:: or"Cc:x'.DAiLV jou::al, -ron-TLAi r.:c::DAY nvcNiNO, ssptz' 11, i::x '-f - ktV' ' t ; 1 . f 1-5 : ' r 1- 7 - i n i I .' ' i f 11 1 1 n I f --4 . 'J:, 'BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. alOWB. DAVIS KILBAkt. 108-111 mm at - ; Blank busk uaatirtwtni lnU lo Jobs . Improved Imm-LmI badger; e tiM m , ' Eureka leaf, the beet on the eaarkat. ' . BOTTLING WORKS.' 1 H. kf. BOTTUNQ (XX. bottler of fine ear . t bona ted beverexea: family win and liquor "iwrtillf. IS Union eve. Phew Kwt lafl. BICYCLE DEALERS. COLUMBIA, THIBUNS AND CKBSCKNT. SPOBTINO GOODS. EXPERT BEPA1B1NO,, 'j SPOBTINO GC ; 7 r. p. k ,:J 'COAL AND WOOD: CBnBOHLXX BBOS. have mmH (Mat (oat ta.la ... AtA L'uruw a 11th ,-.V,V fat"!! kind ef wood and eoeX Mala ML- 7 GBBQ0RT 4k MOBBIS. eaeeeaeore to Cain 1 , MrKuo. dealer la wood and aoal at loimt i . '-price; eatlefartloa guaranteed. Cor, ' Tenth '. and Irvine. Phone hlala 4N7B. ' . f-fcv i .i i , '.LBINA FTJEL CO. Doalara la ' .waod. aoal ".aad greea aad dry embwaod. R. B and A i ,Z atoa arc, 1 block ml at tarry. Beat 874. 1v.r';L BtMDOB PUEL CO.. dealer la aoal. V, Ieqon ruKL CO.. aD kind pi aoal aad wood, i 80S Alder. Fboa atela OS. f v. '.j JBK HOOVEB. 81 Water at. woad aad aoak . Pbooa Mala 4WC CARPET-CLEANINO. BTANDABD Carmt CIcaalnB Co.. larfMt plant oa tht eoaat. Irloc and Harding ala.. tW- '. pbooa Kaat MO CarpU lanad. r fitted, ' aawad nd laid; both ataam and lataat com , prad air procaai; raDoratlaa atattrtaaea aad ' faaUiara. a apaclalty. ' B4TB roar lralla claaaad; wa alaaa aaaarad m mm jllliw wbib. va lainuw Mr.nwit , t ITART carpet laaln. aaetUta and torn- ' ml air comblnad; rarpeta claaaad on floor , iitboat raawral. Mala AaM. Kaat IBtM. CAHPBTB alaaaad aa tba koari w rata aa tiat Paoaa Clay. BU. fraa deaaaaatratlaa. J. HUKTBR Btaai . Oaaaar. CM JiM carpet and aiattr Paoaa Man si a. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST HMK. HlOY (Wiltmao). Baa rraBetaeo'a ami aaecaaafal Iplrltual and bnalaaaa madlam, fnr tba abort tlma rematnlnc in your city rill ! full Ufa raadlnca for 60c; am alao praparaa to K1' frnaina maawtic maaaafa. noura, a. m. lo a. 2S Flrat at. i'bona Hand Mi. Baa Fruclaco .1 rUods al aya Waiooma. OYPBT KBNOBIA . Talla paat, praaant and furor Mo aiattar wbat rr -troablca ara aba arlU kelp yoo. Baoa US AJlaay bid., Mcarlaoa and Third. MADAMS JOBNSTON Clatrrerant. aalalat. cara ra Bortaat '. ftoa. W card radar 1 aiaa facta raJlablb aad la. au aicalra el raal lira. SIRS. M. E. PALMBR, clairrarant and trance roadluta. will (Iva apaclal rcadinca tola wack for bur. 188 Morrlaoa tt-- - WAIL dlmat and birth dat..aBawar qnattloea, MnM. Dixon. 4a Kaat Slat at... CMcatto. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. DATINPORf BKOB Oaaera aoaailaa1o -" cbaarai fralt and eredocai anaalcnaMata ' Urltad; proas pt rataraa. ISO Croat at. IP yoa - want to ft food ratnraa for year produca, ahrp to oa: pay blfbant nrloa ,V ana f . a. b. P. Millar A Ca. i KVERDINO PABREIX. prDdaea lad carnaih 1 1 torn rrekaata. 140 Proat atu. Fortlaad. -Oi Fboaa MalalTB. -CLEANING AND DYEING. ' CLOTHES cleaned and preaacd fl par amatfe. TTnlqaa TallorlntT Oa, S4T Waablnftaa at, fl. W. TrBNUL arofaaaloaal dyar aad u r " WK EanarVBi ay. T HUB) wan II CIGARS AND TOBACCO, , K8BEBCM3UNST .iMatrwaiorB ar . f; . riMi aoABi. Carpenters and builders. ' faaaaaiaajaaaaajaa, .an, a1"ja'MaVai. aafcjaaaataaaaia A. J. AUTHORS aad B. B. WOOD, aaraav and bolldara: . repair-lot aad Jobblnc: ei iad ofnre Bxtarea ballU . Bbop BOO Oakw lain BtPT. CARRIAGE ft HACK COMPANIES IBB TJNITRD CARRIAOB CO. Carrtaaa, - tally-ba rlaa and earry-alla. 1M Blaaratb at,, eor. alnrrlaoa. Pbooa Mala MB. CEMENT CONTRACTORS. v CHAB. H. CARTBB CO., cement cnatractara, - 4d Bart Twentieth at, Paoaa Boat la la. ,! AI?W'''' P'arantead. " ',JJJUJJ-JM CHIROPODISTS. ' IP roar feet are out of order, co to Dr. Worleff etaliat. Phoaa Black Ola. t T ' CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. WHOLESAtB CTorkery and rlaaaware. Praal. Beetle Co.. 100 to 100 rfttk, car. Stark at. CAFES. OPTICB 1 WaahJnttoB .1 Phoaa Mala ' ' DRESSMAKING. 8IIIRTWAI8TS. wool a weak allk. BMde for ILBSi fhlrtwtlet enlta, S40. 4ft Baft Mar - keC Pbaoa Eaat asib 1 - j DREiOiMAKINa Btrlctly p todatai Jataot oaatcua. aem uiay e. . DENTISTS. MET CHURCHMAN, dentle 2 .tTV?X bM.. RUtb and Morrlami. Pbe Mala 17. DOG AND HORSE ; HOSPITAL. DB.C.B.BROWN.D.T.B..D.C.M. Dot. koree koc pltal.SHT Banalde.Pbaaaai kUlacoid; BaetMHa. E XPRESSINO. U aad M Kipeeaa Company. Ill Waablntto - at.. Pbooa Main lot; fHrnrtara, plaan and ipreaelog 'promptly ateuded to. - Dally ta - lent. : , - ' FURNACES. BTItTCf warej-alr f a ao k ar I (raaee Ca., i i - ELECTKICAL WORIC3. . Co-r. fcurk at., t'lrttaal , i ' ' ll U taacv. .4 .!. . -4 P0r j k n .. rooajlrara. Caw -c - g, M m,- aa --, c. ".. aaja. aw aa. akari ' FURNITURE FACTORIES. " OMBOOIf Paraltaaa 'Maaafacrariat Coajpaay. Manofactarera of furaiture far tba teada. PorUaad. Or. - ' . FCBNrrVBB BUDafaatarlat aad eperUt ordi la Baeapaky'a furniture factory. 070 Pro at HAIR AND SCALP SPECIALIST. I. I. aWRO, MBofaetarar ef haawa kafr Nlla, eta. aS Beat. Ninth. Phoaa Baa At. , HARDWARE." Portland Bardwero Co. aoUdta pportaalty a eawte prteaa. 1SS lap at., eor Aider. Mala IBM. PADHAUS j .CO.. wbolaaala trocara,' ataaa. - facurera aad aoBiBilaalaa ajarcbaata. Peartfe aad Oak eta. - . . , ALLEN A LBWIB. aaaimlaaloa and nradaea ckaata. Proat and Davie eta.. Portland. Or. HOTELS. HOTIt. Peadlatoa. Paadlatoa. W. A. Browa, Bl. HOTIli Portia ad, AjBerlcaa plan; $, B par day. BOTEti St. fiaarte. Peadlatoa; taadln hatat BELVEDERE; Baroaaaa plaa;tb and AJderata, - . INSURANCE. ' ' UAAO t, WHITS, Are laavaaea. B00 LAMBERT, WHITMEB, CO. Plra tnanranea and reel aetata: efdcaa 107408 Bbarlock bid. Mala 1006; dept. dot Beat Alder, Kaat 4SL JAB. Mel. WOOD, emplojere UabtUty and la- dlrldaal accident anrety boado el all blade, Phoaa 7. SOB McKay hid. IL P. BARTBLS COMPANY Fire I eanra ace. 44a BbarlKk bldf. Oratoa Phoaa Clay Md. 'LOCKSMITH. t. H. RICHARDR0N, expert kk and keramlth; trai repairing; caatiroa oraaingi au wora guaranteed. Kt Poarth at. - Pbooa Bond 1782. RKTNOLDS general repair ebon; expert aaachnv let, lockeorfthj or dare prompUy filled; aganta Millar keyleaa locka. US Waaa. Mala M2B, kBOWVB'S in TOWN Expert lockaaUtb eye rapainaa. worn atara. ii Clay BM- l,bt phone. Main teBB. MONEY TO LOAN. TBS BTAB iOAB-CO.- Aa' aalaaled. employe, wage-earner, eaa get am ala note, without atortg age 1 Mentb. y, Month. Week. BOO Repay a aa IK.8S or . er M.M .00 Repay to aa I.M or 13. M erviLM 0 aUpay ta i 4.00 ar ia.00. er 1.00 B10 McKay bid.- - MONET to koaa, aalartad people, teanetere, eta., wltboat eacurlty; eaay paymente: largaat - hoalaeaa la 40 principal eitlee. Toiaua. .SfiiJ Abtagtoa bMg. Pbooa Mala 04BT. kOMT TO LOAN aa raal Peraeaal aad ael. lateral eacurlty; apaclal atteulloe to rbitt.1 aortgagea; aotee koaght C. - W. Pellet, 04-a leatoa bid., S4 Blxtk at. 8I0HLT reepecuble place where ladlea aad Site aa buraaw aMoey . oa diamond aad elry. Collateral Loaa Ba-ak. B9 Waab toa at. Paoaa Black TL, . ' S LOAK8 aad kpward oa all ktada e eecerMr ar to aalarled peopa rataa; aa publicity, as i Udg. Phoaa Bad tfBf. aaiariea peopav ea uair bjwi e. sia Aaingioa CHATTEL ktaaa la aawaata ranging froai tM ' to 4fi.wu0; eooarint-boaaia a apaclalty. Maw Era Loaa Treat Co, BOS Ablngtoe, hid. - WB aaafea an klada at loana aa aood at low eat rates: apaclal attentlba 'glraa t " akattal laaaa. IBS Morrlaoa at. - LOANS at leweet ratea aa foraltare, ptaaoai . aay eacurlty aotaa purcbaaed. Kaatara Loaa atneea, 440 Bbarlock eld. 1 MONBT ta loaa la eame ef from $4,000 to d.OOO; taraie to aalt Ik borrower, Koome BuO-10, OonwiarcJal blk. MONBT TO LOAN la Urge a email amoaate oa good aacurltyt low eat lataa. wuiaaai u. neck, am raiuot Jue TBS " CRESCENT LOAN COMPANY Salary eoethet rraSilaatla loana, froaa three ta atr I BIT Oreeonlaa. iii a 11.000 OR 81000 for one year "SI" per cent; real eeooxnyi ao aa. . of Journal. - - MONBT TO LOAN oa Clarfeamaa eoaatp laada. , K. P. aad P. B. fUley, Ckaasbec at Coaa- PORTLAND REAL ESTATE LOANS, AND S - per cent. ' Warn. Deaholm. xu railing wag. MUSICAL. COURTNBI'S MUSIC STORE, 00 Pitta atj-s-1 Good line ef an eat atonic luc; xaiiara, manow i Una 1-a loaa tba a aaaal price; fe)BBUrta SECOND-HAND aiaalcal loatraaMBta at all . klada at to went aricea, each ar In talla ta. ' Plaker Maeic Caw 100 Third at PIANO tanlnt. l perfect wort gearaeteed. 0. W. Jbaoa. Phoaa Mala 1B11. MAGNETIC HEALING. MBS. U B. BART treata all aieeeeeev etoeaeeh troabla. nei luueaaaa and faactioaal weakaaxa. Conaaltattoa free. B80U, Park. ear. lefferaaa. MILL FINISHINGS. BOXWOOD and planar trlmailnte alwaya kand at tba Standard Wood Co. ' Pboee K 1310. Poot of Kaat Plna at v OVERALLS. BOSS OP THB ROAD OTEBALLS and tee. rnanlce rlotnlngi union made. Nee tad tar Broa.. aaanafactarera. Port la ad. Or. OSTEOPATHS. DRS. OTIS MABEL AKIN, 408 Macleay bMg. viay iia. aiea. aa. iui. uonaaitatwa tree. PAINTS,' OIL AND GLASS. P. B. BEACH St CO. The Ploaarr Palat Ce. . wladowlaaa aad glaaiag, 18 flrat . at I' ban IBM. i . ;. . - t . . BASMUSSEN A CO. aeeb aad donra. rlata, el Taylor. all. glare. ik PLUMBERS: DONNERBBBQ BADEMACHEB, aaaltary praawera. aa rearia at, aaata i i i COX gj CO., eanltary plembere. S81 Becoad bet, Mala aad Balawa. bregna Phoaa Mala Bool. PLATING. THE OREGON P LATINO WORKS, 4B1 Waaa. lagtoa at Pbooa K7B. PoUablat, PUtlaf and laeqaerlat. - PRINTING. ANDERSON DCNIWAT COMPANY, prlntlaf. Dtnotrepning, aiaaa anoaa. , rauoa Mala it. BM Aider at. kUBBER STAMPS. P. a STAMP 70BKB. B40 Aider et pboaw Mala T10 rnbbar aUaapa eaa la, atraetla, bag. gego.ede caaeke; aead for catalogaa. ROOFING. TIN ROOriNO,' gatlarlng. repairing aad general abblag. J, Lootll, Sit Jetfeteoo at w ROPE. fORTLAOt) CORPAOB CO Corner raerteeatt aad IvAJirap tta., Pw.ad, Cr, STRZST-PAVKIG. 111 AN aae(rue()oa Co.. at., a aad aroaawaiaa. 714 0r 'CICU-PAUITEKS: GOLD SIONB, window lettering, cloth keBeerai' -acaaanilcal electric alao aad eigne ef all krnda mad quickly. loafer Kleleaf, Plfife and Ereratt. Phoaa Exchaage ao. ' SAFES. DIKBOLD Maaganeea eafeat Are aad barglar procf work) Jail and prtaoa wora : locaouta opened; rapalra. J. S. DaTbx, 00 Third at SHOWCASES AND . FIXTURES. SHOWCASES of every aaaarlptleai baa" "bee and atore flxtarea made to order. Tba UBUa - ktanufactarlng Co. Part la aa. VIOLINS. I, A- WE SCO. Tlolla-aaker aad repalreri work Bret claaa. 88 BuaaeU kldy.. 4th aad Morrlaaa. TRANSFER AND HAULING. SAPES, alaaoa aad rural tare aeed. peaked raadr far ablunlaa and aaiooadi all work guaranteed; large, -etory, Brick, nro-proof warabooee tat atorage. Ofaca 1X8 tara CM. Oleea. Phona Mala 84T. .' ' - a a PICK, erne SB PI ret at, between Stark . aad Oak eta., phone 804; plaaoe aad f oral tare BMTd aad packed far atUppingi eommodlgaa brick warrbouae, Praat and Cup ata. DBH1R4BLE eomcaarelal etoraaa, cloaa la. nan ef ' elevator; low tnanranea; would receive and reahlp If drarred. 21 Proat at. ear. Mala. OREGON TBANSPBB CO.. 184 North Stxtb. Phone Mala 00. Ueary hauling aaM atorage. POST BPEOJAL DELIVERY No. M Wa Ingtoa at. Poena Mala est. TOWEL SUPPLY, CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Cams, break, aoap. 81 aar amnth. Lawrence Brae.' Towel f apply Co.. Fourth aad Coach. Phoaa 4B0. WALLPAPER. auauaa wiuirtnifUi., ia-is) aa at. bat Yamhill aad Taylor. PorUaad. V FINANCIAL. P7BTLAND TB0BT COMPANY 0T OBXO0N. The Oldeet Troat Company la Oregoa. - -ji ,r BK80UBCKS OVER 81,000,000. General banking bualneaa condacted. Barrage depoelta recalTed.' Tlma rertlflcatea leaned. 8 to 4 per cent; apodal eertlflratee (not aadar 8BO0). IH to 4 per eentna abort calL . Call f or hook of "ILLTJBTRAITONS.' .- Phone Main 458. 108 Third St ' BENT. I. COHEN. Prealdeat H. L. PtTTOTK Tlee-Prealdant B. LKB PAOET.............. .......Secretary J. O. OOLTBA .Aadataat Secretary IT NITED STATES XATTOVAt BANK l . " OP PORTLAND. OBBOOV. -w- MORTKWXST COS. THIRD AND OAX STB. ,. Traaaaeel Oeaeral Baakrag Baalaaea. ' ' ' , DRAFTS ISSUED Available la All .Cltlee ef the Cnltad Stataa aad Europe, Beogkoaf aaS Maalla. , COLLECTIONS KaDX OX TATOEABLE TXXktS PraaMent...., C AINSWORTH iee-Praeldeat.. W. B. ATBB Vlce-Preatdeot B. LEA BARNBS Oaebler R. W. SCHMEEB Aaelatant Caehler.... A. M. WBIOHT AaalaUpt Caehler. ,.W. A. HOLT FIRST NATIONAL BANS. ' ' . .. . OF PORTLAND. OBIOOxT, IMattaatad Depoaltnry and financial Agent at tba United State. Preatdeat.vi. A. L. MTLL8 Caabler ........a. WNEWKIBK Aaelatant faablar, ...W. O. ALYOB0 Second Aaelatant Caehler. ...... 3. F. STEVENI Let tare ef Credit laaaed Arallabto la Eaieae aad the Kaatara Stataa. - Sight Kscbaage and Telegraphld Tranafer 8ld oa New Tort, Boatoa. Chleage, St Laoia, t. Paul. Omaha, Baa fraaeleee aad the principal point ta the Northwest Sight and time Mila drawa In mrre ta ealt on Loadnn. Parla, Berlin. Frank f ort-le-rb Main. Hoagkaag, - Xekokama. COpeabagea. Chrlarlenla. 8tnckbola. St Peterebarg, Mae Bow, enrich, Boaolala. - Colleetloaa Made aa Favorable Tar. - LAOS TIL TON. 4ANXXBB. . - (Eatakllahed la lSf. Tranearta a Oaaaral Waaklae B Collactlono made at all nointa aa faearabla terme. Letter ef credit lamed available la Europe and all polnta la the United Sutee. Blgbt Kxchanee aad Telegraphic aTraaefar eold ea New fork, Washington. Chleage, St Louie, Denver. Omaha, 8a a Franc tao 'aad Montana and Biitlah CoTrimbla. --. . Kxrbaht eold oa Londoa. parla, BarUa, Frankfort, HoncAont, Xofcohaiaa.-Manila aad Bonolnla. - , . SECTJBJTT SATTNSS 8V TBTTST COktPANT. BOS Morrlaoa St.. Fortlaad. Or. Traaaacta a Oeaeral BaaJrJaarualaeaa, SATIN08 DEPABTMXNT. latareat Allowed ea Time aad Baring Depoelta. Acta aa Trustee foe Batata. Draft aad Letter of Credit A reliable to AO Parte. ! the World. 0. F. ADAMS....... ....Prealdeat L A. L8W1A......J1. Flrat tee-Prealdeat A. U MILLlT... ......Second Tlee-Preeleaal B. O. IUBITS.... Secretary GEO. V. RLS8XIX... Aatlataat aecretary CB0HANTS' NATIONAL BAN. PORTLAND. OREGON. . a- I. FRANK WAMOJl . .Praaldant R. L. DTJRH AM. ......".Uaaa Tie PriaHeat R.a BOYTvriV-. rriiiiT.... Oeahlet OEOROB W. H0TT.. Aaeteteat Caahle Traaaaeta a Oeaeral Baaklng Baa laaaa . DraXta aad Letter ef Credit- laaaed Available . i to All Pane of tbe World, v . ' ' CeUectleaa a Specialty. ... ' M ORRIS BROS. . US Flrat St., Fertlaac, Or. . Offer Ollt-Edga Invaatment la Municipal aad Railroad Ben da.. Write er CalL . MORTOAGG LOANS Oa Portland Real XaUat at Lewep . Title xaauied. Abatttteta Turn: , TITLE OUABANTH TRvBT CO. 844 Waakiagtea St, Oar. Seeand. C.QEEWO The Great Chinese Doctor ormarly . loci ted at B58 '(-, Tail J 3 bird. Moved To the large brlek mlldlnc at S. ef First aad Maarlaea ata. ,. , .. ' ' tpaaes - " i 163 rtrst StrtMt Dr.. C Oaa Wa. . tba tkaat Oklaaa Doete. la wall known aad teoaa tkreugboat tbe U. B. accauM bla woaderful aad marvelou eare hare been heralded broadcast tbnagboat th length aad breadth of tbl country, lie treat! any aad all dlaeaaea with powerful Chinee roots, her be. bud, berke and race tab lee that ar entirely unknown to medical eeleac la tbli country, aad through the aae ef thee harmlee remedles he guarantee to cure catarrh, aetbma, lung trooblee. rbenmatlam, aerveuaaeaa, atoaaaca, liver,' kidney, female1 trouble aad all privet 'ru"fanvm doctor core wlfVmt tbe eld of tba knife, without ualog poleons or drug. Hundred of teatlmonlala ea V t kl afaoaa. Call aad ar him. Ckarges model ate. , ( C0NSTTITATI0 IRB. , ' ; . Patients ' oat' ef the city writ for Manht and circular, laclnae 4r atamp. Aildree The 0. 04 W Calae Medletne So., 188Vk 1st 8k, ear. Merrieca, Partlaad. Or. -i. Please aaantloe tbl paper. - ...... Hen, V.1ut U This? Somethtn Newt A ayglankr electro vacuum aaplt. anew. A komaC rnr fnr weak nee. unnatural obstructor, ' local rbeume. tier, varicocele; Ineosaotor ataxia and nervnu debility. Scad etamp f.w free daecrlptlve bonk. Dept.'. X. Hraltk Appllaac Co., ' Seattle, Wash., or call aad ere It at 108 North Blxtb at., Portland. Or. ftatl bloexl and IntHtaatlon aro deatlly nmla to 'next health; Burdock Blood Ulttere destroys yiaro. . ... , r a. alua IS lU-iilE p(,;.il:;;d " ' r ' ' ' r . v - ' .' , ' y But Business Men Hope There r; Will Be Nothinj f Pyrb- ; ; technlp?0rden;r i RAILROAD VORK MAS PROVED BIQ BOOSTER Rsslty Owners EFerjrwbrJ Ars In Suto of Confidence and Are Pre paring for Season of Greatest Pros perity Known to City. ' ; ; j With the ' eonvlctton provalant that the Northern Pacific Railway-: company la establishlnr a tranacontjnenui term inal here. Portland realty thla weak- la In tbo moat hopeful gtata known to tho history ot tho city. Tha seneral toplo of conversation la tho work of tha rail way comDany. . Bvarr one) aoeepta tho Situation of another bis rood bulldlns hero aoon as a certainty. Such a devel opment cduld havg no other than a pried Increasing Influence, and realty is. al ready antlclpatlns th event, It U learned that tha Nofthweetern Improvement eompany's ' options on probablo terminal ground have been growing. Laat week aorrtethlnr like tl 00,000 Js reported to have been paid on these, as tbo tlma for tho first In ttallments hag arrived In several caaea and tho company began to perfect title. Tho acquisition of ground by. optlona has boon extending south toward Hoyt etreet from .tho f ormar buildings of tha company . along Front street Almost everything available between Ninth and Twelfth streets, and Hoyt and Front streets has been secured. Tho Mc Craken property, Columbia Engineer ing work and ono .or two other proper ties have not been taken, aa they bavs largo improvements, and It seams that the company will be able to fill out all needed terminal ground! Vithout mak ing such heavy purchases. : The ares controlled Is as large as tbo old prop erty of tho Northern Paoiflo Terminal company, and Is so situated that th railway t abl to sot to tha river and Into tha bis warehouse) and wholesalo district of tha city. ;. Property owners throughout th city aro In a state of high confidence. . With o many, thins previously proving; that Portland will enjoy Immense growth In tho'-near future, and tha contemplated work of tha Northern Paclflo following, tho atmosphere I surcharged with boom elements. Men with tho keenest foresight believe that a bla boom could bo developed, but there la a general enttment against opening anything of a pyrotachnlo order.v Bualneaa - men ex press th ardent hop that the growth assured 'this oity will bo , along ovon line, without any radloal or meteoric outburst, which would likely be fol lowed in a few year with a measure of reaction. ' They point out with . prld that th city already has resolrce war ranting vast - improvement, . ' and ( that when an advance of to or oven 0 pef cent haa been mado In general values, the pyramid will be on it base, rather than tta apex. - , ' Th moat stimulating effect of the railway work is In th north end of th city at present, where there ha been warm bidding for property, but tho in-flu-enow 1 spreading until every prop erty owner ha vingi Inside possesalons 1 braced with new confidence. With this condition opening the fall season, when heaviest - trading I usual, dealer and realty owners ar preparing for a rush. -a , . gmmanaaaaBhaan ' t REPAIR PERMITS; ' . j ; -..(" -' O. Bonfla-llo. daValllna- at 98 hM.. treat, to ooat I40S. T. Barr. Rodney avenue, corner Sao Rafael, dwelling, ttoo Church estate, dwelllnar at 111 rni streot, ttO. ... BUILDING I PERMITS. Permit have haen iaauarl ft tk, c'oi. lowing building: . . A W 7 JlBlt.P ilwrahllnw - . w....a. isnvuvm avenue, between Morrl and fl tan ton, to cost $400. T r A:- 8. Castor, barn. East Thirty-third street, near Clinton,, to .costjp , LAWSON'S HOME IS SOLD AT AUCTION FOR TAXES ' . (3raal gpeelal Sarvtca.) Boston, Ma.. Sept. 11 Many Inter ested pectator will attend th public uetlon in front Of tho courthouse this afternoon, when Thomas W. Lawaotx'i Back Bay property. Including th home stead. , atablea. etc.. will be ,old for taxes. It. seem that th property wa transferred by Mr. Lawson to hi wife, Mrs. Jennie A. LawSon, two year ago. Mr., lawson at that tlma bverlooked th fact, that tho taxes for 1901 and 101 had not been paid. Tax Collector- Mc Donald, falling to collect tho tax and accrued Interfcat, amounting to tl.ilO. advertlaed it for sale and set . th auction for this afternoon. ' When Mr. Lawaon, uof "Frensled Finance', fame, beard oT tho announce ment of th 1 he was at flrat Inclined to a end hi agent to tbo collector and let-him pay tha taxea, but on second thought he' decided not to spoil th fun of th auction. In regard to th matter Mr. Lawson said to a friend: "l do hop the oity will get sufficient to psy that 16,640.' Otherwise wo would have to throw' in a dog or two." It is ex pected that Mr. Lawson or' hi agent Will bid in the property rat tn auction. MEGORDEN ON TRIAL - : " FOR MURDER OF WIFE (Special D1 a patch to The Journal,) ' Ontario, Or., Sept. 11. Circuit court for Malheur county convened at' Vale today with Judge Oeorge E.' Davl- of tho ninths judicial .district presiding. There are 17 civil cases on the docket. Tho most Important case, or th on that will excite th moat Interest, w(,l be on the criminal calendar, and la that of Holover mMegorden for- thO ' murder of his wife, which tragedy occurred at their home near Nyssa on th evening of JKarch St. Bom difficulty will oe experienced In scouring a jury, . --8everel other Important criminal cases will also bo tried this term. '. , v ; Ha, for . Astoria, a, - . Swift steamer Telegraph leave Aldar street dock T:1S . tn. dally except Fri day. Returning leave Astoria I p. n. arriving Portland I:t0 p. m. Sunday leave Portland I a. m., Astoria S:g p. tn. ArTtvlng Portland t p. m. Steamer Jttogrtph for ; Astoria. Round trip dally (except Friday). Leave Aldar street dock T:B0 a. m. Re turning leaves Astoria 1p. m. Arrtvtng Pertlan 8:0 p, m. Sundaye lesvOa Port land a. ttk. Arrives PortUnd p. nv DGQ -DISECGf.10" German Ship . Adolf : In . ,Port:4 In , Command of C&'lant ' Captain Reimer. BIG CARGO OF GENERAL ' FREIGHTtROM AftJTWERP First Shipment of MercbduidiseT of , Any i Quantity That Has Been Rtv , ceived From Europe m Nearly Six Months. ' ' , ' Captain Reimer, master of the German ship - Adolf. . which arrived laat night from Antwerp, ssys he encountered calms at frequent Intervals sll th way from the equator to tho mouth of tho Columbia river. He was out 171 days. Fair weather waa experienced coming around Cap Mom., and bo galea were met .in th voyage, , Tho captain wa at Portland last win ter as mate of Ui Ounnan ship CarL While McKlnley waa president h saved a number of American sailor from going down on a wreck on tho Atlantlo coast, and th government awarded him a gold medal. Several German societies alao gave him medals for tbe same act. . Tha Adolf brought a full cargo of general freight, the principal shipment eonaiating .of 11, Ii barrels of cement. The balance of the cargo 1 mad up of 10 ton of ateel beam, 114 bale of brimstone. 400 baga-of brlmeton and two caaea of furniture. Th ateel beams will be discharged at the Star Sand com party's dock., where th vessel is moored. The cargo is conslgnod to Balfour, Guthrie V Co. This Is the first shipment of any great quantity that has been re ceived from Europe for almost six months. The oement is badly Weeded, as tnw supply , la airaoai exnauaiea. . . By the arrival of the Adolf th dl- engaged grain 'fleet in th harbor 1 In ereaaed. to four vessels; th others ar th German ships Arthur Fitger, Ell bek and Oregon. . , . , - . MACHINERY FOR JA'aN. irjDABtta Win Tak Itv 04oWb Bad m We uutmmlk or laws. . Thla morning th work of loading th oriental liner Numantla was started at th flour mills and it 1 th Intention to have; her ready to sail for Japan on September 18. Flour and grain will make up the major portion of ' her cargo. Tonight she will move -over to th Eastern Y Weatern mill to take 190.000 feet of lumber consigned to im porters at Yokohama, the flrat port at which th ateamer jrlll call. It 1 more lumber than, the regular .- freighter uaually carry. Five carloads of machin ery will alao mak up a part of th cargo. . . ' " ' As tha Numantla will go no farther than Japan on thla trip It I thought ah will be abl to get to Portland within Ix week. Since her hull - haa b cleaned It la expected that ah . will mak an unusually quick vyaa& Inquiriea for flour and grain are still being received from Japan and it la be lieved that another cargo will aoon be ordered. Exporters say that another tramp steamer is likely to be chartered to load for Japan any day. Five tramna are-already on the engaged Hat to carry grain "and flour shipment to tha far east from this port, and they represent nearly 10.000 ton register. , . ., CARGO ESCAPED INJURY. XUbaura Strnok Ouaaa Book Oaly ; a Utile Wheat Was Damaged. . "A portion of the wheat on board the Steamer F. A. ' Kllburn waa damaged when she met with an accident last week' In Coos bay. Nothing else was in' Jured. Chart E. SteelamlUv the local agent of-tb line, received a telegram' this morning frorn Marahfleld stating that nearly alt the cargo had been re moved and the-most of It I in excel lent shap. Paaaengera having tickets fer; Bart Francisco will leave today for that city on the ateamer Breakwater and those for Eureka will go on the ateamer ft.-r. Plir g"1"'" ----fr -ftTraTr rock. It I not yet known Juat how badly she la damaged, but It ta believed ahe will be patched up ' temporarily, and brought to Portland for repair. Mr. Btealsmlth la of th opinion that eh will not miss more than on trip, and th company will make an effort to get another ateamer to take her place. WILL DOCK TELEPHONE. Speedy eTteamar Will Xav Hull cneaa4 wt- s4 ltdaL , - Arrangements have been completed for placing the steamer Telephone on the drydock to have th bottom of her hull cleaned and painted.. She will probably be docked tomorrow and by tha middle of the week will b placed in- regular commUalon very likely on th rout be tween Portland and Th Dalle. ' On her maiden -trip yeaterday to Cas cade Locks and return tha Telephone made an excellent showing. Although the river la at an unusually low stage above Vancouver ah mad th run from the locks, a distance of TO miles, in a trifle more than three hour. Sh only draw t.l fet of water, leea than any steamer of her sis on th river, and for ' W treat suoceestully all prlvat ner . vou and i ehronlo dlsesse of meat ale blood, stdmsoh. hurt, liver, kidney and throat trouble. We cure 8TPHILIS (without imeroury) to stay cured for ever. - Wo remove STRICTURE, with out operation or pain. In II days. W atop drains, .night ' loaae and spermatorrhea by a new method in a -week.--W Cfn reatore tho eexual vigor of any man under 10 by meana of local treatment peculiar to ourselve. ." Wo Cure Qonorrhoca : - s In a Week, r ; , The doctor ef this Institute era alt regular graduates, have had many yaarff experience, have been known In Portland for II yeara, have a reputatlos tor maintain, and: will undertake no ca unlea certain cur can be effected. We guarantee a euro tn every ease w Undertake or charge no fee. Consulta tion free. Letter confidential. Inatrue tlve BOOK FOB MEN mailed free la ) It aaaeaat rttVah IMA W We cur the worst ease t pile ta tw or three UeAtakeato. without op ra ti on. Cure guaranteed. - If you cannot aalt atfftea, writ afuL - i OAc brjura. to and t to s. ' DR. W. N0RT C3oJ tn Van Nop lroiel. 111 to TRANSPORTATION. ecLu:::.A rivertoi? Balljr' Bound Trip e OaavaaA' Z,ocks - STEAMER V " BAILEY QATZERT V j Leave week day 1:10 a ju.' Sunday. a. m. , Arrtvea back I p. m. , , ROUND TRIP $1.50 Through atarhr for The Dalles and way point leave dally f s. tn..- Wharf foot of Alder atreat . Phone Main 114. AsUASKA FAST AND POPPtAB STBAklSBIPS ... e. If" ''tie S a. m. ''ffataaa." Saptenber T, IT. 27. - i -'Palpkla,'' September t, 11. 22. - CAU.1NO AT ' , "' KETCrTIgA. - JINSAC. DOTOLAS. HAINES, SKAGWAx. Coaneda with P. A Y. rout fur Atlln, Dwoa, Taaaaa, Home, etc. .FOB. ALL lOVTRRASTBBN ALASKA , PORTS. i ' " B. B. "ParaJloa," Hepteeaber 4. JO, ' S. B. "Plrlgo," Brntemhec 15, 20. Call or eend foe "Trip tui Wonderful Alaskaj" "'ladiaa Baaketrr," -r "Totin Pole. ' . 7 . . , THB AZASXi a . O0. ' ' Prank Woolaay Co., Afent,' - .. tnS Oak St. " Portland. Or. that reason th low water on th upper Columbia will not Interfere with her making regular trlpa. , ,.;, , . - ALONG THE - WATERFRONT, Brigadier-General Alexander Macken sle, Major-General J. P. Story and Brle adler-GeneraitS. M. Mills, members of tho fortification board recently appoint ed by th war department, are expected to arrtv In Portland In a day or two from Waahlngtonv-Diatiiot of Columbia, by way of Puget sound. The members of th board will Inspect the fortl0ca tions , at the -briouth of the Columbia river. General Mackensle Is chief of the United State engineer.. Laden- with lumber for San Francisco, the barkentrno "Porttand1eft down the river this morning. In tow of the Hen derson, the schooner Kona arrived thla morning and will load lumber at the Portland mllL -' -.- - , - ';' . . u- Tonight the steamers Alliance and Columbia will Teach port, , the . former from Eureka and the latter, from . San Francisco: both ar bringing full Hat oi paaaengera. , ., . - -At th Victoria dolphins the British steamship Tottenham will complete her lumber cargo tomorrow for . Taku Bar-, China; she win take out In th neighbor hood Of 1,790,000 feet, The ateamer Redondo 1 art rout up th river from Ban Francisco; she will load wheat and lumber for th return trip. The steamer W. H. Kruger of the earn Una sailed from San Francisco yesterday for Portland. She will stop at Needle Rock and take on a shipment of tanbark. : - MARINE NOTES,. Astoria, Or.. Sept, 11. Condition of e it I a. m., smooth; wind north; th weather clear, thick outside. Arrived at 8:45 a. m. Stoamera Columbia and Re dondo, from Baa Francisco; Columbia left up at npon. Arrived it I p. a, September f. and left up-at 1:J0 p. m.. September 10 Schooner Kona, from San j PrxJi f :K Pedro. September" 10. arrived down at p. m. and aalled during the night- Steamer Aureua,- ror Ban pranciaco. Arrived down at 4 a. m. and aalled at 6 p. m. Steamer Newport, for Coo Bay. Sailed at 1:80 p. m. Schooner Sequoia, for San FranclscO. - Arrived down at 7 a. m. and aalled at 1:10 p. m. Steamer Roanoke, for San Francisco. Sailed at a- m. Barkontln Oeorglna, for San Pedro. . Aatorla. ; Or., Sept U. Arrived at 11:18-a. m.- Steamer George Loorala, from San Francisco. Sailed this morn ing Barkentln Iaaao - Reed. ' for Re dondo. Arrived down during the night Of, September and' sailed at 10:10 a. jo. Acme, for San Francisco. San Francisco, Sept t. Arrived at t a. m.' Steamer St. Paul, front Portland. Arrived at I a. m. Steamer Eureka, from Portland. ' Honolulu. Sept,- 10. Sailed British hip Carrmdalafor- Portland. Aatorla. Or.. Sept IV Arrived St I a. m. Steamer Northland, from 8aa SranMaeA ' ' fssturlai Or i ftp lln-Sftamar Nnrthn I land left up atl:l: ateamer Alliance arrived from Eureka and Coos Bay at IS o'clock. """ " '- ' T .. ',''-' Cibrtlar erry Bay. V ' (Jearaal Special Barvtce.) --' Newport, B, L.'Sept IL Today Is the Id anniversary of th battle of Lake Krl and thla elty Is oelebratlhg th day as Parry day in an unusually elaborate manner. Commodore Perry, who com manded the American arjuadron In that battle, waa a aative ot Newport. Th city 1 profusely decorated with flags and picture of Commodore Perry ar exhibited In many window. . Ia honor of th day th warships of th coast squadron In th harbor fired a salute at sunrise thla morning. In- the afternoon the Brooklyn, the, Illinois, the Kearsarg and tb other ships ef th squadron will take part In- a big naval demonstration. In the evening the commander of the squadron. Rear-Admiral F. W. Dickens, and th other officer of the squadron, will be th gueata of th city at a recep tion given in their honor. Among th officer ar two. Captain -Raymond Perry Rodgers of tbe Kearaarg and Captain John J. Rodger of the Illinois, who are lineal descendants of Commo dore Perry. - -..:' r aaaatioa I . r:.".i t-:;tasal c unsay anj f 4 s THA to r .,,, . . .. AKDUmonpAicin: -Trains lo the East Diily- ' Vhnw 1.11.,. hag-car dallr to Omaha. Chicago, hp aariei aleeplng-care dallr to kanaaa throagk Pailmaa tnarkil lcvplngra (n- r eoaaurte) weak f ta raieaso. nee,, balrcara (aeat free) ta tbe Baat . dallr. UNION PS POT. Leave. Arrive CHICAOO-PORTIAWD SPECIAL, or the Beat via Baat 8 :18 a. St. 8 '29 a. t ball. . . Dally. ingtoa..-. J. ..: y si For HtOI and SPOKANB PLTBR. caster Waablng Walla WalU. Law S:IS p. a. Dally. . S nog, a Dally. , ton... Oewut d Alenei poinra. Atlantic bxprkms 8:18 b. aa. pally. . v t:18a.t Dally. fat the Baat via Baat- I Ingtoa, Oolambia Blvar Plvlataa. POB AfTOBIA and wa; nplata, connecting wltl 8:00 p. aa, Pallr. About wmr. for llwaco and Srth Beach, atmr. Bae4 Saturday, Snndap. 8:00 P. V ax. Bund. .-" au. eoca. . T. J. blUlM A . -A V " f"'tow" rVptember IX T:00 s. m.t Sep ber 14, 8:00 a. m.t Sentemher 10. :18 . i . Taanklll Brear Beata, POB BITTna rw-l -v t:80 B. A City aad Tamhlll river) T:fP0 a. aa. polnta, stmra. Ituth aad Dell' Dallr. as. aaaaV. oooe. Aaa-at. dock (Water permitting. Sunday. Saahe Blvar Ban a. POB LBWISTON. 14a.. and way polnta fro el Blparle, Waak.. atmra. Spokane and Lewlaton. TICBBT OrPICS, Third aad WaabJagtaa, T a S.7,r,"L,'0,-C1,' T,t teas. aU.la CBAJO, CaaarU Paaaeager Agawi. EAST." SOUTH TJMIOB PBPOT. OTB BLA RD BXPBESS. Traiaa, for Salsa. Boa-j org. aaniaati. aacr acnte, Ogden, Saa Praa- 8;4p.av TdS., catoo, stocktoe, Lee ab-i tilea, Bl Paea, Sew OrH ana and tbe Kaat. j Morning train eoa-l sects at WoodbaraJ Kdally except Sunday 8:80 a. SL win train rec ail. Ansel. Sllvertea B:Ub.BV ?rowavUle, S a r I a g leld. WvadllBt aad Karroo. Eugene paeaaucaccoa necta at Woodburn With 1 10JBa.SA. kit Angel. and SUvevi to lonL 1.... Corvalll paeaetiavr. t8'M B aw Sberldaa paaaangac. 18:28 a. X. Par eat Grove paaaepgee. Mil :B0 P- ' n:S0.v 4 BO p. m. 1110:45 p an. Dallr. IIDally except Sirndav. v..-i eNrtleM-Oewege Suburban Serrloa aad TajakC - imatoa. Depot foot ef Jeferepa atrejet. r Lear Portland dally for Oawego 7:30 a. V 12:00, 2-00. 4.00, 8:80, 0:00. 0:88. T 44, 1 p. m. Dallr (except Sunday). 80. 8:80, i 10:28 a na. 4:00, 11:80 p. at, Basday . 8:00 a. (a. ' Retsralag freta Oewege, arrtv Portland I 8:86 a. m.; 1:88. 8:08, 4:88. 8:2. T:8 j 11:18 p. m. belly .(exewt Sundavl, :xd, t :80. 10:10. 11:48 a. ra. Except Moaday, V p. m. Sundav ealr. J0HW a. a. Leavaa from eame depot for DIUe and rr me?! ie polnta daily 8:00 p. av. Arrive. P land 10:10 a. m. - The Indpendeape-Monmrmtk kfotne Lt ooerate dally to Moomoutk and Alrlle, -aartln with Soutbern Pari no csxepaajr tratn at Pallaa aad ladepaadenco. - Plrat-elaaa far from Portland ta Saevame and San Pranclece 820. berth 88; aaeead . far. 815. aacrmd-claaf berth 82.80. -Tlckata to Eaetara point ad Euroyet BB Japan. Chin. Hnnolnla and Australia. City Ticket OfOc corner Third aaT WBSer Ingtoa atreata. Pboa Mala T12. -C. W. STIWOEB. W. S. HM-?-.,J, City Ticket Agent. -" Oev Paea. Acee. th s r-n a n r IIIYIL VAtlU OF TRAINS- Portland!" DAILT. CHIOS BKPOT. Depart. Arrive. v.tiiMtMa aSark.Kaa- saa Clty-St. Look) 8p4, ctal far cnenaue. tralt. Olrmpla. Orsra Uarbor. Bcuth Bead. Ta coma. Seattle. Spokane, Lewlatoa. Butte. Blll Ing. Denver, Osaka. Kaaaaa City. St. Leal I:Wb. bv 4:80 p. Ba. and aoatbeaat. Korth - Coast Uarltad, electric Ilgbted, for Ta coma, Seettl. Srhkne, Butt, hftnaeapoll. St Paul aad tba Kaat. Paget Booed Limited, foe Cbehaiie. Ceatralla. t:08B.Sa. f :00 a. av 4:80 p. Sk, loaip. ,' Tacwaua aad - Saat(N) nlv s. . I Twin" City Kxprese. tor Tacoms, Seattle, Spe- Baaw-neiena. Butt, Tellowclon Park. kiln. 11:48 p. aa. 8:80 a. BV neapolla. St, Paul aad in asst. A. D. CHARLTON. r; Aaalata nt Oaaaral Pasaiagec Ag , ISO Morrlaoa at., eor. Third, - ' Portland, Oregwa. Astoria &Xolumbia ' River Railroad Co. iftr i - IClou i m' ' Vb-7, y " ?ywV .1 Arrive. S i Laava. UNION DEPOT. ' Arrivaai . . . w . 80 S, aa. Tor tfarger. Balatet, II :20 a. aWv Dally. Oatakaale. Wcataort. Dallr. 1.80 a. a. Cllftoa. Aatoria. War- ran ran, PlavaL Haav- mond. Pert Steveaa. I Oearhart Perk. Seaal4e, ' '' ' ' " n ."'..j," ... AatorU aad Seaaker. : ' . .'''. f vprae dally. ' tka ... 1:80. at, IIDallv. Aatorla txpnaa. . , . .J - - - Saturday aly. 0. if A TO. Aatorla, Or. O. P. aad P. c a. stew abt,' r-Tt,'.',.A,ri Tlekrt OSUa Third IT. 2Tranoontln . Trslnss t FACT ' TO f""rANl. ST. T i.-.rtcAl'Ol-T1. ' " . . . a . ALL K.. tit trip ' r-' V fou.. 1 I. A-