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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 6, 1905)
o ' "bhtooM-; DAiLy;jcui:::Ai; PoriTtAND. -wedne-day . evz::kjg.. ssPTifiszs"- c. l KIUEO Opposition to Method of Ucens- Irijjr, Farmers Was .Too Strong v"'. . for Committee. , REMONSTRANCES WERE" f , HEARD IN ALL QUARTERS Another Ordinance Will Bt Pre- '. pared in the Near Future That Will , Probably Prove Satisfactory to All the People Concerned,1' ' "L The ordinance ..Introduced ; to lleensa farmers who desired to offer their prod- ace. foe sale-at tl city-market . was alven Ita death blow- by the licenaa committaa of the City council yesterday. J. J. Johnaon. nreeident and I D. TO liott of the Evening 8tar grange of Mount Tabor and F, M. Hill of the Rub. sellville' grange presented -: , reraon- atrance. algned by tOO reputable cltl- aena agalnat Ita passage. : y '; . -The farmera want a market and want It badly." , aald Mr. Johnson, -but they object to being driven to it. All farmera and grange -men throughout thia and. Clackamas county, feel That a city mar ket would be an excellent thing but they are opposed to an ordinance such aa r this." 7 . v "."' .: It was decided by the management of the city market and the members of the committee to meet and frame an or- consented, with this understanding the license oommittea recommended that the ordinance do not pass. : - Acting on .the advice of Chief of Po lice Orltamacher, the licenses of three econd-clasa auctioneers were revoked, as follows: A. I Lowensteln, iOt Washington street; the Imperial Jewel ry company. M Third street; &. Ma soroaky. North Third atreet . ' Tbt lioenao of A. J. Cromwell ft Co, 130 Sixth street to conduct a first- - class auction house was revoked on the ground that the lleensa had been ob tained under false pretenses. , The mn - ager of the firm told tha oommittea that he expected to secure a booth at the Orients! bulltln hat riderrlTed at the fair too late, and that he desired" to open -a house to sell his goods to the public It has developed, according toljgrj in commutes, mat jr. auie or xx ad- i a;eiw, vsmurma, jb uio rvmi proprietor of tho place, and that tha houaa Is sell ing cheap oriental good a. ;., INDORSE COOPERATIVE ' : FEDERATION'S PLANS A resolution Indorsing the plan of the I : Cooperative ChrlaUaJi federation and ax. I pressing confidence in ita colonising projects waa adopted 'by the trustees of : the Portland chamber of commerce ata . meeting yesterday afternoon. The true- I teea were addressed at a special meeting last Friday by Wallis Kash. counsel fojc the' federation, 'who set forth Rs oh- Jects end told Vhat had already been rompiiinra. uiw r. nn pui ma remarks In writing and filed them with the president of the chamber who. is making a study of the unique financial plan embraced In Rev. Mr. Wallace's cooperative acheme. -Tho chamber trtnteei yeateTaaT elected to membership the following: J. C. Alnaworth, Mutual Label 4k -Utho graph company; Portland Engraving company, William E. Rothery. Alex ander MrAyeaL Honorary memberahlp was conferred on George H. Williams In ; recognition, of his long public servloe, ' and Alfred liolman, for - services ren dered the chamber In the writing of an extended article on Portland and Oregon in a recent Paclfio northwest lsaua of , the- World'a Work. f A resolution expressing regret at the death of C. H. Prascott for many years ' a prominent member- of the . chamber, waa adopted. . . . -- . , GOOD-LOOKING YOUNG MAN - ADMITS HE IS A THIEF . Henry LecV'te was sentenced by Pre siding Judge !Fraser yesterday afternoon to serve Bix months, in Jhecountjcl! , lor larceny. On August 4 goods were stolen from from Nau's pharmacy, cor ner or Sixth and Morrison streeta. and Leckle waa arrested for the crime. He ' Headed guilty. Ha Is rather good-look- .' ing. well-dressed and young. IIMlrefegftarw 20 Mmlm 7e flgraur -1 ' J& . - Xi Ab A Borax Soi . v iu that actually X ; 1 PpjcotttalaaMorax r V --. Wl- ij --.'V'- - -y - .-al it-- ' r 20,, Mule TeohiTBrancl j ' - , Cocten, Cotton, Silk or UecM farnente win retaial' Hr orinal elaetidtv. finish and lift if onrhrgfeaie Borax T pe arc used fat the lanndrr. Pure borax is a harmlres -tiscptic and the greatest cleanser known. Borne so-called ,' ormx Soapk do aot contain a particle of borax ihev are the ' iada that destroy clothes and redden bands., Bay oar Boras . boap in the form you like beat. It k absolutely pure. f Borax &rt it r-ra. Soa OiIm ta Packafca. ','), "Bwixe" izrttr In alrtlne toe cana. 1 ' rtCSe oar booklet "Bora n the Hoawaad a aamfe ' of "BoTaxo" Batk Fowitt or Para Borax.. . , AsfyczrCr r " Or Coupon Free Hawaiian trip -.'-; . " 7 ; ,. Honolulu, Hawaiian Island ; - i wtofo.i,;.v....;;....;.....;fM,'....;..iiivva.r....,. . Thia coupon must be voted on or before Sept. iCuo!". j HUGE ALBATROSS FROM THE DECK AND DEVOURS IT While In tha vicinity of Cap. Horn, Captain McQtll aaya an albatross came sweeping down on the deck of the Brit ish ahip Comerlo and caught pet cat which -had. been on tha vessel for -mA couple of yeara. - Aa the bird roaa tha feline, was dropped and lighted on the deck. ' It tried to crawl to .a place of safety, but again tha albatross made a downward swoop, caught It. , and thle time bore It away. -- ,. '." "."V.- . ' After flying about 100 yarda tha huge bird aank to the water and made a meal ol the eat- When captured the feline emitted, pitiful cries and clawed and fought In a heroic manner, but it was 'm&Wb OFEIIOILE : COOILll TALK - I Liquor License Committee Can not Agree oh Ordinance to Close Them. '' No compromiaa was reached on tha box ordinanoa measure at the meeting of the liquor license committee of the city council yesterday afternoon.'. The matter was postponed until tha next meeting In tha hops that some agree ment wil be arrived at by tha warring taciiona. .. , i.-.v- Tha committee appears to be unani mous la Its desire to remove boxes from saloons and restaurants, but the Ques tion on. which it la undecided U whether hotels should .be included in the cate gory, so far as allowing llquora to be la 'concerned. Councilman Wallace and. Masters of the Vaughn, committee believe that hotels should be excepted, while. the other members say that .hotels should be granted no more privileges than a restaurant In this re spect. . ' . Councilman Vaughn presented an ordi nance before the committee which he and Maatera had framed and which waa practically the same which waa amended over the. mayor's veto three weeka in. It - went over nntll the neat meetina. Mrs. Lola O. Baldwin, superintendent of Travelers' . aid work In Portland, urged the necessity of legislating agalnat the boxes In aaloona and rea- taurants in order te protect girls. - 8h stated that conditions hers were) very grave. The committee assured her that it would pass an ordinance which would eliminate boxeai DANCEtfALLS NEAR FAIR HAVE BAD REPUTATION The three dance halls located near the entrance to the fair grounda have fallen under the ban of the police! ,. '"These are dangerous places," said Chfcf OriUmacher. "Tbey are located near saloons, ons being next door to a place where liquor la sold. "Numerous complaints have been reg istered agalnat them. They are fre quented by girls and boys who are too young to be permitted - to mis Indis criminately and allowed to coma In con. .tact with persons older and more ex perienced in vicious forms of amuse ment Several cases in ths polios court have bad their origin at these dance halla." . V . - ,. , Theae strictures of the chief were evoked by the statement of Charles Fox. aged It years, in the police court this morning at the trial of Harry Bowen, proprietor of the EI Rey saloon, that ha took lT-y ear-old Zola 8t Johns to a dancehall several times before he In duoed her ta enter tha lodaina-houss over the saloon. - . . i Acting Detective Hellyer will investi gate he. halla and confer with the proper authorltlea to see If somethlna- cannot be dona to check their tendency ior evil. . tor 20 MULE TEAfJ trssd fiwaw atare at a ffasrsslii tPwttr .: SNATCHES CAT no match for Ita powerful captor. Cap tain MCOHI aaya the whole thing was done in hn instant and no -ora had an opportunity to go to tha rescue of the ship's pet .- Had there been a gun or hoard - the ' bird' would have been ' ahot whlla lfwaa contentedly consuming its prey.. '. t V- ;, ;v The aklpper aaya ha has Been an alba troaa fly paat a aallor and anatch food fron a plate, but this was the first time ha ever saw one get so bold as to carry away something alive. On sail Ing vessels coming, around- the Horn the sailors often amuse themselves by catching birds with ''lines and hooks baited with fresh meat , . : v.- ; TUXEDO S.LC0.'! LIXELY TO LOSE-RUM Council Committee It Told That McClinn A'Johneon Kept : : Open After Hour - , ; If the recommendations .of , tha liquor license committee are adopted - by the council this afternoon the license of the . Tuxedo saloon. : ona .of the,' most notorious In the city, will be 'revoked. McGUnn A Johnson, the proprietors,: to gether with Attorney . Marry Hogue, were cited to appear before the com mittee yesterday - afternoon but Mr.' Hogue -attended alone. ; ,- - i-i He said with . a friend he went Into the saloon about 1 o'clock In. the morn- tng-and that they were ear rail with drinks, although It was long after clos ing boura. They had entered through a aide door by pressing a button. ' Councllmen - Annand and - Shepherd were opposed rto revoking the license. Baying that. the offense had been com mitted before tbey passed the resolu tion to revoke tha license .of all sa loonmen who were convicted In the municipal court for Violating the lawa. snl declared they would not recede from the position they" had taken, as they believed In dealing fairly-with all. Councilman Masters Vaughn t and Wills argued that a license should be re voked If it was found that a saloon was keeping a disorderly house such as tha chief of police Informed them McGllnn at Johnson had, although they had not been -convicted. - ,. Councilnaen Wills, Wallace. Vaughn and Masters voted to revoke the license and Shepherd and Annand voted to give tna proprietors another chance, .., SAYS ANTICS OF CREW 7 i CAUSED HORSE'S DEATH Before- Circuit Judge : George , this morning waa begun the of Samuel Btrebln agalnat tha Columbia Southern Railway company for T2S0. On December 17. 14. Btrebln sUtea that he was driving seven horses along the railroad track near Wasco, Oregon, when an. engine belonging to the Co lumbia Southern came by, the track be ing near the road, apd that by "tooting the : whistle and opening the steam cocks'1 the horses were frightened and one was killed by running Into a barb wire fence and another severely injured. Btrebln also states that the train crew yelled and waved' their hats when they saw that by so. doing they frightened tha liorgeav. i. --T-f-rY irj ' -fcong Um of Jjt long Mna of pensloneraatood in the when County" Clerk Fields opened his office. Yesterday waa ta day that tha veterana " and wldowa of old oldler should have called to have their vouch ers signed, but as it was Labor day the office was cloaed. - f 4 " Poraa deanegi them ta a armk, ' rfovtbsnefUanawiUsMt shrink. raweVsweer lie ". BBWBBBBBjBgaBaBKaaaBasB SaSBtavaBBaaVBssBSBsaA ' i a a IE CALLED 1,1 nnn i.bIL Uiai - a" ' ' . - ' bUU Probable That St Johns Problerrfl Will Be Submitted to Cir- " j cuit Court. ' ' OFFER rVlADE BY MAYOR'S 1T ATTORNEYS LAST NIGHT Councilmea Agrc That Such a Step if Best and Better Feeling Prevails EdwardV Standing Will Be Le- V (all Decided.? ; . -V v" .Jfe'.- The east -side efflea ef The Journal Is Is tae store, bf . Mrs. F. atcKlaae. 380 Cast Morrlsoa Strest. .Telephone Kaat ZK, When the St Johns council' met last night it waa (inderstood that battle waa to be waged, and the small room was packed with citlaena, the solitary, win dow -had. a doaen heads, tha doorway was blocked and out in the road' men stood on tiptoe to sea ths carnage, - . After rollcalL to which the - seven members,' including Mr. Edwards, ' re sponded, the attorneys for Mayor King and 'Councilman . Peterson surprised all with an offer of compromiaa. . . , : Attorney Toung stated that he waa authorised by Mr. King to submit the status of Edwards to tha circuit court, tha court to pass on queatlona of law and the' minutes of ths council to be taken aa the facta to be presented. He appealed to the councilman to drop their queatlona until the atatua ot tdwajtda waa settled.' . President ggett. who head's the oa- posltlon to tho mayor, agreed that tha plan might bd a good one, but asked time that he and his associates might confer. Mr. Edwards followed with the Statement that he waa . willing to let the court decide, and that he had been willing to leave the. councfT for soma time, but he did "object to being kicked out"- :. 1 . , A alienee . lay on tha council after this, until Mr. Shields stated that, while It was all right to submit tha question to the court, he wanted to' think the matter over before he agreed to ' any thing. . . . .- ' . - City Attorney Greene made a strong appeal for peace and reminded the eoun- cilmen that . their conatltuenta had elected them ta serve the town, and not to eonduox battles at the town a . qx Denser Everything seemed to be moving to ward peace, when Mayor King ordered tho . minutes of the last aeaeion read. and this nearly started serious trouble. Several councllment were on their feet once - protesting that tha - minutes could' not be read, without opening wounda which would end In another bat tle, and Mr. Shields pointedly said: - "I see what'a coming, and all Ihave to say la If that Is what you people want, go ahead; we are ready." with which dire threat he darkly subsided. "What's tha matter with you people?" demanded Mr? King. ' "I am not going to do any thine rash, and the mlnutea certainly must be read.' Mr. Recorder proceed with the minutes." . - Objections came so fast, however, that tho - council decided to adjourn until Thursday evening, so that the submis sion of tha Edwards case to the court might be decided on by the two factiona. One 'spectator edged In and "remarked that the council ehoilUlebetter "get to work," and volunteered some informa- tlog cpncerhlTrgJhe dutiea. Of thewunJl cil. to which MrrOreehe"'caatifcari3r ci plied that the council waa rather well informed aa to Its duties. - ' Attorneys for the mayor suggested damage ' sultTfhat- Mr. Edwards withdraw, pending i the decision of his case. In the court. but this did not appeal to either the op-1 posing 'faction .or the V dkt?W'- deed. It was To1 J" th Joker that waa tied up. In the offer -to arbitrate. The council finally adjourned untU Thursday night,, with, a better iin amnnr the various members than had been shown for weeks, though a word was sufficient to stir -up heated remarks from half a doaen.' Meanwhile the status of Mayor King and Councilman Peterson Is not de termined, the brunt or tne ngni nanng been thrown on Mr. Edwards; the suit of Mr. Peterson against tnoae wno brought charges agalnat his good name will go merrily on. ' " aws-aa-a-aaeaal POIATLQrJE. Tweaty-Three Hundred Bays Cemana Moss Tufts, who is compiling the census of St. Johns, wUl finish his work this week. , Last evening he stated that there would be about 1.100 enumerated In the .town Hmlta, and believes that such a total would be a true index of the town's growth, eince no transients had been counted and after a thorough search he 1s convinced that few resi dents hadtteen mlaaea. Tne- town. while compactly built about tne Busi ness district, , haa added numerous sub urbs this year, which grew up In the brush districts about the place, and the labor of the enumerator baa been great ly increased on account of these scat tered communities, rrom a village or a few hundred to a second -clsss city )u two years is tne recora dc wunne -win show when the census is complete, and tha erowth In property valuea haa been aa great as has the population, having Increased from IlOO.oeo to l,zo,uue in that time. -The growth ot the town this summer has been more rapid than ever before, and when the school opens the 110.000 addition-which was built thia summer will be crowded. 1 ' . "flREHALL-PLANNED.- MUwankle OouaoU eddee to. Bay Wte hhatma Wo fof Apparatnsr The Mllwaukle council has decided to me soma fif lie jtuxtdua-monezjo, jii Ing . adequate fire protection for the town. The probability . of such action waa announced in Ths Journal several days ago. but at that time It was not thought thst Immediate step's would be takea. The councilman, however, after short discussion- cams to tha conclu- rton that the entire town was likely to be destroyed should a fire break out, and a committee wav appointed to select a site snd to present a nnai report at the next meeting, at which time there will be enough money on hand to secure the lot without Incurring a debt. In another month sufficient revenue will have been received to start worn on a flrehouae and the organisation Ot a fire company will soon follow. ' HOME FOR CIRLS GROWS.; Teatnraef dentals; Areata Provee Big ;-'- tsaoea f lean 'the-Jtarti Though established but a few months and hamoered br lack of funds theirhev found renditions aatlsfactnrr and Working Olri e home, conducted by Cap-1 i V i 1 ; , i v',' ill i i i -" y- - .: r. -.-rr-.- "A. $ 15 any swagger goodness v; WHN YOU 8EB IT INiOUR ". . ' '; V ' v' ta ' - -. '. -; -:'s w w (i y u tain and Mra,' Areata of the Salvation Array, at 18 East Arfkeny street, has nroved lmmenaelv nonular and already a i.rtr- , iiiMing; with fjnaimPifHIaJt.Kf'nB . for many more Inmates is needed." The plan- of the Institution la to provide for-girls who are working' and not liv ing at home , a place where they can secure clean, quiet rooms and good meals at rates but little' more thsn the ,.. .-.-M.tinn av.n.MII are at the home, and as many more have been refused admission because of lack of room. It Is the plan of the captain to keep up a campaign for funds until snough Is secured to rent e large build' Ing on the east side near the business center and to conduct such a home as Is only found In the east, ths proportion of working girls In Portland being larger, according to religious workers. than In any .other town In the went, and the demand for a cheap but respectable home Is an ever-Increasing one. J. EhDEAVORERS TO HAVE EAOTlNGLHERll Von Ogden Vogt of Boaton. general secretary of mlaslona for ,Jhe United Societies of Christian EmJeavorers, Is coming- to speak at the' Endeavor Insti tute September IS, 14 and 1.( This con ference will Include, air the northwest and a number of prominent workers will be on the program. Ths morning ses sions will be devoted to various phases of Endeavor work and in the evening popular addresses will be given. The afternoons will be left free for Visitor to aae the fair. x - Some of the speakera who will attend are: Rev. W. J. Sharp, field secretary for Oregon and Washington; Dr., J. M. Wllaoif of Seattle, Rev. C. T; Hard of Corvallis, and F. Edgar Barch, presi dent of the Washington union. The committee arranging for tho conference consists of Rev. U M. Boonr, John A. Rock wood. Rev. H. E. PowelL and Rev. A. A. Winter. The state executive committee drew up plans for the work of the newly elected field secretary, W. J. Sharp, who will be In Portland until arter -tne in atltute and will then spend two week In ' Tillamook county. . In October he will be in-southern Oregon, November snd December will .be. spent In Washington,-Jsnusry-snd February In eaat- ern-OregonMarch and April in Wash ington, May and June in tne Willamette valley and July, and . August Ju Waah ington. - :'..-,...',..' Low Excursion Rates to the East. IS. and 17, the Rock ' Island rail will 1 sell round trip tick way ets to eastern points at greatly reduced rates. For full particulars call on or address A. H. McDonald, general agent, lie hrd atreet. Portland. Oregon. GRrlAT SOUTHERN 0NLV ' THREE MILES FROM DUFUR Ralls of the dreat Southern railroad are laid to a polt within three ml lea of Dufur, and right of way has been se cured to and 2E 'rtilles south of Dufur. on the way to Bend. The road will hi extended to Bend as soon as trains .are niHMlH, InlA Tiiriie ' A trip of inspection has Juat beerffJ nvide bv officers of the company, in- "ciud(gTiidnroiOTitmTnricnT owf eral Manager John O. Ilelmrlcn, Buper. Intendent Tobtn. Atomey Oeorge W. Joeerih.-Seoretary Julius V., Meier,, snd F. W. Nelson, construction" engineer. the farmers along the route, showing The claim c- malw Suit is that it cBmbincs good cloth, good tailoring and ; guaranteed gdod fit at a mbdcst;price. r 7 7 It is a sUitthat any: manay jmt :6h and know that he is well dressed. OF , FABRICS am season's : handsomest stripte, checks and plaids, :fashionedfro - latest 'imodic :we:;caniit"ahy-fe ! It would be:hard tofind where ;eke - in ; to wn appearance and comes anywliere faBBeBaaaBBBBasaBBBBBBBaBBBaBst BBbbbbbBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbsb mmt Y IT DIDlNTi HURT ( 5A-Bni;;;s: f la what they-eey ef ear atetaoos ef antes ' 1 I asBtsr werx. Wr eewark rar aeotir rrai - J V , set eft the elty eslekly te evaid say aetay. . . V 'Bverjrtkiag' ap te ate Osea eveaiaga sad .' taadaya, -- Mala tOas. : y, ; : yy WISE BROS.; Dentists . T. P. wTsX e ramag. ess, tahd aad WaaMagtas, aa. W. A. WTsX bBbbsbsbbBbbbBbbBbs) bbbbBBBBBbbBbbbbbbBBBBB bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbBI wmmmmmmmm wmm aaiaaa mm mi wmm mm Wmm They Are Comang Tonight ' ' "Yea," and everybody else la coming to i 500 people In ona exclusive party from Oregon City and vicinity ' 200 PhotocraDhera who ara now here in convention.- For the benefit of the above there will be a apecial display of Pain's Magnificent . Niagara Falla and Maaonic Nightt' tonight-original emblema of order.. '.;. - .llLCJirnujKrnent featnrcg in And don't forget that thTg i. the ain's-The Last Thursday, Odd FellowaV Night, emblema of order. ' i, : ' Friday, Woodmen's Night, emblema of order. r, :K ' Saturday night. Ladies' and ChlldrenY; Night, handaomeat tociety 'lady and comic devicea.":''" ':-. , ,y:7'-.:--;! Sunday night; Niagara Flla on fire, i :" :'t T " : 1 ; -1 Scata for ."PompeuVL555a end 75 tehta.-The SO and 75 cent ; ticketa include free admlaaion to nhe Oaka.")n eale at Skidmorg . Drug Store, 151 Third atreet, and at the O. W. P. ft Ry. Co. a Office, Flret and Alder atreeta, and at all. timet at "The Oafct" at night.. Concerta y. D'Urbano't Band every afternoon and from 7 to S at night Remember "The OakaN. remaina open tUl a. m. . : a disposition to patronise the line with large shipments of products ss anon rTr?TgtnanrTrii'rr partem: nil Work trains of the Company already ac commodate many paaaengera and freight shipments, . Warehouses ara rapidly going up kt "vsnouB- polnaaandUl be nady to receive freight aa soon aa the road is in operation. ' ' , ' vv n: : JUL . 't. t ': 'a; sir?. : a Suit for -that Jfoi v genuine iiear Wf AO, ira GOlH1 jc.,... v.'.-' i " ---;--.!-- Third and Oak OUR PAINTS WORK EASILY Cover-well and laat They're the handi eat to uae, they go arthest, give smooth- " eat surface and laat longer.. Beatdea . theae eeonomfee, they more thsn Inferior palnta, . so you can't help aav. ing money when yon buy palnta ot FislterJhorsen&Co. ' 'lBOaT AJTB sfOBBISO. v - v.: .' - - , . , , fuU.blaat."T 7 "J . . : last week bf Days, ofTompeH sse-- Bxearstoa 1 The Bouthern la tea to Vewpon. Paclfio company ptaeed en sale at-a! round trip ticketa to Newport at rate of It. limited to October 10. lMI. and fhr tl Bsturday to Monoay ytloketB. Ample hotel accommJatlona at reason-' able-rates are provided at thia popaUr resort. -