The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 03, 1905, Image 4

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. L - li c v. i i ,-.
W .aw v
NEWSPAPER . .w..v.
'ft. aWaCKSOir.;
-t .... - i"- . . , havh a butty good tlmo In tht$ world If ho hat nothing, to ak from it.
O MANY PEOPLE the lecture and discussions
' -.hewf "during the past Week in the sessions pf
:Tr the educational congress were, the. most inter-
V. - vesting and instructive feature ot me exposition. ,un.
- v Questionably much waa aaid that, wu v good aed;' as
' i undoubtedly there were many apots of good "brain soil
' '-Jjistening; the harvest shall appear inj due season; The
"' ',,"- PnU who tilanted mav;aro hence as they surely-will
' 'f)md the Apoilos who watered, 'before the bundredpr
' . 'niittv.' or even fortv fold, shall appear! but '.there ;ill
h. ihiMi who will teas the increase, Let that .be enough
f for n$, for are we not fcarvesttnr from-the rich mould
1 Jiiloi .deatfjn'etf: graye ? lr Vf''T r'y V"
s What is education?;. A" broad,, many-sided -question,
I :'v,t ' fine that niiT be broadly answered in a sentence:
' The acquirement and adaptation of such knowledge of
"menfirst of .one's' selfr-end ..ot, tnings--iirsc xnose
.. : nearest as will best aid a person to maintain a comfort'
able equipoise -and be at least fairly successful in ;life.
i in otMtr words, that will' open up to an inquirer the
- T knowledge of the best road to th truest success, y,:
-Now this docs not mean that a college educatioivjs anj
; f r dvaatage to everyoody. ; it may oe saia to dc, as a rmc,
. t a good thing to get. So, as a rule, and considering, the
' time JimiU set upon mortality, it may be .aaid that one
1 cannot get too much 6f a higher education, in the
schools... Yet to some, it" is a positive detriment '; There
. -i no rule that can be laid down to any audience ot ciass,
Mt all depends on the ego and the irresistible environ-
Youths -are often, almost always, told that -with an
; i " education they can do what they choose; that they can
. be anything they will to be; that there is nopch thing
i ' as luck or cnance-or lumre.r oui ui..u .
; addition to knowledge, on bne'a will any .one's .This
ia nntrnr i Success deoenda partly on fiber, perhaps te"n
thousand years in the makingr and- with. perhapi amil;-
lion element!, -indistinguishable to, ; trie ; philosopher a
mental micoscope,; thereinto interwoven'- but .often, der
i pends partly too pn Jtavenmious (irsuBuwun
" The shoemaker oa his bench, Hhe blacksmith at his
" forge; tb lamef jnhi9iield, wy be the truly educated
" man, while the LL. the D.D? the L A:, et al,, may
' be 'comparative fools." fi"--.:'':''- 'A'-a".
1 The achooL the college, the. technical instituta, are all
most-worthy - and . admirable . institutions, great helps,
- v if U a true now as . ever that a pig's tail is not
. . proper material for. a musical instrument There should
Ki a hr is not an eoualitv of opportunity, of. rights,
of privileges but there is awd can be no equality of
-7- talents or of acquirements or attainments, any tooix
. . there i an equality-m the nefght of treear mounuina
' of the brightness -of Ura in the firmament "For; there
' 'i one, glory.of the sun, and another glory of the moon,
and one star differeth from another star in glory." :
. t Success, in the .world's estimate, i largely afld Very
often purely adventitious or at leas the chances to win
; it arW Fortune "fairly fall-in lore' with some then,
" '-' wortBy'attd 1 unworthy,"educated"andunducatedr-and
."r " givesi4beni;rwBaf'appearto be-all that mortal desire
' could crave; but yon don'Mee all, nor know all ? We are
' in Vanhv Fair What seema true success ia often Ipnia-
; , el-able failure. What, seem educatioa is often a tinseled
. travesty, a.-varigated veneec' f'tti r'yT7TJ
" f. True education j what helps a.pefson to think, 'a hti
- senses are exercisea, to ao wni m iub uumnit
"I. ii-Jjiest for bJai not another to'do, and -to bi: 4 truly
Chappy; as may 8e,.and' to Jielp fatficr' tbatf'Tiarf 'fhU
' . i Bttle world in his.sjhort, stay upon h.J. Booki'help, are'
-. necessary; schools' and colleges and janiversitiea apd in.
stiiatetr. WMr srr efflponumr na iaooratories anq iiprarica
y j-aiL Klg ilr, n: weeessaiv; bur-tae""ftnalMsf "1si"
, (Jan. 'the imm noV- best do what' he was best-fitted to
-do before he gained his higher education? X.Has the. ed-
- -ucation. "jibed" with;the - mad? 5 Hayeweset hi'ra in
; 'the 'way, he. should go,tor diverted hjm off Into forests
i that ht cannot fell andT(agmiret .tbit, h? cannot dr,ain?
Particularly," have we given him Vf' wea of manual"
x ,;and industrial as compared with mental or professional
,7, labor?-; And finally, have-we taught him -that gold -is
j not synonymouswitb and 1 inclusive of both glory and
: t God ? ', '' v. ' , -Jt .-j-T.' ' ?;jfk?fL , i :' : A"! " 3 V " '
s : :e-iThere are really educated men who know little of books
'"'Vv.'or schools. v,There, are lower, animal. who .are . ropre
, .agreeab'e and admirable if not more instructive creatnrea
'r'.vthan some "educated", men..; . '.J 1: -.;.; v
:': t Yet let utTecognize-and-appreeiate the vast net alu
; 'of a school education; aa a rule, and of educational insti
... tutidns-of the common schoolsT the -academies, the col
'.leges; the technical schools. They alone: cannot . make
' - - men truly educatedf but They are doing a mighty work,
'''each in its proper sphere, in aid of education in its broad-
i!, est senwe -wnicn jsi lo anow-iruin? ra ou rigiiu
HAT A DIFFERENCE between, this morning
. and last Sunday morning to hundreds of thou
' Aa ..... .t nn1 "-nuntincr h
V women and children interested! ' il ; ; " ; '.''..
' v (. Then war: alight, prospect of peace." - Great armies
soon to begin the dire work of slaughter-, Tens of thou
aapds of men to- be killed and . a many crippled; thou
' aands of women to. berpade widow and children pr-
nharis; million of money to be spent, destroyed.-
. And keep, in;.jnind . that ihe, love of life ia.. much the
' time in all human breast even though some are more
" stoical than others; and that' wives, . mother,. aistera,
. sweetheartf and children, have much ! thesame feelings
"in Russia and Japan aa in America! "V!;4c;
JIow anxious Qiey were last Sunday how relieved to-
day. Vith what forebodings and grief they '.went .to
'their devotions then; with what light and thankful hearts
'.' 1 now! :, -.; -;' i-
No more fighting.
No mere slaughter No
wounds and diseases of war.- .More than a million, men
' who last Sunday expected soon to kill and be killed, are
now safe from war's dangers; arid though many of them
. u rare professional er
Y soon be marching home again, to engage in pursuits of
, peace to humble home in most cases, poorer than those
. :HfamiJiar toos yet noma home in all randy and among
. all peoples, -i- . : .'." .". A'l-.'
ji..n M pulpitt-in-aU-lands, and beside-manyr.famiry-al
. ;-Itar, -will, bew'soiU.-bTuttxcdtoday-ipoii-the-heads7of
1 the men who agreed Op peace; 'for their welfare unnum
: '. bcred orisons will arise the mikado and his counselors,
v. the crar and Witte and Rosen, arid especially our stout,
llear-headedV:ouna-ncarieaprcMaemvi ; -. y
HE FAIR will : have the effect of estabUshing
Portland's reputation as. a: summer resort "It
has long been known to a few people and thtfsc
have Come here regularly to enjoy the balmy climate but
to th average seeker after the finest of fine summer
weather it has -been' entirely unknown,; Seekers after
change from the higher and dryer climates to the east
ot us, all unknowing that here. was. to be found the most
perfect of all climatic contrasts; passed ui heedlessly by
to go to California and ber geJjittle if any of the relief
which they sought- sThe winter -tourists crowding back
from California rarely came'this- way and thus missed
ourJipringtimethatl season-of : absolutely .unsurpassed
beauty. : But the fair has brought' so many here who
never before beheld Portland and these have so widely
scattered it, fame thaf the city may flow be considered
to have fairly started on its career as a summer resort.
. This" being-true we must provide means of amuse
ment and 'entertainment for the people who will come
here.. Nextyeir we will have no such attractioar'asthe
fair, itself reented. rWe "will have the river trips and
these should be increased in attractiveness. ' W should
navemoreTsuburban'lihes, one particularly-leading to
Mount Hood 0 as to take away, from that trip all of 'its
present terrors. ..The suburban lines 'we have had in op
eration have not only been a source of great profit 'to
the owners because of increased business but they have
been of distinct advantage to the city itself in rendering
the stay of many people so much more attractive than
it otherwise would have, been. There ought to be ar
ranged a number of y fishing. trips in season. , The
boulevards .about the city should be rendered dnstless
through the use of oil which has proven so successful
along Twentieth street.'' Our parks should be brought to
the highest state of perfection, the fair having set a good
example toimitate, and the' various points of interest
shouldbe rendered easy of access. Tli-tzr-"-'
' One great source of disappointment to visitor is that
'they see so little of our far-famed snow-capped peaks.
This is usually due. to the fact that so much brush is
burned . during, the summer months. Some provision
should be made ao that these slashings should be burned
only after the middle of September or the first of Oc
tober "In this way the aspect of the country" would, be
vastly improved to the great'' benefit of everybody,
whether living in the city or country. - " - ' " ,
"There is no city in the country so well adapted to be
come a general summer resort as Portland and it is dis
tinctly worth, while to cultivate the business which it
brings. ;.,; 1 '
of Pennypacker'a. or anybody else if she had these faults?
They did not alter the fact of the heroic deed. .: Did the
pjd oursoul . who said shei had bristlet on her nose
which tt is a thousand to one he hadn t suppose that
mar to physical beauty.r, detracted., anything from the
merit of her "deed ? And even if she was a saucy and un
conventional young" woman when with the army, what
differencedocs that make either? The, deed was all the
slTHe. ThVarrny was not an opera nor a Sunday achool
convention..''. :. ("'. i.'-'f'' '
- Jf Molly Pitcher drank grog, we are willing at this
late day to 'forgive her that weakness; if she swore, we
imagine that as in the case of Uncle Toby the Recording
Angel a he wrote the record blotted It out with a tear;
but ifin..that awful,-crucial day at Monmouth sh was
going back and forth amidst shot and shell a an angel
of mercy, and Only left that work to carry on her-alain
husband's fight, she shall be t) us, and we. wot to the
American people, spite of the talebearers and Penny-packer,-
a8American heroin still, and always, v . ,
a chief Cause of crime.
11 A i class trt news is tne greatest in volume
day after day? Crime - Wrongdoing pf one
'" degree or another, : all the way from petty
pilfering or begging to' murder, People who pursue the
even tenor of a lawful way usually do nothing to-make
new. Therefore crime, af least, perceived crime, is ab
normal, out of the ordinary, and so is news. But there
is an immense amount of it, so that unless a crime is it
self unusually -atrocious, or in some way unique, it is
only minor news; little attention ia .paidjcHt;;;':
IIownVany readers of the daily, papers ever stopped
to consider this dark flood of crime to which every city
and many villages and rural communities, daily contribute
their several murky, arid malodorous rills and rivulets;
the Trast number Pf-yi6lentranr unlawful deeds that go
so far to make up the sum of fhe world's news? And if
many readers have done this; did they" consider further
what caused a 'great proportion,' perhaps we might say a
majority of these crimes? j( ' ., ':'; .'..-,
.Yes, you have read it'-hear4 "it, given it a passing
thought, and, are 'ready withj the answer whiskey.
Meaning by. whiskey what, the early temperance advo
cates meant by "rum" any liquor that intoxicates. If
nobody eyer. oecame intoxicateq.; in ine least, crimes
would atitl be committed in the land, burthey woutd be
comparatively few, and mews would be scarcer. v This is
the debt of the press to whiskey. . . . .. . . ..
At A a man was stabbed and perhaps fatally injured.
after a carcmse. Whiskey. At B. thera was a drunken
brawl and one man bad an eye ; gouged out and another
his "teeth 'knocked down his throat. ""Whiskey. ;'AtrC
two .meajwhojhad quarreled and parted met again and
both' shot, one or botM being killed. ' In" the meantime
tncy naa joaaea up on wnisKey, in x-. hku !
presence of his family of small' children; cruelly beat his
wife because she "had no money to 'give him ' te- Jbuy
more whiskey. At K a young man of good family and
education was arrested for getting money on a spurious
check. -His "downfajl was due to whiskey. At .F. a
man was banged, and . on the scaffold he warned hia
auditors to bewart of : whatjtoqk him to. that fatal em
inence whiskey. , -J" '"" :r-:.
; And so it goes." 'As everybody knows,1 'eliminate
whiskey using the term generically and we largely
eliminate crime. 'There is no doubt about that. So that
th prohibitionists need make no apology for their ex
istence. . Yet we are notMor wholesale protiioftion, be
cause for practical and potent reasons," which have often
been '.'.stated, it is" hot yel practicable. . The saloon; in
large' communities'at least, is as yet a necessary evil.
;The thing to do then is to encompass th6 whiskey
selliitg business with rigid regulations, and require strict
compliance with them,, under the certain penalty of loss
of-th (license to sell thestuff that produces, aa much
crime and the higher the' license, up to a pretty stiff
figure,' the better..- Let the whiskey-selling business,
continue ' to . be , a V: legitimate ' business; for
thus '.only'-' can -drinking and consequent crime be han
dled" and restricted, , but compel Jhose, engaged in this
business to toe the mark of the law exactly at all points.
This is the. best that can be done; this much society
owes to itself. "';;;'' ..'""'"4 . '': ,."''" '.'.
"i We know that it will be said--f You are all wrong; It
isn't whiskey that, causes crime, btit the misuse of it;
you might as well say that there should be no pistols be
cause by one'a use a man may commit a crime.. We
don't care to split hairs abotrt this; the whiskey here,
it is misused, and crime results. We canitot.prefent
men from misusing the stuff any more ihan we can erad
icate it from nature; so. again, we should do the best we
can to make those .who dispense so dangerou a Sub
stance comply with stringent laws for the regulation1 of
their business.' . ; : ' - : '"- "-'-' :";' l: .'"i- '.ti V
'-..;:, ': -. :-v-f'. i ' ... ' S'.i :'.'
"i When the'fair, isToyer the streetcar company should
seriously consider the question of rurfning hourly owl
cars on theprincipal lines of its tystem.There is a large
and inCreas'ing number of firghtVorkers employed Jri tha
city and unfortunately these cannot always catch the mid-nfghroTiasrrl2:W"car.-r
Unfortunately, too, most of
them live at a considerable distance from the center of
the city and therefore find it'too far. to! walk to their
homes. A a result they ate obliged to stay up Until the
first car at 6:30 starts forth, -which ia a great hardship.
We know of no innovation the company could introduce
which would be more popular , with . more people -than
the owl car.;v...,.,;,:,;,;.:;:vi'-,''':.-V: S)y
HILE through the agency ortfie7air there will
be many additions to our population from all
parta of the-country,, it is . evident that they
witLcome xhiefly-from the middlew-estiTThe other day
the people of Iowa, were .startled by the discoveryjhatl
in the past ive years the. state has actually lost in.pop-
plat ion. Yet ; the reason for .it "should be apparent.
After all .Iowa is most largely an agricultural state ahd
while the 'land miy be "divided and subidivded there
c6mes a time- when these divisions reach the limit of
safely.. In case the younger generition of men Wish to
mw farming they must then go elsewhete...-' If they
gp they naturally head fora .new section of the .ccamtry
where land i cheap: rMany of them have gone to Can
ada..beinit unaware of. tha better lands-and conditions in
thissection of their own country. BuTBereafter they are
much,- more JpcelytOj come this way. These, ranks wijl
be swelled by, older men who have done well at fhe busi-
ne""of farming btttialikmghersevere winters-wish IU 1 t" "tall'
' This is tri of Jowa,. Minnesota, North and boutn
Dakota', western Kansas. Colorado, Wyoming : ft is true.
though -te a -much lesser degree of other states in the
northern Mississippi vallay.' Nearly all -of these people
have not only, made! money enough. to make a fair Start
in their new homes but they have behind them a record
of success, brought about through thrift, intelligent work
and full knowledge of their business. 'They will therej
tore , prove notaDie aaautons 10 our popuiaiion ana me
effect f their coming will soon be appreciated 'in de
veloping and in raising the standards of efficiency in va
rious communities in the states. That men o( this stamp
should be heartily welcomed ana mat every reasonaoie
Inducement should e held out to get them to remain it
should not te necessary to say. - It the mtlux is as great
aawa expect it to be In the flext five' yarjr they will
have a very appreciable influence, upon the public life
and tfhaYacter of the tate."r " '- "i j - '
' From th Nw Tork American.
Th prMent . took hla !plac beside
Lieutenant J?bUon. who held. the wheel
i.rin tha firat oart of tha maneuver.
and the levtr wa opene which allowed
tha water to rush into ma rora ana an
cham be r. " i ..,". , '. . --, .;
-Down "hot tha " ubmarlna. and h
did mot atop until the keal reatad upon
tbottom pf the e. where, she jra
malned fully 9 or JB mlnuteavwhila the
president easerly Inspected the searing
and asked the function of' par
ticular ,levr.;."..'!"'..V5.";":";-,vi '.-'.'
The water at thia point waa about 3
or. 40 feet deep, waa quiet, and the
submarine reted. Without the. slightest
motion. ... - : : ' .
,Wteh the president had satisfied nla
curiosity Weutenent Nelson again moved
the lover, ahda ealiy a aha had sunk
the Plunger rone to the top aa-aln. fcJw.
-.- Then followed a aeries of maneuvers.
In which tha boat dove in the fashion of
great flab, now prow first ahd then
. .
Aa he became accustomed to the ac
tion o the vessel. President .Roosevelt
expreaaed a denlre to. control the Wheel,
and lieutenant Nelaon complied : with
Ihla request, v , . ;j-v.
- In oraer to accumom' nun m mo
tr.g pf all the gearing, the boat waa first
raised entirely to the aurface, and Presi
dent Ttooaevelt drove her ahead for, a
distance of nearly yard. .."':' ,
. The realisation that he.. waa really at
the helm of a. -submarine boat, and that
he wa obeying hie command as swiftly
and perfectly. aa It had thoee of lieu
tenant Nelson,, caused the president in
tenee enjoyment, and he laughed with
the glee of a boy who had acquired a
paw toy. '.! . 'v n.----- ir'
' Aaaln the boat was allowed to sink to
the bottom, -end- the preeldent himaelf
moved -the lever which filled the front
and rear compartment Lieutenant Nel
son never left the, executive's aide,' how
ever, end it was at- his direction that
TBI-. Rooaevelt moved th levers. ' -
Then followed a aerlea of maneuver
called "porpoise diving,", which In actual
Warfare would be one bf the moat Im
portant movement against the ahlp f
an enemy.
... In executing thin the possible swlft-
nen'of th peculiar craft wa vividly
out. The Intention wa to show 4he
preiiident bow it waa possible to eight a
belligerent battleship - and then disap
pear before the gun of th .other craft
eouid be trained to any sort of aim.,. -With
-incredible awiftnea and with
hardly a quiver the Plunger rose to the
top of the waves, and then, turning nose
OR 27 years the people of thls'country have re-
'!7BrArA , foI!v Pitcher as one of its 'fbremost
heroines, everybbdyr7 down ; .'to ' small school
children- knows the story how she kept "with Washing
ton's army and with her soldier husband, carrying aterSSbpetrated and accurately carried
in a pewter pitcher Jrom which she got. her name, ti
really being ,Mouy.itays--to ine soiaiers ana omerwise
serving them in battle; and especially how, at the battle
of Monmouth, June 27, 1778, a torrid day, while carrying
watery her ;basband, a gunner, was killed, ' and she irm
mediately sprang to the gun and took hia place. All this
has been believed, and millions" of " Americans have
thrilled with pride and pleasure that there was in those
times: that tried patriots' , souls such a specimen . of
courage . and devotion ; as this ; young Irish-American
woman. , General Greene believed the story; and: intro
duced her.'to .Washington, and he believed it, an 'nii'de
her : a sergeant, and at tits) recommendation she .' was
granted a half pay pension for life, j :' 'i.r':.''ui
But 4iot withstanding all this historical evidence a few
Paut-Prys of a Pennsylvania town," where Molly Haya
lived after , the war, on no evidence that would '-convict
an old stray cat, so far as the public is informed J declare
that she drank grog and swore, and one gallacit. fellow
says . ahe was rough Jn . appeararre'e landmanrtcrs, - and
had bristles on the end-of her aiosel Another says
that (in her bid age) "she" drank and swore. Oije woman
says the Same. And Molly 'a . granddaughter, while ad
mittmghat1ieri;Tandffl6theT7dfSnlrT6g and used lan
guage not the most polite, says she was a kindhearted
wdmanananeipfui to tne neeay ana tne poor,
''.'Let there be peacel'V And because of the peace de'
termined on 'since last Sunday, the .whole world is hap-
: .'pier, richer," better; "''' i'- '- ' - ;
It is onry fair to. the public and the court thatthis
. whole probate 'matter' be investigated clear to the bottom
so as to punish those deserving of it and at. th same
time to place it upon a cleaner rut and more business
. like basin. District Attofney Manning doe wel( to ataft
, the "probe In operation and it is to be hoped he wilt not
weary in well doing oint4. h Jiairjacjiedahe4ear'tf
Km&jlrr: .r.,.-.. ( .... ; wry -.,
propriating $2,CXX).tc erect a monument to Molly Pitcher,
but bri thia evidence, believing these prying, tattling old
hiisvbodies instead of General Greene and General Wash-
Unifton and Congress, ahd"HisfbrIansT"Cossing, Bancroft,
Blessed is the man of power who in such a eai say:4 Greene and others all who hav$ written- histories of
. .. . t A.f liMa t ai. A . l ' ti ..l.. i - ri.
that warv-Governor Pennypacker vetoed the bill " This,
however, fiy"1 be expected ot. Pennypacker, who has
proved before that an exceedingly small man can rattle
aMund "artiirte In quite a large place'-" "" v"--y i
This evidence -against Heroine Molly Pitcher neces
sarily relates to her conduct and speech as an old woman,
after a life of who knows what hardships and trials and
temptations subsequent to the "time when, in the midst
of shot and shell,-22 year old, she Jumped, to the gun
and served it in that blistering heat besjde the ..dead
body of her young Jiushand?" Probably these olf scandal
monger exaggerated her faults, but what business it it
. ' ,-,, I : t -j: . ',vv' J---.' -. i.-.
7",T'." t.-'-.'.-'; ' : '..v' , . A. ;,
downward, 'plunged - wtrha breathle
motion ,dow,n,lnto the deep again, v
The rising ant falling of th craft wa
o bewildering that it produced, a sort of
seasickness among those. In the hold.. It
was' the only- time Mr. Rooeevelt felt
any -discomfort.-, although It wa not
aeiiou enough at any period tot Con
flict with hi eWoyment. r r, -V v "' f-
At time th president wa compelled
to hold tightly- to thealde of the cabin,
and he realised then. If he did at .any
time of the voyage, the terrible danger
to which the crew of a submarine boat
I subjected' on all occasion. ' ' :'
In the previous exhibition Presi
dent Roosevelt ' hlmelf later took the
wheel and mad tt. rise aad dive a-few
time. ' .;, ; ;'::..-.c.-. -V '"' ';--
Rather' niore to" quiet - the feeling
caused by' the rapid sinking and- rising
motion of. the. vessel man anytning- sue,
the Plunger waa-.then allowed to run
half a mile In her natural position, and.
plainly evident that President Roosevelt
appreciated the reat ..... . . iS
At It feet below the aurface the ma
chinery , was stopped, - and . for . several
minute the .Plunger rested motionless
ln.the wave. Overhead the water were
being driven: tnto heavf"eommotioh by
the wind, but down where the president
waa It waa absolutely quiet V , a
' Prompted by a curiosity to ae jut
how quickly the veel- could . turn
around, Mr Roosevelt . took out a stop
watch, with which he -had -prepared
himself for, the occasion. ...'
At a given signal the splendid craft
Swung itself completely around with a
swirling motion, like a weather-vane on
a pivot. '.--jj:-'-'
President Roosevelt announced that
juat on minute bad elapsed la the en
tire completion of the movement, i and
gain he signified hi pleasure by laugh
Ins; Joyously. . ' ' - ' i ;
:r ...-, r,::r i ii f r-r --''. '-
''-Thear Jonowed-Jthe most trying and
dangerou 'performance of the -entire
- Working under the flare of a large
number of Incandescent light, at wa
comparatively comfortable in the hold
soon on - became used" to - the
novelty of the position, t . r.-.- U
.But with th lights all out, and with
th full realisation that th craft wa
many feet under water, the situation as
sumed e. much-more basardou aspect -:
First cautioning th president of what
was te follow. Lieutenant Nelson uttered
a. low spoken command to a man who
stood athia elbow. and. With the swift'
nesa of thought, the' entire compartment
wa thrown into Styglaa darkneaa. .
y Lieutenant Nelaon atood close to Presi
dent Roosevelt to reassure him should
Senienc Sermon.
By Tien ry P.. cop. ,-J.,
i ip prayer. :
tentota than it is to be just simply
human to the washer-woman at home, v
The finicky man
alone 1 faithful. .
.' ; " .-' T e
The man- who- jump teonclulon
1, Car call to prayr.
'Waiting work wondera .
l.-..-.'-.;.,:...-..-.e.:. u -U j iw-i
.V gome men thlnlc thtgTace iTOw -feyi sel dora 1an a on facta.
grumbling'. , .;. -.. ,
Most doubta would die if we. did not
dodge them.' . ur 'i,- J .'', ; i
...j:,. .i - :.
. Lov and .law rul th world.,.','
"Oniyrthoa , who love the world can
live above it, -s- u.--,f
..' ''' '"' '- :- ":'
- Happlnee rests oh thought more
than on thing, -
, -." . . ..... - i -.,.:. ."' ;;.j'.
always think he
. Many ot our-ro .come f romv-cur
erookedjsray. 'm' 2 ,L y ,
v gome churches that claim to be work
ing for men are only working men.
' " -' , . '
- Nothing hurts 14b feeling of th
stuffed martyr worse than letting him
alone. ' . :,. . . "'.'"' .... i. ...
, .. " :e.- e '..J '..m
' Holiness without heart la but a hin
drance to- humanity. t ' '
.; ,t .-e .,.
- "The rohe-of '-rlghteetiene Is not the
am as th cloth ef th clergjgv - .
: ,;:. ; '
-Never put off to .tomorrow the mean
nesa you- might, a well give up today.
- .
Giving with grunting may be worse
theft withholding. , - '
-a i
tt 1 always much easier' to get In
ttreeted la making art dollio for Hot-
..-, -.' .. ;'-. . " ' '
" ..- .... ;.." -. j "r:: .i ... .
Th pesslmtat dip "hi Jiead In an
antique bog and then begin to discourse
on th weather. ':. .. ,.
'-" .-v.t.." : '.-', VT:"
There 'may be a much religion in a
little' asphalt her aa la a whole lot ot
aurlferou pavamen over there.'-a-,
Too many' sermon r attempts' to
feed the -people-en eook ,-book-tntcad
of on braad. - ' ''; .'V'. .
Miflf"'a"preeherThInk the' world" I
wleked -for Jack of Ms eermmie when lt
I only weary because of them --- -
t '"v . ;i.''' ", '".' .'":'
'The mun-who leave hi hend In th
office when ' he goes to church will be
first to complain about th preacberja
Intellect. .1 'v ,.', ,' ,1
;,-,.' - i 1... "' ,'
Hay Left Quarter.Milliori.
Washington Biispatch In New Tork Sua
The petition for th' probate of the
wilt of John Hay, 1st secretary pf tat,
waa presented In court yesterday. The
document I signed by Mrs. Hay, snd
th formal consent -of her two daugh
ters, Mr. Alio Hay . Wdworth and
Mr.' Helen Hay Whitney, are appended.
Clarence L Hay, the son,, being under
age. Attorney . Ralston.. was appointed te
represent him. The petition states the
velue pf th estat la "upward of 115,-vOO."'.-.
-. - , -
...' . - . .Ji , ., -f ,
V .- .... .. .r- - .
':.; .....( - . " .'..'. -
the-anuaual condition provewearlng on
hia nerves, hut again the latter proved
hi fearlesanea by laughing aloud...
.Prior . to 'turning out th light the
hip had. beeit brought to a standstill
and for a few minute there was no
motion 'sayean . alonost Imperceptible
rolling dip. The Ilcnce waa almost
absolute . anil nothing wa heard car
the breathing of themen jt. their post.
..Overhead, If there happened to be any
one watching, no one would ever have
suspected that below the surface of th
water rested the head of the nation,
whose life waa In the hand of the alert,
watchful men-who were responsible f or
hia safety and- wheee - ellghteat Slip
would mean death not only, to him, but
t thwJvv4. - -"'' . .:" j..':-'"
Bar detail of the method of aub
marlne's plunge eclipse In Interest the
fancied evolution of Jule Verne'
Nautllua." .' '.n j. .'-:-i . - " "
' When the order to dive I given the
chimney and alrahaft r withdrawn to
opening ! hermetically sealed. Water
la taken Into.cOropartmcnta designed for
that purpose, changing the apeclflc
gravity of the boat and causing It noae
to sink into th water. . The depth to
be attained ie regulated automatically.
When the boat dives valves are opened
from the tank which contain air con
densed under a pressure of 1,000 pound
to the square inch.' In this way the air
inside the boat I kept in good condi
tion for - many hour a. When th air
get bad ltla not neceaaary for the boat
to come to the surface, for the foul air
can be pumped out. - Even - when th
tanks holding condensed sir become
empty" a float with a hose attached la
released. - When the nossle reaches th
surface of th water the tank are re
filled under- preeeure. - r 7
: .A tube with a simple arrangement of
lenses tid mirror enable the members
of . the erew to examine the-surface of
the water In every dlreetton while- the
boat remain entirely concealed.-
Special devlcee provide against every
conceivable accident.' . When It I necea
aary to check the downward movement
of the boat qulokly the touch of a button.-
connecting with a compressed air
compartment release the air and drive
th water' out of th compartment .thu
lightening the boat f- ' ' ' i.
- While' the aubmarin boat la bi to
stay for a long time under water, it
field for maneuvering - Is necessarily
limited, a, despite- the clever arrange
ment of lensea and mirrors. It I neces
sarily nearsighted while It remains be
low. ' r. ''"' -Yv" .' !. "'
1 When a . hurried, ascension Is 'desired
eompressed. air Ie released .in the vari
ous compartments and th water In the
outer compartment 1st expelled. ' "i .. .
i Indiana Not .Farmers.1. -V-
V V Prom the St Louis Republic
After many long years of earnest effort
to mak farmers of tb Indiana th gov
ernmenty ha finally been compelled to
acknowledge ;that - the'' experiment has
proved a failure". Today less than 1,000,
000 of the 30,000,00ft evcres of tillable land
In Indian territory Is under cultivation,
and even that small proportion is culti
vated in a crude, haphasard manner that
give only a hint of th bounteous return
of which It marveloua fertility I capa
ble It I evident folly to withhold this
magnificent empire of ertlcultursi and
mineral - wealth '.from development, so
the bar have- practically 'been lowered
and new-field ef untold wealth opened
to the. advance of civilisation and prog
ta. '" . ' - ' ".rv'"-: -1 1
,'hefeuTfTthat thiouaanS of ambi
tious 'Americans -a-JtujninrtBetr;' eyes'
to the Indian territory"! Larra number
of them have already gone there, either
to Inspect or -taps te; other host ar on
their way, aa multitude ar, getting
ready to go. . ; ,
The total land area of th Indian terri
tory la 81,400 mile1, about that ot th
stats of Indiana. Th population In 18M
wss 180. UJ; In 1900, 33,000. or a averse
yearly Increase of tl.7 per centv At this
rat th population at the does of isnj
wa 460,000, and at th and of 1904. 800,000.
Unquestionably, however, -. these t Igure
are far below th mark. . -' -,- I .
. - . v ; ( , . ';
v Work for Wiiard Burbarilt. ,
.' .
Prom th San Antonio Expre.
When Wisard Burbanl baa evolved
from hie experimentation In aa-rtcuHur
a cebleea corn and a eeedlee, watr
melon, he might turn hi attention to an
odorlt ouioa, , ; - . . , ' . . , ,
.'...,.;.:.'...' .,;..(
i.- lycr;ion tot,
- ii 1--
r auu;
, s". By Henry p. Cop. ' ' .
"While we look not at the thing;
which are seen, but at the thlnas whlci
ar not .seen; for th thUga which ar4
aeon are temporal, but the things whlcff
are not seen are eternal, vm-ii gor. iy.l
i . . .'
LOOKINO on thlnge not seen. Tha
sounds like . either ftntaay 01
I folly. Tet It I plain faet, prac
. , .tlcaH and certainly essential t.
any succe.- H I blind who can '
only with hi eye, and he only Is sen
aible who'knows there are many thing
beyond til senses. . Practical men con
aider all the factor to everv problem
and things rmot lesa.real Co then be
cause they, msy chance, to be Intangible
' l b uneeen tnings are imminent to u:
always..' There are many thing not ye
pigeon-holed by our science- nor, cata
logueaV by. our . phlloaophlee. , You cJ
dissect-a daisy and enumerate Its parts
but you never know a daisy , until, yon
nave seen uio , unseen mings .utereon
until you have felt, the subtle appeal o
Hp beauty. . Bobbl Burn ay mere o
th daisy than th greatest botanic
without hie spiritual r-r-1
' Th danger Is that In out. hard work
aday we ahali forget th reality of th.
Unseen, we shall get to think that golc
and steel nnd land are the only rea
thing, and w shall shape cureelves bi
th . blind -'knd baa creed, of. gold, and
steeL and laiia. How easy It Is to meas
ur every man . by hi possession la
tangible ininga, now eaay to max
these our chief end In life, to slight th
real prise, tb unseen wealth that lie
so cloee at-hand or already posaeaaetl
while we rush and atriv lor ta rain
bow ot riches. . - v
- Deep within us we' know that he Ii
rich, and- ha alone, who has wisdom
love,' patience,' who ""possesses ' friend
whd creates kindly thought, who ttf 4
with, simple, joy abound. - Once agaH
and often da. w need to see Bunyan 1
Dlcture of the man bending over -hi re
fuse, gathered with the. muck rake, and
heedless of the angel holding tbf erpwd
mat only wan ni taxing-.' .
A man ia wealthy according, to wha
Is within htm. His greatness I ef tlJ
things that are unseen. ' There art
limlte to tha poaaeaaion and the uae o;
the thlnea that are seen: but who aha!
et a limit to a man poeslble.wealtil
In lov and honor, IB wisdom 'and Ir.
teartty. In all th .thing that make ud
the aoul of man T . Few are, th thing,
that a qan may hold for hi -awn all
the days of hi life, and fewer still ar
those he may grasp wun pleasure wneii
the-hands-are falling helpless by hU
side, r But many are tne. riches he ma4
have- to hold , forever-tp .tha thtpg o
the unseen. v .;.'-.. ,
, Many man walk through the Heidi
penntle and yet richer far than thel
ewner; td him the. bird sing, for hinl
the fie were bloom, to hi eye ther arS
beauttea In the blue beyond all wordH
and. 'all the loveliness of the fair lan
lifts his heart within hint. The othe
man who hold ' th title deed - see
nothing beside ' them. Possession .-I:
wholly a matter- of appreciation. , Th.
eartlr m the Lord'a-and be- gives t t'
those who have eye to ,. .' t
-It 1 the aye-ta-ae the unseen tha
give wealth to the- een. Vekies de
pend on vision. . Appreciation does no
prvenjL.poealon; It-make th posses
slon actual. , And the vision thi
reajltiee . behind Uvlaaa . keeps , - mat
from the huh ol destlttloa, -when al
thing, are. taken from hinl,- He n no
be destitute- He may lose all hi fel
low, but h cannot be friendless; . thi
Father of Spirit cannot lose him. nol
canjie belcut , off from. tellnwahlplwUll
thoe who die no more. ,
.The seeing eye I the atlmulue to th.
worth while endeavor, ., The - Inventor:
whe have enriched the world endure
derision-seeing the things Invisible
others.- The' truth I that it-1 the un
spiritual' world that 1 makes, the, leas
progress ,lp. thing material. !. The meif
or faith and vision, are back of all ad
vance. -'They have endurance, patience
and ' atrength. The. sense of anothe
world where motive ar rightly roeas
ored. the sense of - a ' great of
worthy - witnesses to other eyes In 1
visible, the sense of reward In the verjl
service ; Itself, . rewards Intangible., yel
most real, the Joy of '. sacrlflc -an.I
service, theae all enable one to push on
to toll, to endure.- ' Then, long .after
wards, the dull-eyed world-ea- and
underatanda .-;. ., ,- 1 ..; r. .'.. .
::il'yb know, .
1 ""' 11m' j"' '"'l ' 1 ' 1 1 11, 7 ' , ,1 j 1 "ii m'i
$ StaCstiU With Thee. il .'
r - By Harriet Beecher Stow
(Harriet Elisabeth Beecher . Stowe
Litchfield, Connecticut, Jun 14, 1S11.
Hartford, Connecticut, July 1, 18.
While the fame of Mre. Stowe will al
way reet , on her - firat novel, vijnclrf
Tom' Cabin,", she I th author of thre.i
hymn which bav passed Into general
ise. Rstlng In Ood, a thla-one waM
first cald, made Its appearance in ISfin
In the Plymouth Collection, a hymnal
prepared by . her ' celebrated brother,
Henry Ward Beecher, for' use In hid
aervlcea . While perhaps hardly rank4
ing among the foremost hymn. It H
found- today In all the great collections
It 1 especially sultad to aihaller gath-1
ering and to family devotion.! -
8tin, tui ylth thee, When purpi morn-l
ing breaxetn, . - .
When the 'bird waketh, and ' the!
ahadowa flee: ' - , ' 1 4--
Fairer than morning, 'lovelier than ,thcl
" --".daylight,' - '." '
Dawna tbe aweet consciousness, I. ami
with thee.
Alon i with the, - amid ; the mysttd
' r Mlii1nm-a. .
The soinmU hush of natur newW
Alone with thee, in-hreathle adoration!
In the calm dew ana rrenns 01 cnei
; . morn
henalnks' tha. iouL -. auediieft. hTlnUJ
10 piumuvri
It closing eya JookPP.Jfllioeclri
J. prayer; . '. ' . ;- - -
Sweet the repo, beneain tny wingi
- . e'ershadowtng, '
But sweeter still .to wak and flnol
. thee there.
at.'. laf in that brlgi
shall ft h at . last In that bright
V mornlne . . v , , I
When the" soul waketh and ' Ufa'af
shadow flMr-1 ' - 1 I
O. In tht hour, and "fairer thait day'ef
Bhall rise th gToVleu tWughtrranJ
WllB ine . , - 1
w Curloua, Ian't It - , i ?.
From th Kanaas City Tim.
1. It .1 remarkable .how much- more V
culver rah loam about a bank'e affalr.4
than th examiners ar usually, abl tu
. . r . ' - - '- - t ' .
v -