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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 10, 1905)
I THE OREGON SUNDAY JOUSNAi; PORTLAND. SUNDAY HORNING. SEPTET.: V ... - , WHAT THE iOURNAL,'S GUESTS; WILL" SEE JVJARQUAM' GRAND THEATRE C IEIUG, Prcildtil ... . Dlrtciba N.KT. JUiatUUan . T. f ANGLE, Itildtil Kjf 'HI 1 - ! I , . , PKONB JSAIH J 3 -. an '. - J 4; Nights, Beginning Wed. Sept. J. 3th SPECIAL PRICE MATINEES THURSDAY AND FRIDAY. ' ' v ' "That'd what jrer fact neede--oee.--'Mra. Wlggt. . - , .. . COMING WITH SMILES FOR YOUAlX. THAT DETERS (Formerly Columbia Tbeatr) Belaaeo A Mayer, Prop. 2 - MATINEE TODAY AND TOfnoilT - o f J : LAST TIMES OF "HARRIETS HOrYEYI-ioON". S : - 2 S CC" .1 XL'G" r.aG"u)AY jT, JwTiiUi " MINEDLTT HAPPY WOMAN AND - DROLL T7 aw HeM a -m a t? VMnn k iw A- - V J r FEMININE PHILOSOPHER. it A ( - O I'M ) - m .. i i ii. .ii ii- ii i..juhiwiimh i ssssssaaaaaa .3 t , 4 ' :,., 3 i i ' ' 1 ;' V L ; ; ; , -4 , L The eight young women ' 'who will , "' gut of The Journal 'on a trip to ' Hawaii are sure ie have a royal good 'tins la th Ulan da. . That a warm wl- com ia awaiuna warn ia sviaenc rrom "the plana now being mad by varloue ' bodies and official of Honolulu to n- only ona possible . .drawbacks which " la that the several weeks allotted y for tha stay ta Hawaii Will not be ong T enough to onjoy all that ia planned. . - -I nmm i ntanaara natnavaah nw tha Hawaliana to waleoma tha daugb ' ter - of Oregon la evident . from tha . newspaper .which . have . Juat been re ealvad from Hawaii. Tha Honolulu Sua THE SE1SH0RE Autumn Breezat and Rainy Weathor Caus Wholatala Da , sertiont at Rttorta. .! A HUNDRED DELEGATES TO Y. W. t. A. CONVENTION Toariats and Fair Viaitora Continue : to Keep the Hotela Full Many ""'Campere Still Remain'at Seaaide- ' Pa at WwtiRtin Dn. ; (Bpeaai mspetea w tbs earasL ' Beaslde, Or., Bept' t. The peat week has been a busy one. The Young women's cnnstlsn Association conven tion haa been In progreaa. The meetlnga are held at the Shell Road pavilion and ' at the Moore at which- the delegataa are quartered. They began Wednesday with l n it r ft I ,r,rfl in itiininr. A nan in m mti t ra m nmrm inn mfi.HH ah excursion , of Idaho people to the f boacn, ' The weather during the Brat cart of tne waea waa oeugntrni, but tbe rains and srtnda are havlna thai awn vav present. - The oortajres are being closed up and their ooeopanta returning home - rapidly. : . . - K aavaw va, wut ai va aMV niaUllll( tbe trip to Elk creek and Cannon beach. . ana an oi uim are in rapiuree aver tne ecenerr. - - air. nuDiun ana xamuv bhi eioaea www. wiiAsa, fiuuuMiii ana fi.vt vw- ..turned to Portland. - J . Mra. B. Cohen and daughter have re turned to Portland. Mrs. Cohan . had jjiurumwi in. xmning collage. , . Mrs. Rose Bloob-Bauer haa returned to . jviiiMd um a pieaaani atay at ue , . asnora. Mrs. Jr. r. Logan and daughter. Doro thy Jean, have returned to Portland. mmm ABiiw uinnnu ana.1 oroinar, Jlong aummer. . .. .. ..; .... mimu Aieanor uonajason or Portland la at Mra. J. P. Logan' for a week. i Rev. William Wood and wife have returned home atfto a .IhhuI mimit a , Mrs. Anderson's at Inglenook. Mra J. P. Cavanaugh haa returned to Portland after a pleasant smmmar at the "Haunted Cottage. : j. ' MrL Waltar Rnrrall la 1.. a ... eotug.' . j"- -. Judge WIH1 la here for a few day at MlUlta.--.- . Mrs. ii P. Davles and daughter, Ai Una,- nave returned hone after a pleas rant month. i .. - , , Mr. H. Blaealng and family have re turned home.' . . .Ml llr. TrthA anrt . returned from a visit to the fair. Mr. and Mra. Johannsen and family . have gone to Portland for a visit at the falr. .,. jr. ana sera. u. si. nraiin oi Port land apent Saturday tilght here. -- Mr. and Mr. Olendennlng and aon . Weber, after a very pleasant aummer, have returned to Portland. . . Uri Alloa Kline and her mother. Mra. Mlddlelon. have returned home after a short outing. Judge Reld -.and family are at the bnarh for a . pleaeant outing la. their , cottars, oienmar. . Miss Klrkpatrlck and John Blmpaon nava Ian alalHtia aft Mra Kafantufh'i for the paat two weeka. V . . XVoekalay Prom Portland T. i A. ; Limahecum, ' Jack C'lalra. Poll Btana. Mra. C. Brown. . Mra. M. K. WeeCMisa E. J. Wast, Mra. . Bmlth and family, John Heller, wife end emmren: Cliarlaa 1. Krbke. -T. . 1 Nuaney, Annie Nuaney, Ellen Eada, C nrovn. K. rahar,- C. Ferguson, J. to. Chile. Willi Vluraa, Arthur WUoa., , - : ; At Oelealal Xotad. : -Prom Portland Edward Itaanan, A. ' wrrruoe ju oaiaa, ,Wi. White. Jaaata Wllaa. IT .l.. T Leloher, C P. BUjrlon, wilUant Johna,t A Driveway Juat . Outsidev Honolulu day Advertlsw of tha data of August IT haa a Ion arUcla about Tha Jour nal'a conteat.- It. covers nearly a page, giving la detail particular of tha trip. It alao contain! portrait of 10 of tha young ladlea who aro eandldatea la tha contest. Th - article state that 'tha young ladlea will ba warmly welcomed to tha ialanda and that plana aro being made by the various ctvlo bodlea for their entertainment. Ona part of tha plan la to give a large ball at tha Royal Hawaiian hotel on the night of tha ar- rlTai of the party This ball will ba very select and tha young ladlea will ba welcomed by tha - lead ere of Hono- . lulu eodety. - Tha plan la also to bare tha famoua natlro. orchestra, of tha Jr Tbomaa KelV J. MlUer, Mra. I S. GUbert : - ' Xotel Xoaalre. - From Portland M. A. Eberman, M. O. PonnelTTinrmnk-MlHerr-PavId Oarra, Ju- llu Rhlnehard. Mra. C 8. Hacker. B. P. Owena, J. C. Miller, A. Wllllama, Fred Myar, Frank Smith, F. - Danlelaoa, J. Brown, Laursna B. Steffen, Beaa Ix Tockle, MaayDeardorf, Jennie Morrlaon, Mra. C. EL Wise, C. T. Pearson, Christ Anderson, R. Leigh, Le JDrummond, Peter Hoa . - ) XoteX SCooi.. .v,'f, From ' Portland Mra. ' Harrison P. Holme. H. W. Wallaoe, Mr, Bad Mra. K. Oatrandar, H. W. Scott, H, M. Scott J. B. Ryan. Dr. J P. Oordr. H. O. Beck- with, W. B, Honeyman, J. S, De Bevolae, M. ii. Heller and wife, . Carrie - M. Blreher, Mra. Dr. F. Cauthorn, Mrs. J. Kelley. Mra. R. B. Davis, J. H. Waddle, Mr. CL H. Hunt, Mrs. P. King. F. 8. Cooley, Mra. I. M. S. Morria. Misa Etta A. Morria. R. E. Davis. Oeorre H. Hill, waiter o. Harford, Mr. end Mra. O. Mangold. H A. Cawaton, R. W. Sehmeer, R. 8. Howard. Mr, C. Paulson. J. L Bailey, Mrs. L A, Bailey. J. A. Davie, Mrs. C, Ward. Harriet 8. Vance.. Mr. andf Mra. O. C. Moser, T. Robertson, T. Marlon Dolph, L, R. Smith, W. P. Popple, H. O. Morton, . T. V. Ferguson, William Rlgg, Mr. and Mra. - W. W. Robertaon, Dr. B. O. Clark, wife and on: T..H. Bennett wife and babvi Jen nie Morrlaon, L. 8. Jacobaon. Lauren Bterren, Amy Dearadorf, Beasle Tockle, Mr. and Mr. W. a. Zahn. A nine Davles. Mrs. J. F. Davles. Helen Barber. Mary idvingston, Kutn Honeyman, H. J. Lett R. A. Wllllama, Opal Hall, Mra. N. F. Hlldebrand. lira P. R. Huber. - 8. H. Cawcton. Mrs. J. W. Palmer, Mra. E. D. Klngaley and aon, Mra. J.' H. Glbaon, Mra. C. C. Telmera, W. W. Gordon and wife, B. W. Dlngman. H. Greenland and wue, J. m. Black, Mra. R. ConneU. , . y. W. Or A. Delegate. From Portland Helena Sajtton, Grace McConnell, Kate W. Falling; Irene Lin coln, Clara L. Webb, Ebba CrontjuUt wvo.iaoc. ascvorate. From Other Point Kathrya F. Bis. aon, Spokaner- Caroline B. Btrnum, aivereti; iora Koy, uaiiaa; Madge Fow er. Oeneaea. Ida.i Wlnnlfrad nmiam naua nauai a xnompaon. ins LHUiee: Cordelia Dawson, Albany; Carrie Thomp son, Moscow; Mary Mlnthorn, New berg; Stella Parsons, Corvallls; Myrtle uause, jvewDerg; jeseie M. calkins. Jen nle A Sage, Eugene; ' LI via Fenin, Forest Groves W. Paarl Chandler. Foreat Grove; Cora Spedden, Grange vllle, Ida. Maoet oortaon, Balem: v. A. Feaae. Taooma; Edna Hugglna. Taooma; Myra Benson, Tacoma; Agnea Streeter. Ta ooma; Andora Pox. Tacoma; Dora Gwln, Lwiston; Mrs. O Hara. Gertrude1 Mae- Kay, Pullman: Lola B. Stewart LaUh; Stella - Wilson, Pullman ; Anna Taylor, Pullman; Eetella Dodaon, Dallas; Klla u. Mccamm, Elms Bpauldlng, Pullman; Lora M. Green, Pullman; Maud AngelJ, Brownsville; Llvia Z.j,v Bond. ' Irving; Annie M. Hoyt Bpokanet Mrs. C H. Black Seattle; Mr. and Mra A. Dear born. Mra. O. A. C Rochester, Seattle: Mrs. Dora - p. Alden, - Mrs. - Frank D. Blank. Seattle: John M D. Baattla- Mrr Sarah A. Stewart La tab: Lola K. Hartman, Boseman; Frieda Bull,- Rose man; M. E. -fYeGarvn,- Spokane; Carrie Allen, Helena; Mary F. Farnham, For est Grove; May M. Martin, McMlnn vllle; Sidney. Bell, Cheney; Susie Gar llngton, Missoula Mont; Ethel Moody, Moscow; Annie -Andrews, McMlnnvllle: May Walker, Seattle; Mra. W. D. Wood. Seittre; Beaale Doty, Seattle;' Roberta McPhee. North Yakima; Mra. Vlette Rolfe, North Taklma; Minnie E. Mason, Philomath; Ethel A. White, Philomath; W. E. Turner, Town send; Phoebe B. Kerns, Milwaukee; Alice Moran, Chi cago; Anna Kearna, - Townsend; Ray Turner, Seattle; Larle McOoJdrlok, Nor folk; Rosalie Haan, Dungammon, Va.; Miss Sedona V. Johnson. E. Bigg Nash, Baltimore; Mra. Charlea Beatley, Balti more; Susie Bannard, Eugene; Effle Perkins, Drain; Anna Chslmsrs, Hllls ooro; W, C. Graham, .Tacoma. -. . .... a )' , Round Trip Daily" to"Atoria. - .Excursion steamer Telegraph make round trips dally (except Friday). De part from Alder street dock T:lt a. m. From Astoria 1 p. m. Arriving PortUnd ; .- , - Bundars leave. Portland a. m. Arrtvea Portland t o. an, I . ' aedaed Bate te Baasw. Bpruura. The 'Southern Paclfie company has pUeed on aale at Its Portland of flee round trip ticket to Shasta Spring at a rat of tl. Beautiful, Illustrated pamphlet deacriptlv of this resort ca be secured front any Southern Paelfl aaaa , , . t,K i . j ... hotel , play at tha ball and duVlng tha first Week a promenade concert will ba given In honor of tha gueete by the Royal Hawaiian band, now at tha Lewis and Clark exposition, - ' .: . Tha plana now under consideration In clude drtvea and vlslla to all polnta of Interest..' Some of these drlvea In tha Ialanda aro world-famous and a picture of ona, published la todaya .Journal, glvea some Idea of the acenery. . The visit to the bathing beach will ba a notable, event, aa tha plan ia to have glorious Hawaiian beech plgnle at night. Tha Journal will arrango Its plana if necessary to fit tha events prepared by tha cltlsene of Hawaii in honor of Ore goaa fair daugbtera. .' . SOUTH DID HI FOR OREGON ' J. H. Balrd Talis Hoo Hoo How ' Polk's 'Slogan ? Saved " 77pr' N ortfiwesti " V T"7: ; ELOQUENT TRIBUTE PAID ' TO THE TENNCSSEEANS The Scrivenoter of the Black Cats In Mellifluous Prose Recite he ' Story of the Campaign of the Eleventh President. -.. . ' ' . Ta aa araaa mt ffia ftannnat af eha Oalrlan Clolater. In connection with thej annual meeting or tbe concatenated or der of lioo lloo, Friday night at the American Inn,' J, H. Balrd, scrivenoter of the order, and editor of ths Southora Lumberman,'' gave an Interesting ac count of the part, played by Tennessee in the winning of the Oregon coutftry to th union. " Having paid a glowing tribute. ,10 the far west and acknowledging the hospi tality of th Paotfto coast member, Mr. Balrd spoke of the dispute over the Oregon country and said: 'Indeed we feel that but for the ef forts, of Tennesseeans the whole state of Oregon and aeveral of the adjacent state might now be part of the Brit- isn possessions in North America, in toad of. an Integral and magnificent th. .... i.-,... 'It waa a great Tanneaaeean. after ward elected eleventh prealdent of the United Btates, who crystallized the sen timent of the American people on a basis that subsequently led to a satis factory settlement Speaking front the wooden balcony of the old City hotel on the north side of the equare at Nash ville, he cvrressed the determination of the American people. to have what they thought was due at whatever coat and who enunciated tha alogan of the Democratic campaign of 1144. when he said fifty-four-forty or fight. , What the Slogan Meant. "Not Quite on the line of fifty-four-forty or fight' waa the boundary finally fixed, but the determination there and then expreased gave to the domain of Uncle Sam the a pot where I now stand all the state of Oregon, all of Wash ington, the whole of Idaho and moat et Montana adding to our domain en are greater than the continent of Europe, and much of It more fertile than th delta of the Nile an expanae of terri tory, Mr. Toaatmaater, greater than any other accession to our domain ex cept the Loulslaan' purchaee and that immense area obtained a few year later from Spain at the treaty of Guadeloupe Hidalgo. Tbl latter, I am juat re minded,' came in through the wisdom and th foresight of the same Tannea aeean our beloved James Knox folk. 1 "Like you people of Oregon, we aeo pie of Tennessee, too, have a famous trail. It is the Natohea Trace' of the white man's later history it waa the well-worn war trail of tbe anolent In dian ware. - "Crossing th splendid Ohio at th fall where Louisville now stands, th Cumberland at th mouth of Harpeth, two houre' drive from Nashville, the Plney at the 'Log Ford,' and the th broad, majestlo Tennessee at the famous Colbert shoal the scene of - so many treatise between the whit settlers at Naahvllle and the fierce and warlike Choctaws - and Chlokasawe eweeplng stead llr onwsrd nearly directly south, the trail finally loses Itself In the splendid - delta where new stands th elty that give It tta aama. And the wild denlsens of the primeval wood biased It out - Age after are their thiMiderou tread awoke th echoes In the silent woods, . and age after age their flinty hoofs cut the trail deeoer and deeper Into the yielding earth. following the deer and buffalo, an then, the Indians, the trail became th4 natural paasageway for tbe white peo ple in that lucrative trad that sprang Cabbage Patch ' v , ; An AH the Good People) f the Wlggi ' Neighborhood aa They PUyed for ' ! r WO PERFORMANCES AT ThITSAVOY THEATRE, NEW" ' YORK FULL METROPOLITAN COMPANY ' i. ; , y and production.- . .". . : L-,arlL;ideUghtlul Mra. Wlgga.H-A'un Dalt.l Cirectfroa Braking All Records at the CoIaabU Theatre, Sxn Francisco tTtimid PBICIa Bnttfa iom near, U.K. lUlocmy, rlret sl raws. tl.OO; tbud three rewe T esaui Uet three rowe, 60 esats. Oallery, U es4 U seats. Bosee sod laaee, 110. MATINKB rRICES Pirquxtte,' $M. Pwqaette dKle, 1.0O. .Aeleeay. first sis rowe, Tff eeoo; last sis rows, M esnts. Osllerr, aad H . - y . The adyancajMk fi( aeata will open tomorrow (Monday) at 10 a. m.' Marq uatrrd e ;taV Nighfei September 111-1205 V: 1 1 v 1 r THE CHARMING ACTRESS Josemi ine . v . . ... ; Supported by. Her Own Excellent Company. . MONDAY NIGHT , s' "TUESDAY . NIGHT , The Emotional , Drama '. . ; ' ; The Society , Drama ' JWBfbken Heart A Wicked Woman I .' ' ' aaaa -J POPULAR PRICES 25, 8S and SO Cents. ' fieata Now Sellint. 1K01TB ' "f THE HOME OP '' : ALL THIS WEEK ' I- ' V ... . ......... . . - , v.- STARTING MATINEE TODAYalSUNDAY. . SEPTEMSER, 10 v vMatifttee Sunday, Wednesday. Thursday and Saturday. KL-.y'rrV (No Performance Saturday Night) THE KENTUCKY 3ELLES EXTRAVAGANZA COMPANY IN THE UPROARIOUSLY FUNNY FARCE ALSO THE BEST VAUDEVILLE ACT8 ORIGINAL, STARTLING, NOVEL AND EMINENTLY SUCCESSFUL. DDtrCC e NIGHTS.. .........7... ...25c, 35c, 50c and 75c aTtvlVa'CaDs MATINEES.. ....... ..15c, 25c, 35c and 50c Next Week TTH B ME R RYMAKERS np with the Bpanlah aettleraent at New Orana. , , : r . TTae--Trail wow aaA The. "Later tfll the trail became; th route along which "Old- Hickory Jackson carried hi men and aupplle to thst sanguinary fight at "New Orleans where th leather-shlrted riflemen from Ten nessee proved more than . aSi equal for th veteran British troop fresh from th peninsular war where they had alowly hammered Soalt ' It wee then th trail became the "Natchez Trace,' a name that will aver live In pur crowd ed annals. . "Naturally, In time, there came te be erected along tbe "Natohea Traoe," to ac commodate the alowly increasing traffic, numbers of plaoes of entertainment' hostelrles that wer called In the ex pressive language of . the frontier stands.' It was at one of these called "Grinders stand,'. In what la now .a corner of Lewis county, that the great traveler met his Heath in a way that has never been satisfactorily explained to many Tennesseeans. "The . histories all say, and in thl1 they but -follow th original ttmsnt of Thomas Jefferson, who waa Lewi' first and bt friend and most stead fast patron, that In a moment of ,er treme mental depression the-great ex plorer committed aulclde. But my friend and - brother - lumbermen will bear me out that until a few years ago there atlll lived old settlers In that neighborhood - who remembered, the Grinders ..and who. told strsnge stories aa they eat by their cabin firesides la the long winter evenings atorle of the murtfer of "Captain Lewi. A Melody Vot Set to tffvurl. ' ""However It may be. where Lewi died there he Dee burled.' Of the an olent tavern nothing now remain but a hallow heap of (. raolderlng atone where the wide-mouthed chimney stood, and. ths lot that surrounded It I lone lnc grown up In orub pin and Jack oak. Of th three atately white oaka that atood before the tavern.- atlll two remain and through their gnarled, moss covered branchea 'the gentle, perfumed southern zephyrs are chanting1 always a melody that no on knows "In 114-, and mainly through the ac tion of the- good women of our state, the legislature made an appropriation for tbe erection of a monument to mark the spot of this lonely grave. It stand there in the wood today," and th paaa. lng year and the wind and storm are slowly working their will on It; ' It once amooth aides that eaught the klaa of th aunheam have been eroded; now they, afford aa easy . foothold for the nimbi llxard that eourrl up th shaft ra nd Theatre Deffr-v --a- as ' AT T H EATRC -THia Asra TAaOOLX. snutJttSw . Orasoa Theatre Co.. T laana. -. Oeoraa L. Baker. Msasger.. BURLESQUE 1YRIC-THEATRE J..-. .- Xeatlat' ft Hoed, "stgn. 'tn Housa o stjocbsbbb. Week Starting Monday, Sept II "THE KING OF. TRAMPS" ' A Rural Drama of American Life In Four Acta, by P. G. McLean. SEE The right With ' "Burning "damps. ' - Th Happy "Tramp. The "byrlseop. , ; f A p ADMISSION Ap lUL Reserved Seat, 20c 1UC , - SBc--A-nojr pais, Oeraaa.Yeagha aa !iwsaWear1Ta,x-.-Y. PORTLAND VS. SAH FRANCISCO '. - ABKiaSIOB, IBs. . V" .. BKFTXJIBUl a, , 1. ORAKMTAKD, Ke. CBILOBSB. IBs. - Boa tickets aa rsserved easts ea sale at Boa ef Ac. ' . with lightning speed and un himself en It lofty summit . y t "I could tell our friend of th Paclfl coast - many Interesting thing - about Tenneasee which I would be proud te relate not hi a spirit Of vaunting pride or with purpose to make comparison, but out of a recognition of the perfect solidarity of our great country, and the feeling atrong within me that the glory of a part la a glory of the whole. ' . "I eould spool with a swelling heart of the part -our state haa taken in th military record of our oountry; but I rejolc more In the no lea renowned victories of peace which have com to our united people, and I count a en of th greatest of the thl gathering here tonight of a great throng of all our people, coming from all our great country, welded by a common "patriot ism and a common Interest, and strik ingly exhibiting, if not a ooncord of west sound In th tone of the speaker who I addressing you, at least a unity ef th spirit la th twnd of peace." - !6th'"Week of Belasco Stock Co. J O m -si at Powerful Playl.k Excellent Cast! ' 5 : 5 ' ' , MATINEES SATURDAY AND SOe and 7Sc Matin, SSc, 95 and EMPIRE e W Javaaal A Aa a sa ax giwniMvn Trai Bva - HtB KOgT tQtVLAM TSXATBaV . fKOlTS KAU Uf. Matinee. Prkea. 10c 15c, 25c Night Price. 15c 25c SS SOc' Phonea: T SPECIAL. RE-ENGAGEMENT FOR FIVE NIGHTS ONLY BEGINNING v. ',...: SUNDAY T.1AT1NEE. TODAY, SEPT 10 'Russell ft DreiT Presents MR. CHAs! A. TAYLOR'S New York. :.; . Company ol Players in His Melodramatic Masterpiece .- 2ZXi.JL Pl-AY-yotT WIL.L. LIKE It contains more heart lntertmore stirring scenes, mors senaatioii, . more novel effects than you ever aaw in a play presented, by a : company of actors Best equipped production, of its kind that , ''travel.-'"'' ' -t. ,. : . ... . -. .- f Thery are dialogue eeenes and nJ&AKT s ' UttttPifST SMOTIONS. yet there's plenty of tun, ,Z comedy and senaation, and it ia new here . . R!ATCn Empire Theatre will bit dark after Thursday Night, 111 II I r the Taylor Company leaving for 'Friaco Friday, where 1 7 7 they open at Grand Opera House Sunday. v.V . ' NEXT ATTRACTION SUNDAY, SEPT. 17, AT EMPIRE FABIO EXCLUSIVE n 'TD?-1T r Week oi: The Great Bosch ctal I Brooks & Brooks I Family UV: i -V T'i ' 09 v-'- Cody Skatoh. f I The Great 4 ij&&&7 Fred Pnrlnton ; v ' The QranflIscope; la th Valley o( Tea- Ia w ,na1n The Copromiln ..-teroarV , CMaedy getela,.;;-.; porta.r S:T SCALK OF PRICK Sundays. Evening and - Holiday, reserved aeata, lower floor, 20o. , Baloeay aeata, loe. Daily matinee, entire lower floor, Jo. Box aeata, tic .- :. , ; r -t . Vaudeville -Head liners The Great Ma Jane Character Change Artist . - The Rinaldos - Hoop-Rellera. " RoylifBrain Th Pine Of Tennessee.' GENERAL ADMIBBTOTf lOo Evenings, Sunday and Holldaya, reserved eeata, too. Dally matinee, entire lower floor, lOo. Bog aeata tto.' Promptly at 8:30 o'CIock Tonight Will positively Wltn th last performance of Pain' great poUel arm -a nnw staT-a-ara-v araa- ssnsvinnii 1 IK L(ttl Udvzui r UIIIUEII :, BrZAOABA TAXXaS OM TXUM --, . - ' ' ' ' ':' Seat on sal today at Skldmor' drug atore. 111 Third street and at th O. W. P. A Ry. Co.' Ucket effle. SeaU for Tompall" If, 4ft 'and 71 cent. Th It and 71 eent eata Include free admlaaloa to Th- fa. : - ,, ; - -- - - - - TOMORROW Tata koo soon toy Regular Admission to Grounds 10c ;iv:;.;;;.;::.::-:v;;Ch ' ' D'TTrbano's Italian band- evsry aftsrnoo and from I to evening. ' '.'A hundred other amusement feature. " 1 1, . Wdnedr afternoon, September 10 Ire to all boy anal girl. . Muslo at Th Oak Tavsrn from to It P. . ; c First Tirna In Portland . D A H By Henry Artiiijr 'i. Jones 8UNDAY Price t Night: 15a, 15c S 90. . v, ., . , S rt awl E at r Br incidents In this play that move tha ROMANI -Week of Sept Hth Clancy.&Schwartz Drematlo Skatoh "Th "BnoV 'l-. , John M'Grath Hand Blaner." .V ; ' .' The Staroscope ' "Revolution la Russia. " " " TOB rm-JM9 worn a bat a r ,1 V '" 'V f. 1-