The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 04, 1905, Image 2

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i ! ' : ' - i. .
tfUnchsr From Harcrrvan District
V Dig Out of tppnsr
-lr Jail.
: prospect jof Whipping, Pot Supposed
. to Have Caused Him to Make At
V tempt That Gained .Him a Short
Freedom; :";' S . .f V' ''' ?
; t; iSaeeW Wsaatek a tee JeareeU "
' Heppner, Or., Sept." i Fred Fthr
r" h, rancher from' the Herman dla
, Strict who waa arrested hers about 1;
daya ego, charged with wife beating,
knd tko nid hie Mctpt from the
county Jail Saturday night by cutting
AU way through a stone wall eome two
and ana half feet thick, waa found In
' the Butter creek dletrlct about IT mile
jaouth of here last night fcnd captured
.. by Sheriff Bhutt Ma wka brought to
' ' thJa place this morning an9 will , ba
,t closely confined ao as w prevent .Wrther
.chance of eacape.- . . '
1 Tha cbarga of wlfe"beatjag 'Wa Wad
""against Ferbman by his wife, who ee-'.'.-leges
that while- aha wad working with
. - Mm in the Bayfield ha booama enraged
'over a dlaputa with her and atruck her
with a pitchfork, and whan aha bad ee
curad a horse and buggy and, .with a
' couple of . the children, started to town
- to have hint arrested, ho. stopped ' tha
- buggy and threw them all out and a
' general rough handling followed.- Ferb
'man waa, Anally arrested and after a
" preliminary hearing, .upon hla Inability
, - to give bond bo waa aent to Jail. Ha ap
pea red vary quiet and waa not locked In
.'a coll, aa usual but waa allowed to re-
- - main In the corridor of tha JalL It
,t ' r aeeme theproapect",of-the publlo whlp
' ping poat made .him desperate, and- tak
.' lng advantage of thla liberty ha aat to
.' work with aomo kind of an instrument
probably a pocket knife, and loosened
i tha plaster around some of tha- atonea
In tha wall of tha corridor and pulled
" them out Into tha room. Ha probably
;' ' worked on thla Are daya, covering up
,hla work during tha day with a pile of
old newepapera, and Anally -with tha
' help of a heavy piece of wood handed
him through tha bar by ton friend
. succeeded in making a hole large enough
' to crawl through. Hla escape waa no-
' -tieed about o'eleck yaatarday morning
(Continued from -Page One.)
, .Vaughn, After a conference with Chief
, Oritamacher. It waa decided to keep him
. under surveillance and to look up hla
- record and habits.
' ffr Was lan that Pliftu'likA'lAkM a
' Vacation .of 10 daya, returning to tha
. city In. thecal ternooa ot August 11 Ufa
Van Dran drank tha fatal doae about 1
. S'clocb that night. - He wseuppoeed te
spend tlua vacation at Besalds, la
- , believed that ha did .not go there, but tf
-, eome springe, ; , ,
' i Working on tha theory that 6hse
, .knew aomething about tha murder of
' Mra. ' Van rran, tha authoiittea were
driven tothaconciaanT-rharlf-th1
,a7 vsr b. ease another person Thaat HMft
placed tha deadly cyanide of potassium
I In the bottle of ginger ale at the saloon
, ' or that It waa put in tha bottle after
; 1 , tha ginger ale had been aent to tha
-. ;notiee. " .
. I , Vhaory af ha VoUaa. ' -
Until tha flight of Chaae and Kinney
' '(hay could find -no other person to sua
' ' poet, ao they adopted tha latter theory
. because It - waa taken there by . Van
: Dran tha Thuraday night preceding the
return of Chaaa to tha city from hla
Detective Vaughn secured evidence
"that Joe Toutia; and Chase had been
' meeting each other. On the advice of tha
(detective Chaaa waa not diecharged
t and held hla - position" until Saturday,
August 21 "About 7:10 o'clock that
'morning Van t)ran wont to the aaloon
' and .found Chaaa drunk and tha lignte
out. He reproved Chaaa and with an
.' x oath the latteT threw off hie apron,
donnad hla rnat andlftltHLalooaHla
. converaatlona with Young are said lo
: have been aubseouent to that time.
' ' , Kinney wag an almoat lnaeparabla
companion of Chaaa and apent moat of
hie time hanging around tha aaloon.
-Chase was an associate --of - a 1 woman
.' kne'wh aa " Llttla May" and Klnney-ot
another woman, and both occupied
. rooms In a lodging-houaa over a aaloon
at Fourth and Everett streets. " (
' . The 8pokane' was tot have Balled Frl
'day night but waa delayed until 1:41
' o'clock Saturday.' morning. Uaing ric
s tltloua namta. tha bartender and Kinney
and tha woman secured berths and went
r aboard early in he evening before aha
t i nulled out from tha dock.
When tha departure waa discovered
the police- immediately wired Chief-of
' police Dlnan at - San Francisco, and
mahout 10 o'clock this morning word was
' ' . received that the party had been placed
under arrest. It waa asked If tha au-
. . thorltlee hero wanted Kinney and tha
women neia. .
'S , v:.s. .Tha Quartet Zs Maid.
. f In' the meantime It bad been learned
, I for "Watt J. Montelth, a brother of the
! ' "murdered when ha conducted a
saloon In thla city, at Sixth and Stark
- streets. . Monelth noWhas a aaloon at
1 Sutter street, San Francisco.
Chief Oritamacher wired Chief Dlnan
'to hold the party and District Attorney
""Manning ; waa placed In poaseaalon of
t t ; ; the -facta. .- Deputy District Attorney
' ""'Hahay waa aant to-TIlca haadjuartra
' and fllfd a complaint charging Chase
v.. with felony embesslement. Governor
'hatwherlolw esaa alas aaew aad aeaulel
onjara, ecuejl
private . aecretary, William Gatens, at
. Kilin, a haya certain necessary docu,
ments ready for Detactivea Day and
Vaughn, who will go after the fugltlvea,
HoaolulN, flfwattaa UUads..,-
t voW for
Thla oeupee, must be voted
aa their train passes through Salem to
night.1 ' - '..'' ' ., :
We have always doubted that, the
polaon waa placed In the ginger ale
fet the aaloon,'' aald George Van- Dran,
a brother of Kssbsr, "becauae If the bot
tle had been uaed over the bar after
ward people other than my brother or
members of hla family might have been
killed. We have alwaya been satisfied
the ginger ale waa plaoed In the bottle
after It waa aent to tha house." --
Chase began work for Van Dran last
February 4 and was familiar' with plans
at hla house, according to the saloon
Chaae Talked frith Tons. " .
Wi know that Chaaa and Joe Toung
had a number ot talka before the bar
keeper left tha city," said Chief Orita
macher. , "There la po doubt ha waa
hired by Toung to leave town beoauae
ha waa to ba a witneaa for the atate
fct the trial aat for tomorrow. Wa think
wa have secured tha first tangible clue
aa to who may ba responsible for Mrs.
Van Dran'a murder, blit only-tlmd can
tell." ' -i ' V... ";
There . wara - two other . witnesses to
tha ahooting" of Van Dran by Young,
and the atate could easily prove its
caaa without him. Thla fact alona con
vlncea tha authorttlee that there were
ether reasons Yor Chaaa leavlna the city
lit tha. hurried and secret manner that
characterised his flight. ' .
-.Am Important Thaory.
it tha auppoeitlon la correct that
; y
iouii Chriatinacn, J. 8. Krig and R. O. Malcolm, Membert of Ex
V.; ecutive Committee National Association of letter-Carriers. , "
Chaaa returned to Portland on tha day
that Mrs. Van-Dran was muraerto. .aii. oT
fact la a .rr. iwV f
necessarily Involves the conclusion that
lh fMilson ea a Disced In tha ginger ale
on tha day and that tha. deed waa dona
tt, fiat Un Van Dran was at
boms all day Saturday until o'clock In
the evening, when aha went -out for a
walk with her husband and her alatar.
week' and was occupied in this
manner on tha day -of her death. -
Assuming that It waa during tha ab
ae'nca of the murdered - woman in - the
evening! that the polaon waa placed In
tha ginger ale, It la apparent that, tha
failure of tha aetectivea to i maae im
mediate examination of tha ginger ale
on tha right of the murder waa a groat
oversight. Cyanide of potaaaium when
placed In ginger ale will change "4ta
color to a dark . brown,, utterly unlike
Its natural appearance,, but tha change
Is not immediate. If - the polaon had
bean placed In tha bottle durtng tha ab
sence of Mra. Van Dran In tha evening,
tha color, of the ginger ale would etlil
have been unchanged when ahe drank It
, Immediate examination by the detect
ives mlsht have nreduced most impor
tant results, for If Immediately aftef
the murder tha ginger, -ale was still of
a natural color,- the conclusion would
be almost Irresistible-that the poison
hadbeen placed In It but
time prevloualy. '
Entrance to tha flat might have been
obtained . through the pantry - window,
which waa aubaequently found open, or
the murderer may have found a means
of admitting himself through tha front
or- - ' ' n- - -' '-, .,
Uraraat gDednt Berrleeft
. Wooster Sept.. i That arguments In
tha Tascart divorce caaa will be reached
tomorrow. -noon- Beams certain. It is
said that Taggart la ao confident of
being awarded ths custody of .the boy
that hs hss partly arranged for a resi
dence at Columbus, where ha ia to be
stationed. Mrs. Taraart Is equally sura
of gaining custody of tha children and
haa made arrangements for their care
in a private school at Chicago.
........ v w ..
The ! "Battle of the Ironclada" will
begin promptly at o'clock tonight on
Guild's fake at the expoaitlon; With aa
much realism as possible tho great con
test between the Merrlmao and Monitor
Will JM reproduced.- ; u: J. " :
tt la einacted - that this eventwin
1 draw annthV .enormous crowd toJhe
fair grounds, as tha a laat attempt at
mimic mmi-inrmnr 1" "'-
- - - -- --
SO- minutes.
rafaned Saek Canned OoedaT
AUen . Lewis' Beat Brand,
Hawaiian Trip
on er before Sept. 11th, 1 Ml. - r
(Contlnood from Page Ona)
Mtny ImporUnV matters will ba In
troduced and conaldered at the conven
tion. One that la regarded aa tha moot
radial la the proppaed affiliation with
tho, American Federation of Labor, Bug
geetlona by repreeentatlvea of the fed
eration "toward the affiliation ot tht
government employee are Mid to have
met with approval by a major.lty of the
delegates. " . - 7---
' . May United With Tadaratloa.
A repreaenUtlve of the federation will
likely attend tho convention and tha mat
ter will ba fully dlecUaaed. A eommlt
tea haa been appointed to consider tha
advlaabillty of such action on tha part
of tha association, and lta report will
likely declda the question.
The revialon of tha ratea of tha Mu
tual Benefit association Is another top!
that will receive considerable attention.
Tha - order, - Ilka- almllar organisations
that have fraternal Inauranca featurea.
haa encountered trouble. The rates are
aald to have been too low to accomplish
what waa desired, and steps will be
taken at the present aeaaion to adjuat
them.- ' - ,-.
Provldthg homea for aged and super
annuated carriers Is another subject
that will do aettled. ' It la -propeaed ta
I erect a honja '"'.tSTS h.
,rV '""r:'
1 1 II !! Ill II MKlm m
it tk. irmnrr tha committee on cre
dentials waa busy all day distributing
badges Jo tha-delegates. Through A. I.
Mason the AoDle-Growers' aasocUtlon
of Hood River preaanted tha letter-carriers
this morning with six boxes of tha
most perfect-looking apples ever brought
iths-BranrtaraJJie inner consls
Ing of taffeta silk. -On this appeared
a picture of Mount Mood and a scene of
tha Hood river valley, wnera in" irun
waa ron, and the following Inscrip
tion. "Souvenir to ihe National Aaaocie-
tton of, Letter-Crflera.- - .
The work ot preparing the apples In
thla manner and ahlpplng them to Port
land coat tha growera l7.0. The fruit
was gratefully accepted by tha employee
of ujcle Sam. After a division was made
each had hla pocaets iuu ana inr
been sticking their Incisors, Into the
luscious fruit thv greater part of the
day. Mr. Maaon-was formerly a letter
carrier here, and Hvee In Hood River.
The folowlng program nas neon ar
ranged for the reception at the Armory
tonight: Selection, Bt. . Louis Lettsr
Carrlers band; Invocation, Dr. Edgar P.
Hill; addreas of welcome. H. n. coie
ma it, president local branch No. tt; ad
dress of welcome, Poatmaater ' J. - W,
Mlntof address of welcome. Mayor Mar
ry "Lane ', address of alcunie. Judge
Thomas O'Day, ofriclal representative
of Governor Chamberlain; reaponae.
James C. Keller, president Letter-Carriers'
association: selection. Denver Let
ter-Carriers band: addreaa. United
Stataa Senator I C W. Fulton.
Ietaar-Oarrierw Orranlaatloa Xaa Soma
Iguoh to Improve Xaa and Service.
The government of the United States
flrat placed letter-carrtera on a common
level when the free delivery system waa
Inaugurated. Prior to that time, under
the old penny-poet eye tern,-there were
men engaged In distributing the mails
from door to door at - salaries ranging
from 11 to $12 and mora a day, accord
ing to the district served.
When tha free-delivery system waa In
augurated a check waa placed upon tha
earning capacity of tha letter-carrier,
and tha law permitted poattmaatera to
pay a minimum salary -of 11,000 to a
certain percentage of carriers. Sixteen
years later congress provided for the
classification orirtter-carrlerario lhat
promotions could be made, beginning at
ttOO a year for regular service, and ad
vancing annually to 169 in cltlea of the
aecond claaa and $1,000 In cltlea of the
first class: After a carrier haa served
regularly. for.oneyear hla poatmaater
must recommend mm lor advancement
Or 10 vne hhi, niguvr grituo cur viii'
clency, or must recommend his -dlsrola
sal forlhooropetehee. , . .
Injhrlnglnft i"T Ttrniltlttna
I ? ' ..:..t.i - . , .
-rl v rather ' data and Information, an
asaociatioh of letfer-carriera waa formed
In aoma of the larger cltlea of the coun
try, and In that way the desired etetietJce
were systematically . procured and. the
attention or congressmen caned to con
ditions. ' After several year of effort
and agitation the preaent aalary law was
Disced on the statute books. Then the
carriers' organisation dissolved.
It waa at'the G. A. R. enrsmpment at
Jot Infants and Cifldrsn.
TtjK!:i Yc3l!3TiA!x3js E:tt
'Bear tho
lERE CllililCE
Exptrlanca of Profeaaor Lyon and
:Wifa on MV Hood fa Mora
- Thrilllnr Than First Told.
Bravery of .Guide Saves Two From
Falling Down Precipice and From
Dyinf of. Exposur in the Wilds
of Mt. Hood.- r :'; :l Vr";
' Mora . thrilling than flrat reported
Were tha experiences of-'ProfeaBor M.
W.: Lyon of the Bmithaonlao ' Institute
and wife and Guide Mark Welgandt of
Cloud Cap Inn while on their trip up
Mount Hood Auguat J7. Not only were
they struck by a bolt -of lightning and
the professor and guide prostrated from
the shock, but tha professor and wlfa
Were blown from the trail and precipi
tated over the side of the crevice and
were saved from falling to tho bottom
hundreds of feet below by the presence
of mind ot the guide. ' to whom they
were tied, who with his alpenstock and
ax reUlned a firm foothold on the trail.
One- mam who waa at Cloud Cap inn
at the time tha trie made th ascent of
the mountain relates r tha following
atory as told by ths guide: .
"When I aaw that a storm waa ap
proaching I did not desire to go to tha
summit as I -waa thinly clad. I wanted
to return but tha profeeaor. and hla
wlfa would not' llaten to turning back
and we proceeded on our Journey, B
fore wa reached tha summit It began to
snow and tha lightning fairly dased us.
When-we reached-the record box X
picked It up to open It when a blinding
flash of lightning cams ana gnocxea me
box from my bands and threw both tha
professor and myself off oar feet We
were all tied together bat Mra. Lyon
remained standing, muoh ,.te our sur
prise.,. ... .
"I saeoeedM in recovering tne box
and the professor and hla wlfa regis
tared their names, I replaced the record
book and atarted on our Journey down
the mountain. Tho wind had become a
gale and it waa with difficulty that wa
letalned oujf. footing. . The profeeaor
was in tha lead, bis wife came next
and I followed? -We had to proceed vary
alowljr . becauae Mrs. Lyon could not
go very rapidly. ...
Snow had filled tha steps In tha lea
which wa had chopped In our ascent
and It waa exceedingly slippery. " With
every guat of wind ws slipped and slid
and were in danger every -moment of
being precipitated into one of tha crev
ices which were yawning on both aides
of us. . With svery step I would dig my
alpenstock. In tho lea and In thla way
waa able to retain the trail.
"Once- Profeeaor Lyon - allpped ovar
the edge and called --'Save - me!" and
dragged his. wife after him. Thruattng
my alpenatocK ana ax into the , ice, l
managed to draw them back. , Mrs. Lyon
became prostrated and declared - she
could go no' farther, but I told her aha
would have'1 to proceed. The professor
suggested that wa go into a crevice out
of tha wind, but I- Informed him that
within an hour wa, would all ba frosea
atlff if wa attempted each a thlpg.
'1. suggested that ths prof sssor carry
bla wife, but he. said ha could not do
so; I carried her for a distance of. 1,000
f 't, womlns exh.u.ted. d4ad
safe groundrwhenehe regattftd her com,.
posure ana was aoie 10 waia.
"When we reached Cooper'e apuf.
where our horaee were tied, I waa nearly
fro sen, .ae I had bn vary thin clothing.
The profeeaor auggeated that I proceed
ahead to tha Inn and that he would fol
low-more elowly. I left them 'and
reached the Inn aome time later."
Tha partlaa who wars at the Inn
atated that aa soon as "Welgandt arrived
he dispatched another guide and Horace
Mecklun to go In search of the profes
sor and his wife and they-found then)
about a mile from the Inn.
' ' (Josnal Special Servtes.) '
Berlin. Sept 4. The cholera, aitua-
tlon la growing worae as the disease is
acre ad in g, E igh teenne wfiaeaaraaL
ported thla morning in the provlncea of
Slleala and Poaen, in Fruaala.
The transshipment of Russian emi
grants has been suspended at Hamburg.
ATleid-fluaranilne has been, eatabllahed
and auapected parties ere confined pend
Ing deveiopments. eighty emigrants
from Russia are held at Hamburg.
Eight new caaea and three deaths of
cholera In the Bromberg. Pruaala, dia
trlct and live new caaea In Weat Prua
ala at Kulm. Four deaths are reported
today. It la officially stated that ss
rasas ana zs aeatns are reportea in
Prussia. : . . -
, bawyera Meet la OhrlattaaJa.
j (Jooraal asadal Jarrlea.)
Chrlatlanla. Sept. 4. The Inter
national Law association met hare to
day at tha Nobal Inatltute. Forty for
eign delegates are In attendance includ-
ln Ceohas Bralnard or New Torx. B. v.
Trueblood.of Boston and Jamee Crosby
of Connorvllle,. Iowa.
Milwaukee in list that certain carrlera
of that city extended invitations to other
cities asking that they send delegates
for the purpose ef forming a permanent
association of letter-carriers for social
Intercourse and mutual improvement.
- A nermanent organisation was ef
f acted, with William H. Woods of De
troit aa the flrat president. The asso
ciation grew "Tip idly In membership and
In- influence.. In 1191 It met in Boa ton
and in m In Indtanapolla. After that
It met In- Kansss tlty, twtvsierMi, Fnua-
ldelphla. Grand Baplda, Ban Franclaco.
TTaoTTrcTanton. JJeTrolt, ChaUanooIa
mm iiii WsT as W .Mmmm SBkkakaW.k.aWaBkBw
deleeatlon from Portland aecurea the
te vent I on for - hie eltyr-
The nerlod through which the national
aaaoclatton has passed Is ssld to have
been one of organisation, in recounting
achlevemente Praaldent Jamea C Kellar
aald: .- .
it hsa raiaed tha Standard-ef morality
of the men; It haa brought . them to a
point where they were fully realise the
responsibility resting upon them and the
Importance of their duties; It haa bean
a help to the weak and check upon the
arrogant; It has rssuuea in a very ma
terlat decrease In tha number of .sua
Pensions end dismissals for cause,' and
has taught offlolaiS and carriers to re
spect eaoh other.
"On the material side It has, through
Its. life inauranca branch and throuah
lta benefit association, reduced want and
fear of-went,-s-thatHe membersif
they rare to" take advantage of these,
can protect themselves end those de
pendent fcpon them In the enjoyment ef
Ul wings nnitn mw - - f
- A-liouglitless Dru'st;- r
QNLT a thoughtless' druggist yould olTsr a preparation .without the Eiguature '
of OhasYH. Fletcher when' Castoria is called for j the "Plicate, iMnt and ':
flickering light" that joins baby's life to its devotedj parents being too Bacred,
to lie self-respecting druggist, to ba trifled with.- v : ': . ' ; ;
V: j A : For oyer thirty years Mr. Eetcher has given,' and ctill giyes, his Jerccnal, :
attention' to th preparation of Oastoria."t It has won the, confidence of mothers -,
; and physicians everywherer-never harmed the tiniest babe. .This cannot lb said -i
of Imitations, Counterfeits and the " Just-asgood " rot., V ; f V :nyy
'il :The thoughtless druggist only offersltHe jpoterfeit because of a few pennies
moreproflt. : Any new preparatidn can be but an experiment, and they are experi --ments
mere guess workrrirrespective of what their sponsorffinay say fbr .them
, It is' experience of over thirty years, egdxistlf. -iniid -iiuidr- isjiitUoiis; czpeiiaXit.-
1 1 L'l in iTi'i H ,i ' m m i nt 1 1 i 1 1 u iiuuuij-:
stohaBng a5efoofJa-iReSirto ,
Uog & sxmtskm vnttknka of
Ptoawtf s DigMlkmJCheCTrul
ntss aad BestConUtM neither
Opaun.MorphkaT norMtfatJaX
Wot NABcooCi
- Apaks&mtxUif forCoiwllpft
rioaLour StoinaclvJDinrta.
4stSamlLo9 OP SLEEB
City Preacher Hold First Post-
Vacation Session Bishop
McDowell Addresses Them.
The Mlnlaterial aasoclatlon of Port
land reopened lta year's work- this morn-
Ing. Dr. T. B. Ford, the new .president
waa in ths chair, attended by Dr. E. J
Houae, the retiring executive. Rev. &
A. Stewart of Flrat English Evangelical
church. Rev. A, A. Winter of Flrat
United Evangelical church, and Elder K.
Malrer of the Salem dlatrlct, were re
ceived to membership.
Blahop Jamee F. McDowell, gave an
addreaa on "The Minister aa a Soul-Win-
term than evangelist aa It Is understood
Hs spoke of the necessity of the motive
In evancallaUc - work governing the
method and said that there has been
aivetsnalon and deepening of the sig
nificance of the . term conversion.
"I was Interested, he said, "In a
recant article In the Review of Reviews,
which said that IS per cent of the corn
planted In Iowa Is dead corn before It
Is planted; IS per cent la of auch poor
vitality that It cannot germinate, and
much of the good remaining Is Imper
fectly planted. That-, may be the way
with our preaching; we say things tha
have never had or have lost the element
of reality. The object of the sermon is
more- Important then the eubjeot, an 4
every church muat work out Its -own
problems on Its own grounds In Its own
times. The truth of Jesus Christ if
everlaatlng, surviving all the ages, but
it neada to be fitted to each age, and II
la Its glory that It can ba." Dr. Jamea
King of the Church-extension society
then apoKe orieny or ma work.
Lackaye in "The Pit- Tonight
WlltnaIcksre' brain Bis rnngeinrat at
tne Uuonia OraitA thratre tnnlght and will
vttmnt t-The-PU" tor t Brrt thr-tilrht.
tt Ibe w.k ana "Triibv for xnurMay sen
Friday . alshts.sad . tha jnttUiea onBaluraajt,
"The Pit" Is s dramatl
aatlon of Frank Nor
Lack aye srorrd Ills
moat raooarkahls aucoat
n ma
-st Mi,
Oardea thratre. NTW York, 10 yura ao and wa
oaa errr snows.
Ovrr ano paonl apear In Mr. Larkays'a ana
port In "Tha I'lt." and 1 tHKipl artll tm area
In- The . prodacttoa ot VTrllb." .sgcttSvar
selling tot the weak.' , -r , .
, , Josephine Deffry Coming.
9aphliM" Df ffrj"a wrpay nTOa te the
Marnuam Orana ant Hataraay nint ia a
Brokaa Hrart." The tollowl.a Moadar 'A
trted Bride" VIM he tha attraction and tha
tiaamnt will eloa Tuesdar alaht with
WlrkM Woman." Aa aa .motional actress Ilia
Ifeffry haa won a aplandld repatatlon oa tha
Farlfle cnaat. Tom B. I-orrna ana Mia Mrta
Marakr, farorltaa with Pnrtlsad aenpl,':sr la
the-caat, Manatn Hawkins will Breeeac Bla
atar' at popular ptitea. - ' . -
, Grand Hsg Chsnge of Bill.
L-L.yiaHa,manfs a h-0a- today era aea
tlnnnna from S till 10:o p. m. Tsar ia a
cnmplotk rhang at .bill, and aoma anprh
Tannrrllla s-ta sre Vr"lal. Th heartllnor
la Lottl rillaoa. aaalatad hr lha barpplarr
Stgaar baprae. - Syrea'a caalae clreaa la aaeUier
"I,,.' --; -:iJJ
The Kind Tou Hare Always Bought, imd irhleh has been -,.ta-nso
fr over 30 years, haa fcorn the atgitatare of
All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-eis-good" are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infanta and Children Experience against Experiment.
Castoria la luarmlesa anbstltnte for Castor Oil, Fare
gwric, Drops and Boothlns; fivmps. It 1 Pleasant.' It
contains neither Opium, Morphine) nor other Narootlo '
tdbstance. Its age ia its guarantee. It eXestroys Worms
and allays Fevertshness. It cures IHarhB and "Wind
Colic It relieve. Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho .
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Frlend..-
Bears the
The Kind You
mT mW .amassgggggSBBBSsnamaMger
i In Uao For Over 30 Yoors.
, Tne eeaTava.eoejsasjv.Tf eeaaavev, sjtwvseaarrv. ,
Ms featara. Frank aaytoa haa
Bwaologne and Bennett ana sterling
tia and Bennett end Btarllna i
wtU pre-
aent a
hr-TiTrawT3frTTr,red Pur lu ton wiU
aluf. , The Orandlacop will preaent Sanaa tton)
moving pictures. " :
"A Tiger's . Claw,'
The Bla
ilay whlrh open a week'a engatemeat
at tba Lrrle todar m aa Innovatloa la the way
of melodramas, aa It Is sway freta the heatea
patha se commonly followed ay plsywntsra.
The play wsa wrtttea by P. O. McLaaa, who
makee hla Initial bow ae a leading-maa at
Ihe Lyric. Today also wltaeesee the Brat pr
(ormance ef Maiorle Mark, the handaoaie and
capable aaw leading woman of tba Lffrlc stock
company, - y.-
- The Star's New Show. .
The Star 'a new bill a-iade a hit with a large
crowd this afternoon. The Mexican eulntat
eanaclallr cooO and (Ivea the' beat aroaleal nqm-
ber heard la many weeks. Era Thstrber plesaea
her andtence, Hearlee and Beck well are very
entertalnlna people' aad Karl and Hampton
found Instant favor. eur aacBraia ia aeara
la a pretty sons snd tha - Btaroaeope : ahnws
s set of smnalng pictures, Todsy the show
runs cnatlai
"Harriet's Honeymoon-, ' ,
sresHoaymena,," which waa u of
Mary Mannerlna's must auceasful eomediee. is
farina piaeented st the Dtlaaue theatia rhht
afternoon fort the dial time ia thla city. Th
audience Is larse and eethnelaetie. There will
Greatest Ocean Resort
in the cNorttst
' vi A ' , 1 '
Astoria & Columbia River
Leave Union Depot,
-Arrive pGearhartrark
BwaiVft'SftSI VMM W 1
' This scenic route parallels the majestic Columbia for 100
miles, giving every advantage to see it in alt its grjndeur.
Season round trip tickets. ...e. - 7 "$3.00
.. Saturday round trip tickets; good ,twt daysw-f 2.50
f Single seats in tfTrpayior car 60 ceifts extra each way.'
For Information
J. C MAYO, G. P. A.
, and haa been maae anaer nia, perw,
onal anpervlalon ilnee lta infancx ;
Allow no one to deceive you In thla.
Signature of -;
7 t
be knorhev big holiday crowd oa band tonlfht.
Th play wlU raa for oaa wees, whs oa aaaj
.i. mi una
1 1 wiuwii ar a a
(Jearaal Spedat Sarvtea.t
Chicago. 8pt Mrs. Anna Mopkine
waa shot and probably fatally wounded
by a stray bullet during a revolver bat
tle between William . Lanka and the
police, which caused a panto In the labor
day parade. Fifteen thousand men were
In Un . . ;
t? nadnoad SaSsa to Bbasaa Spnage.
The Southern Faaiflo company has
placed -on sals at lta Portland offtake
round trip tickets to ShaaU Springe at
a rate of ISO. Beautiful, Uluatrated
pamphlets descriptive of thla reeort caa
be aeeured from any Southern Paotfle
ageaU - .
Xoe Xeee Off fov Fal
Chicago, Sept 4. Three hundred Hoe
Moos left laat night on a special train
for. Portland to attend the fourteenth
annual convention of the organisation
at Portland.. Oregon. Stope will be
made at polnta of Interest along the
line. '. -
dailyf 8 :00 A; M.
,12;30 P M.J
I'flO'P: M. '.
Apply Alder St.
Phone Malii tOi ,
Haye Always Bought-