The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 04, 1905, Image 9

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    ozzcz:: daily JOUhUai; t6ztlAUd, . ho::dayv evening, septemezh 4, itx:
Alaska Buyer In Market and
. r ,Cannot Secur Choice Lots -M
i Rose Not Wanted
.'. Ctnuloupe Suppliei Are Smatf But
v Half Holiday Stops Any Heavy
Demand Poultry Weak WJth
Heavy Supplies Carried Over.
rreot atryrt. Sept. 4,-Ttf. prtorfpet fa.
of th Portland trhotreale markets today are
t'ntalope ere' Reiner acercy. -Potato
niarket remalue .dull. " 7T"- ""r J
: Btrawherrtee coma from HwaetV '. ' ,'' -,'
. Half holiday (long eommlaeloa row, . '
.. Mack paltr,y la "carried ever. ' -
'. Ess Br a; eotu eU higher. , -'
i I'eachr are In larger -supply.' ' ', '.
.Tomato market lrrr; auppllee glut...:,..
All flak la la. liberal receipt. . , k
freak swat market atamle at me top..
t'bltUia bark to very dlL
' Fetal Crap Xet e BaaTy.
Jleparta rrrelved .by The Journal as to the
f petato crop of the" United Utatre dorlag the
L seaaon af IDuO r aot ao.dtacoaraglag to the
, grower aoma had antlrlawd. - 'lha report
' i enow that altboagk the crop will not ba sa
j heavy as the on of the preceding
will he fully large enough t supply aU de
i uiand wltboot alloarlag prjrre to about sky
t ward. Tha following arom the Orange Judd
I'armer.of recent daia Intacratlng:
"The putato ettnatlon has cbaosvd bet lit-
v tie.--. Comparatively little bllgbt Is reported
i tram Jllcblgan. bat nuny ad t tree from that
V Stat say ludlcetlueai do not favor ae heavy
i s 7 laid t the acre, aa was eecured last yaar
Ibera la 111 time for unfavorable, develop
7 xuests to toe crop t rt In. - Keporta from the
. . ureeiey Slatrlct of I a lore 4 eey tbe yield
! aot equal that ef Net aeaaoa. Tuber ere
; veto plus rapidly la tbe Kmplre atatd. Report
from various oajntles 4r uaeve. . Outlook la
f. slain la a llttJ batter, although Irreparable
i damage was done- durlug tbe dry ipalrr tbl
i unking th oatlook fur 60 to T5 per cast
k laid, as coatpared With 1004." -
Vctato Prices Are lather Ball,
t'th moment the demand fuT otatoaa
-i vary dull. There are heavr offarlnga ef Early
Uuae but three- are not in'demand. Early Bar -
v. basks are coming fairly freely but auppllea
are badly mixed a -to grade sad what tbe
. ,'f trad weal-la-Better auppllea a -eno-grad.
r There la a demand frnes tbe sorth for early
. i Bar bank and other whits patatse. bat Early
1 Hoa are aotwanted. OuUlde of tbe Alaeka
bualseas there 1 u, eutlre sbseac of sny
ostalde call ... ' ..... . .
Cantaloupe Are Rather Soaroe.
Buppues or canUkjuDe alone rront strtat
todaj wars vrr small, but belns s half noU-1
, iday there was aufttclent for all . demand.
Apple are rather dull with eupt'lle some-
, What saore liberal. Quality Is tmpreving.; Call-
, fornis ' recelpta are smaller. - ,
. Hoesa very fair atrawberrles were received
. tbl swrnlug from llwaea sad sold st Me pet
J . t-pouud box.. ". "
Blackberries ere coming fairly well but the
demand le alow around-gl.2g. Only la ex
.'. reptlonal caaaa are tbe dealers eusbled to sell
. higher. t . t -
- - Cabbage Is of good quality with' receipt only
. ; ...fair. - Demand good st tb price. . ..
feat he b 4a heavy eupply today. Heavy
etochs ' were carried over from gaturday oa
account ef lata receipt, and today's.arrlval
helped to (well the total. ' Boelnvaa smsU.
I'r Ire -rang -from-eoc to 0e pee box.
Tomatira era conile front verr aide and I
.... II . A rt. v.W.lLA.i. -tmmmJi 'M.J I... .I-.-. 1
. are lower with the tange between S5t40c Pf
hoxi - ' - . I
- (k-epe of sll kind are sow coming freal
e"- -"-i "
. reclere wbo expected to-aecur at laaat -8e
per poand for their anpplie 'of cblttlm bark
to large dealer who ere taking long chanree
ea the market rising from It prreent pnatttou.
Hale ef chlttlm barb ar reported at lUt 1
but. very seldom, does tb fic peld lee ever I
, Tbl I tb uric generally quotea today
f. o. b. Portland.
' Mask Veultry Is Osrrled Over: ' .
., Commlaaloa row snows heavy stocks of peal-
try carried ' ever from Saturday. Meat of
rata eeaeoa are euaappoiaerer. i aa marset our. r -I.. rr- ' P.Tt " h--
log recast season, paver Jooked eo dsll as i bblWe.K.XriJ.1 CS
pmeut. There . othfiig doing 1. ths way wf, ' "guSoeb- JeaL er TtiSS?
( sa ssatera demand, the only sale lng ?-.5I' aur? ik,T iX''
-. 'the stock could p eld st. tb pries but enme
ar in aeeiere expected ea Improvement today.
so held on.
.Id e. Hmrerer. the tone of tbe market
auad dull with price the aame aa the 1
cioea ox ina weea. empu noerai. xnaxy,
i,. Springs continue week, wblle kens srs fslr.
Eawa rtna game Ball wi,ha ' I
. sum aims au aigasr. . I
.v Tbe egg market wss very arm tod.y. "P-1
: plies of fresh etorks are amsll and some ealae
were node at as advance of He during tb I
.day. Boms cnld-storage (ad Psatern eggs sr I
n ths market and sre seed I All in. hot I
dealers sr aot In sny hurry to etl theae.
" The Torme7rVaffnracnrll IfleT tKTCrir.den I
' when pieced la storage a ad ' several rente
o 'rbinree bar been edded etaca that time. Thua
st ther present Value there 1 bat little' profit
la 'them. Quality exceptionally good.
. - "" .' fraah atest Market tHaads at Tap. - '
All fresh meats sre now shewing good
.' demand. - Recelpta ' ths , psat week were some.
' what better thaa preeioas. but ths cooler
. weather has bees a h1p to the demand,
' of block elss srs badly wanted st th prl
while fancy Teal Is readily taken at ths top.
- Tbs following quotation are theee paid along
Front street by tb retail trade and are for
mead kite ef grat-cla quality., frier st coun
try points srs so speelSed: ,
tlrsla. near sag Teas.
' VfHKAt Centrset, ISfiS TJew rhib, Vt
' Red Rnaalas, c; blneatem. Tic; vsliey. Tic.
BARLEY feed. I2I.K2J.00; rolled; g2a.eS
028 00: brewing, $2 S04JM.OO. .
COUN Whole, gxl.uo; cracked, 128.90 par tea.
- RYE l H per ewt
OATS Mo. 1 white. iaS.00f grsy, 28.00.
, PLOL'R Eaeters Oregon polenta g4.B04
' d.BS; straights, 13.76; exports, gn.80413.33i
valley. H-JOi grsbam. Jl. 4Kt 10s, e,
rre. 00. fn.on; bale, (S.TS.
MILLSTUrFg Bran, $20.00 per tea; - ml
dllnga. A2B.00: ahorts, country, $23.00; city,
- $21.00: chop. $18.00. r
H A Y Producers' price Ttmothv. tVlllimette
valley, fancy, $ll.nomi8.nn: nrdlnarr, $d.ooa
lO.fHi; eaatern irrciron. aia.ipn;fo.tin; mixed.
Se.60!.no; clover. $ 004J10.00; grain, $s.S0
.00; cheat, aS.00tfS.5O.
, . glitter. Eggs aad roaltry. ;
RirrTBR PAT-aweet, SSMei eour. UH.
ttiiTTRH Cltv cressierr, seat. SOci 1ml
irtiU. S7Ue: outaioe lancy. zrvio ardlnare
S.V; store, ; letjlsttci California faacy, Ug
E7 Vic. ........ ..
- Y.tmn 1o. 1 freak Orfgoo, candled. 24flc:
' esatern, 22 f 21c. v -
CHEESE NewFnrt'eTeSm.' TWldVlSAfae
Tonne America. I44tl9r ebeddar. 14c.
. 1 Ul.l.l It 1 Ulicaene.:. mixea. - J2UU1-Jm1
n.r w- Mi4 : .id; loe
c-perf!finl lSTViJc-r; "eao!
-gqilk.pat ,lb;.llirxaa2c-4t. nil draea.4, I
32aS9 per lb; sqnaos, $lou13.U0 per dos. .
-BopxWL JC Hides.
' HOPS Contract. 1 bog Oregon. 14c;
Wsahraglna, - ly l4cr- 1004 trop, 14r?14Vfce
for choice; 1.1ji:iHc f'ir primes and medlnm.
WOOL 1808 clip, valley, esaree ta smaiam,
4U,W26H as. Mtjllsi esstera Uragoe,
1841 22c. ,
MOHAIR Nominal. Snaaie.-
SHEEPgK INS Shearing, lHOtO short woeL
B04U3UC; medloa
orUtl.OO each.
m wool, 80Joe ung wsot,
TALLOW prima, par lb ODl- Re. 1 sad
greae. 2tue.
C11ITTM BARK lf)Slil par lb.
' HIDES Drr hide. N- I. IS kbs and aa.
t4tlgtiper lb: dry kip, Na. i, to IS Iba.
14c; drr calf, Ne, L under 8 Iba. IsejlSci drr
- salted besee, ateec. 'emtnd. BO Iba ea. e Htl
He; 60 to SO lha, S4Hl aooer so lb. aad
, row. jflwc; atar ana puna, mm. anjicj
kip, 18 to SO lha, tVi sound, 10 to 14 lbs, 9
me: ealf. Bound, under 10 lbs 8H)lli grees
oraiaireoi, ja per id lee: cults, le per la teaai
a. aattco
ed. nrr -- 41 .Ot.f 4rn f
each, $1.00411.80: salt hides, sirb. tSQUHl I
. Boat aklM. MMMfl. ..rrk iRf I
; with wool TeeJ ch. aacoi U : '
,C. ... . .... v.-I
him vesaiBoiea, .
mel.Aea m a n ........ W
sack: erdlnarr. 4oop: sweet. rtJI4e. I
ONIONS New Oregoa yellow IMavera, $L00j 1
- "If ths paiato-growers of Ore- "
on would pay mora attentlonUo 4
early varieties such sa curl Bur
banks or American Wonders tthey
will And a- better demand fur
their good, every year there la
a demand for early white. pota
toes- from - Alaska, and tf v thla
tat a could, supply , the,m they
would j be ought here. There Is
buyer in the market today for
seven or eight cars end they oan
not be obtained. Jf they cannot
find them In Oregon they will buy
BatThas in California or Yakl
mas In Washington. However,
at- tie -swrno price Oregons are
wanted. Big-eye potatoes will
Bot 9 account-of the
heavy shrinkage," W. H. Dryer
of Dryer, o Mailey Co. .
tr tots, fttcj WalltJIVtlU, S6c; garlic, SQlOc
I rairiia a,tTtiM . tfui.k. M.
f.n'rrjo;"hVo" erAVie
bananas. 6U0 lb
l.nru.. ..1.
ft.0 Hf box; . fanur, . H.I8
Pr -box; lltnea,
100: pineapple, 4.00
TtQOOci ordinary. Bo(
i, aicxicaa, si.zs pa
per dos; peaches, rancr.
fiTRe: ulama: TOcfi 81.00
par eratet cantaloanea. aijOOiii-lJiB nar crate:.
Watermelon, Ikei ie par nrt; grapaa, Oregon,
roes veiirorai, 1.10tl.4O boij paara. H-ib.
S0ceil.2A vrr boi; blaekberrtra.- 1.1.6;
vaaabaa, l.MX3Xia par due; freak sreaea, SO
7ft? pr crata.
VKGETABI.ES-TBrDlpa, saw, 1.0 Bar aarkl
rarrota. l 0CJI M par aarkt bMta, It.owej
t.XS ear eaekl Onm radlabaa. SOa Hf 4aai
aaltbaaa,- Oregon, -1.00J1.5 per ewt graaii
pepnara, c par box; looal tomatora. 2ft J
aur; paraniua. si.ooarl.xS; atrlrar brana,m(Zr
eaalliknrer, T5e par tloa; ' rbabark. XH ear lb;
noraeraaiau. IS lb; arttofiokaa. 40flBO per Soa;
botboaaa lattare, 041TKe; head Wttoee, IBs pa
oa: frees. anions. 10lHe par aoa; aplsaeb.
to parlbi pM eora, TSrCitl.OO par eacki paaa.
par in) rwumDera, nwaixte par eaexi ceiery,
uMaraon, -Tor; local, TeojSbe par oaa
teeplant. 14 00 ear cratat namoklna. 1V4C.
DMIKU rKUITS Aoolaa. eeaiiaratea. tate
ear lb: anrlmta. Urlo par Ibl aarke. He
e mi Baaasee, saise par im paara.
per Ibi . prnnae. Itallas. iM04U,r ear lb:
frenetv 14e4He aa Ibl fUa. CaUforaU bUrk.
tKfUe nar lb: California white. par lbt
a lama, pitted. par lb: dates;- aside, farda, tl.00 Der-lt- box.
Vats.- Eta. '
RTTOAR Hack baala Cube. S8.T0;
fM; fruit granulatad. 4fi.4S dry grannlatrd,
9.4g; -t'oaf. A, 5. M; bmt granuUted, f..1A.
I extra V. t4.8S: anMen (' U K: D Tallow.
e. Doia, iuc; duu, zoe; aoxe sue aavsne
e eecs os. Ire KM r ntl ( eaaa. IS
TilOET 4 twr crate.
- COrrEB-Vaekaxe braads. 18.TS.
SALT Ptae Bala, a, a. 4. ta, 10. l.0l
labia, dalrr. so. II 1. 00: 10Os.llO.TS: Inv
poriea Lilversool. - flu. glT.OO: irjua. S1S.M:
24. 114.00: extra flee, btila. 1 S. a. 10a.
M.b6tB.B0: bulk. 320 lbs. t4.0Ot3b.UO! sscke.
1 . ."5,t8?e. . ... .
H4IT rmerea aemA lofla. ejae
M 00: to, sir tnn. gT.BO; l.lieroool lama rock,
fTS.M par to: 60-lb rack. 17 0u loux. SS.7B
(Above prloa apply to sale f Wa than
rr lot. Car. lota at special prices ssblset t
ininaiNHiar. ..
ORAJN BAOB Cklrstts. TVU. "
BICE Imnerlel Jen.. Kv i Sal Wa. '
c: New Or lease bead. tV4e: A tax. 4l Cre-
Bl. DM-,
BBAN amall hlta. let alalia larva arrtfta.
I pins. BUiSiSHe: saros. 411 uaaa ei:i
S.'r!" ran.
UTS Paasuts. TV ri tambea. tUe per lbt
raw aetioe oar tb: raaetea. - I coeaaaut.
MIASOe ser das wamsta. 144lllle per Ibl pine
naia. ioiiie per : lilckorv nuts, iuc per in:
ehaetnete.. eaateen tftahlAe m Ihi Seaall rmta.
ISe per lb; filbert, 14416 per Ibi fancy
perssa, 144tlBc: aJimda. uaiSe see R
rstats. Oaal Oils. Sta.
ROPE Pare alsslls. 14c: standard. Utiat
Slaal. 10 c: llal brand slaal. .
COAL OIL Pearl or AatraL Caaes. SB4 see
sal: water whit. Iroa bbla. in per se.1:
weodea. 18-or gall aeadlUbt. 170-de. cur.
13He nar sal.
OASOUNB Wl-dar. eeaee. t bet tall trad
bbla, 9nc per sal: eteves, laaaa. 24 We par gal;.
Iron' bhle. ISe per gal.
BENZINE S-d. eat, tSe .per gslt Iroa
bbla. SOr ner sal: Iroa bbla. sue nee aal.
' WHlTI Itt Tt T, Intm TK. n.. Ik,
"'i...Vi.MilJ,i! '"."'-. .
' "irixf NiHA-Praaent beer at SS.T0.
,.Jr "ll".'1. i. " Km,. EnldC
ease, ear lor, sw.ov per toai axes uaa ear
maau. sua sag rroyiiioai
PRRKH MEAT-e-Prout street Baer teers,
llu. IK. 1.1 k li V . tk. k
HAM", BACON. ETC Portland Pack iloralt
hama. 16 to 14 lbs. 134e per lb; 14 to 1 tns,
13o per lb: 18 to IM Iba, lit per Ib; eottase,
134k ear lb: 18
Be per lb; bra k feat bacon. loftlStte per ib;
wcnic. e , oar . id: reniar anon, ewara.
etnoked. lie per lb; emoked. lie per Tb:
clear bscka, soaatoked, 104e Ib; hmoked, 11 fce
per in; unaon dbttb. iv to is in, anamoseo. Be
nar Ibl emoked Be ner tbl clear telllaa. an.
emeked. lie ner ibl esMted. las per Ibi shoal'
sera. SU per lb.
LOCAL LARD Kettle wsf. 10a. ll;e per
tK K. lit.. .... K. Kil H. ..... w.
,tm rssSisdZ-lOs.' J0.e lh "faVjO,
nee lb.
l CANNFD BALMOT Cnlnmbls rteer, l ib talle.
11180; t-lb talhi, gJ.TO; fancy, 1-lb flat. il.PO;
mr' "lx' raT I-io vx. SiTB;
AUska (alla. scclSOci red. glAO: aombui
1.11. 100. " ; aoiaiaa.
riHIl Kock end, Te per lb: tlovndera.' Sc net
lb: hallhet. (He par Jb; crabs. $1.C0 per doa;
striped baee. .. H per lb; ritflah. SMper lh;
ln". Chinook, Te per Ib; biaeheck.' be
ffT.J": TZ'".-- ..P..'"' 9c.. T.
'lPSi loe per ni perch. Be per lh blaeh
rod, Tc per H: allver smelt,. Te ner lb: lohatrra.
lAe: freek mackereL Be per lb: erawftah. lSa
per ora.
OYSTERS Hsoalwatsr bar. aee sail fa a,
per sack. I8.T5. ' . .
CLAMS Hard eheU.- par bos. g2.00j raaot
eisms. Kbvu par box.
. ' OllLt OlIERW.
No Arrivals' of Hogs During Past
. Forty-Eight Hours -Tone
: - Is Weaker. ":
' Portland t'nloa Btockrsrds, Sept. 4. Live
Stock receipt:
. ,' , , i . Bogs. Csttle. Sheep.
Tndey . J..... ............. . . n - , god
Week ago log , 4T " . 70
ITevtons week .......... Ill M .. .tlil
Uonfb ago bu ii
A kelr Kill 1 14 . . I- K . .....I.. 1 1
ss entlrs holiday as far aa bualneaa waa muw
learned. There le. extreme weakneaa la the
w market but do arrlvale were enowa during
Ue7ured s bad TfcVllns alJc. JIS all
I !Trorr L-. .'.IK t'urday and all
varivtlea are quoted dull. Sheep are etrrnig,
veai raivee reiaia tne former etrvug reeling.
DfAi'lal price for llveatock:
.. Ua Beat aaatera Oregon. M SSgJS.Wf blneh.
re and China fata, fo.fto; tockers sad feedera,
$5.00. . ' ,
- t attle Beat eaatcrn Oirsryt ateerw. $.1 rinQ
l.2o; Usht and medlnm steera, $2 Aot3-OU: light
. . . ..... ....... ........ . .. . . . . . . . .
7 KiisTatwg
eu Walhara. itai mixed sheeei SUii ;
atralsht ewea. 8rf84c: spring lamha, 4Ujc.
I tel. rough aad hesvy. 45.
Pendleton. Or1., Bent, 4. Hare eating Is sjesrly
completed bars and whrathanllng has bees
going on for some time. W. S. Brer' mill re
ceives Im") ta 4,oo0 aacks of waaxt dally.
Theae average from 1) to 14S peanda la
weight per aark. Most of th remaining ma
rhlne srs sow In stacked grain aad nearly
.., j - -
If So, Idsrt Akoat tha Tery ZrOw 0. B.
Si, ST, Ba, tog.
SptembrM. I, "I and la, ths O. R.
eV N. places on sal very low rata long
tlm tickets east, account I. "O. O. F.
grh - Oc!g - Tr)ln. Philltdelrjhi.-
Pertlcillan hv Baking at .li
.. . . . ... . .
,na wasniRftOB atrsata,
Portland. :.---t--i-..-i-- r : 'r--.- ...
" . RlwrTPw BsaoR Ofoaed BrOOgg,
Alleo -t . lwls Beat Brand,
m hop crop
Weather Conditions ' Are Ideal
- Throughout World With Ex
ception of New York.
Sales of Choice Sonomas Made in
I California at Thirteen, and a Half
Cents While Sacramentos Art Be
.... - . - , .
jng Offered Around Eleven Cents.
-"Weather ertadlrtona era nnw Ideal foe tha
hop crop. Thoee grower a he sr willing to
wan s rew aay oeror picstng win ecere tse
beat- quality, according to geuaral opinion.
There Is ts much hurry: to pick this seaaon
and the crop la sraea In soma Blacee. ' If th
entire crop la picked early, praaent indleatioua
point to unmatured Dona, tbl alons being eur
Boeiu xo caoaa low prtcea.
Tb bos market la abowlne bat little tan a
tbe momont. ' Some sales sre reported, but Be
one aee die In a hurry to force transactions.
Thar La. however, S general feeling among the
srower tnai iney win sail wiintn toe Bret
wseks s large uortloo of their boldlnsx.
thoush s sreat manv will barn some f thell
erop Is sntiripstloa of ths market doing sum
reuer later in tne eeeaoa. .
Waaalagtea arewers Ssutn-..
. Waahlngton xrowara of hope are- Due boldlas.
Laat aeaaoa they, secured tbe top qootattnu
by aalllna when tb price wss booming. A few
held sad sold later at practically en half
of . what . they had bees offered aerly la tbe
year. In Oregoa a considerable somber of ssle
war mad early at tbe high point, but sver
half the grower held- I heir hope autti tbe
a-arket bad broken Its backbone.
Another effort le being mads to popl ths
iimio. crop or oregoa. California and Waahlng
ton. bat grower a Beam unwilling to allow tbcTr
stock to b held while o titer state grower
era nomas. . i cngiaaa, tiermany, new xors
anq -oiBer op otairicta growere sm
dlapoaed t let go than d
during th previous
- Crop Reports Ars Zxoallaat.
Crop reports sr excellent throughout the
world. There is still some sneealaeaa aa regtrd
live new Xorh crop, but a fairly mod rleld
expected. England, areordlns to reliable date
will produce e record-hreeklng crop sad Uee-
mmnr win nave plenty or oops to spars lor
otitalde brewers. Proepeeto la California are
dslly improving and Waahlngton Barer bad such
s goed-looklng crop ee at prreent.
Andrew Kan. - s grower whose yards -srs
located sear that of Conrad Krehe, the bull
leader f last eeaeoa, aald to Th Journal
that his crop will be better thaa ever. Around
Aurora, Butteville. Champoetr, Woodbnra. El
liott ' Prelrl. Mlleerton and " Gervale report
sew earning Indicate a besvy yield with sua lily
are i rieti. . . ' ...
Mnr cars will be seed la lb picking end
packing of hote In lbs ststs of Oreaou this
year man ever Be tore, cxinatnera Me eomputnt
waa mad laat year by Engllah brewere on
account ef pour picking sad lack of cars Is
drying bo pa and tbe matter haa beea brought
te the attention of local growere. Oresos
i have the renutetloB of belns tne beat that
can be produced esd growers srs rather Jealous
oj wast tss outer cuatrtets say. - -
Tonight begins th last weak of
Pain's msgnlflcent spectacle, "The Last
Days of Pompeii,' at tha Oaks. Tha
management haa tnads special arrange-'
merits-to-produce an -elaborate display
or nreworka each night thla week, fol
lowing; the destruction of Pompeii, This designated . as Elks' . night.
when a beautiful set piece representing
an antlered head on Are win b dis
played. Tomorrow night tha Knights Of
Pythias will be represented In emblems
of their ordsr. Wednesday night will be
Masonic nignt, ana nana noma pyroterh
nie emblems of the order will be die
played. . Thursday night special em
memg'Of the Odd, Fellows will be shown.
and on Friday the - Woodmen will be
represented by original features.' Sat
urday will bo. Women and Children's
night, and the portrait of a handsome
society woman and comio fireworks de
vices will be. seen. Sunday the great
Niagara Falls In fireworks will be r
pea ted.
These special Pain devices will be. In
addition to the regular display. Patn's
Last Days of Pompeii" la mors than
msrely a gorgeous summer-night show.
It Is an elaborate and historic spectacle.
D L'rbano's Royal Italian band will play
each evening from 7 to I o'clock and
every afternoon. The priced have been
reduced 15 cents ''and 60 .centaxhlch
snouia oe ine means or packing the im
menae amphitheatre every night this
week, rteata can do secured at Skid
linore g drug store, 1S1 Third street, and
at tne u..w. r. et jty. uo. i ticgei omce.
. . n ... n . n n . . . .
Flrat and Alder streets, and at a .ticket
office' at the Oaks. All purchasers of
mlttsd free to the Oaks.
Round Trip Daily to Astoria.
Excursion steamer' Telegraph! - makes
round trips dally (except Friday). De.
psrts from Alder street dock 7:10 a. m.
Frora Astoria 1p.m. Arriving Portland
:0 p. m. Sundays leavea Portland
S a. me Arrives Portland 1 n. m.
s the talk of the town for bar
gains in Groceries and Provisions.
The" householder knows it's
money, in his purse to consult
his prices. ; yj ;: 'V ; T:
', . ' .10 Pounds. . . . . ,
Dry Granulated Sugar for I LOO, :
-4 rang American .Sard tnsg.
cans Deviled Ham.
lb. can Solid Paoic Eastern Tomatoes
-TTounds Standard Rolled Oats. 1
;j - -is
lb. pkg. pyramid Washing Powder.
Bog No.. 1 Macaroni, IVsrmloelll f.
Spaghstt .
: 15 ' '
cans Condensed Cream; ISe dos. cans,
v'-v: - 25s ;
' -': t cans Minced Clams. .
Deliver on" East Side Every Day.
Oor. Wssf ark aad Washlmg-voa sTtw.
- noi4 llau Ion.
(Continued' from Page One.)
Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen-
Theodore Roosevelt, In . their, spirit
i -win ce. my endeavor to speag to you
today. J . . '.
A fsw days ago a distinguished cltlsen
of my state talked to you about. The
Tyranny, of. Graft' the dishonesty that
nas oeen shown to eslst In high places.
But ithere Is g form of tyranny fraught
with far more of menace to the American
people and their government It la the
despotism of power. To. solve the prob
lem of. the abuse of power will be to
insure tne happiness of it people.
Tne Abuse of Power. '
. "Th power Which g-old confers docs
not possess the character of benevolence,
True, there have been Instances wherein
men have acquired power and used It
gently, but they -are as rare and as re
training as the showers that come m
summer. The abuse of power Is the rule.
and It la tha abuse of power which Is
giving, the people concern, -
. The -Quarrel Is -not eo mtjrh' with- the
man who haa power aa With the condi
tions which bestow It. The system which
makes the happiness and well-being of
thousands subject to the caprice of an
Individual, or an association of indi
viduals. Is . wrong, an to diffuse . this
power among the people should be the
amuttion of every man. whether . In
private or in public life. .
"My friends, a nation Is greet, not ae
cording to . the number of wars which
It haa fought and won, nor yet in 'the
extent, or Its dominions., but In the num
ber of Independent and contented homes
over which the banner of Its protection
waves. There . are many very many
of such homes in this land today, but
there are many Tar. too. many,, indeed
C. H. Cram, One of Portland's
-Labor Leaders.
stsndlng in the shadow of t great fear.
They are the homes of thdse whoseThsp
plness' depends upon the uncertain will
of evil men 'who are established In the"
power that springs from privilege men
who - have, abused .tha powse --that the
people. In folly gave them and that th
people. In thelf matured, wisdom, must
take away. . - ,
The Misuse of Wealth. :
"Ours la -a -government, designed to
establish man In the fullness of liberty,
and Its people wilt not be shackles) in
mind nor In Industry, because shaclsles
strong enough ror that purpose have
never yet been forged.
There are five- men In this country
liwlay " anting- n CffnflSrt, COIlId
stop the wheels of Industry and bring
about the desolation that follows panic.
True, they don't do It It wouldn't pay
In dollars and cents Just now, but the
power Is theirs the power that the
people must regain. It 'does not slter
the condition to say that one of these
men la a prominent member of the
Baptist . chuach; the church long ago
found him a burden.' It does not sub
tract anything from the danger to say
that another of these power-enthroned
men Is erecting free libraries of marble
and granite. ' In the eyes of labor these
are but monuments offered by a stricken
From the servile courts -they have
wrung the brutal Injunction, and with
the fruits of labors toll purchased
legislation to ksep themselves In power
then asked applause for- erecting
schools that the children, of the poor
are not permitted the leisure to attend.
and for rilling ' libraries with x books
which these children. do not know how
(d redd.
"It haa long been one of the' unholy
ambitions of the despotism of power
to throw open the portals of the repub
lic to the pagan hordes of the Chinese
empire. Tou all have reason to know
what that would mean to American
labor and, to American institutions.
Yet under the tiypocritlcal pretext that
to continue to exclude Chinees from
thla country will be to forfeit our
trade with China, ', tha despotism , of
power declares . that the fears must
coins' down. . - -
"It spoke through a national gather
ing here the other day spoke cow-
rdly and to the shame of the states
represented. -
f - , ravore Bqttal sTaffrags. -
Do you ask me how the despotism
of power must be overthrown t Broth
ers, I believe In the ballot the easlsst
weapon to use, and . the one - weapon
of which cower stands In deadly fear.
believe the ballot snouia pe in the
hands of every American woman.
There is no phase of existence that
woman has not brightened, and the
American political system will become
free from tsrnlsn and take on luster
whenever women Is established In the
elective franchise. "
We would not return the wives and
mothers of Idaho to subjection any more
than we would ' take the ether steps
backward Into barbarism. " The happy
experience of the past few yeara has
rendered -us- proof against ridicule and
the false doctrine of the superiority ot
"Better laws, snd better men to ,d-
minister them; cleaner politics and bet-
ir 'Tiiajn: the hums a niuiw powerful
factor at the polls than ever before
these are a few of the blessings that
equal suffrage has brought to Idaho
every one of them a convincing argu
ment for the freedom 01 tne women
of Oregon. Give them the ballot, my
brothers, and you will double your
strength - for - the-impending - struggle
Ith power. .
Yes, the workers or mis country
111 .come Into their own through the
ballot-box. and through the ballot-bo
lone. They -will obey the-laws as
rbvy find them, but. change them when
they sre wrong.-- ' - - - r ,
- abor Legislation. - '.
"T"ThlS 1 the word of counsel that I
would leave with you today: Do not let
tha superficial things of life blind your
eyes to the thlogi substantial.- When
your congressman talks to you about a
rger navy. or the dual tsrirr.. remind
him thst a national employer's llabllttv
ill be on the' calendar aa 'unfinished
business tha coming session snd ask
him what ' he intends to do sbout It
...,,.,...,1 ,., il.ilu..i,i..iu-i.ia.i -.
When be lies to you about your home
being In danger of - Mormon Invasion,
tell blm that you are quite willing to
take care of your own homes and re
mind him that ha will find a national
j alght-hour measure pending; in congress
ywhlch is designed to give you two hours
mors each' day In which to It- r
"Shall I add-a word of tsstlmony re
garding the institution Of lsbor-unlon-IsmT
During the- years that I have
held membership In orgsnlsed labor I
have always found patriotism to be Its
invigorating principle. In every strntf
gie to place the race of man upon higher
ground labor-unionism has been in the
vanguard. It Is speeding the day when
the despotism - of power - shall be 'ns
a. tale that Is told.' and the rights of
man forevermore established. - .
After the speechmaklng the contests
and sports were held. There was
sack rape, two girls' races, one for girls
not over 11 years old and the other for
girls between ,1 and tl years, a fat
moo's -race, r sprinting contest among
men whose build is like that of lean
and hungry Cssslus. and a potato race.
I' rasp's orchestra furnished the In
strumental music, while vocal solos
were given by Miss Elisabeth' Harwas
and , M Ibb Gladys Qrenler. -r There will
be a ball this evening, at which prises
will be given for the best 'waltsers. '
' The I-abor day committee of the Fed
erated Trade Council Is: Harry Ourr,
chslrman; E. F. Caton, secretary; W. A.
McClark, treasurer; I. 1 Wheeler. T. H.
Kendlg, Grant McDonald, 1. Duggan, ,C.
Schults, W, H. F(Ugersld and Thomas
tveaoe. - ; .
The State Federation of Labor met
thla morning kt the Auditorium hall.
near Third and Salmon streets, but lit-
t,le, business was transacted by the dele
gates owing to the fact that all wished
to get out to the celebration being held
Lin honor of the day at Cedar park. - The
meeting was csuiea to- oraer oy rrest.
dent -Oram, who appointed a committee
on credentlale Tbek meeting then ad
journed, to meet tomorrow morning at
the same hall for real business.
evr Ziabor Say . Was Oalabratett ta
,. Othsr Cities of the Union.
' (Jtwrsn! SocUl Sarvte.)
New Tork. Sept. 4. Nsarly.S0.000
members of labor unions marched In th
great 'Labor day parade, which fornrexj
the principal feature of today's Labor
day celebration. -Among the strongest
unions were thoe or the -Teamsters,
with about 10.00 men, the United
Houeesmltbs with about 5.000, and the
Carpenters with nearly 1,000. - The pa
rade marched up and down Fifth avenue
and disbanded at Union square. .
Another Interesting feature of the cel
ebration waa the laying of the corner
stone of a new east side Labor temple,
which 1 to be erected on Eighty-fourth
street, near Second avenue. It will oc
cupy a lot f Oxios feet, win , be rive
stories In height snd will cost !,
Reoorts from sll Darts of the country
Indicate that Labor . day - Is celebrated
With more than the,' ordinary enthusi
asm - wherever - organised labor nas
gained a foothold..- " " "
In Boston a big parade was held in
the morning, while the afternoon wss
given up to picnics and outings. 1
The principal featured the day. In
Waahlngton, D. C wss "a labor Outing
on the grounds .of the . Washington
Jockey club, with automobile races, ath
letic and gymnastic contests snd other
outdoor entertainments. Thousands
went on- sn sxcurslon to Rlvervlewj and
other points In the vicinity.
The. celebrations in Philadelphia,
Pittsburg, Harrlaburg and other large
cities of Pennsylvania Included parades
and outings with speeches, ..outdoor
gsmes and athletic contests.
The labor organisations of Indlanapo.
lis held a big celebration on the fed-
ground and several, prominent labor
leaders addressed the crowds. Celebra
tions on a smaller scale were held la
manv Other cities of Indiana.
Cincinnati ana -cieveiana, as . wen aa
several other cities In Ohio, report large
labor parades, followed by outings in
tne ancrnoon.
Chicago' had an enormous Labor day
parade and a number of outings and ex
cursions. There were also a number
of meetings, which were addressed by
prominent labor leadere.
Albany. Buffalo, Bingnamton and
othsr cities In ths state of Mew Tork
report unusually large Labor day pa
rades snd the customary outdoor cele
brations. . ,
In Galveston rowing snd yacht races
under-tha- auspices of - the Oalveaton
Boat ana racnt oiud lortnea tne prin
clpsl feature of Labor day. There were
no speeches. The parade In the morning
was aulte imposing. -
Little Rock, Arkansas, hsd no parade.
but merely a large labof celebration In
Forest park. -Owing to the quarantlnt
condltlone the programs for the Labor
day celebrations In many cities in Teas.
changed. There were no parades and
only In few Instances limited excur
sions were possible.
Santa Rosa.-New Mexico, had a big
parade and In the afternoon a large
outing and barbecue with balloon as
cension, races and athletlo sports.
San Jose, California, had a fine pa
rade with industrial floats snd- In the
afternoon a barbecue and general cele
There was no parsde In Knoxvllle,
Tennessee. 'The principal feature wss a
grand celebration with speeches, sth
letlo contests, races snd other forms of
entertainment Eugens V. Debs was the
orator of the day.
.Okahoma City had a big parade In tb
morning, followed by numerous outings
in the afternoon. . . - :
A monster plcnlo at Spring .park.
Mlnnetonka, was the principal feature
of the Labor day celebration In Minne
apolis, Minnesota: William Templeton,
president of the Federation-of. Labor,
and Albert H. Hall were the principal
orators of the day.
Ottawa, Ontario, and Winnipeg, Man
itoba, had.parades In the forenoon and
outings In the afternoon. One, of th
features of the celebrstton ln'-Ottsws
was a vaudeville show in the evening.
On account of the yellow fever the
celebrations In New Orleans and other
titter Of Louisiana and other southern
states were llot aa elaborate ss orig
inally- planned. - At a rule--there were
no parades, and outings with speech ,1
races, athletlrr-contssts.-ste.. formattrS
feature of tha celehratlnna
Atlanta. Oeorgla. hsd a big day with
rlnraTBnTtrTmnrTrk- Chanel
8. Barrett of the Farmers' Cooperative
snd Educational union, and Judge C N.
Ramaey were the principal speakers of
the day. The parsde In the forenoon
wss the largest ever held there.
Richmond and Norfolk, Virginia, naa
big parados, followed by outings. Ths
program Included sthletlo contests, races
and dancing. , Nashville. Tennessee;
Birmingham, Alabama; Columbia. South
Carolina; Savannah, Oeorgla; Jackson
ville, Florida: Charlotte. North Carolina;
Raleigh. North Carolina.' and othei
southern cities also report large and en-
thuslastle celebrations, in many caset
with parades. . l '
' snarlllng Mortality. 1 '
Statistics show startlinr mortality
from appendlcltle end peritonitis. To
frevent and cure these awful diseases
here Is just one reliable remedy, Dr.
King's New Life Pills. M. Flsnnsry, of
14 Custom House Place. Chicago, says:
"Thsv have ho equal for constipation
snd biliousness." ifto at fikldmore Drug
Co., Ul Third street. . . ( . , ,
eases, cancer, paralysis, tumors, rheumetism and uii disorders of trie
stomach, liver and kidneys. He haa had great auccesa In curing con
sumption when the victim Is aot too n.nch run down by the disease,
and will stop hemorrhages in an incredibly short time. He brews his
own medicines from Chinese roots, herbs, buds, barks and vegetable,
teas, all of which are entirely harmless, and whoa medicinal properties
are unknown to American doctora He uses hi his practice over (00 dif
ferent Oriental remedies. - Hundreds of testimonials from grateful pa
tient. .. . - . .. - i - - - ' T
:- : DR. winq r i-.Ee n -f
IV'omTx rovaTx mm. , POTtAjr, ouaosr.
i M 4)
V;'--Vr.-'-; .... . . v .
' Ws hsv t fine line of Hand-Canred Ebony Chairs, Stools' and
Parlor Flower Stands which we
reduced rates and we trust you
tunity and make jrour money go
Hana-Canred Chdra;'reigvlar $25.00, gpecial... ft.50 V
Hand-Carved Parlor JPlower Stands, $15.00; special.. ....ftl.TS J '
' Hand-Carred Stools; regular
..... .- ....
. . . . . . v. ,
.A targe aaaorimcni 01 sasaets now on nana among wmcn are tne;
latest things in Lunch Baskets with straps. Large sise, 50 cents;
medium. 35 cents, and srnall 25 cents.
' eSee us before purchasing elsewhere.'
i: Western Importing Co.
On method ef Installing gives yttvetaoal results. Vow la the time to save
yotur fxursvaoe installed it yom want one la, jotur hows this winter. -
omvm sag nooam ax. 7
Is wtt tbay say aer sictkeds ef 4Mag
eetal work. We S work for people frea
aul ef th city enlckly to avoid any delay.
Kverrthuui bd to Satth Ooaa snalsss and
WISE BROS., Dentists
The railing, esr. Third aad WaaUsgtsa.
SB. . W. WTSK.
: (no
, , ; XstaUlsksd im,
Thonaana Is Fitrtlsnd sad sll ever tks
Berthwnt eas tUfy t w grt sad as.
May be sttended with the gravest eoeiptl ra
tion! If neglected or Improperly treated.
Wi fcav a peclfle traattnant which cure
svlckly, safely sad palalaaalj.
t SBOther seciulred die, the rsvagea ef
which when tally developed ae pea eaa
Seecrlbe, Wha It bsws by skis rnptioa
ar kr-anrea is swats er threat It horror
are already begss. W afaiy ad tbor
oasiily ears ys and a talaersl poiaotai srs
employed. . . , ;-
We treat sad rare, snt by tbe M Bsrgtcs'l
procedure, bnt br ralnlea saetbod solely
nr wa. W likewise wlU core yoa and
sv yoa th nffeiing ottd with
Vara Daatllty, br) slaakaad, ImpeUaey,
Bpareaatorrhoaa, Xaetanial Eaaiaaion, fr.
Biatara DmUm, Ira ef Maury, Xargy aad
Amkltiaa In th brlefeet tl It can be done
jatn JasorajoxLa if and positive' cum.
. Cooealtatlon nd xmlntkB free. . Write
for ayaintoar Mask aad book If yoa easavt
OfS Hearst a. sa. te
days, 10 ts IS.
Midlcat and Surgt;at
Oar. aa sad Ysaxalll sta,. rertlasd. Or.
BOwsTjra. nonjMU 00-
. . (Established lite.) - ' , ,
ffnii Axtn sttook mmoxasa,
V Boom 4, froaaa rtoov,
OaUxoia o oouaxontm
Irtald- ihl
Member Chtesg
c eJaunr, novTSxoars, oottow, rtocx Am r-
. 101 Third Street, McKay Building. Porllsnd. C
- -- -- WI M A ITBimT CIOS
Continuous Markets by Private Wire. -
TUtea, taakers, aad Uattsd Ctaeaa
The Greet Chin::: C::t;r
' . ' . SINCE
0SSO . .
' R la eallsd great because he cures sll
dlsesasss without resortlnc to the knife.
Call and have a free examination. He win
tell you the exact natute of your trouble.
He treats successfully every form of fe
male complaint, all private and blood dis
t S !
are offering; to 70a this week, at
will take, advantage ! this oppor, T
aa far as possible. . , .' X
$12.00, special. .... ...... '...f 9.9S ;..
.- '- -,. . , ... - ' - - '
1 a .1.
3"C0Vr W and last They're the handi
est to use, they go farthest, give smooth
eat surface and last longer. Besides'
these economies, .they cogt no mora thaa
Inferior paints, so' you ?kn't'belp sav-
Ing. money when you buy, 'paints of '
noaTTajrD KornxuaosT. .'.
. nunon maxjt l
and goad bed f0t
tbe aight, aa for fk
King's Baths
vnth sad WeebV
lngtoalta,jrinrt 'snd largest
" la the eltfT
rot" mod srs dents! work. World -re-
. aowned speclallsta
Lowest prices consistsnt with pxt t-elass
work. . - '
Oimm day and night, from $:U a, t .
aatll It a. ta.
Boaro or rai
Quick Brvlc UZ7
nsuunaa 1 .
t . 1 1 , . ' .
.. v.. - . . -- .- 1,