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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 4, 1905)
HI3 OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND. MONDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 4, 18CJ. 111 ,r:,- ... . ' . .1 i'L , ' i ' i ', J . CIOAXJ ABB TOBACCO. Ijaaaf - - mebbo-oubbt co. innnnwi a. CBTXOPODISTa, , J ftf feet ere eut ol order, g fa Dr. War i Bonlnmla, Seventh lad lurk, th Mt epe- eieiiei, mi sue via. CAXPIXTIXS ABS BtnLDIXB. : A. . ACTHOBS aad H. B. WOOD. eerpeater -. end bullderai repairing and Jobbing: store and efnre Airurea built. Sbop SUA Uhatk tela azvT. DOO AVD XOXSX HOSPITAL. ' P 0 .BROWN.D.V B..D.C.M. Oof. bona boa. euinatiiai. ' HAVB pour walla eleeeed, w dace papered and Belated wellei eatlafaetloa guaranteed prices reaaoaaoiat wnw. N aaa... SANITARY carpet cleaning, aorUoe and. cnm- ; preeaed air eembtaed; earpera cleaned on (leaf r i without removal. Mala bos. Mat zdv. CARPET! eteaaed as the Soor wa taiaa . Pboaa Ckf SSI, free demsaoleoth J. HUNTER Steam ears Bad . mattress etenaer. BOO Jeifareea. Phona Mala XI a. comciuioa KxsoaAn. DAV1NPORT BBOS General eemmlaetea , chaatai fruit sad produce; enoaigameata as- ociteas prompt returns, ibv imi IT yoa waat ta (at good ret ma fat rat rouuce. aoia to e; w iwwi ae. ssgs f.'e. . P. Millar A Co. , BVENDINO A r ABRKLXk peedae aa eommta. aioa merenaate. lao rroet iw -aruaaa vw. Phone Mala lTPr CXJfXlrf OOKTBACTOB. -CBA8. R. CABTBB A CO.. cement eoatraetor. see can Tweetier abu-rawa mm . ;t: ' CAXXIAOX AK HACK COMTABTXA. IHD UNITED CABBIAOB CO. CarrUass. tally-ae rlge end eerrr-alle. IM .BrmH x.. aor. Mornaoa. rnone atara nszuxAxn. SHIRTWAISTS, wool at waah all, made tat ll.xoj eblrtwaiet suits, aaa aaau aw set. rooa teat anai, DRESRhfAKINQ Strictly a ta date, attest eeelrne. 8 Clay at. jxicrxicAr "woxxb. NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL BNaiNBEBINO Ceaipau. 0 BUrk at.. Portlaad. 0 K. tar a., rat Paeaa - ararrtbina la Iba aiattrieu uaa. Mala ISaS. PACIFIC Blactrla Ca. aclBaara. aaatractara, tapalrara, alactrl wlrlnf, aapsHaa. M Ptratj aor. Bcarc Maia mat. . at. a- ZXPKXMTjrO. U aad M. Xzpraaa Companf. til WaahlDftoa at.. Phona Mala 104: turnltara. plaaa ao4 v aipmalng proasDtljr atatadad to. Dally to HAIB AVD BCALP STXCXaUBT. . i. BOBO, BMDDfaetarar at bamaa kahr rotla, ate. Baat Nlnta. Pbeaa Baaf BUI. - - rnxirnu tAOroxua. OB BOOM raraitura MaaafaetiirlDB Coatpanr - Maoofaerarma at rarallora tar Uka Uada. roruaaov t r . ., B-t'RMTITRB BiimhctinlM aad anaelal L. Baraaakr'f farntturt factorr. T0 Praot at. rErivACxs. B0TNT01 iraravalr fnraaaaa aaa faat X. Q, . B.rar raraaca Co., tfid Baaoad. Mala . .BOTBb Ptadlatoa, Paadlatea. W. A Browa. mgt. HOTEL Portland, AaMriaaa plaat t. S ar day. ' EOT EL St. Oaarta, Paadlataat taadla katai, BELTEDERBi tarooaaa BlaaMtk and AMar ata. Part la ad Bardwara Ca. aeUalta apaartaalt ajaeta pricaa. ISS lat at., tot Atdar. Mala IM WaTTXAJICX.- ; tSAAO L. WBITB. Bra LAMBERT, WHITHER A CO. F Ira laaaraaea aad raal aatata; atdcaa 10T-1OB Bbarloek blda. Mala UXM; dapt. 0 Baat AMar. Baat aL -JAB. Met. WOOD, anptorara' BablUty aad ta ' dividual aaetdrat aoraty baada at all klada. jtmi ar. wi MKay oio. It. P. BARTELI COMPANT Btr I- 44S Bbaravek bldf. Oraoa Pbana Clay Ma. tooxnoxB. BBVNOLJHI a-aacral rapalr aboa; aiptrt as rTM, lockaartb; ardara aronplly tUlrd: i '- Miliar kaylasa lacka. KM Waab. Mala acata V BROWNE'S IN TOWN Etpart tockaaltk aad -Meyela rapalrtaa. SM btark. Day afcoaa, ; CMy Wr--atyit-TboaarrMala IMfl. V BET Bttlnf. caat-lrea kraalac. J. H. RlekardV !f' torn. M raaitk at. Pboaa Hood I TBI. V- xnruoAb COlBTNBX'H MU8I0 STORE, IW Flftb at. Good Una ot abaft maale 10c; lultara, aando- i Una i- law tbaa uaual prlct Columbia ' racorda B6c SECOND-HAND Boaloal iDatraaaaM of aU : ; , klnda at lowaat pricaa, eaak ar InatallBaaB. 1 Plabar MaaU Co, UO Tklrd at. TIOLIN, auadolla, faltar, ate., car folly v tauf bL " Conaarratory ball. A51 Utk at., ally. PIANO rnnlnt. ) parfart arork ni C. W. Jt knaoa. noaa Man ivii. I ' atOBIT to tOAB. akbaBMaBaaakjaaB , t . THB STAB LOAlt CO. Aay aalarwd eoiploya, wafa-aaraar, aaa Bt aa kla aota, wltbout Bortcaaa . Moatb. Month. Waak. SflO.OOwRrpay to aa llAM at fAflS aa MM iia.CO Repay to aa S.6 at 3.15 ar il.M l5.00 Mapay to aa i 4.00 or 13.90 at )i.(N 110 McKay kld(. . . PITB par rant aeaay. wa'balld yaa a kaaja r.. ar toaa yea t enry aa yoer property I Boathly ataota; loraatltatat apaa Balurday araa Boon 10-17 utbba blOf., fl'wua, V MONET to loaa. aalarlad people, teametere. ata.. ,Twltkoot aaeurlty; eaiy payBaota; largeat kaalarn la 48 principal eftlee. Xolsaa, 321 ' A kM. Pknna Mala B4AT. 1 'ki rti w rn rj AM mm mb I naranaal aaA an I. 4T!!bti !!!!. .,pr?"'Kf tfc"Ato't ISM.?4, fc?-f tVotoa kld., 4 BUtb at. ' HIQHLT naptctabla place wkare todlea aad 2f'wlrf. Collateral Loan Bub., WM rWaa BS LOANS and apward aa all klada at eacorttf or to salaried people ea tbair JBtat jeweat ', rataai aa pabllcTty, no delay. SIS Ablasto t kid. Pboaa Bed ITS. ' BATTEL iaaaa la amoaata rnln fraaj l to $0,000: roonlnf-beaara a apeclalty. a Bra Loaa A Treat Ca SOS Abludaa blda - WB sake an klnda at loaa) oa rar1t at knreet ratea; apeclal attaatlea laa n chattel feaaa. IS Marrlaoa at. - , LOANS at Vrweat ratae ea foraltare, Plaoaal i aay aaearlty aotaa parrhaead. Eaatora Maa oraeea. 40 Sberlock bid. MONET to loaa la anna ot troB I, 000 to t.1.000! taraia to ault the borrower. Roobm A-10, Com moral al blk. - ' MONET TO LOAN la Mrte at aaull tBaaatl - aa good aacorltyt loweat re tee. WUllaa A - Bckv.S0T rallla aiw. " THB CRESCENT -leeaMtrea taa SIT Oraanalaa. MONET TO LOAN aa ClarkaBaa aoaaty tasda. -7K. t. aaa FT AW BlHf. Cbaabet at yoav Berea. I " ' - " ' - PORTLAND BlAt P1TATB LOANS 8 AkO S par teat., IV a. Denbaia, IU PtlUnS bids. loan .Mrw'1!irf BLASraTIO BXALTJrX . MJM., L. B. HABT traata all dlaaaaee. etomeeb mm ,uuimm ana IHKUMU wb im. CoaeBiMPoa Pee. ' SBOH Park, eat. Jenaraaav PLTKXXBA, PONNEBBBAa A BADEMACBBB, aaaitory pWBwara. aa reoru eu awia paoaaa. POX CO, aaBltarp plnabara. SSI SXoad bL Mala aad Salaoa,. Oretoa Pboaa Mala W. PAOITS, OH. ABB 81 A SB, - aaanaieiBjaaajiaa-toi aaa. ,aCa--eaa.a1aa., P. B. BEACH A CO. The Pteaeer Paint Ce.1 . Wlndow-alaaa aad. f Uelaa, , . IM Slat at. BASMUS8BN A CO J.boera. aalnta. oil, (Uaa, eaaa aaa eoere. aeaoao aaa Jijwt. 0TX1ALIA. BOSS OP THB BOAD OTEBALLS aad aw eheqloa- clotblnBt aaloa Base. I Brae., Baaafaetarere. Portlaad, Or. OSTXOPATKB, DBS. OTIS A MABEL AKIW, AOS Maaleay bldf, CUy T7. Raa. M. 2101. Conauluttua tree. PLATUfO. mm ORBOON PLATINO WORKS. OBI Waab. lactoa at. Pbeaa SOTS. . PeUablas. pUUafl aaa taegnanag. BVBBXX STAMPS. P. a STAMP WORKS. SM Alder at., pboaa , , Mem tio: roDoar ataapa aaaia, ateacua, aaa Bete, iraae eaecie; aeog ror raraioyaa. PXOITDISw ANDERSON A DUNIWAT COMP AN T, prlnUna, , UtbetraDbiBS. blaaB books. Pboaa Mala 11. AlOer at. XOPB. PORTLAND CORDAOB CO.- aad Nortbrap ata.. Portlaad. Or. xoorxxft,. TIN BOOP1N0, sattarlBB, repalrls aad yoooiBB. f. uattu, ill jetteraoa aa. SHOWCASES ABT PTZTVaXS. SHOWCASES at every deaerlptloat beak, bat Bad etore Sztarea aade to ecoeey Tka Latka MaaBtaetaiiaf Ca., PortlaaA. SIOVP ADfTXBB. ' BOLD BIONB, aHadow.lettarlns. clotb baanara. ecoaoalcal eleexrte aline and al(na at all k Lrde aade nlrkly. foeter A K If leer, Plftb aad Bvarert. Pfcoae Brcbaata 80. PIBBOLD Maafaaaae eafeat fire and borfUr- proor wort; jau aaa. priaoa wore; aocaoaia epraadt repah-a, J. B. Darla. 60 Tblrd at. STOXAOB. TXABtrXB AND KAVUBB. SAFES, plaaoa aad . fare I rare aoeed, peeked ready for ibtpplos and abippedi-all aeerk T 4; "t S-atory, brick. Bre-i 'Praaa warabonea aor eureae. uroc C M. Oleea. Pboaa Vain C4T. warabonea lot atara aa. Ordce X3S rlrat at. OL a PICK, ofBce SS Pint at., betweaa SUrk , aad Oak ata.. pboae SSd; planet and rural tare Bored aad peeked tor aMpplat: eeamodloat - brick ararehoaae, Preat ana Clay ata. OBEOON TRANSFER CO., . 1S4 Martb Slrtk. Pboae Mala OS. Beary baBllBS aad atoraca. POST SPECIAL DELITERT Be.- too Waab lactoa at. Phoae Mala OSS. STBxrz PATixe. WABBBM Ooaatraetloa Co., atreet parlu. aide, erilke aad eroaawalka. T1S Orafoalia bid. THE Trinidad AephaM Perla( Oa, -ef Portland. OfSee OM Woreeeter blk. SOWXX STPPXT. 4 ' CLRAN TOWELS DAILT Ceojb, braab, aaaa. II per Booth. Lawrence Brae.' Towel Sanely Co.. Funrtk ead Coaeh. Pboae 430. TXOLtVS. I. A. WESCO, TtoUa-Beker aad realr-r: wark Bret claae. SS Raeacll bide-. 4tk aad Merrteoa. WAIXPAPXB. MORGAN WALLPAPEB CO.. 1S4-1M Seeaad at., bet, TamktU and Taylor. PVwtUad. ITBABOIAX. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANT OP OBEOOB. Tbe Oldeet Traet Company In Oragoek ", RESOURCES OVEB 1,000,000. Oanaral banklnr bnalnaaa condncted. Sarlnr depoalta twrelTed. Time rartlSralee leaned. I to 4 par eentj epectal eartiaratea nnt under SHOO). ii to 4 par cent on ebnrt rail. call tor nook et "illcbtbationb." - Phona Main 4&A. 10B Third St. 1 BEN. I. COHEN Prealdeat H. L. PITTOCK, Tlce-Pmldent B. LEE PAOET Secretary t. O. OOLTRA .....AaaUtaat Secretary UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK ;0P PORTLAND. OBEOON. BOXTXWZST COB. THIRD AND OAK STS. Craaaaeta a Oaaeial Banklns Baalnaee. DRAFTS ISSUED ' ArallaMa ta AU Cltlae et the United Sunt aad Europe, - Hoaykoaf aad Mi alia. OO I, LECTIONS MASK OB PATOXABLX TERMS Prealdaat J. C AINS WORTH iceraaldaat W.-B-A T B B Tlca-Praaldaat Bv LBA BARNES Caebler B. W. SCHMEEB Aeeleteat Caebler A. M. WBIOHl AaetaUat Caebler... W. A. BOLT ABO A TIL TON, BANKERS. . (Eatakllehed la lafc Tranaaata a Seaaibl Bankla Baeteeaa. Celleetlone Bade at all aolnta ea favorable torae. Letters ea -credit leaned e reliable la Barope and all potnta la tbe United Statee. Slab! Ercbanve and Teletraokle enefrre eld ea New lark, Washington. Chicago, St. Loala, Dearer, OaaaBa, Baa Pranjlaee sad Montana aad Brltlak Colatnbla. Eichanye aold ea London, Parte, Bar 11 a. Freak fort, Beaskoas, Xekebama. Maalla aad noamiaia. . FIBST NATIONAL BA1TX , OP POBTLAND. OBEOON. ' DeslcaatoS Dapoaltory aad PlnaacUl A rent of . tha Unite Btataa- Prealdeal..,.. .....A. L. VTLLS Caebler..., . W. NBWKIRK Aeeleteat Caebler.,., ,..W. a ALTORD Second AeeUtent Caebler B. P. STKTENI Lettort et Credit Iaened Arallafcle ta Barope aaa too Barters BUtee. Bint Ntcbanaa and Talerrenbla Traaafera anld oa New Turk, Boetea, Chlcayo, St. Loola, St. Peal, Oaaka. Ban Pranetace and tbe principal polnta la tbe Northwaet. Blcbt and time bills drawa. In anea to anil ea' Leadoa. Paris, Berlla, Freoltfort-la-tbe. Mala. . ctoaykoaa, Xeknhana, rnpaaliatea, Chrlarlanla, Btockbalm, St, . Peterabars. htea. eow. Enrich, Honolnta. - .collections Made ea Paeorable Terata. ' i M Sxovxmr satinos a txttst comtavt. - SOS Merrieen St.. Pertlaad. Or. Traaeente a Oanaral Baaklna Bnalaeaa, 1 SATIHOS DEPARTMENT. late rent Allowed ea time and Ha t I ere DeaoalM. . Aeta at Traatee for Katataa. Drafts fad Letters of Credit A reliable la All - ''ata at the worn. - P. ADA MS. ............ . . . . y . Ptee'(tit A. L. MILLS. ........ ...rlndyice-pTeMfBl w. a v ni i a . secretary CEO. P. RUSSELL Aeelstant Secretary JXXOHAJITS' NATIONAL BATOC IVI PORTLAND. OBXaOBT. tPBANK WATSON. ......,.. u-. .. Prealdeat L. DURHAM. Vlce-Preeldeat B. tF. HOTT ; Caebler BEOROR W. ROTT Aaatatant Caablet Traaaaeta a Oeaeral Banklns Bnslaaee. Drsfta aad Let tare of Credit leaned Available ,. a All Peru ef tbe World,. , , -Celleetlone a Specialty. " ;" ' M ORRIS BROS. A CKXISTtNSElT. e . .. LUii lire St.. .Perilaaa. Ob Otter eiTf K1re rneeetBentt fa Manlclpal Bad auroaa ewnoa. wnie et fjau. MORTQAQQ LOANS Oa Portlaad Baal Xatato at Lowest Raws, Bit lee inenrM. at-etraota Furaiabed . . TITLE OUARANTEE A TXTJST OO, .. S40 Wuklatrtea St., Oar. Seoend. Steamer Teles Round trio dsUr" (sicant rrtdsTl. LeavOa AWer street dock 1:30 B, rrt. Ra tumlne; loavts Astoria S p. m. , ArrlTlnc Portland :tO'p.(rn. Sundays leaves rert Und I A m.. - AxHtos ForUaad I p. u, RIVER F'mES ARE HI LO VJE R Astoria and "Seaside Get Benef it : of Big Cut in Fteund Trip - .. Rates. . . : REDUCTION WILL HELP THE FAIR MATERIALLY -i- t; ' Tht Low Price Will Be in Effect Un. tfl the Middle of Next Month end Will Affect Railroad Travel to the Coast. :' iT'l'-;' V- BtxinnlrtA- tomorrow, September t, tlio CAund-trlp peiaoan sar-rates on ,tha steamboats plylns between fortiana Ana Astoria and Seaalda will b cut from IS and 84 to 82.11 and II.. respectively The now tariff will ba in affect to Oo iSbr SO. Tha boat on which the re duction will bo la force are tha Tela graph, operated bp Captain B. Bcott: tha Lurllne, run by tha Kamm Una, and tha Haaaalo, of tha Oreton Railroad eV Navlratlon company'B fleet. ' Tha reduction made to Increase business and to 'make It' an object for tha residents alonx tha lower Columbia river do attend tha Lwls and Clark fair. Ratas oa tha railroad. wro cut several days- est. "After October -80 It la the Intention to restore tha Urlff to the old flxurea, unites an asreement Is reached to the oontrary. ; i i Blnca tho fair started all Unas have bean carrytns a larro number of pas- aenxera between . Portland and tha mouth of tha river, but H has been Tory seldom tnat me capacity oi ina aieam era has been taxed. - Tha most popular route for tha excursionists haa , bean up" tha Columbia river. " But as - the rates from now on will bo about tne same aa those charted on tba upper river run. It la thought that more east erner; will avail themselves of the op portunity of maklPE a trip to Astoria, ' NOTICE TO IyURINERS. : XjfhUumaa Zaapeotox OiTea Znformatlo of OkaVBfas . in Aid to . WaTltdoa. Captain Ti. C. Heilnar. Inspector of thia lierhthouaa-latrlot.- report 4h fol lowing chanxes in the aids So navlxv Uon: Columbia river entrance. . corrected beaiinra and depths of water- Columbia Rlvar outside bar whistling buoy, paw In 81 feet North Head light house n. by . H o., easterly; Caps Dis appointment lighthouse no. n., easter ly; Point Adama unuaea). lighthouse e. 14 n.. oasteriy. . ; - ' Outer buoy, a pst, flrst-class can, in 41 feet North Head llshthousa n. a.: Cap Disappointment Ughthoiiss na. 4 n., northerly;. Point' Adams, (unused) lighthouse . H S. . Peacock Spit buoy. No. .0, a black flrst-elaas can in 41 feet North Head lighthouse n. by e. e.; Cape Disap pointment lighthouse neJw a; Point Adams (unused) llghthoua a. a. Mid-channel buoy, a pa., flrat-class can. In 14 feet Cap Disappointment lighthouse h. by e. H .: Point Adams (unused) llghthoua e. by s., easterly; North Head llghthoua n, by w. w. Peacock Spit buoy. No. 1. a black first-clana can, in 11 feet Cap Disap pointment llghthoua nn. tt,.; Point Adams (unused) llghthoua nae. a; Werth Head MeritheM n; by Wi 1 TELEGRAPH BREAKS DOWN. Taat Astoria Boat Baxters XTon Dla- . ablad Xaoainary, Bat Xvefaaea Aid. 'While' going down th river" this morning bound for Astoria th machin ery of th ateamer Telegraph broke when the .boat was below tha mouth of th Willamette., and at 10 o'clock sh-appeared to be drifting helplessly along on the current. Th steamer Mas cot of 'th Kamm line, bound from th Liwis liver to rortiana, spok bar, but she oefllned assletancs. , . Tha Telegraph left bar at 7:80 o'clock this morning to make th round trip to Aatorla. She had on board In th neigh borhood of 100 passengers, mostly tour' lata ' When spoken aha was. near Mor gan's landing and drifting, but It la sup posed that th engineer was making an effort to get the machinery In repair. If he should succeed, eo much time, hag Tjeen lost that if will be impossible ior tha craft to get back to Portland until lata tonight If she makea an attempt to cover her rout. Heretofore th Tele- f raph has been reaching her dock In hla city at about 7:10 In th evening. Yesterday aha made the passage from Aatorla In th remarkably quick time oft houra and 18 minutes, lowering all records. - The ateamer Is In command of Captain Rlggs. OFF TO THE HQP FIELDS. Two Steamers Take All They Oaa Carry to Mission tABdlag This XCoroiaf. No boats wera sent to Oregon City this morning, 'as both vessels of th Oregon City, Transportation company sailed for Mission Landing and Baiem with all th hopplckera they could carry. e More than (00 people were on the steamers. Th Cheater of the Kellogg Trans portation . company's fleet, which has been plying on th Cowl Its, will be operated on the upper Willamette during tne next wren or twoto carry freight from Salem and other upper river polnnt, where ft is Impossible for othet vessels to goJbecaui of th low water stag. "., If rains do not snon fall and rats tha rlvar it Is said that gasoline launches will have to take the - places' of th steamboats alongjcertaln sections of th Willamette and Its tributaries..- Enough launches mil raany be secured to handle lha .traffic Many, small draft were built this yrar. to run Jnjthe.harboxdufi, ing tne ruir perioo, Dut since, me war. shlpa left, many have been idle.1 ALONG THE WATERFR0NT.1 '-' , The steamer Dalles City left for the Cascade locks this morning In place of th Bailey Oatsert. which, Is having her boiler avaahed. . . . In tow of tha . Sarah Dixon, th schooner. Jennie Stella, lumbar-laden from Portland for San Francisco, ar. rived at thS mouth or th Columbia yeatrrday, Members of the Plssterera' union snd their friends celebrated Labor day by making an Oxcuralon trip to Waahougat on the steamer lone- About 126 peopla were In the party. Tha tug Samson will leave for Fish er's landing this afternoon to tow rock barges tu tbs gorarnmfnt Jnlly ' at tBd mouth of the Columbia. . Captain Oollghtly ha succeeded Cap tain Half as master of tha steamer Eu reka, which arrived Saturday night from Ban Franrlaco. '. '.......- .u . JUongahoremen are loading lumber oa ,M DuEDGIhG IS tD Two - Larfjtr- Placer - Tracts - Se cured In Douglas County -Near WoodvUle. ; t DRILL HAS BEEN PUT T , AT WORK PROSPECTINQ Three Calif qrnia Companies Are S , curing Southern Oregon Land. But Arrange Plana So as Not to Enter Into Competition. , ' -; ' . (Special Dlspateb to Tba learasL) Grants Pass. Or., Bept f On of th oompanles which la securing ..placer around In southern Oregon for dredging baa taken a bond on th .Harper farm. east of WoodvUle, Douglas county. Tha old Bird say farm, more familiar ly known aa tha Charlie Whit place, which adjoins- Harper's land, ha alao been bonded. Thia .tract has the east bank' of Rogu rlvar for about three miles up th stream from wooavuie. Th Southern Pacific track runs through th land. Th bond calls for 150.000. there being about too acres In th tract, " ' : A drill ls"Alreadyatwork" on th Harpr plac and reports from there ar encouraging. . Three- companies ar bonding land In this district, snd they hav divided th territory so as not to run prices up. .. - ' Th California company, that ha been drilling on th Applegat for soma time, will hav to make ita first pay ment on th bonded tract secured there about December 1. Th Installment la said to be one-third- of the total pur chase price, and while th drill fore has not communicated the results of their work to any save the manage ment. It I confidently stated that th bond will be held and the payments mad en schedule time. . BIQ VEIN AT DEPTH., - OontUanSal Oreaaoat ow aoo-Toot Xere) TenaA Walls rifty ree Apart. - . Judge Alex Sweek of th Continental Mining company -haa-returned -from a via it to his Douglas 'county property, and aaya 'that the showing In th cross cut on th 100-foot level, of the shaft Is remarkable, At this depth th vein has been opened for a width of to feet. In th upper workings st thia. point tha vain had a width, of 8 to 10 feet- There haa been each rapid. widening that the management waa surprised, and could not believe It had such a fiaaur until the crosscut proved th fact- Little drifting haa been don on th 100-foot level on th strikof tbe vein, so that Manager Stewart could not determine th persistence of the ore at that depth, but the almost unbroken ahoot explored In the upper worktnga and the type ot or leaves .no doubt that a great orw body will ' be established In, . th deep levels of the Continental. - Manager Stewart Is hastening work on me concentrating plant while press ing development -underground.. Milling will be taken up there early thie fall. ana a neavy proaucuon is predicted when th plant ie enlarged In proportion to th reaerv that. 1 being opened by tare aevejopmen The Continental haa cauaed much ex. cltement In th Myrtle creek district, - ..... v.. . , ...(.linn, I1BU - r -.- - tiiv man- a somen t of thl company began work. never nM timuont. kamm . l. . aiiuwnia nee eiceeaia m expecta tion, of. the best mining men, raising th district to high favor, and the auc- ceaa of. t Ha Cnnt In.nt.l . . . . - . .. bar or nelghbora In the near future. th BritUh ship Comerlo today, which Is th oply work being done. In th harbor. Th charterers of the vessel ar anxious to get her to sea In order to Avoid the neoeeslty of paying demurrage charges. Th German ship Oregon haa arrived at Astoria from Antwerp by way of San Francisco, ana win probably leave up tomorrow. She Is bringing a small gen eral cargo consigned to. Meyer, Wil son A Co. Tonight th steamer F. A. Kllburn wilt reach th harbor from San Fran. Cisco snd way ports. m mmmam ' MARINE NOTES. Astoria. Sept. 4. -Arrived at 8:80 and left up at 8:60 a. m steamer F. A. Kil- burn, from San Francisco. Arrived down at 8 a. m. and aailed at noon, steamer" Columbia, for San Francisco. Sailed at 8:80 a. m steamer W. H. Kruger, for San Francisco. San Francisco, Sept. 4 Sailed last night, schooner Mabel Oale, for Port land. Astoria. Sent S. Sailed, ateamav r.a. cade, for San Francisco. Balled at 3 p. m., steamer .Valencia, for San Fran claco. Arrived at 8 p. m.i German shin Oregon, from San Franclaco. Arrived, aown ai i a. m. ana sailed at II m., steamer Redondo, for . San Francisco. Arrived down at T a. nr. schooner Jen nie Stella. Arrived, at 0. and left up at 10 a. m., steamer South Bay, from San Francisco. WATER IS LOW, f Old Boatmen Bay Willamette Za at a Stag Xtarely KeacAed Before. In th past 14 hours the Willamette river at Portland fell .8 of a foot , and now stands at only 1.8 feet above aero. If It falls st th same rate for the next three days it will be below the low water eta ire- Old rtvermerr say that It ta at a lower stag than It has been for years, but excepting on the upper Willamette and Its -tributaries it will cause ho Inconven- Isnr.S to,stsamhoaHng From Fortla Bad 4e tne sea a great aeai or dredging has Bewrnrrtfie" XndTKearrornas a unliRrm depth of 18 feet at th low water stage. At Baiem tire-river la .1 of a foot below sero, but there ha been no change In the last 14 hours. It'is .8 .of a foot above th low water mark at Albany. Low Excursion Rates to the East. On sal September T. I. , 10, 18. and IT, th Rock Island rail way will sell . round trip tick et a to eastern point at greatly reduced ratea. For full particulars call on or address A. K. McDonald, general agentj lv xnira street, roruana, uregon. ' , " ...III I i i i i a in .ill. Brerybody xtas a. Chano. ... It does not follow that only those who sra familiar with babtea Or able, ro guees correctly on' th hoy and-glrla at thd Mellln' Food exhibit In th Ag rlcultur tiulldrng. Lewis STtd-ClSTaT x-" position, for a 0-year-old boy was th succeesirul guesser on on occasion snd st. another time a young lady waa etic ereftful -so when you visit the Mellln'a Food exhibit do not neglect th oppor- tltSstfwF Oaa. aWHdaSlSi aw g) tew as era) 1 XAILXOAD AST9 STIABBOAI TDtX TAX LIS. Colambia ami ' v Dally RoundTrlp to Cuoade Looka ' Steamer " DAI LEY G ATZERT" Lea vee weekday b.8;0 a. ro, Sundays, , -' . " . .. Round Trip $1.50 Way foot CHESTERFIELD X'syeai Falmlst aad Clairroyaat. Do you wian to know If y will ' soon make ' busl r nesa Changes? If ; your horn Ufa la or will be happy T . If you will be for- tunat In lov af fairs? If you will travel ? What your . dlseaa Is ' and whether . or ' not ' you can be cured t Life r a d I n g ' from th cradle to th grave. Satisfaction guaranteed or no fee accepted. Parlors 814 South Third street, opp. the. Plaaa. Houra, 8 s. m. to S p. m. Dally and Sunday. Fee lOp gad $1.00. .. . . ; , ; There haa been and will, be no change in th prices ' of Mineral Water, Soda Water, Siphon. Syrups, ate-: the , . earn price will b maintained . all reports to th contrary not withstanding. . , STAR BOTTLING WORKS - Fhea Maia (B0sV M First St. EUGENE FIREMEN NAME DELEGATES Td MEETING (Spadal Dispatch t Tka Joeraalt -Eugene, Or, Sept , 4.-Eugene' . vol unteer firemen ar taking considerable Interest In th coming annual ' conven tion of th Pacific Ooaat Fir Chiefs' association at .Portland.- September It- is. through tha fact that th chief of th local fir department. W. C. Toran, la eecretary of th association, hav ing been elected to that office at the meeting ' at Victoria last year. The following delegates .from . two. of . tha rompanlee of Eugen hav been chosen Chemical engine com: L. La Warnock, J. ttoea, Koy Bales, Peter Hoffman. M. 8. -Hubble, William Ruasell. Mika Wald. Oregon hose com pany, L. L. Whttaon, Norbert Ays, O. rVFord, Charlea Starr, George Sovern. STEAMER JEROME SINKS WITH WHEAT IN COLUMBIA . s ' (Xpeclal Dlapateb to The JouraaL) Kennewlck, Waah., Sept. 4. The ateamer Jerome loaded with 1,000 buah el of wheat struck a rock In the Co lumbia river above the mouth of the Snake yesterday and sank In 80 feet of water. Th cargo. la a total loss, but th boat may be raised. ... Xlxoanloa Xtatea t Xfewport. Th Southern Paclflo - company haa placed on sale at all - ror Hand offices round trip tickets to Newport at rats of 8. limited to, October 10. 1108. and for 83 rJaturday to Monday ticket a Ample hotel accommodatlona at reason able rates ar provided at this popular resort. . I . .. . - Wa treat succesBftflly all private nar- blood, stomach, heart liver, kidney and throat troubles. Wa aura SYPHILIS "fwHheut niemuiy tei'Btay airrad fas. rr. W remove STIllCTURB, with out operation or pain. In IS days. We stop drains, the result of self, abuse. Immediately. W can reator th sexual vigor' of any man under 80 by , means of local treatment peculiar t urslvs l We Cure Gonorrhoea In a Week : Th doctor of thia Instltut sr all regular graduate, hav bad many years' experience, hav bean knows In Portland tor II year, have a reputation to maintain", ana win undertake no e vnleaa certain cur can be effected. We gitaranto a ir In every ease tindertsk or charae no fee. onaulta tlon free. Letters confidential. inatrue- tlv BOOK FOR MEN mailed free .1 plain wrapper. W M mtlrm tha rv.a 4 f6n."Cure guaranteed. - lfiZmi tnBotu ' "'" WT,U tot IS 'Umc nour. to s sua t t s. Bona ays snd holt ,', tot li - DR. W. NORTON D. : ' ' ' . Office U Vam Toy Hotel, llw Third t H XAILX0AB ABB STXAXBOAT STJCX TABtXB. River t a. m. Arrives back B'iSO p. m. ' 1 -Through steamers for Tha Dalles and polnta leave daily 7 a. nr. Wharf of Alder street. Phone Main 814... DAYS ON . PUQET SOUND Tha Medltarraaeaa ef the PertSe." . FOOXI SOimD BXITISK OOLVIUXA. rays for B days roond trlr to TiCOMA, 8X 4TTLB, BVCRCTX, BtLLI WHAM, ANA CORTES. WASH., VAtiCOUTXBTBXlXUB COLUMBIA, ate. -.Xaatliig .PurtUad - Aea4.aiker -S;S a. as., flrat-claaa traaaportatlos, aaeala asd aerrna inciuaee-' Tbe palatial eeeaa-sotBS ateamaklps- CktA TILLA, QUBBN, C1TT or PLEBLA. far rJckats aad full Informatlua apply Pa else Ceeet Steamahlp Co., 840 Waahlnctaa St.. booth Mfra. aad Uberal Arte bids., Fair roan da i Pasat Boa ad a Alaska - Xiearatoa Boreas, eoodooofh hldg- 8th aad XaathUI ata,, roctlaad. Or. ALASKA r AST AND- POPI'I. A B - BIB AMSBIFO) Leave Seattle t t. a. "Xeferaoa," September T, IT. XT. 'IMfAia,'' Baptemhrr X IS, 23. '. .. . CALLING AT XBTrmXArT, JT'NXAU, - ' DorfSLAS. BAINKS, BKAOWAT. ConnacU with W. P. A y. reuta for Atlla, lawaoa. Xaaaaa, Mome, etc. -gOB ALL BOtTTRBASTKBM ALASKA POBTS. X. a. "yaralloa," September 4 JO. B, a, "Birlge," September IS. SO. Call or aead for "Trip to Wonderful Alaeka," "lodlaa Baaketry," "Totem Pelaa.'' ,! THX ALASKA S. B. 00. - -Frank Woolaey Co., Afenra. 'v ' SM Oak St. Portlaad. Or. Ken. Hut b This? Sometbln New? A aysteale electro recti um appll a ace. A home care for weakaeae, anaataral ebatructoaa, local rhaama tleia, vartcaeale, loeosaotii . ataxia sad aervoua. debility. Bead atajnp for free deecrlptlee hook. Dept. , Health Appliance Co., Seattle, Waah., or call and sea It at 100 norta aista at., for liana, ur. CLAIRVOYANT Brother WiHUm, Tbe Qaaker Prophet II IS II ST AS CHEAP TO 8KB TRI BEST. ASTRO DEAD-TRANCB CIWUBVOXAMT. LOW 1KB. . , I do berabr eolemnly aarea aad aaaraarea to make bo charge tt I fall to call yoa hy same la full, names of your frlaada, aoemles or rivals. I promiee to tell yoa whether yaur hueband. wife or eweetheart la true ar fa lee; tell you bow to gala tha lore' ef the one yoa moat aeaire, aren taoaga miiea away: bow ta aaccaad la hue In aaa. . apaculatloa. la waa lta: how to marry tbe ena of yonr abalre; how ta retain yonr yonth, health and vitality. Ra- more evil inaaeacea, euree exina aaoita. locates xreaaorea. 31SH wasniagtoa mtm oot. or Bixta. C O EE WO The Great Chinese Doctor rermerly loeatsd ana AMr b. Haj Moved Ta the larse Building st B. X. eoraet . ef rirat asd htcfrlaoa ata. , " Erttraiic) ' first Stroot Dr. fL Oaa Va tka Hi .at Chlsaaa TJeetaT. ta well known and famea thraaenont tha O. S. because hla wonderful aad mereeloua cures hare beau heralded broedcaet throughout the length and breadth of tble couBtry. lie treats any and all dlaaaaee with powerful Chinees roota. herbs, buda. -barka and vecetablea that sra entirely unknown to medical acleace la tbU country, and tbrongb the aaa of tbeee harmba remedlee ha guarantee, to cure catarrh, aathma, lung tronblea, rheumatlam. nervousness, stomach, tlT.r, kidney, female troubles aad aU prlrate dlaeaeae, ... Tble famous doctor euree without the eld ef tha knife, without Being nolaona W druge, Hmdreda of teetlmnnlaw en Sta at his efscea, Call sad see him. Cbarree mod aa ata, . ... COXXITLTATIOW IXtX, Patlxita out at tbe city write .for blank and circular. Iaekue 4c etamp. Addreaa The 0. Bee Wa Chlneee Mad lata Oa., le.y 1st Sk, ear. Marrlaaa, Pertlaad, Or. iw., Pleeaa mantloa thia paper. -.-',, w5i : - u. wwTJifW-irt iriwl&'outnpmwa ojwostlos) Blank, Com treatment - a. if r 1 r A- j G 1 0'orrrnTr-1 3 Trains to tbe East D&ily-w Tneough Pullmaa standard and tsarist aleea ng-eara dally ta Omaha. . Chicago, Saoheaei tourtat sleeplng-eara dally to giaeas Curl inreuga radmaa lounai aieepmg-cars tperaou. ally eoadactadl waekly to Cblcaga. BaoUalag XAILXOAD ATB STXA" ML. UWIOB DEPOT. Leaeaa.- Arrreas. CHICAOO POBTIBB ' . - i - " ,. ' ' SPECIAL. . . S:HB,BV. , the Eart via Boat- Dally, Daily. r-,' Ingtoav . ..,; SPOKANB ri.TER. for Baetera Weehlag- on. Walla Wajla. Lew. 0:18 a. m. 8:00 a. SV , . '.la" JE "f a,'1 Dally. , pally. , ad Oraat Bortbara , ..', ' aalnta, . ; t '..,.-.- r iU1!0 0:IS a. IB. T:1S a. at. ! the Baat rU Baat- Daily. , Dally. lngtaa. i. - '- -. Oahnuhla Blver Mytelea. fORASTOBIA aad way 8:00 B, av I " " JJ'nta, ooaaactlng with rally. r Ahoot ... lUSi. t '" aad n. Saaday. S:0 . m. 'i-'- "SB- Saturday, ea. SsadaA, . Mlo, A en -at. eoch. i ap s. nm. Howe: - miv aawi (.arm aaai.a T.-f . V7i"M' s: a. m.: aeaeamhar a. Beptamber 14, 8:00 a. m.; Bentemher 10. S:18 a. ra. . TamhOl Kreae Xauta. POB DATTOft. Oregonl J City and Tamblll river) T:K)a-a. f un a. aa. pyinta, stmra. Bath a ad 1 Dal I Dally. floe, Aab-et. doc, eg. twatae parmtttlag.) Saaday. Snake Xlrar Xeata. FOB LBWIBTON. Jda.. b5b.hwwC1.,,,J- Spokane and Lewlatoa. TICXXT OrriCB. Third and WaaAlsatea. Tale : , phone Mala T1A, iv 27fV."TiNO,?'-5,t' T, 'teat, -A- ta CBAI0. Oeaeral Paaaengor Agaat' ' EAST y CBIOR DBPOT. OTB BLAND EXPRESS. Trains, for Salem, Boae aura, aaniano, aera mento. Oadea. San Irea- 8:4 p. at. ndBaaSA, caice, nnocktoa, Loa aa galea, Bl Pnaa, New Os- ieana ana ue mm. Hmlif trala aecta-' st Weodbnra dally except Sunday 8:S0 a. s. wita trala tar ata. Aaael. BllVartea. 8:o8a.av. Brownrrllle. Spring f I a I d.. WendUns aad Xatroa. Bngeuapaaaaager eaaH ecu at Woodbura with S0 s. m. - i T:M a.m. 10:SS Aaa. MU Ansel aad SU'er tan local. Coreallls paaaeneer. 'Sherldaa Baaaanger. Paraat Orova paaaangar. K'M a, sa, . 4:50 p. m. s aa a. a. Iit:e0a. m. 10: p eriallr. LSOUTH I Arrlvee. - HDally tMmpt Bundsr.. .j-. .-.- PortUad-Oawaga Saamrbaa Sarrlae Bad TaaaMB . " IHvlalsa. ... i ' Depot foot at Jeffereee ' street. -Leave Porttoad dally for Oaweg T:M a. m.1 . 11 ZO, 8 0S. 4.00, 8:80. S.OO, Li. 7 9, 10.10 ,. a.w, a.w, ,.w. w.w, w.w. . .w. Dally (except Besday), t JO, S:SO, Aad. A lot m.1 a:uu, ii:av p. aa, aunoay eaiy. a Rataralns from Oawago, arrive Portland da"y 8:00 a. m.: 1:IMI. 8:00, 4:55, S:B. T:M. :) i. 11 :1S P. m. Dally (exewt Boeder). S to, T: f :S0. 10:10. 11:40 a. m. Bxeept aioaday. Uat , a. m. Sunday aaly. 100 a. m. Leaves from same depot for Dallas and tnraa mediate polnta dally 0:09 B. Bk Aril re Par. The ' Independent-Won mouth aTetor Ua eperatr dally ta Moo month aad Air lie. tmm. Boetlng with aoutbara PaclSe soaapaay'a tracaa at Dallas and Indpaudnca. viratiaaa faro from Portlaad ta Bsersmeaas and Ban Pranclece 820, bertha SH: see fare 1B, aecoaa-ciaea ari tT Tlckete to leeteru aolntn and Xurepst lapan, China. Honolulu and Abatralla. City Ticket Ofde corner Third -aad W - aha. afain Til. n W STINOix. . W, B. COnfArJ. City Ticket Agent. Pea. Pa TIME CARD OP TRAINS ortl4ariclt DAILT. CH10M DBPOT. Depart. Arrive. Vaitaipatoea Parh-Kaa- saa Clty-St. Loals Spa-I riel tor Cbeh.Ua.Cea-) ..ila Olrmuta. Orays Harbor. Btatb Bend. Ta-1 8:80 a. he 1 . 1:00 a, ss, :80 V. av 11:40 . m. .1. - n d:SS,av coma. Seattle. Bposanav Lewlaton. Butte, BUI Inaa. Denver. Omaha, Kaneee City. St. Louis snd eoutheaet. . North Coaet Limited. alectrle lighted, for Ta- MASS. eoma, Beattle. Snkaiie. Butte, Minneapolis, St. rani anu tne Beet. Pnset Sound Umttaal far Cbehalle, Oentralla, TaeasM , aad Beatde 10 8 a. av only. .,. Twin City Xxnruaa. Tacoma. Bee ttle. Bpe Sane. Ftelena, Butte. Tellowatooa Park, atln- i" '. ' 0:50 a, aw .apoiia. a-aal i the Beat. . . A. D. CHARLTON. Asslatant OaaerU PaaaeBger Ageat, . 8SS Morrison St.. cor. Third. J -- -. Portland. Oregon. ' " Astoria & Columbia v - River Railroad Co. UNION - DEPOT, Arrives. - gov Ifaygara Batneer.lrt . Bb - t lereaanie. weeipart. vaiiy. riiriou. Setuila. War. rraton. riaeel, Maavl hwihdryrr xrarma. Gaarbart Park, Seaelde, AatarU aad Bea.tHare, E torses dally. Astoria Exareef. O f A ax ' Satarday esly, ?I?tUJ,w,Tfr- i.. . w . P. snd P. A. Aeloela, Or. 0. A. BTEWABT. C-maarrct.1 Agjj SS AJt ntreet- Pboae slal BOA i ytokst Offtoe 1C TkJrd ti. eea. , Trstnatoontlr ep Train U FAflT ALU POIN. ' riavllaht ' trip thr- gnd Rocky ihwmul are, rat, uiu'- Lea Tea. t i ., i, .. ...