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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 6, 1905)
-1 Lli..,li:':b:.aljJi.l.' r- t t r-'r fe-" t J ' TOKIOKrS AlTPt."TXTt. , !- .,i,..l.."Tke PM" Itclaaco '........"Him ' Hoarntota" Kmplre "Imiik4 Fran tke fceceei" Lj-rW .............. "A User's Ciaw" .a ................. Uraod Diu .Mualcal Burleeuue ... VaedaTi e ... VaaoeTlue US TOVHOII A WAX ' fcibscrtbef ef.TpV Jaaraat whs ae) away fur a week er Ihm aai have . tke Baser stopped at r ldwai . aa4 aaat te any addraaa by nail at , tke raaular rata, and cUlectloe will ba - auda or regular earrlar aftar raters to tba tit j, excent at Lane Swath aa4 . Seaside, wkere loe Journal haa a tf ' Olar carrier evllnry. Otte Base ' ( Ilweee, Waakiostoa. aaa charm at 'Tba Journal an Lees' Beaek sad Law la A Ce. of Seaalae sere rkarge el Tba : Journal en Baaalda-e- Clatsop keack. i ... Delivery will aa a4a at thaw twe.' . points at rainier - eooerrlptloa ratea. (tire roar ebaace, of atf'lreM to rone , ; carrlar a Fboaa Mala auO sad sreaist . atUatioa wlU ha (la all atoara. The - 'educational . number of t the Jachrlchten, the old German newspaper v or.ahle city, contains a. rull-pste nietory of, the. first schools of Oregon by Oeorse H. Hlmes of the Oregon -Hls- ' torlcal society aria illustrations of all the achoola and colleges of tba Paclfto northwest. The labor of collecting the 'pictures and data concerning these ln . stltuUona. -reflects tha commendable energy of that enterprialng newspaper, and the eight pages, devoted to tha '" achoola comprises a, , moat Interesting section of the attractive publication. , The educational field la moat thoroughly covered la thla one lasae, and -the eyes 'ef readers of the . Nachrlchten In dis tant atatea and . Germany, where It is - widely circulated, aa It la at home, will , be opened wide to the school advantages of the North Pacific coaat. ' The facts - related will draw broad attention to the truth that our educational facilities are '"fully aa ample as , those of any other commonwealth., ', .- , . ' wmmww 11 ' " ' ''"';--. ' Bishop W. r. McDowell and Dr. James King of Philadelphia, aacretary, of the , church - extension movement, will' be given A reception and dinner Friday ' evenlna; by the Men's Methodlat Social union In the large, gymnasrumf of- the w Y. . M. C- Jk.: These men are widely known In chnreh circles.' Both were . . active In the recent reformatory cam . palgn In Philadelphia and the bishop led the big mass meeting which marched to -' the city hall and petitioned for Imme diate action against city corruption. . i Bishop McDowell, came her to preside at tha Norwegian-Danish M. E. confer ' ence of the Pacific eoeat last week and waa the speaker at the. meeting of the Ministerial .union Monday. , .. .A Portland delegation will leave In a special car 8aturday for Butte to meet , -the -special t train of the American As ... . bocUUon of . Traveling , Paaaenger , SAgenta, en route aver the Northern Pa ' Jpiflo railroad, .bearing delegates to the aonuat convention in - thla , ci(y .next '' week. . The reception committee la oom posed of U. 3. Roche and W. C. McBrlde, i Denver dt RIO Grande; Tom Richardson, manager Commercial club; George W. Taylor.-Wisconsin. Central; B. H. Trum . bull. Illinois Central; J. W. Caseyv Chi cago. Milwaukee St, Paul; W.' A. Cox, Northweatera llpes. ... i...,'.,.-;'---.-.'1.' : Leon Brudo has been charged with as s , aault with a dance roue, weapon. ' June he ahot bis sweetheart, Rachel Ser V tor. In a, fit of - jealoua rage In "apart , menta on the Streets of Cairo.', an at . - traction on the Trail. ' Brudo then turned the weapon on hlmaelf, but his attempt ai - auiciao was ; unauocraaiui, Both hsve recovered... Brudo l countjfia Ha waiting trlaL - Jaul Shoup. .wttose appointment as aa aaatatant general freight agent of the JIarriman lines in the Paclfio northwaat ' waa effective September 1, ha a arrived , from San Joae to assume office. Me v will bex quartered in a -room adjoining the' office of First Assistant General Freight Agent Com an, on. tha third floor 'of the Worcester building. - - . - ' M i ' - i;- - ' V Reduced Seaside Rates Via tha" A. 4k O. R. Rr to Clatsop Besoh Only ft for th'TOund-trlp;-:Ttcketagood tmttt October HH Trains onion depot t a.: m. ; dally. '. See the majestic Columbia rivet and tha broad, briny PaeJflo ocean. In- formation HI Alder street, or telephone ; Main' oi. : : ; ' Deputy District Attorney . Adams baa ' . filed, an ' information in the circuit court against Daisy Morrison. charging her with- stealing 110. from William r jjray on uaa an. way napaeiaea si' . cash ball to guarantee hta appearance." ' Dance for tii prise, : every Tuesday -'evening, LewUiand Clark pavilion, 17 th and Thurman. ' - . -'. : - ' At a meeting of the Portland board ' of trade yesterday afternoon A. H F . W. BALTES r r h a n am We find pleasure'! h doing it well . You wi II fiin'd" botn -Dleasure and. PROFIT using it because of. its i; artistic mdividuality and i ; ; high -advertising-quality'. FIRST &OAK STREETS "V TELEPHONE MAIN ,ONE SIX FIVE. - "'V- - ', A J A check ; account - in' business . was long ; ago :, deemed indispensable. .' " ' - To the ' individual it' is . convenient, safe and busi- nesslike. : . v ;. Individual accounts ' so-il Ucited. . . ; . .; ... Creoon Sailnos f- V- V-' 1sl MORRlSOtf ST.5 I O. Ralston,'. Pres... . , W. Cooper Morris, Cashier. vS. I Hays, Asst. Cashier. TELEPHONE MAIN 16. Steinbach was elected to a 'place on the. executive board and J. B. Labor was' chosen secretary.- v The resignation . of J. D." Lee as secretary had-been accepted with a view to advancing Assistant . Bee retary Labor and requiring him to do all the work of the board, a measure that waa necessitated by tha financial cond4 tlon of the organisation. .The board, has been doing work 'constantly In Inducing Industries to locate In Portland, but tha membership ha a not been prompt In pay' Ing dues and It la eatlmated that,de Hnquenciee amount to 1 11.000. - An ef fort will be made to collect these dues, band those who .do not pay - will b aropped from the you. .,. ' Dr.' Elwln- Lincoln "Bouse- of . First Congregational church haa received .a can to tne pastorate or Highland con gregat tonal church of - Lowell.. Massa ehusetts. A telegram notifying him of unanimous election came Saturday even ing and stated that a letter would fol low. Tha church haa for the past four or- five years been making ef f orta te secure Pr. House, but circumstances have kept him from accepting tha invi tation. . Thla time, however., they., did not consult htm and tha call came aa a complete surprise. The church la well acquainted With Dr. House's work, for one summer, shout nve .years sgo ; he supplied there while' on his vacation, ft la a very wealthy church In the real, dence part of' the city and has a mag, ntfloetit structure - with no-debt. . - Dr. House says that he can say nothing till the letter comes with : tha official ' an nouncement of terms, but he has a very Kindty.ieeitng toward the church which haa Issued the call. ' Rev. William C. Laube, i paator ' of Bethany - German Presbyterian church chajr of German and German literature in the- German Theological seminary of Dubuque, Iowa. Mr. Laube la well fitted for this chair by education and experi ence. Tor wnen ha waa sun receiving his training he waa pastor, of Bethlehem German church of St. Paul, Minnesota, ana instructor of German In the school from which he obtslned his bachelor of science degree. The church which haa been built in Bethany alnce hla pastorate here began will ba dedicated next Sun. day.". Dr. Holt will preach the dedi catory sermon and. Rev. Alfred -Her forth of South Dakota., who will aucoeed Mr. Laube, will be -present . i-' V ..' '' v- .r 1 Joe L. Sheets Jost t MO by gambling in-MUea Sharn'a place, in Rainier. Co lumbia county, Oregon, according to a complaint he filed today In the circuit court here.: Ha Invpkea the statute com pelling the proprietor of a gambllnc- house, to' pay double the amount lost y a mb?L I" ' demandlns that am pmj aim ' -Any watches cleaned.' $1.0; main apring, "11.00: .all work guaranteed one year, - Met sger eV Co., Ill Sixth street Mlaa Marie Horgan, tha . dramatic contralto with tha Wilton Lackaye com pany, wiu sing at the Massachusetts ir in n V.)v w. v r N Y , a mm a - "e rill :il.C Cr!:;ant Ptnt ortth Laks Will Ca HcbyQuMrt'-".' K' :V": Columbia. '. REVIEW OF PROCESSION J DY HI3 MAJESYY, NOCERO llaaked Ball. DoQ sad Automobila Parmda and Other Feature Will . Mark; th Tre Days That Will Ba Utvoted to Revelry. "King Nogero will take poaaeealoa of the Lewla and Clark fair tomorrow for three daya of revelry,-and It la expected that of all the celebratlona- at the ex position jione will be aa elaborate aa this. : - Each day presents will ba given away' for which coupons will be distributed during the dsy to ' holders of full ad mission tickets. . There wttl be no coupons at night. The clfta will be dis tributed In the booths of .the Manu factures ' building. .' ' j ' , Tha opening of the evening program tomorrow night will be signalised by the appearance of Queen : Columbia's barge of atate on Guild's Iske at I p. m., ac companied . by the court flotilla. . the singers of the stars and the attendants of the queer. At the foot of the grand staircase the queen and her retinue will be received by King Nogero. hla body guard and courtiera. ' " ' i V . At the grand plaxa, the royal merry makers will take their placea in tha re viewing stand, and In stately array wlU pasa hi a procession of decorated auto mobiles, floats, carriages and other vehicles, a v'"" "V ' Bverybody wm Mask. " " " 1 On the evening of the second day there will be a carnival .of masks. Prises ' for " unique' ooatumea will be given. v , : . Baturday, the laat day of the carnival, at 4. o'clock there will be a doll parade for children- of,? yeara or nnder and prises - will . be ' given . the ' youngsters. With a - grand coronation baU and re ception in honor of the atate of Oregon, the city of Portland and the manage ment of the Lewlsand Clark expoaltlon, at o'clock Saturday evening, the carni val will close.' The United States Tenth Infantry band will furnish the mualo. ' The 10I Manufacturer's club of the Lewla and Clark exposition 1s composed of cxlHbltoraand their repi oseutatlves In the Manufactures building at the ex poaltlon. The interests which the mem bers represent are aa Id to be capitalised at nearly $4(0,000,000, a considerable portion of which ia held by Oregon and Portland oapitalleta. Neither expense nor labor will be spared by the Manu facturer's ddb In making the eernlvsj an event . Nearly 11.000 In cash prlsea will 'be given to thoaa who take part-In the contests, .- ; - "..-.-.. " ? building , tomorrow ' afterrfttoo. Miss Morgan, - who haa a powerful contralto voice of great range, haa for soma years been Identified with concert work in New' York City," arid haa also been ao- lolat'ln one of the large churches there. She la the guest of Jier auot. Mrs. Helen N. Packard. Of Madison attaatar Jt. W. O. ' Johnson's suit against "Carrie Nichols Is on trial today before Judge George In the circuit court, on a claim for 11. til alleged to be due for rent of roomlhf E8tli""'ar ; STOrTlBoTI street. Brodle A Weyes are counsel for the plaintiff and Frank Schlegel tor ths defendant. - r - -iv,-.-; - r . .- -Seeing Portland In and Out By the O. W. P. At Rr. Co. trolley line. 100 miles for II. with two hours' stop st Etetacada for lunch. Tralir leaves Firat and Alder atreeta dally 'except Sunday at M a. m. Returne f p. m. The Portland Manufacturing company haa begun suit against Sheriff Word to recover- possession- of !60 Cottonwood log, and t00 damages, alleging wrong' ful seizure on an execution. . Mr,- G. R. Andrews, northwestern manager of tha Burroughs Adding Ma china company, left for Seattle and Ta- coma branch. . . , . ., :,;,. .'''.. ' AalUnti Mahogany furniture. brasses, bronse and pewter. Only store ef lte kind on tha coaat. , III Washing. ton street. The Portland Walters' club will hold their danea Saturday-avenlng,.Septesa ber in aterrui a new naii. - r.- ": Mr. and Mra. C. JC- Runyen have re turned from a month's trip to Mount Jefferson. -J r,:'- ",;r' ' Raleigh Drake today ' sued for di vorce from Stella May Drake, alleging desertion. . V.-'.v, . Norwegian Sangerfesi groups cn sale at Aune'a, tha .photographer, Columbia building.;.' : . - - Carved letter signs the kind you want Foster Klelserr Fifth and Everett. . '. Try a meal without meat at tha Tega tarian cafe, lot Sixth street- tr. K. C prown. Bye-Ear. Marquam. Teats. Noon Bag Co., 1st and Couch. .Irrits'a tamalss are tha besi ". ' ' : When In Seattl rij fa, afia . TtathaVaJlar. a hlaWlial place to eat Sea foods, .eastern meata, large jorcheatra .dally. .r Wests aTaxea Changed. f.k.... Tl it a tie vMtlttnrtAA ' the county court to change her neme to Johanna Duhrkoop, stating that she was, married to B. Duhrkoop, and after ward found he had a wife living. Five tliliarvjii weivj'-'twrn're them. Whs1 prw cured a divorce and then married Ger hard Boeee. from whom In turn she has procured a divorce. She desires te have the name she bore when living as the auppoaed, wife of Duhrkoop. ', ?. ' '- Mew Terk Society Meeting. - Thla evening the New fork state so ciety will resume its regular meetings with an especially interesting ana im do riant one in the city hall. It la hoped that a large number of vlsltlnr New Torkers win also attend.- - . i .,;''Vesek BsfciMt, ; y :: l Free moving picture exhlbltlona Neb- raaka paviUon, Agricultural palace. , -( Full deaerlptlon I1 Ot Rrllt.N'al son contest ... fiAMitviMl bv. rounds At the Mllwaukle Country club. - Saturday afternoon. September, I. " Take Oregon City ; Or Sellwood cars, -- f First and Aidv. -4. Opart RIvar Association Disconv ' moded , but Not Discouraged )', by Accident to Cer'ome. ,r GREAT COUNTRY MUST HAVE TRANSPORTATION Columbia " and 8nak , Are Natural RegnUtors of Traffic and Freight $atei of - an Empire ' and Should Have Steamers to , Carry ProductsJ .-A 77 ' iv i . ''. A member of the executive committee of he Open River association aaya an other boat will be in commission on ths Columbia river- above Celilo within a week to take the place of the sunken Gerome. rand that tha Gerome will be raised and put In service very soon. The accident to -the Gerome waa. a hard blow to the portage road at a time when difficulty waa experienced to get steamers to enter the up-river trade. But the committee la not discouraged and la working with Increased seal to secure boats. .Chairman Smith and Secretary Mariner of the association have apent a large amOnut of time and money to further the open river movement, and as the work 'progresses their faith In the-ultimate success of the. undertaking increases. A member of the committee aald: , i . -"Many people who should be 'directly interested -do not seem to realise' that tha Columbia and Snake rivers are the natural regulators of the traffic of sn empire; that the use of theee rivers for transportation purposes will absolutely control the movement of traffic and it coat for the country tributary to them; that thla control Is not confined, to the banks of the river, but that short lines of electric and ateanr roada Will tap the wheat fields at a distance and draw their, products to . the Slver to be on it transported to Portland. ' Produothrtty ef Tpper Oonntry. ; "The rivers are now being surveyed and Improvements will commence next year. The country - between Portland and The Dalles, while productive, can not be compared in productiveness to. Gilliam, Umatilla or Sherman counties. In Oregon, or Klickitat county, the great Walla Walla countrv In eastern Wash ington, or-Jdaho'a wheat producing re gions.--- - - In spite of such a comparison In favor of-the npper-countryv-he potnta-ta-the nine large steamers operating profitably on. the lower river,: and the railroad doing mora business than ever before. He aaya tha upper country ia capable of originating traffic far In excess of the section of the stream, where heavy traffic la done, -between this city snd The Dalles. During . the season .when, movement of the crops is msde the Reg ulator line of boat a on the lower river la compelled to charter extra boats to handle ' tha busineaa offered on thla abort run between Portland and The Dalles. f With an open - river, accom plished practically by the portage ' road aa a temporary meaaure of relief, a traffic incomparably . greater.- can be developed above The Dalls. "Not going into tha rate situation In detail.-but simply taking the -rate ..on -sugar - aa a baa is, thla commodity ia hauled by rail from Portland to Lewis- ton for lit ton. 'r Thia would - be I hlshlv profitable rata for water trsna portatloni But t is said, by way of a roada would cut the ratea when-river competition appears, ; , . ;, ' Oaaaot Oat Below OoaW "So they will, but no railroad on earth will cut below the coat of the haul, and no ralroad can defeat competition of a steamboat run on God's highway. Noth ing should -ao unceasingly receive the financial and moral support - of this community- as the cause of the "open river.' There will be wrecks, failures and discouragements perhaps, -tout boats will be there if for no other reason than, that -our interests absolutely de mand them." i I He says a community that would not help Itself tinder such circumstances would never, have reached tha impor tance thla one haa. and that tha time Is fsst approaching when we will have the opportunity ta help ourselves ." "When the call sounds, I venture te assert, the response will surprise even ourselves. And then we will move on to the next great work that of con. I aecting southeastern Oregon with- Port land. The time Is here when we must do something for ourselves. The rail road companies wilt pursue the policy that seems bwOor Ihelr own interests in corelatKJn with their entire systems. We must pursue a policy that will -be nest ror Oregon. Nothing would seem more absurd thsn for people to go from this state to Alberta. Canada, for land, when more than 4J.000 square miles of land In .one body la lying practically vacant In Oregon for lack of transporta tion facllltlea. To aay we have to wait for some one with more nerve and cour. age not more money to develop Ore gon ior us. as ridiculous.- We must fly with our own wings."' . . IDAHO TO HAVE GREAT DAY AT FAIR THURSDAY Tomorrow will be a special 'day for Idaho at the fair. At 1 o'clock all rest- dents of that state In . Portland are) ex- pectea to meet at tne Idaho building and after a parade of the exposition grounds-exercises wilt be held. Ill' the pavilion- ennex,' -' commencing at 'S:tO o'clock. There will . be addressee by President ooode, Uovernor F..R. Good ing. Senator . W. B. - Heyburaj and Con-J-reaaman Burton L. French. Following the: axrrrtMsrtheTB;iriu. be a reception In the Idsho building and a dance In the evening. ;- s ; BEACH RATE REDUCED. . ., by 0. B. at. Oe, - ' t , "The' every-d4y round-trip .rate from Portland- to North Beadh points' has bem reduced by the O. R. A N. Co. from 14 to tl, tlcketa on sale antll October It with final ret am. limit October IL The.T. J, Potter, queen of river boat leavea Portland for Aatorla and North Beach polnta aa follows: - September T, t: a. m.; September . 1 p. m. Septem ber It. T a- m.; September 14. I a.. m.i September It. I:lt a. m. The Potter li ?ow making certain daylight trlpa from Iwaco to PorUans). The Haasalo leaves Portland for Aa torla. and way polnta, connecting at As toria with Nahcotta for Ilwaco and North Beach polnta. Ash street dock, dally at p. nu excepting Sunday (Sat urday st 18 n. m.i . , . ; Partieulara and O. R. A N. Summer Book by aaklng at' Third and Washing ton streets, Portland. - Allen Lewis' Best Brand. " ' - cnC;fc!rGrc:z:j ;STdrai Our Prlca Ctrntt keast Beef Milk, glass Tea, bo Laaaonade ........ lea Tea 40 .10 .10 .to mail BIrlota .a uair uaickaa .... Saadwlck, liaai... BasewlHi, cbeaes. BaDdwIcb, Kff,. Sandwlrh. ehk-kaa Saadwlra. etab... Two rriad Kara. , Baeoa and E(gs.. Ban and Kae.. Cold Bara ... Poutoea Baked Baans .... Bread a ad Batter. Crarkera ' ,, Chicken Broth ... Vegetable Soup .. Oreaa Pea a .... Bujiar.Cora ..... Mil ncklee .m '.IO .10 .10) .) J6 .15 .33 .SO JO .10 .10 Hop Gold, glass. .09 .10 .18 M .SO .00 .M .SO .so .10 Nop woio. siaia. Hup Geld, Blot Bop Gold, quart Blue Blbboa, pt. Blue Rlboaa, ft. Mlxad Drlaks Hlk Ball ....... Cocktail Btralsat Whiskey. White Rocfe ..... soda Water ..... .10 .00 .16 1 .10 .10 M Apolllaarta -18 .15 10 .15 Wlo loa. Claret. sUss .10 Wine. Claret, plat ,M Wise, Port, glaaa .IS Wine, BaatarBe, ot 1.50 Wine. SaatM-ne. pt .T on- . aer rat .10 Ire Cream . -1 Porter, Blue...... . Head Toaiataca.l.uiol Porter, rlaaa...... . Slleed Carembars.TllO Ala. nips. .t Sliced Wataraaaloa af uniBi, plat. 180 .00 casta Mepe, Mama, auart.... Omm Inlc. elan Coffee, cup. 10 Hot Cakes with maple syrup aad batter Doa't carry laBcbee wbea yea eaa come te ear place end bay lust wkat yea wast' at tba ano-re ancas. wwBMr se puee . Laat Buiuuas ea ten Biee et trail. PROGRAM FOR CONCERT 1 0F HAWAIIAN BAND The Royal Hawaiian band Will play the following concerts tomorrow at the expoaltlon; . - .- - Afternoon " -v.-''. ' - t 1 -March, -The SUr O Bobbie Burna" ' Hume Overture - "The Mill , of the Cliff J ....... i .. . . . ............. Relesiger Vocal, (a) "Ke Aloha Hlkt Mai,' (b) "Na Molokame" ' i . , V. . . Madame Nana Alapai, Cavatlna. "Thev Siege of Harlem".. Verdi Vocals (a) "O Mao Ki Ado," (b) "Ka , Kaulika-" , ; Royal Hawaiian Glee Club." Scotch Selections, "Robert Burns"..'. ...'.... Bonnlscau Vocal, (a) "He Inoa O Walplo," (b V -ant Haul' Madame Nane Alapai. ' "The Hawaiian Two-Step" (new)....- ' Marino Dedicated to Mr. C. W. Goodale, Butte, . .. ,: T Monuna.- . . Vocal, (a) ."Ke Kau Ono," (b) "Ko Komo" .7... ,. Royal Hawaiian Glee Club. Quadrille, "Scotch Airs". ...... .Liddell Hawaii Ponol, - "The Btar-Spangled Banner' .....;....,.,.,...,.....'. i- Rvening ' . , Msrcht-he-WlaaH'STTTWrrtLooaey Overture,1 "Festlvsl" ......... .Lortslng Vocsl. (a) v "Ko Leo," - b) "Pau , Plkake" ...... ... .M . , Madame Nana Alapai. - . Gavotte,' "Alevlna" . . . :i ..... :77rAsher yocal, (al "tria Hulu Wale," - (b) "Kai "Keanu Ahlahl" Royal Hawaiian Glee Club. Selection. "Attila" ....... '. ... , .Verdi Vocal, (a) "Ka ' Intt Wat," . (b) r -Ku win win iho Ao TTr: .... .... . . . M ada me - Nana-- Alapai, -Walta, "A Summer Bve"i .. .Waldtenfel Vocal, (a) "Raaloha Polna Ule," b) '. "Lanl Hull" i . . . . ..' . Royal Hawaiian Glee Club. Finale. ."Seminole" . ; i , Alstyne tiawau ronot. Tha Btar-Spangled i Banner ... . 4 . MORE NOTORIETY FOR " PROMINENT CHARACTERS Jg-.-B-jaoaxai.wa4 arrc by Patrolman Maloney and charged with disorderly conduct. The complaint waa made by T. L. Garland. Charlea Hunt waa reported yesterday as missing since z o'clock Sunday after noon, when he went to the Oaks. He maae nia appearance again thia morning. gSS"? Theatre . Dtraetlaa It. W. T. ABS'H, C BeiUs. Pres. sWeet iUns Sts set-faW- TONIOHT AT S tO O CUKK. , Every KlfBt This Week, " Kieept Sstsrdar. ipeelal Mstlaee Betarday, . .- WILTON LACKAYE ' Kaealleat Sappertlag Coearaay, ' .'.T0JII0HT.1 j THF PIT" .IRILBYV rtldar Klaht. Satarday atatlBee. , Prleae, Me, Me, We, Tte, tl. tl M. -Seats aw-seimier tr-ta stlrrweef ADVANCE SALE TOMORROW THS CHAKafllfa ACTBKM C JOSEPHINE DEFFRY ' V: AT THS - MARQCAM OSAKD TRXATRB. Harnraar Nljrht. Bant, a -A wk w n Mosday Klfht Pt. 11 "A W1aka4 Wesiaa.'M Tular Nlaht, Hept. 18 "A Saeertad Bride.' ruruusa, ran H JOo.r toe aad toe. Belasco Theatre kZm" Ml 14tk ssd Wash. . Balaace Mayer. Praps. - uth ymx BBXASoo trocx comyabt. rTOBlSsTT AT M 9. kV-AXX WIZX, . : riRrr tim a. in . stock, . wtKiia Honcyinoon Segals Msthiees safarday aad SttBday.. PRICES SS2 1S. I8e aad SOe. Klsbt JBe. ISe, aOe aed Tie. BaatiyaekJTfnaK, ay K.sry Artaar JsesTI EMFHRB TKBATBX, .. V " 121k aaa. Mierfram. UlallT. "Tae Mae Pevalar TBeBtfe.', Tonlaht and all week, matinee Helardar. Rnaaell A Drew preaant tba klraeat eraatatle bit eTr eeored la Portlaad. Charlea A. Tar- 9mU easmeay lu kle BwfcjBiaaiaUc kMAPBO rBOM THX HASXaT. rvieipaBr. areaery. ewmatea all n( klsk elaaa. Kvenlng Brteaa, loe. Ue, SSc, ftoc; sutlBee Vixt wrxk nxr or m hiohwat. LYRIC THEATRE WZXX STAXTIXS BtoBDAT,' .BPTXltBXa 4, "Thd tiger's Claw,, A Seiisatloael Meledraaia ta tW Acta, v yirat appearance et Mr. Bokert alrLals aa Miss Mark, wke will assaaM Ik leadlas rolea. Adsilaeloa 10c; - It.a.rrad taets, aOe. 'BXCBXATIOV PAXK.- ' FC&TUUO VS. SA FRANCISCO A akearMateABf BVMISWVP) syoreB. XrTKMJsXB . T. A A IS. 0iVIXTANI, . (HIIJ)RIX. IV. hoi tickets aat laeti lee aaets ea eaie at e erOo. 8a2M Third St. ion un uex une ot Thoia ...... . . , S12'Df3SS2FS ." FOR For a few hours longer. ' . When the '- : ) ".store closes tonight-- -- the Mleis otLv; Its 2 an advertising price . and every on.e taken 2 will bring us trade.: They're going, too' ; W e' would;V:" pleased, to have your order "before' ' closing time. : '..:'-"'v .' a 184-6 FIRST STREET CLBAB THBOUOH TBS SLOCK. V -Ask Ourr Customersr '.. Wnil moat of our goods are the newest in the market, such .Men's snd Youths' Suits, Pants, Hats snd Shirts,' prices are running from f 10.00 to W AO for a real up-to-date Suit, from $2.00 to $5.00 for swell pattern of Pants, from $140 to $3.50 for the best quality and shape of HatsT ittn ws r-ftarsi)ff?-M deities to dose. $6.00 or $740 I for a $10.00 and $12 00 Sait, $L50 or $2X0 for $3.00 and $4X)0 Pants. $1.00 for a $240 Hat. These goods are perfect ia Qual ity, onlV they are a littleut of style. We, also have a complete . new line of Shoes for Ladies, Men, Misses and Boys, aa well as s few bargains on some lots regular $2,50 values for $1.25 and $140 It will pay you to investi gate our stock. John-Dollar At Two Storn Corner First and YacihZl Streets eftrCora-3d snd Devls-StSa-l yell Term Wttl Oyea Best. II, U a. B, Tke epBooi eaeapriaee: . As elementary srbonl, wllk priaisry snd (ramsMr irralee. PnpUa reeelreS at a yean. Aa aeaeeaay pmner, which Its for eaatera sad weatera enlle(e. , . X A aoenllas kail ror nrai. - Tke prlnclpale ere at tke Academy for tke enrollment ef etadenta froa a te 11 a. at. and frosa 9 te d p. n. . rer catatoene adareea i -.y . . - VOBTLATO AOADKatT. . '., - Tktrtecath and Harrtoea. Pertlaad. Orafea. LOUIS H. BOLL Piano Studio will onen September 1. Parlors snd 1. StlVe Wsshinerton st , AMCVI BAKER Theatre i 1 1 oa ana xamniii . Pkeae Mala MOT. - - ORKnoX THBATXB CO., LtMXX. 1. ' . - UKO. U BAKKB, MAKAOKH. aJt-Tnaj-Weee Beselae-Matlaaee Wednesday, 'inaraaar ane nainroar, A immixm inocxaa.' TEE BSlGASiEtS ECTCAVACATA CO. Preaeat KDMOKD HATES la tke -WISEQU- Aa All Star Olio of Vand1tle taenrltee. PRICES Xlshts; Wc. tor. SOe Tke. Matt- -aees: loe, zee, SB, sop. BIXT VXXK XXBTVOXT BXIXXS. ,T ME STAR o xi ix al MTxiotv wmt. , ( XTA THATt-. - .IKAXLKS A0 EAL Aaa BA t 4 X0T M'BBAIB. . . 1A klAXOSOOPK. Oeaersl sdmlaalna. 10 eent. BeeeaTa. tnse ana knltdaya. nam nil Beets low.r Bmrr, z eenia. itaity BMIIne, eattre Vrwi 10 eenta: kn eeata. ka eawta. Baa.M THE C5 AMD - I mm Saaaaaaa. ssswaaaaj bsbt ""'sseaBB' sjsj Ssskers Ocl', PER COK3 BUY NOW t Phono 3Co mm tZzT telrtllz t taCu3a CrCaltaCaS Fell LXC3 cow ea telztl very ce'c:l : prices ljPmAJkOXi TOM tSSKX Tke Start lcre Yonr CrcT.t b C::i CIJTFiprJS CO Great Auciion pi Chin22 Japn:226ccL3 Owlns '' to belna overatorked.- for the Fair trade and tha very limtted room la our store, we eon eluded to force oar goods t auo tlon sale. Tba lsnrest stock of this kind In the city, consisting of beautiful silverware, cloissoane. aatsuma. new brass ware, ebosy carved furnitures, embroidered ellk Bis porcelain tea sets, etc. , Bale commences and 7rt p. m. Continue retaillna before or -after, auction;., hoieaaje at- wara -houae. Andrew KcntCo. ' SST Btniilsoa SlieeA, xietara- - rewcth aa im, . Doa'trfZ:3 , Ui2 C:ily . "Of getting one of the few good sec- ' ono-nand Pianos that we have, and all of which will be sold in s few days. No one of them is over two year! old. yet we will sell them for $103. $150 and X290. ;',"; You will find good makes, and I! you want a Piano as good as new r" a low price do not wait . Steinwsy Dealers 233 WASHlN'GTCrJ STr.ZET Pay and e" same H e. 6(iirt I a- l mm w ' i .'V:v, V . ' r-