The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 06, 1905, Image 10

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jo iim
;.'w Yorker ThinV That Pritt
WT.I Not Bt Abla to Last
., In a Finish Contest.
Terry McGovera ; Dreaming JAbctot
, Returning ; t the Ring - Kid
Leriene Is Home From France
Where He Absorbed a Few Ideas.
(7oaraaI SmcUI S-r-lea.)
New York. Sept Interest among
Mttri followers of tha fighting game
growa Intense as the time for the bout
between Jimmy Britt and Battling Nel-
en at Colin approaches and every Una
which cornea from the training' camps
of tha two A pnt t- little- flgbtere-4a
studied ith care. Tha fact that Jim
Jeffries is to referee tha battle adda
to tha Interest. Tha big- follow know
tha gama and his presence In tha ring
la a guarantee of a square deal through-
, . There wtU be' a number of well-known
tt'tw York sporting men at tha ringside
(when time Is called for tha fight Sent-'
-nnt la divided aa to tha reault of the
i ..ght ' If it were a 20-round Oght the
"Pinion bera la - that Brltt would Win.
Wo one doubts bla ability, to keep going
with tha Dane for 18 rounds, barring
accidents, but to all intenta and pur-
oses It la to be to a finish and mora
tan orte aspert looks . to aee the
(egeswlclt man autgama tha Callforniaa
fora tha last round called lor in tna
, rticles la fought. There la an impree
i Ion here that Britt, as ha haa gained
cleverness, haa lost In hitting powet
and with Nelson In condition be will
ret to the wily Jimmy before the forty.
-fth round. " -
; Tarry to. Baton. .
. Tha announcement that. Terry, lie
3owern haa recovered from bla ailments
and U ready again to enter tha ring la
March of hie loet laurels would be moat
- ratifying If It waa true, but It i
reared Terry's friends are oversangulne.
Tha once great Uttla fighter la .no more
like tha "Terrible Terry" who was king
of them all thaa chalk la Ilka cheese. , It
may be true .that In time Terry will
come back 'to hie -old form. 'Jo a mesa
- ore" at least " buOiow ha would be able
to make' but a eorr" spectacle ' la' the
ring, with Brltt or Nelson, or even wtb
Corbett or AttcL " ' '
Attel. by. the way, la on hla way .to
England to take a fall out ' of Jem
Bowker on hla native heath If he can
get Bowker to fight, which. In view of a
recent statement by Bettlneon,. is more
than doubtful.
Bettlnson announces that Bowker .la
matched to meet "Spike" Robinson on
October IS. and will not consider, any
ether match at the present time. It
looks very much aa though Bettlnson
that Attel. would
VTich for Bowker.
' After a atav- of more than twa years
In, Franca , "Kid" LarUrne, once tha
world champion' .lightweight fighter,
has returned to America.' The erstwhile
treat fighter aaya that ha haa bad all
ha -wants of tha other aide, and that
hereafter ha will remain on hla native
heath. i . r-i.-y; -
- Lavlgne,' who- la In aa Una shape 'a
tha night ha defeated Joe,Walcott at
Maspeth, la now In the city, and relate
. ana4v joed Idea -ef-4he menty art of
eelf-defense 1n France. "
. Lavlgne conducted a school of boxing
While In Paris, and In It .he taught
many of tha French nobility and aris
tocracy much about the American style
nf boxing. According to him the na
tional, a port of ila aavata baa taken a
back aeat. and the '.American and Eng
lish game haa come to tha fore. .
- la a short time Lavlgne aaya he will
bring to this country two of tha beat
la aavata fighters in that country, and
ha will endeavor to show Americans the
atyla of fighting that la ao popular la
'France. ' - -r-. " -
I ' ; .: - fJeamal Spaelal Sarvtea.) '"-''-Ixa
Angelea; Sept. t. Eddie Hanlon
. won" from. Willie Fltsgerald, on a foul
laat night In the seventh round. .Hanlon
- had FHsrereJd -practically beaten, and
the J foul looked as If it was intended,
llanlon'a second, Spider Kelly, claimed
the foul and Referee Eyton allowed it,
J'lUgersld regretted that the fight ended
as it did. .
it 1
Score Cards'
1 1
ij Crfdoc VWst Pads
1 1 ...
; Fc!ilr.3 Card Tables J
1 I
U UzzzX Assortment f
fi leawiuXa i aj i 9fw i e n mm m m m iai seal
8 J. K. GILL CO. I
. BooltseHirs and -'Stationers.,
IF LilfS TO "Tj"
fti ec::::3'k:ist
Calif ornlan Tells Wis Cartoonist
Friend How He Expects to
Encompass Defeat of Dane
Jimmy Britt, who haa been a friend
and chum of 'Tad. the well-known
Boortina cartoonist, haa written tha fol
lowing letter to hla artist rneno. ex
plaining how ha intends to whip Nelson.
"Tad a ' right name la i: uorgan. no
ha always had great regard for Brltt's
cleverness: - - """"" "r
Sheehan'a Tavera, August 20,-I00S
Friend Tad: The laht with Nelson will
be over Inalde of SO rounds, unleaa I am
very much mistaken, and It will ba Mr.
Nelaon who will be. flattened out on tha
carpet. . Ha' la a. good, atrong boy, has
tha ability to take a lot of wallops, an1
ha naeda It all In this fight. I am going
In to knock him puLfrom the JumPvIu
bur" last conteat he hardly bad a leg
under him in the laat three rounda. . I
was far and away stronger than ha waa
at the finish, and I will have all tha
beat of It woen It -oraea to- a finish
fight Tha longer the distance, the
better I like St. i..': '.'
Nobody ever accused una .of being
a-lad the thing waa over, no tnatter bow
tough the fight waa. ' During my "ring
career I have dona everything the pub
lic - and club managers asked of ma
There la not a man In my class entitled
to recognition who did not 'get a chance
at me. Of course, there have been a
lot of boys clamoring for a match' who
did not get one. because the club man
agers would not give me what they
thought waa "easy game." .
I will. In this contest, enow tna ioi
lowers of tha game that I am Nelson's
maater In any kind of a conteat, lim
ited or to a finish. . I am equally aa
strong. I think I hit harder.' I know I
am faater. and from our laat fight I
know I can ao longer than he can.
That's-the way I figure It out. Of
course, accidents will - upset all cal
culattona Sometimes a fighter Is in.
cllned to give himself far tha beat of
too many thlnga In hia. figure a. but I
do not think I am making a.mlatake.
Nelson la a hardy, sturdy lightweight.
Bo am L and I am credited at leaat
with knowing mora about tha game. I
followed out a wall-defined Una of cam
paign in our laat conteat. I will do ao
in thia one.- also, and you can predict
that It won't ba anything like tha last
one. f: , ''-.... ,- - ' .
I'll give Nelson his rill or righting
from the Jump.' Nelaon amusaa ma
when he aaya I held blm In our laat con
test. If I happen to .know about folding
a man in hla clinches and Dlocking rus
blows. It's hla fault, hot Wine,
'aaa at ' vata-w 'nntftaaJI
(Jearaal Special Serf lea)
New York, Sept. t. 'To start with,"
said Toung Corbett - yesterday. "you
want to take It for granted that Jeffries
Is absolutely on the level. - Jf course,
ha ta Brltt's choice for referee, but In
this case that might not mean anything
in particular. .
"Aa far aa -boxing and general work
goes. Britt la Nelson's superior by miles.
and la therefore the class or tha right.
For one thing. Brltt'a victory over Nel
son la enough to give the form players'
powerful rest to hold htm favorite.
Another- thing that would "affect the'
opinion of bettors is Brltt'a -reputation
for shrewdness in matchmaking. '.. :
"Now, to' get down to the real handi
capping. There Is no chance . for an
argument on. the. fact, that, Britt is a
great offensive and defensive boxer. He
la a hard man to hit effectively, but at
the aame time he la apt to be fighting
hard- himself. He showed that la' his
mat-fig tit wiw Wetsonc
"It Is a cinch that with that hunched
up ahoulder and footwork and blocking
combined with that long left-hand work,
Brltt will have tha edge on the fight aa
long aa he is on his feet. In all tha
work that tha two men have done you
have to come to that conclusion."
The fight promoters in San Francisco
arranged to have the Brltt-NeUon fight
take, place on. AdmlBBlou Bay, Septem
ber t. Incidentally It nviy bo mentioned
'hat the price of admles'on t9 the con
test la about $2e per epectator. Admis
sion day la certainly tha proper occasion
for the Britt-Nelson go. :
r ..u,.tt-s,. -v w e e . 7 t ;
Tha Brain rd Maroona accept the chal
lenge of tha Oervala team to a game oe
tha lattera grounda on -Sunday next
Tha Maroona desire tha winning team to
take 18 paLcent of tha receipt a and the
losers 40. A guarantee for 11 mm u
also requested by the Maroona '
e m .
: To think that a aoul-atlrrlng, heart
disease. JO-lnnlng ball game had to be
wasted on a Philadelphia crowd ' whaa
there are- thousands of people In Port
land "waiting to go craxy over auch as
event! .
si ' ' ' "v-' . ..'
- It la to be hoped that tha San Fran
cisco players, especially Danny Shea,
will conduct themselves Ilka g'ntlemeo
during their preaent atay In thla city.
The rumpua that they raised on their
laat trip ' came nearly' causing Uncle
Henry's Seala to sleep In the river this
time for tha want of respectable
boarding-house, : . .
..... e e ;
' The Journal waa the first to announce
that Prealdent . Bert had resumed his
duties aa head of the Coast league. - The
journal's sporting news Is not the latest.
aa most papers declare about their own,
but it la always rlrst and .eminently re
liable. . '.. - - .- ; ! -
Tha San Franclaco team arrived this
morning for a week'a serlaa. , Catea le
slated . to pitch this af ternoon'a game
ana he will be opposed by Nick Wll
llama - . ,. .. .. .....
- ' . ' a ( a '.'
Richard "Smith." the 'istar 'Columbia
football player, who coached the Oregon
York City,-where he will assist In the
rnaf hlng af hla alma mater ulgskln
There Is none greater thar
. One of the funniest sights ever eeen
at a ball same In thla rltv wnrrH
during the afternoon game on Labor
day. A large woman wearing a Eugene
badge waa seated In the grandstand,
atlng peanuta and Incidentally watch
ing the game. Her escort purchaaed her
One of those deceptive "cones" , of ice
cream, which, by the way, are vary
good when handled cronerlv. The tmrtlv
WOmaa looked at the eono dubiously and
asked for a apoon. Her nejtt friend
told her to eat the Ice cream out of th
cone and after each bite of lea cream
to take a hunk of the biscuit. The
woman innocently began eating at the
smaller or apex end of the cona, and
before she noticed her mistake the cream
waa dripping down silently upon hr-f
dreaa Her friend got excited and tM
her to turn. It the .other -wav-wk-.
aha at onc did, with the result -of
dumping the entire contents on a poor
bald-headed, naa 4a tha-raw la front.-
Taperihg-Off Work Is the Order
at the Campr:of Britt -
-and Nelson. ,
Expert Says That JBoth Men Are
Equally Plucky -Britt's ' Science
Offsets .tha Dane's Remarkable
Strength snd Doggedness.
Training time for both Jimmy Brltt
and Battling ' Nelson baa reached -the
taperlng-off point, aaya Naughtoa in the
Examiner. - The work at the campa will
lessen gradually and .in a .. few. day
will begin the drying out that brief
season of abstinence front thlnga liquid
which causes a fighter to regard a
small piece of chewing gum aa one of
the greatest luxurtea the world affords.
Never have two puglllata undergoing
preparation for a conteat In San Fran.
claco been more In tha public eya than
have tha native eon and the Dana. Tha
two man pitched their tenta within easy
reach of the city and tha number of
spectatora at each place daily haa tatfed
So far aa tha fighters are concerned
there baa been no attempt to keep under
cover. '. The work haa teen dona In the
full view of everybody, and If there is
anything in aeelng a pugilist In tha
full awing of "assorted exerciaea ' for
houra at a time and In noting tha effect
on hie condition, no person In search of a
"line" can complain of lack of : oppor
tunity to make coraparlaona. aa plain aa a ptkestarr at inn
stage of the proceedlnga that the pu-.
grima to the strongholds pf the two men
have daveloped a leaning toward Britt
Tha reaaoa Isn't hard to find. .
In Brltt they aae a gymnaaium-trainea
athlete, a fellow who knows how te
juggle with punchlng-baga and skipping-
ropes; a fellow who. boxes neatly and
who doea everything In a anappy, at
tractive manner a fellow, too,- who
perka himself up in the off houra; whi
talka and struts around and- Impresses
people with tha Idea that he la a rest
less bundle of force and energy.
Vln Nelson they ee a pugilist who
worke ln elouchy atylje.and whose gen
eral appearance la in line with hla work.
The Dana will tell you frankly that he
never saw a properly equipped training
room before he cama weat Ha admits,
without a regret, that he le a- duffer
at bag-punching, sparring and all. the
thlnga In which Brltt can furnish real
entertainment for vlaltora. - ;
But I generally manage to - bring
home tha money." aaya Nelson, after re
counting, the thlnga he ta deficient tn.T
V- watoh SMeoa Traiau ':? -'
"The man who wanta to get a correct
line on Nelson will be wlaa if ha shuts
bis eyea to what he sees around the
training quarters andUkea actual work
dona In thw ring for hla gulda Apart
from hla fighting methoda tha Dana baa
earned tha right to ba known aa an
"Iron man." "Every onca In a while a
brutsar of this kind turns up In the
pugllistlo game. Australia had one In
Jimmy Burge Ironbark Jimmy . they
used to call him and tha aaat Ju'at at
present has ita "human punchlng-bag"
in Joe Orim.
i The writer discovered that Nelson
waa ejlglble for membership la the
tough aa. whaienone-. ciaaa wnen ne
Corbett with hla terrible punch and hi
willing waya waa regarded aa tha moat
dangerous man of hla poundage in the
ring when pitted agalnat a ; rushing
fighter." He showed It when he tumbled
Terry McQovern, "tha Brooklyn Whirl-
wind." In the ' second ; round at Hart'
ford. " ' - -'-. Sfj---. ...jr.!
Corbett used the same blowa on Nel
n that he had used oa McQovern
and waa palpably oiecouraged when ha
found bla favorite amaaties were power
less to hurt the hardy Norseman.
Beeldaa possessing eaduranee ta a da-
oa worthy of the attention . of mem-
bera of tha medical profession. Nelaon
haa earned the right to ba known aa the
moat peralatent fighter of hla weight 1
tha world. . ' - ' ,
It la hla proud boaat tbat ha navel
"baita up.T, .,...- .... . . ,
In grit he haa nothing on Jimmy Britt
The native eon la game to the core, bul
there la this difference between Britt
and NelsonJimmy, la endowed wit Br a
fair amount of caution. Ha knows that
ba can't win flghta by allowing the
other fellow to punch .him. Moreover
hia appreciation of tha preatlge and the
money-making that attachea to being on
top of the heap ! ae a check upon hie
rashness. .-, '
The durable Dane wben he hunohas hla
back and raises his glovea la dead te
every instinct and - consideration but
fighting. Consequences are omitted from
bis philosophy. Ha Juat wanta to get
within range and slug and he slugged
till something snaps. Assuredly, he
"never, backa up." . .. , . . .,. z;
" Ma Xrfurt rigaa, 1
A careful perusal of the account of the
last conteat will show that there is noth
ing to choose between the two lads -on
tha score of pluck. Neither waa it made
clear that one ie a harder puncher thaa
the other. , .
Britt established a lead In outfighting
and baffled Nelson, while the Dane tried
to work close and mill along the linef
K- ,lA.ihlm hst.
Taken all In all. It was largely a feat.
of condition. - When the Dana became
tired ha Buffered most at Brltt's hands,
and when Britt felt tha effecte of sus
tained exertion Nelson tumed upon him
and bekt hlnr to the ropea y
At that time I thought the decision In
Brltt's favor a Juat award, and I think
so still. In my review of the - battle
next day I aald that the actual queatlon
The Switzerland of America
rorke, kxlaea. caarnna. (arses, water
falls (Moitnomea, aw reet), groree sal .
tenete aeea dally from toe decke ef Uie
' ;. i ' FAST STSAKZS, v j
Chas. R. Spencer
teaTBig fnet ef Waaalnrtfai atrM at
. T a. aiTleacept rrtday ana asnaa)r for
The Dalles ad retara.- Paaaengara aad
fralgkt at lowaat rales. " ,
to nrc roux arn.Lioa' roiuut
Leaving tset ' ef Wblntrt atnet at
g a. arriving bene at g b. b.:
Telephone-Main-1 itt.f-z
.: m. w. svasroaB.
Oerterat Manager, Portland -Or.
0. 11 ii l .. . wEl Cr0
; E.9 AT Q.'.!i
Miss'Wilkss' Famous Sadis Mao
Bursts a Blood-Vessel Dur
inj Raca at Hartford.
r - f Jsuraal geaelal flertleai
" Hartford. Conn. Sep . Tha opening
day'a sport at Charter ;Oak para yeatar-
day waa considerably .. marred by tne
dropping dead of Sadie Mae, -the Ca
nadian queen of race horaea Sadie was
abtut ISO yarda from the finlsar-when
aha . rolled over dead. - death resulting
from a ruptured blood vessel.
Mlsa Kathenine Wilkes of Gait. On
tario, who owned Sadie Mao, waa greatly
affected by the death of . her f amous
horse and left the city at once for home.
Mies Wilkes but recently refuaad IS6.000
for Sadie Mao. - The aunimary waa;
Tha Charter Oak, :0 trotting, three
irrnveTpurae T10,000tunflnlBhed) An-
glola won third -and fourth heat a In
:19. 1)54: Zephyr won first and
second heata In t:0S, 1:10 Oerman O.,
Qlsnwood M.. Llsonjero, Direct - View,
Eadle Mac and Kid Shay also started.
2:11 class, trotting, three In five, puree
1 1.000 -Leonardo won three - straight
heats Jn 1:1. t-.UK. t.ltM. , Silence.
Lady MOwery. Maroni, - Delma Oregor,
Nordlca, Martha B.. . BelldL Lucre t la.
zest and Ward also started. . . .
- I:1J claaa, pacing, three in' five, purse
1.000 jubilee won fifth, sixth and sev
enth heats In Ml, 3.14H. 1:30. Lgdy
Bealakln won first and second heata in
:lltt, 1:07: Phalla won third and
fourth heata in !:, t:l. Queen of
Spadra. Wlllaa, Interocean. Lenox Boy
and Eraxina Reed also, started.
of fighting force had not been definitely
determined and that another . conteat
would ba neceaaary to decide which i
tha better man. ' - " "i. - :--
Tha data of tha return match la near
at hand and In my opinion It will be
mainly a queatlon of condition again. I
might attach more- weight -ta -Brltt's
superiority In the matter of clean hitting
were it not that the Dana . takea sa
kindly to being hit. In pluck they are
on par, and Nelson's headlong atyla of
ngnting ta Daianced by Brltt'a knowledge
of defenalve tactics at close ranga
xnia is in no aensa a forecast, belns
merely a story covering soma ef the
points that ..are being discussed where
sporting men foregather. , Now ,a word
about the betting. A good many will
tell you tbat Britt la a favorite at odds
or 10 to 0. Don't believe It. A few
beta may have been made at that price,
but when wagering time arrives no such
liberal price will ba laid against Nelson.
Some of those who are talklnz 10 to..
are dyed-in-the-wool Nelaon man , who
are looking for good odda. . - -
Another thing. - Don't regard all the
oplniona you aea in print aa sincere. If
they are. uttered in good faith tha back
era of Nelson Would be Justified In ex
pecting I -to 1 against their money. - ;
Numbers of those who have whlanerad
"I Ilka Britt" to tha interviewers are
doing ao because they wouldn't Ilka "old
man Britt1- or ' "Jimmy to "read thnt
they fancy the Dane. Others think they
would show themselves to be deficient
In local. pride If they didn't "Pick"
Britt ' ..... .. 1. .. .. , . ', ,
Among the lists of Britt men In- th
local preas I have, read tha namea of
some who . X know believe that Nelaon
will win.-
. (Jearaal Special Sarvlea.) .
SeagirUN. J.. Sept. S. Splendid prog
ress waa made at the ahoottng tourna
ment yea tarda y. - The atata of Waahlng
tPn'gcpmjanyteart.E rtlallnguiaheil it-
aelf by capturing the company team
match. The results were:,
The Company team match shoot re
sulted aa followa Company E, Second
Washington, J0r' Company 1, ' Second
District of Columbia. 100; United States
ship Hancock. 2001 Company F, Fifth
Maryland, 204; Company -I, First Dis
trict of Columbia, 204; Company . C,
Flretriew .Jersey, first team, !S?Cora
pand.lU Second New Jersey, 202.
Company K. Second New Jersey. 201;
Company K,- First Pennsylvania. 277;
Company .V-Third Pennsylvania,- 172;
Company C, Fourth New Jersey, second
team, '202; Company C First Pennsyl
vania, 204; First Troop, Philadelphia
city cavalry. 202; . Company D, Twenty
third United states infantry. 257; Com
pany B, Twenty-third United States in
fantry, 243; Company A, Third Pennsyl
vania, 121. " " -r - .
Tna revolver team maxen waa won by
Squadron A, National Guard of New
TorikWlth atotalOSrTbe Second
Troop, Philadelphia city cavalry,- se
cured second with 07L
Xtittlf .........
Oakland ,.
Haa Fraoelaeo. ......
Taooma ............
Portland ......,.
Oeettle ........
Lost ..............
' Won.
... 71
40 r ..
Chicago .
06 '
Bt '.
Cleveland . , ......
New York
Boa ton . . .........
Detroit . . . ,
ai .
Washington . . ...... 6T
St, Louis 44
At Olarelaaa,
Cleveland'.'. .......... ,.... a.O t 4
bt. Louis 4 t 1
Batteries Hess and Clark: Peltr and
Roth.- r r v- : - - r-
New: York
......... e ; l .711
Chicago . . .
a a a
78 61 .670
PhllHdelDhla . . .
t Incinnatl
St. Louis
Boston . . ............ 41
Brooklyn .. .......... 17
. At P allaaerpata. " '
- - n. h.e.
Philadelphia ....... L......V.. 7 4 1
Brooklyn ... , i. ......... 1 11 4
Batteries Nichols and Dooin; Strlck-
lett and Rittar. . , . 4 ,
i - , j 1 1 111 - - V-- '
. ' tialiforala'a Stat vat, i
' " (Joaraal gperlai 8emee.: -
Sacramento, Sept. 0.- There ' was,
good attendanci at the . State - Fair
raree. Tha results were: ,
Trotting, stallion atake for ; -rarr
olda, value 12,024 Ambush Won. EI Rey
second. Alia Downa third; beat time,
2:21H. .- v '. v '
2:11 -claaa, paee, puree $700 John. R.
. , f-j ......... , . k t . ... .
I tiii
Conway won, FriBkartmv aecond, Hattie
Croner third; beat time. 2:140.
2:12 class, trotting, purse 0 700 Prin
cess won. What la It aecond. Jupiter B.
third; beat time. 2:124.
Five, furlonaa ourse ' 1260 Smller
won,. saataw.a.oenili tjuetmle UUK. tlUiertTTn
1:04. - ' 1
One mile, eelllng. purse 2260 Firm
Foot won. Eleven Bella aecond. Dlxalle
third; time, 2:42.
Six furlongs, selling, puree 1260 Cora
Ooeta won. Haven Run aecond, Sir Dou
gal third; time. 1:16. .
f Six furlongs, purse $250 Yellowstone
won. Black Cloud aecond. Holy , Barry
third ; time, i aH. f v; . , ; ; ;; , .
' ": : r 'V.
. - (Jeans! Special Servke.)
' St. Louts. Sept . "I know all the
fighters, the little babies, tha medlumly
construoted fhllowa. and the elephanta.
but not one of 'em haa anything like aa
smart m noodle aa adorns Jimmy Brltt'a
neck.' , ''.. '.
"And for that reason 111 have . to
string a bet on him when he goea
against - Battling- Nelson." "t"
So remarks Tim Hurst, who la famous
tha country over aa a. boxing referee..
"Brltt will whip Nelaon. If he wasn't
able to he never would have given him
a return date. And if be wasn't cock
sure of turning tha trick . ha woudn't
have con en ted to B 41-round fight. '
"He would have made it 20; got al--
moaO aa much dough and won by stick
ing his beak In front But by taking
Nelson on In a finish affair aurely a
46-round scrap ta a finlah affair ha
known what a cinch he'a got. .
- "Great boy la that Jimmy Britt And
Brother QUI Is no sucker. I- remember
when those two kids hit New Tork laat
spring. It waa their first visit to tha
Great an! Only and their coming waa
chronicled In aa big type aa you use In
St. Louis when a great fire la raging
or a cyclone bits you. ' -
"Straight to the Waldorf-Aatorla did
they go. They had no sooner registered
there and donned . clean ctothaa and
grabbed their dinky, sticks than they
were ushered down 'to the Bartholdl,
wherethe 'sports' stop, y Bob Fltaalm
mona - '
' "He's my choice over Nelson for the
mere reason, that he's madev the match
and that ha didn't content himself In
getting the candy In 20 rounds, when
ha could have done ao, but Instated upon
the Battler going it to a finish with
him. ahftwa ma that he knows he's got
a mark and la going to send the Dane
out of the arena as badly a beaten, up
guy ae ever entered it"
-amaea4 af Jeha e
' (Special Dtapateh te The JaroaL)
ierm JOinao-g Well-known Eugenw rat -
j. eiuaene. ur.. hpdi. a. i ne uvuj di
with Harlaa ' Strtaf ealtk V
ewat) aad SklaHealth Taaieta. A pnat.
Ile aad apardy core for every Itchiac, banlmc,-
waiy, BHwoiBC. eraatea,. pimply aae
trA. Dlmolr
aDMr. wit a loss ef haw.
Uaat, Veal Lkf ska. aad pale, (tea. fed Mops, .
mnrlatt ef Ha r a a Saa w, SMC"aMdleaed,aatl.
arptle; SaUaUaalth (olat.),xntehlll fnae,
b-rt tbe eela. aae IklaHeaha Tablets,
Boew, te expel Baaaar aana. AU annuls.
Harflaua Mmw oia bai Oaaawlaxfoa.
the plaiplM, blerkbaea raOaiea, rrackaeaa, ekaf
aie, cbapplaa, msb bawle. Kntkioa will gtia
Barb s epaeay ear. Swa-4 eaka, 5e. . ...
jrwrr ff Free faaawlea sai
FHILiO BAT CO.. HSn AAa, M. J. .
bcklete ta
It Otla
aad Waaaiagtoa Stei.
. - saaB ' ' '.'''; '
y 1 V-
Used by us this season embrace every
dependable weave with blue serges and
, fancy mixed ( dark 'gray " worsteds easy
fayc'ry.:-v;;. . i?:
'Are exact duplicates of models deseed
by, the smartest tailors of New York and
Chicago. Lotst, double-breaated sacks.
with wide lapels and long back vent are
y.: worn by knowing men. c ; ' ;--lAV;:
; P .Vav 'Ahd make of our clothes are equaled by
A 11 no other .ready-towear garments, but if
. your paructilar build
tion, large or snuuVwe make it without
I grumble, or charge, i-
As usual, represent but one small profit
added to the manufacturer's cost, and
are from
Ttlrd St. Jletneen Star;ci?Tffi32tf
r cm:
I ' . 1-? -nJI"! 1
Sew fa tke Time te Aot It's Ob to Tea te
. Xaew Tearaelf, Tear rriaaaa ,aae ..
, , AKX0l All D O. : .
Offrrs te each , taoivMna! rke ' reqnlalte ele
arata siranary to a ami i'Sifal ellartmaa. to
keaith. hapclnaa aad prnavwrity; Is aartaka
ef the blaalaa - year rrratnr tatvadrO Inr
rea: te said, the shio er aMtinr a a eara
bsreor; te evarcoaw lnanmoualable obataelea
that are Irln la the petkway ef year plane.
anmlt tkl. .Mnlarnt Parrhle a Don errnr-
ooMtloa for proper aulatloa; he wlU kelp.yaBJ
wltbnet fall. - t ' '
dent who died at the OoM'Bameeltaa
hoapital at Portland Sunday night ar
rived here for burial last hlght. A large
body of Mason, tha deceased having be
longed to tha local lodge of that order,
met the body at the depot and escorted
it to the atasonlo cemetery, where it
waa -interred. Mr. Jolnaa waa - promi
nent In local mining circles, having
owned soma valuable properties In both
tbe Blue river and Bohemia dlatrlcta
The causa of death waa stomach trou
bles. : ." ' ': .'. : "
Th IgorroU TrSb. : . '
One of the moat interesting features
of tbe Lewis and Clark expoaitlon la the
Igor rote Village, Richard Schneldewlnd,
who haa aervad the Philippine govern
ment In many capacities, haa aucceeded
In bringing together this . strange but
Interesting people. . Durttfg the Spanlah-
L American. war these people caused the
American soldiers much .-' annoyance
through their' era ft I nee e and cunning.
The Igorrote la today ona of the most
primitive of people. They -number in
all about 400,000, made up of many dif
ferent tribes, speaking numerous dia
lect a t They' inhabit the mountains of
northern Luson. ..They are barbarians In
culture, having eaeaped from 'savagery
through the necesalty of cultivating the
soil. , There Is not enough, wild food In
mountain horaea to sustain them, and
i wnr - w,n vu.ut... . -
( aJa-at-amoaalbla mauatalw sides,. aff-TOgoTtargnT
tiisl ui varj nmy e isb, v bj uej t71.'tju lioeg
only true Irrigation In tha Philippine
lalandav Head hunting,' which is prac
tised among these people. Is not only a
meana af eelf-defense, but in a measure
haa became a pastime; that Is after, a
member of - the pueblo haa taken and
brought home a human head, a month
la given to happy celebration. Tbe vil
lage has 40 people, 16 femalea and 26
bucks. Chief Domingo, ssld to ba to
years of age, Is tha on.1V chief who has
ever been in this country. Government
unable to get a chief for the-St. Louis
exposition, had to ba content -with An
tonlo, a sub-chief. r
Domingo .has a record of 17 heads,
was twice . 'wounded 4n an expedition
against tha Spanlarda, and Imprisoned
by the H pan l rds f orBome tLrae,-All
t'leUors to the fair should by all meana
visit the Igorrote Village.
Ptsfatied Stock Oaaaad weeaV
Ailea ft Lewis'- Beet Brand. '
4. .. k--.-
.1 v
demands an altera
IISITORS to theXewU '
and Clark exposition . -
have a rare op porta- '
I I nlty to visit Mount
' Hood, becauee of the very low.
' . $16 thirty-day round trip rata -.
from Portland made by the O. .
R. . N. Includea rail and
stage fare, lunch at Mount f '
Hood hotel (Hood River), twa v
: nights lodging and five raeala
, : at. Cloud Cap Iniv. and return- t
... Ing lunch at Mt Hood HotaL '
. Cloud Cap Inn. unique and pio-
turesque. 0,200 feet above sea -'
level, affdrda splendid accom
' aaodatlona. - Summit of moun
,: tein easily acceaatble from thle
' point Partlculara and O. R.
aV N. summer- book by asking
, at Third and Washington
atreata, Portland. ;
a. aVaJraxxu,
Koe4 mvat, Oref ota.
of Commerce
ipltal 'M.7-10,000
Resarra $3,500000 ,
;;. Portland Branchy Hi WOehtngtoBv:
... - ' B5. A. WTLD, Manager. ' . ,
lfeelcrs Icflcrs cf Jwfciit
- Avallabla la all parte of tha world
11$ branches In Canada and the ,
f UnHedaiatee, iaeludlngi Baa
Franolsco, Seattle, Victoria, Vaa-I
couver, Nanalmo, New Waatmlna-
Drafts Issued onv
ny. Branch,
, . Tranafere ef money ta or from ;
any part ef Canada by letter cr
telegram.- ;.t !.v ; : ( ' k-' '.'. '
A Qenerat tonkins:
Business, Transacted
Tboee suifarln from auV.
' neaaea which tap the pleaanrea
r a auTa r hip.
ue bdoui lase .oven fill..
KjtMmm whi sett a-etei'i er
merveloua resulta. This medicine baa mere
rejavenating, vitalising fnrea than haa ever
been ofteredT Sent Boat-paid In plain package
only oa reotpt ef thla adr. aad OL
Made by lu oria-lnaaora C. L Hood (V. Pro
prletora Hood baiaaparUla, Lowell, lilaaa. .
Canadian Bank