The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 05, 1905, Image 3

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Season's Work ' Will ;Take the
: Government Improvement to
the Point Proposed."
Official. Satisfied With th Pros-rets
' Made and Before Long the Way
"Will Be Open to the Largest Shipe
. Before the - fall storms set in tbe
government Jetty at the. mouth of the
Columbia rlrer will be extended the full
distance expected by the engineers. It
ia out six. miles and It is the intention
to give it an additional length of 1.000
reet before the season s work Is dis
continue. - '
. Rock hss been delivered from ' the
quarries st' tba rate of 1,000 tons a
day for the past three .'months. United
States Engineer BagnalU who has been
superintending the, work for the past
two months, returned to Portland thle
morning on a ahort official trip, and
says the project will prove all that. was
expected-of It. While no sounding of
the bar hss recently been taken ...It.. Is
believed that the end and gravel -which
has been accumulating there for ages
are gradually being swept to sea. When
the survey was made in Jun the watet
at the. ahoalest point on' the bat.t-was
2ft feet deep, end from that It ran to
almost 40 feet. , I "v
This survey showed an Increase In
depth of about two feet since the pre-vlous-
soundings. With the completion
of the jetty to the point contemplated
this year there Is believed to be no
doubt that . a sufficient depth of wateii
will be secured to accommodate - the
crossing in and out of the biggest ships
that frequent the Pactfleoaat porta, or
which o to any other quarter of the
'. -globa for th matter.Wlth. a 10-foot
Vae ttree most las tractive aad attractive departments sf
Are all rreaped U eas fUe beUdta
depth on the bar It will be possible for
a rwifh drawing Sfr feet. of wster to
enter -the Colombia -river, aa the -tide
will give It a additional depth of 10
reet. 1 . '
From the appearance of thing . the
strong current., which is gradually
wearing away the hard crust of the bar
and carrying tne sediment to the ocean.
Pinmore and Oomerto -Jlaady for Be
Wtta acuitoaa of Vast.
This afternoon the Britten ship Pin
more, Captain Mullen, will clear for
Melbourne, Auatralia. with l.m.MS feet
of Oregon Br and e.000 feet of redwood
lumber from California.. She Is getting
a crew and will probably leave for the
sea tomorrow.
The Plnmore.. has. been In port since
July 1, . when, she ' brought a general
ctrgo from Europe by way of San Fran
Cisco, . Shortly after her arrival she
was chartered by . the - North Pacific
Lumber company, but the .work of aup
plying the cargo has been, slow, due to
the many orders which It was necessary
for the company to nil st the same
time, via addition to a large number of
coasters several ships have loaded at
the mill of late for foreign ports.
Ths cargo of the British steamship-
Comerlo will be completed this . after
noon at the Victoria dolphins and shs
will also very likely leave for the sea
tomorrow, bound for Taku Bar, China.
She la under charter to the Paclflo Ex
port Lumber company and will take in the
neighborhood of S.tOO.OOO feet of lumberr-
She tiad quick dispatch, as she reached
port on August 21. A carrier of her
capacity kk. frequently, detained (ln port
mori man, a wiunin.. . .- . '.r
pokaae Key Betnra end Vewport Uksly
to Be rat oa Coast Jkaa.
Word la , expected today -that- the
steamer Spokane will be sent back to
Portland by the Pacific Coast Steam
ship company to make another trip to
San Francisco. , There is stttl a heavy
passenger traffic down - the coast - and
the regular steamers are Inadequate to
handle the bualnewi . ' ;'".".V-i - , -..
Officials of the San Francisco A Port
land Steamship company say that early
this month they expect - to have, the
steamer Newport- plying on the route
regularly In connection with the Colum
bia atrd St.-Paul, .She belongs to the
Pacific Mall fleet, and until lately has
been operating on the Panama route A
at the
toe BAST 119 ef the grounds.
S I - - s . M ' ' ? , ' S
i , " i -t- i - f, V 1 5
XI ' 4V' !'. ' v'.jfc , IS
.British btcamahip Cbfnerie
few dsys sgo she returned to the ,Bay
City from the south and in less than
week It is believed an official announcement-wilt
be made that-she has been
placed in the Portland ' and Ban Fran
Cisco service. She is about the same
sise as the Columbia, and with hey In
regular commission it Is shICI Mnrfthe
passenger and freight; traffic between
here and the Boy City could ber handled
easily. .; ..
It Is estimated that a greater quan
tlty. of wheat than ususl will be carried
t California porta this-fall ana winter.
snd for that reason It Is held that It
will be necessary to Increase, tba fleet
from Portland very - materially The
Newport Is capable of. carrying about
S.000 tons of freight and a large number
of jwsaesgers, and shippers are anxious.
to sea hVr on the route. Even with
substantial increase ef the roaa fleet
it la thnnarht it will h nM-Mnrr m I
Tcharter tramp steamera to Uka. aalnerdaynftwwn San Frsnctsco and la brlng : T
cargoes to Sen Francisco: . - :,
Astoria. Sept. (.Condition Of the bar
at I a. . nu. . smooth; - wind northwest;
weather partly cloudy. . .
Astoria, Sept i. Outside at T a. m.,
three-masted ship -in ballast 10 miles
went. Arrived st 7:10 s. m. and left up
at , a. m., steamer Whtttler, from San
Franclaco.- . .' v; - . . -'
San- Francisco, i Sept." I.- Arrived,
schooner Alpha, from Astoria. - Sailed,
steamer- Roanoke, for Portland. Ar
rived, at :4 a. m.. steamer Cascade,
from Portland. ..-
Notwithstanding ' the
delay. she
perienced!: below the mouth of' the Wll-
Jametl .yesterday,
steamr Tele-
Loading Lumber Here for China.
graph reached' Portland at :20 last
night on the return trip from Astoria,
It appears that an even heat could not
be maintained with the coal used, snd a
stop wss made to' make slight chsnges
to the furnace. It Is the intention of
rtha owner to equip the vesael-with an
oil nlant. . ' '
More than tOO people left for the hop-
fields on - the upper .- WlUsmette this
morning On boats operated by the Ore
gon City Transportation company.
: Thin morning -the steamer Albany ar
rived from Lyle with 11 tons of wheat,
which were discharged at. the Portland
Flouring mllla. - The , craft la being
operated 'by ths Regulator line snd, will
probably be kept in the grain .trade all
Seaaon. ' L. " -
In tow of the iftmoreThe German- ship
Ossgew la" sit eeate from Aeteeiaf flh
arrived at the mouth of tha river
Ing part of a European' cargo eonstgnsd
to Meyer. Wilson Co.
A three-masted ship In ballsst wss
sighted off the ' Columbia river - this
morning waiting for' a tug to bring her
Inside. It is supposed that" she la ons
of the French vessels known, to be en
route-to this port in ballast.
. Tonight - the steamer Alliance Is
scheduled to sail for Eureka and way
porta All her passenger, accommoda
tlona were sold seversl days ago. . She
will tske out a cargo of general mer
chandise. " -f " ' c
Local United ' States Inspectors Ed
wards and Fuller are at Newport, Wash
ington. Inspecting a new steamer which
win ahortly be placed In service on the
Kootensy river. '
When the steamer F. A.' Kilbum, sslls
will have -on board one of the show
oompanlea -which has ' been- holding
forth on the .Tran at the Lewis and
Clark, fair grouBds,and which will go
to Eureka to give a performance at ths
Humboldt county fair. The Kllburn ar
rived last night from Ssn Francisco and
way ports with a full passenger list
and the usual amount of general mer
chandise. On the return trip she will
- In sbout a week tha steamer O. W.
Walker, belonging to the Kamm line.
will be placed in commission on the
upper Lewie river, connecting with the
a general overhauling at the Portland
shipyards, and when launched It Is said
she will be in better shape - than she
haa been for years. . Ths Walker hss
been Idle for the past two months.
Dr. Haydon Sayt Coos and Curry
Counties Are Ideal for
. " H Summer7 Resorts. -
The route of the proposed extension
of the Southern Pacific railroad from
Drain into Curry and Coos counties runs
through the most picturesque country
In the world." said Dr. Walter Hsydon
of Marehfleld. who Is In Portland thts
week.. "Penetrating Coos county from
north to south, one of tha survey a runs
close to the Ten-MUe lakes, a collection
of water gems set in the emerald' hill
of tha coast region adjacent to the coast
range.". ...!' t -r-' -J
- In these Iskee the water Is very deep,
clear and cool, and gsme fish abound,
he says. The hills are good hunting
grounds andthe whole region 1a an ideal
place for summer resort : enterprises.
The country Is rich In agricultural and
timber resources. There is considerable
population, but" a vast country remains
uninhsblted owing to the enormous tlm
ber holdings of Elijah- Smith and others
who are doing nothing for development
of the country. . He says Mr. -Smith
holds about one third of the vast timber
screage or cooa county.
The Simpsons, - who -- are extensive
sawmill owners, are : operating many
mills, employing hundreds of people snd
shipping Urge cargoes of lumber out of
Coos Bay," he ssld. "J. J. snd A. M.
Simpson employ , about one fourth of
the working class of the county..- They
are doing much to open up tne country
compared to the other holders of large
timber tracts. Neatly every week front
two. to four of their vessela are at tne
docks to beToaded wIlhurab.eFfbTshTp-
mant to psoitis coast aorta. The noun
vea-ltTy In rich In coal end miSeral re
louTce'sTTtTnioer snJ"rTeaTtaK"
the .most beautiful country to be found
anywhere for the lover of . picturesque
and romantlo acenerv." - .
aeetal Dlspatea e The Jearasl.)
Albany, Or., Sept. I. John Hamlett,
the engineer who was 6n Saturday noon
brought down from the Cascade moun
tains with his head crushed as the re-
" -1 ' The Ajnoaat We Bat. '
We llVe aot br tk anaatlfr w ast. ndr the
variety, but by wast th eaa ntlllM. ho
istter Ikiw (noS 99 plenliral year tiwA la. It
starves the srsteal mleaa your elteatloa la food.
So raska rertala tbst four . tuol la propvrlr
etawtM t TtBf ttn. st rtrii' nTirt
Flower before e ft-r meals. It will am oailr
alii eigestlott. It will stir tbe Hrsr tn reenter
beblta, sweetea tba tlona. rk a4 aeeeent rn
stlpatlMt. Trtsl bottle, aft. Ms bottle ' Xtx.
THIS is our new
Mspade"sole welted
-patent colt, mannish
J .aA 1 A I a
Duuon snoes ior sman,
(The buttons re dull finish)
suit of sn scctdent In the logging csmp
at Berry, died In the hospital In this
city at It: JO o'clock last night, without
regaThlng - consciousness. Hamlett-was
operating a donkey engine, and the chain
broke, throwing . ths cable . against., his
bead, crushing, his skull. .'-'
He was a atraae - - here, - - having
worked at the logging camp only a few
days, and Is Known to nave a brother I
lieved to have been at the exposition In
Portland since Heptemoer l.
A Oharmlag olotsi,
Miss Kathleen Lawler-. one ' of Port.
land's most popular soairsnos, haa been
engaged by Ellera Piano House for their
fair concerta this .week. In addition to I
the reel U I at the California building I
tomorrow morning at 10:30. aha will
also assist at. the pianola concerta at
tha Maasschusetts and Illinois buildings
Thuraday and Friday afternoona re
specllvely. Mr. B. J. Storey with hie
vioiut wiu siso oa an attractive feature
or meae muaicaies. . -
Beanoed Bat . tAaata trnmc.
Tha Southern Paclna , haa
plaeeeV en sale'et ls Pnr-.-'i ntbmm
eewnd 4rr t v-j'li l t k rlr s rt
rate cf ; s. - r ;n,t i.luatrat.J
Pee ( ifti ret ee
be t j . -mi.-' t-
, 'S - . IB
$12 SILK K
a -w'" a "
eB I lArnM
4al 'If VtauvwglJ
nKHESE WaUts are
: I beautiful creations
the color effect be
ing white, - cream .7 and
blue. The materials from
which s they are made
could not be bought for
the pricewe ask. :
Hie success of this house'
is- due to ; jts. . hbersl ste&t
systemr-Buy-what ye want
have it chargeoVpay a fet
tle down and a little a week.
We make , no charge for
credit. r--;---
r -
At all SxiaVtsts, 8elsass
..' i :. - v . "