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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 6, 1905)
Tin:, onrcorr daily journal; Portland. -vcdwssday lv:;;o, czpt:.:..: c. . . .' cwtiMA. Ohm. Eateroa St VAe k " ,7. i safflTad- I BU f tTMlrUU through elM "K jhM eas axetter. . ' . . ' . to sr 13- I Madlr I u rink booms: For aa a, xo " 1 ... ., ie 4 pag 8 WlU- vr ; , raxxuom. .Mala 1 Editorial mJexisa masfi rotMOW ABv-SBTTSINw BXMCTMTATTTX. AerV WW - Bku w . Term ay Carrie. " . Tke Bally Joc-rasl. wit Sasday. a oo Ths Dslly Jeers I, 1 ."'i'ta' S.T8 TM Dslly Journsl. wiia wmwi - M .. Ths Dally Journal, with 6"edy, ""BOt" Tbe Dally JjuraaL t atoolha.. - . , . " . ... aAmW 1 mOBtB iD " " " V ' i. . la. im neiiy. Bse.araea. . j. . The Dally. mrmuoe IIet. Beoday ex Cephas..... """ .18 w.' run. with Susdsy. 1 year-?'!! The Dally Journal, 1 Taar r Tbe Pally ; Th Dally ' Tbe Dally Tba Dally The Dally journal, wiia n"n - - turn eem. - ana TU Saaday JoaraaU 1 year... JJJjj wawj .UVI - " : TW Wl-Waaklr Jaawat tk "aail-Waetly JoaraaJ. i J ' a Man, umuura, - $1.M , Kilt'taa' '.Wi' ba bV " po.t.1 f. O. M -t. Partlaad. Oraa-jl ' tlU) ID JUT M WOJ. TV. VmmI Ml M fOQM Om , aa toaaa ea a. . - ka 1 18B, IDAHO H. Bll. a . 1 c?crW3viatoface Haw acaipaBy 1T Daa. .1' ora atraat. DSiTBB, COLO. .'. Btaek. Uteaata aa Oa- in xj"ww. i " . --- N8Ai OITT OT Kawa roBipiBy.. anSNCAPOUS H. . TKaaaga. a.ll JW1 OeVKCITT rwitaaVa.'TBlwi 2J-tt C.AHA MJUara Hotel Kawa i" btatloaary eoBpaay. W Farw aaeipany. ALT LAKI CUT Krayoa Hotel ISwa ataaa. barrow Bm, 4S Waat ,rat. tT. LOUIS Pbllla B'4fr. 1 Xoeat-traat: ' at." T. Jrtt. K" OHa atrart. . 4 its P RAN CI SCO W. K. Ar4lB. Pflaf Hotal Nw ataaa aa Vm Market ttiwll OoM- amlth Broa. W Batter atreet aad Bal"l - yraarla orel; Foatar A Oraar. r erry aalia- - Imj; N. Waeatley, uavraabU aawa ataaa. ear ner Market aad Kearney erreeta. t"1 TTL aaleiee Oraarl Knra ataaa I W. b Manka. Hotel Seattle Vrwt ataa. - , 'PoKAWl; WaaHINOTON Joaa W. caaBl Ca. - - - - , IAO0MA. WAHHIHOTOrT Central Kawa Oaaa- pear: Hotal Tarema Nrwa stand. , - Tlr-iOBIA. BRITISH COLCMBIa. TletBPla SUttoaory Mrtt ahowera aad tnanAeratormW it or- rarred la aartbera Arlaaaa. Utah. tlorado. the Tea aaahaadle. OklahoaM. Mlaaooxt. Nehraaka and the Dakotaa. Fair weather pra valla la the Parllle alatea. axeent that It la ellehtly amoky la weatera rea-on.t " V aihliiaTtoa and aaathareatera Idaho. - rke ehaiteea t temneratare alaea clay haa beea generally amaU aad - aalav Tbe 'indlcarloBa art foe fair weather la thla dlatrlet toalht and Tharaday. n t n.MB aa vulva Wrlrtt. 2n Maiaa Chalonpka. Hi Mary Knalea la. M. Kraaela K. Breidoa.- 35; Anna Jeflia to ... a , , . . . Edwin J. Taylor. Bli Ckdienttoa , A. ul- Henry H. Wrialit. 88: Lalahi C Honklaa. . i Earl B. Btark.1: tllaabeth B. Blakaey, XL Adrtoa Lealoa. 23: Cora Martin. tX p. I. Caaatofbaav M; , Leaa M. Bada way. ST. - ;.v..-' rred Bhlrley, 38:" Joaephlaa ICeTley. S3. - - ' - Weailtnw faisx,:, W. Q. Smith AY OS., , lagtaa bldgl. aor. Toartb aad Wsablawtaa sta. BTBTBB. TICHE.tOR Septesaber v I. ta Mr. and Mrs. , Csrroll U. Ttcheasr, 431 Belmont atreet, a daughters ' . ' " . WIIJWJN Anmat . to Vf. sod Mrs. Aa- drew W. Wttaoa, 38B Sixth atreet, a eon. PATTON Aajrnat 21. -to Mr. and Mrs. Jobs 8. Fatten. 12A Bast Fifteenth street, a eon. MENDEL August SO. ta Mr. aaH Mra. Adolpb Mendel. Wlllabnrg. Oregoa. a dangbter. SHI ELDS September t. ta Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Shields. WIV, East Oak atreet. a daughter. , 'VctWTAQtOim VTBXASEB.' BMTTH Aagnat t. Rolls Smith. 82 Eaat - Elshth street: dlpbtherla. .'.! . ' rSEEDT eteptember B. Mrs. Edgar S. Seedy, Sixteenth and Orant streets; typbeld feeer. V; SZATBS. . ' W HI TE a temriar 2. AUada White, aged 4 years, at 6aad Samaritan hospital: raaaa, areml. Bartal at Blaailw eemetary. ' SPALKINO Heptember 4. Li la B. Spalding, ax-ed 81 yeara. at Hotel partlaad; cause. ; cancer aftasaach, Barlal at Loaa rir ; ' HAMEL Septabet ' 2. ' Gilbert H. Hamel aged 2 anotha. 1 Eaat Twenty-eighth street; canae, laaaltloa, Barlal at Be Mary' cear BTOTT September 4. Badlo O. Stott. aged) 23 . years, at Good Ramarltaa aospttsl; caose asjerneral aalaaaDBla , Burial .at atrasawoad ' EN DEBOTH September 2. BkbsrdV O. Wea- aVeoth, aged to- years, at St. Vrorewt hoapt- . tat; eaaae. heart dlaeaao. ' Barlal st Cia s einaatl. Ohio. - . . - , . . ' . . ItiHHiiB snwmhe B. Emma Bleaoa. aged B .- years. pettygrove street; causa, menia- gttls. RurUI st Lone Fir cemetery. Stil.ERBl HQ September t, Mrs. Joha Bsdar . bare, at . Meant Tabor sanitarium: cause, . general paraaxa.- Burial at Seattle. Waab- ' T It.aton. - : --. v, - . . ' -; - . HAVIKD September ti May Haelrd. aged 10 years at St. Vincent sanitarium; cease, aeptleaeatla. Ttnrlal at Kaappa. Oregoa. ' rr.NraV September t. Edward Frank, sged IB yeara. at Bockwoad;' caaae, drowning taecj dental). Bnrtat at MonUt11la cemetery. CARStiN September 2. Job a S. Carsoa. aged 42 years, at St. ' Vincent hospital; eaaae. Internal beaiaerhsge, caua-d in runaway, ac cident. or a i at ijane sir ceasetsry. - - . -COMI'SON Aagnat 31. Hartwtll . Compsna, . aged years. Orsad s venue. North; eauan. . Bright's dlaeaaa. Burial at Or ecu a,.! eenaerv. ' UttKH0 . September 1. Axel LI si her g, a red Z yeaia. a . iiatrm noapiiai; cauae, ' rapture of stomach. . Burial at Lsao Fit cemetery. ... " yeara, at St. Vincent hospital: cause, cetera cajltla. Barlal at Moost Calvary eeeaetery. -tXrO. TIEW CXBXTEET. r--rlm rravea 810. Famrhr lata rn ri., . The only- cemetery la Partlaad which -wraaTly malntalna aad cares for lota. Fat I , t.mraaaHoa aaatr to W. BL ' - Vareaasar block, ally. T W. M. Lao, ae.ala.atl DunnlBE. McEageeik Ollrwngh,..arrasora. ta Tuunirg A Camploa. under tikcra and embalm. era. hnvlera IB every ecau. nevenia Bad Plas, pboae Mala laoy asainsax. The Edward Holmaa I'sdertaklag company, faaerat eectnra aad ambaimar. 22t) laird atreet. raoaa SOT. I. P. Flalay A Boa. efaaeral directors sad omhalsaera, 'er laird and Madlana strasta. Oldea of eooa,y oareaar. lawpnoaa Mala B. Fanaral wreatna aad eat eowees a apeeUity t Bona City Oraoabeaae. Twaaty aeeoad aad Eaat Morrlaoa. epp. eeeaetery. BEAT. ESTATZ TBAaTBFXBB. Jr. S. 'Slaimnna and wife to O. H. nianvM, lots t, 4, block too. Alhea s ad dltioa , i i.'.f I). hraoha sad wife to Kdlih Ialy. lot . block 1 Xaetaaer a addllloa la IB Oreahtm i.-.T. ... JIM - iT. uT'n T. I' IjantaT11" K'S Land etswant te Joha Leraos. lea v, tact k.giaaia anrthesat corner lot X. Black a n.'iii.. wL....J .71 ...r4r.;.;.:.r.:"?:"r."..:r.:": is t .Tie tKsrck and husband re William 1t.?epaea. parcel Led beainnlng be. tneea e.-llna Mae k.i, ..Waa M. ' 1'. townablp 11 anrih. raage I eet...!2B B.UD Mntl. who i . Journal. 8 months... 1 M Journal, wttk Sunday. xoatb. " imL monta.,... 2" un tu tvtaetary cempasy to ' lot AS. block S4, eena. . ."j Moore a Inreatmeiit coaipany ta J. W. (ireiory, lot n, blwk 43. Teraoa..:.. Same tu Geuraa H. Miatall, lota 1. 2. JT. 1H. ttoi'ad. Veraoa.,,. ........ . A. W. JohlaioB and wife to B. Via JHlrn. aouib 37 u fart lot IS and ma-th k kit 14, kkH-k l.'&aet Tabor Villa B. P. Moore et ajT to-C. A. WatWell. lota 00 13U0 S00 10. 11. 11 block a. Albiaa atldltloa ta , Alblhai..., J. r.'faHInc and wife ta A. Lareea. lot S&0 zz and pari at lot ,Z7, .la .Nuclk Bt, i t... Land eomnanv to W. B. a?raaler. 1659 kit J3 hlork Ju Kaiiamod 164) B. P. Moara. aiarutor. ta t A. WaMell, . . lota in. 11. if. block . Albioa addllloa. ta Albiaa -.. SM A. H. retut aad wife ta 8. J. McDueee, weal 33 1-a feet lot IT. la. block II. Hannralde tnoO a. e. uofma aua wire to lumu ltarpoy. n Kren in aortneaat rornar at ('a tap ir a J-acre trart la N. B. Jone D. L. ('.. aectlua. , tWQthl- 1 auuta. range 1 eaat ... J, Kleraaa and wife to A. Tlrhner. kiU a. K. bloek 84, Coach addition 21604 Mary s. uroaa to W. W. Raymond, aun- dre lota In Waat PnrttatMt nl BOA J. K. Poe aad wife to Anna Tburlow, lot d. block 14. Jama Jolia'a addition. CM) victor tand Company to Jennie fcalan, lot B. Mock a. Paradlaa Nnrlne tract.. 279 f. W. Haneoa and wife to Nottingham Co.. lota I to 7, block 22; lota L X 4. block 25: weat H lot 6. block 27. lianaoa'a . elecond addition BS0I L. K. Lall and wife to Ida B. Bnita. lot 6. block I. Cole's addition 1350 Thendor Xlralal and wife' to Era An- aroaa, Kta a, block SS, Central Al- 1000 A. Pari-tah ta Ida A. Aelaaa. kite 13, 14, . Iriock 3. y'a addltloa to Alblna...... If. 43. Smith and wife ta Addle D. Ore- 00 ham, lota 16, l, block a. Beat Port, land ParkT addition Buunyalde Land and Improvement com- " pw, r o, ohm.' . 45 :'o C. Klndlaiin to C. T Cheek. leVfe 2T. 28. 3. au. block B. "Wheatland addltloa... M. A. fox aad kneband to O. M. God frey et a!., aart M I. 4 block 14. Maegly HlgbiaBd addition H. McDanlel and wife to Nrllle Me Pnee. lot 114. Haaelwood .'. BOO 1000 Ceorite B. Howell and wife te W.: B. tc Idler, ooa Bfth at aa acre beginning 36.7 feat weat at aootbeaat corner of aecttwa . t. . toernahlp .1 south. . ranie t east - SO" Oct yoar laaoeanca and aba tracts to real aetata from tneTltla Guaraatee A Traat -coat- pany. tto Wsablngtoa street, aoraar Baeond. COIiEKCE SAVING AlBMat anyone " hating emnloimcnt CAN and 811011.0 hare something far fatara needs. AU yea hate to do la to ' Make a Start and thea yon will be aaTtond to contlnae. Whea m km a dollar aa e ana re call on oa, and we will ba pleased ta open aa ac count witn yoa. uori oa oacsaara aoatii It. We wilt be glad to aee yna. LEARN HOW INTEREST WILL J!l CREA8K .TOUB ' SAVINGS; bow contented yoa to KNOW yoa bate laid some thing by If . "Bad Times" or sick area otor- take yoa... -. . - . Da as other seaalbla people . have and ORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON ' ' ItMoaroM Ovar $1,000,000 , lflB Third Street. ;. Paona Mala dot.' BEN J. I. COHKS....K ...Preaideat H. L. ' PlTTOCIl, t.Vlea-Prealdeat LEE PAOKT ..I Brcretary . O. OOI.TRA ..Aaalatant Secretary B0TI0Z. THE OOVERNMENT affeea the following quarter maatcr'a property lor sale: vepui ,aartnrmaeter's Oface, 9 New Montgomery Street, Ssa rranriaco. Cel., September . It. Sealed proposals, la triplicate, sub ject ta the aanal conditions, will ba re eel red at this ofllce anti 10 o-ctock a. m., Pactflc atandaraV time. October 1A06. and -Or twuwi nalra ( ananendera and 1DU.00O pal iifsvw cor inn atoektnanv Haht welabt.- - Tba - failed Statea reacrrra the right to accept or re ject any or alt. bids. Information and blank I propoaals will be fornlabed oa - application. I . EnTelopea eonuining aropoaaai to o proposals to ba marked. Proianal No. at 7. to be oneaed at iu a. ., October . 1B06," and aldraaiad. to Major C. A. DEVOI tr. Mr., C. B.- A., uepot vaartermaarar. NOTICE of naeerarkB ef Partnership. The Arm of Matbewa aY Craadell has aissorrea sartaerahlp. Hereafter the baalnesa will be HwJnMHt he Thoaiaa W. Craadell. who la to pay all JWUs.snd coect all credits bow eatstandlng. " m (Slgaed) THOMAS w. t ntucu A. U. MATHEWS. , Dated at Lenta. Or., August 21. 1906. LOST ass rovn. LOST ladlea aold watch with Pin: E-am J. E. B. ; Between tfoaei antlers aaa tiatol rea taurant; reward and aa qneattoaa naked. Betara to room 40. Hotel Antlers. LOST Parse, aa Wtlllam a vs., bet. Earga at. and Ity. eonuining cpecx. ..iu. aaa other sooner. Bstarm to til: Fargo st aad receive reward. ; . LOST Saturday night, a pocketbaok containing sou. steward u retaraea to m at. jexraai. MEW boat picked a la Ua Willamette river; ess he found at BeniBg laiaoo. FOB SALE One ladle' drat-class tlckst to Denver. Inquire 225 rirtB ot. help WAJrrtn miti TOO PICKERS U pick B24 scree hop: an de- tired aecommedatloaa, grocery, Baxery, rea taaraat, bntcherbop, beautiful camp grounds, daaee halU pure mountain , water, etc.; re duced excarsloa rates; special tram, 13 cara. Apply Monday and Tuesday, reom 441 Bheg lock bldg.. Third and Oak. WANTED Immediately, planing mill foremaa. wares gltio per asoata; soarper ana aana sawrer. A8.M par day: molding men, $3; stair balldara, 84; none bat steady and first- clsaa mea aeed apply. I Addn Lamber Co.. Missoula. Meat; ataaa. WANTED A partner with B00: tbl I fair or lake propoaittoB; DnaineaB per neat and reeutrre two to handle It; ex perlenco not aecesssry; worklugmaa pre ferred. For personal larsatlgatloa addrea N Ml, Journal. ' . . , WANTED F.nergetle maa each county te post signn, norertiae ana niairinnie samples; sslsrr B18 weekly. 83 per day for expanaes: honesty and sobriety more eee'otlal thaa ei perlence. Nslkmsl Co.. 720 Chestant at., Philadelphia. - . ' - . . t STATION MEN. rock "work: rood nrlcea. aew work, lota of It, atoo cuts, ail winter, eaatern Oregoa; free fsre. Particulars st Hansen's Empmysseat Office, a Worth Seeoad at. WANTED SlBXle yonng maa of good address for permanent poaitioa, was can leave towa immediately. tan, a to o p. m., zsuvfc Margin ai. a aaa t. nr.' . - WANTED Active agent for Bnssiaa-J Wsr Book; gooa salary, sample free. Addrea Globe Co., 723 coeetBUt at., I'hlUdelpnla. WANTED Toang maa deal ring thorough knowledge ot the real estate, maa and Lnaur a c business. Addrea L 44, Journal. . . WAtTEO Office boy. Apply In awn hand, writing ta Willamette Boiler Work, Front ana nvereti sis. . t FIRST-CLASS broiler and Inncbmas. Addrea . M. , Campbell, 820 Jar ea at.. Seattle, v. aaa. BARRETT'S Detect rva Sctvxil Lauit elaaa tale termieQeeaesteal J.?1!1" ta.W, DIDO an waaled; beat- rrferencea reqnlred. la ursnoe iirng i, Lotiranae. uregoa. WANTED nrlght boy to work In ' publk norary. Apply ear. its aaa ntarx sta. WANTED Two good boys HI yeara old; good jftpitiy mm mars street. OFFICE boy wanted. Prler Broa. Brass Co., iw Fiparwa-niu sjs., fa vriB, BTTVATtOBB WAETED TIMALE. an. i war.Tv.u-t-ntste exchange or oface work wanted by reliable party, who ran urn o-et et city references. Ad BTENOOR APHEB waste worx ta at homo: -eery reaarmsble. Addreaa. N 4S. Journal. EMPLOYMENT ABIV0EB, BABBBN'sV BMPLOTMRNT OEFICB. - rot sm. BB if. aacstMI at. . ( Phase Mala ISM. PIONEER BMPLOTMRNT CO. Laser eeetrs tar: help free to emaasyara, tit Morrlaaak Harriet Manas, lot EXXP WABTID ITMAXE. . TOO PICKERS ta pick KM acres hops; alt aired accommodation, arocery, bakery. ' taurant. butcner-ab. beautlfnl enmp groanda, dance ball, pure mountain water, etc.; re duced excaretoa rates: apeciai trala, IS ears. Apply Monday and Tuesday, rooai 441 ouar- . L- L t.1... T1.I..1 mmA l.k J WANTED ISO girl ta mak aearalla aad ahlrta; Instructions ft Tea ta Inesperteaeee, Apply Neaatadter Bros., Standard k'sctary, ia. S. ear. ILaet mur tu uraaa are. WANTED Good girl for geaeral henaework family at t, no eblldrea: beat of wages; work easy, gooa sous ana isuaare . aw w. aa n. wan'TKII Nleht aura, wacaa tJS: cook. t2ft alM apstslrs girl, nraiciaaa raaiiiy, pxu. XJOH Yamhill. . I'noae Ham MiJ. GIRL wanted for boa e work ta amall family, Call furenooa No. 29 East FUteaatk at. - soatB. Aakeny or Plaa at. can. HANSEN'S LADIES' AOENCT. B4SU. Washto ton st., cor. Berentn. apataira raoaa aiaia BRU3. remain help araateo. WANTED Olrla ta work -In candy factory Apply PavlOe Coast Macau Co.. Twotltk aad Data. , WANTED At one, yonng girl to help with nouaewurk. lajt Z0I Kast Bills, si., corner WANTED Expertenced makers, also apprea ry Stora. tit Third sU .. tlceo. Noeally Mllllna GIRLS wasted to work m paper box factory, F. O. titettler, corner Tenth ana uiisaa. $1,000 0B f 3.000 oa real security, a year ,or longer. - Aiiiireaa r. no. care journal. WANTED At once, woman cook In amall res taurant. 23 Kast storrisoa. at. WANTED Olrl 'for general housework. 344 Oregon at. Pbona Eaat PLAIN cook fur boardlng-honse, woman, 91 day J 44 north JKtB st, -.i . ' WANTED Millinery apprentices at '442 .Wash lugioa at. i WUtTtD-M tit ajd rxmi HZXJP. TUB demand for ramnetent bookkeeDer and atenographers Is g Tea tee tba a the supply. From August l, 1WI4. to August 1, luuo, ws piacea 207 ta good positions; had call for mora thaa POOL our graduates are ALL employed; wa will assist ron to a noalttoa. when competent: enroll saw, day or -night. Boonke-Walker Business College, Stearns blk Sixth and Morrlaoa eta. f HEN and women. t3O-W0 pe nth; two 1a uses la ad- travel, tla ncr Week and exnem snce. - Call room 2S. Tho -Appletea.-Hi north sixth St., or address ueneral ueUTery, Mrs. Jos. Tutors. WANTED At oaea, bright, energetle. seatabl sua sr worsaa. a good 11 er. take aa an attractive smooslUOB. Txt Chisshr of Commarrs.- B a. ax. ' i ' ieV ii- tOl.ICtTOaS Men or -womea:' pecraAaent a ployaient to hustlers : experience aaaacaa aary. BOB Dekam bldg. WANTED Mora hop-pickers: beat yard; aaay ta cara nvoney. Apply Anorsw aa a km sbi BXLP wasted gad repp fled, mala -at ' feotale. M. e. IIKAKB. molt wssningtoa sr.i;iay aan. 4 BmiATIOBB -WABTID MaXtV- WANTED Poalttoo br bnokkeeper with ex. perleace; nigaest lUMWUttn. jyramaa a w, care Journal. - - WABTXTi MIsJlXIXO0S. fAINTINO, spraying aad whlUwaahlng trees. basemeots. baraa, oocxa, etc., eooa, targaai gassllaa sprsylug ootnt ea tba ejoaat. i M. O. Morgan' Ca 70 M 11 w auk la st. Pkoa Vast 2oTT.. ORCHESTRA. S pieces, would like engagements atanlng ana aunasys: muaw tor an ama st .ery reaanoable ratee. OS Laccttla at, Pbona Mala 0403. JrCPII-S wanted by acvsmplmnctl pIsBhtt. som Ttooe experience preierroa. Aaarsaa a w, BOOKS bought, sold,,, aadt eiehanged at , tho Old Boon atoro,xa xamtuii st. . (, B. J. BTDBB, printer. Seeoad aad Wsahlngtoa a. Phoaa Mala oaaa. , - WANTED Ticket - to St. PauL H. j Car mac. 44 Falling at. city. - - , WABTEB AOEBTtV A0ENTS WANTED To sell our sopeiior high- grsds nursery stock; pew and complete oat it enrtiiaked free- eaah weeklri write todsy for-cbrdca- -tarHtory. Capital City harssry Co., cBaienx, oregoa.. yABTEB TO WANTED To reat a rood farm with privi lege of haying; seer railroad, gooa roaas, fruit and water. ' Mra. P 771 Vaagha at. 4 OR B room hoaae oa east side; onable. M an, rsre joornsx. WAJTTin-roA01Al. WANTED To borrow 8X000 sscarlty ta m- plete furnlahlng hotel rooms ia nest locaiiorj. Addreaa L 46, Journal. . - , . , - WANTED To borrow 8400; beet of aecurlty; erllllng to- pay laterest. Aaarssa tx, ' Bnsaell St. WABTxe-BEAL ZBTATB. FARMS WANTED All kmds stock, poultry. fruit, grain aad bob larme; mos no goou and reaaonabU ta price; give fall dcscrlptloa, prfce aad term. i - 206 Alisky bldg. ' J, LANDIOAK win pay cash for cheap cottage and rarnlturs. rnoae nooa i. FOB BEWT HOUSES. roR hent BY THB DUNN-LA WBENCB CO. $20 Very excellent 8-roots hoaas, modem coo- venlentea. 868 Baa Bxfael. 118 Beautiful aew and modera 8-room hottse. East Twenty-seventh and Cllntoa. 16 Nice T-mom bouae. largo lot, choice fruit ana SBranoery. ao bbbx ivejii-wnMwi - Belmont. - t Apply at l4Bi, First at. COTTAGE, modern, firs rooms and bathroom, full brvcK Basemeni. no. eos maaisoa at. Inquire Wakefield. Fries A Co. and Joha Klostermaa, 81 North Twenty-first at. 8TDABT statlos. Mount Scott car 4 large rooma, oatuuiinings, mouera; psruea wiinoui children; foraiture for sal. Call the Beile Tue, Fsorth aad Salmon. TO BENT New colonial T-room, strictly mod ern, noase, aaa, ei-cirn-iiy . ae-oo. am Clinton, corner Twenty-second, oa Wkrerly or Woodstock car line. FOR BENT-eModeni 12-room bouse. 8 acres. abanusace rrnu, my waiex, eiecirw -iiguis, perUy furnished. Apply O. M. Wells, Ablug to bldg. xtl'EI.T foralabed -roocn eottag with ysrd. to. parties without ' children; reaaonable; Data ana pnone. am ut. uih sio Hlxth st. r-- FOB RENT Large house sad beantlfnl groanda. en Hoiiaaay ave. a 1017 ax ajm waeoingion at., or pbooo Front M2..-... . tl 2SO 8-room modern house In . 1'nlvemlty park. Inquire 870 Burnslde L, one block east of bridge. FOR RENT Vroom rottace, new and 4-, rent 310. 208 Alisky bldg. . FOB BEET OynCX-EOBMA. ftAttfTj:6rTlrVrfin St., sear postotnet; eicatoc: auitaoie isr oinces. Ad dress M 41. rare Journal. FOR BENT Fine, centrally located office, with phono. B. L. Cate. 113 Becead at. arrtn.xoOM for rent. aoagh bldg, 'Apply elevator. BOOSES FOB BIBT FTBamjBE FOB SALS, FOB seat rasalt oa "FUBNITUBB,,v ' Whether to bar or sell, rln a Mala . POBTLAND Al ,'CTlon BOO MA " ' HI First- St. LOOK 8178. furniture of 8-rom hone, fur. nlshed complete, . Including piano; cheap nse rent: eloae la. 2 blocks from city hail. 82 Firth at. NO stents; ease FUEBlf HXiTJiiff a7" FURNISHED aVsnred end aided tent. Twenty arik Bad--Sav1er. 8 mlnates' walh fair en, 1 trance, rate 26 cents or less for bed capacity per daylf stove In tent, stirs; Sne tents etc., few sale half coat, delivery after October 10, Aaraes tiny vvxsiovx vt e --3 I J y. ; FOB BEX" T TgBBIBHr 1 B00MB. THB ROTCREST. 173 Twelfth - at.. Yamhill Just opened; exclusiee rooming ao csmmoaallonai Bona ana ruraianniga sanrety saw; siegsal aullea. wiia aet aaa coia wane, xma hade: also alaale rooma: will real a limited Dumber of rooms aew. to permanent people; translsnt aolicltsa. - - - - THB KINO New building, bandeomely far- ' mailed, . euuiped With evorr moaera cone xence; oa oirect car lino so expoeiiBoei aotaide rooma: heat, gas, electric llghta. porce lain hatha; aery low rates; take -Fifth at. car from Cnloa depot to SOS Jeffaraoa City BalL , , HOTEL VAN NOT. - Commercial mea' headanarter; Brat etasa. water la all the rooma, bathe rree, eanirsj, adlrect cara to depot and exposition. . -6Hs Third at., ear. pine. TBR HAMANN. 13ft N. tith enr IlorwNswt i rurnlahed rooms. 81, oo ap; convenient leeattoa, ' It mlsutra' walk to fair grounds: Uorrtaoa ear al ealoa depot direct to hosae. Phoae 8470. MABQOAM HOUSE. 148H grb Room oa salts or eiagie; Bausexeeping rooms; gas stare. hath, electric lighten traaateata Pellet tad, g. THB L0WN8DALB. B03H Alder Larxe. new. elegantly ruruiened aouaexeeping aoe) aingia rooms; ejas range, mniilng water. THB BELLE VllR 80 rooms alcely farnUhed; price reasonaom, traveling puouc soiiciisa. 218V Fourth St. Hood 7T1. . BOARD and room, ttrrrls hotel, 874 Macadam road; aew management; rurslabad rooms 43 per. month. Mm. M. Vans. BEAUTIFULLY furbished front room; pel rata family: -gas, - hath; tessonabls. Mala 2308. BUT VUsaa. , FBONT parlor for geatlemaa a. raflaemeat wh wianes rooca... gr..xBaeaxer . any. sal Everett ' at. " t ' ... . ' : . THE ALDER 436 Alder; alcely faralshed rooms, oonveulent aad quiet; bau and tore peeuea. ' . TBB (ILAD8TONB BlBli Barter SV, fsrtdahsd ems; uaoar sew . avanagameat; nebis. CBEAPE8T and heat Voce tad rooma la Psrkbnd. 81 week aad ap. uiimaa. rim ana Awar sum. FCKM8HED " front room.-ataltabl- -fbr-ttra geatmsaear walking distaBCO. gau Hsrrtaoa. TBB CASTLE TT2 Wsshlngtoa aM faralshld rnoao Mam lns. FOB BEBT BrOTfBEXXEFIJiB BOOMS. FOB BENT FaTalshaA hooaekssrdn--roosBS ta beet arlcK Block oa east aloe; gaa rangse, bath, ate; ao rranaleBta; prlese asodarats. Logsa hlk.. 1084 Union ar Oct. Beat Alder. Phoae Union t2S. - . SUITES rrf anfuralahed honaekeeplns; rooma ia good location for t to to ptx.uoatk. Call at 271 Front t..' forenoon. DICKSON'S apertmerite, furnlahed. BafnTnlabed; Meal loratloa;-terms roocerate. AioiTeraitj' Park. Phons Scott 1290, j HOI SEKEEPINO rooms', moderate rates, elec tric iighta ana pnone mciaaea. wih 'Water at TWO FURNISHED hoasekeeplng rooms at 203 Hlxteenth St., near icftersou; modern can venlences. ' . ' FOB BIBT TJKFUBBTBHED BOOMS. 2 UNFURNISHED rooms with sink, pea try and grate; reat reasonsDls. am aamaiu ot., near Sixteenth. BOOMS An aOABJX - FIBST-CLASS rooms end hoard . for permanent Kple, ana wxa per. moo in: table rd 4 per week. Astor houoa, Tth aad Msdiaoa sta. TeL Mala 4231. . TBB IRVINO Blexaat exorbitant charge 1 Olalng-room la eaa aoctloa; prlcaa rlgaL Oar. 18th aad Irvlna. A NICE front rooca, suitable for two young men, with gooa taoie noara aaa bath; pbooe. - 431 Everett atreet. 20 FOB room and hoard for maa aad wife or two ladle; reference. 48 Eaat Moth stu, couch ana I'avia. -n BOOMS srtth hoard ta reaaooabi; ant-claaa Sixth St. . FOB BZaTT JFLATB. NEW modera 0-room fists, lnrlndlng steel and gas range; Hsisey aaa XAraoee, oast moo. 31 Isqntre 288 lAranee. ONB Sat, IBS East NlnOX, cor. Belmont, 1X lhoae East 1270. . FOB I IT, I sTTaTlxXLaUrtOirsV MRS. HOWE'S BULLETIN Good l Cleaa ana ary, -reauy is ctnm, at e'-w 'pee cord; oak and Br at cut raU; brick log sale cheap; express for hire; - houses for reat, Pbona Cnloa 17S or' 1208 Boat WrUlc at. FOB BALE Scotch merino holler aad en gine; right alne for 86 or oil-root- boat; la goad repair. Thorn burg A Beaaett, 1 Kaapp ton, Wsablngtoa. ... BILLIARD AND POOL tables tor rent ar tor sale on eaay psymeBt. TUB BBUNSWICK-BALKB COLLENDEB CO. ,)., Third at., Portland. - - BOLLFB 'chair, - -seat for Invalids, convalea- eenta,' cripple ana to gea, tor sai cneap. Apply to or addrea Boiler Chair Coucsesloa. Ex poaitioa grouoda. FOR SAIJt Ticket oa TJnloa PsclBc; deetlns- tion, Kremont, Nebraska; 810. j. Vail 807 W sab lug ton. Phone Meln 2148. 1 V WB print your name oa 80 calling card, atrjper ise sad style, xac; sv euBineae csraa. ex, Brawa A Bcbmala, 228 First, Port la ad. Or. W0VEN-WIBB aad opboletered cote, asm stoeea, hammocks aad camp luraiiarr. 1 rlS Tsnt A' Awning Co., 27 Berth First. LAUNCH for ssls, length 88 feet, 10-H. p. e glue, large carrying cspseity: price my cheap. Addreaa H 8H. care JouraaL - POWER HOUSEBOAT, ; stem wheeler, very cheap; Juet the thing ror oacx aunung or outings. Address L-47, JooraaL FOB BALE olm. Jersey, cowj 4 gallons daily; price t0. inquire u. M. rteiis,, ADingion bldg.' " ,.---.--v-r FOR SALE Cocke epsnlel. -2 rear old. fin dnca ABA oira oog. price ert.- uxaiaax-ao.. FOR SALE 18-Inch sur facer, good rcmdltloa. Apply 1,-B.iU - A. raone main i. FOR SALE Three flrst-clas cows ana . 1 route, cheap. ' Aoarcee 11 a aaei exaiu. Ceon.ono BHICK for sale at . T per tbsusssrL deUvered. Boora 201. McKay balldlng. FOR SALE flood second-nsna teat. 12x16, to 00. inquire arm iia io e.- FOB SAI"-TTjreEE, FOB SALB Tw homestead . rvllnorjlshsMst - rlalmsi second growth; will Bell cheap, B. P. Nwlstra, Hotel Bhelapfala. FOR homes tea ds. timber -clsttns and farmland i see A. S. Msibsw A Co 221 Morrtsoa au. 1, rertuao, ur. CERTIFIED serin. any alae pieces; low set rsli, 638 Chamber of Com- price, W. -G. Bowel meres. 1 48 ACBES t)mher-lasd. Yamhill eouatr, S2U0. Apply 834 MmalMlppt tv. Phoae iTnlea - 8462. ' ! TIMBER T.ono.006, onsrter, accesslblsi Br, cedsr; 88 acre. Address W 47, Journal. FOB HOMESTEADS, timber claim gad sarta) a appxy so eve vwaeja.e eeaa e-, M. PATENT eovertng serersl eountlea ea aa srticle that la wealed by sic store aad Is a reaur seller, must bo sold oa account of other bualuessl here Is a chance to get Into, business oa small capital, where yoa ran snake big money la a abort time; will "sell county rights cheap and will lake acre age or lota la exchange) Investigate thl If yoa are looking fur hnslnsss opening. , - M. W. MILLEB, 1(H Sixth aL . TAKE the train for Daytoa. Oregoa. or write J. R. Edwarda. above addreaa. If yea r : looking for bualuess locatluu; a 32.0OU cleaa stork general awrcbaadlae; good ' trading . point; large room; rent 810; good chance lor a live xaercbaat. Write at oaca. No sgeots. 84.600 Oaa ' halt Interest manufacturing bualneee, this city; butldlug. lot ouxUO, ma chinery and 84,000 stork; this Is tho only business of its kind ea the coast; offer unlimited opportunity te- th owners. J, H. IL Aaderaea. 1P1 Marrlsoa. FBEB LANDS ilTbREOON."' ' -FERTILE aoll, pare water, delightful climate; land of alfalfa, apple and clover. For full tutor nation addreaa the Columbia Southern Irrlgatloa Co.. 638 Worcester hlk.. Partlaad. WE WILL bur Mllwsukle Gold Extrsettou. , Orrgua, seruritivs, Htsndsrd Con., Hlghlsnd ti. M.. Alameda and Portland A Idaho and Caacadla mining stock, ' F. J. Cctterlla A Co.. 318 -Ablngtoa. FARMS Wheat aad timber lands, acreage, city property; timber afad hjineatead ... evcatnm; , Business chsnces apd Insurance. .. TOWN8END. MAXWELL A CO., ' 288 Alder at, - - . phone Msia 122C NEW- hotel, best locattou. TO rooma. all taksa every night, completely furnished; clear 32,000 per month, kmg leaes: oa account of alcKneaa must be aold cheap. , Addrea Q 67, care Juornal. FOB SALE Oa aceoust of alckaeaa, alee, cleaa. monsy-msklrig bualnsss oh east side; sale 1 rout sio to aoa per day; price gi.ouu, or win Inrcko; ao agent wanted, e 68, Th JeuraaL PABTNEB. alao general agent. fT-00 ta 3500 cspitsi require, ruuy oscaraa; ugot mane. -1 factoring, new arrtrie;' booeenoU necessity; enormous profits. Room 18. 2264 First at. FOB BALE One half Interest In rosh sotsto ana loan ofnee, eatabllabed IS yesrs. will pay to Investigate; partite leaving city. AdVtress N 67. cara Journal. ' . CONFEITTIONERY and cigar atoro for sale ia a live towa or i,sou; gooa tocatiea; ecu ai leviNcr, ressaa tor ' selling, aicx Address N 61. Journal. . PHT8ICIAN wants te eU growing ooantry practice;- expenae from beginning by con tract work; very cheap, Address N 68, car JoarnaL . ' . LSUVINO the city, will Bell my partially eetabllahed business very cheapr Hat of BOO customers; . 18 formalaa.. 814. Sixth at. BAKERY for sale, eouatry towa of 2.000 lahaM. taats, county aeat: only bakery, fine baste boss. Address J 47. JoarnaL . PHYSICIAN leaving the dty will pel efflc traps; low rent; practice. Apply to auper lnleudeat Oregonlan bldg. ' . , . WHEN looking ' for a location, either city or - country, call aa the Northwest Land Csv 283 Morrlaoa at- room ill. ONE reetaaraat, B hotels,- B farms, 2 milk ranches and routes, cheap. H, tJIgecy, agent, P. O. box 4T. . ' . WANTED Pertner In one of the beet real estate offices la the city; this a asan: lnveaUxjktS. 404 Eaat Morrlaoa C FOB SALE My laondrr plant, located In goon urcaoa town; write at oace. N -64, JouraaL FOB SALE Good reslaurant with lease . and three fin pedigree hull terrier puppies, 413 Morrlaoa t. FOB SALE Paying eon fact looary, loach coun ter, cneap; Dig inTostmoat, amall caplul, D 8. JouraaL - .j .... FOB BALE Brick hotel, 86 room, good rural- tara, apmaaia Braae; in rurtiaaa. ea. Journal. FINE epportanlty la eatablUbed baalnesa; need asip aaa capital. Aaaress u ox, care Journal. SMALL rtrar atore at sacrmcer Boo4st!atloa. luo r our ia St., near et aaningtoa, . . PARTNER ta real estate; mnet bs a good out. sane msa. aoa.juisay DMig. - FOB SALE Con feet loaary stock, cheap. Phone Black 8341. pgt't or whole. SAIcOON t4W0. sr half iatsreat It wsatad J - 48, JooraaL THB Homo Land Co. Flrat at. . w removed te 14BH WHO IS M. O. MOROAN A CO. " ro BiTi-BFtt tnirx. S0HETHINO NEW BY THB pt'KB LAW- ., BENCB COMPANY. $8.000 A ajusrter block oa Eleventh atreet, ..right la the beat warehouse aad -manufacturing district. 13.000 Corner lot. 10 room, on Mill atreet. ONLY- $1.000 We respectfully offer 40 act fronting oa electric ear line, yet praotlc- , ally In ostnre's vlrgla atata, . scenic aad romantic, bordering a ragged moaatala from the aide of which flow xoaay rryatllug springe, the waters of which contain mln . ersls of aukny kinds, one of which con tains quite a proportion of oil that will re quire a real chemist to dedne tba exact - analysis. It' a weooerfnl place. - Coa- . tains maay lofty trees,- many, forest shrub beries, two rippling brooks through each side ' of th place Into which flow the water from the prtng, bringing to th observer sceale fondness. It la oa this spot where there should bo situated a treat sanitarium to restore to full health times suffering . fret tbe mstty ailment known to man, for the climate, tho scenic grandeur and tbe ratasneoL in this spot ere enouxh to restore te the fullest health th moat completely wrecked Invalid. Xoa should not fall to tnvestlgste this. ''- $800 N Icely liuutrtrted ' acta "gad a gusrtev place, 2 blocks from electric cara, la Oak Grove. $460 Foe ISO feet - front aad amall cottage, beat part of Woodlsam." , THB DUNN LAWRENCE COMPANY, 7 148H First Street. . FINE 10-aera tract B miles from Portland, on good road. $1,260; $200 ' cash. Balance B years, T per"cest. , 8 acres aear Lent, very sightly, ao gravel, good 8-room house, fine ysrd. good brick basement, some fruit, aa car line $1,100; $200 cash, balance $12.60 per month. " Fine quarter block, East Tweatktth; It of frntt; $1,400: $300 cash. Small house. 3 fin lots, Tweaty-nlnth gt.t kits of fruit: $1,800; 8300 cash.' balance to cult ' punka r s i Fine lot ea esr line. Twenty-ninth at, $309. tlO cash, balance 33 per sjontb. , ; CHARLE80N A NE1LL. $18 , Alisky bl-lgt, cor. Third and . Morrison. , l'Boa West 881. KICB B-roava modern cottage 14 blocks from steel bridge: eaay terms; $2,000. A beautiful kit 10 blocks from steel bridge, t feet a he-re grade, good sMewslk.' $760; or will build houee and ssll oa eaay terms. Oood Amota house. 2 foil lots, IS minutes' ride from city oa good car line, $1,200; very eaay NmtV4oom rcrrnae. good plumbing, lot '80x100 feet, and f lowers, at Hnnnyalde. Several '.' good 8, I S n4. 10-room . bouses . oa .easy A Vme"iwt100 lot la KenHsrorth. ,$2Sfl. OBUNDY-MELRATH CO., 246Vs MorTlsoa at. DO yoa want to make money t Do you want a horn of your, own t Do yoa want to quit paying rent! It you do. buy a few lot ta r Vernon and the f1rst-thlna yen know-they will be worth double whst you hove paid; or If yea wsnt a home, buy a lot while tbey are cheap am! build a little home, sad If you wsnt to stop paying rent this Is the wsy t do -It: we will help yos If you heed It, "" and" Tir hg-aruTa,ThiFrJvr Tenr wTtt-aarhiry aa, and eona yoa will have a bora paid for. Vernon la located la tho nicest part ot fort- 1.-1 lioors Investment Co.. 161 'A BUI Phono- Mala In. . . ( - - BIO SNAPS. Fine A-room modern bones. East Thirteenth aear Morrison, only $3,580; $300 dowar ha Is see to Bull. r ' " ' . "' iu acres. 8-room nvHlem house, farnace, narn, wmdmin. fruit, etc.! eaat side. 8 block te ear; improremente worth $3,000;. $8,M.i l.ej-0 eres finer Mod, only $3J0 aa Bee. 1,000 acre foe timber-cheap. ., PI HOIS A SHERWOOD. 206 Morrtsoa, room 8. ' $1,430, $m CASH, $10 par month for 10 month; thea $3 7 pet month 2 hrts. T rnmu bouae. just finished,' plastered, wired, base ment, i blocks St. John line. Bear Poele mouth tatlon. Mr. Cot. owner, I78T Coart ney St., Unlveeslly Prk. . . ' - THB Dl'NN-I.AWRENCB CO. hare eaah cus tomers for desirable inside tmalnee and re.l ; dence properly, veunorbaa ceesge or Bkwly . Improved IvMne;'- parflee having ouch ami -willing to sell absep will plrss apply t I48H First st. ' . . " l$XaOo B ACRES well Improved, all la Sna r- . 1 . X.IMI.M , A kleeha. from - ear. line. 'can, he bought oa vert easy terms; Im medleU toassasion; will take part Is real Ut. , Call lOTV, iThlr gt, . , , v '.'.. r..,,,;.',tV F?B CLX-XZAL WTATX e;. ACBETB ACTSt . . ;, ' 0CB SPECIALTY 13 ACRE TBACT8U -Fullelxed trests, water, to sack sera. .. TEBMS-ItlB PER ACRE'CASHs,; 10 1'S.R ACRE FEB MONTH. . Tea go to these acres on the ' sam car, pay the tame Be fare the lot maa pays. . Th lot man la your neighbor, but be la re strlrted In majority of .feature that atakg a tree auboruaa home. , ; - ' ; V A. C. CHURCHILL A CO , I-.C ;.- , 110 Second t. -. , ... ' ' H0ME8TEADEBB Wa eaa meat lea vaeaat wheat or Irrlgatloa lands la casters . uregoa. call or writ Vaa Cleave at ocsoii. Baal Batata Agoats. febo, CmaUll county, FOB. SALE A good baalneea corner. Ftrat and , aieeoe at., now occupied by 4 Bice cottar-, 1 reutltur for 8730 nee annnm: nrlee Bti.OUO. Owner, rooca 1U0 Ablogloa bldg. I'BOoa Bed aooo. -j . - ,i. - . . ,. . . ,Vr - .-. I1B.VI Choice rornee 80x100. cloae- In; 0 venlent to Hawthorne and Morrlaoa street . earn atreera lmoroved end sidewalk: water, sewer, gas; term. Address N 62. Journal. TEST choice lot,' aoxlou, Hqlladay' add; also a noma at bib, xaoor, 100x111, oa car une; - Bull Bua wster, 7 rooma, bath, bora, all klada fruit. Owner, 12 Third t FOR BALE 4A acre, cheap, with 10-room nooa a, along golf link carllpa; 8n bearing fruit treea: muat be .. .laaulr oa premises, aiv xiiiwaakia St. , FOB BALE Psrt cash, eaav tarma. 4. room cot. tage. Montsvllla. 4 lota, fruit. 'berries, fins garden, outbuildings, flrst-cUsa plsce , lor a-wuiu-r. Auareas xi ow, eouruat, ; NEW modern T rooat houee. 2 lots, $2,000. - Mew 6-room cottage.J'uli besament, $1,000, la M-mtarllla. S. iwBlaelovs, 314 Baas Una, Montarllla. .. $350 CASH. $200 time 4-room cottage, all con , venlences; lot 60x100, all Improved; ao had . feeiures; beat buy ,1a city. Address N 00. 'Journal.-, '.. ,. t HAVB aoata choice wheat farms for aals cheap and oa assy terras. Writ to sr call a H. D. Randall. Olex. Gilliam county. Or. FOB SALE B or 10 acres; a bargala for cash. Inquire Forty-eighth st. ad Hawthorns are., south. Mrs. W. S. Falling, Mount Tabor P. O. $700 4 ROOM house, lot 80x138; centre I : fin hvcatloo; Sc. John. Call at 432- Mohawk ' bldg., corner Third aad Morrlaoa. Owner. i-FOB SALE at a bargala, B-odera T-room hosae oa - Bast aayior, close la; term to gall parrhaaer. Apply F 42. car Joarnal. OOOD suburban property oa ear Mew. sorted for botneo or tuialarss. fall on Mrs. Vaa at Oak Orore stop oa the Oregoa City ea Hoe, FOB SALB Modera suburban eettsxe. doss ea ear ixsw,. ana incaxxon, grouaa IWXIIMi a W. P. Townslte Caw. 134 First at. FOB SALB Thla week only, 8-room- moders house, close In eaat side, $2.Mw); half cash, balance 2 years. 745 E. Mala. '' A COMFORTABLE 'amall homo ea Portland Heights; price $1,000: on monthly las -ailments. Addreaa, hi 43, JouraaL .... t0 Bv SALE Four-room enttag. taralaned; lot 60x100; walkei everything completa. 83 Eaat sua at., n. xaxe v Veraoa 6 loom car. MAKE aa offer for 8-room modem cottage. Jo Nash at Naabetlle atattoa, oa Mt. Scott car line. Moot have ssoaoy. FOB SALE A good paying reataarant. del Ira t- eaaea sna coorectrooery comhlned. $1,000; 8 soap. 308 Allaky bldg. 8-ROOM fornlabed xnodem cottage; small fam ily can rent out ao aa 'to clear reat; eaat side. N 66. JoarnaL ' . SELLW00D. mta, $8 aowa aad 86 a from $78 to 8200. . seuwood Tswsalu Co. Phoaa L'alea 1481 - FOB "SAL E .Lota Tl, " 12.-12,r block "X' Arleta I'arx, f 1x0 eaca. Aaarsae aiia vrsDster, Bartoa. Origoa. - ' 7-, - . $l,oT-0 New 8-raom setts gs ssd 2, ea vor. Grand are. aad ehaver at, ,- 884 Shaeee aC FOB BALE B laom hoaee ea ear Baa with acre trait tresa. . sta. Isqah- ' B8V Baal tilth st. 8-ROOM hooaa, cheep tor eaah. laqutre U B Bemlswtoa. Boas moat svs., MosUvllla oaa FOR SALE Bootnlnf houss. IS rooma. cleats $400 month; price xeuo. M 44. care Journal. FOIk -BALnV-4-iuuta tot tag, audi Suntirtlde- Mt. Tabor car Hue, chesp. L. 84, care Joarnal. FOUtf CHOICE Iota la rntrerstty Park, cheap. Jaatea H. nulla, witn xieier-rrsnk to. THB Home Lasd 146H Flrat st. - company FOB ille-TitaTB CLARES COCKTY BAB0AIKB A Widow a eacrlnce au acre level una. rich aoll, ne rocks, BO scree cleared, 40 acre fenced, 3 bouses, bars, stone dairy, family orchard, cloae to railroad, school and . email towa, worth $3,000. Price ealy $1,768. Desirable Btt seres, S la eultlvatlos, 8t fralt treea. 8-room house, .bara, Vsacouver .$ milea. tl.000; terms. ,., Snap 100-acre farm, big f tmproiemists, beautiful house, large crop, atock, Imple . menu, near railroad. AU fog BOcWO; la .. vestige to. -- - ' 40 acrea good aoll,- 28 acre leecL 2 acre cleared, creek, eascara bark, only $A atlle ' from daily- steamboats. Price 8330. Serersl hundred seres log red land, good -- aoTi, well located; would , make exeslloat psstors after eeedlng. 0 acres lyrel. land, good sell. 12 cleared, bara, orchard, 4 mile to Vaaeouver. $1,800, ' Address Jsme J. O' Basse, Christ hlk Vascouvsr, Waah. B0 ACBES clorec lasd. 28 acre la crop, balance gaa timber aua pasture is no; an creek ea -bach of the place, comfortable houss sad other buildings, fair bara, good spring nt ths house, all kinds bt fruit full besrlog, pea re bow ready to pick, big crop quinces, grape, large walnut tree. 60O winter apple trees In trench ready to aet out thl fall, Rlace well fenced, oa good county rued, H. . F. D. - mail, phone wire by the place; ' 1- good team mares, 1 colt. 2 Jersey cows, ; 2 2-year-old. heifers, 1 calf. - B sheep. 160 i chickens. 8 geese, 1 new wagon, 1 stack, ', 1 new disc plow, 1 eld prow, 1 elder-mill, ' 1 spray pomp and other tools, part of house hold goods, crops and everything oa the place, -' about 2o ton hoy, T ere potatoes, whsst snd oats not threshed; there t.. II be Boo to 'l.OOO sacks potatoes, ho owner sqya. Prlc $3,000; terms eaa be haA.e . E8PET-CHA8B ItEALTT CO., ' Boom 1, Hamilton bldg.. Third t, bet. , . - Washlugtoa and Alder. SMALL FABMS. . 80 acre tin roll log lasd. rich black aoll, 13 ere cultivated, ku pasiurs, osisnco ess Slid fir 'timber: orchard, frsm bone and bara. other buildings: good spring and aprlns branch; mil to railway ststton. Yamhill count ri 43 goats tocrnded; price $2,000. 40 seres good land, all fenced and In cultiva tion, en gooa roan. PUies trom xaiiwsy ata tlon. 873 ner scrs. $6 acres good land, oa fine creek, 10 acre ta cultivation; sruora nouae; a imo springs, smsll hern, - orcksrd,. balance fine fir snd cedar tlml-er; near railroad, fin kx-stl-w tea a sissir resort. A nice- little home of S acres,, sll impsrered, 8 seres besting orrnsra, sn xtnns or rruii; T-room bouse and barn, aear tho city; easy I - hvnx GRUNDY-MELBATU CO-4 846 Morrises) at. We have a tine improved farm. T mile front Vain eater, tor sste; inm m as eiegant piace a to oral, nv eeev terms. t.p'JO'aere In Ollllam county; thl I a greet Wheat larmi awe nan wwm, reaur w mn 11 , price $18 per acre; thla Is tbe beat thing la the was ai a wheat farm .far sale In Ores on. W b have a lot of farms in, Sherman aa-l Morrow count le. MtHIRB INVESTMBNT CO. " I6IA Sixth at. Phone Msia IB, HOW IS THIS T l, , '" B acre Ba land, ao s-r4val. sll la eulttve ' tlon. hones coot $700. bara coat $260, ehichea- yards, bousee snd fence -coot $3uO. wall and ' pomp enet $126: good bores, wsgoa and karaest: 2 Bne fresh cow, 1 yeerllng aad 2- fear-old calf: 100 tna hem; 8 acres la no- toes, worth $300: 100 fruit trees, H scree Sss strawberries, 10 cords wood; remember tbl I only nnO feet from the electric car line; eaa give term. Price only $2,000. . II yoa want a heme Aoa't mi .thla.- Addrea F 43. care Journal.' 833 FEB ACRE ao a eras, oft cultivation, sll level, W imii'iii,,-, ...... ' wa...n,., tlntbof for """T.noo eordw ; wotid. She water, schngf' 2't mile te market towns ea elec tric line near Portland. 118 Ablngtoa bldg. FOrt 8ALC On ColumW -fiver. TO-scrs (arm I orchsrd. asw nnuse, m n sot, ib- ulr Klla Foetcr. Btrveosoa, Wash, Rates L UNDER ANY CLAiSIFICATION .. : Rve Certs pa Lhc '"1. : J. - Ke ad tskea tor less thaa 13 per By. Seres woras, a rule, coaetltute a Use, bat each Hue Is c barged rsgsrdiaas of th number of words. WAsJCLY RAil T tjuwrHee (hteludtaa " whU, ' CaaSS per lias IffpTHXT 1ATB 'Insludlag all Baaday laaaeal Sl.frd per Una par avoata. BVA ATIh. siEbTb mssPaeTm Jaursa! Maiaesa alkoa by It e'rieek week daya ff4 -hT .l 'eek Baturday eswalac fsr the Buaaay leans, t ssours slasaisoatlsa. piaplaF laW t sypUwUas at 1 JOURNAL . v BRANCH OFFICES i'i ' a9vX3TlaVaWTt ''.:.. ' ;:. Xttn he received' at regular malafSse rates. . Following ta a list of .anthoriaad a rents, who will forward your adaartwe. "-eat b Ume aor SwbUcetioav Is ths asxt .'' B0BTH srOZ. -;' B. A. Prsstoa. druggist.' Twaaty-thlrt aad Thurmsa street. Nob Hill Pharmacy, 880 GUsaa str. corner Twanty-Brst. A. W. Allen,, nharBMelst,atetseth aJ Marshall treat. , MeCommoa'a Pharsxacy, Klaetseatb sad waahlBgtoav trnet. ,'"' SOUTH BTBl. . " B r. Jones Co druggists, Freat aad Oibh treeta. . , ' CotteJ Drug rompaay. First aad Oraat gtrsets. : Fsblaa Byeriey. dagglat. . 400 Jsfteraoa Street, corner Tenth. S Bettaua'a Pharmacy, sonctr Sixth aad Barrtaon atreets, ., nummer Drug compsiiy, zoo xaira axrcei. -. .. . SAST STDB. " ' W. 8. Love, druxsrlst, corner GrtBd Bd Last - Burnalde street. Nichols A Thorn psoa. 128 Bossall Btreet, corner Alblna s venue. Jaacks Drug compaay,. geraat Hawtlxora and Uraad avenues. W. C Cable, drugglat, eoraar Holla day avenue sad Larrebaa . street, , boss steel bridge.-' R. A. Wllsoa, in Grand aveaa, tsss Est Morrleon. . ; B. W. BalL $88 Bast' awveatk atreet, eoraar Btaphena. - ' . USaTXASTD. - B. J. Clark, droggUt. 1008 Berth TJalsa aveass. ..... ... - . " :. ' IUBBYbXDB. . J. B. Worth, pharxsadst, 888 Bel-net-t treat. . ..... i.. ''; .; BBOOaTXTV. ;' i"---:' ' ' Brooklyg Pharaaacy compaay, Pewall ad MUwsBkU s treeta. ABLETA 0BXOOV. ' Artet Pharmacy, -More aad Foster Ttreata-T F0B BALE FABMS. ' GOVERNMENT land. 1.800 acres, tea beexe- alcana, near school, pee to free ssd railroad; II rood, black aoll oil. aosao timber. plenty of water; this Is tbe chance of a lifetime; now Is the time: next week will ne too late. Alpin Krai EsUta to.. 102 too late. First street, ONB B aad oa 10-acre tract, sf s mils from O. W. P. elect etc lloe aad Cedarrllle atstioa; very tae soli.- lars level and vary i easy ta clear, $8B Sow a. bale are very easy terms. . There la nothing hotter oa the sxar ksu T 46. car Journal. FOR SALB 178 acrea. 1 mile from Naahvtlle. Lincoln county, uregoa; aooos sag bara.- 8 acres fenced, about 16 acrea farmable lead, aom fruit trees; a good goat or cattle ranch; price, 8460. Adrdes H. 8. Prnner. . Nash ville, Oregon, .. t . 182-ACBR farm. 108 ealtlvstlon. pert beaver f dam, 8-roora houss, hare, rattle-abeds, wells. . a or lore, sreharda-. aim ae aradeel waWnla. klr aelghliorbood; on electric line, near Portland; , tU - . 1 1 B , Kl . I 1 1 ..I - ' 118 AMagtoa building. 83.T68 BUYS a $4,608 farm of 138 scrss. B-, room Bouse. Bara, gooa wster, g milea from warehouse, 1H mile to school: $1,008 , eaah. balance 3 rear' time. F. 1. Mahooer. Takoa. Auk,,, ,., , , ... , ... FBEB LAND' IN OREGON smder the "Carry imgsxiou Act. xerea airect rrota . a late. Write today. Booklet aad map free. . B. A. Cooke A Co., 261 Aider Bt Partlaad. Or.- CHOICB farm, rk-es In, for. aart at bargslBS ana eaay larme; - .. . . BOS Alisky blot. FOB Boat hers Oregoa real estate, large or eateU tracta, L"ara at tisytoo, Moeeoovg, ur. FARM far-rent with eptlea ef hsjyttba. a to xxcmxmqx. FOR sal or frsd ' for' Portland recant sr -ranch near i-ortiana, iwerre siocx rancn In Joaenhlae county. Or.: 2o0 acrea bottom Isnd ander eultlvstlon. 88 acrea to orchard: unnmiiea oaxranse, mwri .wn riara anu dairy farm. King. 804 Eaat tth at., N. . Phone East BT6. .. LEA8B for 2 yeara oa ts-rosm hotel, furahmed aew, bar ia - rjoanocinmi win vxcuaage ror lot and cottage of the asms value, a. E. ' Hamilton. 1'bona Red 2052, FINE T-ransa modern hwseyernry tisnr. sml lllilltl qernrr rasaoena, taiic, ror ircgon property. Duhola SherWood, , 206 ii, Worri- a. - . vuit kiva voa 'to exebanre - for a room I ng -koose ; ceatrai xocauon. mii ; i i Fentoa building. 84 Sixth atreet. 88.008 PBOPEBTY "ta -Portland. Albany. Jef- j ' . . . - aiA lw.1 rei-eoa. nsxinsw iw awe - -Tblrty-sixth at. - . TO EXCHANGE Dtsraond, ralue $128, for , rnrnltnre. Aaaress n os. jimrni. FOB BALI 0B EX0HAB0B, SALB 0B TBADB-' -acrea.' all choice -oaad, 6 acre th good 40 neAriag ornawt- rv. ........ . . . . -, - - nearallrea tstV. Marlon county; will exchsage for good Portland property aad pay -l.r.e eaah difference. . Urge bouse, all la good order, choice central ', l.atlon, bring good rent; will trade for a . yine"farm Dsr Salem, Oregoa; trade for ajar- rhandlse bualneee, "v1 we. , 180 CUItlvareo. ev i'-"- - . aood house, 2 good bsrws, running water, 8 , K!, 22 cattle, 4 hog, 76 chickens all crops snd farm tool, convenient to Pfrtlknd; in--e- to electric- ear- station! - all- goes; will take half of . valua la . good -city prpp- SToTIcre fine atock or d. rxiK. r tMe so acres euinveiew, ...e. s""--" sonle. 800 tree. . good house, barn 40HI0. .mVJds: trsde for property "r Portland. .. .. -a V....ii u owti.eA. win frmtW'SS. r-ptMhd iSC ea - (room hooair. han.-rle Pttflee, "'lriv hentel. China Closet, n r -Bisntei. cniM . . car llnai location, oesniiiui - " . ! me.! 14 re. iLJj' ?." te.e bona running water, D roots nouee, barn. front on river, tv "v: r PotMsnTtllWaasa for 8 atock er dairy . farm oa me , mWrn lfln JI' ,inaa ef water. 80' ver Mm. .no-. lraatet irtLJTroed 4 miles from Forest Grove; this JT rYnao fot oulck sale; would trad for jood PortUad property., .Caph . prlc Bow J'leeea! sheep, post or cMI rtnrh, all good ritna bnand7-wtered .by prlna al ITieam house, l-arn. orchsrd, 80 acres eultt !.7J!l tkesntlfully located m Ysmhlll county. I miles T frolo railroad .tatloni will axchmgo '. '"rXrzx -.".drrri xzj ",'IT f scree In good bearing orchsrd. good Il,ea snd barn, fine road, 10 tntle aontheaat - a'rV-aT wlUUk. a Jodglug ammo - og ,taft ot groceries pert payment. iood hen 1 Portland, all tei flh Cos- dltPm. bearing good rente; win trad for 8, Iwnky farm worth about $a.nntv-r -a- - B08"1"7 HENKT.R BAKER. ' . tlT'. AblBttoB bldg rorttaad,, Oregrra. ) - - r Si'