The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 04, 1905, Image 3

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    t::-. c:
zz:t pa:ly jour.::AU rcr.TLA
lUluu..i) lu U...a
Thirty-Ninth ; Annual National
ncampment of the Grand
. Army la Opened.
Initial Day of Gathering Devoted to
. Reception of Delegates and Social
' Reunions of Old Regiments of the
; Boys' in Blue. i --r:V--:-v.-' :
',' , (Jowoal Special Serelea.) "
' Denver. Colo.' Heot 4. The' thirty.
ninth annual national encampment of
the Grand Army of the Republic opened
here today. Thousand of visitor from
all parte of the ceuntry ara eonsresated
- her and the hotela ara crowded. . The
' local poata deserve creat credit. for' the
. ; completeness . of their arrangement
The veteran -were received by commit'
' tee upon their arrival In the city and
' - eacorted to their reapectve tat head-
Quarter. where they eregrUtered and
J.were .'fesslansO- to. their quarter.;
There Is nothing in particular n the
. "program for "today excepting .a general
- and Informal reception , of 'the : visiting
- veteran and .Informal gathering at
- the various Headquarter. ' Tomorrow
' will b the day for reception and on
.' Wednesday the parade will be therirrn--.clpal
feature . The line -of march-will
,' be pnly two mile In . length and over
,' asphalted street. ' It - has l so been
ardanut that tha march muaio must not
be played too quickly, go as not to tire
. the veterans. '" v
One of the great feature ' of th
parade on Wednesday will be the divl
alon Including the Denver posts. The
veteran of that division will carry an
' ' enormous United States flag. 11,5. feet
long. and 1$ feet . wide, with a union
field IS by St feet. Each star will be
.... two -feet in -diameter.' ? Tha business
. sessions will be held' on Thursday and
" -Friday.
-The national headquarter are at th
. Brown - Palace . hotel, , where th . com
mander and hi ataff are holding forth
At the same time tho National Woman's
- Relief corps of the O. A. K. la holding
its annual encampment here. 1
O.. A. -R. encampment work , opened
- this morning with - 10,000 ' Veterans In
city.- Local railroad officials antic
Ipate fully double that number before
; Wednesday. - - After the warm weather of
v the past two weeke. Denver today Is
bhesaed with a cool spell. An Immense
- ' Labor day celebration la today a feature.
In lhe jmomlng parade 10.000 men were
In line and all points of vantage were
. . ". occupied by visiting veterans. - -
-. . Local committeea are handling the
vast crowd admirably, and many- vet
- erana are camped In tha public school
'.buildings. ;' v i-. - r
Already Interest of the. veterans een
tera In the fight for commander-in-chief.
" Corporal Tanner of Washington ' today
seems in the lead. Other prominent can
-. 4 Ida tea are General George Stone of Cal-
r "ornla. Robert V. Brown of Ohio and
general Charles Burrows of New Jersey.
i. controversy between the local O. A. R.
'committee and Bulkley Wells, adiutant-
general of th Colorado National Guards
baa brought forth a sharp reprimand
- from Governor McDonald to' the latter.
Wells refused to permit yu local "mil
. Itla participate In the big parade
next Wednesday, unless the committee
paid a proportion of the expenses of
.noma i of the cnmpntas , from .niitalde
.... the city. The governor has ordered the
militia to take part In the parade.
''-'.,'-. (Jearaal Special 8erfee.l
; Fa ra toga Springs. N. T.. Bept 4. The
annual state conclave of the. grand
' commandery. Knights Templar," opened
her this morning with-a large attend
ance. Tha morning waa devoted, to the
, recaption -of th arriving commanderles
and visits at the headquarter. In the
afternoon there will be a grand band
concert and In th evening an exhibition
.," drill by th Malta commandery of Blng
hamton. New York." - -The. principal
' event for tomorrow Is the grand Knights
Templar ball at Convention hall. ; .
. ' ' f v
w- emrkjle Atfndaa - - I
Increase 40 ner cent naat month. ' On I
wMwia. im.hi. I. -..,. . Oregnn W
tance.' Additional accommodative - are
now necessary for' visitor (a the "Trip
to Siberia." This refined and Instructive
attraction la fast winning public 'ap
proval. ' . . . . .. i . .
for wonHii
ipHIS Is our new
a a -Jn 1
patent coit, mannisn
button shoes for smart;
dressy vT
wear f i .
(lis buttons sis dull finish)
shoe tmo y
S sar3X
. Askto m jT
I I Si
- Fu lliil JOO
Diplomat Helped Exploit Conces-
elone JReceived From Ven-'
ezuelan Government- ,
;;v;. ...... h r?:--
Quarrel Among Directors of Orinoco
' Company Lays Bare Reasons for
Minister's Appointment Kept His
Friends Posted on Prospects. '
Uearsal SperUI Serriee.) ).?"'(
New York, Sept. 4. A a reault of a
dliput between the minority and ma
jority stockholder, of the Orlnlco Com
pany, Limited, claimant pf the famous
Manas, concession, further disclosure of
a sensational character concerning the
Venesuelaa concessions bid fair.- to .re
ceive a thorough . ventilation In the
court. -'' ,- - '',. "
Not th lesst interesting. Phae of th
internal dissension . la the company 1
that 'it haa brought to . light, the promi
nent part played by In interest identl
fled with th Orinoco Company, Limited,
associated - with some- Ohio Republican
politicians in furthering th appoint
ment of Francis B. Loorars, now assist
ant secretary of atate, en hla Venesuelan
miasiba In 1897. ' Th eorraapondoac
ha disclosed,-by Inference at least, that
among the Loomla "pushers" an tinder-
standing existed as to the exploitation
or Venesuelan conceaslona. " - -
Politician desired an American min
ister at Caracas who waa friendly. : Let
ter indicate that Loomla, while minis
ter at Caracas, apparently looked over
th ground carefully-and kept his friends
ana nacxers posted a to tn propcts
of the country. . H predicted a "gold
boom." and tnejixe, and gav other in
formation auch aa speculators and pro
moters welcome when coming from an
American minister.
AleD TG31TUSE0 : :.
Pretty JEloite Roderiguez Brought
to California and Subjected
to Many Indignities. ;
, tJoarsal Spedal Serrlee.J - 4'
; Los Angeles, CaL. Sept.. 4. Tha Vb-
ductton of . pretty Elolse . Roderiguea
from Mexico, her subsequent torture in
an infamoua resort, and- her eventual
aal to a Mexican-for ITS, baa stirred
th Mexican consulate ber to' a rigid
Investigation of what' la believed to be
an established traffic in white slave. .
All. th fact and a statement. of th
cruel caa th abduction of th young
gin . xrom ner nome. m Mexico, aecret
removal to California bv 81sta Herman.
deay Ker'"rmrauremnt' In aChTTawth
Park resort run by Juana Guerrera. "al
leged, searing or per Dreait in a dlv
with hot Iron to make her aubmiaaiv.
finally her sale to Pedro Hodriguea for
$74 hsv been submitted In detail to
th Mexican consulate by Riverside
peae officers by request of th acting
Hftilnan rnnanlifa .'
" (Special Dlepatcb te Th Jearsal.)
Salem, Or-' Sept. 4. A total of II
Oregon corporation filed their article
of Incorporation with th aecretary of
statthls week. AH but four of tho
now companies gave Portland as their
principal d f Ic.-1 h "Seeir g Portland
Auto Livery company" la tha peculiar
nam of on of the companies.. Th fol
lowing 1 the complete Ut: ' .
Klshwauke Land company: crlncloal
of Ice, Portland. Oregon; capital stock,
le,ooo; incorporator. H. C. CamubelL
C F. Swlgert and E. E. Mallor.
eeeinr rortiana Auto Livery com
pany! principal off lc Portland. Ore
gon; capital stock. 41,000: Incorporator.
John . B. Kelly, 11. V, Kate and Ed - L,
cstcs.. . r
'ood Dietllling company '
principal office. Portland, Oregon; cap
ital stock, iao.000; Incorporators, H. B.
Williams, W. E, Toung and H. C Camp
bell. Bennett Trust company: principal of
fice. Marahfleld. Oregon; capital stockj
a,vvv;' incorporators, J. w. Bennett, T.
T. Bennett and Bennett Swanton.
Coo Bay Mining, Milling Y Trane-
portatlon company; principal office in
Coo county;- capital - a tock, $1,000,000;
tncorporatofs, H. O. Wilson, I. S. pat-
ton, C. J. Braschk. L W. Parker and
C. A. Sehlbreda' I . -
Cascade Electric company: principal
office, Portland, Oregon-, capital stock,
110,000: Incorporator. J. H. Alexander,
C.' F. WIegand and C. B. James. .
The A. ,W. Bchmal .eomoaAvi princi
pal office, Portland, Oregon; caplUI
atock, 1 10.00 r - inoArporators, A. W.
Schmala, Minnl Bchmal and A. M.
Brown,--:.- .. .
Th General Contracting .comnanv:
principal office, Portland. Oregon: cap
ital stock, flO.000; Incorporators, San
derson need, c A. Bell, and' Frank- F.
Clatsop Clsy and Ochr com ban v:
principal orflc. Portland, Oregon; cap
ital stocav 450,000;- lnoorporors,-W. L.
Dudley, I. A. Terex and William B.
Streeter." i . . . .
Bank of Mount Angel: principal office:
Mount ' Angel, Oregon: capital stock,
$14,000; incorporators. J. M. Conklln.
C. R. : Hougham. J. W, Kffner, Fred
Schwab nd N MttkArz.S-i
Fremont .Power company! nrlnclnal
of fir. Raker City. Oregon; eapMal
stock, 1200.000: Incorporators. John
nn watwmaBTTnr"wa
Bohemia Smelting . V .Railway com-
pany; principal . officeu Pcrtlawd, Ore.
gon; capital stock, 41.000.000; Incor
porators, A. D. LeRoy, H. Daniel, J. W.
Sherman. WtII O. Woodruff I n
Poetland at Suburban Kxpreaa com
pany; principal office, Portland, Ore
gon; capital etock 420,000; Incorporat
ors. Oeorge W. Simons, Frank Fenwlck
and B. E. Mallory. ,
" ;
, Prlno CaArte fog Xing. ' .
(Jooraal Special Bn ileal
" Chrlstlanla, Sept. 4. Th Question .of
separation will be settled definitely by
the Norwegian' etortnmg within - th
next fortnight Prince Charles of Den
mark, la th leading candidate for th
crown. .. 'ij' i r " j jl.js
hAlm ' ,HI Ktnm flipit la MllMhl
or poned to th- candidacy orany Swed
ish r rinca, and Is hurt at reports to th.
f . .
cc:.;:.:i.!3 Tuesday
' f - - " .. -
Thrca Ad t 1 1 6 oc I Ccrlosdj
Arrived Sturdy.
All Will f3 Displayed Id Main
. 5alsrooms . Floor Ijpf . Eilf ra
Piano House See the Beauties
In the Sbow Window. .
Themuch-talked-of "Baby Show" com
mence tomorrow morning. . Music
lovers and muslciang will b proud to
honor the occasion. Th oldest Amer
ican piano, having a career of over 82
year, unbroken by any failure or la pee
from th highest standard of excellence.
Is to be shown In Its newest and moat
remarkable form, th "baby" grand; th
very smallest grand piano mad. Th
Cblckering company have finally accom
plished whst was for a long time con
sidered imposslbl in plano-bulldlng cir
cles, namely, th reduction of the sis
of grand planoa without impairing ton
quality and durability, at th aam time
retaining to a remarkable degre the
volume of the full concert grand else.
The result Is th daintiest and moat at
tractive piano that the muaio world
know, and a piano that any mualo-lover
Is In position to possesa- The price, aa
well' as the sis of these Baby Grand,
admit of this. Th Chickaring quarter
J rand, as they are technically known,
o not weigh aa much aa th Checkering
upright piano, they do. not occupy any
more apace, and are noi o coetly a the
largest of the Chickering uprlghta
The magnitude and the beauty of the
display we ar now making must be
aeen to be appreciated. It la tha .larg
eat, as well, aa the moat Interesting,
ever made on the Coast, if not In this
country. -- Fair viaitors and art and
muslc-lovera ar corOlally - Invited.
Ellera Piano - Hous. .461 Washington,
corner Park. . (Eighth! jtr
War Department Order Provides
" New and: Thorough Sy-
- tern of . instruction.
Annual 'Term of Theoretical Learn
ing Comprises Ninety Daya in Sum.
mer Time Post Commanders Will
'Be the. Professors.;;::';;, v'
iJeoraal Saedal Serrle.) -
- New Tork, Sept. .4. A general order
Juat issued by th war department at
Washington for 'a new and thorough
avatem of education for army officer
goc'a Into- effect at every : garrison In
th United State Immediately,- General
Chaffe ia the man whose - nam is
aignad to general order No. 124, and It
la ha who intend to' see It carried out.
. Post commanders will b In charge
of .th schools. . Instruction for offi
cer ar divided Into theoretical and
practical. - Practical . ' Instruction In
clude drills, field maneuvers, field en
glneerlng. military topography, hygiene
and other almllar subjects. .
Th annual term of theoretical In
will oonslt of 40 sphnnl aa
between November and AprlL On hour
every darjwm,b.devQtd,, to recitation.
Graduate of special service schools
will be-eXcused from recitation on sub
jects they have asuccessfully completed
at any one of these school, but on no
account can they evade taking th prac
tical part of th.our. Befor they
can complete th proposed course each
officer must attend three term. ...
i : Buys Exhibition Piano.
Prominent among th numerous pianos
Bold yetrday waw a beautiful Schu
mann piano . selected . by Mrs Olga
Bartsch Lang.- Th plana la on of th
exhibition Instrument displayed In the
Ellera Piano Houa downtown exhibit.
and was choaan by Mr. Lang after care
ful comparison and trial of othar make
carsJad. by th Ellara Hous. aa posseaa-
ag ton Quality, voium ana elasticity
and ae m action oesi auitea to in
need .of a vocal teacher. .. v.
' Having I'uunueuced her tudis with
Mra. K. J. Fink, a pupil of Garcia Viar-
dot, and later . having studied some
year with Mra, Walter Read. Mrs, Lang,
endowed with a vole of exceptional
purity and an artlatlo temperament,
coVimenoes her season' work tomorrow,
at 714 First street, nnder exceptionally
favorable circumstances, and her suc
cess In her chosen work is thoroughly
assured. . ,.
i -. !,...v-i;
' Speebl Dlapatcb te Tae JoeraaL) '
Grants Pass, Or., Sept. 4. A suit ha
been begun by Judge W. C Hal to en
Join Assessor .W.H. ;. Tallin, , County
Judg J. O. Booth and cieja b. f. Che
shire, aa members of the board of equal
isation for Josephine county, from al
lowlng-the 100 household exemption to
property in making up th assessment
roll for 105. Assessor Fallln went to
Jacksonville, where Judge Hanna la now
holding1 court, to have th matter de
cided, but aa th judge haa a ran aocaet
there. It. waa agred to bring th caa
ud when court convenes In Grants Paas
on September tt. The board of equalisa
tion win not meet until tn nrsi atonoay
In October. ;
i - - .
Weald BMtor Wt Stat Wt -
TJeanarSpectit -rvi-.t
Peking, Sept. 4.--Th Chine govern
ment I engaged In an endeavor to open
negotiation with uermany ana ting-1
Kiaeaheu-ana-Wet Hal-Wet-
Utfle kaMee aiest . K. W. r
zs. . -rtuwa la a aakek. seettlr ear la
OeaKt ef HarSaa S, '"V"
seal tb kla aad to ttrhlog, sd4 alilll
i ""i".,':.w-:vaw-Kr-MS
fr-atment wtrs Srl S tUt.l
Mlrrln s quickly earlat I L '"' 5
tag samara fnaa Uf'r f'9 Tfr .-r.Tt J
fyTng the ekla n? Sontklng tT trrTUtloaS
aad fo aMay antlstptU aea . Vrocglsta,
...... ' '
IkriM. weeptaf, CiwtlnJ, Xf
woosabd, oxjtmn a oo ronm
aad Waaklartoa Sta. v
"1 i Mi
Strangers' ln"th-clty ar Invited
' to make our etore their headquarter j.
wbil In Portland. Fre telephone.
- - f I
W ar th lcovrr and originat
or of th only reliable and acientlfl
system of Painless Dentlatry. ..W x-
. Mil -W.A n ft, ftAAtll
LI .wu wavwu, ..." mMW " - 7
absolutely without pain and guarantee
la tha beat, our nrlo - th -owt eon
14 WursI I Ua Ul LWWU insjiai waa wwaaw
istent with flrsf-clasa-work. y
IIIBI! I OT 1 III II .w.w.
INATION FRKB. Our plates are unde
tectable from tha patur&i. teeth and
ara guaranteed to flt, -
nrxjNas . rsai'tjid ai.oo
BRIDOB WORK-j . V.-5 n ;. rrrr. f O.OO
Open fot kutaess aatU S ' 'clock
araalaga, .'.- -. ,
Boston Painless Dentists
SS1H Btorrlaea s, Oyp. SEalsar k Tiank
;v aa oaliofftoa,
HOURS 4:40 a. m. to p. m. ' Bun-
Say. s:s a. as. to u:s sw as.
Birthday of Inauguration of Pro
: vincial Government Is Pub ;
licfy Celebrated.
(loaraal Spedal Servteaf
: Regina, Can.. Sept. 4. The first birth
day of the new province of Saskatche
wan and tha Inauguration ef It provin
cial government waa celebrated here
today with great aplendor and enthual
aam and in th presence of thousands
oflvlmtpra from au parts or the new
province and th eastern provinces,
Governor-General and Lady Grey, ac
companied by th brilliant ataff of th
governor-general - and many prominent
provincial official, arrived her early
thia morning and were th guest ot
honor at the celebration. i . ' v
The celebration began 'this - morning
with a procession of tha school children.
While th children wer marching th
governor-general and hla party arrived
and tb children cheered lustily while
thy passed in -review before th hon
ored guests. After the . children had
dispersed,, th great civic and military
parade began. There wer many hand
some float, representing the varloua
Industries' of the province. The msyors
of a larg number of cities, territorial
legislators and ex-legislatore, tb Ninth
regiment, and all kinds of trades and
professions were' represented In the
parade. Th streets war profusely
decorated and there wer a number of
beautiful . triumphal : archea through
which th procession passed,
v In the afternoon there will be a big
gathering on the exhibition ground,
where th official , Inauguration cere
mony will take place. A civic address
will b presented to tha. governor-gen.
eral, who will deliver th principal ad
dress of, the occasion. ' Then the new
lleiite&ant-goverhor will take hla oath of
office, A grand military review will
follow, which will' probably occupy the
rest of the afternoon. .In th evening
there will be a state dinner at th gov
ernment house,7 followed by - a display
of fireworks and a grand, ball In th
skating-rink, v , -, .-,--. ,( .
-(Joarsat Spedal Serrlea.1
rugeHgej?tXrrJha Belgian postal
authorities have discovered that the
natrrwof-trieTCwngq-rriMi ' marssTC
making a at rang us of postofflc prop
erty. For ome time th pouch In
which - th Congo mails ,wr carried
hav been, missing . from the Brussels
They ' hav now been . traced to th
Congo Stat. It ha bean found that
th native postal officials hav distrib
uted them a present among their fe
male rriends. -
Th black woman employ th pouches
for personal adornment. Having cut out
th end they pull th baga over fhetr
head and faaten them around their
waists by mean of th leather alrapa.
They ar wearing them with evident
prid. . -
Pupailng-for OonfTno. ; '
Sseetal Dtopete hm joeraaLI
ra-Paaa.-OiT-Sgpt. 4.Thr-p"t.Tr
and members of the M. IB. Churr. South
Sra making extenstvs preparation for
tha annual conference f that church.
It Is tirrye to get the boys School Clothing, as the public schools of our city
are about 'to resume another year's work. . Our great Basement -Department is
' ' just the place to get sijiu for school purposes-suits that are equal to tiTtrd.
- usage of out-of-door play,-,.;. '- . v.; ; : :'"r''' ':' rV'. "-.'. ' H'rl '.
- DOUBLE-BREASTED, sizes from 8, to . 16, very stylish-looking suits, ia
' pretty colorings at Vf'''A'vr';V:v ' 'i i .".. '
; SPECIAL--Double seat and knee suit, for boys extra hard on clothes. The
1 ' ! newest models in
sbb our
''v-T. ';';"' N-"' f ;;, ' :";'.;;'.:'':-; ' ?r-: ' - ?, - r; VK -' :y; '
Imj Ejienirsto Sates f
Leaves 'daily from Taylor Street Dock at 7 A, 1.1
Stea.roer . -.U
: QsLaScaLd jLockiaS
Makes the round trip daily, except Sunday leaving Taylor Street Dock at
Cut Rates to Astoria ! Cut Rates to the Szgs! !
Astoria and Return, $2.25 Seaside and Return, $3.C3
Tickets good to return any' time before October 3d. These good rates go into effect to
morrow morning on the . ' ( x iv.' .
Steaer Tele
The. smart, lightning river steamer that scampers down to- the city of fishes and goodtimet
land: bright men and. handsome women in from five hours to five hours and a half. .-.,
So-hr-gojs for evsrday in
Returning, leaves Astoria at
ginning September J. Bishop H. r.
Morrison of New Orleans wUl preside
handsome color effects,' grays, browns and fancy: mixtures, at
$5.QO and $6.00
Vourinrn street wiNDO'Vv r display
. The Greatest Oathhsg House
The Day Boat Down the. Columbia ,
a. nx returning arrives 6
tJiwesJt-butFriiay, whn wj
8 P. M, arriving in Portland at 8 P. M. ROUND TRIP EVI.Y
' .! i
Wot Dyor.iX' --Ur h c7 1
' Ti"
but t
t -
' n r a
' i t:.e i.
- '
in the Northwest.
Call up MAIN 613 .
radii o
p. nx.
lay ver-to blew-out-the-becrsr-
l '
- t r
',.'y l
I r -! r.
... -j
jaaa arr
which will bt hekl invOranta.Paaa b-
over th confrnc