most . favorably on the springs in and adjacent to th Cowlee creek ba sin, which st present. will furnish water for 4.000 people. ' ' "The commission has secured the water rlghta and teserves In the Cowles creek basin and also nearly all the rights of way for the pipe line. The commission Is now . waiting on the arrival of the constructing engineers to make an esti mate of the cost on which to base, the bond Issue. BUILDING AND BUSINESS - BOOMING IN THE DALLES (Bpertal DUpatch to The JaraLl The , Dallea. Or. Sept 11. For 40 years there has hot bsen So much' ac tivity la building and demand for houses aa this year, except after the fires of 1171 and -111. ... . Business, ,1a good In all lines, - and promises to be better than any time since the days when The Dalles wae the distributing point for eastern Oregon and Washington. ' ; Ths .total value of buildings under construction probably exceeds 160,000. Several residences that - will : cost - be tween IS, ooo and $10,000 are under con' structlon. . ' '. Many newcomers can be seen dally looking for Investments, ranches are in demand and prices for all kinds of lands are gradually going up. - GOOD PROGRAM ARRANGED FOR FAIR AT ROSEBURG - fapeetal Dlptch to The JoarsaL) Roseburg. Or., Sept. 11. The second southern Oregon district fair, which opens here tomorrow and continues for four days promises to be a success In every particular. - The horticulture end livestock exhibits will be especially bean arranged and there are horses fronr all parts of the stats at the track. The Fair association pis offering good racing prises this year and local mer chants are also offering awarda for varloue exhibits. KILLED BY BLOW FROM ; PIECE OF FLYING WOOD (Boeetal DISMtcb to The Ioern.Lt , Helena. Mont Sept li. Aaron Connor, prominent rancher and former member of the state legislature from Missoula county, met an accidental death while engaged In eome work at his sawmill near Missoula. He wae struck on the head by a piece of flying wood end died yesterday from the Injuries Round Trip Daily to Astoria. Excursion steamer Telegraph' makes round trips dally (except Friday). De parts from Alder street ttock 7:30 a. m. From Astoria 1p.m. Arriving Portland 1:10 p. m. Sundays leaves Portland I a. m. Arrives Portland a. at . . . sdaosd states to Shasta prtnga. The Southern Pacific eompeny hat placed-on sale at Its Portland offices round trip ticket to Shssta Springs at a rate , of 120. , Beautiful, illustrated pamphlets descriptive of thle resort ess be secured from any Southern Pacine agent" . v' ' ' - ,"' w" Xxewloa Sates seat. The Northern Paclf lo baa named very low excursion rates to eastern points snd return. ' Full particulars at the ticket office, 2SS Morrison street, corner Third, Portland. Oregon. STeferreS Stoeh Caaaed Oooda. Allen Lewis' Best Br To Bleensa Talated Money. " . (Joarsal special Brvlee. Seattle, Wash., Sept 11. The annual meeting of the. American Board, of For elgn Misalona of the Congregational church will open .here Thursday. Dr. Washington-Gladden w4U bring his fight sgalnst the acceptance by the board of Rockefeller's -"tainted money" before the board. . ,, Twelve-Teot Kemp. . (perUI Dlepetca to Tee JoarstfL . McMlnnvllle, Or Sept 11. -There le on exhibition here a stalk of hemp grown In McMlnnvllle by James Ayers which measures over It feet In height! Another, stalk was shipped Saturday by Mr. Ayre to the Tsmhlll fxhlblt at the exposition which measured- It Vt feet In height -,-;. - ,.. GO ViLZ) CUT ; DY D1EZ3 AT3 MKCY-ONES Cttn't You find a Place in Your Home for One of Them? Fine New Baby drand Placos and ' Exhibition- 4Jprifbts Take) the) Place of Many Qood Used Pianos Will Sell These Now at About Halt Price Many Standard Makes Included Organs Also. These used ' olanos. some ' of them really excellent Instruments, roust be disposed of at Eilere piano House this week. Whatever make may be your favorite, you are sure to . and one or more specimens of it In the collection now. and prices era simply cut in two. Easy payments, too. for those not wish ing to pay all cash. . -Many a good used. piano, slightly out of date as regards case, perhape. but sweet-toned and thoroughly desirable, has come to us during the past ' two weeks In part payment for fine 'new Chlckerlng baby grands and uprights, Weber baby, uprights, grands and Piano la pianos, or for one of .those fancy ex hlbitlon styles of the Kimball, the Crown the . Lester, thj Haddorff etc, etc. With the handllns- of the free talking machine distribution for the Oregonlaiv we shall need every men or avauame floor space these coming weeks, and want every one of these used pianos out of the. wav. PrIces have been Dared down to the core terms of oayment will be made to suit any reasonable ouyer the instruments wl 111 be guaranteed by us as to service and quality, or money us as to refunded. and if you are not prepared. even with these liberal Inducements, to buy, why we will rent you one or these pianos, for a 'mere - nominal, monthly rental. - Wa cannot describe each Instrument here. ' Suffice It to mention a few . of the namea and sale nrlces. vis: Kimball, nearly new. 1200; largest oak case Schiller, 1184; fancy walnut Ivers A Pond, $UJ; elegant little mot tled walnut Hlnse, $10: another, $168; very fancy mahogany Doll. 111; an other, nice, medlum-sised mahogany Eater, new, 1200; Lights, Newton A Co. upright a -German-made upright t6ian English Imported upright 8t; a very showy new mottled walnut Starr, 1 178; a largest-size mahogany Emerson, tlTt: very fine largest sis fancy Les ter, almost new, I28E; a good-looking Ludwlg, 1146: another, the. largest and showiest made, 18; a magnincent Pease upright 1210; very nice little Vose, S121; another very fancy mahog any Vose, $186; and last but not least a -superb little 8600 .Weber baby up right, genuine rosewood case, 'carefully repolished, IJ7I. .. . ' Squares for 'a Song. in square pianos you can secure one at any price you have a mind to pame. $18 geta one. $27 secures a better one. For $5 you can have something that Is really worth a musician's while, and the very choicest of standard makes are to go for less than $100. Pay as you like. $$ a month, or $4 and $6.-on any of these used squares and--upright s. , - " please oear in mino m tun. ri.no House auaranteea every Instrument ex actly aa represented, and If not found exactly so, money will be cheerfully re- lunaeo. . .. We will shin any of these pianos sub ject-to examination and trial to any part or tne -states oi ureron, m.nini ton. Idaho or California, upon receipt of deposit, to show good faith, equal to one tenth of the aale price of the In strument. In ordering please mention second choice. . , - Oood' Organs, Tool ' " We have also a large number of very fine organs for homes and churches that we are closing out at Just about half price, on payments of $2, $$ . or $S monthly. Send for list or call and aee them. . ' Another inducement: Any of these Instruments - will - be - taken back by Ellers Piano House toward payment of any new high-grade piano, and we will allow the run amount paia to ok. oi return at any time witnin two years from date of purchase. Hundreds of homes yearn for a piano to enliven the hours spent indoors, but not caring to Invest In a new piano, they have been compelled to forego the pleasure they would seek. Here Is the opportunity for these homes to be sup- nlled with, a - reliable musical inatru inant at virtually half Drtca and on terms of payment hardly equal to or- Call Immediately or telephone 'or write it KII,ir.RS PIANO HOl'SF., X RENTAL DE PARTMENT, Ml Washington , street Portland, or. C07,!UAKDER BERHARDSCOTT DISMISSED FROM NAVY - - 1 ' ' 1 -. e ' Officer Convicted of Conduct Unbecoming a Gentleman Ran Cruiser Aground. Moaraal atdl Stee. Washington, , Sept 1 1. Preeldeht Roosevelt has approved the sentence of dismissal by courtrnartial In the case of Commander Bernard O. Scott from the navy, and the sentence will be duly executed by the navy department- Com mander Scott waa tried on charges of conduct unbecoming an officer. The aneclflcattons Included drunkenness. The courtrnartial was orougni aooui when. Commander Scott as executive officer of the cruiser Detroit' sent the vessel eground off Puerto Plata, Santa Domingo, seversl weeks ago, smashing one of her propellers end partly dl abllng the vessel. Charges arising out df this incident brought about nis ais missal. i It is also alleged that Bcott . ws guilty of a number of Indiscretions at Ousjitamama. -Commander Bcott en tered the naval academy from Alabama In June, 1170. and was made commander August 1$0$. PROJECT NEW RAILROAD TO TRAVERSE MONTANA (gpealal'Dteeetcfe te The JeeraaLt Helena. Mont. Sept 11. Marcus I Hewitt of Jefferson county was In the cltv yesterday on his way-to New Tork. vhift ha will meet a number of Enellah capltallats-aad -'complete arrangementa to build a new line oi raiiroaa irom Basin, a point 40 miles south of Helena, to Kallspell. In the northern portion of the etate. The new road will be about 100 miles long and will pass through a valuable timber and miners V-sect Ion. Work on construction - will be com menced at an early data ScbiHingf's Best, so far as it goes, means comfort and ease and economy, i. Money back; at your grocer's. .trkraagen la the olty la vl ted to make our store their head quarters. Bajoy our .pleasant waiting rooms. ADVANCE FOR WOMEN 77TTERE we see a shoe JqI made in two - models, of two leathers. Lace or button, turn or welt soles, Cuban heels; vici kid or patent colt- Price $3:50 FULL A LI 283-85 U0RBIS0N BT AT THE THEATRES. First JPerformance -of -Judah. The first perfbrmaace in thla city of Henry Arthur Jam' enaatloa. "Judab." win be (Ivta this evenlna by the Belaaro stock eoapanr It will be s dramatic enaetloe end scenlnilr maainr. Mr. Walllnc. Mr. Balnpolle and MIm Lawrence have rolM of extraordinary strrastli la Um plag. which la a eeep parcboloei ! ttody. Seata for "Mrs. WiggV geets sre now seDlns for "Mrs. Whras of tbe Cabbese Pmtrh." which will be earn st the Marijuana Grand theatre Wedaeeda, Th a radar PrMar aad aatnrdar alsbte, with special price matlneea Thnredar . sail Bataroar. la Uie ca.t of 34 cbaractara almnst twy rote la dcfbiltelr repraeotatlTe of an odd ana snlqne tjpe. Era fnby," the "rn-anrae." arnica ura. tviirn raacnae when hla "lla'hrs are rta," Is In thla category. There le auw a nlrthfol arrmp of bora and Ctrl In the piece, wbe add a happr jurentle charm . to rarlnaa scenes thrangbuut the three sets. . . Josephine Deffry Tonight. - A ' Sroken Heart" will - be - grreir- st L the Maronaa ura art toatght by the Jmwpblne Defrry rompany. Tomorrow tbe Nil will be than! to "A Wicked Woman." and time will be the only performance of thla tawnted tronpe. Mtas Pefrry aad her company hare the repotattna e clTlng- splendid pmdacttona at popnlat. price Mha Defrry will be swn In the leaillns Tnlra of "A Broken Heart" and A Wlckad Wmnan, and theae eharactere (Ire her nnlimltrd ecope for tbe d lap lay of bar andnnbted talents as sn emntlnnal actives. Beata are now aelUng for tonight aad Tuesday at popular prices, i At the Grant!. v This wk. stsrtlns thla afternoon, the Grand las a bill of all-iMtnre enallty. Tbe four F.lunrortha in a alndoc and comedy act are the kcadllnera, aad elnaw t them In prnSilntnce In th tct of the wnoderfal Baarh family. In a symaaafle paatpmlme rora. Rroofca dai Brooks sre brlcht yoanc people who 4iare a lively eonardy eklt, while tbe Aldro Wotbera ar eanlllbrlats of snperlor aserlt aad idarlna. i lama Haarloy la dowe as s snajmlowne- man. In the -Valley of Yaatarday" la the lllnatrated Mae of Fred Pnrlnton, and the Oraadlecone baa a comical film ralM "The Compromise Bports.: V' V At th Star. -; Clancy sa4 flwarts beed a splendid bill ef vaadvallle St the Star tor a dramatis eftatch which la- ncepttoaally (ood. 1 Violet Welby Conke doee a vary plaaalnt wire act aad Ma Jan, who has a good ace,. aukas a eplendld. atase appearanea. ticurath pine ea exhlht. Utua ef atraagth and the RlnaMna la a novelty soop-rolllnar -act ant clTr. Roy Mriirala la aw anoe and tbe Btaroempe anowlag tie Bosalaa reTolBthMkinranlete tbe bill. Jcrit-- Lyric"'- The play at the l.rrto thla weak la a enmed. drkma tn (na acta entitled "The King of Trampa." by T( O. McLean, the leading nun with tbe Lyrle atnek cmnpaay, wbo baa prerad one ef the law aMlodramalle an 'bora ef merit. The plajr eoetalaa maay thrilling as well ea Showing I . yl SHOES vq For.$3.50 JC y Styls sad j Qualities - of Wgherr Y r;rr priced -r 3 I shoes fl GE2AT. Boys' SsSncol SmIIs ..... - -Sec Our Fourth Our Special School Suit is a Double seat and knees, in very browns at' ' 'L.::Z - . - J5.00. and $6.00 . . Double Breasted, sizes 8 to and Knickerbocker trousers, at $2.15, $2.85, Extra knee pants, regular 50c The Greatest i - i . . ' . . a - , m a ' : ILw7 Isa Kites Leaves dafly from Taylor Street Dock at 7 A. M. U s tesLrraer IJnd ioe -1, '. Makes the round trip daily, except Sunday. leaving Taylor. Street Dock at 1 8:30 a m., returning arrives 6 p. m. ' The Preserver Of a house Is good paint paint' that fills the pores of the wood formerly Ailed with sap; paint of which no Ingredient eats away more than it keepa; paint that adds to appear ance In addition te sustaining pres ent good look a. Such paint and lots of It Is to be found constantly at the store of j, ., . t . , HSIIER. TIlOilSEN & CO. no ato MommxaoBT stsxitb fenny attoatlntal. M.rjorla Mark, the new lee-t- tng woman, m a fmlabed . aetreaa. Bame Sill all the week. v1 " Special Matinee at Empire. There win ae a special matinee ef Ike treat "Qiieea of the Htshway" at the Empire th.atre w.dnaaday after aw. lee sai ret mesas Thers- dsy sifkt. - kentoa acaatasry Dead. ' . (Bpeetal Dvpatcb aa Tbe loamaLt Eugene, Or.. Beet, 11. MlltoWW. Me. Murry, a pioneer of Oregon, died at the home of his brother. 8. AfcMurry. in rTugene, Hatnrday evening, at 9 o'clock. The ' deceased had been a resident ef Eugene for the pest 11 years, formerly VALUES Ytt SL Wlndbir Display hard one to equal for the money- handsome mixtures; grays and - . - i - - - - --ii---"- 16, 'and Norfolk with, regular ': . i ' " ''. I $3.35, $3.85, $5 Values, at 35 the pair." v s Clothing House in the Northwest and Morrison Streets iimniimnHiiMiiiiHiiiimiH To Astoria and Ocean Beaches on - The Day Boat Down the Columbia- . , . . SSSeeeeewweeewee .,, sf Vancouver .Transportation ' Co. -FOR aLw3i ' it Extremely Fas!iionaIi!2 and Yet Inexpensive Such will be your opinion after you look through bur NEW LINES OF MEN'S AND YWJT.G i"3ltS FALL SUITS; TOPCOATS ak iCRAVEKETTES - ... .- -..... Those nobby double breasted sack models with their self-, retaining fronts will appeal to you as masterpieces of high art tailoring. We leave it to your own discretion; cither you pay the cash or only a small portion of amount at tima of purchase and balance at - ; , ,; , . THE PRICE IS THE SAME, CASH OR CREDIT. EASTERN OUTFirnWG C. 'Vr "It THt STORK WKit ' Youa cfxciT is coed being In the- blaeksmltWng . business here, gtrlne; u?' his work on account ef falling he i - years aeo. Hla wife and . five i r 'rye him. The .chllJ-" i r j -. rf Cot tage f l i t l'r- ' 'I' ll. - fa h,:d ) Comer Entrance Fourth imiiiiitniiiiiiii j Call , op MAIN (513 " r.i - ; . -.t - "''". agggi.' 'J ' it-.-'. ploee of the loral OdJ T which Mr. AicMurry was also a mtr I , . al (hurc.t. r-'t f a r a LocJkeS