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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 6, 1905)
I i PXXIOVAX. SR. AI.KHK') ' L. ANDERHON, Neuropath. . run all i-itronle liul nerrou dleMe. Mich aa rbeumatiaai,- catarrh, peralyale, and hidner trouoUw; all ' brad and stomach trouulee; auch ascouallpetloa atui drepepaia, , anr cured tu lha ebortret poaalbl Um; all , uereou and female wrakiu-aeea are pfrtna- ' ocntly cured. Dr. Apderaou la hla treat . .tovuI. cVwa not see any drug, but apt'He ... tbu eetebreted neuropathic treatment. ohl-h j direct t the caiiaa of tbcjmiluient. Hla , irsco arc dally crowded by lliuaa who bar failed to (t relief by the ass o drugs or r aweary. It row are out of thoac. call oa l)r. 'Aaderaon for free consuUattuo and d . , .rlcn, Lewi building, .corner, hiorrlaoa aad . Park. Of oca hour from a. m. to a p. m. BB KIJL', '' ' -V... ' . V.. l (Trtal-Fower) tablet -wilt rtore ta S ' yon th snap, vim and rigor of i mhoodi. if . ,' roq are lacking la th power of vitality, tta - loaa reeuUiug. from Indlacratlun and aioaaaea, end fur a bog of thee tablet and be eoa V rtoced of their merit, B mall in plala pb., l. THB ABMHXRONQ TABLET CO., INC., '( - SOS. Loyal Uuard bid., Detroit, Mich.' i DETKCT1VB .agearle Confidential Inrestlga-'-. tiona: reonrta niaria am anr Indlrldual bualueae i j or propertT hooka aipertad; beat city refrr- r racei charge reasonable; eorraeponuenee eo ' f Netted. Oregon. lietectie Serrlce, office "V.f- 14318 Columbia bide., MS Whlnftoa at.. Portlaad. Phon Mala !&. - , - - - v - 'vYl.NSTBD I. .STBHBINS Yoar father want to hear from 'yon; writ at. onto: aay on ; knowing th whereahoeta of Wlaeted J. V tUeitMnai last beard from, at London, Oregoa. r '-will-confer a great faeer an an aniloua ., father, by . addreealng fLj K. Altebblne. lr ' mount. North Dakota. " TITRATION equalises ctrculatloa. break dowa and eject waat tissue, -rebuild new and healthy cell: frea demonatratloa. Ofnca and treatlug-roooia. Vibratorlam, aalt U-M, Lewi '' bUlg. aor. Park aod htorrieoo. - .THB "Matrimonial Keglater," 10c, -coaUlna deecrlntlona and parUralar ' ol oererai ban dred realdenU of 6reon and Waehlng u.a who arlaa. to marry. Iotaratata lotroducinf bo- ' rlaty, BuaaeU bide. - . ' LOST power rtetored by tha graat Dr. '- Loroaa'a Neraa Toole Table ta: 28 per box. i boiea for dl.B writ r can at a.yau ' Pharmacy,, til Morrlaon. bat. lit and 2d. MANLY Tifor natorad by Dr. BoborU Nan ; ' OlobuhN. Oa month treatment. (3; t months S; nt aecurel aaaled by malL J Aaaata, Woodard. Clark i Co.. Portland. Ql. BOOKS! . Ilae they are: ' "Decameroa." "Hep. t.meeon, "A Mot Tamale." , "raany Hill,1' t "Twenty Tear a raker?" "rorblddea Pralt." i to aeh; Uat tre. . A. tVbmal. SW Flrat at. CONPlDBNTlAIi IKTeT!0ATIOrl Report . mad ea any INDIVIDUAL, koala a proa. ' erty; hooka ejperted; brat city raferancoa. : lock Box JTie Portlaad. 0V -- ' , ' WANTED To eoofer with tboaa contemplat ing a bntnea cour; do your paraooal and V fliuueial lntereat to ' lnraiLlgata. Addreea J 43. oar JoornaL LADtRS Yoa anoear year yovncr,.r. akla Ilk ' relret . mora all wrinkle. kaa kla Ilk by aalna Oregoa Orap Skle Food. Pkoa Kaat 126T. MAKLT rigor raatond wlthowt drag, appll aacee or appliratlona; naranteod cor pool , tlrely aor. Dr. Downing. Salt' Lako, Utah. HIKI WnifKNI Iiraumt'l pllm poaltlraly ' 4tallr4-U-d T. cure'Tlerrouaneaa aad tarlrf llry4lr4 koia (1. Plammac Drug Co, aaO Third, BU81NE8S womaa of ability wleheo to meet ' centleaiaa of moana for baalaaa eoaaael and adrlca. Addreea Boalnaaa, ear Joaraal. Bl'lTfl while yoa wait, Me. Lad lea' , akirta preaaaa aur. out llbert. net4 BUth at.. acxt to in woaue. Phoaa Clay SOo. CLBARANCB aaU aU kind af waleta, klnjonoa. . maalla anderwear, etc., Mas aon. auaf ,S ' Cheag Co., U Morrlaoa at. :;... ULLIAN B. CRAM Ohlropodlat. manmrtng ' ..and ahampoaia. Park 24 Ablnstoa aldg. . Portlaad, Or BUek 3S63. t jfOORriELb tmprored iteam bath; aaparlor ta . Tnrklah; rhenmatlam, akla . ,dli aaaaa. 10 Sixth, - PeeiAa-- pro.. SINGLE nil rilh honaekeepar; wage $30 i per month. Ir mUh. P. O. ho: 1017. city. CREB aaaral corn, bnnkoa and wart ear.: wla L. Doaa, dapt B, Taanton, Maaa. Kd- 0TP8T BENOBtA'B hartie root aad bark ear .. all aiiiiw, . Booaaa na-a Aiiaay Biog. - -TV'RKISH BATHS. SOO Oregontaa hMg.I gaat :. r aU nrght. ladlee ell day. Mala IKM VOS SALX0BS ABB CABB1ASZS. tot BALE -Horaa frerr gentle) with boggy w, ' er7r V r -Ablactoa kid. " and harneaa. S80: one row. f -aooa milk, A40. Call dlT Ablngtoa COOD no. pound bora trae. aaand aad gentle for . rhlldren or ladlee i price S30. Call US Patron road. Phooa Mai IB rOR flALB Hora. carrier and harneaa. new guar a teed city broke fur any woman. 990 ' Corbet! at. rbooe racinc xin. . AS TINB top boggy. ' horao and harneaa, oat S33S, for aale rbeap. er trad Cat fat. A, B. WELL bred mar, anltabl for drlrlng er d ; limy. xo- net bixib, , comer Main. - pnoao Baat mm. - "' . BIO team, new -wago. J 5 to 1S per day; cheap. naraaL Adoxaea M 40, FOB SAJJ IJTMTOCX. TOR SALE Fall bred iener cow, 3B. Inqalr wo saat inirtieta aa. raon saei loiv. ATTOXBTrS. 0RKGON LAW A COLLiXTION CO. 4 IT" Fen- : . ton block. Collection made tbroagboat th - i nneo Diatea; aanaraptry metier a apaoiany; " tMd teaaata ejected; rent collected aad s era! law bailee; aotary pabU.- ' E. T. TAOOART, attorney aad eoanaclior at law. 41 a t namber or toaimerr hMg. - AST latPOBrOTt.' PROF. RICBARD MAX MEYER Portrait aad lendecape art let; loatractloa la oil painting, r water .color, etc., aaa ore wing; art galler ' ' connected with etadlo: plctare for aale mnilng to order. S48 Alder at. pfcoa lftou. ASSATXXS. THE 1. H. FI8K Aeaaylng Ofoco Oreanley A . crawrora, analytical cnemiata aaa metal- Inrglet. X04V Waahlngtoa at. . ,V; ' BATBS-MtSSAqB. :' K' '. , wee)eijvii -kie.n, THE Palar Maaaar Parke I thai only place to get nic InTigoratlng Data or maaaagr xoang lady, IS. year old. with aaaletant, . recently from New, York. Stark et., between Third aad Foarth. - Tha Tacoma, room SI 22, THB.BNOWDEN BADHS-rLadr. attendant. 3X7 tj Alder at.; ran and ranor na tha. maaeaee aad electricity.. a TOCNO ladlea glr manage, tab and vapor Detne. uw rouTra. cor. waenmgroa. r MRS. B, M. FRITS. SO Oraad are., beantlful , Imported canary bird, raaojbl: all good -. elncera. and tafartloa ma ran teed. v i: i . , aj BZJUnt BOOS ItABWAOTTIX. BOWa DAVIS KtLBAM. 10S-1I1 Beooad at. Blank book auaafactorerai agent tor Jeae Imprnred Looee-Leaf ledger; eee th aw TCtirkm - mat.' tter btBd thar axwkwfc- ' '' . BICTCXX l)BAXXXB,'' - COLl'WBIA, TRIBUNB AND CRKSCKMT. - 1 SPORTINO GOODS, EXPERT REPAIR! a! I. P. P. KEENAN. ST) TB1RD ST. B0TTUBO iFOXXxV 0. A M. BOTTLINO CO.. bottler. f fla ar. boatd bereragee; family wine aad llqoora a "f''T L'l'oo are. Pbona Eaat lICk ' OXOOXXBT ABD LASSWAXX. , WnoLESALB' eroeker aad alaaawer. Begile A Cn loo to lot Firth, ear. Start et. CXOAAS ABB TOBACCO. BSRERfJ-ODNST COi IMatflbam .af J..rm, , . - - ViMf ttflABB. peruana. i)AXPirr"i jTi t -., i ' COAL eUfB W0OB.- tHUROhLAlf i - . bar remoeeO from root Darl IL lo I earney at., aoar llih: at aw te le-e., woodyard la the city, e-rry-tv a.i kiuo of wood aad aoaL Mala kei. B. UNDIXWOOO CO., dealer la wood aad coal at loweat pelct: aatnaCartloa auaran tead. Irrlag bet, Tonih and Blerealb Phoae'Mala 48TB. 1 . AXB1NA ruL CO.Dealar la .-dwood. ol aad greea od dry ale b wood. B. B aad AW kioa a., block at farrr. Baa S?4 STEEL BRfDOB PUKL CO.. alra la coal, aord wood aad dry (labwoei. Phn Baat 44, OREGON rtlEL CO., all klad of aoal aad wood. M Alder. Phoao Mala . KIRK HOOTER, IIS Water at, phone Mala 46IM. v rod SAJJk-,00d eorda fly wood: Pkoa Baat oxairtotabV avs paimist. , OYPST EKNOB1A Tail put, preeeat , and future - No matter what yoar trouble are be will help you. Boom 8x3 Allaky bldg., Murrlaoa and Third. MADAMS. IDUNiTOK Clalrreyaat, palmUt, 'card reader; I glee feci rallahl and Im portant oa all affairs of real Ufa. Beading 10. aWreata (ty.aear Oah. MRU. .P. It NOBLE Sphrltaal rnedlmn. eUlr. royant and clah-audhmt. , 3M fifth, , aor. Median. -...-,. CLXABIBB AJTD 9TXXXB. PORTLAND STKAM CLEAKIKO4 DTEINO . Workat praetleal hatter la coaaoetloai feathof " .boa and alum cleaned aad carted by aa ax il 1 Fourth. Phono Uay lot. CLOTHES cleaned and reaad SI Pr month. Uali Tailoring Co, S4T . Waahlngua at. B. W, TTTRNEB, anfeaatoaal dm d claaa ' SOS 7ffnoa at. Phone Mala- Vt- ' CATZS. TBB OfTICE W Waahlngtoa at. T7I. Saual TlgBeaex. .Phono Mala CHTBOPODISTS, . IP yovr feet are out af order, go to Dr. W or ley Beilamla. Beranth aad Stark, th tot aa etaliet. Phone Black SIS. DO ABO BOBSX BOSnTAO. PR C E.BROWN, D.Y B..D.C.M. Dog. horaa hoe pltaLXHT Baraaldo.Pboaoai MaladOMdl hUatxBaa. CAXPIT-CLXABTXa. v . BATB year wall cleaned; we cleaa ptpond , and palated walla aattafaetlea goarenteedl i price r oakll refereacea. Red SBSS. SANITARY carpet cleaning, aartloa aad com preaaed air combined : carpet cleaned on floor without nmoraL MaU 1434. Eaat B584. ... CARPETS ateaaed aa fh Boori wa rale ne daat- Phoa Clay SSI. fro emonatratioa. I. BDNTER Steam carpet aad mattraa. - aleaacr. too. If feraea. Phoaa Mala S14. - . COBJilaSi U B kmCXABTS. DAVENPORT BROS. Oaneral ommtta . cheat; trait aad predeee: anoalgamenta aa llettedi prompt return, . 1M rroal at. IP yoa waat to get good ntnraa for ' poor prod oca. ahlp to. a: pay btgboat prle Kg f, a. b. P. MOlM Co, . .. . EVERDINO PABRRLU prorrace aad aommt. aloa merchaate. 140 rroet U Portland.-Or. Pboo Mala ITS. eorm cobtbactobs. CHAS. H. CARTER COH 44 Baat Twentieth at. All Work guaranteed. cement aoatractor. Phoa. Baat. UIS. CAXIXAOB AJTD HACX COatPAJfllS. TBB UNITED CARBIAOB CO.' Carriage. tally -ho rlga aad carry-all. ISS Blereath at., our. Morrleoa. " Phono Mala St. BXXSBXAXTXO. SHIRTWAISTS, wool or waehllk. mad for l.xo; enirtwaMt enits, baau. wj im mar . ket. Phone Eaat X23L DRESSMAXIN0 Btrlctlp ap to dat katoat OMign. ao tiay ex. SXBTISTB. KEY - CHURCUMAN. den I let. 834 Marauam - hMg., Mlith and Mnrrteon. Pbon Main 17W. XXICTXICAi WOBXB. NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL BN0INEERIN0 Company. SOS SUrk K.. Portland. O. K. for ' 'OroryUIng la ta eloeUlcal lis, . Phoa 'Mala laaa. . ' . PAC1FI0 Elertrle Cs. Englneera. - eon tractor a. . repairers, electric wiring, supplies. S4 Fleet r. .Btara. Mamsas. St. miiiiiii i ii""ea ta. aad M. Ex pre Company. Ill Wiahlngtea ' at., rnoaa Mala got; iarniturt piann and eipreealng prompUy atataded a' Dally to Lent. -.' ruxBTnrxx xaotoxxxb. 0BBO0N Faralrar Meaafactortas Company r Manafaetarera af I or allure for; th trad. ran la ad. -nr. .-'- - . rTJBNITTJBB maaafaerarlee and Beel or dm a. x la. Bareaeky'a faraltar factory. STO Freat aC nrxvAcxB. BOTNIOX-ararm-alr funuiea at faL J. X Beyer rwraec cv, S5S Secoad. Mela 43. OXOOXXA, WADHAMS A CO.. wbolaoale sroeeea. bwi fartarera asd aommlasloa saorchaMs. , Fourth ana oa , ALLBI A LEWIS, eomrulealo ad prodejc mor. rroBt aaa uaria t rwrtuaa. or. KOTlXeV HOTEL Peadtotoa, Pendleton. W. A. Brew, mgr- B0TEL PertUBd, Amortcaa slaa: SS, SB pot day. HOTEL St. Oeerge, Pendleteou leading hetrL BELVEDEBEl Eurooeaa plea :4th aad Alder HAM ABD. SCAUP fcTXCXAUST. 1. I. BOR0, kianufactnrer of bama kalr roils. ta. xa Beet Klata. Phoaa Baat Rill. - HAXDWAXX. Portlaad Hardware Co. aoMclts - eupui tualtr ta awot pneoa. iso let et., aor Aiaer. Male lsx. ZXrOBABCX. ISAA0 U WBITB, Br laBarsao. SOS Dtam LAMFKRT, WniThfER CO. Fir dneoraae end real aetata: afdee 10T-1OS Rharloek blile. Mar lauSf pt. 404 Beet Aider. Bast 41. IAS. Mel. WOOD, arplofcr' nihility aad to otnaoai accioemi surety nona i au Btaaa. Phoa dT.-- SOS MeKarf-trp1. - .- IL F. BARTFI.S COMPANY Fir lasaraiwa. 44S Bherlcck bids- - Oregoa Phen Clay a 14. tOCKAXTTX. REYNOLDS general repair shop; eiprrt marhla- lat,. leckamlth; order nromaitly rilled; agent Milter kayles locks, las Weak. Mala team. BROWNE'S IN TOWN Br pert lockemlth end necyeia repairing, xxs stark. Day . phoaa. Clay SSS; Bight Bboa. Mala BUS. ' XSY Sttlng, eaet-hroa bra ring. 1. B. RlcksraV em so roorts t. Phono ITta. 1 . XTOSIOAt.' COURTNEY'S Ml'810 STORE, an llfth at. tiood rlna of heet maalc loci guitar, mando line 14 ! than saual price; Columbia SBCOND-rlAND mnaleal laetramaeta af aj FUhe MbbI Cb, ISO Third t PIANO timing, Et; per feet wort trBtoe C. W. . .on. on Mar S1 c-rr-PATSS. 1 A A1 "I, XH, rn Mecleay bklg. . i. ( ,Latka free. K0BXT IQ LOAB. BUB STAB LOAM CO. - AT aalarted " "uiye, wage-ee Tr, get a had Bute, without mortaaye " -u V. -'oath. Wk. !VI. 00 Repay t a , .! A 4.0O beoay te a 1 I'd a SI- lt.OW Aepa to aa 4.o0 or . at fLwd tiO aiay hlog. FIVB per cent money; wa halld yoa a bona or loan yoa Loney oj yeur urepertyi-moBtbiF pameula; Inreatlirate; open ui.rday . lug. Roam Iw-lTabb UdgeMA. W,aah. MONEY ta loaa. ealarwd people, teaamtara. at., without aectirlty; eaay pay menu) largeet bualnea la 4 principal eiUra. aolmaa, SVS . Ablagtoa bldg. Phou Mala S4ST. MONEY TO LOAN ea rial Bereoaal and oee- lateral aeeorlti apeclal atteutloa to chattel mortgage; eote bought. C , W. Pallet, SU4-S Fectoa bids., S4 Rlxtk at. HIGHLY Mpectahl place . where ladle aad E'Uta aa borrow aiouey oa dlamoad and welry. Collateral Loaa aUrnk, 1MU Waah gtoa at. Phono Black TL. H LOANS and apward oa all kind af aarartta . er, ta aalarled people a their act; wwl raleei no publlcitr, no 4 la. SIS Ablnf tv Kds. Phone Bed 1711a. . . CHATTEL man la amount ranging from 93 to S5.U00: rvomlng-houac a eueclalty. New Era Loaa A Truat Co., SOS Ablngton kids. WE make an kind af loaaa aa good aacarltr at loweat ratea; peclal attentloa glrea U chattel loaa. 18S Morrwoai et. . LOANS at loweat rate oa faraltara. Biaaoal mo j eecurlty aote Bnrchaaad. Katara Laaa ofneo. 44 Sherlock bids.) ' MONEY a loan la earn of from SI.000 kr ao.uuui term to auit ta Borrower, jhobh Suft-lu, CommareUI blk. MONEY TO LOAN U mrg ar am II amoant oa good aerorltyt Voweat rata. WUUam O. - Beck, 0T railing kMg. . THB CRESCENT LOAN COMPANY Salary loan, from thro to tlx aBaatha: on&oenUal. Slf Orogonlaa. . . , 11.000 OB 12.000 for on year er longer, S . per cent real wearily; no bono. K M, car MONEY TO LOAN oa Clarkamae eounty laada. a F. and P. B. Ellay. St Chamber ol Oea. PORTLAND RFAL ESTATE LOANS. S AND S per cent. . Wa Dcabnlai. tM railing bids. xuaxxno xxALrxa. MRS. U H. HART treate all dli r traable, Berrouen and fn actional wkai CooaalUtloa fro. Sao Park. aw. leffeti BLUXXXXB, DON N ERBBSa - - A. BADKMACBBB, . . aaaltars piomoeaa. a roaru at. not FOX A CO., Mala aad anJtarr plamber, SSI Secoad bet. uregoa raoa jaaia auua. f AXXTS, OIL AJTD SLABS. P. B. BEACH A CO. Tha Pioneer Paint 0. wlndew-glaa aad slMlaAV MS First at, .' Phooe ISM. ." .. - BASMCS8BN A CO Jobber, paints. aU, a eh sad door. Secoad aaa Taylor. 0TXXATU. BOSS OP THE BOAD OVERALLS aad m ebenlce' clo tiling; anion made. Nefiatadte Bro., asiaafactarw. Portland. Or. BLATOIB. THB OREGON PLATINO WORKS. 4S1 Ingtoa at. . Phoaa SS7S. . PoUahias, platl aad laeqaerlBg, XTJBBEX STAMPS. STAMP r.-ORKS? MS Alder t-. pwea 'Mela T10;- rubber atamptr aeaav ateBctla, bag. gage, trade check; aend for cataloga. Bxarroiw. ANDERSON A DL'NIWAY COMPANY, prlnOng. . Utbographlog, blank books. , Phoa Mala IT. e BOS Alder at. . KOtX,- PORTLAND COBDAGB CO.- aad Northrop eta., Portland. Or. BOOrZBS, TIN ROOFING, guttering, repairing aad i "onoing. 4. uoetii. xis jenei BXOWCASia ABT rtXTUXXS. SHOWCASES of aver deecriptlo; beak, . aad atore Sxtare made to order. Th ' Manufacturing Co., Portlaad. BiOBPAIBTIBB. ' SOLD SIGNS, window lettering, cloth beamera, . eeonomleal mliria alaaa and elans of a 1 . kin da made quickly. Footer A Klelaar, Fifth nd Everett. Phoa Bxchaag aa. SAFXB, ' DIEBOLD 'Manga safe; .fir aad bargtar proof work; )all and prima work: lockouts opened: repelre. J. B. Darin. M Third at. lOXAftKi XXAXbTXX ABB XAUUBB. SAFES, lao (ad famltars morad, packed : reauy roc aaipptng ana . aaippeo; a u wore guaranteed; -large, I atorr, brick, Sra proof warehouse for lore re. Ofdr IJM First at. li. it. Olsea. Phoa Mala 147. . , C 0. PICK. ofOc SS Pint at,, herwaea stark - aad Oak tta.. pbose su; pianos aad foraltars , morea ao pcaa tor Kjippinc: omm brick warrkoa, Freat aad Clay M. ORBOON TRANSFER CO., IS4 Berth Sixth, . Phoa Mala SO. Ueary sailing aad starsga. POST SPECIAL DBI.ITRRY Ma, SOO Waah lngtoa et. rhone mala Bog. . STXXXT PATOIO. WARREN Oea tract lea Co., atreet parlag. aid walk aad eroaewalk. T14 Oregon laa bads- TBB Trinidad Aaphalt Paring C. at PortlaaA vrse aao worceetee bib. T0WXX STPPLT. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, brash, asa l per moath. . Lawrenc Broa.' Tnwal sappvi Co.. Foorth and Coach. Phoa 420, TIOLIBS. , A. WY8CO. Tlnlta-maker aad re.ialrert work Srt ctees. S3 Bueeell bldg., 4th aad hforrtaMB, WAXLPAPXX. MORGAN WALLPAPER CO.. T84-1C at., bet. Yamhill and Taylor. Pert la d ITBABCIAI. P3XTLABD TRUST OOMPABT OF OBXOOB. . Th Oldeat Truat Company la Oregoa. - BEdOUBCES OVER W .000, 000. General banklnf boslneas ronditeted. Baring deposit rewlrea. Time certificate Honed. te rsaued. tiSestes loot eaear f SSO0I, S to 4 per rent on abort call csir ror ooor r -ii.i,upTnATioss." - Pbon Mala 453. 10S Third St. P-ENJ-K- 4rHKS ,t Preside! H. L. PITTOtK. ...... Vloa-Preeldeat B. LKH PAOET. ..Recretery O. GOLTRA i.....Aaa1etaat Secretary UNITED STATES BATT0BAL BARK , OP PORTLAND 0BY00V. BOlTirWTtT COB, THIRD ABD OAS STS. Traaauta m Owneral Banking Bsilaim, - DRAFTS ISSUED - 3 ATathM- t-A Cttle-r thw-fjartod Stato aad- Baropa, . Boagkoas; asd Manila. , COLLICTI0VI BUSX OX FAT0XABLX TERMS lreeldent... --v I. C A INS WORTH Vice-ltealdeat. W. B. AYEB Vice-President .........Pa, LBA BARNES Caahler B. W. SCHMEES Aearataat Caahler...,..., A. M. WRIOHT AaeUtaat Caahler W. A. BOLT IBST NATION At BANK - ' OP PORTLAND. OBXOOaT. Dcalgnkted Dcwltory and- Financial Agrat at . tha L alt ad Stataa. pTeetdeBt..V, .i .....A. Ie KTTJA Ceahlor ........J. W. XEWK1RK Aaaletaa Caehler ,.W. C ALVORD Second Aeeletant Cahla.,.,...3. PI STBVENI Letter f Credit leased Aralleble la j - an) to arra stataa 1 .. Rleht Sleht Birhanre and Telerrapbla Traaafef (old oa New York, Bnetoa, St. PiL O Die k a. San , C bleats, at. bum, FVeaetBo aad th nrlnefoal- aoints la th Nnrthweot. Sight nd Ilea Mils drawa la ene-e to ' oa London. Pari. Berlin, Prast fort -la kh In. Hoogtong. IoBDi. uepeaaagea. Chrrellanla. Stnrkherm, St, fatarahaag. aw. Enrich, Howotnla. Coliwuoaa Mad as rarer Tataas, oadod a ; Always Consult the Best Others Come and , G bat A Van Cortland -.. RcDUkins. - Prof. Von Cortland ) Th Eminent Clalrroyant, Beer and Bcalers ' Oldeat RatabHabed. . ; Beat Kaowa Clalrroyaat la Portland. . '-.' 1, ',"'. . - Low Fee, . .- . :'o"' No Charge Cnlea Satlefactorr, i Yo Can Be th Judge.) Without any prerlou knowledge and hiring no natural mean of knowing who you ar, he tell yoar name, age, occupation, where yoa He, wheac and for what yon ram. H telle yoa name of frumd and enemlee, who la true and who la fa laa. Telle whom altd when yoa will marry, ging same, date, fact and loca tion, taking ao foe in drmnc. accepting son nnlea ea Olfaction to glrea: ad rice oa buelneee. health, law, lore, marriage, dlmree and alf domeafla ' and -flnincUI dimralttei yoath and rltal force; locates mine and ralua, hi area; rennlte separated. Doa't mUtaka tha nam and number. Van Cortland, oljwhinoo Street " Hoar S a. m. to 8 p. m. -Cat oat th abort drrMcmept and tains It with you. , rIO?SCl0j3l Hen, Wlut b This? Something New? A hygienic electro racuusi appli ance. A Bom car lor weixncee, ' unnatural obstructons. local rheums. - iam. eerleeeela. looemotoe tsx 14 I and nereou debility. Band aUmu fur fre .dcecrlptlr book. . Dept. J, llaltb Appliance Co., Acattl. , Waah.. or call- and eee It at 105 - North Sixth at.. Portland. Or. TOABOIAt. ADD A TTXTON, BABXXXS. (Zstabllahed la 16. I Tranaaats a SoBsral Baakrn B sal mi Collection mad at all polau oa ferorabl term. Letter of credit lmued srallabl Is Burop and all point ta th United State. Bight Exehanw and Telegraph,! Tafer old oa New York. Waahlngtoa. Chicago, St, Lou la. Dearer. Omaha. Baa F resale . and Montana nd Brttleh Colamtrla, ' . . Bxrhang eeld ea London. Pari. Berll Frank fart, HoaxAong, SokokaaM. Boaolala. j . SECUBITT SATTBOS A TRtTBT COMTAXT, SSS MarrlMa St.. Portlaad. Or. , Tiaasaeta a Oainwal Banking Basis, SA VINOS DEPARTMENT. Istersst Allowed en Tlam aad Baring Deposits, . .. Acts aa Trsata for Estate. Draft aad Letter of Credit Arailahlo la AH rsrts af tta works. tS- f.- AD A MB . .-. . . -r. . .nv .-. . . r.7T. Prwrld In A. LEWIS.. Firat Ttco-Prealdeat A. Tt MILLS Second Vice-Pre dent B. 0. JCRITS Secretary E0. P. RUSSELL. .Aaatatant Secretary M -RCXAXT8 NATIONAL BANK. ITI PORTLAND. OBEOOB. J FRANK WATSON..... Pr1dat R. U Dt Rn AM., ,. Tic-Pre! deal B. W. HOYT ,..Chle 0B0R0B W. HOTT. Aailetant Caahle Traassota a BnaeiaJ Baaklaa Xuala. DrafU aad Lett era of Credit leaned A reliable ' to All Parte af the World. Collection a Specialty. M0BXIS BB0S. A CHXISTZNSEBV , USVk fust St., Ponaud, Or. Off eilt-Edge Inreetmsnt ta Municipal aad e Railroad Boada. Write ar CslL. . - MORTQAQB UOAISS 0a ' Portlasi Baal Xstato at Lowest Batoa, . Tit lee Inn red. Abstracts Furnished . TITLE OOABABTEE A TRUST OO. ' S4S Waahlngtoa St., Cor, ALICE GOES TO PEKING ' - TAFT SAILS FOR HOME i (Journal Special Sorrlcs-P .Itongkons, Sept f. The Jolly junket' lna party headed by Secretary Taft and Miss AJIce Roosevelt, eldeat Bsuahter of the president, split, up In two paU land while one part-will continue on Its tea v f t TTKInnTa can I Lai la nar a vlalt to the dowaaer empress-dhe., other part Bailed on. the Korea for th1 ymted Btltes "today. ""Jhe party whicn aallcd on the Korea today constats of Becr- larN fTafte aVnatftrs itraaiar, TrfintTi hVineti Patterson and Dubois and Represent tatlvee Oroavenor, Payne. Hepburn, Cur tis, . Sherley, Smith, Wriey, Fnae, De Armond, Jones, Loud, f Drfacoll, Cooper, Hill. atlrt, CJtJnn, liaward. Colonel VAr ward a, Major Edle aad Captains Thom son. Kelley and Carpentcr, Mr. Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Clark, the Miss Edle, Major Townsend, Captain Crosby and the Misses Cory and Loroy. The party which will acoompany Miss Alice) Roosevelt to Taku, Tientsin snd Peklnc consists of the Misses Bohrdman and McMillan. Senator Warren. Senator and Mrs. Newlanda, Messrs. Long worth. Olllett, Cochran, Schmldlapp and the Miaaes 8olunldlapp and Crlttcn. Gen eral and Mrs. Corbln will be In-charge of the party, which Is also accompanied by Captain and Mrs. Slocum and Captain MOSS.-.t -- r-, v , -. . Steamer Telegraph for Astoria. Round trip dally (except Friday). Leaves Alder street dock T:S a. m. K turnlns leaves Astoria 1 p. In. ArrtvlnS Portland 1:10 p. m. Sundays leave Part land I A Dm Arrives Portland I p. n. ' J 1 RAILROAD ABD STIAMBOAT 1TZ1 TABLES, ColoraMa Iliver Trip , ' ' dally Round Trip to Caacada CogUm Steamer " DAI LEY GATZERT" leaves weekdays !;) a. m. Sundays,' a, m. Arrives back i:ttt p. m. Rouid tripK$1.50 -' 11 ' C.OEEWO The Great Chinese Doctor FormerlF located t sbs Aider et ' Third, lias r Moved T tha - 1am kalldlns at a. X. asraM f First aad Morris t.... -. ,. .. , ,j ; EBtraao 163K rirst StPwst Br. 0. Oes Wo, th arat Cklsaae Doctor, I well kaowa-aad famous tbroagboat the U, B. becauee hla wondorfnl aad marraloaa car here been h, raided, broadesst tbroagboat the length and bread lb of tbla eosntry. lis treat! any aad all dleo,aaoa with powsrfnf Chinees roots, herbs, buds, bsrks and regetable thst ars entirely anknowa to mdlcsl scleac la thll country, and through th aa f the harmlee reSMdle he guarantee to car catarrh, asthma, lung troubles,, rbeumatlam. Berrousosss, etwmach, llrer, kkloer, famal trouble aad all print - Tbla fa mow dnetn ear ' without the all of th knife, without nelng polaon or drug. Hundreds sf testlmontsb) ea tie st his efAsaa. Cell aad free klm. Charsea BVMlei tt. OOBSUITATTOV rXXX. Patient eat of the city writ for klsnk sod circular. Incla e itiaa. Address Th 0. Oee W Okiaeee Med le las Co., IU 1st St or. Mrrlea, Portlaad, Or. -Plaaao Baeotioa thla.papar . CHESTERFIELD hychla rWlmU sad OUlrroyajtU Do you wish to know If you will aoon make bual nssa chanseaf If your home life Is l"rorwtlr- be-hapyy ii you wui do tor tunat In love af fair T lfyouwtU travel f .What your dlaeaae le - and .whether or not Jou can be eared T Ife read 1ns from the cradle to the. srav. ' Satisfaction suaranteed or no fee accepted. Parlors tii South Third street, opp. the PI aaa. Hours, I a. m. to p, m. Dally sod Sunday. Fee oOo and 11.00. i ' aTk) V E. CMICMEBTEB-B EftSLIBM - JafW U UK a 4s4 elsl aaeHsvllVa Wt)kj, sha4 V IvilmhariMaM. Taka a t.a-. atafxia Ja-hv VnVAAS0 1 ShA r mm-xmMcm tvyaiawi 4ltHMdjeM m4 mk .1 Jf B Pn-alanlnea. Toaaleanniola Low B ea bBeSegfsr Lndlaa,a Uner.aj ro a.w.j. fr . k . i ------ ..- . , el DrassUu. ChUhaetor Lheaaleai On, i Saoor PMll-a PAW e e e e e e ee e eee 3 Hf Dr. We Norton Davis. . ' ALL NERVOUS, BLOOD, SKIN AND - PRIVATE DISEASES: OF MEN ; Through our vast experience as specialists we are able to make a. full and early cure In theae troubles In the majority of Instances where the ordinary practitioner fall a to relieve. STOMACH. HEART, LIVER. KIDNKT. ' BLADDER, THROAT AND NERVE) TROUBLES are very quickly relieved and a permanent cure made In all curable caees. we frankly (ell you If your case is Incurable. We will have no person's money except for benefits received. I Dr. W. Norton Davis & Co. f are kn association of eminent physicians, experienced Burgeons and ex pert specialists, with abundant capital, established In ISIS, for the pur poee of treating . ' au ova-Usxa acasiOAX abto BrrmaxcAX. sixxab-B or rx. They will accept no ess for treatment exeept certain that they can effect a cure, nor will they make any charge In case of failure. Dr. W. Norton Davie A Co. are undoubtedly the sweetest authorities on - --" -! : : sxxx iBxa oi icxir ' , In the Tnited rttateA. They are the founder of the only system of treat ment which will cure spermatorrhoea. Inipotenoy and other forma of aex ual weakneaa, with any degree of certainty. This Is a eyatem of home treatment which locally atlmulatea the proatate aland. A almllar method Is now employed by nearly every apeclallat of note In America, m KXABoar " why "weak men" are freejoently not cured la. because the trouble Is com- - r I lea ted with "diseases of the prostate Bland, or wlttrurethral ebstruo lon." Our treatment curea where others fall. r j ,' . '-I- w vbx a omAToar V ., . . . 7 ' - ' i - .- - - Oae-Voturtk Bis. - .' i- '' .- . ' ' - made of merllcatsA "Vnena Tnutter." which dissolves readltr at trie tempera ture of the body. Thls eaally pinri pain. It heals the Inflammation and . Inc. The remedy reaches the weakened "aemmai aucu. neais inem ana stops unnatural drains. In moat cases Internal medicine Is required also. -Th 'Vrsyon" Is pnlrjised. Jo comDUcate(lcarsXhe-patient places it.. jt llhout any trouble at nlaht by means of ; A-1p1oATO : " ' ; ' , One-Tonrth BUe. . which Is made of herd rubber and is any trouble whatever, the healln r This Is also the moat successful method known of treatlna "Fre quent and Painful Urination of Men." ' We prkacrlbe for each Individual rase, using- many different formulas In crayona If you have used a similar treatment, do not be discouraged before you have consulted ua. . -. - A personal interview le desirable, but "It you cannot sail, writ.. us. elelne n, avin,Am Im Call -,...k'"" ......... - our home treatment, is auccessrui, eat confldnco Idenre obaervad. Plain envelopes used in all eorreaponaenoe. In- T Btructlve book for men sent free, w M SeiSiSTSS a VUS la siaa a vt J... oauaaa no Tmau ... -OOBTBTOTATZOar TtSM. ' ; . . a " "- All correspondence. is sacredly confidential.. Offlre hours a. m. t p. m. and 7 to . Eun'sys m ys, 19 a. m. to 13 m. ; Vaia INiOtill Offices 1st Vaa f 1 I '--I. 12 V BAX1X0AB AJTD BTBAKMAt TTMX TAXtTS. 3n Tjhrouth hteamsrs for The Da.ll Rtwt ' way points leava dally 7 Wharf foot of Alder atreeL, Phone Main 'It? ALASKA i;fA8T.AND POPULAR STEAMSHIPS' Leare Seattle S a. m. '"XffTB " -September T.'1T.T. 'DolphlB,'' September X IS, JJ. ',,- ': . CALLING AT KETCHIKAN. Jl'NKAU, ' DOtTOLAS. IU1MS, SKA0WAY. Connecta with W. P. A X. route for Atlls, Dawsoa, Taaaua, Nome, etc. ... TOR ALL SOCTnEAHTEBN ALASKA PORTS. B. S. "ParaUoa," Boptember 4. 30, i. S. "TMrujo," September IS, 29. Cell or aend fug Trip to Wonderful AlaakSj" -ladlAH BMfcetry." 'Totem KX ALASKA'S. B. .00.' Prank Wootaep Co., Agent, JM Oak Ht. Portia d. Or. "ho tMVOSBXOKA, UT, nTxTrBtrXXB, BcnBUMTBlVal. TABXGOCXU, X.OBB O BCAJTXOOO, JUnrOllJkTZSXt, XKJXBXCA, ABTXTBLA and BX3BT SZBXASX8. W want every man afflicted ; with the above diseases to honestly Inveatlgate our special system of treatment, we in. vita In oartlcular all who have treated iiawhira without success, all whose onsen have bean, abandoned bp family Dhvslclans and so-called BTBCXAi- ram.w ail whose :. troubles have been as-fravatnd and made worse by the. uae Of BBLTS, Tmm-m mMmWMamm, annva eeBBLAapanmrni and so-called BTBOXP. ZC4S. W will explain to you Why such treatment' has failed to cure you, and wUl demonstrato to your entire satls- faetlQBj that we.xan curt. yousareiy. quickly and permanently. Our counsel win eoat nothlnsr. and we will do by you as we would wlah you to do by us If our eases were reversed. Write for our homo treatment If you cannot call.. TheDR.LIEBIGS.TAFF Booms a aad T, Wlaokasaer Xomse, Bd aad aaosatiaVs sTgtvetsj, arortoaad, or. ; " SstaMlahaA lS7a.- oW tw ail Prusslatae e eee tha-smallest nbstructlo without -T removes the congoatlcm and swell- T almllar. to a syrlnse. Thus, without procewa aoee on-whHa you sleep. - . m even in complicated ram, strict- I securely sealed. -L i 5fAw. I Wrrwofrr otbi ta JBATM BKT ( N sJA " Brt..-aei . -3 uaioriiciwTii;- 3 Trains to tho East Ddly Z ,' Throagh Pallmaa (tandard and tone hat Ing-cars dally to Omaha. Chicago, Epoaan-t ' toarlat sleeping-care daily to Kaueaa Lit ft through Pail ma a tonrtaf aleepUg-ear seraea. . uy comlncted weekly to Chicago. Recll-in) Trr. -Rmw..B.OTV f Leaeee.-..pAartrr CHICAOO PORTI-kBO '"' : '' ' '' ' ' SPECIAL. S'1S. m. S B b.b Per th Eaat rla Buat- Dally. Dally. - Ingtoa. ' ' i SPOKANB FLYER. - " . For Eaatera Waablng- ' Job. Wall Walls. Lew- SrIS p. m. S:o0a.nV latoa. - Cooor d'Alea Dally. , Dally. ' , ad Great ,. Borthera , , points. - ATLANTIC XXPRESS. 8:18 a. m. T.-1S a. at. For the Eaat el Boat- Dally. ' Dally. .. -: Instoa. . .. ' - ; Col am his Rlrer Dtrlaloa. --TroRIA aad war 4:00 p- m- Polnta, ooaoeet! eg wlrh Dallr. Abowt tmr. for !.. .- I S:00 p. m. 'ax. SuadsBt Kortk Beach, etror. Baa- Saturday. ah; Aah.t. -a t 3 crrr a -iw Aaioria boo .-.nrm p.wa 1" fw: September S. S no s. nv; September 8 SeptembeB S. 1 . P. m. Sea. tember IS. T.'OO, . rn - September. U. S:0S for Aatorl sd North Beach . m.t H-n.-w.H. n A.,n - JTamalU Rlrer Beuto. FOB DAYTON, Oragoo: City asd Ysmhlll rlrar palata, atmra. Bath asd T'Bfl n na. tDsllT. aoooc, aaa-t. oecfc. I Water permitting. , a. I Sand. Snaka Brrer Beat. FOB LEW1STON, Ida.. and waPolnta from Ripe rla. Wash..- atmra. Spokane aad Lewie to. TICKET 0FFICB Third and Waahtsgtoa, .Take A. U CBAIO, Oanaral Paearnger Agesi. . EAST 0BIOM PS POT. Arrir OTBRLANB RZPRRSS. Train, for Salem, Bow burg, Aahlaad, Sacra mento, Ogden. Sea Frea rieco, Stocktoa, Los Aa seles, Kl Paa. New 0- n-.m p. m. :ras.i leen ana the But. m oralng train - aorta at WoMfhora Sally except Saaday S:SOs. st. with train ror M AaseL Silrertea S:SS a. m. Brownarllle. S p 1 a g f 1 I d. WMdUaa-aad Karroo? -- - . - Kugn pngr eoa-i S;0Sp. I n:so, i 4:50 o, i sects si wooanorn ww 10 M am. Mt. Angel sad sure tea local. Coaralll paeeeagor. - Bhcrldaa paaaenger. Foreet Orore pa ear of er, BIROS' Sk 1:H a. m. nioOp. m. IjlO :B p.i r t IIDally Miwpt Rnnday.' ' " " ' ' Part-d-Oswea- Sahorha Serrlos aad TaatkOI INvtoied. Depot foot of Jeffereoo tret. Leer Portland dally for Vwgo 1 80 a. m l II AO, 4.00. :. S:00. S:3S. T:4S, 10.11 p. m. Dally (except Saaday). S:S0. S:Sd, A v 1A 2S e. ai. :ua ll:SO a. - Baada on. v. e;vj e. m. BeturninC from Oeweco. arrtr Portland a - . ati . . . a n.en e.i.1 n.. : 11:1S p. aa. Dally (ezcat Bandar). S:W, 1:1 . S:S0, 10 AO. 11:44 . m Kseept Meaday, 1S-J p. m. Sujider enlj. 10 OS a. m- larea rrom aam ot wa. aw it., mediete point dally 1:00 p. as. Arrive Pot nd 10:10 a. m. operate dally to Monaoath aad AlrUe. noctlng WllB rjouiowra rnnee nonaiwnr n iitkm at Dallaa aad Indepeadence. m . , mwm IWtlMi am a,iaeMenf a riraw. -' - ' - - . and Baa Praaclaco , berths -V i t tore $1. ecooJ -claaa berth ft BO. Tlckete to Kaetern points snd Knrapsl SlM Japan. China, Honolulu sd Ahetralla. fit Ticket Of flee corner Third aad Want. lagtoa etreeta. Phoaa Mala T1X. C w. iTisuia r. a. . y City Tleset Agent. . n w TIME CARD OF -TRAINS DAILY. -' CKIOJf PIP0T- Depart. At tre. Yellowatone Prk-KB-s Clty-St. Lout ! 1.1 Cne rhehalls. CeO-l trail, Olrmuia, Oraraj S:0a. BvL Harbor. Brotn neao, en coma. Seattle. Spokane. Lew la ton. Battel Bill ings, Penrer. Omahs. Kansas City. . St. Laala asd eeutheaat--Xorth Cnaat Limited, iectrle lighted, for Ta enma, Seattle. Spokane, Bntto. Minneapolis, St. Paul and the Eaat. Paget Sound . Limited, for Cnehalle, Centralis. TrOI 's, m. . - V dJ0p.a. 6" 11!49 p. m. lOBSSata, ' Tacenta aad Saatiin only. ....... j Twin Cite r al Tbcobm, Seattle, Spo kan. Helena. Burt. Yellorra tone Park. hiin. ( M . av neapolle. SL. Peal aad iu, a. i. . - A. D. CHARLTOR. . Asatiraat General Paawager Ageat. SM Morrlaoa St., eor. Third, '"' Poctlend. Oregoa. Astoria & Columbia River Railroid Co. Leerea. I ' UNION DEPOT. I Arrleee. Tot Utygar. .BalalctJlf :fA.l riatasaaie. rvetpirt.iii Clifton, Aetoria, Wer-j reatna, Plarel, Ham I w. -o eea- oteeaae. i Gearhart Park, Sea aide, Astoria aad ; KspresS dslly. .Arbjcl' Xxprw. s r -a. Saturdal ' ealy. IjJucept UtarAa, . if. d P. A., A. I. A. t TRW ART, Cmmerell Ae. . (tree- Phon Mala Si-t, r T:.l0a. a. Dslly - ex. Saaday. fop T: a -r Vv-v aV" mm r IMLR Pally. S:s6. m. . '.!.;; ,. fvoa. a. I iioaiiy. i