The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 10, 1905, Image 12

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- Improvements aBsreffatlns; more thati
82Se.OOO for the railroad yards of the
Harrlraaa system at Alblna ' sre betnt
computed. Three large atracturaa bava
been reared and the machinery to equip
them la beta plaoad. A 12-atalI axten
loa to the roundhouse la ' finished. the
bJr bulldlngthat U to bo used
readr. and the structure to ba known aa
the machine shops hae been reared.
The railroad system will soon hare
In Portland one of the finest shops In
' the west, where engines may be rebuilt
on short notice and boxcar and coaches
mar be built on a large scale. )
walls and steel structural, material. For
the present but one floor will be used,
but later It is the purpose to build a
gallery for the accommodation of email
machines. There are 1 engine-pits in
the shop, where the repair and con
struction 'work on locomotives - will be
done. - With this number of stalls- and
the rfiv'rr"""' '"" """
pany will be able 'to rebuild an engine
in about to days. There, will , be one
gigantlo 110-ton eleotrlc crane in the
aame bay of the building where the
engine pits have been- built, which will
be sufficient I or handling the heaviest
material and locomotives that will be
this part of tha building and will be
tupped wherever needed, and the great
structure will be steam Seated. The lit
feet at tha other erd of tha long build
ing will be equipped for coach repair
work, where some of the finest cabinet
workers snd machines will ba found. '
ti,. ! tuila for the roundhouse
have been riuthedTgngare ready to
receive engines.- . Each has a depth of
St feet. Thla etructure has also been
equipped with stesm, air and water, ana
especial arrangements have been made
for facilitating cleaning and preparing
engines. A feed-water heater in the
power house wltl be used to supply the
l TV
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1 1
New Machinethop, Albina.
""A vlait to tha cacshops at Alblna re
veals the magnitude of tha work under
taken.' , Tha large acreage tha company
.'holds is not taxed for room, elthough
tha capacity of tha plant Is being mora
than doubled. A series of brick struc
tures cluster around tha central point In
close proximity. . giving the shops the
iapearaace of a . great manufacturing
plant, while beyond Is yardage for
buildings four to Ave times tha sisa of
those now used. All improvements re
cently undertaken have been of a perma
nent and modern type. ' indicating that
tha company Is not only providing for
tha heavy requirements of tha present,
but Is placing the nucleus around which
there will be built one of tha greatest
construction and . repair . plants In the
Jmal UlUXltagaJ
Three ' main - buildinga
have - been
erected to accommodate the new. work.
One Is known ss the machine shops.
.having a, ground space of 160 by 32 '
Worked ' on . there. In tha center bay
there will be a J 5-ton electric crane
for handling smaller pieces, which will
have great speed for s plant .of Such
Sisa, '- ;. . ..- . "
Many new and Improved machines
will be installed in . this shop- for any
work thatmay. bundertakenby the
company. Among, the - largest equip
ment in this order will be a 90-lnch
driving - wheel lathe, , a 6-inch boring
machine., a SO-inch SOO-ton wheel press,
a Tl-lnch planer-with an 11-foot table
and a Zt-foot bed,, one big car wheel
boring machine, which will be able to
bora any wheel up to 41 inches diam
eter, and ona t by 16-inch turret lathe.
Each of these machines will have an
individual motor.
-' Vhopa Airy aad Comfortable. ;
Jhamachlna shop will be , steam
heated, lighted with electricity . and
made airy, sanitary and as comfortable
as possible.
Four plpa systems traverse tha yards.
engines to expedite' tha work of getting
ud steam. -'.' '
The great .transsfer table ' has been
finished. It if driven by steam, but
later will -be equipped with electrlo mo
tor. . This table has a length of 80 feet
and operates over 475 feet of track, de
livering englrusS r-cars to any part -of
tha machine shops, from ona stall to
another - and -to such parts of - ths
grounds as border the' pit. ' All , the
foundations for the transfer pit are con
crete, and the: great table handles .ths
heaviest locomotive with ease.
Tha present" machine ahop, which is on
the opposite aide ' of the transfer pit
from the new ahon-bulldlna'. will ba eon.
verted into a Wtore building for the gen
eral atorekeper of the company, . giving
him commodious quarters.
looking' to greater Improvement.
One , of the largest' Ingersoll-Sargent
steam-driven duplex air compressors
brought to this part of the country has
been installed at-she power house. It
n- - - a
- i
v . , ,
i , .g
;1 4 l
Roundhouse Addition at Albina.
feet, tha brick walls being 40 feet high.
Tha paint and coach repair ahop la a
building 80 by (44 feet, .and tha addition
to tha roundhouse haa -SI new engine
stalls, giving to this place a total of 41
stalls. In addition a transfer pit has
been completed, tha pit being 80 by 474
feat, with tha most , modern arrange
ments for. handling : locomotives and
. cars. , V .
Three haa been a rumor to the affect
that the company would install Its own
power plant for generating electricity.
whidh energy will be used by Individual
, motors for most of the large macfttne
of i. the shops, cranes and lifts. - As
, power requirements will be heavy, thla
, Is an Important feature, on which le-
cleloB haa bean left until more urgent
. and Imedlate work haa been performed.
At a later date If it la found by the
company-that1, they can generate elee
to energy to advantage, rather- than
. purchase from power companies, plant
' will be erected according to tha needs
' of tha enlarged yarda.
Tor Xngtne and Oar Work.
The new machine-shop ;'. haa -. heavy
;' . "'.-' V - " - ' .. .. ' "
Preparations Making for Great
:;-'J Exhibit-of "Cattle From ,
c 'vv ": Near and Far. .'Y
one for compressed air, another for
water, a third for steam heating and tha
fourth la a sewer system. Exhaust
a learn from tha engines will be conducted
to every building of the yards to heat
it. Good city water la aupplied to every
structure also. A compresscl air pips
line will be laid , to every, building of
the entire lnclosure ' so that any - tims
this energy Is desired for pneumatlo
hammers or other work..Jt. inay .be had
by tapping- the mains. . . :
The paint and coach : repair ahop,
which la 80 feet wide by 844 feet long,
is to be divided Into two sections. One
end will be. used' exclusively aa a paint
ahop, 821 feet of the total length of the
building having been partitioned off for
thla purpose by a fireproof wall of
brick. Here every convenience required
by painters in making rapid progress in
ordinary work will be provided. Con
crete floor and, complete drainage ays
tern to carry water used In waahing
coaches have -been finished, and a track
system that will enable the workmen
to shift cars has been laid.
Both water and air lines will enter
will furnish, air for any machine of ths
plant where ' it la needed. . Being sit
uated near the boilers where steam is
generated there will be no loss of heat
in tranamlsBloa to the compressor, whlls
the air lines are commodloua and the
friction (will not cause an . appreciable
loas of energy In delivering air to any
part of tha grounds.
When the present Improvements have
oeen riniehed.-the-Harrtman lines will
have In Portland shops that will enable
the management to do economic repair
and construction work. The plan of tha
improvements Indicates that the man
agement keeps in view still further en
largement when tha business of the rail
way system here grows to such an ex
tent that it will be needed. A carshop
plant of four or five times the canaclt-
of that which the company will have
when the present Improvements are fin
ished could be Installed on tha broad
grounds at Albina, and aa the railroad
company axtenda its work and - haa
heavier requlrementa, no dlffioulty will
be experienced in conforming the
present plant to the greater system.
'' From now until September 18 the cen
ter 'of attraction at the exposition will
be on the government peninsula, where
Superintendent M. D. Wisdom and a
corps of assistants are preparing for
the opening of tha greatest livestock
' show the west haa ever seen. Tomor
row morning the stock will begin to ar-
' rlve- and by Wednesday It -is expected
that more than IS cars of thoroughbred
. pedigreed stock will have been received
and housed, i '
' Ths first consignments will eome
from Spokane, which will have all told
11 cars of stack. W. - M. Carrutbers,
superintendent of H. W. Peel's Birch
Hill farm, is here In advance of three
cars, due to arrive tomorrow morning,
containing noted shorthorns and Berk
shire hogs. J. P. Oravea will follow
with two cars of shorthorns from the
Walkaika farm. Two cars of Holsteln
cattle and one car of swine are on the
way from the Haxeiwooa farm. - uai-
bralth Bros., also of Spokane, are send
ing four, cars of blooded horses. :..
Eighteen carloads. of stock left the
Minnesota state , fair at Hamlin thla
morning,, billed to Portland, Kansas City
hss 10 cars on the road, and 18 more
will leave the California state fair at
Sacramento tomorrow.
There will be a rush," remarked Mr.
Wisdom, - "but we are ready for them.
The barns' are practically finished, and
by the time the show opens the stock
will have had time to recuperate and
be put in trim condition. " ..r-
- - . " -s.
Steamer Telegraph, for Astoria.
Round trip dally (except Friday).
Leaves Alder street dock 7:10 a. m. Re
turning leaves Astoria 1p.m. Arriving
Portland 8:80 p. m. Sundays leaves Port
land 6 a. m Arrives Portland 8 p. m.
CouponFree Ha wallah Trip
r" tfoBotulo, Hawallaa UUoda : ;'
x vfor.;...:.:.;....
r ! This coupon asuat be voted on or before Sept 17,' 1801. r
Returns Indictments V Against
Many People for Offending -j
Against the Law. - J
In addition to Its Investigation of the
land frauds, the federal grand Jury has
devoted some I tlms to other offenses
against the government, and A number
of indictments have been returned, Four
were presented at noon yesterday, ' as
follows; V
Edward Burns and P. J. Mulligan wore
Indicted for counterfeiting; it Is said the
crime was committed In this city .on
July ii of this year.
Bert Turnbau and William Bryan, for
tearing down a rural mailbox near Tl
gard villa.
James Russell, for passing a counter
feit 820 bill.
Willie Fisher, for 'raising' a money
order at Chemawa from 84 to 814.
Indictments . were .returned Friday
afternoon aa follows: ,
Andrsw Rlggs, an Indian, assault on
Amanda Jeffries, an Indian woman. -
F. I. Gannon of Portland, sending a
libelous postal-csrd to Mrs! Grace Wolf.
l Ernast Haymana of Portland, sending
an Improper communication through the
.( Ralph Crysler of. Portland, sending
an Improper communication through tha
malls. '
A. A. Ausnlaod. sending an Imbrooer
communication through tha' malls.
In all of ths foregoing esses tha evi
dence wss presented to the grand jury
by AaststanfUnlted States district At
torney W. W. Banks. '
"Com menclns Moruday and
continuing for .three xlaya we
will have a: special sal In ,' our
Draoery and Beddlncr Depts.
which will be a repetition of the matchless values offered lh our
sale of last week., In our windows we now show some , of ;the iat
tractive bargains embodied In the sale of these two departments.
ej gjl sgewessais swwL
. - - a
A special sale of Manufacturers French Cretanrie Samples.
These pieces average Jj yards In length, and will make . up well
Into sofa pillows arid bedroom coverings. Enough In one piece to
make a fair sized cushion. Many beautiful patterns and colorings
to select f rorri.TThi1 prices'of these sa1mples range all the way
from . 31.1Q tol.915 each. ' During the.3 lays they will be offered at
Jj: Japanese C rep In -dainty
floral designs and colorings,
3Q Inches jwlde.uItableIfor-:
sash and" light bedroom cur
tains , " ; yf- ' ;Cr-. '"i
Special 20c Yard !
V 'Dainty Chintz In rich floral
designs and colorings, 30 and
light hangings and sash - curtains-
Special 30c Yard
Sale of
TAn opportune time to secure good bedding value. Elastic
felt Comforts, evenly; filled wltti sanitary cotton, covered In sllko
line. :: The comforts are full size. In many ; pretty colors and pat
terns. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday- ; , T : v V" j-v
, $1.35
We Aimoiince Arrival oi New Consignment
Ml Sizes
. X We have Jus', received and are
now showing many new and artistic
v creations in Navajo Rugs and Blan
. kets, direct from" Arizona and New
Mexico; The work of this famous
' race of Indians stands ' in a class
peculiar to itself, and excels the ex- ,
&Jis1 vfjtf5i
editions , of all other Indian tribes.
: Sizes va'ry from twenty-four inches !
square to five., by 'eight feet thus
. making, them sifitablefor sofa pillow"
'.. covers, couch covers, floor rugs and
X lounging rugs. " No two i designs
alike; -, 1 :K H ' '
Mosl FiUinoSouvcnir ol the West.
Irdii BeW
A' handsome array of
1 iron, beds. Our line is
' of such proportions as .
to give you practically
, an unlimited field to '
select -from) all bright and new styles in plain or orna
mental designs, with or without brass trimmings. : Many
of these beds are in . three colors, and joints are ! all
smoothly finished.' ..' , -
A most artistic and
sanitary modern fold- ' Lifll
ine bed. Easv to ma-
nipulate it is"itrong.
: absolutely safe and ; ' - , . ,
simple in its mechanism, a unique feature never conceded
i to the old-fashioned cumbersome' folding bed. Where
space is limited this bed should1 be given consideration
, as when closed it occupies no more thari wall area. '
ID v -A4 ulRail Our v
T.J - iU
Mrs Stoves
Tcras on
- " ... . 1 t
Most liberal are pur terms 1 on Buck's Stoves and
Ranges. TV: all , intending purchasers of a satis
factory range or stove, this offer of a Buck's, with
their 57 years of success,, coupled with this most
easy payment system should be important items in
the selection of a range. . ';. . - ; ; v
0 -.z?c,
t :
:,i :
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'. :'-V, "- ;' - ' C ' ' V'l-,