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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 10, 1905)
ti::. cr.zco:i , cu: day jou::ai; roirriANft, : sunday tiorhimo. September . to. ir:x ' ' : ' ' " " I - 1 Tovij .topics! fiQfe EVENING PAPER MORNING PAPER . . ... . . .... . Om korvlred and fmirtaea ef the largest department storas throusfcoet the Usltstl States ' wers uM wblca t paper was lae avt profitable for aUTr- ttalnf tha rooming or Mm racing; 104 - Bra(rr4 ba . ealag - papa. 10 pre t , (erred tba mcninm. , " Tba Journal will panltah a latter sack eraulng frou ooo of to 104. :- "We spend $32S,000 s year in .advertising; 75 per cent of it is in evening: papers and ' 25 per cent in Sunday papers. Even "( with our big morning papers we cannot make them pay, although , the experiments has - cost - us .sioaooo. . , ;. ChM.-M.' Peck. V, '' v "Advertising Mgr.; 'f '-' ''Siegel-Cooper & Co., "T-.'-i - "Chicago, Illinois;'' - Th Journal' t Circulation Ytitmrday wa 26,146. .;, ', loxio art Ajctrswotirrt. Belesee ....... j. Bakar. ........... Bmplre. ......... ..."Harriet' Honeymoon' ...... ..Mualral Burlesque '-'Queen of tha Highway ......'Tba TUr.ra Claw Star ...... ...Vaudeville . Crane .. VsBdsvlUe- An especially attractive display of : firework at the , exposition laat night . was arranged by the Los Angeles Fire- rs.r. xwrst iixuts va " works company In honory of California ' day. Besides tha usual rockets, bombs, ,'.' . etc., there were a number of set pieces typical of California, among them be-yj . ins; snowers or a-oia nuggets ana vati' ; f ornla bear. ; , The Hoo Hoo cat was - J shown In a set piece as a compliment ' to Hoo Hoo day at the exposition, and Japanese .and Russian- warships and . other set pieces added Interest Jack Sorroug-h was arrested lsst night y Police Bergeant Hogeboom at Third ' and . Burnttde streets and will be held for the military authorltlea at Vancou - ver. It la said to have been the third . tlm that he has abaented himself from the bar ranks wHhoottleeve, ''t am- Boe- . . rougb ' by - name," aald Jack, "and Kueas'I'll aoon be tha real thing; In the sorrow line. But VI'U bet nobody aeea roe wearing crepe or . trying to . learn poetry- about hard luck.' t tackled ' ? Thanatopsls when I .was s ' kid and ithat was enough.". - ' White alighting from a . streetcar on Twenty-third street near- the hospital i last night, Floyd Cram of Colfax, Wash . Ingtoa, was struck by a car coming from . tha oppoalte direction and his skull frae- . tured. - He was taken into the hospital and Dr. A. C. Panton attended him. He - probably' wHJ- die. He came to Portland "' from Colfax aeveral daya ago to see the -fair and has. been staying at 108 Eighth - streets His relatives have been notified ; ' ; ! and bis father Am expected her tomor - Mrs. M.' IT. Zeltfuohs, ladles Uilor and dressmaker, ' 184 Washington, be 'tween Went Park- and Tenth streets, has received a ahlpment ef the Oassard and ' I,-Irrelstlbl corsets demonstrated here lately by- Miss Jane Brewster of New , iTorkv In these front lacing models we find the perfection In corseting. They -. possess (ne most graceful lines ana therefore create the best figures. Have your xail uwn vwr vftv vt, wvui . . and you will be convinced. ,.- . -. . A defective flue caused the home of W." H. Markley, 411 Schuyler street. to catch fire about o'clock last night .There waa no one at home at the time, but the neighbors succeeded In carrying . out the furniture before the arrival of the fire department. The blae was put . out before much dsmsge wss done ex. ceptlng to the roof. The loss Is re- : ported between ft0 and I '90: " The Sweeney Surgical Manufacturing .: Company yesterday . afternoon riled papers In a damage ault : for 1321.84 Sgalnat E. B. E linger. Jennie Rstllngef and Constable W. E. Jackson. Estllnger several daya ago began suit against the -aorglnal .nmpnyfor-i:i5.80Jjmd-,at4- tached an exhibit the firm has at the : "Lewis snd Clark fair. The petition asks that W. E. Jackson be enjoined from selling the exhibit . . Sunday outings on the O. W. P. trol ley line to Oregon City, Canemah Park and Oresham, IS cents;' Estacada and Clackamas river points, IS cents round trip. Dinner at Hotel Estacada, 71 cents. .Cars leave First and Alder streets for . Oregon City on the odd hour and evsry 40 minutes for Estacada, 7:10,. 1:10, 11:10, 1:10, 1:40, 1:44; 7:15, The Strangers" church Thla Is tha First Congregational church, Madison and Park streets, near all hotels. - Its pSStor and choir have become known ' throughout the Unltod 8tates for their very effective work. Services at 10:10 and 7:45. Mr. Ooodwyn, tenor, late of Chicago, sings. All are welcome. A marriage - license was - Issued late yesterday . afternoon - to William ' A. Wheeler, publisher of the Paclflo Odd ' Fellow, and Hattle HI1L .. Mr. Wheeler has resided in this city for many years and la prominent among the Odd Fel- . Iowa of the Pacific coast - Robert Graves waa arrested yesterday , afternoon by Detectives Snow and Kerri gan and la being held at the city prison ' on a charge of trying to pass a bogus Announcement AD'IEVBTOATION RESTAURANT , .. .- ."' ' Continues to Serve SCcDIMER Every attendanf should not fail to visit this restaurant Prices Will convince you that It is not necessary to carry lunches.' ' 100 to 1 . Where one man gets rich through peculation : a hundred acquire a competence through , saving, an other hundred "go brokef because of their rashnesa. If you will leave with ua a dollar or two a week more if you can spare it from ordi nary expenses at the end of ten years you will have had the benefit of 4 per cent annual interest, that compounded half) yearly ' It counts up. as our free booklet will show you. Ask or write for it ' Oregon Savings Sixth and Morrison Streets LUCILLE AND DOLL SECURE PRIZE Maid of Four Who Forgets Last Narna Receives First Award , in Doll Contest '. DAINTY FINALE TO v T REIGN OF NOCERO Twelve Girls Parade With Their Dolls ajdPive i Secure . Awards While" Seven Angry Vi others Say Things About Judges. , . .Twelve pretty . little girls with II beautiful dolls paraded In the Manufac turers- building at the exposition yes terday afternoon and a great crowd assembled' to wltwess .the. dainty- finale of -the -festlval ln honor of "Klna No- gero.s L ' ; - '; " ; .-. -;- It ' waa by all odda the moat strik ing feature of the falr.The" children forgot In the fervor of the moment and became absorbed In, the tiny wards they were ehowlr.g. ,; jt Bight prises In cash were offered by the Exhibitors, club of the Manufactur ers building. To the most beautiful child and doll $10 waa given. The sec ond and third prises were 16 each, other prises consisting of f 1 were given. ; . The winner of the - first prise la a charming brunette' of perhapa four sum mers. She had her doll In an artistic ally decorated buggy covered with roses. WhenrTn judges selected her she marched out In front of the throng and stood gulng lovingly at the flaxen- haired occupant of the buggy. She did not know her last name, st least she was too embarrassed to tell, but aald at home they called her Lucille. ' So to IVucllle waa awarded the first prise of $10. " Apparently she waa unac companied by either parent or nurse, for those i in charge of . the parade took charge of her and kept her until her mother came. . . -,-.: The second uprise .was awarded to a little girl who. represented Sacajawea, There were aeveral angry mothers after the decisions had been announced, but they took teomfort In their belief that the Judges were thoroughly Incompetent check on Llpman, -Wolfe Co. Searched at the police station, two checks, eachj xor s.w, were Touna in nil pocKeT The orrictals or the Merchants' National bank, on which the checks were drawn, Informed the detectives that he has no funds there. The detectives say Graves had to leave Los Angeles. California, where his father la living, on account of criminal practloea. . - - . Grand entertainment and dance aiven by Scandla Social elub at Tlvoll gar dens. ' Twenty-third and Washington streets, Sunday, . September 10. : Gates open at 1 p. m. Refreshments at the gardens; first-class musld. Gentlemen. soc. uaies xree. . . 100 miles for. $1.00. The longest ride and most picturesque trolley trip on the Paclflo eoast . Train i-leaves First and Alder streets dally,' except Sunday, at 1:40 a. m., return 4 p. m. AntlqueS Mahogany furniture. brasses, bronse and pewter. - Only store of Its kind on the coast. r (It Washing- ton street. -. . ; . - -' Danclnc everr evenlnr ti mA Oark navlllnn. ; Tv,niv.,av.nti mA Thurman streets. ' , Tourney's orchestra. Anv 'watches clenneii 11 nft- ' " apring, $1.00; all work guaranteed! one year mvuger to,- ill BlxtB atreet - Rlanchet Institute .enrn.Vifth mwA Win streets, will resume studies for the fall lernipn inonaay,. (September II.'. The Portland WaltersV.piuh.wilt kki their -dance-Saturday evening, Septem- oer is, in juernu a n.ew hall. , , Mlsa Veda Davis and tti ' a Reynolds of Chicago are visiting friends and relatives In the city, , . , , Awnings. Noon Bag Col. 1st and Couch Frits's tamalea are the best' ' Courtis in Engineering, y The Tnunr Xfn'a fhrlaM,, . ' tlon Evening institute has arranged to a-ive a inree-years- course in steam, elec trical and mechanical .nrlimrin. Th. Course) Will Ificlud. ' n.lham.tlna chanlcal drawing and mechanlcn, as well as ins regniar engineering subjects. The Instructors are men-, with, technical training and practical experience In the sublects ' the tench. Tlx urn. for a three-years' course. Including elass iees, doors ana material a, and a full membership In the association, giving use of gymnasium and swimming pool, will not exceed $. - ; . ,,, .- . i.l R. ALEXANDER -TAKES CHARGE OF THE Arthur -Alexander. Arther Alexander rths-young - pianist and singer, who Is spending the summer with his parents In this city," baa been selected as organist and choir director of the cathedral choir for thla season, and will, assume tils' nsw duties this morning. Mr. Alexander recently - re I IS T Frank Gonzales' t Successors In Wife's Affections Met Deaths That Were Violent. ARRESTED FOR LARCENY IS SUSPECTED OF MURDER Was Brought From Denver and May Be Put on Trial for Killing John L. Anderson at Bonneville Last Month. ' . . They can't put me on trial any too quick to ault me, although I am being treated all riant here." Frank Gonzales, who waa brought back from Denver laat Tuesday on charge of larceny and is suspected of having murdered John I Anderson at Bonneville, appears to have little fear of the more serloua charge. - "I am Innocent of any crime, he eon' tlnued, "be It larceny or. murder, ao the sooner I am brought up for trial ths you right here that1 man Wilson's going on the witness stand and telling that I stole a coat and vest from hlra val ued at $30 has hurt me, because I be friended him in every way, and now he turns around and trlea to Injure me. Why, I took Wilson up when he didn't have a penny, fed him, took Jilm to my room so that he would have a placeJ to aleep, and then went and got him lob. ' Now be trumps up a charge that I stole a coat and vest from hlra vslued at $0. ', I never took a thing from him. , Ooncales was angry. Hla big brown eyes were snapping. He twitched his fingers nervously. "Well." he said, "a man will some times turn on the one who haa been kind to him.' With thla remark Wilson was dis missed"' from the conversation! Did you ever know Anderson T" was asked. No, sir; I never did," Gonsales re plied. .In fact. I never saw the man to knew him. I left Portland on August Is. The next , day I stayed at Biggs. playing the piano In the hotel there. f hen I started on east, . and waa ar rested In Denver the latter part of last month. Why- did I go to Denver? Well, It's, a somewhat sad .story, but I'll My wire lert me in Bait Lake city about three months ago. She went with an agtor named Will Saxotu ,"- He . had THE ESTACADA o tm or o.'tr. . rxicraio ar XV THX SEAkT 0T TSS Tttt 0 V . ' TKI CtAOXaJIAt aiTXB., -"ESTACADA, OREGON a rorvLCa kisxth airo aaoaaanoa .. axsomi. tloeatsls ellmblRg. treat flrtlns. SO-eere fine fir perk, Ur. eenelnf sevlliaB, hotel ravlded with cltjr wtt.r sad eleetrte llthts, fine betha, telepbooe direct to Portland. Tbonaaads of bctm ef fir forest samxind the -roans city ef EaUeeae. s stiLis raoit voanAxn. : Rates per r 16 Rates per week 111.00 BpeetaX ttrket. IneradlDg ronsd trip r far snd dinner $ US peclat ticket, Inelndlnc rosnd trip tare, eae sight's lodstnsvaM thne . meals ASS ncxiT omca narr avo Ixoxa In. 1U . MARTINEZ, Manager - - xstaoasjl. oaiaox - . - - HI HUSBAND ROUBLE CATHEDRAL CHOIR .r turned - from - Parts, - where - he - studied music and it la hla desire to reorganise the Orpheus club, . which made such a bit last year In tha local rauslcal circle. In the cathedral choir tha tenor and baritone have not yet been selected, but from material at hand Mr. Alexander has hopes to turn out a rlrst-class choir. met herein a theatre tnere, fell In love with her, and well.- you can guess the rest. I came; to Portland. . They stayed lr Utah awhile,. then went to Colorado. I was married In Butte three years ago, and I had- given my . wife aome jewelry that bad belonged to my mother I prised thla very highly, aa it was all I had that my mother left me. "Hearing that my, wife had aone to Denver, I . went there hoping to find her and that she would return the Jew elry. The reason I did not find her waa I waa arrested, and brought to Portland. "My wlfe'a native town waa Wilson, Wyoming. She was a pretty little Dutch girl, but as she looked something iiae a Spaniard I used to go with. nicknamed her llarcella.' Some time after I had married her I learned that I was her third husband. Sort of sur prised me at first, but I loved her ao much that thla didn't matter. Now. what I am going to tell you I did not get from her but from some of her friends. - Her first husband's name Waa Taylor; he waa an Idaho rancher and committed suicide. The seoond husband waa named Burnett.: and was drowned wnue rowing In the Snake river." Gonsales says that he la a native of Mobile, Alabama, and that when he f 0At1r?Vf,h,.t.h,.,EuJ?U0 school he atudled medicine, but , gave It upv after hla motnera death. He la smlllnelv await lng hla trial for murder, aaying that ne is iqnocent. IL AT THE OAKS WEDNESDAY Little Ones Will Have Special - Day at Portland's Pop- A ular Resort. The crowning event" of the . nresent season at the Oaks will doubtless h- th children's carnival on Wed neaday. ' Sep tember as. The O. W. p. a rn has decided to make that day free to an ooys ana gins or Portland and vi cinity. The park will open from a. m. to n. m. , . ----- j - Until noon ths dav will h. .in. a ins cnnaren, lo enjoy themselves as they may choose. immadiateiv n the luncheon hour there will be a grand pageant, co ne toi lowed by a parade of baby buggiea. A prise will be given by the rail war comnanv for tha k. ... ti fully decorated carriage or gocart. - A price will be given to the handsomest gin or noy rrcjm to IS years of age. - Cinderella Will be on- tha rrnima. i her beautiful carriage and will offer a pair or golden slippers to the girl who can wsar them. Tha sllnnara wilt K. n- exniDition anortly at one of the lead ing ahoe bouses. , After the dlstrlbuUon of prises. and the awarding of the gol den allDDers there will ha fM. A.n- In the pavilion for the children. - , The O. W. P. Ry. Co. U arranging lur'amcui crams 10 nin nn ih. every hour from o'clock - n 1 o'clock p. m., after which the trains win -runr everr 'is mmutea -diptiv- the main entrance. All the concession aires are vletnsr with-each Ahe m . slat in making the little ones happy, and me Japanese colony win distribute sou venirs to every girl and boy. f . . . CALIFORNIA DAY AT FAIR , BRINGS A BIG. CROWD W :. - .'i. - Vk..i u - . . .; The attendance at the . expoat-' e tlon yeatarday waa JS.I5 Ji , - Tola exceptionally large crowd . - was due to the fact thst It waa e 4 California day, and ' oltlsena of ' e ' the golden atate were present in numbers . to do honor to the . ' event ... - v .... i ' i ... - Vebraska Sxklnt. Free moving picture exhibltlona Neb raska pavilion,' Agricultural paiaoe. FIRE .CHIEFS: I'll lERE Heads of Coast City; Depart ments Will Convene in An- nual Session Tuesday, NEW APPARATUS WILL. BE 'GIVEN THOROUGHtTEST ExMbiUon Drills Win Show Work. ' ings of Fire boat and Aerial tad-der-Sevenl Oties Will: Send Big 'Delegations, u-r, .-'rr ' Firs chiefs of, the Paolflo - coaat will meet In thla city Tuesday morning for their thirteenth annual convention. ' Ar rangements are being made for the en tertainment of ISO guests, among whom will be the. heads of the Are depart ments of nearly all the large cities oil the coast. - Chief Campbell haa charge of the ar rangements for the convention-and has planned an Interesting program. ' Every hour of the four' daya the chief a will ba in Portland will . be devoted to con vention work, or to some entertainment feature. Papera on different phases of Are protection and methods of fighting fires will be resd. followed' by discus sions. Tests of different sorts of fire ap paratus and exhibition drills by - the Portland fire department and .visiting firemen will be given. - :. . The. first session will be held Tuesday morning In Turner halL Fourth and Tamhlll streets, adjoining the headquar ters of the - Portland Are department Chief J. H. Carlisle of Vancouver. Brit ish Columbia, prssidsnt of the associa tion, will preside. Mayor ' Lane will welcome the Visitors and responses" will be given by visiting members. Commit tees will . then -e appointed and the work of the convention will be planned. In the afternoon a business, session will be held and In' the evening the visitor will be entertained at the Oaks. 1 Wednesday morning there will be a business session, at which papers will be read, and In the afternoon exhibits of Are apparatus will be made, followed by a drill of the Portland flreboat A new nosxle -which has never been dis played on the coast will be given a test. 1 The nosxle la especially adapted for use on' elevatora and In large lum ber yards, and local lumbermen are In vited to attend the exhibition. The evening will be devoted to a buainea meeting. - , i " - - Thursday will be Fire Chiefs day al the Lewis and Clark exposition. - Friday-will be devoted to the business of the convention, concluding with the election of officers and the selection of the next meeting place.- The, conven tion will conclude with a banquet, which the visitors, the mayor and executive board and the city oounoll will attend. Among the visitors and those who will read .papera will be Chief Carlisle of' Vancouver. B. C; Chief . W. C. Toran, Eugene, Oregon; Chief H. A. Ourthrte, Sacramento: Chief James Smart, Cal gary. Northwest Territory; Chief J. E. Buchanan. - Winnipeg, - Manitoba; Chief Thomae . Watson, ' Chief Ralph Cook, Seattle: Chief EL P. Page,-Boise; As sistant Chief Paugherty, Ban Francisco; Chief M. Fox Baker City; Chief David Campbell. Portland; Chief By water. Bait Lake; Chief E. B. Raymond, Olympla; Chief F. - C MUler, Centralla; Chief Oeorge Fredrlcly Vlncennes, Indiana; umei a. . viirnee. san vies; mm others. '- ' v - - Several cities will send, large delega tions of firemen, to the convention, es pecially Eugene and Calgary, Northwest Territory. ' The Tavern's Black Cat. Visiting Hoo Hoos will find that the Black Cat makea hla headquarters at the Tavern and will purr day and night for all who are wise enough to visit the finest grill and cafe in the west. It Is the Sherry's of the Paclflo coast and la absolutely the most unique grillroom In the .United States. All the choicest viands and drinks served at all hours. Breakfasts, luncheons, . dinners and after-theatre suppers especially - pre pared for Its guests. Grand concert every evening by Thlelhorn's orchestra. Remember the sign of the Tavern. Op poalte the Oregonlan building on Sixth atreet. Ladlea' annex at 101 Alder atreet . ' " - Ho-f of - th-WUlamett. Thls delightful ride of three hours. with the most delightful scenery. - Cool and refreshing. Ts'Hoo Hoos cannot afford to mlsa it Boats leave foot of Taylor atreet this . morning (Sunday) 1:10, 1:10 and 11:30 a. m, 1:10 and 1:10 p. m . Round trip It cents. :;''-;VVtmam:M.''VVildtr.'.:.'' Teacher of plane and pipe organ. New pupils may begin at any time. Studio 427 Harrison atreet Phone Main tit. - . Where to Dine. " H. C Brandea new grill, 101 Sixth atreet will serve a fine table d'hote din ner (or (0 cents from It m. to S p. m. - ' When in 'Seattle , : : Oo to the Rathskeller,'' a' hlgb-elsss place 'to eat . Sea foods, eastern meats, large orchestra dally. Milwaukle Country Club. wood and Oregon City cars at First and Alder.'- .---' . - Xrow mate Side Trip rickets. Many visitors to Portland are taking advantage of the aide trip ll-day one fare tickets Issued by the O. R. 4V N. and Southern Paclflo to holders of Lewis and Clark tickets sold east of Pocatello, Pocatello ' or Butte and the western boundary of Arlsona. . Such holders are entitled to . aide trips at above rates from Portland to all points on the O. R. A N. In Oregon and on the Southern Pacific as far south as Ashland; from Umatilla to Pendleton, all points In Washington and Idaho, Including Ore gon points between Pendleton ' and Walla Walla. Particular by asking at O. R. it N. ticket office. Third and Washington atreets, Portland. , - tow Bates Bast. . On? September 1 and 17 the Canadian Paclflo will aell round-trip tlcketa to eastern points at very low rates. Tlcketa will be good for stopovers, going and returning, with the final limit of daya from date et sile. , - For full particulars call on or address F. R. Johnson, F. at P. A.. Canadian Pa cific Ry.. 14S Third atreet, Portland, Or. - Bsearsloa The Southern Pacific company haa placed pn sale st all '- rortland offices sound trip tickets toi Newport at rate of is, limited to Ootobef 10, ItOI. and GATHER ntl2.Paicca onttcFcirGroin'Cj ; on tce tsah Our Prlcs Umtl east Beef ......S .til WlX. flaa. ...... .IS .10 JO as .es Small Blrkaa Halt Chlck.a A in, put ......... LesMfiade Ice Tea Beer Saodwlca, Haw... Baadwlch, cBeest. Handwlrh, ICs. Sandwlrh, ehlckea Saatfwlch, clnb... Twe s'rUd ((... Bacoa and Esss.. Bam and Kiss.. Cola Hast ,. Pot. torn baked Basse .... Bread snd Batter, Oackere .10 io 10( .201 Hop Oold. glass Hup Oold. aula .10 Hop Oold, plat . .IS .IS .3ft .If, Hop OoM. qaart nart. .o viue Hinooa, pi. Mlxad Drinks .... .tS Hi.h n.n ....... .so .10 .is Cocktail JO Strata-lit- W.I.B.- .IS 10 .OfilWhit. Ilnr. --.IS V.s.ubl. 8oos'"10 .IS Soda Water .10 ApolUnarla - -to Wine. Claret, glaas.-JS Win. Claret, pint . M Wine; - Port, f laae .18 Wlna, aanterna, qt 1.60 Wine, Saaterse, pt .TS mwmm - rruB .... - ,io Busar Oors , .15 .in .10 .10 .10 OUves I. Pie. m eat..'.,.. Ice Cre.B Sliced TVmatoM.. ra-w, pip....... - rfo Porter, (lass .IS .10 Sliced Wataraeloa -jo Mnmm, plnt'"!ll X.S0 Bllred Curambera .lWAle, nip.. v.uiwoBpe. oratr. ,ioi sioa, auan s.uo Coffee, up f .OSOrape Jolce. flaae .10 Hot Caa with staple arruo and barter.. ' JO Don't eairy hiaehea when yoa eaa eoBM ta ear place and bar laat what roe want at the above prices. Remember the placet . Last balldlag ea lefts aide of ItalL PAUIS IIOTAl THE NEW STORE r- 375 WASHINGTON ST. ; ' ' . t "-.''. ' .. -.'' V . Goods - ; , f-. The Latest Styles) In ' Salts, Coals, Jackets, Skirts. Waists, Silk Pctacwtts : JUST. ARRIVED '. , , We have been making aofne alterations In our Millinery and Coat and Suit Departments the last two weeks, which gives us increased space and large, well-' lighted, commodious workrooms for our trimmers and dress makers and all modern conven iences .for doing business. Desirable Novelties of . the season can : be found In .our stock. r;:..;-'V :;;-;; Novelties In Hats. Wings, Quills, Flowers, Feathers, Vel vets, Kibbons, Silks, etc - , We have a largo assortment of Small Wares, "Underwear, Hosiery, Cloves, Corsets, Hand kerchiefs. ; ,-. . ;; . ;; 8ILK SUIT SALE , Monday, the last day, - AT HALF-PRICE. V ' OREAT BARGAINS .: In Ladies' Skirts; excellent val ues, good colorayHeorth 17 JO. Special .....f4.e5 LADIES' COATS. 4-Length Coats. worth$12J0; good colors, -htte aixlea, -... at .. COBSETS. - ' -The American Lady," all the leading and latest number at . popular prices. , Also a large assortment of Ladies' Muslin Under Garments at moderate prices. MISSES LACE HOSE. ; f SpeciaJ price, good troality -extra- fine timan, lace stripe, black Hose; 35c value at pair.,t9 LADIES' LACE LISLE HOSE A superior quality of Ladies' Black Lace Lisle Hose; 40c values. Special only. -pair .21ej Newly ARRIVED STOCK It does not cost any more yoa might as well be dressed in right up-to-date style. . ' Men's and Boys' Suits priced at $6.00, $7.50, $10.00, $1U0, $1100, $18.00 and $20.00. . The newest shapes of Hats, $1 JO, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 and $3 JO. Good variety of Pants at $1 JO, $2.30. $3.50. $4 JO and $5.00. - Complete line of .Shoes for ladies, men, V misses and boys. We save you from 50c to $1.00 on every pair in comparison to other .stores' prices. "lit will pay you to see our prices on Trunks, Valises, Suit. Cases, Blankets and Comforters.- JOHN DELLAR At Two S torts Cera er First and Yaiabia Stretu & Cor. 34 and Davis Sta. for t eaturday to Monoay . tickets. Ample hotel accommodations at reason. able rates are srovtded at thla s -tOar resort. i . Don't Lo Without MITE; Tell us your needs and well ' aell yoa the goods, no mat-' ter what your immediate .- circumstances. The furni ture had just as well be in Jour home as on our floors, t's only good business - methods to share the Incon. -; . veniencea of our cuitomera,. In supplying your needs we 3 ; improve your circumstances. .There's business in it end T friendship--and profits, Do. l- Vou' need anything in the " Furniture ' line ? , Come in. 184-6 FIRST STREET OUUJl THB0C0H TBI BXOOK. Ask Our Customers. Successor to A. J. Parmer wiotBuu ajto utazl mottea. 81, 883 am ass Third at Oo. JeSs Prices auntawt Ktlnr will save vm at . least J per cent: m irry uranuiatea . Busar tnoi beet), 100-lb. sacks IS.tC 11 lbs. Beet Dry Granulated Sugar (not beet, . 11.00 1-Ib. can Royal Baklna Powder. .. ..40a 1-1 b. can Schillings' Baktna; Powder.. 16o 1-1 b. pke. Ann and Hammer Soda... Bo large packages Matches., , .IBo I lb a. clean white Rice ..loo II bars Royal Savon Soap .........IBo 10 lbs. Sago or Tapioca .......... . ISo Hard "Wheat Flour, per Back . .S1.0S Best Eastern Hams, per pound.,. ..14a Picnic Hams, per pound lo Shredded Cocoanut, per pound... ...ISO Mb.- pall - best . Lara..i-.,.r......t .C0o 10-lb pall best Lard .., 11.00 10-lb. pall best Lard tl.0 Best Soft Wheat Flour, per sack. .11.00 Java and Mocha Coffee (regular lie), . per pound . tie t lbs. broken Java and Mocha equal to lOo) .v. . . , . . Ito t cans Primrose Cream. .......... ..16o Tiger Cream (rerular 10c), per oan.. So English Breakfast Tea (re. 16c). lb. ISa Scotch Oats, per pkg. ............ ...lOo Tar-Soap. 1 bars .................. to Pels NaDhtha Soao. rwr bar. ........ lo Postum Cereal, per oka. ............10a Soda Crackers, 10-lb. box.., ..10o East Side deliveries Tueedaya and Frldaya' Wood lawn, North, Alblna and Piedmont, Wednesdays. . ,i . Great Auction tfHMiese and JapaheseGocd; Owing to belne overstocked for the Fair - trade . and the very limited room la oar store, we ooo. eluded to force eur goods at auo- ltlonsaIe.The largest stock ef this klnrin the city," oonslstlnar ef beautiful silverware, elolsaonaa. aatsuma, new brass ware, ebony carved furnitures, - embroidered allk kimonos and fine decorated porcelain tea ssta, eto. . . . -Sale oommences 1:10 and T:1S p. m. Continue retailing before or after auction; wholesale at ware, house. - mmmm . ' Andrew KanfiCo. Fearti. aa rtftav. a ::.'VtCeKc3f Secret Loclicts : end Chdns .; " ' - l. -- DO YOU EVER HAVE JEWELRY; REPAIRED? ' Does your' watch ever- need attention ?. , -' - .. Do yon "ever have to buy presents?- -;' k . - - , , t ' : Do you want a diamond? the iova jzr;: - LC ill r K I III WH Ls LTa VfVLsf IbleEyi Tltc Rig Store