The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 04, 1905, Image 8

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Gr&ham . Outpltches Garvin - and
tht Sabbath Matine Coat
" . to tha Oaklandera.
After Initial - Cbiipter ' tha Local
; Could Not Connect Safely Van
; Haltren'a, MoektaaVa and Byrnea'
Hiu Score Visitors ThfeeJRuns.-
Batteries Garvin and McLean; Gta
.'; ham and Byrnea." ' ;" - . '
- Tha CoomuUn won Sunday a
after a bard uphill battle, and bta pink
yed 'ronletU." with tha dyspeptle
vlsaged countenance and tha borrowed
high bat. eat through tha Interesting
' contest and amlled untU the tfged teara
trickled through the care-worn furrows
that reault only from deep thinking and
staying out late at ntght Thts impeit
aonal phantom la not a myth, but be Is
the wlae one who la the authority on
all thing, knowa aU about aacrlfloe
bite and home runa, and telle the world
haul tha same. He la like the nuisance
In tha theatre who telle bla next friend
what la coming next.
, Portland started out like a winner
yesterday, but the spurt waa confined
to the first Inning-, for, after Ate singled
and Mitchell and Schlafly doubled, scor
ing two runs, Graham had tha locals
pussled. and that was tha end of the
Giants' fun. Several tlmee tbe locals
came within winning distance, but could
not connect forthe necessary hit Oak
land lumped Into the run column ta the
third Inning on Richards' single ana
Van Baltreo'e timely, double. In the
fourth Inning Dunleavy. after hitting
safely, waa aent across tha plate, with
the winning run on ""Doe" Mosklmarf
terrific two-sacker. Tbla tied the score.
and for four more innings Garvin and
Graham kept their offerings out of
' barm's way. In tbe ninth inning Moski
, man lined out a single and Rlchsrds
' sent him to second on a pretty sacrifice.
Jimmy Byrnes came along and scored
' "Doc" on a safe drive to left field that
pushed past Sweeney.
Portland bad a good opportunity In
the ninth. . when, Bchlafly singled and
waa safe on a close decision. Tbo offl
elal geore gives Francks an error on the
play, but It waa too- fast tor even that
clever player to handle; Householder
. waa up, and hers, ia where McCredle
. blundered. ' Eddie la a willing plsyer
nod, a nara hitter, but cannot bunt, Mc
CredU ahould have taken Eddie's place
at bat and sacrificed Schlafly. Instead
" Householder struck out and Larry waa
.nipped at second. McLean was up next.
and the big fellow drove out a pretty
single. Had Schlafly been on second
. he would have scored on McLean's hit,
'hence the game waa lost - . - - -
' Taking everything Into consideration
It was a good game and the big crowd
thoroughly enjoyed It. . The official
score follows: ... -
. ' ..PORTLAND. --..''- ' -1
AB. R. H. PO. A. E.
At, as. 4 l j 4 i
t euren. ii. ....... 0 0 1
Mitchell, lb. ....... I JO
Schlafly, 2b. ? 1 4
Householder, rf. ...... 4 0 0
McLean, c. ......... 4" 0.1
McHale, cf. .....,.-. J 0' 0 $
Sweeney, Jb. ........ 0 vj. '
Garvin, p. - 1
TU7 a
' ,A AB. R. H. PO. A. E.
Van Haltren, cf. 1 e 1 See
, rrancan, ii. 4
Dunleavy, If. ........ 4
Kruger, rf.. ......... 4
Kelly. 2b.i. .......... 4
Mosklman, .lb, ....... i
Richards. lb.. ....... S
. Byrnes, e S
.Graham, p. ........... 4
Totals .....'.Si I .7 17 IS 1
, , - score bt Innings.
, - ' lil'liltlt'
Portlnnd ........2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Hits . ..........I 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 17
Oakland ...0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 S
Hita .-. ........0 0 2 10 10 0 1 7
-;.... . 8CMMART,
Struck out By Garvin, S: by Graham,
t. Bases on balls Off Garvin. 2; oft
- Graham, 1. -Two-base Jilts Mitchell,
' f li le fly. Van Haltren. Mosklman. Dou-
ble play' Bymea to Kelly. Left on
bases Portland. &: Oakland. (. Sacri-
base Van Haltren. Time of game One
hour and 40 minutes. Umpire McDon
ald. ' -
- No need to fear auddan st tacks of
cholera Infantum, dyeentery, diarrhoea.
. summer complaint or any sort If you
have Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild
Strawberry In the medicine chest.
Score Cards
Cridge Whist Psds
;;Fc!dingQard Tables I
Aa Btisst Aswrtment of
J. K. GILL CO. j
. Booksellers and .
Esslck Pitches Winning , Ball
While Vocals' Take Kindly
to .Sam Iberg'a Curves
Portland, S; Oakland,' 1
Batteries Esslck ' and MeLean; Iberg
and Byrnee.y- . .'' v . :. ;
Portland-was in fine trim thle morn
ing and bad no difficulty In abutting out
the Commuters. Esslck waa In great
form and, while be allowed tbe vlaitora
I eight hits, he managed to score a ahut
out, with the assistance of two perfect
throws to the plate by McHale. -' Port
land opened up on '"Ham In the first
inning and scored two runs on three
hits and a. base on balls. Van-Bursa.
Mitchell and Houaeholder - connecting
safely: Portland-addecT-anothef tn-tlie
eighth Inning-on Mitchell's base on balls,
Schlafly'a hit and Byrnes error la
dropping the, ball after touching Mitch
-v- In. the fifth Inning Oakland made
four hits, but could not send stin
w i jptaie. im score , was;
! . AB. R. H. PO. A. E.
Van Haltren. cf. 4 0 1.10.0
Franca,, ss. 4
Dunleavy, If. ........ S
Kroger, rf. ......... 1
Keny, ID. 4
Mosklman, lb. ....... 4
Richards. lb. ,.' 4
Byrnes, c, .......... 1
Iberg, p. ............. f
Totals i . a-. ,-St - 0 - 8 14 11 - I
AR R. H. PO. A. E.
........ 4 0 10 4.4
Ata, ss. . .
It 4 1 10 0 0
Mitchell,, lb--.
Schlafly, 2b. . ,
Householder, rf.
Mrlean, e.
McHale, cf. ...
a. e of
...... 4
9 14 S , 0
a-k a e'a
Sweeney, Jb,
Esslck. p.
' ToUle . . .......... 81 S S 17 IS
7 S I
Portland . . ..... .2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 S
hits . . , S 1 0 I 0 1 1 1
Oakland . .......0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
Hits , .0 1 S 0 4 0 0 0 J S
- Struck out by Enslck Krurer 1, Iberg
z, Byrnes, vsn Haltren, Dunleavy; ty
Iberg McHale. Sweeney. Schlafly.
Bases on balls off Esslck 'Richards,
uunieavy; on iberg Bchlafly, Mitchell
Two-base hits Mosklman.. Francks.
Householder. Double ; play Ata to
schlnfly toj.Mltchel. Stolen base
Householder. Time ofgame OSe lfOUI
and 2 minutea. . Umpire McDonald. -
eiLers win out in : - .
- the ninth inning
The EtlerO had a narrow escape from
being beaten by that youthful bunch of
sprouts called - the' Pines yesterday
morning. The Pines had tha game well
In hand, with tallies to spare, up to the
ninth Inning. - when their catcher got
ambitious and threw the ball out of the
lot. letting In several men. This little
act of courtesy livened the , Ellera . up
and they gave young Taylor tha drub
bing of bla life, winning the game 11 to
10. The acore:
? U . 1R.P TT. 1A A ' S
Domer. lb. ........ j l e s. l t
Jameson, c-ee. . . . , . . 4 - z 0 4
Van Northwlck. If. 6 1 11
Brown, fb, 4 1 3 S
Dav. Sb. .v.......... l lftTi
Smith, cf. S; 1 S O
Kmerlca, as.-c. ...... 4 0 110
Riddle, p. ........... I ISO
Michaels, rr,, ,.1
, Totals . ,
S 11 IS 27 10 10
' PINES, i V. .
A. E.
4 4
Houston, lb.
4.10 S
. 4
I T 1
S ' 1
Brown, lb. ....
Brlggs, cf. ..........
Howatd. If. .........
Ouerln, rf.'
Myers, 2d.
Vsdnaia, c
Taylor, p.
i ' n o
, ToUls ............. S4 10 (27 11 S
:"' '' , iiiiiiTII
EHers 0 0 1 0 0 0 4 1 I 11
hub ; o o iilmi s it
Pines . . S 0 0 0 S S 0 010
-hiu ...i oeioosoo t
Earned runs Eilers, 4: Pines,' 2.
Stolen bssea Ellera, 6; Pines, 7. Bases
on nans un Kiddle, S: off Taylor, i.
Struck out By Riddle, 10; by Taylor, .
Twolse hls Biiggs, Howard, Brown
Day, Riddle.- Left on bases Eilers, 4;
Pines, 2. nit by pitched ball Dorner,
King. ' Passed balls Jameson, Vadnala.
Wild pitches Riddle, Tsylor. Time of
game Two houre end 10 minutes. Um
pire Parrott. Scorer Smith.
Lst Anc'M ......
Baa fraaclare .....
131 -.410
10 .807
1312 14il5lH!l
- Svea Break at Trlsoo. ; ...
' - ' tJoaraal Bpaelal Servlea.l
San Francisco,- Sept 4. Seattle and
tha Seals broke even yesterday In two
closesly played games. - Shields-out-pitched
Wheeler, but the latter'a sup
port wae better at critical times. The
scores: ... ' - : : : "
First game ' R. H. E
Seattle ...400241 0007 7 2
'San Francisco ..20010010 00 S 4
Batteries Roach. Miller and Frarr:
Wheeler. Williams and Shea.- - -
Afternoon came ---. h, jljl
Feattle . . ......1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 02 4 1
San Francisco . .1 000 0 0 0 2 S 4 S
Batteries FMeTds ancrBtanlienwIilpt
vt neeier inn wnson. umpire ua via
flearsal Boeeial SarHca.1 ' v '
" TAcorai. VI arc. Kept tr-KtmtM
pitched splendid ball against the An
gels yesterday, while Hall waa Vetted
for seven runs. - The scorer ; '
' ' : R. II E.
Ixa Angeles ...0004000011 o' S
Taroma . .......01120210 7 10 1
Batteries Hall and Spies; Keefe and
Hogan.- Umpire Perrlne. V,
'Bay State Aato-Baolnf.
Ueoraal SpecUl Serrtea.
Boston. Mass., Sept. 4. The " Bay
Stste Automobile association had se
lected 'Labor day for its big . auto
mobile meet and races on -the famous
Reedville track. - The meet promises to
be highly Successful, judging from the
large number of entries for the vsrlous
Tires, which will lakeprag4 ihW after-;
noon. Many of the most famous drivers
of the Eastern states are here and will
take pert la the contests. One of the'
Interesting features wtll be a contest cf
steam against gasoline car,
Considerable Surprise Was Mani
fested When Graney.Was Not
-Selected to Referee Fight.
Britt Talks About Holding' and In
" " ddentally "Remarks That a" Man
. - Must Train Sarfae Way for Long
'as fore Short Fight. . .
U By W. W. Naughton. - :
San Francisco, Sept-4,-1 f any one
had wanted te bet early la the week that
ex-Champion' Jim Jeffries would, have
been chosen aa referee : for--, the Brrtt-
Nelson flaht he would nave Dean ac
commodated In large amounts. All 'the
smart fellows : '. were cocksure that
Oraney was programmed for the posi
tion and were not at all diffident about
expressing their opinion to this effect
1 It waa as a bombshell up ana aown
the line when news, came out of the con
ference room that the Brltte had ob
jected polntblank to Oraney on the eeoro
that there was bad blood between ine
"little horseehoer- and the fighting
member of the family.
Even then some people tmragnt it
waa a ruse to nave tne rxeison sio
clamor all the harder for Oraney, the
belief beine- that -when Nolaa bad aung
Oraney'e praises to such an extent that
he couldn't well retreat xrora ma posi
tion, tha Brltts would suddenly accept
the services of the man why has refereed
so.msny. ngnis ior mm
The wlsescres understand xnings oi-
nier now. They know that there la war
to tha knife between Jimmy Brltt and
Oraney. - 'It la a strange situation. In
vtew of the fact of the coalition that
la supposed to exist among Native Bona
connected In one way or another with
puglllstie pursuits. ..'
While Jeffries baa not msue omciai
acceptance of the position aa yst, it Is
felt that he win agree to Judge the light
weight battle. whisper comes from
Lab Anceles that big Jim does not con
sider the 1500 fee usually paid a ref
eree for aery ing In championahlp func
tions at th la en 6 suXUcient tie is no
qoupt innuencca oj pniiwi;
blscest house that ever gathered around
. . , , .
a Queensberry ring la the far west It
ls estlmsted that in purse ana sme-Deia
the winner will take down ver $50,000,
and Jim considers that one per cent of
the purae la a very small sum to hand
to the greatest ngtiter In the world for
flllina- an offlctal position and allowing
himself to be snapped by the moving
picture camera. " v
IMoture Sfem Warnaa. .
IncldenUlls- the picture men are about
the only parties who sre none too well
pleased over the appointment of Jeffries
ss Judge of the contest - They recogntst
that Brltt and Nelson are but manikin
compared to the herculean ex-champion
and they, dread to think or wnai win
happen when Jeffrlea gets between the
camera and the struggling lightweights.
They are afraid there will be deep dark
blanks In the action of the fight Just as
there are in theatres when tha ataga is
darkened so that the acenery may be
Changed In, up-to-date melodramas.
FlghtgoersWnwirlad that Jeffrlea la to
Ka the third. man in the ring, however.
ibeJkoxejOec?JLla Lnown ".?!
Jeifrlea is averse 10 mucn oiuumi uur
lng a contest' Knowing the ex-cham-plon's
Ideas In-this direction. It Is be
lieved that he will "aeS to It that Brltt
and Nelaon break eharply when or
dered to. - t - ----- - -
Jimmy Brltt insists that be did not
hold Nelson In hie last affair end ssye
that he will not offend In the manner
described In the coming event - , .
; A.a BrltS Beoa It.', .'.' )
- THaybs the Dane will want to hold on
a while after I hare chipped him on
the chin," said Jimmy the other day
when warmed up to hla subject
It has been claimed by Brltt'a friends
that the Native Son fighter has shown
Improved condition after each, and every
training he has put In- for a couple of
years past. Brltt himself claima that
this la true and that moreover-'he will
be better this time than ever before.
"Thls talk about chsnglng your train
ing In torder to fit yourself for a 45
round contest la sll rot," said Brltt the
pfheraayr 1 J! 1
"A man who la trained for 20 round
la trained for 45. The only thing la,
he must fight differently In a 20-round
contest be baa to crowd enough work
Into that time to offset what tha other
man does. In' the 46-round match, which
In this particular .case meana a finish
fight, a fellow doesn't need to pay any
attention to the., lapse of time. The
whole of his thoughts are on winning.
A slow round here end there doesn't
bother him. .If he saw any openings
there wouldn't be a slow round, of
course. He can use hla strength with
Intelligence and hla -condition-to the
best advantage through not being ham
pered aa he Is in a limited bout."
When asked to express an opinion a
to how long the contest would last, Britt
refused. -
"I -don't think it will, go the full 4.
and that ia all I care to say about It,
he added.';- 'v.-' . .
. gpretal ServWl
New York, Kept." 4c The Irish-American
Athletic club will revive the his
torical national Tailten games at Cel
tic park today., The Tauten games were
to the Irish what the Olympian games
were to the preeks, snd It Is proposed
to- hold these athletic games and contests
every, year .after this,. Many of the fa
mous Irish -athletes -are her -and -will
take part In the Individual contests this
afternoon;, Among- them is Martin Blier-
' .-ground champ
world. There will be. among - other
eVelUE. a watr-si for tire two-nillg tee-'
plechnse championship, a wrestling com
petttloTi." short-distance races, throwing
the hammer, putting the shot,, throwing
the discus, also a hornpipe and reel
JClddle States BaraWa.'
Philadelphia, Pa., Sept 4. The open
ing of the middle states regatta on the
Schuylkill river, which opens here to-
Btrtkss Bidden Books.
When your ship of heslth strikes the
hidden rocks Of
dnsumptlon. Pneumo-I
nis. leic, you are loai ii
helpi from Dr. King's New
I sco very for
J. W. McKlnnon of Tsl-
Isdega Bp
orlngs. Ala., writes: "I had been
very ill with pneumonia, under the care
of two doctors, but was getting no better
when I began to"tnke-Drr Klnrs New
, .1 ....... Tk. f i,. Arm . ,, MIL.
. - , , KK.r ma' ci..a .4
sort throat bronchitis, coughs and colds.
Ousranteed at HKidmore urug (."o., lil
Third street
Price 60o and $1.00. Trial
bottle free.
' ''- ' ' 1
yyyyy":' yyy '"'-y-:? ... :, iVnawiwkMiiwia -ran to btttpt yjg. '.::;.:: V- - , - '" .m
Neil m'SSl'wa mova Into the
I the handsomest spd most modern
...... Studying In our new bome will be a pieaaure. xou Know now mucn nicer ii is to ao inings amis-cnnnu usui, in.pirina arnnui"i. yt cor-
dlally invite you to call and see the premises any time you come to Portland, whether or not you enroll, with us aa a student-We will Uke great pieaa
ure in showing you through the different departments. , , . - . . ' " M ... " ... ' . '
i The pupils in the business practice department occupy individual office desks, each desk containing five drawers. The fixtures In- the offices are Just
like those of a bank, all in oak. The pupils transact business wish thesO offices. Every tranaactlon is performed over tha counter, the same, as In actual:
life, from the day the pupil enrolls until he graduate This enables our pupils to do satisfactory work in business from the etart
Remember that last year we placed 207 Behrtke-Wslker graduates In poeltlons. and 'could have placed S00. as there were that many calls from Port-
land business men. Our guarantee meana that you can have the opportunity of yqur life to-obtain a situation In a first-class Portland business house. Once
-In a such a situation there's no limit to your advancement. Orasp -every .opportunity that comes your way, and you are bound, to be successful In, life.
; Orasp the -opportunity that exists today now by writing for handsome illustrated catalogue. -' - j, ..;..-'-. . - .. .' -
r Address Behnka-Walker, Business College, Department IS. ; .5 . . . t . . j . . 'r :'' '-''' r.--, . , 1
day, has .drawn thouaanda . of visitors
from- all over the Bast to mis city.
Oarsmen from alt parts of the country.
particularly- from the c Atlantic- coast
states) are nere to witness me various
events. The crews and Individual con
testants who are to lake part In the
reaatta have been here for several days
and have been practicing hard every day.
The program for the regatta includes
individual contests, doubles, four and
clght-oered. racest..l.S and 20-oared races.
Lost P.CT
New York
84 i
44 ' .
, 51
'64 '-;
. 40
Chicago . .
Philadelphia . . .......
Cincinnati . . ........
St Louis
Boston ..
Brooklyn . . ..........
At St. Xala. -..''-.,' -'
'' - R. H.E.
St Touls . ..... .i 4 0 1
Cincinnati-. . 0 4 0
Batrertea Krown ana uraayr jswing
end Schlel. 'Umpliw Emslie.
AS Cbloago.
First aame R. H. E.
Chicago ..l.vl S 0
Pittsburg ...................... s
Batteries wicker ana u iseiu: run-
lippl and Olbson. ; - - - '
- necona game - n. n. r.
Pittsburg.. . 1 S 0
Batteries Weimer and O'Neill; Lel
fleld and Pelts. Umpire Xlem. ... ',
Terrible plague, those Itching, pester
ing diseases of the skin. Put sn end to
Doan's Ointment At any drug
ion of the! . ' W fl aa sV I av 1-4 , ) -7T: :u . ' x..,.,
t-H ' ' r 1...""" J. l Jl! AAi-i
r Portland,. Orecroh
A ; Location Specially Selected as
new Elks' Building, a complete floor of
business furniture that is manufactured
.. 4
. 44
. 1 '
. 64,
- 47- .
s -61 .. --.
64 ,
43 .-;
: 74
Chicago . .
Cleveland ,
New -York-.....
Washington . .......
Detroit . .
St Louis .
57 ;
6 -42
R. H.E.
Chicago .................... .1 2 0
Cleveland... .........S 7 0
Batteries - Patterson and Sullivan;
Donahue and Clark.
v'l.v;. At att. Xjoaia.
': ....',., R. H.E.
Detroit..,....................! S 1
St. Louis S S O
Batteries Claris' and Spencer; Clcotte,
Dlsch and, Warner;. . , y
Opeaiaff STewyort Xorseshow. ,
" (Jouraal Spaclal SerTlce.1 , . , '
Newport, R. L. Sept 4. The', ninth
annual Newport horseshow Opened here
at the Casino today with a larger num
ber IdI entries thsn ever before. TbeJ.
show this year is In chsrge of an execu
tive committee composed of H. F. ' Eld
ridge (chairman). O. H. P. Belmont. Pres
cott Lawrence, C. Hitchcock and Wil
liam R. Travers. .. program includes
SO classes, -Including hunters and Jump
ers, with many entries snd valuable
prlzesIn every one of them.
Borth Bortlanc Defeat Bandy Stoada.
North Portland defeated the Sandy
Road team yesterday in a well-played
game by the acore of 8 to 0. The fea
ture of the game was the battlag of the
Good Enough for You
Worn by the
Ybut Fall- Shape Is 1 Here
CJ;G7 Ttinf St. ftetneen Stvrk Oak A
Ideal for Business College
which has been constructed specially to
anywhere for college purposes. . -
North Portland's Shea being the par
ticular star, getting four hlta out of Ave
times at bat Tbe lineup: r '
North Portland.. - - ; . Sandy Roads.
Schans ....... ........ McKtnley
Lodell .......... .lb... ....F. Olebusch
Turk ........... .ss. .. ... ... Olebusch
La Resu ....;....CT. ......... Taucher
Shea .........w.'t.c... Leahy
Langacher ....... .rf ........ . Oroatas
Paff .Sb. ...... . Adams
Kottaman P... Proahst
Ooddard .......... cf
North PortIand--Runs, S:
Bandy Roads Runs, 0; hits, S:
bite, 14.
I Oa Wavarly Zlnka. ;
The Waverly Oolf clilb has arranged
for a men's open handicap tournament
to be held thla morning and afternoon,
aa art opener for the fall season. A
bungalow has been constrdcted during
the summer, which provides ample ac
commodations for members, and: their
gueeta. ' -,"4s :-- ; ..-; 7
And ' Ballflisa. Tketaaaada of
- way,
: - t
. 11,00 Season tickets $1.00. '
: On sale evsry day.
11.50 Two-day tickets 12.10. ' -
On sals Saturday only. . ., ... .-..i..L'-i..,;
Through- train leaves anion depot .' S
p. mc No delays, no transfers, no dust
See C A. Stewart agent . 24S Alder
street about tickets, official informa
tion, time cards, etc., and ask for Clat
sop Beach souvenir, containing SO beau
tiful halftone Illustrations. Tickets eold
at union depot.
our order, , and is being equipped with.
;r - r -r-
September 25th;
Dar and evening aesstons basin at the
same time. Office method. Bookkeeping.
Shorthand and English, - One tuition fee
admits to all departments. . Rates one
third lower than other , school.. wn.
known profeaelonal teachers in charge
r.iiLiNur.iAii Bus&rcss
M. A. ALBIN, Superintendent ,
,---. C. W.KITT, Principal.'
Faone Stain aaoe, -v 4) Blxtb v
Tse School eenprlseai
As aWninitwTTi aehoot wltk nrlsurr eat
arania.r BTaoe.,-M. . .
Aa ! proper, wfclcb Sts tor eaatara
sad wntara eoUesea.
A bearding ka U tor gtrta. ,
Oface hours ef the prlsrtpahi earing tbe
eaamwr. Inn I i. a. H II a, tl tka
eeeaeay. Tot eaUkaae. aodraas
ThlrtnWi and narrtoon. Pottlaad. iOeatnav
to, for Astoria. ' '
- Swift steamer Telegraph leaves Alder
street dock 7 JO a. m. daUy exoept Fri
day. Returning leavea Aatorla 2 p. m..
arriving Portland S:10 p. m. Sundaya
leavea Portland S a. m., Aatorla 2:10 p.
m. Arriving Portland 1p.m.
r '.r. ... , . .-'.' v.. -; --.-'-1 .
t ... ' ' "