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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 10, 1905)
- tiis cr.::cc:i cux:d ".y . jouistal.- tczttlaiid, cunday morning, septeiiseh 10. ices. ' ;. IIoT7:Bibbona IIaT7 Dibbona Undcrpriocd 7 Underfeed ; 5-incH . wide , Brocaded and Silk Printed Warp Rib bons, in beautiful floral designs, suitable for .sashes,, girdles,' twits, etc -'s . . ,. ' y . . ' v 6-inch " wide soft finished ..Silk Ribbon, with bright linter and firm wfv, f"H I'"1 nf rnW .,, 7 )5o Quality for 336-Yard Special 19c Yard ; T7T V"TI o -' '.n ;': ';' "nY o' ' : : V--T TirT ; Tl TTv - ; TTTk ' ?' tcKsell cheap goods at a cheap price Is no cause for flourish of trumpets,'.' BUT TO SELL DEPENDABLE, CHOICE and NEW GOODS AT THE PRICES AVE QUOTE TODAY TO GIVE EXACTLY WHAT WE SAY WE WILL OIVE and IN LARQEST VARIETY, TOO jr.;, ; .. . i nA3 iTiuc 1 1 no tukilahu a rA3 1 co i ukw i inu o i uKc. vyc are going 10 qo b Digger iau vu9iuc5 inan ever, we h give you. such choice goods and charge you so little for them that you can't resist buying. It certainly Is not policy to buy elsewhere when you can get such fine bargain at this store Woxhen's Fall Weight ' i .Union Suits Sale of new autuma weight combina tion Suits for Women, in medium or heavy weights. , These come in "Onei ta"; style or-buttoned straight down front ; .colors' gray or ecru ;80 dozen, all sizes at the one price. Regular 75c and 85c qualities, per suit ' 5c In Our Itlen's Sec tion We Offer Men's Dreas Shiria New 7Wonarch"""Shirtsr . in light and dark colors, pleated or Elain bo s o m s. est on market, for ...... ".$1.00 New Fall : Neckwear- 75c Men's All Silk - French Four - in f Hands and English Square JTies,, large assortment-of-lat- est Styles and pat- ' terns, v i. . Special .:,..50e ,. .- Fancy Hose 20c Men's Fancy Gray ' ' .Sox, in assorted patterns.. .......... 12( lien's Fall TJndeivear- .Men's all wool, tan col6red, desired winter weight; regular $1. Special for. ..... ,75 Men's All - Wool Underwear, gray ribbed, fine fitting; exceptional' values . at -$1.25rT5pedal . . . . . . .7.'. .7-.. . . . .$1.00 Men's ' best grade Working Shirts, mad? from finest quality shirting, in allol- ors. Special ..............50e : Embroidery Sale 20c and 25c Yard Embroidery .Insertions '.: . and Beadings for 8c Yard. Handsome Cambric, Swiss and Nainsook .Insertion ; left over, froni broken matched sets ; all this" season's styles ; all" at one bar- in pnee tomorrow you can buy 25c NewDreooGpodo ahdSillio This store shall be foremost in the selling of Dress Goods and Silks. We mean that it shall be the, store you will look forward to as the best capable of -filling your dress goods and silk wants; that it shall be the final authority upon, novelty and correctness of design. Will you enjoy the fruits tot our months of planning? You may rest' assured that everything that is right is here and that everything that is herb right-rT""' ',T7rrTt"":rrr-';'r:,.t"'rr Colored Dress Goods Special for Monday . All Wool Serges, Cravenettes and Coverts, helVy weight, 54 inches wide, colors gray, tan, green and castor. Special. . values from. . . . , 4 ... ,$1.25 to $2.25 $1.35 All Wool Coverts, the very material for tailor jackets ' and suits. , Special. , . . . 7. . . ......... . . . . . .ViVvi.-. . . . .$1.00 Jamestown Suitings-7-Another fabric for the tailor gowrrand jacket. Pepper and salt effects, in blue, browr green, blacks.. Spe- ciai $1.50 Novelty Suitings- Great variety of neat short effects, in all the lat est shades, suitable for waists and jacketsT Unusual ; - quality from .................. . . . .7 .7 ....... . .05 to $1.25 Black Dress Goods Special for Monday v 75c Wool Batistes-Batiste is irghtweTghmateriaf, something on the order of a voile; has that much-wanted clinging effect. Special for Monday only'. ..... i 777i . . . . ... .... . . 7;.48 $1.25 Wool Batiste This has the beautiful chiffon finish, js 48 inches in width and has the' same clinging effect Special for Monday only ..................................... ..... . . .85 $1.75 Wool Taffeta This is one of Priestley's' celebrated fabrics; looks very much like a taffeta silk. " Has a beautiful luster; war ranted not to spot; is full 44 inches in width and a very spe- cial bargain at. ... ..$1.25 Chbioest of the New Silks The choicest and most varied collection you have ever inspected. Styles and ideas different from those generally shown, being con trolled exclusively by this great silk house. ' w Autumn's Newest Styles in High-Grade , r! ; JLl Silks Underpriced 7: QTTfT" z Rare qualities of Taffetas. Lcfuisines. Peatt de-CygTies and Bro cades, in the' most beautiful shades and color combinations. New grays, new violet effects new greens, checked grounds with neat crollatternsTmbiniationsTfij'stripis andcnecks iriblue, re3r white, black; large and small dots, stripes and checks styles and patterns innumerable, r. . . - Silks that Look and Wear Like . ' ' $1.00 and $155 Qualities in Two Lots Extra i8pecial at 58c 1 1 Etr Special at 63c $1 Crepe deChenes 70o We aTe"how showing this popu lar silk in all the evening shades . as well as black. This beautiful," soft finished fabric is 22 inches' wide and .well worth $1 a yard. On sale - if .-.rgu MowJaysn New Velveteens ' 5ftc New Velveteens, that bid fair to be more, popular than.ever,Jor fall and winter wear, are here in all the most desirable " colors. Unusual, qualityjit- only . Women's, BUsses' and Chil dren's Ready-to-wear Dpt. Here you will find the latest and most desirable styles. Largest and prettiest assortment -of fall goods at the lowest prices. -Tomorrow we will have a sale in this department that will-outdo anything that has ever been done in a sale of new, seasonable goods. . An important sale of Women's New Shirtwaist' Suits. They , are made:of cheviot, in colors blacky brown, blue, green, plain checked and mixed goods. - .They show every corrict fashion trend of the season. In a' great ' variety of styles. Prices for Monday's iS: : ; $10.50 and $12.50 -: : 7 f :" : :7: Now Fall Coats !l.:- Women's Short Coats, fitted and loose backs, made of kersey and covert cloth. in newest shades for fall and vwinter, 'wear. - Also the latest fashions in Empire Coats of covert, kersey and-mixed goods. These goods cannot fail to please the most critical of our customers. ing prices tun from., $6.50 to $19.50 Children's Coats 7 FulhLTngtrrCOTts-WhtldrenflgesTiieau and colors is broad. The styles are dainty and attractive. Special prices forMonday's Sale. . ..... . .$3.50, $3.00, $4.50, $6.50 Children's Dresses A splendid variety of this season's choicest fashions. AH styles arid colors, in serge, Henrietta.- Shepherd plaids 7 and . mixed criods. All -sues Prices for Monday's selling $1.25, 1.50, $1.80 and 2.50.'7:'"- ' -7 nw on ' Rlr5tfia 7 Tw6 special items in Women's Walking Skirts. Materials are chev-1 wul V9 su"" ". s ; lot. Panama and sfiree. Colors are black.' bluer brown, preen and checked. Skirt are exceptionally-full pleated, of unusually-good cut arid hang in the most perfect manner. Reduced. Prices for.AIonday each .,......$4.50 $7JSa New Silk Waistsr"1 A most timely sale of richly made Silk Waists. Beautifully trimmed in stitched strapsTtucks and buttons. Come in black, brown, green, 'blue, red arid platd. AH sizes. 7; : v7 7 " r Prices run..., 7. ......... .,7$4.5U, 5.UU,$a.&U New FaU Waists A splendid assortment of Alpaca and Serge Waists, in white and colors.' All are new fall styles with pleated front and leg of mutton sleeve, with trimmed cuffs and stock collars. , On special sale Monday, your choice, each. .. . .7 . ...... ...$2.75 - Petticoats on the Bargain Square . Good quality mercerized sateen, full skirts with gored hips and deeo flounce, trimmed with ruffles and stitched bands. Dust choice, each '. . iCT. ...... : : . ;r:$1.75 rsszxzzz: ii Women's Ontsie v - - Stockings - r j . . . . ,ii Large . Stockings tor Fleshy Regular 40c Grades at -7 5c Extra Women. Ml styles- in outsize Hosiery tomorrow at a reduced price, plain black with ' welt, or ribbed tops, black with un bleached split soles, - "Hermsdorf Dye,'fc 100 dozen at 25 a pair. - Good Sound Foots Sense as Well ao Sboe Sense ' It Is estimated that at, least 00 per1 cent of lliOruTHaTrrace-arerfflicted-wlth: fotJrtrbU-" bles in some of its various stages. 1 Corns 7 and bunions .being the most common7. Of all your acquaintance can you recall one in stance where you have ever heard any one say' a chiropodist had cured their corns or bunions. , It is our; belief "you have never heard of such a miracle, and you,nevjer will. He may give you temporary relief, but no moreYbiS" can" never rembveaJdcfOTmlty of this character without first removing the ; cause. Too few shoe salesmen realty un derstand what causes a corn . Until they do understand, and that thoroughly, too, you tent,wThe.vcustpmerdoesn't enterjour de partment '.without our telling them, the cause of all these defects and we positively,hgre7 he patient is under 50, providing we are. perniitted to fit the feet our way. ; We won't give you a big, wide shoe to do it' with, ' either,' but ' a graceful . symmetrical shoe.. ' If you do not want to buy of us we will gladly impart our knowledge, then you can buy of your favorite store. , ; . Women s Hand-Made Shoes, in patent kid, patent colt, velour calf, gunmetal calf, box calf and black vici kid, Blucher, lace and button a good kind to cure the feet when properly fitted.... Lac Curtains Three Special Offerings 3 - Women with thoughts of home decorating rwill be interested in this brief notice of Curtains. The styles are new, the patterns the very latest, and the prices are surprisingly little. 81.25 Curtains 98c Arabian Curtains, 46 inches wide and ? yards long, in pretty leaded 'Tglass effects ; splendid values at . $.25. On spe- ' cial saleatr. . . . , ; . .". ,'.77.08 ; 81.50 Curtains 81.23 Arabian Curtains, & inches wide and 3 yards long, Handsome new designs ; excellent values at $1.50 'pair.On special Sale at .$1.23 Begrnlar 82.75 Arabian Curtains Only 82.20 " A very special offering; of high grade-Curtains foiLMonday's i selling '' 150 pairs finest quality Arabian Net Curtains, "50 inches wide and full zy yards long, pretty new effects, in corded designs ; un usual values at $2.75. One day only, Monday, at. . . . . . . .! . .$2.20 7 Portieres 85.50 Values at 84.50 ' : Extra heavy lepp Portieres, handsome brocaded designs, in plain colors, mercerized finish, 54 inches wide and 3, yards long;' '. regular $5.50 grades. On sale Monday at....' .i...v.....,$4.50 ; Portieres-8.50 Valuesat $3.75 v Heavy Repp Portieres7bfautiful mercerized finish, pretty brocaded effects Jn plaincolors ; splendid .values at $1.50. On sale - - ' Monday, at .... . . . . .' . ................ . .7 7. . ..... .$3.75 40c ROMAN STRIPE TAPESTRY AT 29c Good Quality, Roman Stripe Tapestry, 60 inches wide, in a full range 'of colorings, 15 " different patterns lo select from; best 40c quality." On special 77" . sale at . . ..... ......... ..29 - Two Blanket Specials J.: Bright, warm, comfortable; two of the grades jthatsold. the fastest. . You will like them when you see them, and the prices are .temptingly moderate. . V ' " ' ' . ,7 - LLiATL54.10A-PAIR--Handsome Gray Blanket that are a full five dollars ( worth ; pure wool filling, ,7 lbs. in weight, finished v with pretty fast colored borders. - Special at ';... J. . .$4.10 AT $3.60 A PAIR The everyday $U0 quality 6-lb. Gray Woo llafikels7lri-pfcltybordn--Tlcsigns, pure wuol-Jillinfrspcfet"" cotton warp, bpecial at. ........................... k. , .J.UO Muslin Underwear Department .These very extra special bargains will be on sale Monday and Tuesday. Values as good as these are not offereievery day, so be on hand early: ;.j 77 Flannelette Skirts 50c Values for 35c. . k Women's OutingTFlannel Skirts, cut with Muslin Gowns $1.35 and $1.50 Values for $1.19. Women's extra, fine quality Muslin and Nainsook Gowns, made with round, and square yoke, trimmed with fine wash, laces, embroideries and beading; regular values $1.35 and$U50- On sale Monday -. .$1.19 Flannelette Gowns' Values Range From 60c Up to $1.50. 7 - Our full line of new Fall Flannelette Gowns have just arrived. Excellent value in every garment. Colors are white, cream, pink, blue and stripes. ; Some are made-with dou ble squareyokes and rolling collars, others are trimmed in' fancy revers, and cuffs. All have wide skirts ;and large sleeves. For Monday sale prices run rom 60 up to $1.50 each. c , 1 v ' ' gores and French .bands." Deep flounce. All lengths. Colors are pink and blue stripes. Regular , value 50c... Special - -for Monday's sale, each....... ...... ;35 ; " . Aprons . V'V " S5c and 40c Values for 25c AspeciaLiniVomen.'aT-White Lawn Aprons, made with bib, shoulder straps, with em- 'broidered revers and wide ties. Deep hem at bottom. "Excellent value at regular - price. On sale Monday..,.. 25 $1.00 Gloves at 7m Elbow lengths,. Silk Gloves,, double tip fingers, : "in J bfack, white and rlickle, $1.Q0 grade fori 79 c Pair New Cotton Wash. Fabrics for Fall Wear . v., See these Suitine Flannels. You'll wonder if they're all wool, and you'll see some of the prettiest styles you or we ever beheld. NEW FLANNELETTES, good heavy quality, perfectly fast colors, in plain and fancy -figured effects ; also anextensive assortment in dots, 6tripes and Persian ' designs. Unusual quality at, per, yard NEW SBRGE SUITINGS A great variety, pretty and serviceable, worsted effects, in all the late colorings in medium. and dark shades; dther .stores; would ask-25c for this quality :Oitf price, -f Qn JIUV per yard. 7.'. . . .7.'... .'. . . 7 I NEW VELOUR FLANNELS, excellent quality, beautiful designs, suitable for shirt's, wrappers aridkimonos, a full range of colors in medium," dafkalftl lighOTiadcs to choose ffom. Special fZg value at, per yard.7 ............. .7 ............ . . " U Other grades' of these same styles "at re duced prices for Monday.. .$2.27, $1.03 Special Sale of Children's School Stocliings Tomorrow A great Monday Sale of Stockings for Children, almost every mother in Portland appreciates the fact that we sell the best and most reliable brands of Hosiery for less money than the majority of -stores pay for them. 7 Read the list below and convince yourself that : you cannot afford to supply your hosiery wartts anywhere else but.' at Roberts Bros. PORTLAND'S BEST STOCKING STORE. The following prices are for Monday onlyi 7,. . - "Buster Brown" and "American Boy' ; . oioomngs REGULAR 25c QUALITIES TOMORROW 12Mc Pair These twat well known brands arc leaders withjmost stores at 7 25c a pair, purchase here tomorrow and secure them at exactly half pne, an sizes m m or xa tids ine same price tomorrow. The "Princess' Stockings For Girls FINE LISLE THREAD, BEST 25c GRADE 15c Paip ' You save 10c per pair by purchasing "PRINCESS" Stocking they are superior to most grades 'round town at "twabitsa pair7 They are very elastic, durable arid dressy, color guaranteed, all sues, , o at 15 a pair.-' .'.'V -n-'Z 5 to "Armor Clad' Stockings Tor Boys -IKiristH KNJtSKS," 100 DOZEN, AT 19o Pair Armorclad Stockings will "stand the test," they are made with triple knees, heels an'd toes. Will outwear three ordinary pairs. Made of heavy 2x1 ribbed Egyptian yarn; regular 35c grade. 7j : Hisses' Flcrcnza Silk Ctcc!dr3 200 dozen, all sites, in black or tan, extra fine rib, silk finished yarr. very elastjcxjegular prices 25jL3n(lil?ccor(l- r ing to size, all sizes!from 5 to $lt. Here tomorrow . at, tne pair. ................. ....3-... . 1 w i