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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 6, 1905)
... ( .- ) " V I IJLfi- ) pon.uonciT "ill thief" op. o:.:t FiuLis Photewrapherf 1 Hear That Untidiness-Costs Money and Are . Warned AgalnaV 'ft Frank i Gonzales Civet, JHImself Boys' and -Yo-JufS Fine Character to ,' People Who Interview Him. : . . s ;' t . i ........ yr ' o - t 7 . HELD FOR LARCENY AND V ; SUSPECTED OF MURDER . Fine.Lobking Man, With Steady Eyt . and Soft, Smooth Southern' Accent, ; ; ; TeUsWhat He Did on Day- J. L. . Anderaon Waa Killed. . '7 am not the least-'worried about .', ha viha to stand trial for the murder of .John , l Anderaon ' at Bonneville.. be- ,' causa I . never knew that man and ' sever waa at Bonneville." ' 1 , Looking- straight into the eyes-of tha .interviewer, mrousn me oars 01 nis ; cell In the county jail, Frank Uohsales, :, brought . bark from Denver , yeeterday , afternoon . by Sheriff Word : on ..the r .i l f It , Frank Gorualea.) charge . of having- committed ' larceny and to be accuaed of the murder of Anderson at Bonneville on August-17, "j asserted that he waa innocent, ;:;' -i Qonsales Is of medium height and ' lender build and his - big brown eyea ' stare with an innocent Jlke amasement when he Is asked regarding tha crime ? with which ha la to bo charged. ; lie gays his .home I In Mobile. Ala bama, and that ha la IT years old. He talkawtth a smooth ' southern accent and uaes Idioms known only to Ala ' Damans. Three years ago ha was mar- rld In Butte, Montana, so ha said, but hie wife ran away with an allagad ' actor named Saxon several months ago. 'At that time the Oonsalea were living " here and Frank war employed at the ' , ThatTwaa" a big surpr fse fo ma when I waa put In Jail her a little while go," aald Qonsales. "Soma of "the prisoners aatd I waa charged with steal - ' - Denies the Theft. "Why. I never stole anything In my something from a man-who had be friended me. r didn't do any- auch a thing. I often paid i for rooms and ' meals for fellows out of luck while I .- was hem"S- .. j, - . v When asked whera ha was on August IT. laat, Oonsalea said:- f j ) "I .wan at Biggs, Oregon.' ' --.''.; "How did you happen to be in Blgga thenT" .-.-; '- i"r -. "Wall," ha replied, yon see ' r left Portland at I o'clock on August 1. I walked to Troutdale, Whera I caught the passenger train that leaves Portland at . 1:11 p. m. I rode to The Da Ilea on It where I got off. ' There later I caught a freight train and got off at Biggs. All day on August IT I played the piano' and sang at tha hotel there the Hotel Olbbl It waa.' That night I got a train out et Olbba about 10 o'clock, and proceeded east- - ..,' V ' ; '" , , v t He said he arrived Jn'penver on An ' gnat 7. having learned that hla wife ' and Saxon had gone there. On his ar- vllle, but waa led to believe that hla wife waa in Denver.'- He naked an officer JUJuhelp locate her. .. -' '.. , j , ' , - Watte Zato ZOoa'a Jews. -They went to the police station and there Oonsalea waa placed under arrest '. 6n telegraphic orders from Sheriff Word. - "As aoon aa I 'waa arrested and told why I Informed the police that they could send for Mr. Word and I would t go back to Portland without their hav ing to get out any papers, said the prisoner.""! am. innocent. No man can ever say he saw me with Anderson or -in-Bonnevllle." -,.---, Shoriff Word stated that the Denver . police Informed him. that during the first . two days .of -Ws Imprisonment , here , Oonsales wag very nervous, but eoon composed . himself.. ' Th- sheriff : also eiaiea . iiim iiib priBunrk exniuiiru in, same compoenre on the trip back until they began nearlng Bonneville, ' when he noticed that Oonsalea became rest less. ' "Now good- digestion waits on appe tite, and health on both." t If It doesn't, try Burdock Blood Bit- ters.-'i'"-' .' . .. '"" If iaii jtn(i. iMfoUtwi'erl (Z 1 1 ! i ' ' 'ft. .." vVfOiU' C6MMERCIAL VALUE OF L CLEANLINESS IN STUDIO Intereating Papera, Dernonatratlona , and Talk ' by Old ' Picture-Takera ' Art Among the Feature of an En jovable and ProflUble Seaaion. At this mornlnc'a session of the pho TbcraDhers. at Arlon hall, B. K.'-Goodall of San Francisco read a paper on "Clean llnesa of Studloa In General." speaking nartlcularly of the commercial value ot neatness In tha work.. Untidiness,' he said, caused .much unnecessary waste of material, not so much from absolute de struction aa from the eolllng of delicate materials. .The - neat and artistic ap pearance of studio and operator, waa of commercial value, v r... v. W. H. Catterltn. an. old photographer of ' thla : city, spoke hr'efly on' the placing of 1 tha subject ' with - regard to light, and told -of the change tn methods of late years, i-. ( - Mr. Hendy,' known as the pioneer pho tographer of tha northwest, who .was yesterday elected td honorary member ship for life, made a gift in gold to the association. - Mr. Hendy, Who uvea her but baa long since given up) hla profes sign, was one of the earliest pbotog raphera of the West V Following the pro gram a demonstration of carbon printing processes by experienced workers was given. at .the Moore .studio, on Seventh street . , ' .' '' .'",, '' -K Tomorrow will be perhaps the beet day of "the" convention. There ,w4U be Interesting demonstrations " and a talk on lenaea by Mr. Telgmann of the Ooerta Optical company. The report of Judges in foreign elsss of photography 'will be made. The afternoon will be given up to demonstrations till 4 o'clock, when Frank Vincent' Du Mond. bead of the art exhibit at tha fair, will give a crlt. leal talk on tha exhibits Jn the hsIL These exhibits are made by many of the best photographers on the coast and are very interesting. . . t . v At last evening's session Spokane jaaa selected -aa -the-neat meatlng place And the following officer were elected President . John Savannah.' Victoria. tirmsn coiumnta; vice-president Milton loryea, - Spokane, Washington; secre tary-tceakurer, W, O. Emery. Corvallls, Oregon; vice-president for Oregon. T, J. Cherrlngton, Tha Dalles; vice-president ror Washington, J. B.-Hamm, Belling ham ; vice-president -' for Idaho, - John Fink, Nes Porces; vice-president for Montana, Mrs, W. J. Fullerton. Great Falls; vice-president for British Colum' bis, Stephen J. Thompson,. Vancouver. INTERESTING EVENTS' " AT FAIR THURSDAY The manufacturers' carnival will open at tha fair tomorrow. It will be Idaho day and a special day for the Washing ton Btate Press association. i!rhe,, order ,rvn win i iuhowi; 9 a. m. Exhibit 'buildings,?: govern raent exhibit and Trail open. to 11 a. m. Concert. Administration band. Transportation building - band tand. . 10 a. m. 'and hourly afterward Free Agricultural palace. - 19:S a. m. Drawing -of 1 prises awarded ' by" 10I ' Manufacturers club, Manufacturea building. Vi t ; s : 11 a. m. to It m. Concert Admlnla tratlon .band.- Manufactures building. 1:10 to 1:10 p. m.- Concert Tenth In fan try , band, : Transportation building bandstand. t. - i; i:S0 p. ' m. Idaho flay exercises,' Fa' vTAIon annex, Administration band. " 1:80 p. m. Grand ( concert , Royal Hawllan band, - bandstand. Gray bouU' vard.-.- ,' r -. V ." ; '- : ':" . ' ' J:J0 p. m. Organ recital, Professor F. W. Goodrich, Forestry building. i:J p. m United States llfesavlng service exhibition" en lake. I p. m. Drawing of prises ' awarded by lOOt Manufacturers' club, Manu factures building.- ' . i 1:10 to 4:10 p. m. ?oneert Tonth'In fantry band. Government terrace. -' . 4 to 0:10 p. m. Concert Admlntstra? tion band. Manufactures building. I to 0 j) m-Qrtnd Operatlo concert ! Klralfy a ."Carnival of Venice" company, on rustic steps - trree) 0:0 J,.4ntft OoyOTmentjbnlldinaa viue. . .. . . ... 0 p. ftVr Exhibit buildings, close.' T:I0 p,X Concert, Denver Letter- Carrlera' bandAudltorium O p. ra. Reception by King Nogero to queen Columbia, root-X Orand stair way. Royal Hawafltan: bandT-r" " :S0 p. m. Review, of Flower parade ny King Nogero ana queen Columbia. Lava View terrace, 'Royal Hawaiian band. -. .. .... --. u -r: 11 m.-f-Oatea cloae. CAMPERS' REPORT LARGE VESSEL ABLAZE AT SEA ' - (Speelal Dlptc te The JoaraaLt Tillamook, Or., Sept 0. A number of the campers at Woods declare that on the night of September " a - large schooner was sighted on Are at bow and stern, it paasea oat or - their slgtit around Cape Lookout headed toward the beacn at Netartsv ; She - wss not ob served at ."Metsrts. -r-- Aakto Sr ! aoait; .., J tTiniO is ; 6 u r i new A "spadegolewelted patent colt, mannish button shoes for smart, dressy wear, ... (foe bnttons ire dull flnlaa) FULL AE2 233-85 UOEIUCOII CT TRIAL HALTED ' (Conttnaed front Page One.) pear, and In support of the statement an affidavit was presented, made by Dr. A. E. Mackay, who. attended the sick man yesterday afternoon and evening. In hla affidavit Dr. Mackay said that an opera tion might be necessary, in which event Biggs could not appear In court for sev eral weeks. , - -. :. Insist en 7s3a Presence. , . Heney suggested that as the of lJyt rj fense charged IS onlya miademeanorv the presence of Biggs In court was not essential, but tha attorneys for the de fense replied that they: were : unwilling to proceed unless their client waa pres ent A recess was finally taken until II o'clock In order to permit a further; examination by physicians,-but it was noon Before a report was flneJly.ariada. At that hour Dr. Mackay and Dr. Wight appeared in Judge Hunt' a chambers and. Informed him that Blgga waa atUl un able to leave hla room.., The physicians were of the opinion that an operation might prove necessary, but aald that this would probably be determined within the next . 24 hours. Judge Hunt accordingly directed an ad journment until., tomorrow morning at 10 O ClOClC . . "' ' T Eleven Jurors were secured yesterday and a twelfth was approved by the gov ernnent- waa objected to by the de tense ana ' juage nuni naa noi yet passed on the objections. .The twelfth man la E. Pressnall, a fruitgrower of Salem, and the objection urged Is that he has served on a state jury within a year. - It Is the contention of tb de fense that this disqualifies him from tion Involves the construction of state and federal statutes relating to juries, and was taken under advisement by the court - Aa the defense still has one pert emptory challenge left Pressnall mar be rejected even ir Judge Hunt, concludes that he M qualified to serve, and In that event the twelfth Juror remslns to be ohosen. :-.: - Sleven Jurors Aeeepted. The 11 Jurors who have been accepted by both prosecution and defense are: John Bain, Mount Zlon, cashier Ore gon Mortgage company. J. Marcus- Freeman, Portland, , Alien TueWlS. .; ' t ' - " ;' ''. Thomas o. rarreu, rortiano. Kveroing a rarrell. " " ;'r- , James B. Kirk, The Dalles, machinist Prank Bell,. Portland, Eastern Lum ber company. ':. '' '.-' .;..' ' . 'v.-..! H.' Donnerberg, Portland, plumber. ' : Theobald i Klrsch. Mount Angel, farmer. - Tt'' " r;-.'-.V Worth Houston. Albany,: farmer. f Dwm Zan. Portland., manufacturer. Hembree. Lafayette, farmer, . ; Charles A gee, Sheridan, farmer. ' TSrwr Jones and Thaddeua sr-potten indicted wlthi Ira Wade for frauds tn the Sllets reserve, were arraigned this morning and were granted until Satur day morning to plead. - Judge M. u Pipes and 8. -B. Huston are tneir at torneys. Herman- K. Finch and Thad- deua 8. - Potter, Indicted on a similar charge with - Bert - Blauvelt, were also arraigned and will plead Saturday morn ing. . ." j TREATY KEPT SECRET :' " (Continued from Page One.)'' 5 ) will not wait upon other powera for action.' .'.ivi--i'".?-f- ,";':-'-;V ' v A cable from Berlin sayS: CongTess- msn McKsry of Massachusetts, after an audience with the. kaiser, said: : "In our conversation the Russo-Japa nese wsr and treaty of peace were dis cussed. The emperor dwelt on the yel low, peril . and . expressed the . opinion that the Japaneee would follow their military successes by closing the open door, end by the command -of cheap la bor force Europe and America out i of the oriental markets. ' The Japanese, said the eiirpereirlreetty-yn -Chliia. - 'japan, aoaea ssiser, nso ais- mlssed from ner service uerman mill' tary Instructors, "The kaiser went on to say that It w'aB' DeBsafr fur the wtiUB'nUtiung ta stem ttie yellow parll hr unltinsji The only-power Japan, feared waa America, nd It la a good thing for tha world that the United Btatea la on one. aide of the Japanese. .!. ...- -Tha. emperor .told .Congressman. Bar- tholdt that be Emperor William -wbb aaked by the caar to request Rooeevelt to take the .lead to. bring, about a peace eonferenee, . .' ", :-t ':. , JAPANESE PROTEST.! ; Kaaa Meetlara Oeasmre Wkade Xe amatn Vet AfraM ef Uprlsta;. tJearaal Special Bemea.t Boston. Sept . Baron Koumurs spent Isst night In this city. He visited Harvard this morning, where he gradu ated from the law school, and took dtn nef at thSuColonlal club.Il& say a that he doea not deny that a large faction of Japan IS displeased with the envoys for making peace - upon the term, granted Russia but declared that they Strcs'srs p the city ere invited to maXe ovr store then headausrters vfcile in Pertknd T Free Telephone did their best for their country, and says it Is Impossible to have an upris ing. ' " '' '.- ','.' ' -' A Toklo cable states that a mass meeting called to protest against the action of the government In making peace terms that the people claim are humiliating was held yesterday. The police dispersed the crowd. Rioters at tacked the plant of the newspaper re flecting -the sentiments of the govern ment but little damage waa done. Many arrests wsre made. ; . v- v- i A meeting held In Osaka, Kagoya, adopted resolutions asking the govern ment to resign. - That, a general feeling of chagrin exists throughout the coun try Is apparent People of JTokohanw are quietly awaiUng the publishing of details of the treaty. U DINE WITH PRESIDENT. Japanese and Bnaataa Snvoya r--'ee)emte..aSxeenttv ? . Mirt IiiikUI IiiHii Oyster Bay, Sept O.-Secretary- Ixeb announced thla afternoon that Komura and Takahlra will lunch with tha presl- dent, Saturday. They will come from New Tork on the Sylph. Saturday even ing w me ana noscu wui mm dm" more Hilt Telegrams to the president from Portsmouth announcing the sign ing ef the treaty wera made public to day. . ;. rr-T-rrrr -,r,-..Bavoya beave Portsmonta. (jonraal Bpedal' Bervfea.) "" Portsmouth, Sept 0. The Russian and Japanese envoys, except Komura, who left laat night departed this morn ln. . i - - mvV j '-'. ' y niohtheria. sore throat croup. In- Thomas' Eclectrlo . OIL store.' At any .drug suoir Display cf Ck Cseslef r Gr&d Pbaos la eor Usla Sslesrooa . - - - ,'.. - " ' leprecedented ; CFgWYfcsIly7, for ' , . cespsrisca : . sad . selection. "0 f to Be CD Quarter Grands, and the latest small Quarter Grands, Parlor . Grands, also Uprights, specially de signed Uprights,' Pianola ftanos Pianolas, OrrhestreJles, Pipe Organs, Parlor and Chapel -Organs in endless variety and all at greatly reduced prices. - Don't fail to visit this wonderful display, at our -. '-. down-town exhibit,' entrance 351 Washington street "A Quarter Block of Fine Pianos." Lersest, Lcin end 7.1cit Street; Whc!r?slst Thirteenth end Ncrthrup Ct tzn Francisco?; CScsIitcn, C-!iIzr.J end All 01' AT THE THEATRES .A Brilliant Comedy. v' "Harrl.t'a" HaaeyBjoea" Is t. attnrUoa at tha. Mun this .m ki 1M U fmtnl by audiraees vhlrti erowd the bmn. alghtly. Thin wae asm s store brllUaat MBeo pre sented by a (took eompaay Is FoclUod. , "Tha Pit" Tpnicht.' v , ' The last performance ef "The Pit" will be given tonight at tha H.rqnais Oread tkeati. Tomorrow : and rrlday night, and at..- the matliMe Bataiday, 'UtoaXaekara will be aera la 'TrlIby," appearing aa 8rn. gaU, hla original role. The nrtval will be oa , a suet elaborate srale, and ander Mr. Lack.y.'a p.non.1 dlnetloa It cannot fall to plru. "rrllby- 1. .U amtlBwat dariied with kaaor. The drasutlaatloa h.a aetoally carried to the theatre boom of the eh.rm ef the erightal book. ' The play will artord a raaiwe to rn Wlltoa ta what ' hi Mid to be on ef the greatret bit. ef cfa.r-aetw-eetlaa that ha. ever beea im on the BnglMiwaklns lU'. " The "ttmi nu.f. U t. cited os liorrtooa etiwet batwe ea Blsth sad Beveath. streets, -;. Advance Sale Josephine Deffry. . At the Marqaam Or.nd tomnrnow - nnrnlnf the eeat Bale . will open for tba-engasement et th. Jnarphlo. Dettry eAmpaay. aieh will appear thrv. sight, at the Mwqaaav begin alng gatnrday with' A Brokea Hewt." Tb. W1L Moaday.. BeDtember It. to "A PeMrted RHd.." - and. tb., ckin( .frtrlns. Tmdai, wiu Be A WlrtM tlomi." Kin Drffrj is roanaena me ex ine riang yoaag -enw tloaal actrr.s... Pepator prlees will preralL . , i At th Baker. Is the BnrlretnM Bttra'cUona at the Baker charming snislcal narabera, bright and rollick ing eotnedy, brilliant lights and dotM ef llghtfel aveolag'a inumwnt 4 Th. MBrlga dlr BnrlwiMra" will eeatlnae at the Baker AT EILERS PIANO f TH EC H O I CE O P A CHICKERINQ TTHOUT. taking bite account mane minor rnu.Meeatlena that mar enter the mlmls ef purrb.aere of piano, one muat be mea-' f tloned aa all-Important dtocrimto.tloB Mem ' power and quality of tone a Judirtoue dectokm ' - aa tbl. point to deelrable wnen the ment . I to Intmded for the concert hall; when It to to ' adorn the drawing-room, a right eoBelmrlna ta i .till mare argent. Quality Of toe. to. Is ft. the great dealderatam. Tbto, once the proriuc, tion ef pure lose to attained through perfdrf . . mech.ntom. la wholly the outcome of ebtw hite evenneaa through the restotera of the In etraaaent. . ho one of thee, sheuld eTcrbelanre the ethsra, the dynamto force of each bents kept In atriet preportluii. sa that bam. medium and treble eaa be regardea' not aa three diem. ' toaa of a voice, hut aa one faaltleaa organ. . whereof the Bi.nT-.ued toae. blend by Imper reptlbie gradual loa.. -The Inrelleat mice, ef - the ase are dtotlnsutobed above all other, by - 'tbto cheraetertotle exrelleaeer perfect .irnme. tbrourbout their eempata. It to tbto .eannea., ' eeuptod with purity of -ami emamtoa corre- mmidlng wtth the mechanically produced tone ahreedy referred to, tbf eadowe the perfect plane aa well as the perfect human voire wj; Ira .Inslng tone end carryms unlckerlaf a Ctolm for rae Ohlekerlag llaas the very eicelleace here wt forth aa to Rexpcr.dtJaAVeitcrri-Dr- Every boy (eele fitter about atertin g out for school if dressed - in peat, stylish, manly suit. Our School Suita are potitssed of real style together with sterling quality that cannot be dupli ' cated at pur prices. Come to the Basement Department. In sizes 8 to 18. ; Double- Breasted and Norf oiks with regular end Knickerbocker Trousers.: All new patterns and styles at $2.15r $2.85, $3.35, S3;C5, $5.CD. r 4 - : ' A specially prepared suit for boye hard on their clothes. , v Double seat and knees, tn grays, browns and fancy mixtures, at ?5.p0 ahd SEE OUR FOURTH STREET Greatest Clothing antll Saturday Biattnee, whlrb wfll be the la.t There la aim a atatlnee toawrrow, Thanday, at the regulas boor. ('- ' , .."'IviV . "Eacaped From the Harem., '1 "Eaca pod mm the Hansu" at the Kmplr., Is Joat the sort of slay that aalu the Beooie. It 1. full of art km. The company hi ander the direct snprrTl.loa ef atrlrt.i. Tailor. tb. sathor, and. , ea. .( the beat, ever entree B9gtbwv The production to .1 brarlfet ef It. kind ew broaght te th. faelae eoart and the scenery Is soperb. ,, Kentucky JBallea Next. ' Anotlrar treat to In .tore tor hTn ef barlMqae and auicil eoaMdy at the Baker aext ' week. "Kentucky Hellrs," whlck will n BundyBiatlDe. "like " eretythlng .1m tim the Slue tiraei state,' has a weoserfnl flavor all Ita ewa. . t.. ...s V Next Weekjit the Empire. : ' Starting Sunday matinee the Chariot Tay lor company will preaent for It weood'effrr tng th. powerful, "Qwi ef the Highway." The Taylor company la one ef the very best that has produced melodrama Portland for- aeveral year, end '.the play 1. a. Intereating : . ""Ba'aped rmilT the Harem," by the sssie sathor ad the sasm company....''.'..;'. j v '.-;',' The Star's Show. j; '':;?'' Th. t M.xtraa . qahitet ' ef lnatramentall.ts provmi a vwy atreng drawing : card at tha Star and aa a result the booae la attod at each performance. Era Thatcher. .'th Irtoh lady.' to my entertaining - and heeva the audience laughing. H-arlee and Rockwell are wea la a aketck. The remainder ef the bill la good sad la completed by' latereatlag pte- a rae .ataraMope. . "The Tiger's Claw.' s Te say that the new stark eompaay t tb. Lyric waa an InatantaMnua hit .woald be patting It mlldljr. Curtain call, were 'do- -hUa Mmrk. a rharmlfig actma, aa H.llto. Herbert Aahtoe and J. Connor, carry, off the heaere ef Th Ch0,c 01 Chlckerisf -.Cont'd W pHned shave all ethsra; they make more eves and per fart areata than are .named la aay ether anatrument. ead the eiqutolte .taglag ajuallv . to more fully developed In the Chtokavhag Piaae than la any of Its rivals. Juet aa dtamoul dealer, ef repute eballenge erllldam ef then? gems by direct eomnarhMa with, Chick- . sring A Sana tonta eempsrlaoa ef their ptoaoa . .with thooe of other mafeera. and are daan-nn. ; of ha. Ins tb.m Judged wholly on their aMrtta. 1-hto erucl.1 teat of the Ohtoherlnw Vtoaa will. . It I. ronfidMtly atatrM. mt.hltoh beyond dhv euealoa tt. la an that eoaatltstes the perfert laatrameat. - - -a."" w - . s ....-.,-..",'.' m 'naaBaS "' i . e ' Jf ' 3 ' '-' t . i. t : ... i. - '....:...:: - . a ... .. 55.CD 4. 5 WINDOW DISPLAY. House in the Northwest. the piece outride the leedlng part as plarad by Mr. McLean. Bam. btU ad week with s autlaea dally at: 1:80. , - r''vA't't - Grand la Popular. Llttia Lett!. GlkwaTtM magaetls BsabreMe. Is the 'beadllaer at the Oraad thla week, and to making a treaMndoaa hit. The harp playing ef aignor Dunree to arttetle, and tha rest ef the bill to ap te the high stsadard ef the' Bread, . ',. -' . . j ' .-. VERY IF.F0nr.1AL CALL s 1 , fAID He. F. FARMSW03TH T, While in bed at the Oxford hotel. Shith and -Oak- streets,, about i o'clock this morning. H. F. Fams worth heard a queer sound- and wae surprised to dis cover a burglar searching through hla. clothing, which hung on a chair. The thief wore underclothing only and made ' a hasty exit when he saw that he had been detected.' Hla apparel- convinces the police that he, too, has a room at the Oxford.' '- v '-..' A thief stole tit and a watch and cttam Talned at from J. z A;MeadewerJ : 1IH First street la.t night - ' C. K. Claggett. f South Park etreet.- re ported to the police this morning the -theft of a bicycle. I 7 . - ;s.C 'vs.4 .C'hnerBm'a Paees. -,j How Intereating to study the 'faces of children. Note tha different faces and heads, tha great variations In features. Ton will find a good chance 'to study faces In the Mellin'a Food exhibit at the Lewis snd Clark exposition; hundreds of children's faces and all happy and ' healthy. The Mellin'a Pood exhibit is In the -Agriculture building. . ' ' " ' Terrible plague, .those Itchlnar. neetor. misery. . Ioan'e Ointment At any drug aior. HOUSE "DOT i r e QtzzI nzz:i cxzt Ciz'tl li a aew. .iimmmiI f.awe retails tzi try aft