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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 4, 1905)
J I " . . .' " - " . ' ' v. . . .... "T . ' r" . T . ' .I lev TIZZ CCOIJ; DAILY JOUr-JAU TC-TLAKD. TIONDAY EVENING. J SEPTEMBER 4.JK!X T0VI-TG?Zt3 TOMIOHT AMVttMXm. ' ',,'. " ii:..."Anc of ou vi;' ' Vband From tae Hanoi" 'Bale twylre-.o 77'.'A'i pod Heroine" 1 jrk.. " fcualcal Brlaeue Hiker ' Vaaderllle Grese ' . ,. i - ------ . AART01X tOX u Bnbacrlban ef Ibe Jorl we th. seper stopped st their lealaewMe I Ita Cut to eiy aadreae r f KrSL nM 4 eoUeetloa wlU be "V, biuIb earrler aftae retara JklloV tim rh Jourael baa. a r. JTluttof )Uwrf. Otto Rice ' . "llwalS, Waeolastoe, lu eaaimef Jwaal UReaj aea Uwtt I C el aeeelae aave rt." "if. i - fmrTal aa Seaside or Clataop beacB. !"UU" r will ba Bdt st these twe . 1 K.tT at rifuur sabeerlptloa ratee. Mar et address SfrrtirJr Pnoee Mla (00 o prompt SuT Ul b. sites all rd. , n - I 1 I ' w ....rkabla larch tree top :ia on .Jki.i . Tha Journal office. - It raa taken irvm . , a'"' . .,,,. u.IK.m IIT Vmmt county, oy """"" r I k.-- oodition.' Tha llmba ara ptoeed In po- iltlon wUh ucll aarera regumruy-ma to wiPtt tha work of tha amataur v. n.inta "wooden" plcturea. ; Arrayed .rouild tha top ara nva branchea alrooat exactly B4l"i " - - traordlnary awe. " thtyTJaarPaan-xaa - nm.ra have baea elected v by the Bute Bplrituallata aaeoolatlon aa fol- owi: ' Benjamin b. Aiwrwu, v lira. Bopnie n. .i,v v-i-. , ur" W. BennKa. aocreiairij ain. ran. treaaurar; Kev. J. S. lva, dele- ..tht national aaaoctatlon. Yea terday mornln tha BplrituaUaU Uatened to addreiaea , oy a-reaiaen awhwu. Mra. A. A. Armetroni, Mra. Dean. Mr. and Colonel C. A. Reid. Ira, Tay lor. Roacoe Coon, Mra. Coon and. v r Ravlln. In tha avaHtna; Dr. Ray. lin credlcted' a aoclal : oaudyan In which tha poaltlona of tha rich and poor would be chanted. . icvenlna Btar cranse Patrona of Hua oahary." met" Saturday- on- tho - Bectlon Line road aca conaiaeraa ut . mpio. The Relation of tha Oranae to the Bualneaa World." F. B. Boachf of Port land aald the tendency of tn young mtn waa toward tha farm and. that tha drift Into the cltlea of lata yearn waa getting lighter.; F. M. Gill, atata dep. uty. aald the grange naaaaouroa ma iBltlallve and raf arandum law in thla state, and referred to tha fight inade agalnet the proposed llcenaa- law that would makearmera par neVtirioeirttna8naTrdeaplt rrenkledappaala. produce In. Portland.1 Mra. U C fitone died at the home of er parenta. Mr. .and Mra. Reynold, tn 'hchalla, . Washington, Jaat . Saturday fter an lllneta of several months. Mr. Itone, her' husband, la engaged In the 'glstry department of tha poatoffico In la city. Mra. Stone had many friends Portland, "whare aha lived for fcwo 8h waa employed In The Jour- lal business of flee a part of that time. be waa it rttrt old and waa married une i. oemg at tna time In tha hoa- iui, wnere ana remained UU bar death TV. I. Sharp' of Kent. Waahlncton. secretary for tha Presbyterian rcbea In tha : Chrlatlan Endeavor vork here, occupied the pulpit of tha jBtiiwooa Freabytetian church yesterday Imornlng and evening for tha Daator. ixeasnore. Mr. Sharp wlU confer with itriors of tha local association of (Christian Endeavor societies and plan pot ma campaign in thla state, ... ' A match In a waste!-pa per baaket caused a fire In tha kitchen of tha ri. aence or j. Dunham, ill Seventh atreet, St t:4i O'clock thla marnlnr Whan the flamea were dlaeovered they war "pma to mo caning, bur were, ext In- Sunned with', a hand chemical Tt.. oanage amounted to about f 80, 7Tha-RoyaTTIawananTandr will play " aranaatana tni evening, owing to nm natua on auild'a lake. Com enchig tomorrow,- however, th flight v., wiu- 09 given in tna Audi torium, ... . . ., ..... . t ' " - . ' Portland Academy. ... Neil term will open September la. On and after 8en imtr 4 tha nrinclnala will ha at tha Mdemr for the enrollment of atndanu uom to 12 a. m, and 1 to 4 p. m. TOUriBta. wall aa afW aL ... - - rvy miM" uy embarrassed, will find tba Port- ... Man vrnce, if xnira street, the "st and moat reliable place to trana- their bualneaa,, Ratea reasonable. , A a i i'a U a a Vfahaa-an tnralliiu brasses, bronaa and nawttr. Anl atra a kind on tha coaat T 111 TVaahlng ton atreet. . ..... t "' Dance for tha 140 cash prise, every Tuesday evening, at tha Law la and Clark PtVlllon. TwentV.aaventh and Thlirman ..A.ny wtehea cleaned,;. tlMt main prlng, ii.oo;. air work guaranteed one year; TMatager Co., 1H Sixth atreet ' Norwea-lan' ... h.,iijllna Photographerj Columbia v'."" n delivered promptfy. oter as Klelaer. Fifth and Everett. wrlaa aafa, lof Sixth atraat - riia Umalea are tha beat ' t When In Seattle Gf 4-f he. DalV.WaM ' Vl-i. Islfl -8 foods, eastern meats. '"Tint owiiy. "TlirSvvi&erlMd or America TS?l,ua Slver SMaatshis peaka, lru toeneeeuy from the oeeke ef too ' ' 1 '; 'AJT ITXAJtEB . ..." Chas. R. Spencer 'm root or Wasblnctoa strart at Tha nlnl"1 rrM, mnA aanday) tot uibr-.TiowiTrrt'S. SUNDAY EXCURSIONS oaaCADf tOOXS AJIS SITOU. tat .lootjf Waahhutn, street at w bbs. a B.rnv1ata k- a. Telephone Mala 141L . t W- 0aV ' Mlnlrt). fntia.a Fil-ffiil 918 btofi;:o East Sids Suburbs Forcsd to D- pnd ort Tardy Telephone ; , . ' ." System. ; - --r-?- :; IRVINGTON HOMES BURN BECAUSE OF LONQ DELAY Rgaidentt Want Bettor . Protectl6n -. and InaUt That : Calls Should B ; Mors Plentiful Etch If New Cora panics Cannot Be Established, ' Tha east side efftea ef Tha laaraal Is la tba store. t Mra. r. W. UeKlaaaj. M East Morrlaoa treat. . Talephoo Kast 17a.' Reaidenta of North -Irvingtonj-elnca tha fire that destroyed a realdenco be- lora tha department arrived, nave been making an Investigation concerning the alarm ayetem .of the dletrlct and have dlaeovered that there la no auch sys tem. When the fire , waa noticed i dosen cltliena atartad to give the alarm no firebox could be found, and tha tele Phonea of tha dlatrict ware called into service. Owing to the Inattention of central and tba usual -delay attending a call on . eaet aide party lines, tha 'phonea' were of no avail, and finally a determined cltiaen mounted a horaa and rode a mile to give the alarm. - Because . there re no 'adequate fire- alarm aystem the entire . dlatrict em. braced In Irvington, Woodlawn. Pled. rnont. North Alblna, Multnomah and ad jacent suburbs ara forced -to trust to luck when a fire cornea, and while tba protection af forded , la - Inadequate and the companies few' and far. between, atlll reaidenta ara of the. opinion that tba efficiency of tha department would be greatly Increased If the few com panies that ara available could be notl. lied aa aoon aa a lira starts. - Many bualneaa blocks of wood have been built In the last few years in thsaa auburba. In a caae of fire almoat lm mediate attention la required it serious loaa la to be avertedi and tha aafety ot thfc property dependa on the quickness with which tha alarm can be given the nearest company. Dependence on the telephone ayetem. according tp property ownera who have recently . watched their homea go up In smoke, laimere reckless heedlessness, for- tha average time required to rouae central ' on a party . Una la ! mlnutee. and 11 mln- utea more are uaually required to eecure the-number aaked for, and in tha two trtliiglun flrea an hour -was wasted ar gulng .with the operator, who- reported Owing to tha condition of the telephone service the citlaena assert - that more Tire-alarm boxes ahould be installed, and If the city funda will not allow - tba council' d authorise companies for the protection of newly built auburba it la believed that funda' ahould bo reserved for the installation of alarma, at least In tha bualneaa aectiona remote from the rirenouaea. j . - LITTLE HOPE FOR PEACE."" SI Johns OooaeO right Scheduled to a ,e tha BIMar Bad. Tonight tba St Johna councile meet and an effort will bo made to aetermine who are the city officials, and what organisation ahall bo made to transact necessary bualneaa. There are two bodlea. each, of four metnbersnn Tiead by. Mayor If lng..Aha other by rraanj dent Iggett of the old council. Each assumes that it is the real governing power, and each haa members which are denounced by tha other faction aa un worth v a aeaL Councilman Peterson and Mayor King are under chargea, .and supposed by their accusers to be unfit for office until these charges are heard Councilman Edwards la said by tha other side to ,"b out of It" because of hia frequent realgnatlona and sale of his property. . Personal reeling haa become bitter, and the chancaa of a peaceful Battle ment- ara apparently, more remote than ever. Soma of the multitude of charges made by the various factiona will be aired tonight,' and perhapa soma mode Of proceduravwlll bo agreed on that will nable the town government to continue with neceaaary bualneaa, pending the hearing of tha chargea agalnat city offi cials.- Thla is what the bualneaa men of tha place ara trying to accomplish, and they will be preaent to pour oil on 4ha troubled water EAST SIDE NOTES. Subetatlon No. 11 waa opened Friday In Mu dcuatore of F. J. Clark, at High land, 1001 Union avenue. The reaidenta of this district and North 'Irvington were In the contest for an office and Highland won. The' station will do a stamp and registry business and will accommodate a large dlatrict - before without auch facilities. . Suit has been brought by Thomas Hlslop in the east side court againat J. Paquet and T. Johnaon for rent al leged to be duo on the wood yard man aged by tha firm of Paquet aV Johnaon. Frank' woodcock, aaaessor of Wasco county, will make his home In Hlgh land, having purchased property pear the school. Mr. Woodcock will move to tha city to give his children the ad vantagea of graded schools. - Mllwaukle aranse will soon start work on a large ahed. which will be located in the cantor of tha town and placed for the convenience of farmers who have been compelled tb leave their teama expoted to the - weather when shopping In ttie place." . Next Monday the Jtuaaellvllle achnol will open with Professor De Vitro, for merly of Brownsville. . aa principal and Misses Perkins, Stewart and Powell as Instructors. - . Material iraprovementa -are being nreda tn the auditorium of "the Central Raptlst church. East Twentieth and An keny atreeta. A carpet coating 1609 la being laid and paws have aaesntly bean placed. Rededlcatiop serylcei neia neat ounuay. . POTTER KEPT, ON. Vopmlar Seaside Steaamo WlU Make Sag . ' Za Trip S-ptemba is. The. "T. 3. Potter- wilt be kept In service between Portland ' and North Beach, stopping at Astoria, aa followa: Fram Portland September I. t a. tn.; September- Jrf:4$ a. m.J September . 1 p. m.; September It, T a. m.i September 14, a. m.; September II. : a. m. - From Ilwaco September. I, 11:11 p. m.i September . 4:10 a. m.; September I. a. m.; September 10, p. ra.; Sep tember It, 10:10 a. m.; September. It, 11:16 a. m.: September 17, 4 p. m. - Partlculara and O. R. AN. SummatJ Buuk by askur grTfilrJIandJtVaah'lng. ton atreeta, Portland. - "Now good digestion watts on appe tite, and health on both." . If It doean't, try Burdock Blood Bit ters. ., ( FOuCiiidl FCH H -SItY SCRAPER Wells-Farjo Clock Builders Bor jli Irij Fifty Feet to Coun- ' '- tr' . ' - EXCAVATIONS WILL BE L ' ; .TWENTY-EIGHT FEET Unusually Exhiuitive -Preliminaries ; Are Taken to Mean That Seventeen - to Eighteen Stories Will Be Put Up .Later. It Wot immediately. . Boring -haa commenced to teat the aoll for. the foundation of the Walls Fargo building at the corner of SIxtA and Oak streets. 'The drtlt has Just finished-its first bole, and had to. drive more, than 80 feat before finding country rock. The drilling will proceed until the quarter block if fully tested, so that the contract for -excavation- may be tat immediately. ' 1 ' - ,S The tact that excavation is to bo for depth of 41 feet; and that the builders ara taking tha precaution of going to aolld formation, fbr their aupporta, la causing a renewal of prophealea that the Wella-Fargo block will be materially above 10 atorlea high. A foundation Is to bo laid capable Of aupporfclng a 14 to ll-Btory atructure, which cauaea a gen oral belief that It the building at first does not exceed 10 stories,, at a la tor data, when there is greater demand for office, room, 'the ownera may continue the work, giving Portland a skyscraper of no mean proportlona. . The boring operations excite conald erable intereet, aa theaa are the most exhauatlva teatt prosecuted preliminary to any building operations- in Portland. It has been proved that whan great buildings go up hero the foundations will . have to be sunk well below tha light soil-formation near the surface. Nothing of a boggy gxound is found In tha bualness section, aa Chicago bad to overcome, but Portland la on a rich al luvium, which ia not a good baao for the tall bulldlnge until great depth-is attained. v - - ANOTHER BIG BRICK. Will Band oa Aakeay Be- ' twoea, . Fonrth' and Fifth. Sooa. . .' H. Wamma, the manufacturer and property owner, who has been acquiring considerable realty of late In this city, says that within' six months ho will undertake one or more Important build Ing enterprlaea. The half block on An keny atreet between Fourth and Fifth, backing the Marshall-Wells building, is to be the site for a big brick for a local firm. Mr. Wemme aald that when he built there ho would erect at least a four-Story brick, which - would have frontage, ori 'the three streets named, and as great ground anace as the Mar ahall-Wells - building . ooeuplea. Thla structure when completed, will be sightly and adapted to the requirements .of a modern bualneaa block, and owing to Its extensive atreet frontage will be In. de mand - for wholesalers. , .. r Mr. .Wemme haa- purchased three other properties lately. One "at-s-the northwest corner of Front, and -Alder streets haa a three-atory brick on it, but this edifice is to be remodeled and full plate glass front pl orrthi lower floor. The 'property purchased at Second and Salmoajreetsls JLJ5j4.J'u',lLnssltoLl but the new owner nas not yet aeciaea that he will improve it thla year. At Twentieth and Flanders streets a resi dence property has been purchased. which may be used for a home, or divan ' HALF REAL VALUE. toe Aagelee Stam tCakas Timely Oo: meat oa Bealty Sere aad at Some.' Many surprise have been given local property ownera in regard to respective valuatlonmf realty here and lsewbor on the coast. Well-Informed men tavo Known tnat-Portland was holding ita bualneaa and residence property low, but the maaa of the people did not realise until recently that auch was the eaao. So many atatementa are being made andt facts of such a convincing nature are offered that the home people are commencing to appreciate, themselves better titan over before. ' -.. r. Pervlna, a wealthy man bf Loa Angelea. who haa been buying - some property th rough our firm," said J. O. Rountree of la W. Whiting aV Co.. this morning, "Just ahowed ma a clipping rrom a home paper -he had received, which mentioned a aalo that had been made of a property 75 by IS .feet on Wall street, Loa Angeles, not New Tork, the consideration being t 150,000. ' Mr. Per vine said that he knew 'the property well, aa he once owned It, and the loca tion corresponds to the heart of the city about aa a corner lot at Eleventh and Stark atreeta does to the heart of Port land. . .'",.-; 'Ho aaked mo what a lot of thla else that dlatance out would be worth here. and I told him. I thought from tlO.OOO to 135.000. Taking this valuation aa a basis for figuring, and allowing for the difference of population, we conolude that Portland realty in the vicinity of the bualneas center waa about two and a half tlmea lower than that ot Los Ange les similarly situated. - "Here Is something for local people to think of. Their city has more prospects of commercial expansion and manufac turing growth than the southern Cali fornia city. Tet there is.not the spirit to anticipate the future here that' we find elsewhere. - Portland needs create onfldenCC" . :REAtrESTATE NOTES.. Utapld. progreaa la. being made flnlah- lng tha Interior of the Elka building at Eiavemn ana Stark itrneia. ana tinkmr permlttfd to begin making ' their ar rangements for Individual offices aoon. Th new home for the Concordia club. There are ginger worms and red-pepper bugs--queer board ers that have to be looked or, not in Schilling's Best, but in making it. There are eggs of these queer poardersttjyilxui Tnlfto-Dntnied ,by grinding. Don't keep spices warm; or they'll hatch. . . . .- DALAtXE TO GO TOMORROW SURE Crcr.d f.'sw, Specially Mcda -wisyerV Fbnos to Go for ZH2, i!43 end $137 at Tha remainder Of the two earlnada of brand-new pianos, oddly named "Meyer. muat be sold tomorrow for 1141 tor the plain atylaa, 1140 for the more elaborate onea, and 1157 for tha vary fancy gen uine walnut, oak and mahogany..-veneered caae a. Terms of sale will be all caen or It down and 5 or It a month, with alrople lntereat. These ''Meyer" ptanoa were built ao cordlng to specifications of a middle west ern dealer, aa la frequently done now In a number of the medium and T cheap grade piano factorlea. They came to ua as a reault of the following letter re ceive during me eariy summer, wnen order 'for planoa and-eaeh were- both scaroe around ew xork piano factorlea "Kllera pkam Houaa Gentlemen: Wa have a larg number of carefully made planoa, aa fin as have aver been turned out of our ahopr which entire lot we are willing to sell at a aubstantlal sacrifice in order to get tb cash out of It at one. . "Th Dlanoe are lara-a ai sea full aeven and ope third octaves, double-veneered caaee, oaks, walnuts ana manoganiea, with spruce sounding boards, ahellacked, extra heavy, plates, bushed and nickeled tuning pins, standard high-grade action, Schmidt hammera, Poehfman ateel wire. oopper baas atringa, good ivory kaye can alao aunnlr muffler bedala.- -- ----- - "If you are interested, pleas wire yOur, buyer to sea ua and Inspect these f lan os. We hop that you can arrange o take all or a large part of them be fore th lat prox., for wa are con strained to confesa that wa can ua the money to great deal better advantage juat now than to nave ao large a lot or special planoa.' awaiting shipping In structions from the dealers lot whom they were specially made. ... "Varv trulv. - .hi ' ' ." "Manufacturers." We promptly Instructed our -New Tork reoreaeDtatlve to Inspect carefully these planoa, and. finding them as rep resented, we secured tha entire lot at our price. Thla la how we are in position to offer planoa of th grade and quality de scribed In the above letter at- the price or iiz. ana 91&7. on lerma oi pay niant 1ut about aaual to rent.' Inatrumenta such as these ar ' fre- auentlv Bold for 4260. and even 1175, almoat double th price we now aek for them. We guarantee them to be as rep resented - above, thoroughly well-made planoa,' of pleasing tone - quality; and also durable to . quite a' degree. Our regular exchange agreement enabling a buyer to turn theae planoa back to ua at the sale prices (less depreciation of 51 a. montn) . towara paymeoi oi any new bigh-grad piano w may handle. accompaniea tna regular nve-yeara man ufutunra' warranty, thua maklnc a purchaser doubly scur la - bis pur- Note. Theae pianos must not be coh fused with th r,Meyer" pianos enumer ated in the "1M6 Piano Quality" Pur chasers' Ouldo as an "X" stencil piano (meaning' a piano for which "no one should pay mora than $125 to $175 for such a piano"). Th "MeyerT pianos referred to In ''Piano Quality" ar made for -etUl another dealer, and emanate from one of the very cheap eastern pi ano shops, while the "Meyer" piano advertised by ua for sale at $141, A14S mi ti ST nnaaaaa. at tha very loweat es timate, at leaat 40 per cent greater value and merit. - tiememoer tney in ir tilt and $157. on terms of $8 down and $5 monthly. EILERS PIANO HOUSE. from as yoa gJmethIiigT'oi ; yoaw monay. r . Tou do not have to pay any more - for one-of - our - HIGH--QRADB PUpoa than you ar asked for som of th "would-be-just-ae-goods." - . . Dundore Piano Co: Steinway and Other XHaaoa. S3S WASB3BCITOB ST. which will b on Of the handsomest club propertlea of the city when fin ished., la making exceiieni progress io ward completion. J w, K.rtf ham will erect a UWalLlDJt on Sherrett avenue, between Eaat Kiev. enth and Kaat Twelfth atreeta, to cost ir,:oo7 SL JOHNS GRATEFUL - FOR PORTLAND'S AID Mayor King and the city council of St. Johna feel - grateful toward Chief Campbell and the Portland .fire depart ment for their response to ine appeal for' aaalatance at the fire last Friday mornlng.r and say so In a letter, which also expresses thanka for the services rendered by the flreboat which stopped the progress of the flames, and for th efficient aid given by Assistant Chief Holden. who personally supervised the battlojgalnit.lhe flames The following resolutions were 'also adopted at a recent maaa meeting of the eltlsena: , V Resolved, That the citlaena of St Johns feel "deeply, grateful for the effi cient servlcea rendered by the flreboat, and that tha thanka of tha eltlsena be extended . to the elty of Portland for the application, or auch valued efforts that saved, the city or sta Johns from further loss. , "Be It further reaolved. that the thanks of the citlsens be publicly tended to Assistant Chief Lee Holden for his eepabl aervleee in directing the efforts of the eltlsena in extinguish lng tha fire." . : ; HISTJC RICALS0CIEIY1SL MUSEUM IS POPULAR 'A greater number of people visited th museum of the Oregon Historical aoclety in tha elty hall laat month than In any other month In the history of the organisation. The regiater ahowa that .$6$ visitors - were In the museum, smong whom were tourists from nine foreign countries snd from every stste and territory in tna .union, including the Hawaiian ana rnmppine isiande and Alaska. Tha foreign countiiea repre sented were . South Africa, Brltlah Columbia, England, Scotland, . Pruaalo, Japan. Oermany, New Zealand and Italy. , ; Waa yom Say ' ; People were alao registered, frqm Ultui mil-utl Ih Uiemuaeum. nee a ii ii iiiiiiib in vyregon. The largest number of visitors were from this state, while Waahlngton came second - with- .450 -and California J third with t0. Among th vlaitora war peo ple from all walka of life, but old aet tiara of Oregon. Waahlngton and Cali fornia were In th majority: . Curator George H, Hlmeg .was I kept Asnri Marquam Grand I liiUUV o. BelUs. Free. t XorrlseB atnet kateaaa Oik Pasae aula lal.fc,. TONIGHT AT 8:30 O CLOCK. Svery Might Thla Week, Bxcept satarday, ipedal . Matinee 8 turd., WICTON LACK AVE , Kxeellaat Soapertlag Ooatpaay. - - T0510HT. Tatedey ftlabt. IIKILPJIIL rWeaoseday KlghC Tkaraday Wlgkt, Irlday Mght, Batoroay Matinee. "TRILBY" Prleea, Ita, , Ma, Tie, $1, $1.1. . teats sow aalllng tor tba eatire weak. Belasco Theatre- uZShu 14th aad Wash. Balaaee Mayer, Props. - , -' , TASTINO WITH BPBCIAI, (LABOR SAT) BATUtXl TOBAT'AT $14 t. at . rtHST TIMS IN 8TOCK. .' UaajajeMVa. 'Ae Vtarad Vy AaA 1 1; O Vary ataaaeriag Sy Le - . . Ntrlchatela moon , Uth Week ef the Seleses Stock Ce. ; Begslar Matlaaea Sanuday aad 'Sunday. PRICES -. VK aad Boe. V''k-y Nlht 5. toe. sOe aad TOe.. neat Waas yoDAH, ay Raary Arthar Ji BATCRR THEATRE 3d and Yamhill Pkoae Mala 19T. OKKOOIT THRATRg CO.. LXaagBL KO. L. BAKER. MANAUKB. - - tn xoxx or svsLxsans T aealal Batlaea- a 1:11 Teaay. . AU Thla Wejk Rasalar Matinees Wedaeaday, J Tkaraday and Saturday. -. jj, XMMXMXM. iTTOOiag. TEE E2GASIEU EXTRAVAGANZA CO. PreSeat XDMOND BATES la the WISE GUY .w?w.ffi2J"f ovma raTerltae. PRICES Nlsbts: SSe, Me, 50e Toe. kUtl- - seses - ISe, aSeTtSe. Soe. , '"' aTSXT WTIX KUTTUOAT SILLXB, J EMPIRE TKIATXS, 11th aaa' - - 'Tk Beet Pe-alar Taeatse." Soeelal matlnaa trwlav - TLh . ..a .11 . Rnaaall A Draw pnarat the blaet dramatic kit ever eeore ia Portland. Charles A, Tar kv'ah'ew Xerk aoatpaay la bis BMlearaauuie kscAPiiT r0K ths baxek. ' tkcapaay. areaery, eoataowa aU ef klsBTeTaes. '..""rr' J.0 .s. tOe; amtlaee "-"l 4"i S'-C, KHT. at wiu-qnnai or tbx BiaarwAT, THE ST AR ITA THATCHER. . SEARLEI AXD ROOKWTU. EARt AMD HAMPTON. SOT bTBRAUI. XKS STAmOSOOPB. ( Oanarat admlaaion, 10 eaat. Sundays, even- es A aviMw yeBStil 111 SJMU fMi msVCf Soor, SO eests. Dally aMtlnece. entire lower ' nUi boa seats, , cents, goadeya sad koUdsys, cootiaaoas. T M E a RAIN D 4 i-jJr: "ttis on.oit, ,,, f '4wliUil by Ulnar Dufroe."- rSAVB CLATTOW. TTRDEK AMD lnTSXA -.BERITBTT ARS STCRURO. TREO PURIRTO. THA 4UHDII00R. Qeaeral admlaaion, 10 cents. Sundays, aven ues and holiday., reserve seats ea lower Boor, SO cents. Dally matlneea. eatire Inn, aw. JO eanta; bos aaata, 26 casta. Soadays ricrratior PARK. v Oarae Taaakavaag rweaty-feartR, PORTLAND vs. OAKLAND r , , . ADsntllOR. gie.. Today at 1:00 BAlfnHTAKD, at a. 'rjnrfjPBglV,' 1M t un Tira.ia ana rasarv.a aaata aa boa office. 1 . . .. LYRIC THEATRE WXZX BTARTTRS BOVSAjr. aZPTXHRXR 4, "Thp Tiger's aaww A Sanaa tional Melodrajaa ia roar Acta. First sppearaaee ef Mr. Robert McLala aad iaa aaaca,. wae wiu aarame ue leading rolte, Admlaaion loci Reserved Beats. SOe. LEWIS ND CLARK OBSERVjf . . TUKT WD CJtFB PORTXARD BXraBTS. Take Portland Heigksj ear aad get eft at Bawtherae TetTeea, oae blerk deal ess Has, Me clunking. Slaetrle elevator. Baa Baaotlfal affect ef aowarfal saarekBskt from top ef tower. Jtm aaa eat a lalaty lanrfe wane nenaj m at t sHsnineenc sea serf ia aapance. wsea e a. av ea .si p. Bb SloB 10 eonta. TtIE. Canadian Bank , -.....' . ; 5.- ., of Commerce Capital ' $8,700,000 ... Ressrvs $3,500,000 Portland Branch, 244 'Vfhshlngton. H. A. WT1T g", mm Ite ol ; Credit Available in all parts of the world .' 111 branchea in Canada and the. Untied" Statee, including: 8an Franoisco, Seattle, Victoria, Van eouver, Nanalmo, New Westmlna tar, Daweon (Tukon). - Drafts Issued on any "Branch Transfers of money to or from "any part of Canadi by latter or lelSei'Rut. A General Banking Business - Transacted LOUIS H. BOLL Piano Studio will esn Sestmber 1. Parlors and 10. 14ZH Waahlngton at uay -aecurlns; Interviews with pioneer settlers snd addlnytolb1l llnra of us M ilwaukls CounJry Club. wood and Oregon City can at First aad Aider. ' irrefesred Staok Oaaaad ffrsoda. Uea latwla Best Brand. FDEe-Sailie 207 FIRST ST. Bet Taylor and Salmon See our advertisement in tomor- row's Journal. We closed the store ; at ; midnight 2 Saturday and men still aitingeiWe have had our hands fuir today, too; buti morrow will have more helpahd YOU just come and seeCwhat we '-'l ! : will do The dupHcte of which wul ueyer ! be known again in Portland r. -NEVER ! NEVER ! - N EVER ! We are positively next to giving Men's"Clothnign VVomeri's Shoes away, ; : - v : mm 207 First St, bet leganL Golden-Fir Dresser $8.75 Regular $12 goods ; 3 " large drawers, oval rrrlr-. " : ror. ' Introduction price 4 today, tomorrow and .Wednesday, just to get nn arqnainteWwUhrtrr- "store, stock and busi ness methods. It's worth while. . , " , 1 1844 FIRST STREET ( CLRAR THRODOH IBS BLOCK. -Ask Our Customers. That is the kind- of trading you get at - .... Two stores ' one corner First and Yamhill and one corner Third and Davis. 1 Newly1 arrived Men's and Youths Suits and Overcoats from f 6.00 up to $17.50. Very neat designs in Hats, Pants and Shirts. . ; rlompicte line ul UUies , Men's, Misses' and ..Boys' Shoes. ----- ' ' ' --..'vli. e save you 2(rpfr-Wnr on every dollar you invest with. us. COTS for you. . IM 1FEST Taylor and Salmon C wsj e We are . exhibltlns: a large consignment of TAPESTRY BRUS SELS RUOS just re ceived from the! East. There are Oriental and floral designs, in looks I resembling rugs which sell foc $304 and", not surpassedJn wearing ualitles-:4y--rugs---ef hfgheTT'ic'e7Sir)eaaT .. . terrns SSDOVN-SlAVEEIi rtUl lla ef ataaalaster, BoaT bary aad Valval Mugn, all slaee J v- ,. i i ii T The Store Vhere Your Cret Is C;;i MSfEERI CIJTaTirJJCC