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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 10, 1905)
v THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL; PORTLAND,, SUNDAY MORNING,? SEPTEMBER 10. 1SC5. - - llrSQCTETOmj ' : , . . . . , - .- - : ' s .... .... - - . - v ' ' i ', T Nr socle"ly matrona returned IJ 1 fnm mounUlnl and beach IV the past week and ar getting (he entertainment of the irly fall, Af- ' talra haw been small aad Informal. '.. Mlsa Ruth Maxwell, who laavea ta- ; tn arrow with her parenta ror wr, s , where her marriage will take place, ha V, been quite extenaively entertained, Mra ' J C. Gauld gave, an afternoon of carda ' for pT. Miss Etta Honeyman a lunch- . , eon" Mr, u.- jtw v-urry S Miss Woolsey a tea yeaieruay ' xmmm that aha baa been more infor mally entertained by aeveral wheat there were only twcor three gueats, but : the occaalona ware none the lean oumi V ful. . . ' Whilo few announcement have been ' : mad of aoclal functions at the fair Ip the near future, evary one takea It to granted thaV eoon they will begin to ' v crowd In and that tn closing jwiiuuw wtll be area pleaaanter If poaslbl than ,.,...... were, the -opening- . oneav.... ; .!..,,:. . June 1 commonly considered th , month of weddings .and September la , ' ' usually a. cloaa aeoond. ' A number of immrtant maj-rlaaea hav been - cele- - ' bra ted the paat week, foremost among 1 " which were the Blalr-Chaaiberlain nup t ' title. . The oeremony was much quieter than was at first planned, because tha ".' data waa sat earlier on account or tna ajroom a homegolng. SOCIETY AT THE EX : POSITION. sj . 4-est h retention given Thursday even ing by tha Idaho commission .In honor Of Governor ana aire. r . n, wwum ' ' Idaho waa one of tha elaborate features 'of to week. - The tute buiMing, was 'transformed Into a festival hall,. and , garlanda of evergreen alternating with etrings of Japanese - lanierae xewuuu ; ' the entire building wlthlirfnd without 1 Commissioner J. W. McBrld Introduced ' tha guests to tha Una. PJealdef t and Mrs. Good stood next to Governor and Mra Gooding, and the other assist- '. Ing wes Judge i.'T. Alishi of the uprom court ana jars. juieme, :sw tary of State W. H. Oibsoa and1 Mrs. Glbeon. Btata Auditor Robert S. iirtfftw and Mrs. Bragaw, the, sorernor'a staff . and their wives. Inclining- General and Mra. David Vlokara, Colonel aad Mra. lOaorta M.t Boberta,.MlV-jtndlMraV S. Merera," Lieutenant-Colonel and Mra. Jamea K..BIroey Captain and Mrs. 1 " N. Root and Captain Josrpk Bpebrel, Commissioner and Mrs, I. -W, McBrlda, Mrs. Adfllla B. Scott. Mra. MoOllncbey, , Un. J. J. Pulse, Mrs; W. & Chaney. JHM Maud BammeU and J. W. Oolder. Mrs. aoodlnf was handsomely gowned in pearl gray chiffon with a bertha of - fine hread lace. Mr. Go ode wore a whit laoe gown. Mrs. ' McBrlda an oriental cream lac robe, Mrs. Scott black spangled net and Mrs. Allehle ' cream satin with . Persian embroidered garnitures, r " : v " Tv.r . " ".',." " r California, excelled even herself la the .hoepltallty -of bar reeeptten yesterday afternoon- In honor of Uia ktate day. The approach to tha building; waa cano .' pled-aad -alaborately draped with bunt lng of the deep golden hue o popalar at ' that building. Evergreen garlanda and oriental lanteraa added to tha beauty of - the acena. Inside the balcony - was closed to uninvited guests. . Miss . : Growth of Sacramento and Mis Galpln , - of Lot Anplea received at the bead oii ' tha ataira. Tha' rooma were zuiea wild gorgeous flowers, but moat attractive ' among them were tha huge bowl of golden popples and coreopalt. Recel v ( i ing In the Una were tha member of tb Joint committee of senate ,and aasembly , of California to tha number of 15. Mr. and Mrs. pilcher and Mr. and Mra Wlg ' gina introduced in the raoeptlon-room -and other mambara . of the house fam - - ily asalated. - A bountiful- buffet lunch ' eon wa served and Mlee Irma Fllcher, ' Mis Eva May Wiggins and some other -young people aaatatad in the service. The -Administration band played ' through and Mlsa Mary Adell Case and Mra Jonas Wood of Ban Btrnardlno . ang. .- ' - -, - - After tha reception there waa a gtrn ' oral distribution of all varieties of Call ' fornla frulta to people on tha ground. In" appreciation of tha fact that tha . Katlonal Letter-Carrlert" asaoclatlon yr lnflmiedwoiuaii. aufftage at lt Uat .. , convention, tha Portland Woman's Suf ,frag association gave a reception for the Oregon building Friday afternoon. Tha Invitations aaked the ..guest a to eonTe and "drink tea and fruit" '' 8ome f Ot letter-carrier and . " their wives were present. Mra. June ' : f McMillan OrdwAy . gave . rosea to the laltora. Tea wa served by Japanese ' from tha tea garden. . Among tboa re . ' eetvlng the gueata were Mrs. Henry v Waldo Cos. president of the Portland organisation; Mrs. Jefferson Myers, Dr. ; Mary 3. Thompson, Dr. Luema Johnson, Miss Helen Spalding and Mra. Chap ; man. ' Tha committee on arrangements compritad Mrs. Clara , Bewick Cplby, Miss Franoea GotabaU and Mrs. Abbla - C French. ; . ' 'V;-". w '. Mrs. J. F. Alnalle. wife of tha Judge of tha aupreme court of Idaho, gave a delightful luncheon Friday at tha Amer : loan Inn In hoaor of Mra F. R. Gooding, tha governor's wife. Covers were laid . ' for 1 and tha table was beautifully - arranged wltb weetpeaa and tmllax. Be aide tha hoatees and honor guest there ' : were present Mra H. W. Good, Mra Wallace Scott of Grangeville, Mra Reeve of GrangeviHa Mra Roberta of Bolae and Miss Margaret Roberta, Mra. , , Asenbery of Orannrevllle. Mra J. J, Puis of Orangevllla Mra Adella B. Bcott of Idaho Falla, Mlas Maud Ham mell of Nes Perce, Mra, R. W. McBrlde ,s ot Salmon City, Mra J.- W. West of Iewlaton. Mra J. A. Wilkinson of 'Orangevllla Mra .Burton I French of Moscow and Mra G. 8. Stockton of Orangevllla . ... ' ' , - -,- . - .. . , Mr. and Mra. W. A. Maars spent Mon day at the Government building with Mis Mary Adell Case a their gueet . t They were appertained at luncheon by Mr. and Mra. Boyaton. Mr. Boy n ton I ; head of the department of the Interior .- at tha building. In tha evening a party . enjoyed a plcnlo upper on Government terrace. , There were Mn and Mra ' Mears, Mra, Morris . Palmer, Misses v Mary and t-uolle palmar. Major T. S. -flarkaon, Mr. Stephen Wiley of Cali ' fornla and Judge Wei) from tb aama state. "The party remained to watch the j a ham battle. A pleaaant feature of tha . evening which attracted much attention was ' the aaoent of Mlsa Caae In a naUooa and her alngfng when she was high In the air; Her beautiful contralto penetrated to all part of tha ground and there wa great applausa v Mr, and Mra Alexander Kerr wer r,p"n,M for a delightful treat for bout ett poor 4-hlldrea Tneaday after wmn. The lmie ones were taken on , Tv apx-lal rra flvan by tha. courtesy "WPny, in the fair grortnda , and rr aeoorted Ikrouih nnnkM af : : 1 r. . 1 , , . Ensign Georg F. Blair of th butldlnga Two or three ' of the show on the Trail wer visited and supper waa erved at a booth In tha Agricultural building. Th .Salvation Army, th Voluntaera and tha Peoples' Institute each sent. a delegation of chil dren and - helpers 'went --, to taka care of them. . Tha : crowd , waa divided Into classes of Mt and many- of ' th society - girl . assisted Mr. and Mrs. Kerr In caring 'for them. Tb children spent a delightful day and wer enthusiastic over the adventure; -;... it - it - -'. .-if-rrl An error crept Into on of tha paper last week concerning 80811108 club day at tha Washington building, Friday, Sep tember 1. Mra Hartwell H. DePew waa mentioned as a guest of honor, though she wa a hostesa Th clubwomen of Seattle who received were: --Mra Homer M. Hill president of th City Federation of Women's clubs of Seattle) Mra W. A. Foster, . president of : tb Women' Century club, the oldest elub In th city, : and Mrs. Hartwell IL DePew, president of the Woman' club, th largest In tha city. . Among tha honor gueata were Mra. Abigail Scott Dunlway. Mra Sarah A. Kvana and Mra Lillian McClurg. . W ' " 'M Captain R- K. Ingram, of company K, at Government Island, and Mra Ingram entertained Informally Thursday even Ing for Mlsa Poison of San Francisco at th New York building. Tha evening wa enjoyably spent In . dancing. The. other gueata were: Mr. and Mrs. Will iam Ellla Captain and Mrs. Fries, Cap tain and Mra Forrey, Mr. Hlgglns Lieu tenant Jones, - Lieutenant Ware., Lieu tenant George Oden, William Miller, Ed C. Mears, Mrs. Sheldon, Mrs. Walker, Miss Bess Church, Miss Helen Morrison, Mlsa Hattio Morrison, Mia Lillian Caratena Miss Merrill. Miss Florence lorrtsoa and Miss Haley of Seattla Mr. and Mra A. Bleesken Banks of Albany, New York, wer distinguished guests at th American inn last week, accompanied by their valet and maid. I They wer entartklned at luncheon Frl !rrraar at tha Portland by Mra Green, and otherwise entertained , by friend through th week. Another - distin guished party at the Inn Included Mr. and Mra. J. O. Johnston, their children, and Mr. Johnaton, Sr. J. O. Johnston la president and manager of four large light and water concerna among them the Deachute Irrigation A Power com pany.; . ; .. . . :slJ ,'. '.V. . : t ... - Th people at tha Maine buildlpg art planning - n reception . for Mra Eva Emery Dye, Thursday,. September 14. Tha Oregon author was born la Illt nola but her parents wer native ot Malna Mr. A. C. Jackson Is delighting In th arrival of an'1 assistant hostess, Mrs. Georgia Boardman of Seattle, who was born in Malna She will remain through September, assisting Mra Jack son. The piano racjtala ack afternoon at th building are well attended.- , -' Th Sacajawea association will give a reception at the Oregon building next Thursday evening la honor of Mlsa Alice Cooper of Denver,, who mad the Baca Jiwe statue,' and Mr. Paxon, tha Mon tana artist, whose worka distinctly western In subject, are displayed In the Oregon bliljdlng., InviUtlons - wni' b Issued and -Mra Eva Emery Dye will receive assisted' by Mra Barah A. Evana, Mra C. M. Cartwrlght. Mra A. H. Brey man, Mra Martha A. Dal ton and othera ; , - The reception given at th New Tork building Wednesday evening in honor of the Joint committee of tb aenat and assembly from California waa tha most fashionable function of tha week, . Th It member and their wive war la Una and many handsome gowns wer worn. - About 200 guests attended. The rooms were beautifully decorated wltb rosea palms and ferna . ' . - , v Commissioner and . Mra Stipe , and their . danghtera Misses - Besls and Iltlen, were th honor gueata last week st a delightful little at home ,in th Lincoln house at tha fair. Many, of th "exposition families" called aa ' did a number of prominent Illinois people dawn town. The Hungarian . orchestra played during tha evening and punch was served in th drawing-room. ' . ; A", . -':. ' : Commissioner and Mra Webster Greene, Commissioner aad Mr. Fish burn, Commissioner and Mra Cunning ham and Commissioner Kuchlar of th Utah building have returned to their home and Manager Spencer Qawson 1 Michigan and Hi Bride. In charge . of th ' ."building. Two hostesses. Miss Mack and Mia Madsen, remain through tha aeason, - - ; - .; - ' Among th prominent ' people who cam with the Joint legislature commit tee from California 1 were Senator and Mra Pendleton and Miss Albertlne Pen dleton, Senator 'and Mra E, L Wolfe and Mra D. Bibbers, Senator and Mra J. B. Curtln and Mis Rachel Shaw. - " Th dinner given at tha New Tork building tn ho'nor ef Governor and Mra Gooding Friday evening included about to gueata. The table deooratlona of pink rosea and awabtpea with pot of fern were very pretty. . ., . . V ... . ,, . President 1 Jafferoon Myers received Informally yesterday afternoon tha vis iting newspaper men. of Oregon -nd Washington at th Oregon building. Re freshment were served by Mra Myefa The California building will again be aoene of festivity next Thursday aft ernoon when tha commission gives a re ception la honoy of -the general pas senger agent of tha United Btatea - . ' ' The affairs at tha Inn last week In cluded the Hoo Hoo banquet . Friday nlghtand tb banquet for tha women connected with th organisation Sat urday night. ' ''""v:.'-,. Tha Missouri commission I planning for - a banquet at . tha American Inn Thursday, September 14. - tn honor of Governor Joseph W. 'Folk.-, . w , Mr. and Mra E. W. Packard of Salt Lekt City have bean entertained at th New Tork building th paat week. 9- ' . Th Thursday Night club gave a vary successful garden party on the grounds of Mr. and Mra L. Ebellng, 487 West Park street, Thursday, September T. Tb lawn was illuminated with many Jap anese lanterns. A-string orchestra furnished delightful music. In the course of the evening a literary and tnualcal entertainment was given, 'In cluding recitations by Mra Matblot, N. H. Roblnaon, R. C. Clyde and F. Granloh, duets by the Misses Ebellng and Taylor, piano aoloa by Mra Erdman and M. C. A they, Jr.. and an original reading by Herbert Booth King. Th Thursday .Night club has been promi nent among the ' aoclal clubs of Port land. An entertainment committee haa originated a. new. form of entertainment for eaob meeting. Among the member present at the garden fete ,were: Mesdamea Katharine C Math lot, Mary Hanson. H. p. Taylor, Stella Cooper, -R. H. Hastings, Ida Erdman, Dora Nelson, Mattle Richards, L. Ebellng, th Misses Rose Mohr, Myrtle Buffum, Effla May field, Mildred Carruthera, Grace Vande-msrr- and - Herbert Booth King, C. C. Mr era R. C Clyde, Roy Mercer, M. C Atbay, Jr Alfred Iverson, N. II. Robin son, Fred Granlch, M. M. Bugarman, Bl Dana Herbert Wentworth and Mr. Hast' lnga . , ' ' . '. '. .. ' w A reunion of all tha brother and sisters and their families of th4,Langan family was held In Portland September S. .4 and (. 7he. occasion wa one of greaf pleasure to all. On Monday even ing W. H. jand T. M. Langsn of Dea Moines, Iowa entertained at the Ameri can Inn. -Tuesday was th special day and wa apent at the bungalow Of Mr. and Mra William Knight on tha Wil lamette river, where dinner waa' served by Mr. end Mrs. William Knight and Mr, and Mra Warren Knight. Cover wer laid for U, .. In .th evening. Frank Knight gave a launch party and on Wednesday Arthur Card of Tacoma gave an .automobile rtda One of tha pleaa ant features of th reunion was th an nouncement of th engagement of Mlas Grace Laagan of Des Moines to James Barrett of Greeley, Colorado. , . -' Mis Lulu Holmes entertained a few friend very pleasantly at' her home-, 11 Second atreet, Thursday afternoon. A drawing conteat caused much amuse ment and Mlas, HUdegarde Plummer cured th prise. A dainty menu vti served at tete-a-tete tablea Mls Holmes waa assisted In entertaining by her alster. Mis Lillian. , Th gueat were Mlsa; Fanny Barbor, Mlsa Mabel - Wlthycotnba of -Corvallla, Misa Bophl Rleman, Mlas Llxrle Hach eney, Mis Myrtle Hunt, Mis Bust I - I Rleman. Ml Etha William of Eugena Miss Beth Bradley. Mlta HUdegarde Plummer. Mlas Nina Tucker and Mia Oaetaevold. Mlsa Wlthycomb left 61i jhe early evening train for HUlaboro, where ahela on of a boua party-atTh Tongu homa , - Mia Etta Honeyman gave a pretty luncheon for Mlsa Ruth Maxwell last week, entertaining 11 frtenda Pink sweet peaa anu ualnty baby rosebuds ornamented the table "and an oddly made braas candlestick with a pink candle stood at eaoh plate. Japanese carda signified the plaoea Those entertained beside the honor gueat were Mlsa Hasel Dolph. MlssKatherln Woolsey, Miss Hudson of Tacema, . Mia Sual Stott, the Misses Florence and Eatelle Flower, M1ss Fanny Brown.- Ml Rath Smith, Miss Hasel Crocker and Mlsa Grace Warran. , . .'; i..t, ' ' ' . Mr. .Solomon Hlrtch , gave a - very charming luncheon on Monday In honor of Mra Irwin of Springfield, Illinois, who Is tha gueat of Mra J. N. Teal, Mra Hissch's handsome dining-room waa . vary beautifully decorated wlth lavender and whit tweet peaa ' The ladiea who had tha privilege of enjoying Mra Hlrsch's hot pi tall ty war Miss Mary Cox, of Waahlngton, District .of Columbia Miss Elisabeth Cadwell. Mlas May Falling. Mra Charlea F. - Bee be, Mra. 'J.. N. Tal.. Mra. C. , F. Swlgert Mis Falling and Mra Irwin. -. . r -: " w ' '. ". ' . . Miss Esther Kroaae entertained Wednesday afternoon at five hundred In. honor of Mlas Hollingswfkjh at Col fax, Washington." Her gueata besides Miss Holllngsworth. were Mra John F. OShea, Mr. H. J. Schulderman, Mra J. M. Barrett. Mra J. P. Cook, Mra J. C Edwards. . Mrs A. N. Krousa Mlsa O'NeUl. Miss Rellly, Miss Llghtner. Miss Gately, Mis Schuldermaa, . Miss Hoben, " Miss - Cumminga. Mist- Cora Murphy and Mlsa Kearney of Aatorla K, It. Mra w. c Knighton gava small afternoon tea .Friday at her . horn on Willamette Height for Mra E. D. Rob ert and-Mra- Jonas F, Wood ef San Bernardino, California. Moat of those present were old friend -of th honor guests who formerly lived In Oregon. Mra Knighton waa assisted In serving by Mra R. F. Prael. Mra H. N. Car- lock. Mra K. F. Erwln, Mrs. C. W. Sherman and Mra A. L. McCully. . ' Mlsa- Clara -TTarmafi-ilnd'Mlas Rlsla Wlstar entertained a few girl friends at the tatter's homa on the east aide Wednesday afternoon. The guest were received on the lawn, where tablea were arranged for gamea. Miss Hilda Morton and Mlsa Helen Barlow secured . the prlxea Supper waa spread under the trees In plcnlo style and waa thoroughly enjoyed. Mrs. Herman, Mra W la tar and Mra Longdal served ths guest a Alvln Barber gavt a small. boating party to Boss Island Wednesday even ing; Supper wa spread nn4r th tree and the evening waa apent In musie and storytelling. The party conalated of Miss Miriam Strong. Miss Harriet Calkins, Mra. Roy Ev Norton, Mia Fanny Barber, Mr.f Jeffry of Vancouver and Dr. John R. Barber. Mr. Barber will leave Tuesday . to. ntenhe. engineer corp or ine army at bid rancisco. , ' if . .v -' Tha Ladles" Auxiliary of ths' Ancient Order of -Hibernians had .en open meet ing at theJr- liall -In th Allsky build ing Friday evening. " Mra Nora Cham bers presided. Father Curley, tha chap lain, snd Dr. Courtney made brief ad drtaaea and Miss Harwaa"-ang. Danc ing 'and. refreshments brought th even ing to a cloaa ., - Mra J. Wesley tdd and her daugh ter returned. Tuesday from their Sum mer's stay at tha beach. Thursday evening Mr. snd Mra Ladd gave a email theatre party at the Marquam to lee "TrUby.- A light supper at tha Port land grill concluded tha evening. Mia Whalley, Mia Ball, Mr. Ball and Mr. Carson wer entertained. .-. ; L ...... . ,. it it - -i Mra' J. O. Gould gava a bridge party and tea Tuesday afternoon at her homer m Lovejoy atraetv Th affair waa given In honor of Mia Ruth Maxwell, whose marriage takea place next week, and Mra W. L. Geary and Mr. Samuel Winkle gueata - from San Franclaco. There were eight tablea and after card a number -C othr frlwhlf tilled. A delightful dinner waa given at the American Inn Friday evening by Mr. and Mra-Adolph-Delcum in honor of their aon Frank. Th table waa .very prttlly decorated with weetpeaa The Other guest wer: Ml inea Barrett, Mlaa Ray Joseph!, Mlas Fanny Brown, Mlaa Lucy Sltton, Morris Whltehous. Fred Chapman and Walter Goaa . ' w-w George Dekum gava m luncheon for 14 Tuesday at Claremont taverfffor hi brother Frank of the Lackay company. Mra Ernest Latdlaw chaperoned th party and th other guests wer Mlaa Jackson, Miss Etta Honeyman, Mia Hasel Crocker, Mlaa Busle 8tott. Lou Woodward and Morris Whltehous. . V i w it - Mr. Raleigh Stott gav an Informal tea last week In honor of her niece. Miss Garland of Wilmington, Delaware, and Mra Leonard Chanery. - Assisting her In pouring tea were Mra J. Wesley I .add. and Mra. Jamea Flower, while Mra Wal ter Burrell served Icea s ' Many of the musical people of he city Wer entertained by Dr. Cummlng Tues day evehlng In -honor of hi daughter, who haa recently returned from musical studies in New York. Her aunt, the well-known Bhannah Cummlng, was her Instructor thera . ; ', J - . t-- 1 f it " Mr. Frank Welsay- of Sacra menlo waa th honor guest laat., Wednesday at a lunchaen gtyen hyN her hostess. Mra. Charlea. Sutton. Covera were laid for eight, aad tha party afterward enjoyed a aightseelng trip around the grounda - , Mr. C. K. Curry entertained very In formally at luncheon Friday for Miss Maxwell. Her other guest were Mis Etta HoneymanAMU Katheiine Wool ey. Mitt Hudson and Miss Harriet Calkins. -. r v -' - . Mra Warren Houghton entertained laformally at carda. Friday for , Mra Leone rd Chanery of San Francisco who la th guest vt Mr. Charts Chanery. 1 WEDDINGS. At the horn of Governor and Mra George E. - Chamberlain In Irvlngto Monday evening thl daughter, "Lucie Aroher Chamberlain, . 'waa married to Oeorge Frederick Blair, formerly of the United States navy. Owing to tha lack of time for It preparation th wadding Was very Informal. ' Th house waa decorated with autumn leaves. To the etratna of ' Mendelssohn's "Wedding March," played by Mr. Walter Cook, 2 , tha groom led the bride to the altar, accompanied by tb bridesmaid. Miss Marguerite Chamberlain, and the beat man. Dr. Charlea T. Chamberlain. RaV. W. 8. Gilbert performed th Impressive ring ceremony 'of th - Presbyterian church. ------ . Th brtd was gowned In a oft whit el y see over whit taffeta, th bodice trimmed with rare old laoe that be longed to her grandmother. The aklrt waa an train, with many pretty shirt rtnga and th veil waa held In place by a quaint sunburst Qf.aquamarlnea-a.lao an heirloom. After tha ceremony re freshments wer aerved In th dining- room, where th table deooratlona were Brlda roaea. , Th . brtd' bouquet waa caught by Mrs. C W.iRonner, aunt of th brlda Th golng-away gown was ofvery pretty brown cloth. Jacket af fect, and broWn llk waist to match. With this waa wont a vary becoming brown polo hat. ' '''.- Mrand Mra Blair have gone to their homa In Lansing. Michigan, where the groom will go-late bualne . witbbj father.- '- - J . , - ' -f.-" .: v'" Th marriage of Grace Harriet Par llus and Harry. Price Palmer, lata yes terday afternoon, waa a very pretty ona The ceremony took place at TBI Eaat Burnstda thhom of the bride' parent. Mr. and Mra Martin Wells Parellua, and Rev. J. A. Leaa read -the ervlca Th drawing-room, where the ceremony took place, waa' in green and White with a bell of whit roaea sus pended over th bridal party. The back ground of aa Angelica friar, painted on tapestry, wa very effective, showing; through a screen of am llax. ' Ferna and red rose wer used In th dining-room. Mia Ruby Parellu attended -the bride aa maid of honor and Mlsa Bertha White, Mia Jessie. Palmer and Miss Maria. Madlaon ewew her -other attend- ants. Little Lucy Alvlra" Hodsay'"waa th rlngbearer and worn pale blua Hoyt Lesoher attended th groom. Th wedding march waa played by Miss Arvllla. McGuIr a tb piano and Mlsa Cornelia Baker, violinist. Th brlda was In sheer whit Ilk net over silk and carried a ahower of Brtd roaea Her attendanta wer In whit a too. and carried roaea. Mr. and Mra Palmer Jiav gone on trip to 'Califor nia, and will be at horn after. Octobef IS, at 177 East Ankny street, -c . Miss Beset Isabella Cleland and John Curtis Balrd were married Wednesday waning at th horn T tb bride e par enta Judge and Mra John B. Cleland, 171 Eaat Sixteenth atreet Dr. Elwln I Houaa of First Congregational church read th ring aervlca About. (0 guests, mostly . relatives. wer in attendance. Before the ceremony Mra. Emma V. StratXon of Lawreaoe, Kansas, a cousin of th brMr-ang "I Love The" and 'Tn th Dark, In th Dew," than played th Lohengrin "Bridal Chorua" Tha reception-room waa pretty with asparagus bougha ferns and delicate Caroline Tea tout roaea - The bride and groom entered unattended. Tha brld wore white silk ana -point d'espilt with Valanclnue laoe and carried a ahower. of fern and Brld rosea . Supper waa served In ths dining-room after tha ceremony and th table waa decked, with .smllax and whit carnatlona Among tha relatives present from out of town wer Mr. and Mra W. H. Cory, their daughter, Miss Zoe, and their gon Lynn from Janesvllla Wis consin. Mr. and Mra Cory are . th Dnae s unci ana aunt. Mr. and Mra Balrd left on th evenln train for an extended trip through Call- rornia They win be at homa after November it at 191 Tenth atret No announcement In th city. , - ' ' Miss .Els! Lyon and Lambert Dun bar were married with simple ceremony Wednesday evening at the home of ths brlde'a parenta Mr. and Mra E.-Lyont, 717 Johnson street Th marriage wa of Interest to "many young people elnoe th brld I th grand president-of the iocal Omega Nn Sorority and th groom i member of the Pi Delta Kappa fra ternity. Rev. J. E. H. Simpson read the service In th presence of about ; 40 relative and Immediate friends. i Miss Nellie Maxon played the wed ding march and Mia Annl Dltchburn sang. Th brld waa gowned In white crape and carried Bride roses, whll her sister. Miss Jean, attended her In whit mull and carried pink Bridesmaid roaea. Harry Oaylord attended th - groom. An informal reception followed the cer emony, and Mr. and Mra Dunbar left Immediately after on a wedding trip. ' - ' ' " Ml Elisabeth B. Blakney wa mar ried to Earl B. Stark of Seattle Wednes day morning at tt)a home of - Mr. and Mrs. V. 8. Blakney .on Esst Stark atreet. Rev. William E. Randall officiated. The room wer profusely decorated ' with white ' sweetpess snd the bridal party stood beneath an arch of Oregon grape, holly and cedar bougha- The bride was gowned In white ilk organdie trimmed with plaited lac and carried Bride rose. Sh wss attended only by hei little brother. Keith, aa ring-bearer. The r Woodward' Dancing -Aoadamy,, - De partment of the Western Academy of Mualo and Dramatic Art Second nd Morrison. ' Everest' ..orchestra Opens October 14T Mis Dorothea Nash will receive pupil In piano, harmony and alght-alngtng at her studio. No. Ill Thirteenth street be tween Morrison and Yamhill, beginning Friday. September It; terme vary rea sonable. .. . . , i Mra Nina Larow, teacher-of dancJng, Larow hall. Twenty-third and Kearney; Inquire till 4 and after 7 p. m., axoept Thursday. . phone Mala 2121. c v Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hall Wright bride's slater, Mra Margaret" Stark, ot Beattla' Played th Mendelasohn marcb, After wedding breokraat Mr and Mrs. I Stark-left for a trip to ariusn Colum bia They will be at horn after Octo ber 1 at lilt Broadway,. Seattl A . . - V. . A quiet wedding took - plac . laat Wednesday evening at th horn of Mr. and Mra Oscar Abst when their daugh ter, Johanna Margaretha, waa married to Herbert Greenland by Rev. J. E. Blmpaon ot St Mark' church. Tb brld carried a ahower bouquet tof roses and, waa gowned In bridal whlta : Th room-were beautifully decorated In green and whlta Th brld recently came .. to. Portland . from Jutlnoeapolia Mr. and Mra Greenland left, th same evening for Seaaide, Wherthey will spend their jtioneyraoon. ' They will be at home to their friends after October 1 at M7 Eaat Ninth street Worth. - Tb marriage of Mlsa Zulah Claire Hopkins, daughter of Mr. ' and Mra George E. Hopklna of Los Angelea, to Henry Hall -Wright Thursday evening waa of great Interest especially among Presbyterian young peopla The cere mony took plac at the home of Mr. and Mra a M. Wood at Twelfth and Alder etreeta Dr. E. P. Hill performed th ceremony, assisted by Rev. M. Wright father of the groom. Fern and weet peaa "decorated the . housa ' Th brld haa been very active In musical and so cial work of th - Iplrst Presbyterian church and-la prominently connected with many charitable organltatlona .. ' it -k ' : Mis Elisabeth J. Keegaa and Joseph L .Williams war married Wednesday morning at Bt Mary's cathedral by the Rev. Father H. J. McDevltt Mis Maria Cox played th "Lohengrin" march, and th brld was led to th altar by her father. Robert Horn attended tb groom and Mlaa Mary Keegan waa maid of - honor. - Tha brld waa gowned In whit point d'esprlt and her attendant In pal blua organdla Mr. and Mra Williams wilt spend their honeymoon at Seaside, after wbloh they will be at bom In Portland. . Tlamsntln Bull or k tnn"JttwlJa.JLTajJ lor were, married very quietly at First Unitarian church Wednesday - evening. They will live la Arthur, Oregon, wher th groom 1 In buslnesa - ; At the horn of th bride! mother at til Jackaon atree( Ralph L, Carae and Elisabeth J. Rutherford ' were married on Monday by Rev. William 8. Gilbert. Mlsa Etta J. Honeyman waa bridesmaid : FOURTH AND WASHINGTON '-: . . ' INVITE INSPECTION OP THEIR Very Extensive Showing Tailored Demi Tailored Suits and Costumes - - In All the Newest Fabrics and Coloring - .- '. ' For Early Autumn - Wear Coats For A SKIRTS In Exclusive Mannish Fabrics AT VERY ATTRACTIVE PRICES and E. E. Carse bast man. ' Only Imme diate relatives wer present. -' Af tet luncheon Mr. and Mra Cars took th train for tha sound cltlea 'They will be at 'horn at til Jackson street after October l. - Mia Laura Maateraon of San Frah Cisco and David A. Smith of Vancouver, B. C were married Thursday -at First Presbyterian manae ' by Rev. Edgar P Hlll. Mien Hattl Freld and Mlaa Mollt Freld. also of San Francisco, and Alex H. Smith of thl city attended them. The party , wa visiting at th - Im perial. '.'.. -;; . ,,....:- . j- Frederick J. Day of this elty wt married lat , week to- Mlaa : Elisabeth Rooney- at the horn of her -parents, Mr. and Mra J. L. Rooney. la Tacoma Mis Florenoa Salter attended the bride and Harvey Eaatman of thia elty th groom. J After a short 'Informal recep tion, ir. and Mrs. Day -left for v thta city, where they will mak their homa 'A quiet homo wedding took place at the residence -of - Sherman W. Walker, corner 'of Eaat Taylor and Eaat Thirty third streets, Thursday vnlng, . Sep tember 7, when 'John D. Gardner and Grac Ion Post were united In matri mony by, tha Rev. J. J.- Staub lot tha Sunnyatd Congregational church. - . -"'' , .r ' - Mis Lena M. Hadaway and P. . IK Cunningham wer married last Wednes day and , left for a -two week trip. They will return to llv - in Portland. Th brld hat been a popular teacher for aom time in th Chapman school and ths groom Is. a prominent business man of th dty.. :,. ;: - 7 ... .,- ., ,. jf-; nr-;-:rf: ; S"V , Ml Thacla P. Jone and Out M. Bu ford wer married Friday at tha homa ot Major T. J. Buford on Portland Hetghta by Rev. J. . Bowersox. They will Jiv at Saginaw. Oregon, : I MUSICAL NOTES. Mlta Dorothea Nash, who eondneted th plana department at St Helen a hall laat year,-has returned to th city to open a private studio. Mia Bertha Al exander of Pendleton, a popular atudent at th hall last yar,4 will aaalat her. After years of study with her brother. W, Gtff ord Nash, one of Portland' lead- tag muslolana Miss -Nath i waa. .three. year abroad, two year at th Royal Academy of - Mualo In London and on year In Berlin with , M. Meyer-Mabr. Sine returning to America ah baa had charge of th mualo department of the Stat Normal school and - Bt, Helen' nltv - - ' ..." ' W - v '':. ' - Th - duet "Emanuer "' " fWhltnev Coomb). ung last Sunday morning by Mra Kosa uiocn-Bauer . and Mr. Mont gomery at th Congregational church." waa highly praised. Mlt Fither" playing of Handel's famous Lars-o" whs a feature of tb opening mualo of the aeason. MUs Fisher will direct th choir thl year, but th tewar haa not yet been chosen. Mr. Goodwin, for merly of th Ben Greet company, wUl H upply today. . ' '. , 4 tj 1 "ff if ' Jr. '-'"' Mra Imogen Hardlng-Brodla oon tralta of Oregon City, .and Mlaa Hilda Hegele, mesao-aoprano, will give a cm pjimentary recital for th puptlf ,of Mr. Walter Reed. - Mra F. X. Arena of- New York, and Mlsa. Hegel bav worked th paat year In Chicago under th best maatera A very Interesting program 1 promised. Both wer pupil of Mra Walter RadV ' ' ..'- ' Ml Kathleen Lawler ha returned from Oraya River, Washington, wher sh taught a large class -ef vocal stu dents thl summer, and will be heardjn her former position aa aolo soprano of tha choir of Bt. Mary cathedral. . Rehearsals began last week for Roe- I slnl's -Btabat Mater," whioh -will be ' given on a Sunday afternoon th last of ' th month of early la October at th i Auditorium af tha ax position. W. H. Boyer will direct th oratorio. V . ... . -- ... wao umm rvcvDtiy Te turned from hi atudle in Paria will lu th, AMtn at mvJt I n ' -. " - - wan. M," vviui J , . UflOir of St Mary' cathedral tha coming sea ton. ....-'..,-, STRAY BITSr Fred 8. Mirrla accompanied by hi mother and slater., and Jamea Morris and hie family from th eaat, have been enjoying a delightful trip on Mr. Mdrrla (Continued on Pag Fifteen) FOURTH AND WASHINGTON ll Occasions ' . i V )