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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 3, 1905)
W- to 1 - I r?roh7?. "-"aASKETBAlXa a' game for woman l--to.lniTealneta twputaritr- eacllcool pay. man. year. i.Jt. wu Invented about v -jtwlv yean ago by an tasUuctor-M - ln n MhMl Tor hnvl ' 1 na am- tent had tired of the monotony of reg ular gymngtlca, and the teacher- en ! oegvored to plan a-neW game one that would be beneficial to body and mind,; and yet be interesting to the particl-, Knfa.-! Several thing were tried, but; ketball fell at, once Into popular fa- For a while the men and boys mo nopoilsed the game, but Instructor In physical training lor women soon recog--nlsed IU merit, and It was then adopted In vomen s college. It supplied a long Mr want, combining, a it doe. th beneficial reult otgymnalum rise and the interest of competitive ''Interesting; the game mot certainly to. both to the participant nu im.imur. It anf It la verv eaav of comPKenension, so that L cannot think of a betteisgpm to recommend to my reader who Sre-. looking for a healthful sport. . It ha th advantage of being both n -. Indoor and outdoor game, and girl who t. ere thinking of getting, up teamsfor l the winter could not, do tetter than be- !liTj-nrLrLiiiirirri,'J"'""'""" mmmm VALUABLE HINTS ON RELIEF Afrald to Use Remedy yeaterda: paper and ihowed ll vral pM, who ptamptiy wa ma wuw unu ka th bu-t una liar by makln I t wrlnk- Id and flabby, and ana naowx, an . true, can you recommend anything to aeep th buat Arm during th fallln,oft proeeaaT A my buat Is not Arm, I would be afraid to m ir. anvthlna to Incraaae the aiao jrairow; ix mi. . trouble. I have sreat faith In your ronie dlea. havltur tlw eya ser. wblclt . - worked wondora. - D JKW think the buat reducer can barm ma to any jANCggi - f Tt wmedy for rarfuetlon ot bust will bavo no harmful DVl'RfA "If.:" ment frquent applications of cold water -and brisk rubbing with a coars towl wlU aid in keeping the bust firm. ; j , , ! Troubled With Blackheads v.Tu.Vl.'u.Sr. riedTfor'WUSe. , 'wt byu" W blackheadal I hav y ' p5ed7tkem haMmetMh tha t akin has coma off and bean aora; It Baa l i a little ear. They make my face look ; bad t mak up my mind not to (Jo It any . . mora bit the blackieada eoma back., and l . SCk at them asaln. laa.a tell ma how to ait rid of than, forever, f good complexion, and would ",, , ' fll me how 1 ca procure a emooth aattn -. akin. Ilkia babya. as that la what I ahould e 1 alao aeem to be lo.Hi my.eolor, and , would be grateful to know how toi et good. . T'Eanrfovrtunfe I : 'Try"-Hh following treatment. tor, blackheads, and afterward use " J" tlon for which I am giving u '"".ul". It will allay any Inflammation, and M alw very good for the enlarged jjore which sometime folloV blackheads. - - Treatment tot 3lackh.a. j 4. -i-' bet the eorrsct canter s-hajr- f ace eerulj oruTh. 'a bland toilet aoap.a mtle good , meritithere are many of them and a few, t; ruares of con man waahln eoda. If tn . hiack nolnli ar vary duulnct, preaa them j Keolfeiy is you would were you going to , Xit toe yoW hand.; a4 scrutv thelaee -x . keaeh la water s pot St can, b nieaaanUy borne. Uoap it wsu. J" " ,.PwuTd ll you, w.r about to us It for. ; v you would it Too, your hand. -ficTub -Jh fa (aklng Mpeclsl care of the p race iiw,. aoee that moat e tnt i fac all th feq ..ra- JUvm " , ooolar clean water. .... .k. m Trv careruny -i-c a MMm Mm tnllat DBieanii a aooa asooi- . - Itent will answer. ' - - ;, : U Lotion for I nil am ea b. ii 1 m ...niwi witch aa- Boraelo aetd, 1 dram: distilled " ; ' aal t ounces- roeewater. 1 ounces, wiah iwoor three time a oar. . a. t rt I J - ir ... . . To varnen Btonaeuan;- Vlill Intnrm ma If half ST Sin can pa . . . . . , 0t n niaoe ror oiona n-" -'- twAA . reddlah, end what It may bet I . bsy t rled , ., saa tea, wmcn tnr a wh II. DUI after continued uae It look on 'no nair - .-k I J 1 M o suit blond balr, aot a reddlek hueT - tea Hair Tonic i wsek tea art basts tor hair "; eanrul in many cae, . rnrmiai Bav rum,, I ouncea: glyoerlne, eMnwesi . aicohol, t oencaa; Infusion of black tea. ie ettneca . at is and perfume to suit, Tbt . ta la- r.. for, re:,, J&Jcet n prctWlBtlwwnrtr..lflrrt rry UH -Bide aamaii , pw. whlclt to play,. the. Maying iwjuwiwJ - - .round varle according to the available pace, although the general rule I that It hall not exceed 35o0 qure f oet. 1 h e . oal are at opposite side of the fleld on the boundary line. -These are bankets of , hammock' net of- cord sus-i ponded from metal ring and placed ten feet above the ground. - , , . v The object of each team Is to put the ball in the basket of It opponent and thereby make a. -goal." The rules are and ma be. obtained from any dealer-in poTting good. The team I composed of not more than ten and riot less than five players on a lde.- The game consist of two halve of twenty minute each, with an intermission of ten minutes between. When playing jrrauwr uw.iciimiiuiiKi-ii blouse of some light-weight woolen ma- , terlal l-usuaiiy worn. -.'. - DaalceiDaii win unu ner muni A picturesque coatume for outdoor asaets to be speed, accuracy, strength, plar 1 ahort Aklrt of cloth, with weat- endurance and. above all,, control ot er to match. Retf. "white ot blue coa temper. . -.-- tumes are particularly good. Team work - -a game tha.t require these qualifies la the stronghold in basketball, and the tiona is bound to .have a whosesom ef- sacrifice of personal glory to th gen- .. feet on mind and body. - . , fualoa should be made very atron. aay an . ounce ot tear to ten or twelve ounces of boiling water. It It steep for twenty mln-e- utea. then atand till cool; aire In and add the other Ingredlenta; apply wth a soft . ' - aoonga to the root of the hair. It will. darken Monde hair. . I think you will f.nd the black-lea Atonic more satisfactory- for -your hair ', than the sage tea.: Of courae, all stains . have, to be repeated, when the-color needs renewing. . . . The Use of. Pumice - had been Intereeted tn reading the pa v ttee whara vou alva advice to peopl ne ilia .' . Siead helo. 1 era a elrl of 29 year, ai KVr- ' bava haan hotharad thla lat Tear wllh.hi amwina on mv bodv. 1 don't know What y. makea It grow, and don't know how f-to remov It, f .would aak you to kindly aealat . f- me. , , -. - MATRON. - for tHe removal ot superfluous hair I on the body, try the plaster stick or pumice stone treatment, both of which 'have proved beneficial in many cases. .Pnmic Treatment for 8ttperfluou ' iV ".v.- '; ' ' rtl - ' :-. ... Ot an ordinary l-eent cake of pumice. , - atone. Thla ta not ,pumlo coap but the regular old-faahloned pumlr alone. To re- move the hair rub the akin afflicted with th j ' auperfluoua growth and th pumlo at on ' will wear the hair off. ' Be careful not to , ".. be too heroic and Irritate th akin. ' In eaa '.At arm are mad red by thla treatmant, . ue a little cold cream. The pumice atone '. la beat med at night bafoye retiring.. . , rfr;r V Red Hands 'and Jfc'e:i. Will you glv m a remedy for rod hands , and facet My fac nd hands r not un- , . borned, but ar alwaya very red, and I will. , Bpprcciat . aome mudt which will make m- fac and hand whiter. ....If you wlll Suhllsh one fn you columha, T will car- ilnly thank you. - QRCKNgUORO.- -.- Red hand and fac come from various r Causes, and ar frequently institution- al, in WHICH ease, mey are very nam . Indeed to combat. Abstain from blood - making food, and do not us water that .. la extiemeiy not or coio , . it i .oeiier w uae ai aood face cream. I am giving SOU " Idtion 4r whitening the hands. Wearing -cosmetic glove has been very success - ful. In soma cases of red hands, and- I am giving you ' directions . for making -thom. .i ". w:' i. J. -A . To .Whiten the Hand,, I-anolln. 100 grama; paraflln llM.,t' gvamaua .axU-aitt ox. JiaalUa. rose, 1 drop, et at,.. Mis and apply when nietsasry. , VJJ T -.. To Xake Coametlo OloTea. - Us soft," large leather glove, three or four alsea too Jars. -Rip them -open and, oread the Inside with on ot th followln preparation, then anw th ripped seam up -The aimoleet. and therefor the least trou- .bleeom. pa at to make la thlai .. . , --j. ... , , i taosmeuo uiots run. , . '. : ' .... 'll' -. . r.,i.aH. n mm ' vaafa - urouno oariey, in - wnia 01 an -a B . . teaepoonful ot glycerine and eo ounce f rn.Hi.t1N nirt-i. pr a o -j - Coamctie QIov Pasta--ITo. S. .--r'" r - Z - r - rrJ - Hnmriniai oii iimd. w oeuna: oiiva " . ,, i.lln A nm. I , ... a-.-, ---', .j Anr Doinng tntai -loaeiner remov tnen from the Are before addlna: Roirlt of e lne. - ' 1 gill: ambergris or aom other iierfume to an amount to ault th taste always being on your , guard not to cent thing toe ' highly. . ,'... . , . , . '.,-;, 'l Dandruff Causes Hair4oFall- MnT IMthsTTms 'gftflousTle know If you ran u ma wnat ro oo ror my nair. It la coming rnmrery na dly: ha been for a long time. Am trfttil'UiVylth dandruff,. Wash. tag doe a good,, for ir ta a hail s.v ithy 1 -.5 ' .A ' V . . . . ..-,. " - ' , ,. lucoess Tf th .team JUC jttt xcellcnLi lit ali-!OHiroi, The woman- or girl who goe in for In a few days. My nerve are In poor oon ' dltlon. Would oonatltntlonal treatment be . beneficial, --combined with 4ocal treatment f Mv hair haa never been ae ng or thick as I deal re. eeilallv the latter It la rather dry, eo I would Ilka somethlaK that would not have trldency to dry the balr nor ytr make It srVaay or damp, if you can give nie formula for eomethln that will ' elop th falling, euro dandruff and make th hair stow lone and thick you will hav my laetln gratitude. My hair la blonde. I wouldn't wlah It any darker. Thanking you In advance, and bopln you will help no aa- soon aa poaalble. I your, etc.. 1AK8T. ' Tou must first get rid of the dandruff. ',, and -1 advlaa vou to use th lotion for .. which 1 am giving you formula until it e,l... a.. ti.ln rff,.nn..Mfl than traat' with the quinine tonic which will pro- mote the growth of your hair. ' ... - To Bomove Dandruff. Tincture of canttiarhle. I ounce: liquid of ' f ammonia, 1 dram; glycerin.. Va ounce; oil of ) - thvme, H dtam. . " . ' Mia all together vrlth six ounces of roa , water. Rub the acalp thorouably with this preparation until a ..further avldenc of , dandruff Is noticed. .- , - - ' Quinine Hair Tonic, V "y ' Sulphate of quinine. 1 dram: roaawater, ' I ounce ; dilate eulphurto acid. It minima: " - rectified aplriu, 1 ouncea; mix. then further . add glycerine, ounce: eaaeHc rojale or' , eaaence muak. I or minima. ' ; - Agitata until eolutlon la complete. Apply, V;.t toe root every day, '- ''t j, - i V ' iV-'liTo'oye-JVrinkles ' ' ' ''"1 am a new reader of your paper, and aak ' aome good advice to remove wnnklee, which ; are under my aye, and on goe acroaa nay foe, connecting Willi tna laughing wrinaiea. am 1 yeara old. and very tpt. f leaa tell m how-to remove them ' (P. C. 8.- : 4.Masaget with a - good rata , cream. a race , cream, finger gently, gj itupward and nt ahould ,b '' ' using the .tips, of the with a rotary movement . outward. This - movement ::'r1Van fifty time baoh day.: . , - a . , - - v--i ... - ' , , . '.' V v s s ,- PoreS 'ToO Lorte ., ' . mmi tmMfctaa ..i ana Biaoxneaas. in my no ana , h? -'.'A X lie: : is r.K ; vs: ' EALf H THROUGH HYGIENE - - THE - By Emma h. iPalker; M. V Copyright," 10J. bv A. S. Barn A Co., new I or a. - - . . o ' UR ' English . lter can teach ua a most valuable . lesson in benefit that :comes frotaf out door nxerotaa. When an Knu- llsh girl feel a little- below, par'ln body -, or-.mltid, "bh recognise Tfa ture's signal, drop her work, .and In dulge In some vigorous out-door game. In this' way the refreshes herself and mmei comes pacK r again in. nn- condition., " we- American girls sre hot apt to mow uch , the asms gpod Jtidgmont under clrcumstanoe. We. goad on th pobr, tired brain and bodv until over exertion I carried, far: then we upbraid ourselves for being dull, while we follow just' tne course iu bum ourselves duller.-..' "." '"'" '. Tou win rarely ae an r.ngusn gin Who take lee thsnv tw in -ef ut doer recreation dlVr-Thf m the- greet MaanM llV ak. enlnVI 1 1. -h I wlorlnil health, and such A beautlfuh -dear com- ' - Kow.wlaaTayTiolf.' how wll Mid 4. ' - -. . - -f -. j ljw. u fed I . . , .11 ' 4 V - . V :'. i. -.--.---I' '' I I ' i .. t - - ' I 1 FOR YOUR eheeka th pores ar very km. and I can 1 aqueeae a brownlnh matter out of them. I .' have ued two bottle of th borlo acid and witch haael. but it did no good". Can you tell , m something els to dot I will vary r h appreciate It. .1 A HEADER. ; Try the' following lotion on your lace, and at the sams time abstain from spicy, stimulating, greasy foods and sweets; . 1 V i Astringent. Xiotltm. j . .-, Dried roa leave. 4 ounce: whit win vinegar, i pint: roaawater. H pint. Four -v the vinegar on the roe leavea and let then land for en week, then strain and add th . rose water, throwing the roe leavea away. ,' The lotion may be need either pur or dl-, luted by patting a tableapoenful into a euu- . (ul ot roaewalar. Do not keep In a nieiai v r Harmless Rouged 'Will you pleaaa give me th ingredient ot a harm Ire rougf Pleaaa publlah In your columoa as soon aa poaalble. Also, will you pleaaa tell m what I can do to regain my roey cheek T I waa very roey until few : month ago. but alnee that time have been ' very pale. I ahould be vary grateful to you. Toura truly, - .. K. 1 in giving you foawnul for a harm less rouge. Better try to bring the rose back to your cheek In th natural way. Take plenty of exercise In the open air, bathe i dally and eat good, wholesome food. - . Strawberry Natural Blush.. ' Freab. ripe strawberries, t quarts: distilled . water, t pint. Place In a fruit Jar and aet the Jar in a saucepan, ot water over a alow ' T-et- the water simmer- for two hours, "and etraln through fine hlr sieve. When Cold add pur alcohol. II ounce; beat Russian lln(laaa Idiaaolvedl, 3 grain; pure carmine (drat dissolved in th alcohol). 1( grain; attar of coeea, a orop; ou ot norou, a :-H ofceearsiia oeepa. . ... . v. Keep cloe y topperea in a earx piae. Applto th. cheaks with a -bit t abaarb.nt cotton. ., , - . - - ' - - .' ' ' . - - V- Trn,.LA With ' RlrthAt :JnJ -fw.w r .... . -w. ? f Pitrtttht i i V f ' .' ' .r.lm.?1."' ! . . : . , "i "Z'S -St. .d ' ZTW , 5 , . help me, t nave naa Diacaneau ana aim- o fTietfnT : Will yoTTrwrtve Tdwrawgwg thallnks,.or will you walk f How many;- hole, are you goln, to play, and what Maturallv. all of them detail will de-. pend upon th girl, t upon hey condl- - "flf'you are playlrilr th first game of th season you cannot da what you. wlll .be able to accomplish at, your last gam. If th links are , not too far.. walk. An average number of holes for i one gam 1; eighteen. However, as thlg rnsy prove too exhausting for many,. ' It I tar butter to begin moderately than ' to ovWdo. Indeed, pin hole will make : a very1 alr beginning. If you feel tired ..after he game, you would, better rjd-, " horn than walk. ! '.' ' . . Th gam oi golf I a marvelous test -of nerv and temper. 'TMrs Is no '. other that Is so likely to bring out char acteristic that you never anew your beet friend t poaeeaa before t on may a 4 I...... M.,ie -a-Hlhltlnr- tenltw-f hat vnn - yotx1 . nnt waU acquainted -with be for i .yoa - Jarent an -o tl .gulX-Jlnk. V ml e mnaf hniA entiv muscles, nerves and virain - all under contelj but patience. --r-Sife-.-r-.-- -CLl BLEMISHES BY MRS. SYjSIES. plea for ever two years, anil they dlWrur - my face dreadfully. ' DISFiaVRfcD. , ' 1 am giving you formula lor a lotion ta .....liant for tba removal of blackheads; also one for a cream which ha been very uccaiui in me - r. ' moval of pimple. However. If they ar from Internal cause, this will not effect i a permanent cure The woman who Is troubled with blackhead, and pimple ' should abstain from-all rich food pork In very form, hot bread and sweet. Bhe should- drink neither coffee nor ti and live as much as possible on fresh or stewed fruit and green vegetables. Bhe shnul? tskl a dally bath, and a great dsal of outdoor exercise If.pos- Blackheads of the Skln.' I TRoracIo acid. I dnuns! alcohol, t ounce a J 'Toeewater. i ouncea. . , t ITae with friction twlcs a day. , the akin aactd. c ,.- Fimplo Cream. i Petrolatum.' 1 ounce v.: lanolin (anhy- pert dran M .. MMMM. - ..f.l All!. I .'. This preparation, uaually employed for the, :: removal ot pimple, nay be alao used for , - blackhead. f - . - .".,::...., " Complexion a lVorff , . My eomplaxlon la th source of a great ..... al Af orw (i, ana. aiut I fael -moat conil- i dnt that you could help me. In the flret place, I have frecklea-not large, hearr... : ' one but I bellev I prefer thus to - kind I am aOllcted wlfh. for I call It a ; i affliction; but, tnatead, they are light low and very cloa toethr on th elda. ' Of my face. I also have them- on .other l parte of my faee, and my hand, too. nave fhe aame JlinU. lut heavy enough to be ... noticeable. At tlmee I Just get eo dlcour. . aged, especially after f am dreaaed to go rril.wT . kS.Tt ik. iin5 which I m'?hf,nuS jStfilSffi grifoat -nleh-w-li f" lZAt cover up th freckle, and It you will alao niimt lotion for the parma- out. la there any kind of tace wean or V - .nt moval'of. aame. I am .mm I will , cerulnly appreciate your kinoneaaT win elao tell me what I miaM Ua to a 7"! "Tx1"!.! J.lSS.ilf'JSl; I will watch your column with th utmost -patience, awaiting the anawar of a troubled Alton girU.e,- ' , ,.- '4. -j'V.K..O,A. ,, VALUE' OF GOLF -thtrlr te-wnrd.-'- - -. ; Oolf is " be iter 'than mlne. end w, TherVi ?n old saying thst h who lJ.t iT YX m,T,iat white he Is young lays up lor himself a miserable old ag. This Is very applicable to golt.' The physical exerclte Is Invaluable t i . . . . , . . I ' eapeclully the swing of the body about tne nips, i n moveroeni oi ino t" and neck are all splendid developers. Mve-ry stugglth part of the body-will be stirred up by a game ot golf. On 7 come back from th link with a keen appetite, with the whole being In a -glow from perfect circulation, and with . every faculty at Its beet. If ws played , mor golf, there would be far less suf fering from nervous sxhnustlon, depres-. slon otherwise "th blues"-."bllloja- n, ' inHiaeailon flat cheats, shallow hreatHlnai a-nd rheumatUm. 1 know a - girt who ts fTTVTrrnTrall-herwlrrter- "clrV" ailment dnrlns the -long sum-, : met In th country She . bellevesthut , thla-la due to tier aevonon 10 ivu,. wi, she play faithfully every uay. f I ,11. ji - 4, " ! ', 1 ' :' r First try the simple remedy of gly cerine lotion for the freckle. If this Is not effective, use . Dr. Shoemaker1 ;'To whiten Vour. neck use peroxide of bieacn, wmcn I am giving you inw. hydrosen. Four a little In a eaueer and ' apply to the skin with a soft cloth. , . , ; Dr. Shoemaker'a Bleach. l , (ror tan, freckles' and yellow dlacolorattons i - of th skin.) . - Bichloride of mercury in Co re powder, s -v grain; dlatllled witch hasel. a ounces; roa-' water, t ouncea. , . - - Agitata until solution IS obtained. Mop . evr the affected part. Keep nut of ta way ' of ignorant pereooa and children. . ' : 1 .To Stop Hair From Falling " I hav bad your prescription for black- " bead boracle acid, alcohol, roeewater ; - filled, and am using It.. My akin ka .very , sin all-pored. 1 therf any danger of enlarg- -Ing th pore a. If eo. plaaea tell me aooi -way to avoid or prevent It. I hav bad -, , eonalderabl trouble with falling hair. - ! . paclally the iaat few week. My hair U . a vailow brown and curly around my face. . When I uae whlaky and quloln It makes -my hair atralgbt nd darker. ' I have eo trouble with dandrnfT. I never have ratted my balr. Tnr a few months I hav worn It parted and low on my -neck. -Mefore. I wore loos pompadour and a low knot. I brush my nalr vry night. " and shampoo onoe every two or three waeka. ' 1 know no cause for It falling. - . It you can ontr any ugaeiion, . pieava (all an bow aoo I should notice the J,"- Th lotion referred to will not injur' -the pore of the skin. I am giving your -formula for lotion. wbicM has been most occeasful In atubborn cases of falling -hair. '. - ." '-." "" ' .? .i , ' rallina o the Hair. . .t'-j ; s ' Tlnotttt ef nug vomlrti.'l ounce:- spirits J of roacmary. t ouncea; alcohol, I ounce. Apply everl time a weak to the root-r'-ef th balr. - .. .-. To Remove Fullness Under the Vr Eyes Will when rl klXI latl used on th face. .wlll- eaua hair -lo grow? f find It very cleansing, put am MtmtA In l.a It till f )ul,r VOlir irivli 1 afraid to us It till I bear - Aim mv eve ar vrv rul lull underneath. and It makea the eye look smaller. What: -.' shall I o to remov the fullness T ' , , v I always enjoy your page and bar tound sum Vary good hlnta among your ilnswra A . JZIMPg.RTANT When ther I a tendency to auuer V TV" "r? "? '. irfa.wh . l haw-nf follows: Use bblh hands. . plac th linger tip dlfeclly beneath the eyes. pros .gently around the outer corner snd upward, following the contour of Ihe -eye.- This movement -should be vIvaM akfllll l .. .lmna aa t. Hau - Broivti Spots on His Face . i Ther are few' thing I wlah you might help m ttttl SUe-ut. andtuire they aia: Flrat, 1 have.eeT.-ot a I brown sputa on on aid of my fce, Ther la no hair growine on them, but -there are abokll alx or seven, mostly smalt. 1' wlh yiru would tll me hlng that might make them disappear or help to do eo. anvhow. Jfeat. I'm- atremly nervous. I read one that grape Juice heapd one and I ' hav jtva- awuaa a- a rest nteny Vtil.. but to n - avuil. " v. hat - earrte-oTuiiithli'ia- 1 xu through to help thla. Third and M-t call. what will make the sort of brown oc,- eauaed -tre tne b'ITtiinal -yoiircelprr rubhlng agalnat you. eo awayf I am 1 gears old. of your oppoait aal. and kos v. r, . ; , , ..- ! i - J. PHOTOGRAPHS -SHOWING" basket bali2 " "benefits:! THE . ;7 DIFFEHENT parts of jHff BODY) you'll try end give me a few remedis tot what I'v aakao. especially the flret. BEAUTT CRAZT. . I 'am giving you formula' for pacta that has been most successful tn the removal ot brown spots and freckle. Any open-air game, such- a tennis, golf, etc., would be a good thing for your nervousnesa If this Is impossible, take a simple course of gymnastics la . your room each night before retiring. .Be surefto have the window open o tnat th air willb pur and fresh. Peroxide bf hydrogen will remove tha - stain on your neck. Pour a little in a saucer and apply to th skin with a sot. cloth. - . .. ... Whiteninj: Past for Treeklea and Brown Spots. , " ' Sailcylla' add, , grain; bay runt, uncea. - '" ' - Apple night and morning with a, soft -cloth or aponx. Thla lotion soon produce a slight rougbnase of th akin, which enouid be eubdued by th use t glyoarin er ' V-';"-' ' ' ' - ''";-" ; ' -. ,'.-.' Pimples Leave Scars. I am . , young man.' and hav bee a : reader of your column for quit awhile. My face haa been covered with pimples, . which have disappeared, leaving scare so . thick you can hardly aa the akin. Will you pleaaa answer thla ta your 'column aad . -oblige - , . BABT. 1 Massage with the following creant atid use the lotion for the removal ot scan which 1 am giving you. , 'Witch Haael Cold Cream. ' ' One ounce each of whit wax and spama- cctl, H pint of ell of almond. Molt; pour Into a- mortar, which baa been haated by being immereed some tun In bailing wate. Very gradually add euacea - of roeewater and 1 eunoa of witch haael. -S-end -aeekiuoualy at ir ta inlxtur until aa emuialoo la formed, and afterward anlil th ' mixture la nearly cold. " . Thla. cream. 1 particularly Oaeful to kl or or stretched skin. -." Xo Bemove Scar. -. ' I-anolln. 1 drams: ointment of btnlodld or mercury. dram.' Rub M wail onea t day. r'To.RemoveSupcrluotti liair ' " I saw your recipe for removlBf )eru-us hale printed several times la this Sauara. ' ment and tried it. .... kl-. The one I reter to is perexMe of hyrfreg. am sorry to aay H na e,--ect. I , ' think the trouble w that I did not I often enmigh. f we a little afraid. - W ; you plnaas let me ka-.w through y""'" - part meal how It may use" r,.,fjw- , a vary slight on ,wJxil5!g. 1 hav never claimed thst peroxide v . hydrogen would remove super dun hsir. 1 frequently sdvlse using It s tleitch wlv-n the rewth Is dark. "m.kes Itleas noticeable,, and In n esses whea the growth ha not I 'verv heavy, lb constant; using of , oxuTe ef hydrogen in connection w weak solution of ammonia has e the Hair to entirely disappr. 11 be applied at least two or thre t. 't week. necessary. (, ; ' Recipes Proved Helpf: I " ha got atsny reclie' front r"" ' ro'lornn. and wmUd IU to k . v V ran ilw m-a formula l-r a b -1- V tkal .na-vea tan. tin-- -a now or name aa -Ve beauty, cilo"." Holiarr. and ii V ' - wa bmuaht eact -it reaui . ArnrwvrTyrb'rt' y-te ebout tboiie- to wk . -.v.