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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 10, 1905)
Tin: crac:i cu:;day jout.:iai; fc::tl'and, : suuDay iiobnino. September 10. lees. W O M , Mr Marion Whits Replies to Severe Criticism. . In reply to an article which recently appeared In The Or. Tn,..i i....t --kCllaabeth H. )no.-1ectnrT-on-mTt mi ipe art building. Lewis and Clark ;---r exposition. In which the writer under 'takes i to crltlclae the tutinint which . I made regarding the elgnlncance of tha ws and Clarlc Ion art exhibit to the artists of the western portion of .the country, as well as to the laity. J beg to be allowed to verify my state ments by facts represented in the cats. - i P""ned for this particular art . , exhibit . Miss Denlo seems to take ex- - caption to my statement that not a painter-weat f th niiniii. has any sort of a decent representation." Bo let us for a moment consider the basis for my statement v Out of : palnure and eeulptors rep- t.?nUd tJU" Particular, catalogue we find, after a careful search of all ob- , lamaoie records,' that 83 are . foreign, , and that 128 are natives of the Atlantic nooero. inia leave a balance of 85 credited to the other states of the VVnion. Qut of this 15. SO are actual V- residents of the AUantlo seaboard, many ' of tbem having resided a New Tork for years and speak of themselves aa "New Torkera." There still remain 10 names of exhibitors in this catalogue whose .'. nativity we have not been able to place. ;. , ae their names do hot arppear in any of ' the directories or exhibition cata logues at hand, and whose work Is not familiar to us.' -. , Assuming, however, they are Amcrl .' cans, thus giving Miss Denlo the bene- , lit of .this number, aa representing those ..whose work she claims is typical of the "old art centers of Philadelphia. Boston and New York" there still remains the .fact that the states west of the actual , 'Atlantic seaboard are represented by a , sura total of SO exhibitors. In fact, the art catalogue of the Lewis and Clark exposition, carefully .slftedandclasguX . mu, yreias in following interesting particulars regarding the American ex- .. 1 hibltore represented by states ft from New Tork, 25 from Massachusetts. It .-'from Pennsylvania. S from Ohio, T from ' Connecticut, 4 from Illinois, 4 from 'California, from Michigan. S from In diana. I from Missouri.' S from Ken tucky, 1 from Vermont, 2 from Oregon ; and one from each of the following states: Utah, Arisona.' Tennessee, Rhode Island, Maine, New Hampshire, Kansas, ; Maryland, Virginia, Alabama. New Jer -iSey s.nd Delaware. ' . -.' This catalogue Also reveals the fol- lowing significant facts, that 5 of the . . total works of art exhibited come from . -- the galleries of eastern dealers if from : one Arm in New York. How can' Miss -'. Denlo say with truth that "this large collection Is truly representative of American achievement In the past and ., the excellence of - the present school." when, aa a matter of fact, there is not . one . picture . representative of early .;: American art and. with the exception' of innes and Wyant, nothing to form a connecting link between the American - inndscapiits -of'ths past and those' of today T Besides, with a few notable ex ceptions, the exhibition does not rep 1 resent the "excellence of the present 1 school," whatever sba means by. this "latter expression. It does represent, however, in a large degree, - the influence of foreign tech-- nlque upon the American artist, the ma- --Jorlty:of them painting through foreign : eyes and under foreign Influence. 'This is truth. Miss Denio again remarka: "Western men are here, but this is not a gallery of western art, and the public , gains thereby." " It Is the latter part of this paragraph that holds the covert j sting whereby Denloite philosophy hurts those that trend toward a national type of art I am not "attempting," as Miss . .Denlo says, to "aggrandise one section , of our great country at the expense of another." My reputation as the- friend of American art, whether It be east or weat, has gone forth. . : "American art' ' Its have arrived," aaya Mlas Denlo. That is what we are claiming for the v west. Is not the artist of Nebraska, , Iowa, Montana, Washington, Oregon and :' California among the 'arrived" T A few of tbem have been , helped ' by the . "schools and art associations of Eu- rope and the east,"- upon which Miss Denlo dwells with such unction; but, thanks to their owV truly loyal spirit. , their love of country, they are working out their own salvation In a , truly American spirit, and although' Ignored regarding their own- exposition, never ' -; thaleaa are too noble to bear a grudge r tm ' k... indifference heaDed upon their work by -the art director "oft the Lewis and ciarx exposition, iney ' are a "neglected" many rather than a "few,' but they are men and women of great parts, of noble aspirations, and .' wilt by and by come Into their own. There is much In Miss Denlo's letter of a personal nature to which I shall ' . not reply, leaving the people of Oregon, of Portland In particular, aa well as . those of Washington. Montana and Cali fornia, with whom t- sojourned for a ..." season, to Judge of my God-given equip ment of "health" and "mentality." If Miss Denlo is at the Lewis -and Clark exposition In the Interest of the eastern ' art dealers, then art American has little significance to her except for the com missions that may accrue therefrom. MARIAN A. WHITE. Graduate Kensington School of Art, . London. England. ., .. J-j: V . -... :: Mr. A. S. Duniway .. 'j. . To Be Honored at Fair. The management of the Lewie and Clark exposition have Invited the women " " of Oregon to hold '" an - Abigail Scott ') Duhlway day at the fair October I. and active preparations are going forward which will make It one of the events of SOCIETY.. (Continued from Page Fourteen.) beantlful houseboat, Caaa Chalepa. Leaving Portland Monday, Auguat SS. they went to the Astoria regatta and from there to Gearhart for a 'few daye '. and thence to Hotel Moore at Beaaide. i They returned about the middle ef the jwek.,;, .... . WW , ' Mlaa Emlllo Frances Bauer, tha liter ary woman, and Mlaa Marlon Bauer, the pianist and composer, left tor New Tork, Wednesday afternoon,-- after a pleaaant aummer WHIT . ineirmoiuor, Madame Julia H. Bauer. Though Sunday was their day at home, just as many : called .Monday and Tuesday and the two were ahowered with flowera and' good .'wishes, '., i . '. Mrs. P. H. Carroll hae returned to - Portland after II monthe In Europe pur suing her mnslcsl . studies and la at ' home at ttl llanders street Mrs. Car mil has been one of Portlanda favorite planlatea. . ... v. . ' ; ' Mrs. A. J. Tolmle and Mra. H. . L. E N S C Edited by MR. SARAH A. EVANS." this very eventful summer. Something of the estimate In which women from other states also - hold Mrs. Dunlway may be aeen from the following: "A visitor to the Portland exposition. Mrs. Marr McNabb Johnston of Gold berg echooU" Detroit; Michigan, --writing to the Woman a Journal aaya: ; v ""Mrs. JDunlway's" long career Is closely Jinked with Oregon's highest welfare. In return for unremitting and unselfish labor i. in the cause ' of equal freedom aha has today the confidence and respect of the men of Oregon and the loving" gratitude : of - the women. Everywhere on the exposition grounds, and throughout the city of Portland.-1 find her spoken of. with"revereot affection.- . v ..'', :'.."'. ' "'A pioneer In the cause of political equality, with alx aplendid children and seven grandchildren, she has faced life's gravest problems and has earned Lhs right to hold positive e&nvlctloM. ' 'Every liberty loving woman will re joice In her litest book. "From the West to the' West." It abounds In flashlight sentences .which epitomise a sermon In a few ' words. , The book Is a treasure hoiie for busy people. "Prom the West Mo the West" is published, by McClurg dt Co. of Chicago.' . "A notable gathering of the State Federatloq of .Women'p clubs was held at the Oregon building on August S. at which Mrs. Dunlway was present. 'Upon the earnest aoliclflftlon of her' many friends she wss persuaded to say a few worda to" tbe.audlence. She was given a hearty ovation. Speaking of the State Federation of Women's clubs. Mrs. Dunlway said that the .men of Oregon do - not object to their wives belonging to clubs. The men are not afraid the women will neg lect their domestic affairs by attending the club meetings. aatd she. ' The pret tiest children, happiest households, most contented men and the most Intelligent and healthful women you find when you go into the clubs. Next year the men history of our sex. when they will Join hands with their brethren of Wyoming, Utah. Idaho and Colorado In granting ua the Tight to vote. - , . . Some) Kind Words ' And Some Good Advice. The secretary of1 the Saeajawea Statue' association has Just-received the following pleasant and timely letter from Mlaa Susan B. Anthony:- "Rochester, August 25. My Dear Friend: . Your letter I find In my bushel or papers and document that I brought home with me from Portland, but It seems I filled the bill by speaking at the Saeajawea on July (. It was a pretty not day ror Oregon, but nevertheless a very pleasant time for a celebration, end that atatue beams up before me as a beautiful thing. I am so glad that yon persevered In getting it I hope It will find a good home after the fair ia over. - I think- It Is a little too high for persons standing on the ground, but perhaps I am- not artistic enough to know, but It la a thing of beauty any way. I think Dr. and Mrs. Cos deserve a great deal of credit for the metal that is In it, and you and all the committee for your persistence In set tin a- It Tin ished and put in place In time for the masses of the people who visited the rsir to see It suppose yon .are ..working .with might and main to get the signatures to tne petition so that IMnay be shortly announced' y the secretary of statt that there. have been obtained the 1,004 or t, 000 requisite to the voting of male' out of the suffrage clause of the con stitution. What a glorious day that will be when tha) vote la taken and the women of Oregon are made free and equal with the men I I shall be glad to near now tne work progresses, and I hope that Mrs. Dye arid every one of your committee will fall In line with suffrage work - and carry It to great success. It la only In union that there is strength, and you will need all that the women can give, and the men as welt Yours very sincerely. SUSAN B. ANTHOfnV Suggests a Woman as 1 v Mayor of the Windy City. Miss Jane Addama Is suggested fot mayor of Chicago by Justice David J. Brewer of the United States uirenv court In an address at, Yasser college recently ne- took strong ground In favor - " uuiaao' am i its ut:iii. rtrfi i n - as DNiLhnl Th. i,..- v-. -i-i .. T - - J mimm vmwiki.u his views In an argument prepared, fot the World, in which he says In part: "While In this country. It Is true, we have had no eonsDlcuous Illustrations of higher municipal or state office-holding by woman, yet she has often been elected to and filled the place of superintendent of Instruction In both city and state, and of my own experience In Kansas. I know that she has discharged the duties of those offices, aupertntendlns- all achaol affaire, with marked aucceea. "Ia It to be supposed that auooessful In one branch of municipal rralrs, to wH: the educational, she will fatl when she la placed - in charge . of ether branches? One Illustration cornea readily to mind; Mlas Jane Addama Is known sll over the land for the . wonderful work she haa been doing In Hull House tn Chlcag3 Her aptitude for. executive con trol haa been well tested. Does any one suppose that aha would fall aa mayor ot that cityr ' - - . How many, without v Intending anv disrespect to the preaent or paat mayors of Chicago, would rejoice to see her tested In that office, ' believing that, tot vigor of control, purity of admlnlstra tion and wise judgment in all municipal affaire aha would have no au parlor and Traver of Eugene have taken a house at Market street where they will be at home to frlenda till September It. - -i - - Mra. T. B.' Wilcox haS laaued invita tions for a dinner dance tomorrow even ing at the American Inn In honor ef her eon Raymond. " 1 ENGAGEMENTS. Invltatlona have been laaued by Mr. and Mra. Jamea A. Davla of Keswick. California, - for ; the marriage of ' their daughter, Margsretta May. to William Moores Hodgkln. . The ceremony will take place at tha First Methodist church ef Keswick at l o'clock en - Thursday next The flewly married eouple will Immediately atart north to visit their parents, Mr. and Mra. Frank K. Hodg kin of Vancouver, Washington. The engagement of Mlsa Charlotte Whalley and B. C. Ball waa announced Wednesday afternoon at an informal tea given! by Mlsa Katharine BalL Mr. and Mrs,. J...Wealoy Ledd'a theatre party Thuraday waa In their honor. ' w w -'Mr. and Mrs. M. Davla announce the engagement of their daughter Pauline to Mark Strauss of San Francisco. LUB S perhaps no equal In the history of that great i commercial metropolis T And yet sne is oniy a woman. - "After all, we must - be content te watch the results in those states where woman's suffrage Is being tried. If there it proves-e suooees, if, it does not Injure her and does help society, we shall all delight In seeing It' extended throughout the Union. " - "Surely to the women of those states there has coma the golden hour of a great opportunity." ,-.-' , stftt'tt . v'.- ; .. . Oregon Keraknic Club ; Holdt Interesting- Meeting, A most delightful "and Instructive meeting or tne K.eramio ciud waa neid at the home of Mrs. A, O. Reed last Wednesday." The feature was tha highly entertaining paper prepared and read by the president of the club, Mrs. Anna belle Parrish. on-"Copper Enameling. This is the oldest Of all methods of painting and might almost be called a revived art Mrs. Parrish is the only person In Portland who la proficient in it and she .could speak as one having authority., which caused her paper to be listened to with marked attention as she treated her subject exhaustively. Mrs. Parrish has some . beautiful apeclmena of this copper enameling In the Woman's court at the fair. '- The club has held Its meetings throughout the summer, 'doing much of Its work outdoors, sketching from na ture. ' Some truly delightful picnics and social times have more than repaid the members for. the exertion of summer work. - . . , j. v v. .'. ... On October 4 will take place the an nual meeting, when the officers will be elected and- preparations will bo made for tha annual exhibit and. sale. - A Mining Company V': 1; ' " Where Me: ccd Not Apply. . .. avery aay onngs Jto notice women taking up new occupations, and while mining Is not an entirely new venture for woman, she has never heretofore fig ured very largely aa an owner and" man w .,. ' ..- 1 ager aa well; but In the ease of the juorcaa Mining company of Nevada, own ing the Goldfleld, Bullfrog and ' Tokos mlnea, the entire business Is owned, of ficered and conducted by women. Its president ts Mrs. Kllsabeth Laban Smith, who has published three ooVs and has been a contributor to various maga sines and- newspapers. The vice-president Isabel! Hopkins, haa from the results ol her own business tact and ability ac cumulated enough to live a life of ease. Dr. Christina Scott Clegg of Denver is the secretary and treasurer, and a suc cessful physician. This company did not send an agent to go and stake off a claim for them, but went themselvea to Nevada, enduring all the hardships Incident to auch a trip, and laid off their property, which la the foundation of their Incorporated wealth. . st at at - -A -A Woman's Work ..L, '..U.. Practical and Perpetual.- J ' v. The National League of ' Business Women should be. congratulated on se curing the valuable services of Mrs. O. V. Betts for treasurer. Mrs. Betts. who tor years baa been state president and organiser for the International Sunshine society-la Colorado, resigned that office early in the spring of 1805 on account or serious illness In her family. rThe A. f. Lewis Dry Goods company ot Denver had kindly offered to build Sunshine booth and give Mrs. Betts a certain per cent of all sales for her Sunshme work.. "She gratefully accepted this offfeF and asked that the money should: go to found a Sunshine scholar ship for Colorado at the Alfred univer sity in Iffewi.ork. - -- -The scholarship la ' perpetual and costs $ 1,000. When $100 has been sent to tne university some wortny boy or girl will be chosen to enjoy thle educa tion free. Ae fast aa one scholar grad uates another will be chosen to - take his place, and so on Indefinitely. .-, It will be called the "Lewis 8unshlne Scholar- ahlp." and will, not only be a living monument to the generous merchants, but to Mrs. Bette aa well, even If aha la not mentioned. - - . :.r..v si st at . A New Magazine . . For Business Women. . . The "Business Woman'e Magaaine" la i"1 iieu.iauie puuinaiiuii at. - - . I "Ul uul "auuiiai uusiir an'a league, with headquarters In Den ver. . ... -' - -1 . J .... w -. -. ... j - The msgaxine la also the official or gan of the Colorado State federation. It la edited by Mattylee Curl Barnett. upon the cover of the August number Is a picture of Mrs. Mary Wood Swift of San Francisco, who Is one of thf directors of the National league. . Mra. Swift la president of the National Coutv cil of Women and waa ona of the Inter esting and distinguished delegataa at the recent national auffrage conventloe in Portland. , aV-.St:Bt-- Prominent Women y At O. A. R. Encampment, A moat unusual sight at the encamp ment at Denver this week . la three women on the ataff of Commander King He naa lust appointed them from tha Relief Corps. As a tribute to Its noble work he has chosen three of Its earliest pam prraiuvnis, via.; Mrs. Baran - B, Fuller, at preaent treasurer of the de partment of Massachusetts; Mrs. Llaa- beth A. Turner of Bridgeport, Connecti cut, and Kate Browier of Sherwood. Ohio.'...-- .,'.. . , 7 COMING EVENTS. ' A reception will be given In honor of Mr. and Mrs. J, L. Wright, late of Lead vllle, Colorado, Tueeday evening at East Side Woodmen's hall, under the auspices of the Portlsnd. circle or the Women of Woodcraft of which order Mr. .Wright is a grand circle official. It la ex pected that a large number of visiting neighbors will be present, ' v-.' r- r r.: The auxiliary of the Illinois aoclety will meet at it o'clock Wednesday after noon at the 1 residence of Judge T. O. Green - of -PlednjonL, There a literary-and musical program and. all women from Illinois ere Invited to at tend. . r PERSONAL. - John Byrne of Carbondale, Pennsyl vania, waa at the Portland laat week-, Miss Helen Barber has returned after a' ahort visit with frlenda at Gearhart ..Judge P. A. Marquam, who ha been vtaltlng his daughter, Mra.-C C Ntw- TTi r: castle, at Hot Sprlnga. returned to the city Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Wilder' have re turned from a month's outing, which waa spent in the mountains at . Elk City and at Beaaide. Mr. Wilder-will resume hla work aa organist of Grace Methodlat churph. ' - - -.-,- Mr. and Mrs. Marcue Flelaehner and .their daughter Flora returned Monday evening from their sOmmsr at Beaaide. Miss Emma Baum la a guest at the I. N. Flelschner cottage at Seaside. Mrs. Mary AGf If fin "was the guest Of friends here and returned to Eugene late In the week. .,' - ; . , . ' C H. Carter has returned to Pendle ton after a.lew weeks' stay here. Mrs. Carter who haa many' friende kmong Portland aoclety folk and leada In Pen dleton social life, will remain here for come time with friends. , : 8enstor and Mrs. C W. Fulton are the guests of A. N. Lafollette at hla country place at Brooks, pear Salem. . Mr, and Mrs. Louie Milter came down from Albany early in the week. . Miss Sue Dorrls of Eugene Is visit ing, t rlaridsJiexa.jind..ateri,el.thf jo tographera' couvantlon last, week.: 7, Mrs. W. T. Ramadan, -Mlaa Oda Welch. Mrs. .Anna dinger and her daughter formed a party from Salem mat week. - Joseph N. Dolph waa a Salem visitor last week. r t - ; - -' Mlsa Laura Chambers' of Albany la spending a few daye here. ' ; Mr. and Mr a. L. E. Penland are among recent arrivals from Pendleton. . - .Miss Harriet Warfleld of Eugene la tha guest of city friends. . -v-,: Mrs. J. U Card arrived from Salem Wednesday to visit the fair. ' Walter Honeyman and: Harry Beok wlth have goner to the mountalne on a two weeks hunting trip. ' ' 1 Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Ehrman have returned from their summer's etay at Long Beach. . - Robert J. McCrakan " and Benjamin Holman spent the week at Beaaide. Thomaa Roaa of Astoria spent a few days in the city last week, before leav ing for New York to enter Columbia university, v ' ' Mrs. Thompson and ''her daughter, Mrs, Sanborn, returned to San Francisco by boat laat Friday evening, after a month's atay In Portland. ..... Mrs. Minnie L. Waahburne, a promi nent swlety worn an of UKene,-Ts"ii gueat at thaC W. Sherman home on Willamette Heighten Mlaa Edna Prescott of Baker City Is the guest of her relative. Mrs. A. H. Wlllett In Irvlngton. She spent the early part of the week In Eugene, where she formerly attended the atate univer sity. , Dr. J. A.-'Nevin of Jersey City la at the Portland. . ,, '. . v ....... ,;- . Isam Whits .came in from- hie coun try home for a few days and returned late In the week. Mr. and Mrs. White will not be., back In their city home till the last of the month. ' " Mrs. Louis E, Bean of Eugene haa been the gueat of .Mlaa Ina McClung and her ateter. Mra. J. B. Weatherbee. the paat week. Mlaa Camilla Leach, librarian of. the University ot Oregon, has returned to Eugene after a visit with friends. Mrs. W. 8. Gilbert has returned from a visit in Eugene with tha Mlasaa Emma and Nettle Chase. ".. . Mrs. Rose Bloch-Bauer Is at home again at li North Nineteenth street uier e sojourn at seaside. Mia Caroline Boynton. formsrlv tn. atructor of .English at Albany college, waa visiting friends hero laat week. Frl. day she left for The Dalles, where ahe will hold a similar position in the high achooL i - . .... Emery Barton arrived laat week! from southern California: to visit his sister. i rs. o. j, UWLTD9T, at soft Yamhill street. air. .Barton waa formerly in Chicago, but the past few years he has been living on hie southern farm for hla health. - His son Hubert accompanied mm. .. : v Mra. Helen- Tataa. who haa been spending a month with her mother. Mra. E. B. Coman, haa returned to her home In Ban Francisco. Mr. and Mrs. W. L Kllllngsworth and family have returned from their Eureka home at Long ( Beach, Washington, to their city home, J2 Alberta street. Miss Veva Robinson of Los Angeles Is visit ing them. Mrs. H. Hoyt Is at Ocean Park. Mlsa Allard has returned to her home in Troutdale. She was the a-ueat or Mlaa Hasol PhUllpa for a few daya. Mlaa Mattle Schroeder, formerly of thle city, returned to her home In Chi eago laat week. She wss at home to her friends through July and Auguat at the residence of her parents. Mlaa Lydla B. Rltter visited friends tn Astoria during' the regatta and re mained for a- longer visit. Mlas Haset Phillips who spent seven weeks st different beach nolnta. arrtvml home PIT1J III Iks was. Mmrxnuaa xom Mra. Hardle ef Astoria tha laat week of Auguat ' ' Mra. Sarah M. Phillips Is visiting her slater, Mrs. J- B. Stearns at Ocean Park. Washington. Miss Lois Owena la visiting frlenda at Ilwaco. Washington, for a few weeks. Misa Agnes' Btrlemer la boma from her vacation spent in Astorls. Will Loller will leave next week for Ateska, where he wilt epend a few months, ... Mlaa Cronan Is ' the gueat of the Mimes Mayer of Astoria. Mlas Meusendorffer Is visiting points of Interest on the Oregon and Washing ton oeacnea. Mrs. J. P. Wager left Friday morning on a two weeks' trip to Gray s Harbor ana Seattle, on her return ahe will be accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. L. rarmiee spear ana Children. Mr. and Mra. A.' Dumaa and daughter Lena will occupy tha Wager home during her s.b sence.rf r-.tfr.. ;. .. Miss Gladys Felt, aiater bf Mra. San derson Reed of this city, leaves today to resume her school work In Los An gelas. . , j., . . .; ..r-' Mrs. Morris Palmer left Thursday to visit her uncle and aunt Mr. and Mra. Morris Fuller, at Schuyler. Nebraska. She went by way of 8an Franclaco. and spent a few days there with frlenda. She will be abaent several months. ' . M. M. Rlngler has returned to the city after an extended vacation trip. ansa juila sprague of Tacoma wilt fee the guest of Miss Susie Stott this week. ' i , Miss Alta Snilth, Mlas Caroline Kamm and the Misaea Nichols will return east this week to re-enter college. - Miss Smith ia attending Smith college and the Misses Nichols a preparatory school to Smith. Mr. and Mr H. Rosenblatt and two children and maid left Sunday for their home tn San Francisco, after spending the, summer In Portland. Mlaa Mayme L. Jones Is entertaining Mrst L. O. -Havana ot Astoria And Miss Eva Wlmer of Grants Pass at her home on East Eighteenth street Ex-Senator Joseph M. Carey of Chey enne, Wyoming, la In tha city. . . Mlas-Mary Adell Case, the contralto of Oregon City, apent the past, week aa tha gueat of Mra. Preston Smith, 421 Market atreet Mrs. Warren B. Thomas returned laat week from a month at Seaside. Miss Emma Spernr of San Anaelmo. California, arrived on the ateamer St Paul last week and la the gueat -of her former '. schoolmate. . Miss Bertha Caughey, at ttl East Couch street . , . H yeu want ir know why Just procure s cake sad fey 1 j! . afeeeawef see 'JS TI13 112; VseV ilWe4aaf -alaV afT li, I 1 1 lSaV L "Wl - 1 Use our Borex Soat. aa4 See Chips In dishwater, laundry , water, cleaning water,' wash water, and all water ioto which the hands are thrust 1 he result will be white, soft . hands and bjgienkalljc. clean garments, dishes, etc - ' SZND for beautifully , fllnetrated booklet "Bora lo the Home" which contains information of value t erery woman. Also sample of Borax, Boraxo Bath Powder or Boric Talcum Powder FftXZ. r r Ask your dealer tor 20 MULE fw. ' V '- - m a .. . - HUTTCir SERVICES " raTTHODIST. " .' . . Trinity Esst Teats and Grant streets! Bv. Harold OlMrg, pastor. 11 s. a., sddress by Uise LMorm Aailla, missionary to India; T:S0 r- bl, servlcM by the paitor: Bandar school, 0 s. m. ; Epworth teagas, M p. m. , Orsee . Oor Twelfth asd Taylor - streets; CUuance True Wllsoa, P. !., naator. 10:M s. m., sermna by Dr, Jamas si. King of Phils drlphla: T:S0 p. m., sralw rrrl- with sew M.tbodlst krmnal, special mdale. queatios drawer and sermon by the pastor: elaaa meet ing. :S0 s. m. Sunday scbnol. 12:15 p. m.; Epworth .. leaf oe, led by Miss Nottingham, S:0 p. m.- Tarmr-Btreet Dr. rrssets Bargette. Short tor. 8:S0 s. m.. elssaea; 10:t0 a. m., "The leward of Servlre"; 12: IB p. n., Snnday arnonl; S:80 p. m., Epworth leagoe. Jsdse W. I. genton will preakde st the 7:45 p. m. meeting, "The Peaes Trsty"j aprikm Jndg John T. Caplea, 1 B. 8. 1. McAUIater, Bw., Bishop W4 r. McDowell. . A great BMet tag ;. special mnsle. . Bpworth Comer Twentr-thlrd and Irvina streeU; Henry T. Athlasoa, pastor. Sunday Knooi. iu s. m. ; ji a. m., ".winds or ifee trln" Kpworth Iesgas,-4:i5 n. m.; I;5 p. Bh "Mara Bunahlne." University Park Ber. D. A. Walters, peeton 10:50 a. m., sacrament of the Lord's supper, followed by love feast: s. m., dedication of the chnreh, BUhop William Prsser MeDoweU officiating;- a. aa.. - Epworth league rally meatlst ; 8 p. m., sermoa by Dr. John H. Cole man., orealdant of Willamette wolveraltr.' rrea Corner Eaat- Ninth and Mill streets J. Glen, paator. Servloas at 11 a. aa,, fol- owea or Kits reaai. - 1 Oenteaary Corner Bant Pine . sad Ninth streets; William H. Heppe. D. I., pastor. 10:SO s. m.. "Can I Be Divinely ldr'; 1:10 p. m., prea chins by Dr. James U. Kins', eorre- aponaing seereiary or the board or rburrh ex tension, Philadelphia; Sunday school, 13:15 P- m.i Kpworth devotional. ( 30 p. m. ; chorus moir. . - Ballwood C A. Lewis. Bastor. Sunday school, 10 a. m.; preaching at It a. m. and p. m.; tne morning aermoa will be rollowed by the sacrament or the Lard's supper; Kp ww ' -. u . i . , p. mt. Sunayaide Eaat Yamhill.' between Thirty. fifth sod Thlrtr-slxth atreta: T. B. gord. paator. T a. m.. an arise prayer meeting; 10 a. m.. Suadav school: 11 a. m..'hantim aad reception or members ssd aermoa) 5:30 p. m.. junior Mesne; e:s p. m.. tepwerth Issgus; p. m., aermoa by tha paator. ' BAPTIST. ". Calvary Corner Eaat Hehth and East Grant streets; A. Lawrence Black, paator. Blbia arbool, lO s. m., J. W. Howell, superintendent; II s. Sa.. "The Chrlatlaa'a IHitr to His Cltr"; aervlces Is Oermas from 3 to 4 p. m. I Xoung People's devotional aervlce, 0:30 p. m., Mra. W. D. Duan and Mlaa Mabet Petersos. leaders: T:80 p. m., "The Mas Who 0t oa AU roars, or Intensity In Bellaina." Mnale nder ths direetloa of . Ueorga Howard aad Mrs. Nettle Owens. .- , Central Eaat Twentieth sod' Eaat Inkeay streets; William E. Randall, minister. Build Ins closed for finishing asd furnwhtng, and dedication deferred until September IT. waa,riorpcr,iutstput,,aoq moti street. - n-1 T If r m i Sunday achooL 12:10 p. a. . Second Eaat ' seventh and - Eaat Ankenv streeU; Rev. Htsnton C. Laphsm. pastor. 10 30 a. an., "The Beautiful Gate1-; 7:45 n m., "The way er Lire'; Bible school, II m.i Tonng People's snlon. '5:45 n. m.i maele br choma ennir; j. ja. Bamrora, orsaniac ana 1 rector. netnanr eiiwooa. emuaav acnooi. irai.i nraacblns st 11 m. br Mr. P. J. Adama: ones. ir pnrvice, p. m.i preacnins ni 7:40 p. m. br Bev. John Bentslea oa "A Wta fooL" St. Johns services la Advent let church. Sue day school 10 s. m. preachlug at 11 a. m. by Rev. J. L. Whirry, atsaioaary tor easters vrf-srm. University Park Sunday , school, 10 s. a.) breaching at 11 a. m, by Rev. O. A. Lrsru: T:4S p. m. by Bev. E. A. Leonard oa "A Model Toung Mas." The White Temple- Corner Twelfth and Tay. lor streeta; 1. Whltcomb Broushar. D. U.. oaa- jor. ju:f a. m.. now ie neve in t uj ; 12:10 p. m.. Bible school; 5:50 p. m.. B. T. P. V. recentlon end aervlce: t:4S n . "ITo. aiae imwn -; aneciai muale by orchestra: orsas selections oy alia Kemp; spaclsl aotout, Mrs, atoiiatb os Deatue. 00V0BESATI0BAL. Firsr Madison and Park atreetsi Bev. K. f. Houae. D. D.. paator. 10:50 a. m.. 'Boms Overlooked FacU'"; T:48 p. JO.. "A Good Occn- patioa'- snnday achool,. 12:13 p. a..- 6. O. Mlkle, superintendent; r. P. 8. C. E.. : &m., E. B. MacNaufbton, leader. Choir rs. B. B. Bauer, Mia 0. MeClunr. 8. H. A. Ooodwyn, W. A. Mootomery; Mlas Leonora 1'lsher, choir director sad orgaalat. Hlshland Corner Preemtt and Eaat Sixth atreeta, north; Rev. A. M. Beehweod. paator. Bandar school, 10 s. a. 11 s. a.. "The Glory That Excela"! T:45 p. a.. Rev. W. J. Sharp, Aeld aecretary ef fhrlatlaa Endaavne work (or Orea-on and Waahlnston. will speak ths work ef Cbrlatlaa Endeavor. Ilasaalo-Street Eaat Seventh and Haeeale streets; Rev. Charles B. Cbaee, paator. 10:3S a. m., aerawa sy Kev. t. v. Komlnger; Bun day arhonl, 12 a. 1 Cbrlatlaa Endeavor. 5 p. m. University Park Art lean temple, Portsmouth; Rev. V, B. Gray, pastor. 11 s. m., "Our Lord's fnalateoc on an Attitude of Watchful- ; Honda? scbool at 10 a. m. Haanvalcle Corner Eaat Tavlor and Eaat Thirty-fourth atreeta: Rev. 1. J. Stash, paator. II a. m.. "Christ Within"; T:st p. aa.. "The Ideal Cnnsregatlon"; ll s. a., Sunday school. R. C. Pier, auperlntenrtest; 5 p. a.. Junior Endeavor. Mlas Edith Koe. superintendent; 5:30 n. m.. Senior Christian Endeevn. Mlaiaalppl-A venue Corner Mlaaleelppt svenne and Vreaont atreet. 10 a. B-. Snnday school; 11 a.' m. ana r. sa nreacnitis pr Key. W. L, I'nahaw; 5 :4ft ' s. m., Vnuns Peon lea aestkig. Msry Kails. nresMentr-- yBXSBTTXBIAB. First Corner Twelfth end Alder atreeta Bev. R. P. HIIL neator. SWvltwa ae-4A .ln and t:50 p. m. abort' or sa a reclUI by Pro. fesanr Conraea tn the even lug. rirat Cumberland 4'orner Twelfth and Eaat Tat lor streets; Rev. E. Nelaoa Allen, paator. a. m. . "ine nniw in wnics f nriat Iwlla" 13 a.,' Sunday school: T p. a.. Chris tian Eodeavnr; S p. m., "Tha Power ef the Uneeen. " Mlas l.laa Unehsa will alng. Piedmont toe nee Cleveland svenne sod Jsr rets, street- Rev. L. Mrroav Btwaer, paator. It . a Rev. W. J. Sharp will preach; 7:45 p. as., seraoa by the pastas; 10 a. St., Sabbath. acnnni. . Arbor Lodge Chapel Coraer Bryant ssd Car- tn atreeta. Rebbath 1 Nsbbatn acsnni st a p. a. Third Eaat Thtrteealh Bad Pise atreeta: Bev. Aadrew J. Montgostsry, palter. Servtcae snly Antiseptic and Harmless T7 PACIFIC COAST, DORAX CO, r SAN PRANCISCOCAL. j-r m " . TRAOC HARK yjn r)ft vhik r . iTHWisfiD; st 10 10 a. m. and T: p. m.f Ckristlaa Es-Jbf2rJ'SllyH-4U40 p. m.i Homo. school, -IS sa.1 Twenty -eighth street chapel, 1U:1 p. m. .. Mlspah East Thirteenth ssd Powell streets; Bev.. Jerome H. McUiade. D. D., paator. 10:50 a. a., "The teeper Significance of the Chris tian Life"; T;6 p. m., "Good and Evil as Alternative la Huciaa Choice." Mlaa KddiDgS will slug a sole st the evening service. Calvary Eleventh and Clay streets Bev. William . Gilbert, paator. 10 :S0 s. m., "Does Chrietiaolty Wlnr-; "7:45 p. m., "Il It klghtr'i easrtet choir; H. V. Mllllgsa. er ganlat rourth Plrst sad Olbbs streets; Bev. M. D. McClelland, 10:50 s. m., ermoa by Dr. W. P. P. Holt: IS m., Snnday school. K. C. Bronaugh, superintendent; 5:46 p. aa., Chris tlas Eudeaior meeting; 7:45 p. m., swssoa. : ' IPISO0PAL." , ''' '. St Matthew's First and Csrathers streets: Bev. "W. A. M. Breck tn efearf. - Services and aermoa. 11 s. m. ; Sanday school. 5:45 s. m. J All Salrks' 11 s. m., sermon by Dr.' Kobert Hope: 7:50 p. m.. aermoa by Bar. T. A. Hilton of Wenatchee, Waaaingtos. ' , St John's Memorial Hellweod; Ttev. W. B." Powell la charge. Mcrvio sod aermoa, 10:41 a. at. $ Saaday school, 13 m. Good Shepherd Sell wood street - end Van eoavsc avenue : Bev. John Dawson, rector, Sua day achoot, 10 s. m.; morning prayer, 11 o'clock 1 evening prayer, T:50 o'clock. Trinity Nineteenth and Everett streets; Dr. A. A. Morrlaon, rector. Holy eommonloa,- I a. m. ; morning aervlce, 11 o'clock; evening service, T:SO o'clock. - St. David's East Twelfth sad Belmont streets;' Oearfe B. Van Waters, D. D., rector. Morning prayer, 11 o'clock ; evening prayer. T:3U a tnei; busus scoodi. v:w b. sa. St. Mark's Corner Nineteenth and Qulmbr streets; Re. J. B. H. Suupaoa, rector. 8 a. m.. holy' commuatoe; 11 a. holy sommsntos aud aermoa; 5 clock, evening prayer sad sec St. ." Stephen's Chapel Thirteenth : and Clay atreeu: atcv. M. aa. Ksmsey, prieat la cnarge. Holy communion. 7:SO a. m. ; Sunday school, 45 a. a.; aervlcse st 11 a. a. asd 7:50 p. a. ,'-. irarmo xtabobxioal, " -' St. Johns Oorner Joha and Ivashoe atreeta; m ir , w 11 a.. , , . n. ej. - . . . b.i . "-w un w , 5 p. a., "Peter Delivered From Prlaoa"; Hun day school. 10 s. a.; Juntos K. L. C. E-, 3:30 p. bl; Senior K. L. C. ., 7 p. a. Becona vrnvr eaxso eno, neroj streets; Bev. J. Bowersox. paator. Bervlees st 11 s. a. snd 5 p. m. : Sunday school 10 s. a.; Junior Kndeavor, S p. nu; K. L, OL E., 7.15 ' ockley Oraen Sunday school, 1:30 p.' a.; preachlug at 5:50 p. a. by Rev. J. Bowersox. First Corner Eaat Tenth snd Sherman streeta; A. X Winter, paator. 10 s. m.. 8ua dsy school; It a. a., "Our Debt te th World"! 5:30 p. a.. K. L, ef C. E. meeting; 7:50 p. au. prsscnuig. ...... .,-.,.', , .. t ' CHBISTLUT. ' First Corner Psrk ssd Comabta streets; E. 8. Muck ley, minister. 10:50 a. a., "Chnreh EiteoaW- JI44 p. a., "Ths Fear Noes") Bible school. 13:15 a. aa.; Cbrlatlaa Kadoarer. 5:45 p. a. ceatrsl can Tweaueta sne Baimoa srrsets; Bav. J. F. Uhormley, mlniater. 10:50 a. m., Kvanrellat J. V. I'Ddlke will nresch oe "Th Neweat Thlsg oa Jtarth"; 7:80 p. a., "Truth, Thousht Fact": 10 a. a.. Sssdsr school: 5 p. sa.. Junior Endeavor; 5:30 p. a.. Senior Endeavor; Mrs. Meraersoa uasa. caoristsr; miss Evs Ryan, organist. sKodney- A venue Corner' Itodney s venue, sad Ksott street. Bervlees at 11 a. as. sad S p. sa. Theodore Schauer, paator. Ssnday school, 5:50 a. a.; services, 10:45 a. a. asd 1:46 p. a.; x . w. a., t p. a. v First Enanan coraer Esse Bixta sso Market streets; Bev. S. A. Slewert. sastor. Services at 11 a. a. and S p. a.; Snnday school, 10 s. mM A. Blttner, superiatendent ; Tonng Pen K" 'a sUlsocs, I p. a.. OdavUls Xstss, Jc, der. ........ ' - ; weaa-aa. ' tUTKXBAB?. ' Rorweslaa Brnod Oorsar Esst Tenth ssd Grant atreeu; 0. Hagoes, pastor. Servlcs si 11 s. m. and 8 p. m. at. James' EocUab corser weal pars sne Jefferson streets; I. A. Leas, paator. Services st 11 s. a.; Sunday school, 10 s. a.; Lather lesgue, T p. a. Hetasnis usniaa corner tuna areas sne Morris streets: tiudmund Giiu. paator. . aerv lces at 11 a. a. and S p. a.; Sunday school, 12:15 p. B. 0KBI8TIAB SCIEVCZ. ' First Scottish Bite cathedral, Morrlaoa ssd Lownsdale atreets. Services 11 s. a. snd 8 a. a.: subject. "Matter"! Sunday school st close of aorulng service. Second Auditorium building. Third, be twees Taylor ssd Baimoa atreeta. Services It s. a. snd 8 p. a. subject "Matter"; Sunday school, U a. a. ,v... .. .'.'. ... . :' CATKOLia '."" "' i ' SL Lswrencs Third ssd Rhermsa atreeta: Bev. J. C Hughes rector.'. Manses, 7. 5 sad 10:50 s. m.i evenlus service;, 7:30 o'clock. St. Pstrlck s Corner Mneteenta ssd Bsvlet atreeta: Rev. H. P. Murphy, rector. Masses 5 and 10:su s. m. ; evening ace vice. 7:30 o'rlnek. Church ot the Immaculate Hearte-Corne Williams sveaue and Stsnton street; W. A. Daly, paator. First mass, T s. m.; second maser 5:50 s. m.; high mass. 10:50 a. a.; vespers ssd sepedlctloa, T:30 p. a.. - -', .' at. S. CrKTfBCH MTfTBt, " ' First 171 4 Second street. Foresters' hall; Epworth teasne. p. a.; at 11 a. a.- and 8 s. a. Blahos H. C. UoaaSsnn ef New Orleans will occupy tne puipit; rouris ansrtsrly sa fetescs, 12.50 p. a. . anisTLur An inseioifABT auiabcx. Ths brlatlas sad MlHloasrv Alllaan Sixth snd Main streets: C. D. Sswtalie. tntendent. Preach Ins. 10:50 a. sa.: kiwi,. school, 12:13 p. a.; svsngellstie aervlce, 7:ao First East Couch and Bast Ilihti Be. W. W. bum II, paator. 11 a. m.. "Three war annnmni laireo ; T:4B B, a. "To Hell snd Hack; Who Is There asd Whs "" f mm, ill I. a ' IIOX. ' Cbrlatlaa Catholte Aneatnlle ct,e u u.. Allahy Iralldlns. cnenee Third ,i atreeta; Bev aarle A. Mo,, .Idee In rbsra. i P-A, '"','! f' "Christ, th Sea ef Bli . tKo Mwe -i ah In. .. i T v- . - v " Lcw t Man sions la C ' t rr'xiA, - . . 1 sail seventh sUeetr: tv. Flrtt a x ' ' . ML' 'v If'.,- TEAM brand . ' .eV'l- C Oressy," pastor. 11 I. m., senfcs and die-oerse-oa-"Ie- 4rtstradom Cblsttesr'( Sua-' day school, 13:50 p. m. '' - ' T. Bt. 0. A. ' ' ' ' AssoeutloB auditorium, 1ST Inserts sfrest, 5:50 p. m., sddreas by Of. O. B. Lesvltt el Beloit, Wlaconaln. oa rWhy Study the BUler" solos by Maw Mabel Baker. , - MIBCiXLABEOUS.- Divine Truth Center Divine Tratb chapel, hall 201. Alleky building, corner Third ssd Moniaoa atreeta; Thaddua M. Mlnsad, pastor. Services st 11 s. m. Frlenda' Soosrslde. corner Thirty-fifth ssd Esat Msla streeta; Edward D. Smith, pastor. Sunday acoool, 10 a. a. t sen Ices st 10:45 s. a. and IM P- m.; Caristlaa Bodeavor. 1 :D0 p. m. ' . Ollv Branch Goapel Mlastoajrirst sear CMy street. Services every erasing sad Snadsy at ' S it Tttr p.--a.'- - . -.--r - Bible Spiritual Society A. 0. V. W. ball, Selllns-Ulrach building, corser Weat Park and ' Waahlnstoa atreeta. 8 p. St., hectors, to be followed by Mr. Ladd Ffualcaa with tests and ' spirit aessagas. "Prayer From a Thsossphlesl Staadpolst will be the subject ef s lertur Sunday eves-' lug st the Allahy bntltllng, hall Sou. First Spiritual 'Church Artlaans' hall. Third .. near Washington street; M. T, BowUne, sea- . tor. 8 p. m., "Cain." , Cbrlatlaa SoelsUet Drew bslldln. let Sec ond streak At 3 p. a. Kev: J. W. Welle will speah on "What Should Bs th Attttad of Christians Towsrd th Bortallet Movements' Th Portlsnd New Church Society. Sweden. borslan Reception ball, third floor. Mnlkey " building. Second sad Murrleoa streeta, 10:30 s, a., lay aervlce. .. PROGRAM FOR CONCERT i rBY HAWAIIAN BAWD ' The Royal Hawaiian' band will 'play ths following programs at the fair Sun-V day: .-..- Afternoon Grand .. march. . "Athalie" (Mendelssohn); overture, "The Autumn. Queen" (Btgge); vocal (a) "Pua AUnl" (b) "Kal Ohele" (Madam Kane Alapai); ballad. "St. Agnes Eve" (Sullivan) l . vocal (a) "Mauna Xea" (b) "Lai Kohala" (Royal Hawaiian GJee club); aelectldn,. "Last Days of Pompeii" (Petrella) : vocal (a) "Holowalmea" (b) Oi Wl Na , Ki" (Madam Nana Alapai); The Wad ding March" (Mendelssohn); vocal (a) Lanl Hull" (b) "WlllwlU Mai" (Royal Hawaiian 01ee-ctubr tmala, -"A"Blt of - Blarney", (Helf); Hawaii Ponol The Star Spangled Banner."- , Evening March, "Tannhauser (Wag ner): overture, "Calif of Bagdad" (Briel. dleu); vocal (a) "Kapillna" b "Walan usnus" (Madam Nana Alapai) j .waits. "Andalualan" (Friedman); vocal (a) "Ula Hua Wale'' - (b "Keanu - Aheahe" -(Royal Hawaiian Glee elub) ; selection, -"Prince of Pllsen" (Luders) ; vocal (a) "Aloha No Wau" (b) "Maonl K Ala" (Madam Nana Alapai); selection. "Oer- man Marchea" (Leldenglans); vocal (a) Ke Aloha" (b) "Folna Ole" (Royal Ha waiian Olee club)? selection. The Win- 1 ner'Vt Maokle)! Hawaii Ponot The gtar , SpantledrBaTineT." '. ... 1 .TTT BEACH RATE REDUCED. Three Dollars for sWamd Tttp , .'- y O. M. m . oe. "'. The everyday round-trip rate from Portland to North Beach points has been reduced by the O. R. N. Co. from $4 to IS, tickets on sale until, October It with final return- limit October SL The T. J. Potter, queen of river boat. . leaves Portland for Astoria and North Beach points aa follows: , Septem ber It. 7 a. at. ;f September 14, 3 a. m. September li, t:lt aw na. The Potter la now making certain daylight tripe from Ilwaco to Portland. The Haaaalo lsavss Portland for As toria and way points, connecting at As toria with Nahcotta for Ilwaoo and North Beach points. Ash street docx. dally at 8 p. m.. excepting Sunday (Saf urday at ie p. m.) Particulttra and O. R. t N. Summer - Book by aaklng at Third and Washing-, ton streets. Portland. - Jiow aacwraloa Bstst Beti On September la, .' 17, the Great Northern railway will sell excur sion tickets -to Chicago and return for 71.t0; St Louis and return, St Paul, Minneapolis and Duluth and return, i0; tlcketa good for going pas sage for IS daya; final return limit 88 days; good going via Great Northern railway, returning same or any direct route, atopovers-allowed going and) re turning, ror tlcketa and additional In formation eall oa or address H. Dickson, C P. and. T. A Great Northern By 1?? Third street Portland. We make high rises gold eigne, tar at Klelaer. phone Is. ,i5. Poe- professor J. C. inodrrass of r Oregnn, the noted etude nt end of scriptural mythology, hs I. booklet embracing a brief 11 the subject, from the ae'rr point and will send a V jecf OS receipt Of p dresa , ' J 01123 L tzi 4t:-3t rr, :