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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 10, 1905)
fcnrnT pun mrm nil J Y v. v . :-f ::u lmt : 1 jEWJIMUUII, : 'Sffl .V.t .73' " 'fc-::w -;'v II ' A . 1 Boxing i Expert Declares Nelson Could Always - Britt In Finish Contest. CALIFORNIAN IS FAIRLY BEATEN BY THE DANE Vivid Description of the Greatest Lightweight ; Contest of Present - Dy Nelson Inflkts Severe' Pun' ishment Upon Britt. f ; Bf W. W, Kanchton. . (SpMUl Uspttch bLMMl Win to Tb IowmI) . Th btur ; ansa won. ' ' , ' ' Tb pity ot Jt lis. that, both could not t wla wbm thr 1 ao much pluck and ; chivalry and Jbontit flhtlns aplrlt, !Th dlf feranc btwen Nelaon and BrtU la tha difference batvean a abaet or boHar Iron and. a bolt of twaed. Nel i an baa anduranca that -will carry him through In any flirtah flsht when ha U meeting hla man aJUpound foa-pound. -i Ha la tha durabla Dana Ha ' r punched severely. . Ha atood all tha . tmnishment and atlll kept forclna;. It la not a nice thing to say. but there ' were tlmea when ha freed hla noatrlla iron accumulated blood by anaeatBg. ; Ha wore Britt, down.'-; . .v -' Tha 'battle Ufht waa alwaya danclnc In hia ayea and finally when Jia had ' b la foe gaaplng ha let out with puncbee that were aa fierce aa tne onea ne apeo In tha opening rounds. . Tha prettiest ! part of It all froih m, human InUreat point waa when Britt crumbled under . the ropea. There waa no Chance of him ariaing anoV throwing hlmaelf Into a fighting position, Wa could all see it and Nelson aaw It aa quickly aa any . 'f body. Ha came forward and helped lift ' his opponent aa tenderly as a big brave , man would lift eomebody who had been hurt In an accident. - There waa no hesitation. Ha didn't atand away and " gloat. They say the old Danee were warrtora and men. Battling Nelaon In aa - " big ia these respects aa any of hla an- ceators. - Some persona will tell you that It waa a right on tha Jaw that did for ' ' Britt. Others will say It waa a left. At tha time tha flnfah came Nelaon was ' ! tinnkinv and uDDercuttinc In . auch a . wav that It would be unwise to have Minim aa to. which waa the finish Ing blow. To ma It looked aa though it waa a left which landed In the pit of ' t tha tntnarh when the native aon waa .1 dim from a shower of amaahea. Juat auch a blow aa loat Jim Corbett ! champlonahlp at Carson.; j ," - v Wham ' Britt Sank. . - his ' Britt aank under tha ropea.,. He rolled "aver. Hla1 tongue ' protruded and as- m . WMaufHaaf ftHavn t H twteriias W ftanl. ins doc. He must have been awallow m v, - Ing blood round after round before that In some men when hurt the Instinct im to them to atlll be up and doing. "The CaJlfomlan waa atung too badly to think of anything but hie atatreas. lie " waa as a drowning man. He .clutched , the ropea and gasped la hia efforts to suck air into His lungs. -11 waa men that Nelson, the victor became Nelaon, the man. and, atood by and watched un til the time came to lift hls fallen foe to hla feet. ( One round was much Ilka another. Nelaon waa alwaya pressing In, and Britt smashed and smashed while backing away. Britt could, not put up a better fight or Inflict more punishment under any circumstances, ho waa at hia beat - and ha fought hia beat; He was simply ; ap against a man who waa Impervious to punishment, anyhow from a fellow of hls weight. - There were -aome swift changea in tha aspect of affairs, but through It sll l an Intimation to the practised eye that ' 1 Nelson would, win. He waa staggered 'often, but he recovered more quickly 1 than did Britt under similar clrcum- atanoea. . A snapping punch on the Jaw would cause tha Dene's hair to float Ilk? seaweed on tha tide. Hla knees would bend and his feet would spread, but be fore the echo of , the yelps that Brltt'a . wellwlahers had emitted had died away Nelson wss together again and. hooking like a wild cow. ' f Britt aa m rule did hla best work In tha last minute bf the most j eclttn . rounds. He clutched the Dana and-held " on. and there waa a suspicion of limp. neaa about him. Just aa soon aa hia head cleared ha fought back bitterly. - 'Waa atarked fa Xtafaat, " ' ' It appeared to tha writer In tha sixth round that BrJtt waa marked for defeat, but the closeness and fierceness of suc ceeding rallies crested a Certain degree -of" doubt and caused excitement. .The l iana kent nreaelna In with' tha monot onoua regularity of waves- beating : ngatnet a rork. and with the thought in 'mind that Brltt's blows. must, of ne realty, be getting weaker through rep etition. The .undercurrent of feeling waa that the California boy waa doomed defeat. - - - 'Kor a finish fight it was a truly night battle. Brlf with any fair irtge ran win from Nelaon In aiy cwn t which ia limited to IS rounda or a. Nelson can beat Britt every day whip - ' . IK t 7, S:tVV;7'V; A ftlNtV& eoorH6 AT THE LAT RfrMT. The Artist Based smmmmm I vis Naughton Saw thi Finish: ! .Nelson. bounded from his corner and looseted up. like. a. winner, i He fought-Britt right into the place wheiie the facei of the native son's seconds were peering above the Vilatform. Smash for smash and, Britt showed the effects of thepunish ' ment Acouple of lefis to, the body brought" Britt's he-d I forward. As. Britt's head tame in Nelson showered rights ancr . ! lefts on the jaw. Nelson tore loose with a hard left on the toSy and Britt began to crumble. Then Nelson unloaded a right oa the head and a left on thestomach. It was hard to Z say which blbw'endedlthe f ghltTlut'Bfittsank "to the floor; 'and rolled over, his tongue protruding. It was blood red. and-h was easoine for breath. , He urasped the ropes and tried to rise. Nelson rushed Untt and nelped mm to ms ie counted out. ' - ' In a match which la not hampered with restrictions aa to length. - la the face of tha fact that Nelaon won thla time In 18 rounda maybe thla needa a little explaining. -.---. - In a 20-round . bout a boxer with Brltt'a Intelligence and talent would out out the pace to suit himself, looking to it aU the time that ha wss sura of mak ing a good impression with the referee. In a match to the bitter and "pointed count for nothing" and tha constant strain ot trying to do something that will haaten tha result disarranges the Ideas of the man whoae experience la confined Jo limited bouta. y,; ''.-,. ' Belsom sBade Jro Klstakea. ICIMUII ailfftUBf S1U huduiks, 1 IVUHI I ..e ..-.-.-.,, - ; . r i m own wytn. nn-cfra sn ace In tha hole. Ha took punish' ment grimly and bored in and In. If Britt made any mlatakea It waa In us ing hla right hand. Hla best punch and his -most punishing 'one Is ai left rip for .the stomach. He did not depend upon thla ao much aa ha haa done In other battlea. He rammed in light handers at Nelson's heart, accompanying every blow with a grunt and ha ripped hia right ,acrosa at Nelson's Jaw. In some rounds Nelson clearly waited for Jimmy to cut loose with his dexter fist. TheDans . countered Britt snd . hurt more with one punch than Britt did with three. It wss a swapping of rights. ' t. ' ".- ''-' ' It was tbls. awapplng of rights prob ably that, atarted Britt .on the dwwnhlll road In the eighteenth round, but the result would have been the same if the affair had lasted SO rounda. In finish fights Nelson is Britt's master. Some oldttmera of tha ting game barken back to thla fight or that when discussing exciting reminiscences, but today's af fair biota out everything that breathes of courage and desperate milling. To the victor belongs the spoils, but If there la nothing more in the abape of pugilistic prestige for Jimmy Britt his most bitter enemy must admit hat ha went out of the came in a blase jt siorv Oraneya refereelng waa perfect. fe stepped close to the men In every clinch and called each of them .by name and urgeu inim o Dreaa away. Bomeiimea, as. tha circumstances attending fights grow cold, holes , are picked In the ac tions of tha .referee, but thore la never a cnance for any one to cast reflection on the little horseshoars work ' today. He used his voice, and not Iff a forearm. It waa a case of a fair field and no fa- vara. ...... . TIe best man won. V-, ".- ''' . Vv " right by Bonada. ''"'-" K The flght byrounds: . nouna i urm led nrst. but received a left hook to the face. Britt then shot hla. tight to Nelson's body and followed It with two lefts to the face. Nelson rushed to a clinch and quickly broke Nelson blocked a hard left and. then Britt awung hia right hard over Nel son's eyeaind drove a wicked left to1 the body. A clinch, followed and Nelson In a rash swung left to the nose, opening a cut over Britt's nose. Britt sent a straight smaah to the faoe. Both were extremely oarefuL Nelaon, after block ' . . ' - ; ii Prediction of YesVe'rdijr'i Pesult f Meieee over and put his arms around x alter me native son naa Dcen - ' ". 't..-'. Ing a left, hooked a laft to tha aide of Brltt'a face, ; . Brltt'a Bonad. , Round 1 Nelson evaded left lead and a moment ' later Britt shot two lefts to ths face. iThe blood waa atlll coming from Brltt'a nose. Nelson forces Britt to tha ropea- and aldestepa two lefts. Britt awung two wicked lefta to law, daslng Nelaon. . Nelson broke ground and Britt landed his right to- Nelson's jaw.. .The Dane, however, fought back and landed two powerful . rights on Brltt'a Jaw. Britt then drove hla right hard to face, and two powerful . blows over heart. Nelaon came in for more loose quarters,- fighting fiercely. Honors favor Britt. . .ThlTfl nwnd Brirtwi - Britt sending two light lefta to face. A wicked attempt went wild and they sparred carefully. Nelaon forced Britt about the ting to get in close and for hla pains received a raking right to head. Nelson then sent in two straight lefts snd they mixed it In the center of the ring, both doing great execution, Nelaon having the advantage '.'Britt outclassed Nelson In shlftlneaa, but this did not disturb ths Dane. The clinched and fought hard at close quarters. Referee Oraney continually ordering the men to break. Britt then swung his left to the face snd staggered Nelaon, Britt then sent Nelaon to hla haunches with a ter nno rigm to tne jaw. Nelson was up quicaiy ana receivea more punishment. Blood streamed from Nelson's nose aa the bell rang. It was Britt's round and Nelson looked none too cheerful as he took his aeat. - . -- - -:. Both If ea Bleeding-. . V ' Round 4 After ' both missed lefts Britt landed with left and right fiercely on ' Jaw. Nelson hugged and for his pains received two terrlf lo wallops riant on body.. Britt peppered away at his sore nose, nut Nelson constantly came In for more. Then they clinched and Britt swung two. lefts to head -and was re warded by rlght( awing to face. Britt then drove right and left to face. Britt ahot hard left .to Jaw and then left to the atomach and rfsht to head. Britt then PUt his left twice Over tha heart. Both' went to cornerStleedlng,. Britt's round. y- Belsom Orows Weak, Round s Both spsrred. A powerful nam wauop caugnt Nelson on the Jaw and left handed over his heart.? Britt awung with left- but It waa blocked and they clinched. Britt awung right and left to Nelson's Jaw, but the Dane never stopped and alwaya foroed Britt around. Britt constantly tried with left and right and finally rocked Nelson's head with left to Jaw. ' , Britt wiggled out. of the corner and then Nelson awung I rlgJuV. and left to Jaw, aendlng Britt t the ropes. Britt did terrible execution Ith hla consistent battering and Nelso sppeared to .be ketiing. , Ha lan . four blows to were all hard Nelson's one and th Jolts. " Sa for, srii. . Round -Britt sh .two rights to ths left and backed away rith Nelson fol lowing him, eagerly loCfting for a mix. Nelson straightened blf with left aqd Md Hii'Sketchp on the Ore --IV light books to -tha face and they went breast to breast. Nelaon landing left and right to the face. ' Nelaon Bent in a vicious left clout to tha Jaw and In a mix after receiving right and left to the face was sent to hia corner with right and left chopa to the Jaw. It looked bad for Britt Hla seconds threw water on him. - ..-'- ' Kelson Takes Banishment. Round 7 Nelson ahot a left to the face and Britt contented, himself with boxing. He swung a left to tha face and then a rlaht to the face. Nelaon was unrelenting and followed Britt around the ring to land a vital Hunch. Britt drove two lefta to the Jaw that would have staggered an ordinary fighter. lVelson countered with right and left Both were tired. Nelson drove Britt to tha rvtbea with left and right to tha jaw, ana naixing it unti swung mm and Jeft to fa jaw, but did no apparent damage. Britt fought Nwlsoh from tha clinches. finally landing a eft hpok to the body that staggered Nelfcon perceptibly. Britt followed his advantage with right and left swings to tha Jaw-. Nelaon was In dlatress. Round (-Nelson camje up danclngt Britt missed several left leds and broke around. Britt holding Nelson, back with lefta to tha head. Britt allpWd to the floor and was up quickly, Nelson ahak Ing his hand. . Nelson went to close quartered got Britt In a eorner. but Jimmy Bent a ter rific right to' the Jaw which Netaon answered with left and right to tha Jaw, staggering Britt. - Tney cuncneo. They kept nghtfng fiercely at cloee quarters, Britt hammering Nelson a jaw with fearful right and lert wanopa. , , Tha gong found Nelson weaker. Britt's Tight to the Blnta. '' Round Nelson forced Britt around, aa usual, Britt trying to uppercut with left. Two left Jabs-went-to-Nelson's face and a right reached the same place. tiritt lanil-xt two more left labs and thenhotherthdahother and varied It tth right, hook ,to the law. , .. , The Dane aa many tlmea came back fiercely. , Britt atruck rather low and waa warned. . In an exchange Nelaon put two uppercuta to Brltt'a face and body and then Britt finding Nelson In an exposed position landed two terrlflo rlghta and a left to the Jaw. , Nelaon kept trying to get - to close quarters, but Britt smashed him at will with left and right to tha face, but could not keep tha Dane at a distance. Britt haa the honors ot tha battle thus far. -.- " Belaon dame aS a Babble. ' ' . ' Round 10 Britt sent In several Jaba with left to the face and a tight to the face. A right uppercut caught Britt on the face and Britt fought back, landing his left to the body almost at will. Nel son went after. Britt to - keep within close quarters, but Britt was too shifty Britt then landed a atiff right to the Jaw, wobbling Nelson's head.' Britt then shot his left and right twloe to the Jaw. In the mix a left caught Britt on the Jaw. ' ' Cant Keep Belsoa Off. V Round 11 Both men- landed - lefta. Nelson forced as usual. . He was con stantly boring, but Britt kept aendlng in right snd left blows to the face and then hooked hla left to tha body. Britt stabbed Nelaon with left to the face and after landing two fierce blowa, ahot left and right hard to tha Jaw, but' could not keep Nelaon ' off. . ',. ' They clinched and .exchanged Jefts to the faoe. Britt in a rally. Swinging right and left- to tha face and law Nelson's blows fell short After running into right ana ten to race Nelaon upper qut Britt with left to the Jaw and ths gong rang with tha men In a clinch. Bound 1J NelSon following Britt all around the ring. Britt kept the Dana back, and sent a terrlflo uppercut to the body. Britt followed It with right and left to the Jaw. then-wlth left hook to Jaw. Britt. ahot two lefts to Nelson's fare. - -' Britt avoided Nelson's amateurish at. .tempts tqland. Nelson, however, never waverea. unit forced Nelson with a clinch with a terrlflo left and right clout to the Jaw. ., . V Thirteenth Xa Belsea's. - Round 1 J Nelson followed Britt to the ropes but Jimmy peppered away with lefta to the head. Britt swung two rights to the head and received In re turn a right to the face. . v - Nelson continued to force Britt ... ' around and Britt landed three blowa to Nelson'a one. Suddenly Nelaon ahot a terrlflo left to Brltt'a Jaw, staggering him. Nelaon followed his . advantage, swinging left and right .to tha Jaw, Britt appeared weak, and broke ground. They fought at a fearful pace, Nelaon aendlng in terrlflo wallops, and Brltt wobbled. They mixed It both very tired, and Britt fighting back weakly. Nelaon made a wonderful rally and Britt looked to be all out Nelaon's round. Round 14 -Britt appeared to be all Begin Looking Where It Is NO BAGGING OF OUR v They're not built that way. 7 v . j y v. We know it , Hundreds of cuatomeri know it I ;; ; , ; Come tomorrow and get a Suit that WE GUARANTEE to hold ;:r!-; Fifty new f aU patterns.' SOME that you'll like::' '-- v'' .;: ' j : . - i CJ C7 Ttlnt St.Jietmen StarttrC3ts A .' '-; A ' ' v' ' ' v- -. ,.'l'vi' . : ....---'. ' y- v - - : y- , - : '"Vi V'.;- . Y-'- I -;' V, : ' .- ' ; "... . '! ' :-e." Britt. out but rallied tn a aensatlonal manner, swinging accurate right and left swings to the Jaw. Round 16 They mixed, Britt landing three lefts and a right to tha faoe. Britt drove in left and right to tha head. . Britt kept peppering at Nelaon, but - tha- latter always - came - -to- -the scratch and It seemed aa If no amount of punishment could atop him. Britt hooked right to tha body and then ahot his right to tha Jaw and face and for a time Nelson broke ground. He,' however, bored In and received For a Suit of Clothes or anything else, the quickest way to find it, as we hare said before, is to . i-THE BEST FALL SUITS ARE HERE. NO .TRESPASS NOTICE NO LICENSE. HUNTING-lS-EA3YOAMEnLEN'nFUL:" rn.THTNfr APPien..tTT HiflH.jgir'TS ' DON'T, LOOK FOR THEM HERE. . 4 ; '. its mioe unui worn out.-..' , . r.r - f. 1 ' ' . V ''' ' - ' i' . Brltt'a left In face. Britt than hooked left to tha face and. they mixed it in Brltt'a eorner, . ..both aendlng In ' hard . uppercuta. Nelaon fought hard at Cloee quartera. Britt's jround. , '...' . ' . lelata Watstu. , x ... Round It Both up quickly, Nelaon aendlng left to tha face. They clinched, Nelaon using right uppercut to the head. Britt mlased most of hie blows, then shot left hook to the - wind. Britt hooked left la Nelaon's atomach and drove right to the bead, ametherlng Nel son's attempts to counter. ' , Nelson continued to force Britt and aa usual received left smashes to tha head. -Britt started the blood afresh with left to the nose and Britt was Importuned by Nelaon to let go In tha clinches. Britt ahot hla left with great precision to ' Nelson's nose, starting blood In a stream. Nelson weakened, receiving two left and light amaahea on the Jaw which made him wince. Britt waa cutting Nelson's fsce meretlesaly at. the gonaV- It waa alt Britt" " " ' " -.'....'..- - right - Round 17 Both missed lefta for faee '. and Nelson rushed Britt but tha- latter -fought every atep of theway.ewinglngtila . left twice to the-Jaw and then poking: hla left to tha body. - Nelson triad to get to close quartera In Brltt'a eorner and almost slipped to his knees. Then Britt taking advantage, got in several right and left Jaba to, tha face. Nelaon waa very weak and, waa mat by two,, left hooks and a atlff right to the face. Nelson suddenly hooked his left to Brltt'a Jaw, aendlng bis head baek. Nel aon was then warned for butting and they went to a mix, Nelson landing' several right and left uppercuta Aa bell rang. Britt - missed - right - and left . for the -Jaw. It was Brltt'a round, al- . though Nelaon put In aeveral atiff up- pereuta Juat before the round ended. Round II Britt peppered away with (Continued on Page Nina.) DAND-r.lADE SUITS .-.'...I.).: - . V" -I- .'' ' ' ''. - .-V 3