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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 4, 1905)
OLDS, r. wohtman & ' KING V0TMAN6 KING THE ' "DIFFERENT . 5th, 6th end " Washington Sts. ST PRE CLOSES AT 6 P.M. " STOIU. SFORE OPENS AT O U. F05IEM0ST DEPARTMENT STOaE WEST OF CHICAGO VISITORS WELCOME OUR GRAND AUTUMW . IPJAUGURATIOW SALE AND; IWFORMAL FALL EXPOSITION OF iTHE WORLDS NEWEST AMD BEST- .IN MERCti ANDISE-OPENS-TOMORROW The First and. Foremost Retail Event of the New Season, Meriting the Advance, of This Great House to Another Milestones in- Its, Business Life, . and ; Setting o New Pcco in Vdue Giving . None Can "Successfully . Follow SPLENDID BARGAINS IN PLENTITUDE "".EFFICIENT T SERVICE. il Awiv back east, ia Provi dence, R. I- thera used to liva a . certain . Prof. WJlllama, who occupied a seat at Brown uro He wa notad for r hninflr itumoed" for a reply to any querypuito him.1 He- naa a MB-ir about' town with- membert.' ol hi class discussing xne arciu- tecture ot cmierew duuuwm. whM: Wt one of thesa out-of- door sessions, the class halted before the oia rroviaenco sta tion, -which, had two towara, :.v, rl(vk on each.- one of The tudentr-remarked,"Tather too innocently;: -j.wonaer why they put a dock on each tower.- nro feasor? "Oh,1 eame -the reply4ntantlyr-"that ia so that if any one nappenea to d looking at one the next person wouldn't have to wait until ha got through." WeV such a (host of bargains awaiting. you here tomorrow that no on will have to wait for a turn at them, they spread out over, every aec tion of the treat store. The full complement ot iieipen ?of, the Autumn season is made u;v and best service will be guar anteed, If we're not on -your visitinsr list 'tis a mirhtv timclv . . . . . tw . 1 , pmejjgexjacgiiainiBn. iqjuo. menas we wouia aay, lets re new acquaintance no ' better time than at the beginning of a new season. Stocks . are full, fresh, bright and new. You know our QUALITY stand ard; STYLES are correct and authoritative PRICES apeak for themselves. Hear their toryv fiat, smooth, Itt vtos toot ; jrxoaa. l.MO U bM. ar 1M alaa; ptUl at. Pair of Exceptional Hosiery Values - FIRST FLOOR SHOPS. 1 -Women's $1.00 Hose 55c r Black Lac Brilliant I.iala Hnae, extra, size,, finished foot, doublt ml.' .l 4.t... tl m Rn.ri.l. the pair ;....&) Children's 25c Hose lie Children's Black Fine Ribbed Litis Hoe, seamless or finished - foot, wry dressy; regular value 23c Special, the pair. .....-... ....18) Children's Wool Jackets Reduced I SECOND" FLOOR This week, to make room fot mors winter goods we shall sell Chil dren's Wool 'Jackets at less than cost of material. , ; ; , These Jackets are made. of fine wool materials, in navy, red, green, cardinal, tan . and brown, and sre trimmed with plain or fancy braids, gilt buttons, - fancy - stitching and shields. Sixes 2 to 6 years, Our regular $1.40 ta $2.25 values Special at, each..T ;......y..69f Our regular $3.50 to $4.50 value's Special atreach .:. ...fl.ST Our regular $5.00 ta M.00 values Special at. each.;i.:;......f 9ur. regular $7.50 to $10 values i eacn " ANOTHER SPECIAL SALE OP Royal Worcester Corsets CORSET Sat nwL. SECOND sFLOOR. TtfAVM 1 : r r t .i n oi noyai Worcester A-orsets, about 20 styles to select r L. mcuium vr nign oust nd Princess hip styles. In btaek 'talian cloth or white nd drab coiitille. Siaes 18 to 3a - - ' ms is a bargain in Corsets such " seldom offered, as there art - r y' . w nnOwrng; Pri&tf. each, on1y;.57e --These Corsets cannot b ".M,ca or exenanged under ny consideration. .-, ' ' aiTXSWAt mib WBITUfS TATUL. Blala. irktt m wrmj ht4. l ib. b.. 12tt fkMta la kf-. or as vahMt ial at. tt kfl.M soxrarrnrstana Jh. aawxa aOat nlrt, raM, la wlu Mir 8abMi. f an S4 wnm ' la feoa, wir ltk vain; .m ul at, Um boa.lta XAXDI70U TAOXXT TOUT VATXa, la iataat aHar..-Saa tl ppw, ma ISt ala; ayacta at. tt vackaca ....T. BM SftABOVK BOOXS, mat soekat la, .walta nld paaar.aar I A aalaa; aaaeUt at, aai..S. SVIO'S UOAT CT AIM -.wUTIBS . BAtCB, axtra - kr. etoth Smtoa, la walla. ar aad IM tiata. Sac vaioai aaactal at, tha a ........Is. TATIBT TABTS . ' 1a aaaaa. ar ISa. valaa; aa tlai at. Mek....l0a rSJCTTT SOWKBIB - bat ms ta suar aMltaai arloaS at aaeh,tNaiSSatai alookol cnraxnra XBOBT SVAUM, V7 aoaraataat tae taac lata, SSa vataa; BXV tlas taa, a SeUl "Lawte aaS XSirt"- la, VOr: lB".aaa "P. & S." ateai flea, adi ........... Sa SSBXl BOB XAia TIBS, aaat amrtis atrias, a Sm. 1a asx. aar SSa valaat apaelal at, taa iaa STIOX i Jf- ta Aa. algaa at Lala aa Clark kaata. Saca Jawaa aa4 Baaa, ta .atatatS aUrar ao4 gilt) aacfc, aal7..U 4av smxtx atps oobos, bmt aamtk Salak, . aar IS jratatt aaa ' atal M aatr.lSa nXTTX BlOOCTtM ta Soar alffartat tt laaa; print . at ...SSa SOS OOtLAB row- OATIOBS, III btaek . ar vklta. alt alwa, aar 10a ralaai ap. : alal at, aak....a. WOmcV'S TBf VBSTS .Mo WklU - Sta - rlMM4 . nata, ton . (IM,- rr BMtlr Snt.k.d. a an tr-, T$nr Ti. Itri ai). aaek ....IS. A Grand lII Styles E Smart Apparel: Grand Scions, Second Floor SPEOAtrllNAUGURATINa SALE OF SUITS AND CKIRTS Handsome Street Suits ot Exactly One Half " 1 Their ; Price $8 Silk Petticoats for $3.98 Fashion has been generous 4nded 4hia -seasoit fn allow ing wide scope for choosing, in the selection of a. model for a suit or coat for autumn and winter wear.- She has ordained that almost every fashion is "THE THING." For this reason the feminine contingency may one and. all be congratulated, seeing that each mayH.without misgivings wear that particular style of garment she looks best in. THE PARTICULAR SUIT YOU LOOK BEST IN r AWAITS YOUR CALL HERB AND IN- ; SPECTION TOMORROW. Maybe the particular suit that best strikes your fancy will be one of those cute and natty short bolero or jacket styles, these art to be seen in all the new sea son's favorite colorings, strapped, stitched and diversely ' trimmed according to the best taste dictates. Also an immense and varied assortment of those long and graceful fitted coat suits which must be awarded the " palm".triis season for precedence in style. Redingotes, iuqrs and jacket suits all find favor in t asnions eyes. These smart costumes are- being shown : in various' shades of gray, blue, red, tan, green, brown, purple and black. 'Mannish styles attract many swell dressers: paddocks and ni boaty , effects are POP"!',, The price range is wiae ,fiwj9,aja SUPERB NEW LINGERIE WAISTShAvt arrivfd. Magnificent hand-made creations. Prices run from $7.500 $28.50. Dainty mulls and linens predominate in the showings." ' - 7 : ' -WOMEN'S. NEW- COATS Overwhelming assort ments and wlderchoositigin the great convention of new fall coats. Three-quarter and full lengths. Serges, broadcloths, cheviots, coverts, tweeds and fancy man nish mixtures share in popular favor. All the favored shades and colorings. Choose from the simple and plebisn garments, yet full of style as a nut is full of meat, at $7.50 or run along up the price scale to the patricians at $185." Stop where you will st the in-between price stations, you 11 find here each garment best st its respective price in America. - .- CHILDREN'S NEW FALL COATS Very smart and. natty garments, long and graceful, made of. sturdy materials, including serges, cheviots and fancy mixtures. Coats for girls from 6 to 12 years of age. - v ' ' . : 'T,'';; ''"T'"7t " " ; "' ' .. - . RICH . NECK - FURS The largest and finest assortment Of Superb Neck Furs ever shown by any one Portland house. The lines are too varied for description in detail. Suffice to aay, all the very newest ideas of America'a leading fur houses engaged in manufacturing hlgh-cUll7fHfiiTments affdwraps. Sables, Isabella fox, black marten, mink, squirrel and bear ...3.50 to flT5 V - EXTRAORDINARY SPECIAL VALUES FOR TUESDAY WOMEN'S SMART TAILORED SUITS FOR HALF PRICE Ws shall place on sals Tuetaay morning about 75 handsome suits in blouse and jacket styles, just the wanted frocks for present and winter wear, in all the most favored colors and materials. Plain tailored and trimmed effects, values rangihg from $15.00 to $28.50 at HALF PRICE for the day. " ; : - $8.00 SILK PETTICOATS FOR $3.98 Another of those great special distributions of handsome Silk Petticoats at a mere fraction of their worth and, regular selling price.t Splendid taffetas and chiffon taffetas, examples of splendid workmanship and trimmed in very newest effects. All wanted colors snd plain blacks. Choose from s lot including values up to $8.00 to'morrow at 3.98 i i i . i $ j A "SNAP" IN ClilffONS first Floor 75c and $1.00 Chiffons for 48c Pretty - Chiffons, in black, cream, white, pink, blue, red, tnaie snd lavender; our 75e and $1.00 values. Special at, the yard 48e GREAT SPECIAL INAUGURAL . SALE OF ,, Women's Neckwear FIRST FLOOR. ' Tuesday we'll open a grand special sale of Ladies' Neckwear and shall offer some truly .extraordinary-value.-Everv"blee -is-new-and desirable nothing Old-fash-- . toned. .or.shopworn. ,! Fine Embroider71,roverr Collar! f ou L 25c and 35c values, especial, -itch i or for 80e "Pretty Tfcxa'CoTIarii sbmeTaci i insertion . on-fia juality linen lawa; our 60c value Special at, the set..88 f S for f 1.00 Fine Embroidered Linen Stocks, button in back, with fancy front; our 50c value. Special at, each.. .. 35 or S for fl.OO Beautiful Linen' Stocks,' with front tab, trimmed with Valenciennes lacej our 50c value, i Special at, each....;.......8e or for.;i.;.V..,.. .fl.OO Pretty Stock Collars, some lact insertion trimmed and with three tabs in front trimmed with pearl buttons others pique stock with linen band and front tab' piece trimmed with French knot. Piqus Stocks, with front tab, trimmed with washable guimp and pearl button; our 50c value. . Spseial st, ch.-v.JJ r $ for..; ...l.oo SPECIAL SEPTEMBER SALE Of Tflhlft LineHS, Towels and Autumn Wash fabrics DOMESTIC AND WASJH GOODS AISLES FIRST FLOOR. Our greit fall 'sale of 'Housekeeping Linens starts tomorrow. Prices are away under.' market value. Linens hare advanced steadily, and are going higher; nothing csn prevent it. Ws could not land linens here nor bur in open market today at the prices we contracted to pay for these, weeks. and months ago. A scour iha of the New York market bv our resident New York buyer pf6veTthis facFTt few dysrago7Many-f 7the retai-price-t- this sale average as tow as present wnoicsaie pricesBetter stocx up on all fall -need in these lines while this sale is on. We commend the folfowing item to good housekeepers everywhere within shopping distance of the store, by mail or personal vlfit "TT- HANDSOME TABLE DAMASK FOR $1.05. A rrw Imcortation of Bleached Satin Damask, of Irish manu- faeturerery-MvyeMAlityr-7-inelies--widet In a variety of fiand3-! someeaigns.-JThisJintnJiraaJmpQrted.tfi rrtal s$l Spia4 sale price, the yard;...., ............f 1.08 NAPKINS to match Table Damask, full dinner sise. , Special at, the doten .8 8.48 TOWELS HUCKABUCK TOWELS FOR 25c 250 doten Huckabuck-Towels, hemstitched, with all white or colored borders; good large size. - Special sale price, each.....88e I , ' , HUCK TOWELS FOR 8c. 500 doien Huck 'Towels, soft and heavy; good towel for rooming house. Special sale price, each, ........8e WHITE LINEN-FINISH SUITINGS 12vic. ih Stirti fits avssia XAia savsaos. . aaat aUr. (0 ynr arlauaa, aar 60 valoa; apaelal at, aath woxxxs iu vxrrs Wklta i4 1 lUU "Vatta, - lew aarka, pa alMTta, Hfalir loa Te; apaeltl. aaeh Sa BATSIAVWZR VOW. DIB, far taa balk, (ivaa - a Scllrate parfuaa aa aaftrai taa walr: au Sfte tKm; apaelal tt. Ua aac .11 vosivi - vvioastnTS Whtta IMa aaloa aulta, kv at. ae lawn, kaat Wnvth, - regular ralea toe; apiclal, ault.Saa rXXVOH ' WBJTX BOMS BAX1 xavsnxs, itr auaarlar analltjr, ear SOe rilaat aparlal .at,-aaek '.......SSa WOMtX'S a HOSt .- SSa Tlaa Mara, (ot to kna. (ooa fall and frtatar welglit. ' aplload kl, t'raark t. deabla tola, trgvUt ralua 86r: apaelal, Um ptit.U MAIL Out WOKXX'S TSa XHT0BTXS BOSS SSa liaa Imaarta all lavea lt la keaa, ml panaraa, fall SahkeA, raca- lar aalna TSe epartal, k ralr I REALLY WONDERFUL .VALUES FOR TUESDAY IN ' - T - Portlandl'iForemostSiDkStore OF THIS STORE LEAD8 THE WAY IN THE SILKS - WITH-MATCHLESS OPENING EVENTS OF VALUES IN PREMIER THE 1905-06 SEASON FABRICS. :. : - . - -i - - FIFTH STREET ANNEX-FIRST FLOOR. J : ' : T ; $1.00 regular value Notelty Suit Silk, in all new weaves snd color. The best value ever shown at the price. Special for Tuesday at, yard... ; i ..?f New lll Warranted Black Taffetas , 19-Inch Black Taffeta,- 75c grade, only, yard..'..64e ( 36-Inch Black Taffeta, $1.25 grade, only, yard..fl.OB 19-Inch Black Taffeta. 85c trade, only. vard.. ..T4 36-Inch Black Taffeta, $1.50 trade, only, yard..SlT 21-Inch Black Taffeta, $1.00 grade, only; yard. OfTInchIacTTTaffet 24-inen Black Tatreta, xi.iu grade, only, yaro.,..vf '. ; ... , EXCEPTIONAL BARGAINS New Fal in the , , " :. 7C-- :i- OrslEaicszl IN PORTLAND'8 LEADING DRESS GOODS STORE. . ,. "FIFTli STREET ANNEX FIRST ' FLOQR. ... , - , .. ' - ' -.' We mark the opening of a new season of fabric selling by sharply cutting prices already closely trimmed to a profitless point. These extra special values will be distributed. among the patrons of the Dress Goods- Section on luesday. . - . . . - ' . . . , ; ; , . Hare1.Twatarl All Pura Wonted Berses and Cheviots These fabrics will be in treat demand this season: all staple colors in the line. Our welt-known regular $1.25 grades. Special for .Tuedaypejfc,yrd..f l.0ej Si-Inch AH Pure Wool French Broadcloths In the new. hiehlv finished chiffonmake: color are tans. brown, blues, greens and Alice blue; unequaled at $1.50 per yard. ' Special for Tuesday, per yard..... 81.1 3,600 Yards of New Fall Suitings In every new weave and color, including the new shadow effects in wor steds snd illuminated Pansmss; our regular $175 value. .Special for Tuesday, per yard ..81.53 A Prop, in JfandfierchieL Bargains FIRST FLOORS FINE EMBROIDERED HANDKERCHIEFS -. FOR 29c . Besutiful Embroidered Swiss Handkerchiefs, some with elaborately embroidered scallops, some with hemstitched border and embroidered all , are very dainty and extra good value at this price. Buy your handkerchiefs now for the holidays these are just as fine and nice as any you will pay 50c for later. Special sale price, each.. $5 SILK UMBRELLAS FOR $2.93 All-Silk Umbrella about 150 of them of fine plaid taffeta with best Paragon frame, with improved lock-rib and steel rod made by the beat umbrella manufacturer jUvthe world. We posi tively guarantee them to be the best $5.00 value on the market Special sale price, each... f 2.08 MARV1TI.OTT3 SPECIAL VM.TftrWTf TUESDAYS SALE. . RIBBONS! 'RIBBON?! A small lot of about 50 pieces of White Linen-Finis just like linen and u sale price, the yard.. rtings, looks Special lust likt linen and it very durable for waists and suits. Special i a we'aafaaa aaaaa NEW FALL PERCALES FOR 10c. 100 pieces of nice, Soft-Finish Percales, in neat patterns in 'cadet Kin navY. wine color and black and white. 36 inches wide. Soeclat nil i pf'cr tf vard ...10e 7 HANDSOME NEW WAISTINQS. A very exclusive and complete h6wing of New Wai stings for early fall wear, in mohair, and wool plaids in all thedifferent Scotch dan snd rainbow effects. . ' -I.,,'. A frttAT BAXBj 01 ; BUSSOn AT SS-.-:- aAVTzrvx, raorv wabb TArnTAmisaovaVi uwbss our too vaiu-io u TVKM TAlTBiTA ' SlMOIli with faney-eoloradgr- dara and whlta tack(rouna; our soe yalua. - upaciai the yard : r-88s) s&s)Ajr In WAJSy TATTBTA BXaaOBTS, laraa floral daslfn. wrth !. , 77 - mna nv louxsot Bzaaosa, with the eBt-ads fttct, for quaking ruffle, worth I0e. ,( . sAOBtAjr mxrm suaaowa. me inehH wi in aortad eotor; our 7a value.. aAtmrvz, axzbxxx gAoqvAma auaaowa, h to Inch wtds, In pinks, bluaa, white land black, ate; our Sto TaJue.-- -i - . vAjscnr mini axaaoan, u - mrtion ign legant quality our SOo value. JhefJnttJotafJftbA)r foe h Bionay. Thar ar aultabla for nackwaar. fancy flrdlaa, ashs. cushion ruffl, dress trlmmlns and all daeo- rattve purposan.- ion sala all this wak at; the yard S8e ewFALL MILLINERY- OFFERINGS ! Bijou Millinery talons- -Second Floor A SPLENDID NEW LINE OF READY-TO-WEAR HATS, in green, navy and white; handsomely trimmed , with black velvet band around brim and white dove wings and ornament at aide. Priced very reaaonably at. each aa.00 and as.ow VELVET FOLIAGE AND FLOWERS for fall trim ming, shown in all the latest shades. T Priced - at, the bunch............. BOe snd T5e NEW AUTOMOBILE VEILS, in dotted chiffon in all bright pretty color aa cardinal, Alice blue, sea-green, white, etc. Thev are. and will be. exceedingly stylish this fall. Priced at, each, from..,,,. f 1.50 np to 84.SO 'llMtlLV. 'l'UPICSOF, ECONOMIC Importance to Housekeepers THE BIG THIRD FLOOR SHOPS A VAST CLEAR ING HOUSE FOR BARGAINS OF DOMESTIC INTEREST. NEW AUSTRIAN CHINAWARE. Just received cake plate , s u g a r and creams, tea and coffee pots, salad bowls, pud ding dishes salad, berry 'and ice cream sets, chocolate and coffee -sets,-Dresden and cold port effects, late de signs, new decorations, ' Holland vases and tea ware, unique shape sad -"mn .. t tw' - - aecorations, T -r . .THINGS FOR THE HOUSE. New Fancy Waste . Baskets and Hampers, plain snd colored. Brushesnof every, description for fall houseclean ing, dusting ceilings, walls, windows, banisters, radiators, etc. Floor Brushes,-Fantryu Brushes, etc,L , - - ::Z1 KTTCH EN TFURNISHIGllZ Electric Egg Beaters Special at, each...T...l.. -Wire-Soap 0 asketsspeciatreac riTTTT Crown Bread Sats Special, aachmn'i 7 MP t rown nread sats bpaciai, esBsske S 1111111(111,"? I rSmaTrwHTowthesBaskets Special, each ...... .80 f Medium -WiUw Uothes uaskets bpecial, escn i Large Willow Clothes Basket Special, each. ...... .851 Kitchen Broom, good quality special at, each.'. . ., ;85e Black Satin Stove Polish, no dust, does not burn Special at, the can ..,,....... ........ 1 ,........... 10) Clothes Pins Special avthe dozen.;'.,...;;..'... Wood Toothpicks, extra quality Special at. the box...8e SEMIVITREOUS CHINA DINNER SETS. - Carnation decoration, full sold -line, fancv shape. ' " 50-Piece set, regular value f 7.20 Special, the et..88.T 60-Piece set, regular value $ 9.00 Special; the set. .8T.8O 100-Piece et, regular value $14.40 Special, the aet.f 11.88 AUSTRIAN CHINA DINNER SiTS. ? ': Dainty Decorations, full gold line, 100-piece t Special t . ... , . aisLAii.. hdfcPiec Ha'vVland China Dinner Set Special, ft .fTa f ,; ' : : SOUVENIR CHINA. Vll'- . Unequaled assortment, lowest price, thousand of artirlas t choose from values from, each, upj. ...It.