The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 06, 1905, Image 2

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Ths Great Gathering Begins on
5. : the Ninth Day of the Ninth : )
.'Month. V.
' Icil Lumbermen Hve Made Elab
. ) ( orate Preparations to Properly Re-
celve and j&OterUin the Many Dele
" V jatca Front Out of Town. . " .1
' At nine minute toast t o'clock, on the
hints 'day of the ninth month, In the
, Marquam uranat we lourieemn annuw
concatenation of the house of Hoo Boe
J will begin. Special trains bearing I.BOO
to l.SOe delegatee are now en rout te
' Portland, and will strive tomorrow, and
' large active committee of local Hoo
Hoo are making- preparations to. receive
them. There am about 10.000 mem
bera all over" t ho country, and 1.601
V mbere In Paeino coast statsa.
The Hoo Hoo order la composed of
lumbermen and men engaged 1n busl
,aess related to the htmber. Industry-
as paint and oil inen, aaw.and ax deal
era, railroad men. lumber journal man
.MnA others...-. Ths name ot the order is
: taken from the ancient Egyptian arch
Ives. In which the cat la a aacred anl-
mat. The cat la found fc mummified
,V form In the eareophago of thepyra
in Ida. -The algnlfloance of the cat was
discovered by Boiling Arthur Job neon
. end' nine other traveling men' while
reading aome musty book In a vlggae
library -at Guerdon, Arkansas, where,
on January X. U2. they were seaueo-
-tered by the breaking down of, an en
. glae of the trahi"n which they were
traveling. Then and there the nine
, " .men conceived and organised the house
- t Hoo Hoo. A member,, writing In a
- recent, publication, describes it aa "It
per cent nonsense and M per cent sert-
-- oua1ntea." 'T'T " .
. Mr. Johaaon.' who la road repreaenta
' . tire ot the American Lumberman, Chi
cago, will be the only one of the nine
' oresnlsers who will attend the Port-f
land meeting. He will deiirer a lectune
c-n "Hoo Hoo." at the Auditorium on the
- -otpoettton -grounds Sunday atttrnooik
---j..'::: rFtofwwi Keetlag, r
' The firat Hoo Hoo special train will
reach. Portland tomorrow; afternoon at
: o'clock over the Northern Pacific,
from Chicago. .St. Loula and Bt. Paul
'. territory.. It makea atop fof conca te
ns tlona at Butte, Spokane, Seattle and
Tacoma. There will be a special from
California and the eouthweat. The
-opening aesalon wUl be held at the Mar-
.' quam theatre and apeechee will be made
by prominent Portland men and via-
Itora. Governor Chamberlain's weloom
Ing -address will' toe responded to by C.
t. Rourke. Illinois, anark of the uni-,-
. veree. Mayor Lane Will welcome the
, rlsltora to the elty of Portland, and J.
H. Baljd, NsshvUle, publisher-of the
Moo Hoo bulletin and the ' Southern
--i--4.umbermVn; wlir.respond-for-tbo Hoo
Hoo. ' A biis'iness men's' address will be
' made by W.JD. Wheelwright prealdent
f th Pacific- Export Lumber company.
.and-a response y W. X. wart, a promi
nent seund Hoo Hoo.
' The annaal business meeting of the
V Oslrlan- cloister will be held Friday
' morning In -Elks' and K. of P. halls, top
. floor of, the Martjuam building, and
. initiations' will be made In the after UnnueL-kfHLia
1 vrn. ; Saturday . morning will be de-
votea to Dusiness ana tne nnernoon a
business and social meetings..
. : Vteok Oats om the Xoof. ' . 1
' A concatenation- on the root will be
- held at . the- xposlUon Aadltorlum.
,', Mondav will be given over to bualness
meetings and in the evening the Hoo
Hoo . wiU visit the Oaka. Tuesday
there will be business sessions and a
' moonlight- excursion :on the Columbia
v river. Wednesday the delegates will see
" the exposition and hit the Trail In' tit
-' evenlna.
.:; ' The lumbermen of Portland1 have been
, working for weeks to make the annual
i. -: concatenation great suoccss. The
committees are: ; . '
Executive R. D. Inman. chairman
H. A. Sargent. L" C Jianfleld. . W. H.
. Mackav. H. W. Ooddard. J. & Haroll
- too, G. M. Cornwall. F. rtiRansom, F. U
, Zimmerman. A. H. Potter,, ex-of flcio; EL
rli. Hablghorot, seeretary.'-i -
Printing snd Program A. H. Potter,
Q M. Cornwall, a. XL Trumuull.
Railroad and publicity H. W. Ood
. dard. a H. Trumbull, D. C O'Reilly.
Auditing H. A. Sargent, F. L. Zlm-
.1' merman, fr-H. Ransowi, -chairman.-c
- . Advertising M. Cornwall. ; E, - H.
Habighorst. .
Entertainment J. S. Hamilton, chair
-man; F. H. Ransom; H. A. Sargent,, W.
J). . Mackay, , G. M. - Cornwall. D.. C
. tTReUlr. W E. Coman. W. C Francis.
Alex Jtuna.
Hefcare Hotel F. L.- Zlmmert
man. i . l ,
. Addresses R. p. Inman. chairman
-., Xroya Wtntworthi' Di C. O'Reilly.
- Music W. c. Francis, A. H. Potter,
B. H. Trumbull. ,
'Ladies' Auxlllarr D. M. Dunne, M. C
iiapneia, l u. Jameson, prank 1. Lur
. ham.- " .
. On the Roof H. H. Holland C. . O.
: Baking Poyder which makes
the food more
wholesome. This peculiarity
of Royal has
physicians, iirid they accord
jngly. endorse ' m$Kreco&
mend it.
Brlggaf-S. V. "wen, George If. Went
Lecture (Boiling Arthur Johnsonl 3.
U. Cornwall., W. B. Mackaja, Charles
Sawyer. '.:';. '
Entertainment for - evenins of Sep
tember 11 D. O. Q'ReUiyW C Coman.
H. A. Sarxent. . ,
- Excursion t Tuesday;; September ID
F. H. Ransom. R. J. A. 9 Reiuy., woyo
Wentworth. .'i. .: v '
Ref reahments-F..' L. Zimmerman, H.
Whiting; 8. A. Herlng.
' - These SHve Olad ' maad. .
-Reception J. 8. Hamilton, chairman;
M. C Banfleld. Chandler Bloom, A. u.
Bratton. .Charles O. Brlggs. A;" J. Cap-
roB, James A. Clock, H. Bf uodd. m.
R, Colby, . R. Davis. JiL. .Dickinson,
R. R, Dtngls. D. Ellery." W. C Francis,
O."0. Hughson. H. W. Ooddsrd. "W. W.
Gordon; H, A. Heppher, 8. A. Herlng, H.
H. Holland, Phelpa Hoiman. R. D. In
man,' C. H. ; Jackson,. L. C Jameson, J.
H.- Johnson. R. r B. Magruder,- W.- B.
Mackay. George M. Cornwall. ' D C
O'Reilly, A. J- Paul, F. H. Ransom. A.
H. Potter. M. A. Sargent. Sol Baum. B.
lV,v8lgler, H," C Smith, . George fcae.
tteqrge 8. Taylor, B. H. Trumbull. H..B.
Van JJuser, T. v. .wsra, f. is i-immrr-man,
O. K. Wentworth, Jr...L; J. Want
worth. E. N. Wheeler,. Howard Whiting,
Samuel E. Wren. WA. Cox. H. O. Rich
ards. Charles K-llott. Fred 8. Chapman.
W. . B.. Wiggins, w. K., Potter, ueorge
W. Collins. JUex'Kuns, Charlea E. Saw
yer, W. K. Coman, Ross E. Bewell.
Lewis 8. Bailey. T. H. Comerford. Jt. a
Glover, W. C. Barxer, Samuel Connell.
Marshall Chambers, 8. H. Cswstoo. Fred
R. Olln," C E. . Dant, Bamusl r:; Owen;
W. T. O'Brien, :. c-.
V .v.: -Osm etWM ta Oilmt. -.
at has been stated tin good author
ity." said E. H. Habighorst. secretary ot
the local executive committee, "that the
war between Russia and Japan - was
started ever a. sawmill concession on
the Yalu river, and that this and some
timber claims In Manchuria have cut
a large figure in the peace negotiations.
Now. that the csar Is up a tree, ana his
operations in timber confined to Siberian
territory. It Is proposed oy raomc
northwest -Ho-' Hoo to- send - Shasuks
Kida. the only Japanese member of the
order, to Manchuria to organise oo il
ea tenatlons for the jurisdiction of Man
churia." '?.'';'..',.. 'a,' ."?''.'' ;.'
It la said there are vast tracts of
timber In Siberia, and aa Manchuria Is
Its outlet. Japanwill have somethlnf
to say about who will out it.
A unlaue souvenir book for the four
teenth annual meeting lias been compiled
and published by Edna B. Jones of
Portland. Ita pages are Douna in
board, the front cover page bearing a
handsome engraving of the Forestry
building at. the Lewis and Ciarx expo
sition. It Is said to be the moat-attractive
souvenir ever Issued by the
order:' The growth of the Hoo Hoo on
the Paclflo coast has been rapid, but. the
largest year's Increase .In Its history Is
to be recorded at the close of 101. x j
Wkern Xoe oo Seem Appeared. i
The order was Introduced on this
coast ' tn 1114 by LV B. Hanson of
Hoqulam, Washington, who with afew
other lumbermen organised lodges at
Portland. Baa, Francisco , and Seattle.
The lumber business 'on this coast Is
rreatei'thn in all other parte of the
country. Oregon,-. Waahlngton.- Cali
fornia and Montana haver 1,100 sawmills
some of them Immense plants - em
ploying hundreds - of men and 0
shingle-mills. A totsl of U0.0O men
are employed.'' The shipments by rail
from Oregon and waahlngton mills last
year ware 4.00 carloads and their ex-
PQrl-CArgnea .Intalril T nnfl.nnn tintl fast
ot lumber.. , -'., -
The Paclflo coast has been honored bs
representation on the supreme nine
every year excepting 1114. the following
men having served in various capacities:
R. D. Inman, B. I Everett. J. J. Loggle.
N. H. Falk, T. H. Claffey, Victor H.
Beckman. Frank B. Cole,- J. Ar- Clock
and A. H. Porter. The latter now
supreme jabberwocK and Bis -successor
wlU be sleeted at this meeting." "
At the Portland meeting It Is pro
posed to make R. D. Inman supreme
anark or the universe. His candidacy
has been pushed by the Oregon men and
i Is said he has a strong lead for the
honor. - ..v - .. ; r.
. Frank W. Fry today . pleaded .guilty
to the charge of tapping a wire ot the
mission. He will be sentenced Satur
day. ' ' ' .
John Brudo. Indicted for' assault with
a dangeroua weapon, was arraigned and
will plead Saturday, at which tlms Joe
Dtener, for larceny - by embesslement,
will alao-plead.-Daisy Morrison, accused
pf larceny, forfeited her ball.
- Bars Buraed at Ballstoa.
(SpecUl Dlapateh to The jMraaL)
JBallaton, Or '.8ept a. . The
largo nam belonging to Thomas Wood?
ley near this , place was total I r de
stroyed by Are at an early hour this
morning. The origin of the fire Is un
known. The loss la 1,C0 and includes
besides the barn two horses, two cows,
two buggies,- a cart and a wagon, har
ness and a large amount, of hay and
grain. . : . , ,
digestible and
been noted by
1 - ' w-a - "
Dietrict Attorney t Starts Inquiry
' Into Complaint! Against
Former Bailiff. ; -
a:-'...... "'"
Relation of Upton and . Riddell in
: Janscn Caae and Also in Other Es-
Ut Settlements WiU B Dter-
- mined. 3t''''--'---
;. )v - -Tj ; '
' Count Judgs L. R. Wfbster was a
witness before the district attorney this
afternoon In the Inquiry into the Upton
and Bidden case. The Intention of the
district attorney is to learn all tne racts
that bear on the case and sift to the
bdttom. the reports that have been In
circulation regarding the alleged part
nerahln. between Upton aa bailiff of.thfe
county court and H. H. Riddell as a law
yer dividing with him fees he received
in cases given to mm tnrouga n m-
fluenee of Untdn: . "
The Investlxatlon will take a wrae
ranae. and will not be confined to the
case of the late' Rudolph Janaen, whose
estste snd its administration by J. U-
Scott ciuaed the recent disclosures. i
Frank Bchlegel. counsel for End re M.
Cederbergh, the Swedish consul, who
wsaacDolnted administrator yesterasy,
Is moving for a settlement of the estste.
and preparatory to this - will ssk the
court to order an accounting of Jl.Sto
received for the estate by the former
administrator. R. O. Scott., Mr. Scott,
through his attorney, H. H. Riddell. re-
celvedl.lOO from ' the Consolidated
company and none of this money has
been paid to the estate, there being no
record of It at the courthouse, although
the settlement was made with, the eom
psny early In June and the money paid
at that time. .
-Of the I HO Bidden has paid ITIO to
R, W. Ruff In, and the transaction has
not yet been finally disposed of by the
court. ' It Is - understood that Mr.
Bchlesel Will urgs an Immediate settle
ment of the estate, and to that snd will
ask for aa order requiring the payment
Into the court's hands f all funds col
lected la order that it-anar be possible
to procure the necessary further, orders
effecting an early settlement. ,
John Ertckson. who Is regarded as an
employ of R. W. Ruf fin, has been held
as a witness by the Issuance of a sub
poena. He was about to go to San Fran
cisco, where .Buff in Is . said - to , have
gone.';- -; ' ;. : " - " r ,
(Joaraal SpeeUl Serrlre.)
Minneapolis. Mlna. Sept . The street
railway company has lost hundreds ot
men during the peer .10 days - because
of the alluring news from the harvest
fields. As a result or. these wnoieaate
desertions the enormous work whlctt the
company has -under way tn both cities,
to say nothing or tnat to te oono tx new
lines leading out of . Minneapolis, WiU
b delayed. -w .
"We were not ready to let any or our
men go," said General Manager. Hleld,
"but it was Impossible to hold any but
the thinking ones, who preferred steady
work at good wages rather than harvest
are in much better shape than we would
have been had the exodus-begun earlier.
Several hundred left us, and ws could
use them all now."
j . ..
. : (Joerasl SDeelal serviee.)
San Francisco. Sept . Up to a late
hour .this . morning; the Britt-Nelsos
referee situation remained unchanged.
Nolan continues to stand pat and. jioth.
Ing has been heard from, Jeffrlea, but
now that It Is seen ' that he Is not
wanted a refusal to act Is expected from
him. Brltt aaya Jeffries or nobody and
many are Inclined to believe that there
will, be no fight on Saturday. W. W.
Naughton la an article this morning de
nounces Nolan for the attitude assumed
by him and declares v that Nelson is
havlns the vellow streak and wants as
t of the nght. Tne wias-eontmu 1 1
at 10 to T. : Sporting men from all over
the states are beginning to rrtv fof
the contest. . : . " 4 -
n . eaaBMSMSMeiHe
(SpecUl Dispatch te The eearssL) !. '
Salem,. Or., Sept. f. A new company
made application to the city eouncil last
night' for a franchise to establish a
telephone system In this city. In Us
application the new concern agrees to
pay, after Ave years, one per cent of Its
Income into the city treasury. The bill
for the ordinance granting the franchise
was read the first and second times and
referred tt the committee on ordinance.
The Pacific . States Telephone com
pany has just put in a modern drop
light system, which has only been In
operation . about a week. ' '
The new company, if granted a fran-
chise, will put in a burglsr and fire
alarm system In conjunction with -the
telephone. - - -1
J'. - . (Joaraal tpecUf Srvle.
Wooaterx O., . Sept.-.Private Deteo-
tlve Fred Dow, who claims to havs ob
talned the confidence, of Billy Taggart,
has sevr1 nt he terms m "pnnf.i.
slon," and testified this morning. He
yi Billy snowed mm m minrn oi let-
uatJtm xatama-rwaTt-frnm TiTs-riiweet.
heart and would be her death warrant
if anybody osw them.
- Publishers snnouncs a novel Tor cheap
circulation is to ba. wrltUn with Mrs.
Taggart as ths heroins and the events
revealed ln the trial as the subject mat
ter. ;- i ', .'' ' ..'':''
Columbus, Ohio, Sept ". Roy Knaben
ehue made a suoceasful flight In his alr
ship this : morning. . The ' balloon . re
sponded to--the helm wellthough the
aeronaut had consldertbls trouble with
the machinery. -J
' r HaTf i' sMws'ailfs 8iTir-- '
' (Jeorwal aperlal Ssrvtoe.l ,
. raoucah, Ky.. Sept. . Mrs. Mary
Brock well, who -killed her three chil
dren by poisoning, was sentenced to life
Imprisonment today. . '
v, ' i '-.7. ,
'y'r (Continued from Page One.) 7"
didmostof fhe talking; van
Draa did
. i not si
sUts lhat "MraT Touti atttTTo-
get a divorce. Mr. Ing said he had
transacted some business for Van Dran.
Van Dran took the wltneea stand and
denied that he telephoned Mrav Toung on
May 1 or May s; In fact, ho .said that
he never called her up ever the "phone,
but that she had telephoned him. . ;
' ln ! AMe4 M Ba So -rriead. . '
Van Dran said that the last time he
had seen Mrs. Toung previous to the
shooting was a week or 14 days. He
denied that he ever told Mrs. Toung
that Toung was "chasing" and that she
had the same right.
- "Did you say you would be her
friendT" was asked.
"I did, because, she appealed, to me,"
he answered. '..
Van Dran stated that the rooms above
his place were unfurnished on the night
of the shooting and that the. doorway
leading to them was locked.
- All the testimony waa ended by. le:!f
o'clock this morning. Van Dran occti-
noon and told ot the shooting: Henry
Hrhwerdtfe ser. who was In the saloon.
also told of the assault, as did Frederick
Rlchter.- rT.-. - v
Mrs. Toung was the first witness, for
the defense, but owing to a ruling of
the court.- she was not allowed to state
anything that had been said by or to
her regarding van wran oeioro me an
ernoon of the shooting. Toung first
went on the stand last evening and told
of his wlfs's telling him ot Van Dran's
proposals. h- 1 ,
" afose Speaks of FUnury Oefense.
.Deputy District Attorney" "Moser
opened the arguments before the jury
by Stating that -wnenever you una a
man eharced with a crime and he pleads
not guilty, hs doea his best to manu
facture a defense so shammy and flimsy
that there is nothing in it.
."Like a drowning . man grasping a
traw. so this man will grasp at any
thing. He will perjure his wife and
himself to get free. This man went
into Van Dran's saloon with murder in
his heart. Wss there ever a more
brutal, a more cold-blooded attempt to
murder than that made upon Van Draa
by Toungf The law does not give i
man a right to go 'gunning.' "
Attorney McGarry opened ths argu
ment for the defense by stating that he
was there "to help' protect our rami
lies from -auch loathsome -creatures ss
nrowl sround ltks Van Dran.
-jrWe claim, that -Toung -shot-Vsn
Drsn." continued the attorney, "and we
clalmThale was"3tmed by-law and
the ahootlng was done felonlously.jrtlUl
fs not so;" If; was ' oohe"Ty"Tounir To pro
tect his horns. Look at that man Van
Dran; ,lqok at his mouth, It shows base
ness: look st his nose, it snows .de
structlveness; he is ons of the slickest
snd smoothest witnesses I have, ever
Two' kinds of : goods and
trade ; - a ' barpain's , a bargain
and moreeyback. One makes
friends,; and tha other loses
tin. "'. .'-- , .
. Schiltoz's Bert at jour
':"r '-..' " 1 . r.'-x.: '- ':",'J-- V-' ;- :'' ' j v?.-v.' -,5. V:..'. .--v-J1;-;:.'-
V ;t : 1 i Portland Ore Sept. 51905
Oreaon Importing Cq. ; -
1..!. -. v- - 4 -
j Gentlemen:.-
net Set which
n also wish tq state the sacramental
wine p to
::-,:-:lam very respectM
Residence : 455 Main Street
seen: Where U Chase, the night bar
tender of Van Draa'a who knows about
the telephoning to Mr. TtntngT -. ;
: Both aioea ;Aair rr obaao,---"-
Tea, where is bsr asked Mr. Moser.
"Tou know he Is net here, and yea
would not postpone the trial until hs
got osre. either." replied McGarry. "He
knew that tha monster telephoned Mrs.
Younav The truth, is, , that man sitting
there holding up his chin not only tried
to ruin a home,, nut he is trying to ao
f eat Justice. Peace and . happiness
reigned in that family until Van Dran
appeared. -and the shame of It is that
Toung Introduced Van Dran to his fam
ily, if van Dran wanted to do a xnena
of those people why did he not go to
tVe Davctft
; Thetoc the BIO FIRE IN OUR v
: ; STORE two weeks ago, s as advertised yesterday in The ' ; v f
;V Journal, at 25 to 40 per cent of its valuer in order" to. close out.;o;' ' j
'f 'X the entire stock in time for the reception of our new goods or- y
i' i dered immediately after the disastrous corinrattoil :
nicC'Tcnths of This rierchandise Vas&t
Except by a little
no conxacx wiiq
give - them -exactly what, we advertise arid tstislc'or:
your money'backv '?W. ; .r.v'W :v: T
'This IsAIlUc Dave TIc ta Sgr It ! ::
JJLJL i v. j U C
--4 -w W A- -
; --v--. - 1 v-r ' " ,,'Jfc -7- - --
to state
which please accepi
Joe Toung Instead of to his wife? Those
shots 41 red by Toung- saved two homes
from ruin,' and rescued a woman from
shame." -.. T- ' :
- In closing his speech before the jury,
Mr.' Idleman, also an , attorney for
"This country has taught the world
that a woman Is better than a man. - If
you gentlemen take away ths Tight of -a
man to protect his wife, you take away
the right of, a maa to protect his fam
ily from the poisonous slandsrs of hu
manity and tear down what it has taken
this nation thousands of dollars -end
seas ot blood to build, up." , .
preferred atoek Oaaaed Oooaa.
. Allen 4c Lewis Best Brand. V .
Time M Tcilay
smoke and water, and at least
cimcr, ycx we are aciung una v
i y
'i. '''.
i -".
-'.' it
from Commander Peary says that . h
left Etap. Greenland. August 1( for the
farthest north with II Eskimos and-tOO
dogs. Hs reports all welL , i , .
y Sr. 9. B. Satano aoeigaa. .
- (Joaraal Special Serviee I , ' .
Washington, Sept. . Dn D.-E. Sal-,
mon of the bureau of animal industry,
who was recently exonerated yof chargea
of Irregularities tn his department, ha
resigned. ' .-i...- .... .
Injored a Penny U
one-half shows
w,uur etiA.a
j7 FiTa:! Street