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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 10, 1905)
- .. , - , . . EE ' " 11,1,M,11,,p1M. , ' : : i wr. . ,i i i i . ' ! r Monday Specials in the ; -, Man's Shop , V-". First Floor West Annex. :- v;, .'v MEN'S 35c HOSE '22c A' ;'.-' - Men's Imported Cotton Hose, white lisle soles, guaranteed stainless. in red, blue ana crown tops; regular -. -t - men's t lis Worsted underwear mc. ,-. A fine line of Men's Fall-Weight Worsted Underwear, in light camels ' 'hair, extra well made and finished; our best $1.25 value... Special. .J.the - garment r .-..v. v. ..... . r .' ''.'""J ,Or the Suit,:ViVv;.......'.ii......-'..-..x.rv,-Mv.'..V7. .-;y:V MEN'S 13.50 FANCY VESTS $1.00. ,. the remainder of our Fancy Vests, in plain and fancy colors; values .up to $3.50. Special to close, eacn........... ,,..,..' r Mttisrs T.INEN HANDKERCHIEFS -10c Men's 'Pure Linen Handkerchiefs, in plain white, with' 'Jf-inch and -inch hems; regular vaiue o ior w. . sufi! CiZTO 'CpC clO A.B- Ti:3 FCnSHOST DSPAnTCSnT ; ; : iiouon wn ot of o h i oaq o MONDAV BARGAINS, SEPT. 1 1, 1903 v' a o p. n- Speed Departing Summer !Days ( Welcome Autumn's Glorious Reign: ... j . vaSIn Smart Footwear Monday In pir-Way- Boots ShoppVSixth Street AnnexFirst Floor. A Splendid Shoe Bargain for men " : .MEN'S $5.00 SHOES FOR $3.4JL-' '.y'v Th... siiam 'at the celebrated "fingree make ana me saie m, eludes every single line of . MenV Shoes in the house madeby. the J- rJ . k. K.h "Vno-iie" and the Goverrtwr lines. i.. ! .l oi . -it .K. j iK.r.nt Ifinrl of leathers and four- We nave nec onim m -- , teea styles to select from, either suigle or double soles.. Mot of these Shoes are our $5.00 values. , Special sale price, the paiyf ANOTHER STIR . RINO SALE OP Beautiful Nevv Ribbons; ' Never s season when Ribbons were so. much wanted-as"1 now, for theuvariotis uses to which Ribbons are put by ingenious femininity. -It is rare such values as tnese are ouerea. j. ... 7 r Ysrd, . nd. yard, of Bright New Ribbons, Sftm-TsM F.n Warp Ribbons ana nanasome muc jm"v"" " ...i. en J sAr. .1n.a . Snrrial at. the yard. ... ... .. .Vv . UUI aViS' . wy - r . - ' ' ,. t "special: sale of . ) . Handsome New Dress Trimmings First Floor., Th Kmhroiderr Festoons for. dress trimmings, some in Persian designs. Alice blue and brown 'shades, -, others in white- with colored embroidery, bee tnera ais n1a4 in nnr center barnrain booth. -Come-early snd get preUiest sand nest selections. Swell New .BandVl-to 3 inches wide . . - ... - ' Our 35c value Special, ysrd..l Our 50c valuers-Special, yard..f Our 75c value special, yara..T Our $1.25 value special at, tne : .............63 Our $2.00 value Special at. the ' yarr Our $3.00 value Special at, the yard . Embroidery Festoons. Our $1.00 value Special at, the yard ................ . ...... .ov? Our :. $1.50, value Special at, Jhe 1 07 yard a lark or the clarion of chanticleer heralds the coming dawn, so.the fcppearance allover the .tore ol new faUgoods heralds new season s arrival. . . , , f ,, THE STORE "FACES THE OTHER WAY" VAsheridan'tbld his troops to do at the battle of Cedar (Seei, after his famous ride from Winchester., It ha. turned to give, glad greetings to autumn and its bu.y JS? Ow!--a5ibni. o the firm and hlads of departments-have ..pent Ute Pa.t two months New J Wnth th. atvle creator, of two continents. Do you think for a moment that anything new or desirable has escaped their attention? Plans laid months bh?v yohe.e vLds, the ;'Big ChiefV-Mr. H.C. Wortman. buoying WiAtHonw ; b! ie aU to S douU a bit, wflTAey? for the east to buy next spring's silks and dress fabric, for Portland women, wear. And thu. it goe No cessation. Some no tor xvir. ung ."v3 'om. . .. .. .. . .l. 1 X ,.r-hani! for vnur use and wear. Factories at home and abroad are ...... from tWtm VimicA ia in New YorK au tne cune nciping mo iwu icsiuciu uuiu iu s.xvvk - ...... erSSigTy 7oZrl o personal nJed or home want, of usefulness or adornment, byt will find it. ttJPhonal in the great -fff U rJJr cLl deanini. prltty nearly over throughout the .tocks. Dressy folk and thriftyJiou,ekeeper. aremakmg every dollar tiiey .pend ut Ae OLDS. WORTMAN & KING .tore give aood account of it.eU-Kften it doe. double duty. Are YOU spending .YOUR dollars to De.t advantage r nor un- lea. you are taking advantage 01 tne many saving nan.c wc uuy. twy, .w - "" ; ' o- . . How Many Women Have Have Need of a Pair or:. Two of Dainty , , SHk Gloves? ; There's chance to save la the buying;. Monday.; Read; "v Silk Gloves Specially Priced $1 00 AND $15 SILK GLOVES FOR 75c We must have space for our stocks n KiA nrl flnU Clove now " coming in, so all of our fine Silk Gloves must be moved out to - make room for them. For to- . mnrrnv wo nffer all at OUT fine Silk Gloves in black, white and ' colors; bur $1.00 and $1-25 values, : , at the special sale price JtZf of. .the pair. ...... J A September Distribution Matchless Values In of Household Linens and Domestics First Floor Shops.' .;; . 1 . Hrre's" a group of bargains you should by all i'meani fwestigste.- M.rl.X Jfu..A .h- r;nn Ais es and 'Domestic Stocks, r""." " . r- . 1 . .. t i ,t;An n h "At Home Let tnese solenoid values oe your win ui jtii..v" , tomorwpPf the grand fall stocks. : Here are the very things you need at prices bo reduced that tiot to take advantage of .them is , to do your rxMfse s positive injustice. Judge somewhat by the brief list printed today. New Pstterns and special values in RkhardsonV Irish Linen Table Damasks... Vv offer three great special n't-ST1 9H00 -.yardr. ' , . t. . X .ninJ.hH rrtira flax. ...';..' - ,-' . ' 2V( yards wide Priced at, the yard ............... V Ztf yards wide-f at, ?'-s"ll li1" ,.' Announcement of tatcrcst to Boys ! And Those father and Mother Who are In terested in a National Education for Bous "It haTbeen said of one of our great captains of industry: "He suc ceeded in everything but the boy business To those of you who are i in -the 'W business'! we would say WE ARE-GOING JTO. OFFER TO HELP YOU SUCCEED IN IT. - . v , . ' . ' ; We are sure that no father or "mother wants to 'have it said tnat their btoy "succeeded in spite of; his parents'. And we are going, to provjde a way. for three boys to get '' ' "i--.:-.r-----;--.--. A Thorough Course in Manual Training Absolutely rree I s-i 1 TC .1... Cn.fil a f .arh V-rtm Inn t .1 made of best oualitT sheeting. 25i yards by 2H yards bpeciai at, eacn.. 4kuble wdttianenttes,M 11 pur 1 luf- Special the ystd WITH ALL NECESSARY TOOLS AND TEXT ?OOKS NEEDED. This store has ever had the young in mind andtttelr educatibn! needsl- iFronnimeto-timewe have provided free scholarships in different branches for young friends. .We have kept a watchful eye w their progress through the courses provided. We have had their, teachers reports and seen many of the examination papers that have comeback' ahowing splendid progress in 'the studies which are sure to prove such a help in the pursuit of a remuneratiy life avocation; and we are proud rA- Don't think for a moment, boys, that we are not watching you or thai we do not share your .cces-4or we do . And your ---Ppted usto a step farther in tne grspa wortc 01 v."'-"-. -w.. . '---; , . . - " .. ee 3 Complete bcholarsnips witn i Manual Training School of Chicago In many handsome patterns, full dinner size; our $3.00 value. . Special at. tne dozen.. ....... ..-... ..Jr - VAin iunsi-9. . . . . . . : j r. j .K.rK.n ur nffr three n-eat bargains. Lot 1 Size 16x30 inches heavy quality Special at, each..... -V-i" J Lot 2-Size 20x50 inches good quality Special at,- each ........ v Lot 3 Size 24x45 inches extra weigni-opuii, -t-. . . ,.., Ei,h.,,:..n-...S5SU. Give Away Free 3 Complete achoiarsnips nitn me American T-w 1. C....... tmrtr nr.tlv. anCia niialltV. Jfure i.inen rancy unwn-iui o('"-', r-- q-x Good News for Buyers of Fall Dress Fabrics EXCEPTIONAL VALUES IN A GREAT THREE-DAY. SPECIAL . - SALE WHICH STAKTS HCKtS TUMUKKUW. ; Ann.. tnrm Tttth Rtr..tPirt Floor. Ji v BLACK DRESS GOODS SPECIALS FOR MONDAY. TUESDAY' Imported French All-Wool .Vones and Silk and 1 Wool " Crepe de Paris," I " positively fast dyes and unequaled values at the regular price , 1- n nn . ..... .:....78e Our regular $1.25 Etade Special, yard...-...t.i...r.r;T.;........i.wTj ... ....1.- et en -uirA ..' ...... '.:..:..,J1.j n... re ..j.;;,i .J..SI.39 Our reaular $2.00 Krade Special.- yard ... . . V. ... . . ....;.... A icOLOREDDRESSlFA AT LESS THAN USUAL FOR MONDAY, TUESDAY -?Th opening ofTeach seasoiC . Vherr tfie. assortments 'are 'complete in every detail,', it has always Deen our-susiom to nave a urna upcmng oaic on me new Kiuua nu- v- at special reduced prices the newest fall fabrics in neat novelty weaves Our regular $2.50 values in all new weaves and colorings. Special only. . .. yard -........,. ........ v ... . .'."i ,..'....... .v.av O nn .l,,.a :n .11 Vi a m nr mlnrinir and weavel Brand ' yaiues. special ior. inree-oays oniy, yara,,...,... .t -rOur regular $1.75 values in the 'largest assortment of new weaves and coiora shown in tne city, opeciai oniy, yara .- .80e .Of SHREWD MANAGEMENT- SUGGESTS TAKING run- au- VANTAUK Ur I nn vwrari.imuiiaa At .j - .u'. Afvii. (irnnn instructor. : Prof. R.F. Beardsley. who was the 'pioneer th Siinrrvmor 01 Manual 1 raining in mo v.iin.ts wv...f. : L?rv . n?rt,i ? theourse in the Chicago schools stands a lasting monument to his earnest and untiring. Zln7t ' HV nonularized and brought down to young boys a work that nad previously Deen cons.uerea.uu-. rquci. cntf L t .r Vm of the driftinir habit and teaches them to spend their leisure time mi lO I11IU , . : .V. . mrnA thlt Women's Underwear Lines are Now1 at Their Best ; ;? First' Floorl-' - , . ml. ..j- i ..J nlni.r ru-lrii in inmf weeks atro in this busy section of the store. And has been advancing steadily ever since. It s I'st the "full" now, and stocks are complete. Its splendid cnoosing irom such unbroken variety, ana ino were s tnougo na w everv want for the months to come, they're a vanishing host, and va- a ,;n rfrrsa. i Better select while the stocks are at their best ' The prices are, modest indeed. And they're so placed ss to encourage eariy purcnasmg. ...... Note the wona-iamous maxes mat vm wvt - --1 .''' proot ot a careiui more. . - . Women's Cotton Vests, Jersey ribbed, cream tinted, medium weight, long sleeves, ankle-length pants to matcn extra sizes , o ana v a great . value at, tne garmciu.. ."-r Women's Cotton Vests snd Psnts, either light or medium weight-i-fme Maco cotton extra silk trimmed., Priced at, the garment........ 50f Women's Cotton Vests and Pants, fine ribbed, natural color, . Priced. at, the garment ""t Women's "Merode" Vests, Pants and Tights, medium weight; vests hand- finished, crochet Stllc tnmmeaj pani ana iignis annie icngtni m vbiub " .1.-. ......11.. m-.A . 7(m Our nrioii id. thf Oirmfnt 6SS ; Also same as above in heavy weight- Priced at, the garment.... ..W. Women's VMerode" Vests and Tights, 60. per cent wool Jersey ribbed in White Or natural; VCSIS arc aim . nuiuti mmiuca. '-. J .U. .rn ' . ' Sll.OO rricea at, mc ..... " .l Same as sbove, in heavier weight and 75 per cent wool.' Price, the Women's "Merode" ' AU-Wool Vests, in, white or natural jersey ribbed .;il. " Priced at.' each .....'....... ... ..S1.50 Wbmen's "Merode" Silk and Wool Vests and Tights, 40 per cent silk. inTwnite or natural Ltiivii .iu. vf ... ar.n....v.i..........Y-.v Women's Vests and Psnts, 50 per cent, wool fine rjbbed in white or natural, nig vaiue ai, 'x , '''' Women's Whits Csshmere Ribbed Vests and Pants, 85 per cent wool; vests with self fronts and pants with -French bands., . A bargain at, the garment ;v-Mi,,:',,':.;'Vii'"' J.. ; . . . ..f 1.25 Women's Cotton Vests, whiter Syviss ribbed, heavy weight,; long eleevea, . . . . V. ...... i ., . , VIC: very elastic, rncc hw . ............. . ........ Women'a Silk and Wool Vests and Psnts, fine Swiss ribbed, in white,. pink or blue. A big seller at, the garment f. ....... . ...... .f 1.75 Women's Cotton Union suits, jersey nooea, meaium wwgnt. . rnce. ives. It cures em oi tne arming uon - . " - ,. ..r. from r ai vmh are in tne mosi receptive rauoo ior iu S Tho'many3 de "bo'Tnd hd7lighdul occupation for leisure hours. We .hail, from time to time, S'i.f.iil". M.n,..l fraininirthro' these columns that those who are not familiar with the aubject may become so The three scholarship, we have secured will be awarded on Thanksgiving Day to the three Doys who receive the three highest totals in a popular voting contest to start tomorrow-Monday-morning at 8 o'doc" A vote wil T be issued with every 25-cent purchase. Ballot boxes will be distributed conveniently, aAeVo're: ?. former contest., and thethree receivmg the "CHOsfeT W m. tomorrow ana o p. m. oi nmnrw, i:.llv. " i ' ALL TOOLS AND BOOKS NEEDED IN THE COURSE. , . . v ' V See the outfit" in the Manual Training Demonstration Display-Fifth Street Window. Get your P"nt. teacher, and friends to vote for YOU, boys. Remember-every vote counts, and the standing of contestants will be published during the week on certain days throughout the contest ; . J i Women Will Gain by Reading the Nevvs From the Garment batons 2nd t loor LARGEST 5UIT AND WRAP STORE WEST OF CHICAGO A Silk Store That Fairly Bristles With D m ': "" Rsdtates With - - UarQainS Beauty and Fashtoa - ' -J. 1; Annex Fifth Street First Floo'r. ; ' ' ' ' , : . ft,:. en e HPAnntUBTCBS TM PORTLAND. We con- A Ilia . vr . Mm . . . v. ... - . i -Pr)l lllli B1IL UI ilium iimuuj siiks m a u ilujji ui uui. t o.v m "AViTTiuy siltsTn siiclirquantities as to sometimes bring price, down to hniit th timittl wholesale 'cost. Comoare if .vou lease these specials with similar aillca in other stores and buv where values are the best. run umuar iiiks in vmcr iiuici nu uuj mi.c .mv . ,, t.i j. i"..,.. . j T? ... C;!L- (lAr. ((, 4nr tno ' Sn.ial Fall X UBVt.vb .IIU v v w.. w.vr.v ... - Opening Sale of Three . Pays the most complete' assortment of Best Black Silks made in the world, in the following makes, Louisienes, Peau de, Cygnes, Peau de Soie,'. Failes, Princess Crepe, tloires snd Ou7regular $2.50 vaute Special, the yard., ,,-5?"i2 Our regular $2.25 value Special, the yard., .............. .fl Oujr regular $2.00 value Special, the yard... i '5, "12 Oaf regular $1.75 value Special, the yard.. Zi'Wtl Our regular vaiue opctmi, mo jraru..... Our retrular S1.25 value Special, the yard......... Our regular $1.00 value Special, the yard. These Silks are without question the best made and offered for the Lregular price. , ; : ' L '-i-? '.Zm New Swell fall Sine fiaias, an tne new acotcny coior comuuiaiiun mo 86f exves these silks art called cheap by some stores in town st $100 per yard Your choice at Portlands Silk Store, yard.... ....Tf 27-Inch Imported White India and Japanese Silk, a beautiful soft pure silk and very serviceable for waists, gowns, underwear, etc.; our regu lar $T.OO quality. Special for 3 days only, yard....;..... ND wrap aiuui: ntoi ur uiiiauu - rt w Maa. Women's $1650 Suits for S9.98-A Bargain Nuggets for Monday Timely Bargain The. story is terse snd tense. It scarcely pays to have last year s Suits 'renovated when new ones may be bought for so little. Handsomely Tailored Suits, made Of the most wanted materials, including cheviots, ; Venetians, broadcloths and mixtures.! Blacks, navy and brown. Blouse .'. and jacket styles, some with the smart and pretty fancy vests so, much in favor of good dressar.s. Plain tailored styles and trimmc effects ' of braids and'stitchings. Values to $16.50 at a choice, for..'..1?,.? Handsome $15 Skirts for $6.98 Very attractive 'styles in, voiles, etamines and Panama cloths; blue, gray, modes, blacks, and pearl grays. Tastefully trimmed in taffeta bands and pretty, fancy braids. Splendid for semi-dress or pedestrian wear. Some in walking lengtns. values up xo aia.w at a cnoice on Monday, for ......f.08 1 the suit ... V '"'.?. .50e Women's Cotton' Vjnion Suits, heavy weight,, Jersey ribbed. Splendid ' value, priced at, the suit ... ... .... ......... .T6e U..AiIa TTnlnri fiuitm. medium Weiirht: fin rntnhmA rnltAn nUinVM J.w. - . , ; - w . - - - - . .......... 1 extra silk trimmed, lireat vaiue at. tne sun..... .......a.Jto -Women's "Merode" Merino Union Suits, good winter weight in "white or natural. Price, the suit...... .........,.. ......... ...,.fl.T5 K DOV III UCUCs HI "Ut vs p"v m. v-va stit v w en's Silk and Wool Union Suits,' Swiss ribbed, in white, pmk or i, very elastic snd a great .wearing and washing suit. Priced at, 'suit y '.' '.....; ... ..... .'. .'. . .S.QO A New $5 AValkind Skirts for $3.49 A choke of a lot of nearly 200 Skirts secured from the manufacturer at. a figure far tinder-price. Smartly Tailored Skirts in walking lengths, homespuns, cheviots in basket 'weaves and fancy mannish mixed ma-, terials Black and white effects, Oxfords brown, gray and blue mix-. tares. Great valuevat the usual $5.00 price but specially P"ced for Mnmlav buvers at.....i.T........ ? New Arrivals Handsome Lingerie Waists "Mulls. Handkerchief tinens and Lawns..t. r....;.f f jJ ''2! New Waists of mohair and albatross materials. :..v..fl.oO to f. Naws. Nilcs, greens, creams, maroons and smart,. plaids.-'.' - -New Coat, and Long-Coated. Suits Coats. ......... . ................... ... .... ,;.r..5.00 to 9 15.O0 : ..'-.:f'U9JCtlUI ; IN THE JEWELRY AND, LEATHER GOODS SHOPS. -:t7CTvT7; Sixth Street Annex First FloorrT:;V"::I t''v1;:. COLLAR " BUTTON - SETS 10c, 15c and 25c " ' ; Collar Button Sets, 4 on card, one' for front, one for back and two for sleeves. Special at, card.. ..... . vu. .'.. .fW .Of , lftf and 3f ; WOMEN'S 35c BELT PINS 19c ( - ; A line of Prtty Belt Pins in the shape of a peacock feather; regular . value 35c Special, each.......... j...... wf ' WOMEN'S 65c BELT PINS 39c , A line of Belt Pins in a wing design, gdod, durable metal; strong pins; regular value 65c. Special, each.." ,............'...'.. .'.. -.. - ' . BEAUTY PINS'lSc ; - ";' Pretty. New -Beauty Pins, fine quality rolled gold plate, new "''D9? Special at, each . . .'i .'. j. . .'.' . . .t.& i . . l '15 J ine pair ..,,,.......'"" r T " ,.'..', ----- SMOOCHES 35c - "' ' ' Brooches in new floral design, rich rosa gold finish." Splendid value at, each r. . ......... ....... J ............ " -,'' VSTICK:iINS.l$c--''Vt;-i:-ii.J1. A lot of Pretty Stick Pins, in assorted settings., Splendid value r. each .........-. .V1- ' ; LEATHER O00DS p lunufcu'e mTrMT t.TTATHKR BELTS' 75c A line of Pretty New Patent Lrather Belt , hand stitched, t' well made;vgpod value at, each. . WOMEN'S SUEDE LEATHER BELTS $1.29 A!!-) Suede Leather Belts, fine quality, tan, brown, green and t . - t Diue - . j , . f c..;.. i Kew Coats for Children.. .. Roiyiitar 1I'7S value Snecial at. each. Regular $2.25 value Special at, each . ..... v ( , :.t" V-i.