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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 5, 1905)
a. e - 4 .-: : KCAa THE PGraLAIiDDEPOT i . tobiosts micEim "The Ptt" 'Harrlrt'e Hooerexioii". Empire ..VEacaped froai lb HarasT' , I,rl "A Tlaar'e Claw htkce Iluelcal Burleequ IJraod Vaditl bear Vaudurllle UI TOWtOa A WAT I ' Sabarrikera at Tke Jearael wko re . ; or a week er loerar ar ke tbe paper atopped at toalr re--e 1 and a. at to any aajreae hy i at taa regular ratee, aad eullectbta J ke Made lr regular carrier attar' retara to tke elty. except at Lone brack aad Baaalde, wtiere The Jeuraal kaa res- - alar tan-tar delivery. 01 la - Rice f llwaee. Weablnitoa, kaa aaum at . , Tke Journal an Unf Bears e4 Lewi A Ce. ef aVaaida Bare ar. at Taa- . Journal ea Baaaida or Clat baack... .' Drllyarr will ba Bade at toea twa ptitat regular aubaniptloa ratn. (live four change of eddreee to foe (arrlar or Pbooe 111 In fruO prompt' Stteatlea will ka gavea-M .wear. "tr. Dawson of London will visit "Portland October 1 to prearh In various city church. Hf wak augsged(to apeak In the fair Auditorium, but Owing to tha Sunday opening of the Trail haa can celed the engagement. In the morning he will preach at the Firat Presbyterian church, in the afternoon at thk. Whltj Temple under the auapiceaof the M. C. AV and In the evening t the Flrt - Congregational chusch. ; Oa the .follow tag three 4aye lie will conduct rooming meetings at the Preabyteiian church and evening eervleea at the WhIU Tem pi. Dr.. Wsshington -Gladden.; -another . speaker, who canceled a almllar engage ment, will preach bare September IT " at First Presbytsrifir. church In. the morning and Firat, -Congregational In the evening. ... . ,.. .. -;; ;-. At a semi-annual meeting; of the Port land Admen's league la at evening in the tower room .of? the Commercial ' cluk the ' following offtcere were eleoted: President, H. C. -Wnittler; flret vlce realdent. Emmett C ' Brown; second vice-president. H. 8. Harcourt; seer' tary. Scott Boaorth' tressurer, W. Cooper- Morris; executive . committee. Rlnaldo If. Hall. W. J. Hofmann, C O Chapman. After a vote of thanks to the retiring" officers the meeting ad Journed to an Impromptu. .panquet An Invitation - waa received - from B. H. Friedlander. manager of the Oaks, to attend a production of "Pompell'Vat that reaort Thursday evening. ' , '- j ' The Cooa . . Bay Mining.' Milling Tranaportatlnn company, owning several hundred acrai nf ma I land and ahoot 200 Acres of cement land in the Cooa Bay region, has - Incorporated with a ' capital atock of 1 1.800. vOO. x The com pany will- ' manufacture cement, nine , coUnd operate its Own. line of atearn- ers between Coos Bay and Portland and Ban Francisco. H. a. Wilson of Boise, 1 president: L'M. Parker, Boise, vice- president and treasurer; C, A. Behlbrede, Secretary. X 3. Bruachke; Coos Bay. su pervising engineer. : A cement and lime factory will, be built near Marahfleld. The company owns cement mill at North Bend.- ' ' Dr. F. F. Tong. special Chinese envoy, waa the guest of honor at a reception by the members of tbe Baptist Chinese mission of this city last night Seld Back, Jr., had charge of the arrange ments Many of . the. prominent Chlneae of tbe city and American friends of the "mission were present.- Aa Interesting -program Mr English waa carried out and refreshments' were served, v. Among the guests were H. T. Hsla. one of the Chi- nnttrmHi BilSnrrTt8trir WrTanrilev: wong Tuk Bins of Ban Francisco, . . The Oregon Water Powkr AV Railway company baa offered the- Eatacada water plaat .to the. town tor 17.100. The city council. .concluded that It could not afford to purchase the plant at present, owing to the proposition - pending : to Issue 15.090 bonds to build a sewer sys tem. The Estacada Brick eV TUe com pany .petitioned the' town for a fran chise to maintain a tramway for' SO years' on Ninth and Wade streets and the matter will ba taken up at the next meeting. ; ; . Blanche Tompkins, the woman . who threw a lighted lamp at Nora Stone, or Shea. In "Liverpool Lis'a" dive. Second and Davis streets, and caused her death, waa arreated yesterday by Patrolman Bcallen on a charge of drunkenness and disorderly conduct.. 8ha lives, at Thire and Market etreeta and lately haa eon- leged. that complaints have been made by residents whose rest has been dis turbed. ' -.-: , , ',. ,- County Clerk Fields haa presented his report for August, to the court of Mult nomah county; compared -with the re ports of the paat five years it shows a big saving to taxpayers. - In 1001 the receipts of tha office of the county clerk were tl.ITl.S0: last month they were t.20.t0. In 190t the expenses of the county were IJ.IOI.60; last month they were $1,011.10, leaving a profit to, the county of I&S0.10. The county loet fl, ell.10 In-August, 110.1. -v- ; Antiseptic Dustless Floor Oil prevents dust from, rising and destroys microbes. Should be used on-- floors of printing offices, schools. ' barber shop, public halls and alt floors -used by the public, especially salesrooms, as it eaves Its cost many times In preventing dust settling on goods.- For sale by F. E. Beach aV Co., tha JUoneer Paint com pany. Ill First striaSt, selling the best things made la-paints. , - . ; ; V Mlsa Minnie . Phillips, a deputy county clerk, returned this morning from a two weeks' vacation at Astoria. Miss Phillips is one of the lesdlng Port land candidates for The Journal s free trip to HawalU . "':.".,, -".;.', rrEdwr6rXCTredzltwm-drown4 last Sunday-afternoon In-the -Columbia river opposite Rockwood while bathing. SHIRTS STIFF AND SOFTY ' An Excellent Selection ..' . SAB SaUUTB TMATRa. - Uarqnau tL'.7JulhTi2U. ; ' Continu: to Serve Iti ' ' r i 7i In addition its popular-priced bill of fare and quick lunch. Every visitor to the fair should see our prices. ,1 ''.v; 'y-v.,; He was not a strong swimmer, and when ha went beyond Ms depth the swift cur rent swept him down stream. Rosa C Lovelace- made heroic efforts to rescue him, , but , wss unsuccessful. , Coroner Flnley decided that no inquest was ties essary. ',. v , : -;- .: - ;. Reduced Beaaide Rates Via the A, C. R. R. to Clatsop Beach Only II for the round trip. Tlcketa ' good until October 14. Trtlna union depot t a. m. dally. Bee-the majestic Columbia rivet and the broad, briny Pacific ocean. In formation tit Alder street,1 or, telephdne Main IOI. -;!-,:',i '-;. -; -V - ' Portland i Tamaje Parlor. 141 : Park street, between Alder and Morrison, trie only, place . in town where enchiladas, chile con carne w4th frljoles. Mexican style, also the celebrated Frits' tamalaa, are made. tOpen from 11 m. to 11 p. m. . A a 1 1 4 u a - Mahogany furniture, braases, bronae and pewter. Only store of lta kind on the. coast. (It Washing ton street,;- '; .-t ,. - i;-"--'i We clean and press your clothes and shine your shoes for 11.00 per month. Uetqiie Tailoring Co' 147 Washington, Main ill . . : ..... , ' Dance for the 140 cash prise, every Tnesdsy evening, at the Lewie and Clark pavilion. Twenty-seventh and Thurman streets. ; J - - v v- t w-. c-i - J- -. . Why pay to 110 for aye glaaaes when we guarantee a perfect fit for SIT Metsger Co, 111 Bixtb street v.-: : ' " turn White la here from his summer home at Long Beach? and ' will remain for a, few daya. : s . . .; LMorwegiin Bangarfaat-groMpa on sale at Aune a, -tha photographer, Columbia building. -- -- -- r - --- - . . - , , - ? . ; ' Gold aigna for your windows? Call up Foster at Klelser, phone Bx, (S.. '.. - " 'V . - . ' ' t .:' Try a meal wttkout aseat at tha Tag. tartan cafe, ! Sixth -atraet. . ' " Frlts's iamalea are tha. best. WHERE TO DINE. - x : Lewis and Clark . Observatory . cafe, 1,000 feet above the elty. Fine service. u::iG:r oil co:.:paiiy has hade i:o co:.:3H!atio:i Lyman Stewart Says Corpora- tion wan oeu rroaucx t 'V:'. Successfully. ' ' Lyman- Stewart, . president of tha Union Oil company of California, who la making a brief visit to Portland, Inter viewed in reference to the position and policy of his company, said: ' v ' "There la absolutely no truth what ever in the -article which has recently, and In times past appeared in the newspapers to the effect that the Union Oil company? of California haa sold out to, or entered Into any sort of a com fclnatlon with Its competitors. We are today and have been, ever since enter ing the Oil business , In the state of California over- to years ago, an Inde pendent producing, transporting y and marketing company, and intend to con tinue, as. such. Our immense oil land keldlnge- locatea-e - the-- aaacoast- to gether with our . numerous wells, pipe lines, tank steamers and ether vessels. enable us to compete In all marketa suc cess fully, end as our oil production Is so large that It cannot be marketed en thla coaat we are entering the markets of the i world. We have already can vassea tnese' markets , and secured a largs amount of bualnesa. which neces sitates our securing, as soon ss possi ble, a number -or large steamer. "We are very much gratified with the success attained ay our Portland branch, and our agent Captain T. IL Crang, Is always pleased to not only quote prices, but furnish all the information neces sary for the proper equipment of steam ers and stationary plants In tha useef fuel o it . We will continue our policy of entering into long-term contracts, as suring consumers a aupply of fuel oil at llxed prices. Mr. Stewart la taking a vacation and thla la his first trip to ths northwest He Is - very much Impressed with the Lewie and Clark centennial and the Ore gon country,. . He leaves tonight fox. Ban rranciaco. , .v . - " .. ' . - ? If you write to a Journal advertiser ssy that you read his ad In The Journal, llt CU Only Oaev Hall aa Uac)r-I Money to Carry life ' - Inotirmnca in f - ' Ttir cDtD cr AOniNQTON Aa in an "Old Line" comrMny. Tbe Order ef Waahington la the - second lerctat fraternal, beneficiary organisation on the Pacific Coast. ' r r IT IS A SQUARE DEAL PROPOSITION. There Is nothing better In. the - United States. Send for circulars, to 1 -" -s a ' k 4 a ..- Supreme Secretary; If arquara Bldg-, Portland. Or. ' -' Telephone Main 1642. r 2&m iji l d;V:H'R f 4-- - ' "t.S ft -.l-.-;- J iff ts-. " i" " .--T1- CjSSt' V,f' ' 1 - Northern " Pacific railway .. Interests have ground for excellent terminal prop erty to the north' of the present terminal company's boldlnga. . Several .block contiguous to Front street stand In ths name of the Northwestern Improvement company, which la the concern that op erate the coal Interests of tbe Northern Pacific tn Washington v TWU . t.M..k 4 ll.kt by an Investigation to determine who had been securing options of late In the vicinity of the terminal grounds.!. There had been' rumors thst Instead . of lta hiving been the work of the Northern Pacific. It might be interests engaged by the Chicago, 8t. Paul at Northwestern, or some other transcontinental line seek ing a terminal In Portland.- The Jour nal made an investigation of. tha rec-' ords and 'found- that the Northwestern Improvement company -haa held many blocks along Front street for some "trme, and that a number of Options have been obtained lately, most or which have not been recorded. Aa far aa could be learned these options are for that pur pose of extending the recorded holdings of the Northwestern Improvement com pany, and must,therefore,be.hythe sam0lntsrests. . In securing .options, the agents -taking the same make no statement whether the property Is for themselves or another. ' . ' . .,' ' BevsnU Fersoas Are Boadlag, i t It Is also noted that several person seem te be busy in this respect hut most of the .reports are to the effect thst J. Couch .Fiandsrs haa been doing a majority of 'the bonding. V -Starting at the northern point of the Northern Faclflo Terminal - company's ground, it la found thai the Northwest era Improvement company owns of rec ord blocks 22. 4S. 144, 4S and . Couch's addition, all on tha west side of Front street Blocks and Ul are owned by other -Interests; the first is the property of Bails O. Bughsa and Preston W. .Gillette, and the second Is divided among tbe Ravings aV Loan so ciety of. Ban Francisco, William K. Smith. Chrlatlnla Fleckeastsin, Joseph Jsskola and one or two others. It Is known that theae two blocks hare been under negtlatlons for sale for a abort time, and may be bonded now. Owners ami that tsjeai base baea spprnsnhed. and some state that they have bonded. On the eaat side or Front street n Is found thst: the1 Northwestern Im provement company owns the old Weld ler mill tract with lta waterfront, and ewns lots 1 to 10 north of tbe mill along the waterfront ""There, are several other lota farther north on tha water front . not devoted to . wharfage aaes which are understood to have been bonded. - ' v i To the north the net holdings of the Northwestern . - Improvement . ' company vmshi::gto:i keeps opeh , . house at fais Enjoy Continued Round. H'-N- 0f Pleasure. i; The festivities at the Wsshington building. Lewi and Clark exposition, eontinne. This is South Bend, and Pa cific county i week, and socially wUl compare favorably with the saany oiner notable weeks celebrated by Waahing ton people. ' ' ' . '';" Mrs. F. A. Hsseltine of South Bend Is hostess-in-chief .and la assisted by Mes damea W. H. Boner. A. J. Cole. ) W. Kleeb, H. A. Peeplea. J. Pinder. W. Murdock, O. V- lstterson. j. yy. imi- ler. W. A. Bsrrows, W. ML Qreenway, a Hsbersetser, , W. 8. Kindred. W. A. Morehesd and U D. WlUlama, and Miss Joels H. Bush. , . " . ' - n-ki. waa Parlflc Countv . day. and many hundreds from South Bend and other towns -in the county ' came ny rati and water yesterday, and took part rativitlea.. A m Innovation In so cial events today was ths "fraternal rally" of members Of venous oroers in In the afternoon a formal --.... ink hM tn the ortvata BSrtora of 'the building, end the publle was re ceived In . the general pariors. siayor J. U. Oriaaler of South Bend, and Btate nManttlva W. R. William of . Chi- BOoX ward among xnosaj prreemi. luiiii.. feature nf the. afternoon wsa i niuioil nrnmm In which Mrs. J. J. Kelllher rendered . a. vocal solq, ac companies on ine - kalaa Ma v ..www. " -" . 1 sosajw4tweee)oejwd- a4 isk Siliaabeca iaae5! was of Fortkana. xne - Aaministrsuon band was In attendance. : s- -t-. Tomorrow an Informal reception will be held, at which the general public Is expected. .'. -' CALIFORNIA SOLONS. WILL INSPECT THE FAIR The members .of the joint committee appointed by1 the leglstatuve ef Csllfor nlt to Inspect the Lewis nd Clsrk ex position, and to report, thel findings, will arrive early, tomorrow morning, and will be -received by Commissioners Fllcher and Wiggins of the California commlssloa, - . 1 Those In the party a ret Chairman of th senatorlsf conmItleTBriitor and Mrs." C. W. ' Pendleton nnd daughter. Senator and Mrs. K. I. Wolfe: and Mrs. fX Blbbero. Mr. and Mr. W. H. Savae. Mr. and Mrs.' T. M. Selvsge.' Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Curttn and Miss Rachel Shaw, ov Smm- are-the three fractional blocks', ? I . M, and -1(0, - which lie neareet to - Front street between Wataon and Couch's ad ditions. In Watson's addition this same company holda blooka 14, II. K.rlT. It and-10," alt contiguous,' and giving ths company everything ,, -. close to Front street- up to the Terminal block. ' The company ' has -other Interests adjacent but those -named ahow that terminal grounds are being secured, because of the ahape of the tract and the contig uity to the present right of- way of tbe railwsys. , -. . " . .As all; the options recently - secured are -not .'entered as of record, the full area of the land that Is pssslng cannot be determined. ' When the smoke clesrs away' It is believed by business msn and land owners near the waterfront that the i Northwestern Improvement eqsv pany will ba found, to own an area perhaps twice the, size of that Indicated by the -accompanying map. Tha wharf property south of ths Weldler mill tract and paralleling for a distance the pres ent terminal property. Is vsrloualy re ported to have been under negotiation, but' nothing definite can bef learned re garding lta future. Observant men be lieve that tha railway company will not .try to secure this, and atate that thla property Is regarded to be of such value that large- sums ' of money would be re quired to purchase It - ' ' For the Mortfesrm Paeifle. ', ThevNorthweatern Improvement com pany Is clearly a Northern Pacific con cern.' J. F. Mensles, with headquarters at ROBlyn, Wsshington. Is tonerai superintendent- for the company. Ralph Jenkins, formerly with the Oregon Hall road 4k Navigation company in this city. Is the local agent having recently re signed his position i with the Harrlmai road to take the new place. - Officers of the Improvement company are reticent regarding - their plana or whon they represent 1n securing . property admir ably adapted to terminal grounds In the heart -of Portland, but no doubt exists in the minds of thoss moil closely In touch with the situation that they are working '1a behalf of the .Northern Pa' clflo alone, and not for any anion of companies. r-Taoractr-ataagssd 1 py 1 'ihor"rordi give additional - aaaurance that ' ' the Northern raclflo will build Into Port land. All proceedings have been to this direction and -It ia difficult to explain on what, other motive they would be acquiring so much . valuable land ad jacent to the present terminal grounds From. Twelfth street to the river and north qf Hoyt atreet la regarded aa the natural terminal - district of Portland, and it will be seen from the map that moat-of-the area is being secured by .the railway Interests centering here. Speaker of the Assembly F. C , Pres cott and wife. Mr. and Mrs., T. K. At kinson and Miss Daisy Lauer, P. A. Stanton end ithe Misses C B. and M. A. Stanton, R. FBeerdsley and Miss Les ley Hammond; George T. Rolley and Mlsa . Oertruds Hosier, Mr. and Mra. Samuel H. Beckett J. P. Transue, secre tary: Mr. and Mrs. J. Louis Martin. Mrs. J. P. Fraser and Miss Alice Martin. The officers onheXewnnana Clark exposition will tender a formal reception to the distinguished visitors tomorrow evening-.. ' LABOR DAY ENJOYED BY MANY AT CEDAR PAtK Wag -eevrnera and their families Jtay that yesterdsy waa one ef the moat en loysble and successful celebrations ;ef Labor day that they ever bed. ' Many of them spent the day at Cedar park, where speeches were made -by Governor George K. Chamberlain, Avery C. Moore, a prominent labor leader of Idaho; James G.--Keller, president of the Na tional Aasorlatlon of Letter-Carrlers; Mrs. Lucia F. Addlton and Colonel Rob ert A. Miller. ' The following are the winners of the racing contests held at the park in the afternoon.- . v.i - : Sack race-J-Won by J. Fralne, C Pot tage eeoond. -..- . -. Girls' race (under II) Won by Lottie Bennett. Dora Crtger second, , Girls race (11 to 10) Won by Hasel Loewlf. Issbel Murphy second. Fat men's race won by Frank D. Fields. N. H. Bird second.' Lean -men's race- Wen by O.' Livings ton. j( Fralne second. Potato race Won by C Pottage, J. Fralne second. ' -. Allen A Lewis Best Brand. GIRLS MAKE MORE MONEY . Worklnff tor tt than k typ ., v ' WrttefsBa 4 , i V WE WANT " " ELCTRIC IRONERS Who a reTcom potent to do the best class of work. .Ours Is a great laundry, provided with, the very' . lateet make of machinery, our work la At, and an appreciative rnbllo keep us rushing all . the line. We have- the only a team ,: heated collar and cunT prfllahers in 'the state. , These. jdo -aot bura the -lfne,-- s , "iifffftii f l iff f nT.i7 TL afala tee, S4 aad Oalmaabia. ! , : : I :Srnir.;iiL- O TZ2 - " ' .' aBSBBBWBBBBBBBBBa ' I - B Olir Price Ulattl Iteaat Beaf . Small KI.LJ. I Milk T.. flea. .! .10 : .14 .10 M .10 .1 M .SO . .so .jn Half Chlckaa . ' .46 Laaionada Ice Taa . Baadwlrfc. Haai.. ' .10 Saadwtrk, ebaea. ' .10 Baadwtca, Its.. .101 Hoe Gold. laa. Moa G1A atala. saMwira, eblckaa. .so Saadwtrk. clue... . Twa rrtod Kcf.. .18 k.MB mwA If... 9 Hop Ovid, pt Hop Gold, qaart Blue Hlbtna, at. Kin. SlMiM. At. Ham aad . aa. , .JrH ( 4 Haa ,. , .30 Potatoee ...j.... 1.10 Mlied Drlaka .... Hi(h BaU ...C... Cocktail Stralgbt Walakay. White Rork ... Baked Baaae .... .15 .M Braad aad Batter. Crarkare Cblokea Brotk ... Varatabla soap Oraes . Pea .... Sucar Cora ..... Dili Pickles ..... CMIra --,... PI, par cat goaa Water apolUnarie ...... Wlna, Claret, glaa Wine, riarat, plot Wlna. Pnrt. alaaa ..16 M . .18 .1" IM .16! wtnav Beam, e .lOIWIaa, aaatara. pt .10 Partar. ittpSr,.... .7 - ...... . 1 , - r Sllead Tosiatnaa.. ' .lm Porter, (laa lea era M .IS .IS 10 a la. alna. Bllcad Wataraialoa liumaa. Dtnr.. (.antaleapa. ersar, Mnasm, quart. Cotea. cap. . . ,06 Orap Jolca, (laaa .ie w vaaav wiia asapw ajrep taa saniar Dob m't aarav In vkM whaa. vaai 1 ta the plare aad buy inat blt tm waat at aaov imIiim srleas. BaBMaaner - tea kalldlDS es left aide ef Trail. Bpeetal Xxoarsloa Batee.'- .' Very low 10-day tlckeu east offered By , O. R. N. . September IS, 17. the , O. . R. N.' 1 sella , to-day spe cial excursion tickets to eastern point; stopovers granted 'going and returning. Particulars of C W. Stinger, elty ticket agent- O. R. aV N Co., Third and, Wash lngton streets, Portland. . When Irv.Saattl : : f Go to the Rathskellsr, a high -class place td eat Bea foods, Waatarn meats, large orchestra daily. - THE ESTACADA oa uvB or 0. w. v, ixxotbio t, t a m xxabt or m ram oa -" in OLACXAXAS arrxm. ' ESTACADA C.EGCN J a rortrtAa bxaith abb bxobbatiov auaauia enaMnc, troat - ruklnr. a sin fir park, iarse daarlns paTtUea. prarlded with , elty water, and electric llskta, . ftee . hatha. - telepkese direct to Portland. Thooaaads of acre ef fir forest surround "the yasag eft of Bataeada. n xrus raost mbixavb. Bats par day .....f ISO Bate per week. $14.00 peetaf ticket tacladlag ran ad . trip fare sad dtnaar LIS Spaelsl ticket. Incladlnf reasd trip fare, eae algkt's lodslag aad this -- awala .... ticxxt smn rrasr abb aidbb sxs L. B. fifJtKTlJVEZ. Manager '.';.-';..' .:' ZSTAOABA, . OBXeOB. ' . 11" aa Ifftf 11 m , Maq nireetlea" It. W. T. ASTB. Cv BelUe. Pres. urana a-tk aad lta. TOXK3HT if : O'CUOCE. Beery Klskt This -Week, Irees Batarday, . . oawciai laiiaae.. aamiuay, . . WILTON ; LACKA YE . Bxcalleat Sapportiii Cearpaay, TU.tlUHT,' f "TKEPIT " ! n.a. I Taersoay WU " IKILDT I . ?T i. ' Batarday afetla Prlaaa, ate, W. Me, Tie. $L W-s. Beats sow setUag far the retire weak. Bctasco Theatre 'n2a Mth ssd Wash. - Belssee Mayer, Prop. 11TB WZZX BXXABOO STOOat - OOB0PABT, TOBieKT AT Sill P. Bf-ITTi HTXX, .FIRST TIMS ' STOCK, ' Mutui Honoyinoon Begslar Matiaees Batarday aad Ssasay. VDDIfP; Bfetlases tBe. SBe aad loe. riVlVUU Klkv. au an. lai Tar. Bart Wfcj-JTOAay by rAtt-tcp theatre lfc"m' -Bar BT jsaTaBs. M Jl eT . oa ana xamniu rkeae Mats 1SOT. OBEOOK THtATRB CO.. : (CO. L. BAKER, MA5AGCR. . tbb xokb or atrBxxseirB . AD Tkl Weak Resalar Matin Wedaeaday, . Taaraoay aaa saiaroay. . ax nrjtxBU stooxss. " HE KIWm EXTSAYAGA.1ZA CO. Preeeat KDMORO BATES m tke WISE GUY aa All-Star Oils nf Vaedvvttle ITaTarttea. ' rRICES Mlskta: XSe. Mr. sue TSe. Matl t. . . -. seea: 10e, 3Se. S3e, Bde. BBZT WTtl-IHl UOET BXIXXS. Ja 11T. "Tke Meat Pesalsr Theatre." Toalckt aad all week. satma BatDrdar. Roaa.ll Drew preeaat ta klaceat draaiatle kit ever scored ha Portia ad. Ckarla A. Tar tar' New York esvapaay la hie BMhtdrasjatJ ESC ATCS TBOBt TVZ BAREaT. , Onaaaaar. aeaaarr. eastnaaaa all ef klak rlaaa. R-rearas prUea. lse, 2&c. SSc. Boat SMtutae . it. id. ai. hut wTEE-aoEEB or txb anearvAT -THE STAR OBierBAt irnioAV' etrrBTR. r - ETA TRAtOHZR. . BEAR LER ARB BOCEWTIX. TAL--A-AMr-Tfr 0TjrIiAr TRE TAROeOOrB. Oeaaral adaitaataa. 10 eaata. Baadara, area- rasa aad holiday, rean t Mala a tamrt Soar, Bt reate. Oafty sntlnee. anUre kMrar Soar. 14 eaata: kaa ata. 2B rests. Baadars aad kelldaya, eaaitlaaaaa. . - f H E O R.A1ND . tOTTTB eruoR. " , . . AaalatM hy Sltaor IHifr. , BBTDOR'S I0 OIBOTi. raABX CLATTOR. T1RD1R ARB BTRXAP RIHRETT ABO STERLIRe. FREO PVRIRTOR. THE RAOIB00rE. Uisaial adaaliana. IS ata. ; Seadaya, aaa rase and fcl)dea. laaai id aen a Inwer , 30 eaata. Daily aaatiaeea. entire lawar r. 10 eaata: kn ata.aa rests. .. sHnasr aad kaHday. eestraaaaa. BECREATIOB PARK. PORTLAND rs, OAKLAND . ATnteioB. fa. ' ': Taaa at I M. CRARneTAXit, . - rnnxsEW. w Bes fi'ltrta aad imnn eaata m 1.1 11 erace. SW' -N. J'i.-. ', 4 7 : '; k TilATI A 7." "Invest "your' money In' D 1 A XbNDi."? they are ' 7 , steadily, advancing Ib price. Buy them from us oa 'rS 0m Pay for them a little each . . vmi itnn1t vnuv Hinn X W Pokaosslon'When making flrat payment We charge Y' bo- more .than those paying caah. - . On equally liberal Marx&Dlochv 3C3 IVASCIHGTOn STREET r , These Golden-Fir 'i.V 1 Selline; -today and to morrow at 4U0 ; and $8.75, reduced from $12, j would be'poor- adver tisements if they were " not - genuine bargains. These prices are purely - ler' advertiaing pur. "poses and if you can t : use a, neat dresser look . , . at these. '-; l 1': 184-6 FIRST STREET: CLEAR 7BROUOH THR BLOCK.' jAsk Oar .Customers. LYRIC THCATIXG week sTAarnre vovdat, jzrTEnxa , the Tiger's X!(cvyM 4 , A Saann 1 kuiedrasw tn rear Art. . -. . v. v.. nui-i . Hi.aij as Ua M-a, ke art 11 aaaaa tke laadlae rate. aewaanea ii eeervee Bast. ' BOe. s . . r j . , r. c . j ' ' y r a K ' ' .a eat Ba. iEiSI COILL'S W, . -a week or month,-the ssme :. In tti hank Yni t terma and prices, - --. - ' '("- '''' -' ' ' f ..... ' " ' Are always frscrant with the erer-tmeer-acent ef truth and are backed by real meritoriouA rDerchandiu, honest tsIucs and courteous treatment, a Make . our clothins; department your trading center and you are assured of absolute satis faction -fcaxUn(styIv fltv ioaliry- and . convenience. ' You can select and wear ."" ; '- .,."' your; Fall Siiil, Tcp Cccl And pay for4un in tnudl p7ments;cf . $1X0 a VceU L ' " ".- .': '.:' V -'.' . ' ' ' ' .-.' If ' more convenient to you. ' yoa can - arrance monthly payments. . ' .-., Any one would sacrifice each of his five - aenaea' before. ETE SIOHTalyetlmanyj take the enormous risk of losing it day after day by using an inferior. fitting glass or no glAsrat altr when lew moments with a akilled optician would remove tbe danger. - For the best knee made' and fitted by none: bat ' graduates, see A.II.WlT THE IOWA JEVELSH 1! : SS3 Morrison St. Kicc Szkciion Uen's and Youth's Fall Style Suits and Overcoats from $2.30 to $S.C0 leae in price com pariaon r with high-rentr etoree' prices. Complete line of Hata. Pants, Shirts and Underwear at, 20 per cent leae in price com partaoQ with, ether stores' prices. General line of Shoee fuarsn- rteta utiafaetorr wear, fiora htg-fl OO saved. aqtasJiM -any- shoe store prices.'. Good variety of Tnuiks, VaUaea, Blankets mni Comforters at prices that wiJ surprise you. It is to your in terest to viait either one of our two stores.' ' join tzii.n rir ::d v.v -I .