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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 10, 1905)
z::zz?. . 10, x::i 1 v'V iiilEiDlOflS Afur.. Fiftejtn .. Innlns., of Excit Call Portland and San Franqlsio" CuitlWwkT CONTEST YAS FULL OF ' SENSATIONAL. FEATURES Jones' Worlcln ths Box and With : the Stick Was of jrheHlghest Or der Whalen Throws the - Ball at Umpire Perrlne. r ?'. ' . ' Portland ' T, : Baa S"ranclsco T, . 1. In ; nine. . ' i .-.'.- i " r ,' . i'V : -Butterl Corbett, ' 4 one and Con- red: Wheeler,- Whaleri.-, Wheeler, Bhea -: and Wilson. ;' ; It was a great 'game, although there ' wai no final declalon. For IS lone and - J exceed Inning Portlaria and San Fran ' eleco wrestled yesterday afternoon, and when darkness finally put a quietus Qn " the' contest the acora stool all. It re quired, exactly three hour to play the - v undecided contest, which waa made pos sible through the rank error ot Mike -Mitchell en rst base. . ; . It waa a gam that was worth while witnessing and the patient 1,000 spec- tators pulled very hard for Portland. . but the pulling waa In vain. Portland , should have hud the game nicely la the ' ninth Inning, but the butter flngere of . Mitchell were greatly In evidence, and In the ninth inning, with two out and i the aoore 7 to in favor of Portland. . 'Mitchell dropped an easy throw and , Wheeler was-safe. ' la lightning fashion '- Wheeler stole second and reached third ; " on a passed ball. Waldron waa next ; - up and he laced out a single, scoring Wheeler and tying the game. For six innings after this neither team was able to get one run across the plat. ' It was a game full of feature and vtne umpire "-waa the trial n attraction, Corbett started to .pitch for Portland and did not make good. He passed . Mohler and Mitchell bungled Mohler's drive HUdebrand bit eafely and Wal- eron scored. Irwin drove a fly to Van Buren and the "Crab" tallied. This waa . all until the fourth, whea three hit. and an error by Conrad contributed three more rude to the Seals' column. In the fifth Inning Corbett waa touched -UP Jor. another run. , . With a handicap of six the locals set out to do business. With one out Jones -doubled, Ata singled and Vaa Buren bit for three bases, scoring Jones and Ata. On Mltchell'a fly to HUdebrand, . Van Buren tallied. In the nezt innin Householder's djbuble and Jones' single , is i nea two more runs, in the eeventb ' Inning Ata singled and scored on House ; bolder1 s single. In the elchth lnnlnr. with two down. Conrad waa bit In th Mh. - . m - ... mvm m iwunr mn& w unci ecoroa ine substitute catcher by knocking out a triple that bounded -away -V- from - yy aiaron.' - - After Corbett was reUred at th enfl - of the fourth Inning. .Jones went In 'and allowed but four hita In 1A tnnltm 'With two ut In th sixth Whalen euo- ceeqea Wheeler and Jimmy lasted until th twelfth - inning, when Mr. Jimmy . threw th ball at Perrlne for calling a Mr. Whalen to th woods. Wheeler, who bad succeeded Wilson y- In right field, when the manager re. lleved Shea In tbe sixth, returned to th dox in in ntn, and Henley took sutlon No. . . Wheeler proved very effective for th remainder of th game, as did Jones, and neither team - could get a . man across in pan. . It wag not necessary for -th -game to have gone It Innings If Mik Mitchell had played any kind of ball, but that . fat-faced boy juggled everythlng-that cam his way, struck out whenever man war op bases, and lolled around as though he were th advance agent for Pabst's Brewing comrjanv. T la w.. tlm that Mltohell should tak a tumble 7i "",ver "o gooaa I or which h is It Is also needles tn k. tt " plr Perrlne officiated tn his customary atrocious fashion and "proved a menace . . Th scor tabluated as ib as xoiiowa: PORTLAND ' Van Burn. U . ' I i t t i Mitchell 16 .......I; T 1 It 1 1 Sweeney. b t 1 0 0 i rt-f t 01 3 .1 0.0,0 0.0 Corbett, p . i Jones, p i o oi I I t t o : Totals . ....... C J 7 13 AS 12 T . 0AM FRANCISCO. 4 , . . ' AB, R. H. PO. A. B. WaMron,cf 1 4 o 1 HUdebrand, if Irwin, b .... ' Nealon, lb . Wilson, rf, o. f I01 I 0' Shea, o ...... ..... . Whalen, p Hurley, rf , Wheeler, p,,rf, p..... Totals ;. . . . . ; 40 7 45 II i . :', 'Batted for Conrad In th fifteenth. . . , ' - SCORB BT INNINGS. ..." Portland ...OOOOIIllOOOOdOO T o H1if ... 8o si ii loioieo it - San Fran. ..'.I 0 OIlOOOlOOOOO 0 7 Hita ......looaaoooiooooi o t SUMMARY. Struck out By Corbett 1, by Jones 1 by Wheeler I, by Whalen I. Base on . balls Off Corbett ; 1, off Jones 1, oft Wheeler i, off Whahsn I. Two-base, hits , . Householderf Jones, HIldebrandTMoh . ler. .Three-base hits Van Buren, Ir win. Double plays Ats to Mitchell, Schlafly to Ats to Mitchell. ' Left oft bases Portland 11, Hnn Francisco S. Sacrifice, hits Mohler, HUdebrand, Wll- son S, Gochnauef, Van Buren S, Conrad. . Stolen bases Nealon, Wheeler, Srhlafly, " Mitchell. Hit by pitched ball Schafiy i and Conrad by Wheeler, Conrad by Wha 1 lea. - Passed balls Wilson 1, Conrad 1. '.Innings pitched By Wheeler 8, by Whalen 7, by Corbett 4; bv Jones 11. Bus hits Off Wheeler 7, off Whalai ft, off Corbett 4. off Jones 4. Tim of gam I hours. . Umpire -perrln.,-. . . , ; j SEVERAL SURPRISES AT ; I - ' TENNIS TOURNAMENT " The handicap tennis tournament at Irvlngton court yesterday proved a - source of great interest to the devote of th racquet In Portland. The tennis played was very good, and th surprises - ' of tha day were th defeat of Gobs by . BoHran the beating that Wilder gave - Oammle. , , Th results were: Mlss.Schafer beat k Miss Woodward. - Contrary to form, Mr. Leadbetter and Miss Morrison de .. feated Mr. Herdman and Miss Robertson. - Mr. Bwlng beat Mr. Foster; Ewlng and Herdman best Raley and Stow; Conk and . Scott beat Kerr and Wilder; Bellinger . beat Wlllett; Ron r. beat Ooss; Wlldar beat Oammle, and Morse beat Nunn. A good slxed crowd enjoyed th sport . i BimQS; c::i Fuj TIE Lwv.J U.'L.iljS , mmm aaaaassspsas Champions Make) Only Three Hits Off Charley Hall, While . . : Brown Is Batted Freely. . ' (Specla,! Dlspatek bj leased Wire te Tb Joorasl) Seattle, Wash., Sept . Charley Hall waa good ' today and th Champions eould-do- nothing with blm, Qj. th other hand, th locale awoke from .their batting lethargy, and bumped Brown bard and often. . Only good- work be hind him saved him from a worse beam ing. Bennett waa a batting fiend, .mak ing four hits In five times at bat, and all bard line drives, too. Rus Hall's two hits were most timely, and Julie Strelb broke th hoodoo by getting a hit In a plnoh. Tha fielding ofRuss Hall. Kana and Casey-was- hlgh-etasa. Nordyke got mixed up on a couple of bunta that helped put Brown In a hoi. "Umpire Jim McDonald Is still mys teriously missing. so.Frary. and'Hogan umpired a good game. Jim la In town somewhere, but he never sends word but to th grounds, nor does he report- to any ope connected with ' either club. Bobby Keef will pitch for Tacoma to morrow and 8kel Roach will probably oppose him unless Oscar Jones, get In In time. Catcher Clark waa released today., Score: ' ' ' . SEATTLE. " V ' AB. R. H. PO. A-'E. Bennett, lb 6 0 4 1 i 1 1 Walters, rf i , 0-1 -. . v 0 0 Kane.-3b S 10 Blankenshlp,. o. ....... Ill HarL,cf 10,1 I a' o 1 i 0 ; 0 0 0 0 i! Strelb. lb I 1111 Muller, If ......,..,! 0 0 1 R. Hall, as 4 ill C Hail. p..... ........ 1100 Totals ............. 1! I 11 17 11 . TACOMA. . - AB. R. H. PO. A. B. j-ruyia, rs ..,, Sheehan, Sb ......... Nordvke, lb ....... Kagan. lb 0 1 , 0 0 1 0 0 I 0 0-1 jucijaugiMin, ii . rf. . . . . tyncn, ci Casey. 2 b 10ft 0-0 1 0 11 Oraham, o . . . . cirown, p TaUls .......II 1 14 IS I SCORE BT INNINGS. " Seattle 1 1 t 1 I It I Hita .1 1 1 t 1 Kacoma w....t.O I LI MM 0 1 Hita" y.tvt oiivioo e s 0UMMART. ' Earned runsSeattle 1. -Two-base hits R. Hall. Bennett, Nordyke. Dou ble playe Brown to Oraham to Nor dyke, Casey to Eagan to Nordyke. . Ssct rifle hits Kane, Muller., a ' Hall, -Oraham. Stolen base Nordyke. Struck out By C. Hall 6. Bases on balls Off C Hall S, off Brown S. Passed balls Blankenshlp, Oraham. Left on bases - Beattle S. Tacoma I. Time of game 1 tiour, SO mlnutea.. Umpires Frary and Hogaa. AlifiEL CHOIR GETS BADLY OFF, THE KEY - Oakland Ta,kes Two From Los "Angeles, One a Clean, White , v:;; . Whitewash. . : . ' (SpeeUI Dispatch by Leased Wire te The Joersal) - San Francisco. Sept. I.-Oailand took a double-header from tbe- Angels todayv pnncipauy oecaus or good pitching by ncnmiat ana inerg. Dillon was' re moved from both game for kicking. ' ', . ' "lOS ANQELES. . ' , AB. R. H. PO. A. B. Flood, lb ............ 4 Sat Toman, cf ., .v 4 0 0 0 0 0 Smith, 8b ........... 4 ,0. 10 Jt Brashear, aa ......... I 0 0 4 2 0 Dillon, lb 1 0 1 IS Cravath. rf .......... I 0 0 i O 0 Bosslf 1.0 1 I 0 0 Eager, 2 f l Gray, p ............. t 0 0.4 J 1 Spiaa, lb ............ ISIS 10 k Totals . . . . uw. .10 ' 0 .4 14 11.1 ' f t OAKLAND. ' ' , ' . AR R. It PO. A. E. Van Haltren, cf... ... 4 0 110 0 uevereaua, as ....... I Dunleavy, If 4 Kruger, rf j ,. 4 Kelley. lb 4 0 11 110 1 lV0 0 1:10 111 0.1 0 1 C 0 0 0 0 1 Mosklman, ID b 4 Richard. 3b Byrnes, o .. , I berg, p ............. 2 Hogan. If 0 1 O S Totals .......... v. .so 4 17 is SCORB BT INNINGS. LLos .AngBla ft o O A . a.0 -a-a. o Hits o i a a t oi o lJX?klan4. , , ' I4I o txnm . e a i 2 o. 1 SUMMARY. - Twe-bas hits-8Dles. KroMf Rarrl. nee nit J.)evereaux. Stolen base Van Haltren, Kruger. Iberg. First base on errors Los Angeles 1. Oakland 1. Bnse on bnlls Gray 1. Left on' bases Los Angeles 1, Oakland 6. Struck out By Gray 6. by Iberg 4. Double plays Braehear to Spies, Richards to Kelley to MosKlman. massed ball Eager. Time 1:10. Umpire Christie. Afternoon Oama. - LOS ANGELES. " , AR R. H. PO. A7E. Flood. Ib , 4.. ...... 41 1 14 1 Toman, rf ........... S Smith, 3b , I Brashear. as ......... 4 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 S 8-, Of 0 1' Dillon, lb ........... 4 "Cravath, rf ......r.. I 4 BOSS, If ....... ..irV. . 1 Spies, e ............ .. I Hall, p 1 Totals 31 1 I 14 II 7 t- . (OAKLAND, "''""'.v.l AR R Hmi Vt Van Haltren. cf. si... t a i i a a Devereaux, as I 0 I " 5 i 0 Dunleavy. If 4 . 0 1 1 0 0 Krusrer, rf ........... 4 1 .1 10 iveuev, in.,.,., 1 o B S 4 i 1 Mosklman, lb 0 S 8 0 ' 1 Richards, lb ........ . 4 1' loO- 1 Stanley, o . , .110101-0 Schmidt, p w...... ... 44 1 "0 1 Totals ....... .......II 4 I 27 , 9 I . '. SCORETlBt INNINGS. A Los Angelea - I 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 lilts ............I tlllllt 15 Oakland 0 0 0 I I 0 0' 4 gilts, ,.., z S 0 1 1 1 11 ' 'f SUMMARY. Two-baa hits Smith. Kru-er.Sn cri tic bit Toman. Mosklman, Kelley. Stolen bases Dillon, Mosklman. Stan ley. First base on errors Los Angele , Oakland s. Base on balls Off Hall 1, off Schmidt 1. Left on bases Los Angeles 4, Oakland ft. Struck out By Hall t. by Schmidt . Dbuble nlnvs Kelley to Mosklman. , Time 1:10. . Um pire Chriati. . . , . j , . t COACH AND PLAYERS ' ARRIVE AT CORVALLIS 1 ' (Special Drapatcb U The learaaL) Corvallls, Sept t. Coach Dr. A. C Sleckle, Captain George . H. Root and Kenneth Cooper, right end. all of the Agricultural .college football team, ar rived In Corvallls today. Students are arriving dally from all direction, and It Is estimated-that from 700 to 100 student will apply for admission to O.'A. C. thla fail. College Opens Sen- tember IS. ' i.-.'v. . .., . . urn IIIE LEAGUE : Los Angeles Utility Flayer Plays -' and Bats Consistently Pur- -' - ing Entire Season. Carry m'lean first v ON PORTLAND'S LIST Big Catcher Hitting : Along' af 89, While Householder Is Next In Lin Van Burcn's Batting Has Im . proved Considerably of Late. Brashear continue to leadthe Coast league batters. ' Thla clever utility man haa been playing in great form thla year and deserves credit He his -played tn nearly every position In th Lo Angeles nine- and has kept - his batting aye all year. McLean is leading the stickers for Portland with Householder has dropped baok a few peg, but Is coming to th front again. Van Buren is pick ing up considerably tn his ' batting, placing his hits tn. safer territory. Those batting .100 and over up to, and lnclud tng September 4 ar aafollows: PUrere - A.B. 1B.H. P.P. Hackftt, 0kl.nJ. 4 ' -WO BnnMt. elll.... , S ' ' S ' JITS Shlvkis, BattlB..........,. 118 U Sweeney, Portlasd.. IS S Brubesr. Lee Amles. ...... 41S ISO wo .sll .sit .2D .2S .2.H9 .Sl .870 .CAS .81S UcUn, PortUsd 1 BUiikensfcip, tle. .. ...... IMS Wmldron, tUo Frasclsce...... 484 Hart. Hesttla 144 Hlldebra mt, Ba rrancleee. . .. ft40 Hoawbolilor. Portland 487 Nealon. Saa Francisco. ...... 4S6 Irwin, San Francisco......... ttf Nerdyke, Taeoms. ........... MS Lynrb. Tseoma...n.. ....... -474 MeCradle. PortUsd S4 Easaa. Taeoms... ........... 4M4 133 fiS 188 ' 41 144 1S1 121 las 144 U .261 1 Hit 129 .261 .IM .200 ,25 .25 .254 Duuleavy. Oakland 473 i 123 CraTsth. Los Anles 4M 112 Kane, Seattle .... 463 ' 120 Smith, Los Aneeles. . .010 ; . 134 Dillon, Los Angels......... fill Doyls, Tarems 07S fibeenas, . Taeoms............ 034 Spblafly. PortUnd 430 Mitchell. Portland. V Houts, BMttle..... 40 Krurar. OakUsd......' ftlO Hall, R., Seattle 4AS Muss, Los Ancelas .., 4:i Ats, Portland 600 Flood, Los Angeles. ., 47S Bernard. Los Angelas.. ...... 474 r'rarjr, . geattleTTT , ... 42 Wheeler. Baa Francisco.'..'... s4 MeLeagblls, Taeoms. .-. 6JT Van Ilaltren. Oakland .-. 6H1 McHals. Beattls and Portland. 89S Gray, Los Aageles lot Mlllrr, B. F. and Seattle.... T Moaklmss. OakUsd 141 Walters) .- nd-BesrUe.Tr 4S1" Kellay, OakUnd 491 Eager. Los Angeles.. 180 1.11 14T . 185 1 2f2 115 ' 124 ,10 . 105 11 113 i!3 , 100 .24.1 . .141 .2no ; .2.1 .238 .2S7 .VM 3 -: .2:15 11 . 124 J:i4 60 .229 ' 23 22 M iht: .22T ,224 .22 ..218 .217 .214 .21 .211 -33 Hogan, W OakUnd 11 - 24 Caaay, Taeams. .............. 86 78 Httt. Baa Frsnclaco 57 12 Oraham, C, Tacoma Set ' 74, Van Buren. Portland........" 4. " S3 Mob ler, Ban Fraaclace. .,' T46 4 .23 Brrnea,' Oakland...... .200 S3-. .204 Francka, Oakland So 103' Blvxrud, Oakland............ S. . 1 JW PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. Oakland V.W.I..I Si 41 01 71 41 221 .593 Iis- Angeles O . .- 41 O T O 17 -i81 Taeoms 7 8 ..I 4 0 2 18 .514 8aa Franc toco 0 0 8 .. 4 7 17 .300 PortUnd 8 5 0 4.. 0 17 .4M Seattle .............. oi 4 ll 7 0 .. 12 444 Lot ................. iifiiTsTrrTrTiisiaii AMERICAN LEAGUE. , , . . .Won. ; Lost P.C Philadelphia 75 45 .411 Chicago .. 70 49 .681 Cleveland ............ 44 69 .520 Boston ............... 61 58 . ' .604 New York 61 61 600 Detroit to , 63 .483 Washington 60. 64 .474 St Louis 44 71 .361 Testerday's Kesults. - At Chicago Chicago 6, Cleveland 2. At Detroit Detroit I. St. Louis 1. - At Boston Boston 8. Washington 7. At Philadelphia Philadelphia S, New lorn z. oecona game I to 7 in aignto inuingi game vaiieo. . . .. . j r . NATIONAL LEAGUE. Lost T.C New Tork 17 i ., .704 Plusburj fS - .-S1 53 .681 cn ilcago . . Phladetnh 547 Cincinnati ., 62 St. Louis .....i. ..... 49 Boston;............. i Brooklyn 18 44 ' .491 81 .877 87 .126 1 ..lit Testerday's JMsnltsi At St Louis 8t, Louis-Chicago, no game, wet grounas. At New York New Tork 4. Brook. lyn i; nw iora o, rsroomyn o. At Phllndelphla Philadelphia 4, Boa ton I: Philadelphia 4, Boston 2. At Pittsburg Pittsburg 12, Cincin nati 5. . . . v ' RACING RESULTS AT " ; . SHEEPSHEAD TRACK (Special Dispatch by Leased Wirt te Tbe Journal) Sheepshead Bay, Sept; I. Summary of yeslerday'a races: ; Six furlongs Merry England. (J. Mil ler) IS to 5, won; Dreamers' second; Pis. Obmient third: Time, 1:14 1-5. Steeplechase, about 2 Mi miles Jimmy Lane. (Owens) 9 to 6, won: Dick Robins. second; Pagan Boy, third. Time, 6:14. Six- furlongs Burgomaster, (HUde brand) even, won; .Whimsical, second; Juggler, third. . Tlm. 1:11 4-5. . Two and on fourth miles Sysonby, (Nlcol) 1 to 4, won; Olstau, second; Broomstick, third. Time, 1:64. On -mil Israelite, (Lyne) 4 to 1, won; Dr. Debrulll, second; Hotcher, third. Time, l:4Q. ' One and on, eighth miles Humo, (Lyne)' 4 to 1, -won; Miss Crawford. second: ,' Right Royal, third. Tim, 1:61 1-6. ' ;. . .. : , v-... ,.... TOTAL RECEIPTS NEARLY THIRTY-FIVE THOUSAND (Special Dlipatch br Lease; WHt to The Joanal) Han Francisco, Sept '9. The total gat receipt for today' fight aa of ficially given, out by tha managers amount to 134,049.' Th crowd which filled the.Colma arena a wltnesa the battleha! been roughly estimated jt 15.0007 The money taken Jn-was stacked and counted this evening and th total figure ' mad public shortly after . 1 o'clock. - According to tha article of agreement (6 per cent .of tha 114,049 goes to th contestants, of 121,144.81.- Of this amount Nelson, aa winner, receive 4 per cent or 111.114.11. Th remaining 40 per cent, amounting to 11,851.04, be longs, to Brltt Those who managed th fight keep 13 per cent of th antir r. oetpta, or 111.9:5. . . , Won, . A. la to Bir : bLUI i J.Lo.i,. SMS ' (Continued from Pag Eight) left for Jaw dnd Nelson foroed Brltt around ring, when tby finally went to a clinch. - Nelson waa twice ordered to) let go and In a rally Jimmy put in two lefts to th body and right to thejaw. jarring Nelson. Previously' Nelson bad scored with' left twice to body. Brltt left to! stomach. Th n am Iri a Nelson's law and varied it with a. stiff left to stomach. Th nd"cam In a rally. - Brltt had Just scored on Nelson's Jaw when suddenly Nelson shot his left and right to Brltt'a Jaw, Ilk a flash. Brltt went down Ilk a log, gasping for breath and with blood streaming from hi mouth and nose. Th fatal second wer counted ..out by Timekeeper- Hart ing. At the call of 10 Brltt- mad a feeble effort to rise, but Immediately fell back utterly ftd. .". Up to th tlm of th knockout Brltt appeared to bav tha lead. There was a terrlflo tumult at. tha .oonolualon of battle, Eddie Grsney, th referee, after th batti aald:.;.- ,' ' "It was th greatest lightweight bat ti -Witnessed in modern -times. " Brltt displayed') th most remarkable game, ness I have aeea anywhere. - Twice he appeared to be on tha verg ot collapse but waa always there when, tha bell rang for th succeeding round." 1 -Owing to th absence of polloa protec tion th- vast crowd surged ' pell mell into th ring at, th conclusion ot th bout and for some time a general tight seemed Imminent. " ' BARTENDERS CAUSE V -SULLIVAN'S FAILURE - . (losraal gpsetal Servlee.1 ' San Francisco, Sept, 9. John L. Sul livan baa turned over tha keys of bis fifty-fourth aaloon to th sheriff and tha Casino that ha opened here is no more. : -v - . ' . '. ; , ' Wheh John L. opened th pja'o b waa certain t th bartenders would get sore fingers ringing up money on ' th cash register. But they all wore their trousers turned up at tha bottom and walkod aa If they had lead In their shoea when they went oft watch. Any time th cash register rang the sleeper about tha place wok up and wanted to know wher th fir waa. ;v . j Th end waa hastened somewhat by three things an attachment of 1176 by a man named Marks, tha Inability , of John's bartender to borrow a few kegs Of beer 'from neighbors with credit and th-Objection of John L. to paying a license. When th 'llcens collector called John L. passed him his mitt and told hrm to "quit his klddln'." . -IJcenseT I ain't no dog. if I did own a diamond dog collar onoe. -Come, blow and b a good fellow," aald ha, Tbe oolleotor blew three times, one over th bar, then he blew out th door and than b blew back with a coupl of sheriff, and then It waa John's turn to blow, but only on way out- With tha padlock on th door h says today: "Nobody loves a . fat man any how. -...;....,. ...... ........ ...... John asked how far It was 'from 'Frisco to New, Tork.' . Somebody told mm aDout 3,000 miles. . "Which way, train or boetr ha In quirea. .. . . , ; .... , i SPORTING "GOSSIP." The members of th miiikIi u.kii boxes at tha ball game yesterday. It uvaeu liranga, on account OS IAS Well anown . noswuy or tn city rati wards boxes, to sea the Inariiiiva ties occupying boxes at tha game.' Mayor Williams waa Also a spec at in gam. .. Mlk Mitchell performed onflrst Ilk a nig loosier. i cost bis team th game, and waa responsible for six extra inning without a result . Wak up, Mlk. . e . e M. Chandler Egan. the best golfer In tha country, has gon Into business. H is Just about to learn what a bunker la uk. . John D. . Rockefeller- la - going . about barefoot Having noticed the tam that cam to Larry Lalole. perhan John D. think he might become more famous by stepping on a piece of glass. '. - e-- '. 1 "This la th biggest crowd wo ever had at ?neBS aTPundajiaM , th trsnilee financier of . attendanea statistic at th ball gam. "W had 10.000 tickets printed and 6,000 programs. Just 1,000 headaches hav been cured at th bar and th circulation of redhota totals 1.960. Twe got over th fence when th ground' keeper wasn't looking and I saw lot tiding in automobllea on Michigan ave nue. Pat Bagnollo across th street had 117 hit tha free-lunch couiitSr. That shows that we outdrew the other club t to 1. doesn't ItT Now, that total 10,479, and shows w never exaggerate when we give th exact attendance.- Chicago Record-Herald. . After several weeks ot speculation as to hi whereabouts, th mysterious Jimmy Flick, rstwh!l . second baseman of th Seattle baseball club, haa been located, properly told and la now at liberty to scoop up hot grounders iand bing out two-baggers for th Wichita, Kansas, baseball team. Last night James Agnew of th Seatfl club completed th negotiations for th ale of th slippery Jimmy. Th first intimation as to where th missing sec ond baseman was cam th day before, when messages wer sent to th direc tor of th Seattle club asking what prlc . would be taken for Frlck. Agnew would not state positively, yes terday lust what price was paid for th little player, but he admitted that th Seattle team had made money by sell ing him. Frlck cost Seattle a cool ISO! and t bis transportation, and It I not likely that less than 1600 or . 1700 waa received for him. ' . . ..,.-, Th Seattle club has practically se cured another In fielder. A young man who sign his nam Lauterborn Is th new acquisition. He played for Syracuse and hit .160, and whll playing second base fielded .960. It he doe that well when he arrive In Seattle there will be great bunches of joy on th bleacher. If tbe Tie w man make good it I very probable that be will be switched over to thlrdrbas and Johnny Kan put out In th field where he naturally belongs. With "Pua' Bennett on , aecond - base. Fthe- Infield will be almost entirely changed from 'what It was when th team . started from noma a coupl of week ago. t peelal Baaarstoa State. -Very low 10-day tlckete east effered by O. R. A N. Beptember II, 17. th a R. N. sell 90-day spe cie 1 excursion tickets to eastern points) stopovers granted going and returning. Particulars of C W. Stinger, city ticket agent a, R. N Co.. Third and Wash, lngtoa streets, Portland. ' aera to- alakvl. Utor chiit Piii;:Gi?a E TO SAY ' " '. - y ' Conqueror 8ay" That 1 Ha Felt VHs) Wu Britt't Marter All -' ;-' Through "th Contest., j BRITT 8AYS r HE LOST ; ; ' LIKE A; GENTLEMAN Refcreg , Crancjr Declares ; That a . Thlrtcen-Inch Shell. Would Not '. Hava Any Effect on the Dana, but ; Was Surprised at Sudden Finish. (sneelal DUpateh brUased Wire te Tk Jearaal) . San Francisco, Sept. I. After tbe contest both fighters were willing to glv their opinion, and each atatemtnt la eharacterlstlo ot th fighter. , By Battling Nlios: : 1 ' ' "I knew I would win- sooner or later, that is tha way I felt all along. I was Just warmlag up for a sprint down' the tretoh when I landed th ' knockout punch. Brltt Is certainly a game fel low and he fought a clean fight Ortiney la a prince and I accepted him because I knew ho would, b, fair and aqua? all th way through, ii think I bav demonstrated to tha publlo that I am not th man who tried to crawl out of th fight aa haa been charged." , . .. " . ' By jimmy Brltt s - I ' T hava won many batUaa and I can lose this on Ilka a gentleman. . 1. waa coming out. of a clinch when Nelson landed a lucky ona on, tha chin which ended, th fun. . My hand went baok on m and they pained whanaver I .landed. Nelson la , great fighter and aata up punishment jv hav each won a fight and I want to fight him again. . . " By Eddla Graoy. ( . . - - The battle doesn't, need my .word of approval. ' - . wa a fight full of sensation. BonuH thing' waa expected every moment and something happened every moment Britt waa th cleverer and taster boxer! Nelson1 has a wonderful makeup. Nature In. putting him together put armor plat all over him. I don't think a 13-inch hell would bother him. . . j.. - He la like Bob Fltsaimmone. Ha con tinually bores In and never . give, th othr fellow a chance to seC. ,He haa his man MlMatlnw alt KA I 71 ' . .i - .... .... . ... v uui kuu mi atraln-of-walking - backwarn-lUcirjIa --"-'ii' " r a man-Tms forclnf of Britt to ( step back all the time told on Jimmy, and when h tired h wondered why. :- . I waa tha most surprised 'man Insld the fence when Brltt dropped. 1 felt ur th contest would last - several round mora. I never, dreamed the end would come ao auddenly. For gamenea let us alt remove our hat to Jimmy Brltt : At times Brltt fought the-Dane to a standstill through heer gameness. Th most touching thing 1 avsr saw in' a. Hn. n. . n ww ..... was Jimmy's response to' his brother Willie's nleadlnara tn nil. tn ana fivhr Willie forced himself from th mlddl ot tn nous to tn ringside.. ... .v . BswUms WOlla sTaonta. Outgame him. Jimmy, shouted Wll lie. "He'll atnn h. nn hl kin' Oblivious to th suggestions from Spider A.Bity ana nam merger, - jimmy neara only the voice of his brother. And the blows he delivered In atuutianne Wll. lie' urging were the hardest and most damaging be ever struck In bis pugi listic career. - T V a . tnnmA ,A M.W. Tr M.I. II he waa on forbidden ground. I had to put my nand on bis ahoulder before he realised be waa In tha ring. . I refereed th fight beoau my par ticular friend and th greatest pugi list th world will vr see declined to acf and aaked me for the sake of the sport to Jump In and do what I could to give the people. the entertainment they pougni iicacta tor. "j Brltt and myself hava nna. axchnne-eA greeting for several months. After the be friends. I declared bets off because they were jnad with th Idea that Jeff was to referee. . It waa a case of ebange In Jockeys. ' ..-? i Thera was some talk frnm fnnllafet suspicious people and I wanted to clear me aimospner. . ...Uhlak H- prettlee thing that ewuld haDDen on th rjurlllstln hnrlaon Hn-hf now would be a 10-round bout with the same men In the rlngi WILLAMETTE'S CHANCES BRIGHT FOR FOOTBALL (SpedU Dlspsteh te Tbe Journal.) Salem. Or.. Sept. I. Manager 8te4ner of the TJtilverslty of Oregon football team- and Manager Stlmson of th O. A. C. team were In thla city yesterday to arrange with Manager Savage of the Willamette eleven relative-.- changing his schedule so. as to accommodate the state schools. An agreement was finally reached whereby Willamette will meet th University of Oregon In Salera No vember 4 and th O. A, C. team at Cor vallls November 11. According to th chadul now arranged by Manager Sav age the local team will open the season with th Alumni game September II and wiu close the season with the Thanks giving game with the Chemawa In diana. The schedule Is aa follows: Sep tember 11, Alumni; September It, Stan ford; October 7. University of Calif or nla; October 14. open; October II', open) October is, open; November 4, Univer sity of Oregon; November 11. Multno mah; November . II, Sherman Indians; November IS. O. A. C.: November 10. Chemawa Indiana On of the three vacant date will probably b taken by th University of Washington and a light practice game will be arranged for the other, while the third will probably be left vacant to give tha men a needed rest after their California game. This la by far the best schedule of games that ha vr been arranged for a Willamette team. A large number of player ar In town now and Systematic practice was started Friday evening. 'The prospect for- winning team are very flattering. Alt f last year" .team will be wack with the single exception of. Quarterback Beach, who got married, whll several new men with experience wilt he In th lineup. Among the I Phllbrook who captained th p. U. team last year and who has already reported for prafQcev A large number, of . promising freshmen hav also signified their Intention of reporting for early practice. - . Coach Bishop le very confident and even thlnka that he will be able to 'Spring a surprise on the big Callfprnla team. Have you a trip to the east tn view this month? If so, call at th Northern Pacific ticket office, 159 Morrison street for Information aa to rates, rout, to. I1AV Autumn Fabrico i" . ,' s " , :r-;For-::'''': : Gentlenen'fl v.' Carxnonte to Order Invito Your . .. Inspection - All the latest designs - , and colorings known r to the weaver's art In fine foreign and do , ' ' meatic woolens -lor V a fall and winter, , FasHionable ; Fabrics;: Pleasinrjlr f Tailored at ! v Mpclerate : ' : :: Prices", v 7 ' NtCOLL'S rnade-to-order garrnenU are justly eelev brated the world over for their fashionable design ; ; : and excellent fit' and finish. All the best-dressed ,,v men wear NicolTs made-to-order garments. 4, Sstlttacttoh guaranteed In all eaaea Garment to order In a day. If required. Full Orsss and Tuxedo Suit specialty. Oeaiiniig-Ujji Sale BicycIes,Dose Dall and OlherGcci To room for a big stock of FOOTBALL and GYMNASIUM , GOODS on the way from the factory, we win close out any of the New and Second-Hand Bicycles in stock irrespective of what they cost CASH TALKS I 'Now is the time to secure yourself a good mount for your own price. X'.'-'--.- ;' GUNS, AMMUNITION and FISHING , - TACKLE at the RIGHT1RICES I Bicycle TOE S. E DRAMARD CO. 132 Q RAND AVB. V WE WILL WIRE YOUR HOUSE, REPAIR YOUR ELECTRIC DOOR BELL WITHIN AN HOUR AFTER YOU GIVE AN ORDER IP YOU' - wish if. r . :'...''... - ' , '., . . . v.- ,-;-".,."' - ' - . - '.''.., 1 ' .: ' - -1 Phone Main 122. 134 Sixth Street 'Macliinery, Fixtures Sausape Casing Pure Spices, Sc Apfons. and Coats, Knives, Cleavers, baws, Blocks, Cc J j S. BimiENVALET ) 1 The Largest Butchers Supply House on ' Tehphone Main 231 ',: Ever '-' ';;'':".- fVY. i '.v; 'I'' and Automobile Tires Vulrsnlsed t etc. V. if 4 I