. - ' 1, - - - i , Ull.l, I I . IWpHBBWa . .Mi ' I 11 w-w... - LDON .SCIENCE -.113 Packed the great Amphitheatre last night to r sec Pain-s f Marvelous PompeiiM qt I . ;!! tD A!I Stcrcs cr.d AH Eaploycs---! In W. P. CIJs Quotes Prcsidsht Stelden of the j tiis Oregon daily jouhnai; rcnTLAHD. tui::day r:y:::::::3. tsrt EXPLAINED f Sheldon ScUne 1 ,th uppermost i loplc In tor circle lnc the adoption of . th system by Olda, Wortman Xing, full Gtbb And othtr leading Portland firms, and by.Uh MacDougall-8outh-wlck company "of "Seattle, for the pur-! jxBof ncrAlnlslencxof their employ. - . ' ; . , : j "Jut what U Sheldon iscienc!" w - raked of Mr. Olda yeaterday,-. "I will s newer that question in th ord of Mr. "A. F. Sheldon, president f tha Sheldon achooU" replied Mr. Olda. "Mr. Sheldon was recently Interviewed ' a Seattle and anawerad fully tha fluea tlon Which naturally aria In thla cor rection. Her Is tha Interview ta full." Mr. Olda gave tha reporter the Inter view for the purpoae of reprinting auch fortlona aa are of moat Interest, but , it prove of ; eufflclent importance to uot In fulL ' .. -'-V '! -"Tha aclenca of salesmanship proper Involved In the first IS lessons of the rours really conalat of five sciences that la tha fiat of them boiled Into Mia," raid Mr. A. F. Sheldon. ' These fir aclenoea are: Character building aa a science, health-bulldli, nctenc of reading human nature, ecl enea of logio commercialised and, aclence rl physiology -th phlloaophy trf tha ;imu mind. '-. " .' Y . v-v ;; "Taking any on of th above rhar- ' cter-bu tiding, for Instance we define . haracter aa the central magnetic fore ft real manhood and true womanhood. orn of a combination of th poslt-lve i acuities of mind, aoul and body. - W i ama tt faculties and qualities or wnicn tan ia composed, auch. as intelligence, '; membrane. Imagination.' will, faith, r nbltlon, concentration, energy, -perae-rknc. tact,- loyalty, . honesty, etc her have been many beautiful things written about character, but until our ork is completed there has been no real i ilene of character-building.' . : ssr mwxutom "Mr. Sheldon, doea your school teach or science so that It, is easy for or dinary peopls to understand It"'- 1 "Although n business man, l-hew-etwi-- Jed thes subjects for years before for mulating this science, 'and as I used to teach a district school, I know how to make things plain. In commercialising thes sciences I had in mind all the time John Jones and th grocery store and .wrote to make- John understand it." "Do you teach. th practical applica tion of thes sciences that Is, how to sell a pound of sugar, a collar, a pat . of shoes, a typewriter, a dress, a suit of clothes, a picture or an engine , "No. science only deals with general principles, and each one who maatera thes principles appllea them to his or her own . business. ' Our science Is not a . .." lot of . cut and dried rules of what to ays and how-to say It about any par ticular thing. I go upon the theory that If yon make the man right, make him . strong in character,, mak him a good Judge of human nature, mak him good logician and giv him an under x standing of the human mind, th sales will take car of- themselves." . ' A0OT MX TKB aOXOOb ., : "Does your course Include anything else,-except thes ilv sc)encsT" ; "Tea. Th five sciences I have-men- tloned. boiled into one. ar Included In th first II lessons of th course. Addt tlonally, there ar 21 bookleU on auch subjects - as wholesale merchandising. retaU, merchandising, credits, cost In re- lation to selling price, syatem In busi ness, window trimming, eta, all practl- : cnl business subjects, constituting as a whol a broad commercial literature. Each subject is treated by an expert la - his special line." . . s Then a 'graduate of your school Is " equipped, for good salesmanship in any liner ."High art Is only atUlnedJn the school of Ufa. Selene is knowing art Is doing. It goes without saying that We can do anything better and attain ' high art more quickly if we know how. The same principle underlie successful salesmanship,' no matter what any one ' Is selling. ' Th professional salesman . can turn, from on line to another much ' more easily than on who ia not sclen- tlflc In hlwork. Some .men ar better adapted to on line than to another and regardless of "-scientific Instruction . man will mak greater f success in the TWIN FALLS OBSERVES .ITS FIRST ANNIVERSARY f ' - OMraal Bseetal . twitae.) i '. -s Bdtse. Ids.; Sept. 6. Twin Palls, the tnew town which waa founded last year. Is lust now celebrating its first, anni versary with a population of oyer S00. Th town form th center of a' district of over 1S,00 acre of 'former desert lend which is now included In the new irrigation district. 1 Water . was first turned Into the great canal system in June, in time for raising - crops. this year. "Tfee influx of settlers, however, began. In the early part of last year. Th branch of th Oregon Short Lin from Minidoka to Twin Falls waa com pleted a month age- end th train service has been established. . This district is .0 a or larger than the famous Salt river tract in Arizona, which ia being placed under irrigation by th government ' and la the third largest in the world under one system. DLiyi For. dor ....... fay6i,. i TiiPEaiacrjT. Txrtnty years of success ." era Maine? to California is i rcccrd. r--3---.- ":2:Trjc:-:j line which he loves than in some line Of business which Is distasteful to him." .,- ' .- , . . ,. ; "Ar many of your students actively employed at th present timet" , ; "Nearly all of them. They number nMrlr 19 AAA total if whnm .avat B A per pcfft are men. and- women . of--cnnaJaV crabl experience. - Among . them are mlllonalres, and hundreds of -managers and. proprietor. .They, range all th way from millionaires to office boys and in ages from If to 7 years. I think out oldest- student Is Colonel McCraken of Portland, Oregon. . He is. In Wis 7tB year and a Very able business man." ' ""Why do men who -ar already uo ceaaful study your system T" a. SKTbXSOsT TTOIIHTS XMXf .' , TF WITH TU TZmS. "In Order ta keen ur with the times. guard against getting Into ,a rut, and J suppos on- th same principle that th beat lawyer buys the most law books, and the beat physician purchases th most medical literature, th beat preach ers have th largest libraries." "r . "Is there any other school Of sales manship, or any other way, of -retting this education without' being a student of your school " . ' . - . ' " '1 do not know of any other. school of salesmanship of of .scientlflo business-getting or business-building. , Of course, any on can atudy the various authorities 'on th' reading of human na ture, and can read much about charac ter; however, our course Is a condensa tion of very many volumes on , these subjects and saves the busy msn years of time. We have commercialised many of th sciences, bsve culled out the Wheat and. blown the chaff away, Th volumea from . which: I have gleaned our literature coat any on hundred of dollars besides years Of study, to get th good from them. , , , : ;:. 2 . . , . ? -, tWIU WTDOX'ASa WWW TO nionaaUT iu Busnrxsa "Is It your experience that all bual ness men will find something nw and valuable in your course, without regard to their previqua knowledge, experience or aucceeay . i. . .. - "There ar many thlnga. which peo ple know, but do not know they knowj They - do not - realise ' many common truths until these truths are made matter of study, and I have found thst there is a vaat difference between knowing a thing' and realising It. Our science - of salesmanahlp or bustneaa, broadly speaking, ia common sens baalc fundamental truths so thoroughly clas sified as to b made scientific science being simply . "organised . . knowledge.' From this It v follows, naturally, that there are many truths laid down in our science known to all successful men. There are, however, in our 40 booklet truth which ar naw to nearly If not to all, business men." nomur to m ..-, , Ag WWXA AM TXa aTOTIOS. '"Then you advise the cours. to th expert as well as the novice?' "I certainly do, as I have found that the ablest and most experienced men ap pm.'iatr 'Pur work tliuroughTy .una, sutg to me that they have derived th moat benefit from it" . "Is It , for women ras well a fpr men .- - ;.. - - . i. ... Tea, many of our " students ar women." " '' ls It for buyers aa well aa sales people T" , - - - . . i . , "Hundreds. of our students ar buyers; the reading of human nature, knowledge of the human mind, character. Is the central fore of the real manhood and the application of th fundamental prin ciples of logic are Just as valuable to the buyer as the seller." .. . , -"Too teach,, I understand, by true methods that is. in . classes . and In dividually TV , "W have no classes under the direct guidance of th school. Our Instruction Is all by wsy of correspondence, - by means of printed booklets and special correspondence,. by which th knowledge la imparted, and examination of que- ua that a student Is qualified for a diploma. - - However, In many institu tions clubs a re formed among smployes who get together one a week. or once in two week, and study th lessons together, thus forming classes and doing class work." , ' ; . Th principal crop for thla year I sugar beet, th railroad paying 14.(0 a .ton at ita atatlona. Th sou and climate, however, ar aulted f!ab growing of all vegetable prodycta of the temperate son. ' Moat of the settlers sr from th western states and territories. WRIGHT BIDS FAREWELL ;: TO STATISTICAL WORK tJearaal Bprll Seretee.) San rr4ncisco. fiept- '.. Labor statis tician from all parts j of - the United States have gathered her to attend the twenty-first annual convention of the Association of Officials of Bureaus of Labor Statistics, which opened her this morning. Th convention was called to order this forenoon) by Carroll D. Wright, who will shortly retire from his position - aa president of th : assocIa tlon. Tor over 40 years he wss con nected with the federal servlc ss cam- mlssloner. jf .labor but was recently elected to the presidency of Clark uni versity; resigning . his work " with the government to sssume his new duties. TheconVenlTon win . Sdjourn onThura- ll IU, 1 i i 1 1 i i 4 . CLbrating- Oermaa Day. .v-,-- . t f Jiswaal BpmUI grtca. , Charleston, 8. C, Sept. I. This I German day and Is celebrated npt alone by the German cltlsens of Charleston but also by others, irrespective of na tionality or parentage. Many buildings are decorated with Tlaga tof Germany and tha United Statea and everything seems to be pervaded by a regular holi day spirit. Msny business bouses closed at noon to give their employes an oppor tunity to go to the Bchuetsenplats and sslst in the celebration of German day. The celebration la commemorative of the first landing of Germans in Phils delphla and la generously observed sll over the country, wherever Oerranns in considerable number ar found.. J " fSpwlal Dispatch t. Ta. JwraaL) 'Helena, Sept. I. Th Montana Stit p-tremen association meets in Lew tat on today in annual convention, iArid hbthey chw the Chutes; Mazcf, taugfiing Qaller LRaiiway,:GaietyTheatrei there a resort on earth where you get ten ; times' its ; value ior lO' cerife Children 5c, Always take the O.W. P. caRy.Co.'s cars 5c (na higher) froiri First Wonderful NiagaraFails: Thursday night, C Jd Fellows night, Emblems of the. Order.1 Friday, Woodman's night,- Emblem of the Order. ' Sa society lady and comic fireworks devices. iSuhday famous seats at Skidrriores Drug Store, 151 and Alder Streets; Concerts by DUrbano's Italian Band everafternopri- and at 7 to-8 at night. ROADS TO AliSm . FOR REDATIUG Interttat Commerc Commis sion Begin Hearing In Re- r. eard to Violations of Law. : r-. - .... vv;.K'- USE REFRIGERATOR CARS ; J AS EXCUSEFOR RATES Privat Ckn to Bt Subject of Thor ough Investigation to t , Remedy j AbuieV Suffered bj Shipper of the Country. 'y-'i ' ' ' (Jesraal BpeeUl aerriea.) ' Washington. D. C Sept. S. Tha Jn- ------ Mi..inn day began th hearing in regard to; .the charges brought agalnat numoer railroad companies and privat con cerns owning private rolling atockj for th transportation of thIr product. It I charged that th act to regulate inter state coramerc ia being violated in sev eral particular by th defendant. Th proceeding ar directed agalnat th Ar. mour Caj Lin, the American Refrigera tor Transportation company, th Santa re Refrigerator Dispatch, and the fol lowing railroad: St, Lout A San Fran Cisco. Atchison. Topeka Santa Fa, St. Loul. Iron Mountain A Southern Central of Georgia. Souther Atlantic Coast Line. Seaboard Air Line, Pennsyl vania, Southern Paciflo and Kansas City Southern. , ' . - It is alleged that by way of rebate or other device th refrigerator line ar acting for the railroad a author ised agent, and th railroad,' acting through r- rfrigTator11ne. are col lecting and receiving for the refrigera tion of fruit and vegetables lower rate from soms shippers than they are con temporaneously receiving for . similar service! renderedTtO ' other- shtppera This is held to be in violation of sec tion X and t of th act to. regulat in terstate commerce. - - Another charge is that failure and neglect to publish at shipping stations and fit with th Interstate commerce commission th rates and charges im posed for the refrigeration of fruits and vegetables constitutes a violation of section of the Interstate f commerce act. . . Th preaent proceedings ar consid ered aa a test and it Is said they will prove of 'great value In Informing con gress that new-laws ar needed for na tional control of private car lines where combinations ar made with railroads which affect the freight and refrigerator schedules. . . ..; .... ,. v - , . ARE YOU GOING EAST? ? ; V : v . ' :'-V-' tf So, Aboms th Yery Tow O. aV J ....... '...,? v. matM. v i . September 7, I, and 10 th O. R. A N. place on aaleiVery low rat long time ticket east, account L O. O. F. grand lodge meeting, Philadelphia, Pa. Particulars by asking at city ticket of fice. Third "and Waahtngton atr ta, Portland.- - Cycling Thrive la Frai (Joornal SfMelal BrTl I 1 ian. Bpt. b. I'm jourriAi flf I'Au- teaaahlla . has . Just pnhllahed atatlstlsa which it hss gathered with the sssist ance of the authorities all over the country. The figures show that during th past year 1.520,468 wheels paid Into th French treasury as taxes tl, 100,000. Thus, on the basis of the Isst French census there Is one bicycle for each tt cltlsensi but aa more than -one-fifth of the bicycle eeoap taxation, there Is really One-wheel to every' score of Frenchmen. Th wheettngrsport show no diminution of public favor, notwith standing that th wealthier classes have taken to sutomoblllng. ' . i XnoredlBle Bratallty. ' ' It wonld have been Incredible brutal ity If t'has. F. Lembergee of Syracuse, N. V., had not done the best he could for his suffering son. "My boy," he aayj-"eut a fearful gash over his ye. so I ' applied Bucklln's Arnica Salve, which quickly healed It and saved his eye." Good for burns and ulcers, too. Only 2 to at 8kldmor lrug C'Ok, '161 Third trtv., , ir , .,(., .. . I. V ii s. n r n mm :U0Da : off mcdGc!lc:6.: : , 106 cr:bii!ciic:o : can" FOLEY'S; cfrnrfh pfl Q ""-o ' orates t the-whole -system; -;v r?rtKw - U'km rm:& 1 j--1 m m mmw TWO OIZEO COo cnd 01-00 REVOLUTION IS LED BY AL1EMCJUIS Filfbustorin j Expeditiorv Forming in Mexico to Overthrow Gua temalan Covernment. " ; HERO OF THE OREGON IS ! OFFERED A, GENERALSHIP John C. Foley, Who' Took Two Ex pedition to . Cuba, May Play Part ' in Revolution Mexico Look With Lontins; Eyes Upon Ita Neighbor. ' (osraal Bseelai Srrlee. ' Mexico Clty Sept. S. American ad venturers in Mexico may take an Im portant part In overthrowing the pres ent government of Guatemala. "Agents of the- revolutionary party- of that re public ar now here, and a filibustering expedition .Is . being formed.- Many American ar enlisting. .John C, Foley, who took- two expeditions to -Cuba dur ing the Cuban war. t or .lndependencaJbai been -offered general'a commission, to be -on of th leaders of the expedition Into Guatemala. Foley -resides In this city. 11 served tn the United-(States army slj years, ana is an expert gun ner. having taken part tn the battle o: BinitlHBU uil liuai'tl 111 battleship Orw gon. - ' Revolutionary agent state that aome arms and ammunition hav . been se cured In the United States, and addi tional supplies are. expected. Bo far th Mexican government . has taken no no- Some grocers sell Schifiing'a Best" ".'"vrv,-'. ,v;. ,' ua . v baklBasar . . ' moneyback ; aome doa'. - Tbey -have- tbeif reatona both waya. '7? .' i,: pta -. n. 4s v V X i ' -.. - . popuuuvcjy . cc3co KIDfJEVSGUni: . v . f Tl : 11 n tf! a rXT hrvrntlQ c- -.-- o - - t ssr giii - 11 1 m90m"M,9 mtrmmm m xaManV ' ; " scid v.2 rjEc:--H.:io dy WOODARD, . CLARKE ft. CO. tie.-of tb plans for th . Invasion of Guatemala. . It is believed serious trou ble in -that country may result in th annexation of Guatemala by Mexico. COLLEGE HAS NARROW 0i ESCAPE FROM FLAMES (Spedal Dlapatch te The JosrsaLI ' Albany. Or., Sept- I. .Persons burn ing - grassaround - Albany -college laat evening fatted to extinguish the fir and at midnight last night, th fencing eaat of th college wss found to b on fir. Th bias was extlngulahed by th night watchi but some embers ' were probably left for at I o'clock thla morn ing a report cam from ther that th fir had crept up close to th boarding hsjl of the college and a force of men went . to tb scan and again xtin guiahed the flamesjiIt was a narrow escape for the college buildings. . HOP-PICKING BEGINS . ' IN LINN COUNTY FIELDS 4 u , .... " ' 1 ' ' '' ' ' ' '. i (Bpeetal Mapatsa ta The iearsaLI Albany, Of.. Sept I. Hopplcklng commenced . at th hopyards in thla county yesterday and by tomorrow - will be in progress in all the yard in thla Vicinity. The bops are yielding well and th outlook la very flattering. At th Cooper yards near thla city a large force of hands la employed. Payment Is by weight It per -100 pounds being peld for the work.' It Is estimated that $26,000 will b .expended In JUInn county Xor labor alnna in-. harYestlngthcrxp- ONE OF QUANTRELL'S BAND RESIDENTOFGRANTSPASS iSeel Wesa i.t- , Grant Pss, . Or, Sept' I. A preae dlapatch a few ' day ago stated that the members ' of - Quantrell's guerilla band were to be "indicted for sacking IawrVnc. Kanaas', during th civil war. It Is not generally known' but there i member of that celebrated band living tn Grant Pa. W. W. Woolfolk. Mr. Wool folk has- been a resident , of. this alao- far . about 1- years.- He -ewm a brickyard Just east of town. He I not worried over tb reported Indictment. SURVEY COLUMBIA FOR . DEEP WATER CHANNEL! . ' - . '' s - (IpMlel rnspatek U Ia learaat.) , . Wallula. Waah- Sept.' S. Chief Engl-' near Schubert- in charge of J . govern, ment surveyor and ' engineers. - com menced work at this point today of-surveying out -a fixed channel sewn the Co lumbia.., Survey will be mad .between k. of R night, Emblems of Order. Wednesday,Masonic nightmblerns. nf Order. arid hv snecial reauest -JS-m 4. "--. V-.-'e -any t;ccico Fitu- Kt c:i crtTti ura Exentsiatsj Ptmt t; z ';'. ; A. H. Thnrne, Mgr. w"UU Greek Goal Co:, Buffalo; d., wrltei''v':; "I bare been afTUcted with kidney ; -ll'ml or tone with Meruclatint pajna. Other medldnea only. -; tave relief, " ATter taimt tulet'S iniiiii fTg !Lan 1 ItAJk I lift, S V sWW a - U .vvto: cnw. iet.y c .V -Thoa. wV Carter, of Aahboro, N.C. bad Kidney Trouble and, ( i :j sae bottle of FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE effected a perfect cure, and v C "t be aaya there Is no remedy that vin compare with it. ; . , ; AND S. : O. SKIDMORE . ft , lin XVfetable Preparationfbf As similating BForaaiulBefluta UiigtlwStoffloxlsatalB rromotes pigeatiofrCteerful ness and Resi.Contalns neither Opium JWorphine norMiueraL KotUArcotic. X perfect Rented forConstlpa TionrS(ntrStOuVch.DioTrtkxa v9ff1ttOfrlflJaj0tvl9rVvVJflSly' i MawLo9or Sleep i . h ii- , ?tt Simile Signature of '-" VEWYDBK." Wallula and Celll end-41 Is -exp'ed that tt will take at least two month to complete' the work. . The party la fitted, out -with a eommlasary depart ment- and,gvri soow which .wll be andAlder.Streets. , l '. r - f J- . c3o Euiien?3s end bladder trouble for years, past iival VwnM ihw imu w mm mpwet tUKE tne result waa cttn nits, it Wa- - CO. ; 1 for Infanta and Chlldrene :" Tho Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of vey of the river I being done In con nection wljh the work started at Three Mlle rapid sboVe- CelHo In ( removing obtructlon trom th. ritr.. mm AW - thirty Yoars iiiii . ' ews sassnss sanaaa. new v i we. " ;r:;V:f:!r:-