The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 03, 1905, Image 3

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    r -
r.tcrt Thin TwoThouiand Mthr
fctra cf Order Participate in
Exercises at Fair. s
I I . . V ' ' ' " S 4 , " - .
-. , - - -. , . v . . .
One of the Best Fraternal Celebra-
tiona Heli at Expoeition Observed
VTItB Throngs in Attendance From
: , Sound.- . '' ; :' .
Vv;;,,f! 0 ' '
i i
A. .. v "
Th number-of admissions to
th Lewi and Clark exposition 4
yesterday waa It, 12.. Had U not -'
bean that the electric power plant ,
broke down' laat night, causlnc
.the streetcar llnea to be atopped '
. for an hour at the' time the peo-,.
pie were on their way to the -
grounds, the number of adrola
" alona would have been larger,
. The total number of admlaalona ,
to the exposition since' t be open ,:
tog la l.SSMJv. ' t ' ...
. Modern Woodmen of America Invaded
the exposition (rounds yesterday " and
, paraded ' the street of thyeity - last
.night After the Invasion and parade
j . were over, tbey proceeded UTthe armory,
i where tst candidate were Initiated Into
; the order. '. '-. '. ' ' .'.
4 Special exercises in honor of the Mod
, era Woodmen were held In the audltor-
, lum during th afternoon. Addresses
, were delivered by state, city and ekpoal-
tlon fflcials and, representatives of the'
i order. De Caprlo' Administration band
! furnished the music '. '
!.' In behalf of the stajte. Governor
j Chamberlain delivered 1 an address of
welcome, telling of the achievements of
.- the pioneer woodmen who biased their
way through the reat northwest and of
vtb . Modern - Woodmen 4 who ,ar aoing
much for humanity.- , j ' .- .,-
V"'' Addrsaasa of Walobaaev -y
I " Mayor . Harry Lane " addreaeed the
Woodmen In behalf of the city of Port
t land. In the absence of Prealdent Gpode,
Colonel Henry E. Doaeh, director of ex
I hlblta, delivered an. address f.. welcome
jl in nehair or the fair..-
, I - An -eloquent, address waa delivered, hy
j! M. A. -Miller of Lebanon, state lecturer
of the order. J. O. Davis of Los An
gela,, state deputy for California, alao
.spoke. - ' " . - v ' " ,-' .
- Immediately after th exercises lit the
auditorium, competitive drllla.wer held.
V '''-'.' Team la. Oosapetltloaw
. Wr almost two hours the broad -plasa
In front of the Orejton building waa th
Scene of Intricate military maneuvers,
performed by the live drill teams which
participated In the. contest. -, -
The teams,, which coipted-: were:
Oregon jOrape camp of Portland, IS men
under command of Chief Forester C P.
SmithT Elliot , Bay camp of Beattl. . If
men.-commanded by Chief Forester Fred
Smith- Tacoma, camp, Tacoma,' 1 men.
John Wilson, chief foreater; - Fremont
ram By Seattle. Hjbio, Chief Foreater i.
Wj Lou gh. and Evergreen camp, Port
land. Chief Foreater WU.F.- Steepy.
Spruce., camp -of Portland., under ooru
mand of Chief Foreater CU B. , Varmeh
ren. -ws on th grounds,.' but did -not
eompetei ' , - .
The iudgek were Captala& -Oowan,
.of the Tenth Infantry, U. S. A,-; Lieuten
ant John Randolph, Tenth tnfantry;
Captain C. T. Snrlth. Third Infantry.
Oregon National Guard, and F. D. Renni
aon. colonel of forester, at Portland..
' ' - taattla Wtaa Maaa. )' r'.
The judge awarded th first prise of
i tlOt to Fremont camp of Seattle; the
l .second prise of S7I to Elliot Bay camp
i of SeatUe; ihe third prise of $60 to Ta
i, coma camp of Tacoma. nd th fourth
j prise, f2Bato Oregon! Grape camp , of
, Portland., . Fremont camp ,made a gen
: r, eral average of !. 7. Elliot Bay camp
i i . acoma camp Oregon Grape
, camp St.. and Evergreen camp II. 1.
, Th drill was. promoted, entirely by
. Portland member 1 of -the- order: The
. . : promotion committee .was composed of
I J. W. Slmmona. Ut deputy oonaul; R.
.1 W. Foster, chairman; J. W. Shear. J. J.
God dard, J: M. Da via,' Mr K.' Manning. OA
uroce, j. r. aieaaowa, ,A J. Collins,
, ' Fred Oraap, W. R. G radon, W. H. Cul
i ; pin. F. A. Kolght, T. E. Edward, John
Reeb. J. F. reltsel and others. . ; r
I At o'clock last TUght the ModMtn
y Woodmen paraded 'the-street. Th pa-
rad waa' headed by th St. John babd.
j , th only band In th aut composed en
tirely of members of the order, - With
banner and ' devtoe they marched
: through the principal street of th city
and then proceeded to th armory. - . t
. Thtr a class .of Ht csndldatea were
I admitted. Into th myaterlea of the or
- der. At the conclusion af th Initiatory
exercises a banquet waa aerved th Mod
ern Woodmen at th Scott hotel. .-
r, It I estimated that between 1.700 and
i-.v 1.800 visiting ra em be re - were, in the city
l. yesterday. The largest out-of-town del
)", egatlon cam from th sound. There
'? were If3 visitors - from Seattle,. Tacoma
'land other cltlea of that region.
' "." - ' -
i . . Judge Fraser has . decided to make
war on tobacco dealers who sell "the
Iweed" ' to minors.: Heretofore he ha
been ' giving alt found guilty of this
t " offense light sentences, but Robert Oal
loway, apeclal prosecuting attorney for
. i-th-. juvenile courts stated yesterday .
afternoon that hereafter the sentences
Imposed .would be heavy. .
H. P. Board man. a clerk In a "cigar
V I . stand . 'at Seventh and Washington
' streets, waa fined 11) yesterday by Clr
. cult Judge Fraser, acting Judge, of th
Juvenile court,' for selling tobacco to a
i ! minor! Harriett 4-Harrison, who conduct
f th Grand poolroom at 163 Washington
1 ' street, which has a clgar-ator attach
j " ment, were fined It for th same ot
K fence, aa waa Luther Place, who con.
j duct a cigar store In a wiltlng-room
on Tamhlli street back orth Baker
!,t theatre. . ' ' .',.''
I Boardman ' was first fined $21. but
' 1 he afterward mad, a strong plea, andH
nil the sentence wsa reduced to 110. with
i a warning that If th offense waa're
t 7. pasted he need not expert to be treated
- o merolfully-by th courU AU three
Jflne war promptly paid, .
1 It wonld hav been Incredible brutal
1 Ity If Cha. F. Lemberger of Syracuse,
In' T., had not don th beat h could
t I for hi aurreringaon. mr i'"7'
! i-iwrm "cut a fearful gash over bis eye.
m'so I applied Bucklln'a Arnica Sal ve,
Inhlch qtilchly healed-It and saved his
f t eve.", flood for bums and ulcers, too
' j 1 ytiri strtet. ",u"' , " ,
-- Lincoln Beach in the
' In making Ma descent after a thrill
ing flight-tn ,th airship City oft Port
land yesterday, Lincoln ' Beachy . nar
rowly escaped serious Injury. 'Th wind
blew th balloon about three fn41e out
ox- lis course, w nue over norin judim
th aeronaut opened the escape valve to
make the descent, cam down rapidly,
and almost before he realised1 the speed
of. th fall, the airship, smashed Into a
tree. .The result was a rent In the bag
about six feet long, the gas escaped and
th bag collapsed; It was brought back
tp th fair ground In a Wagon.
. Captain Baldwin la hopeful that the
airship will be In readiness for the rao
with th Gelatine Monday forenoon. .
I'll 0REG0I1
Five Hundred Visitors-. Rejster
. At, Chamber of Comme'rca'
i:rMot LaUd State.
One Eastern Man Carries Home a
Few Specimens and Community
Visits the Stores Where They Are
' Displayed. . l.yi l
. More than 50 visitor registered at
th Portland Chamber of Conrmerce ex
hibit room In August - Many of them
wer Eastern people who bad been In
specting Oregon with i view, to future
location her. McaU of them were ex
travagant In prats of the atat and Ita
There wer some grumblers, but
there ere people, Bourgeon said, who
would grumble if they were going to
neaven," aald Dr. A. IeRoy, in charge
of th exhibit. -.. v . . , , ,t .
"The highest compliment visitor can
pay to Oregon I heard her when they
ask for sample of product, explaining
thai may wish, to .take th actual prod
uct back home with them tn order that
their .neighbor- may be Induced to-betray statements .they msy make
concerning: whst ther have seen hare.
I. have : had f people aak me .for- wheat
and other .grain, and . for frulte of vari
ous kinds. One man came In while' w
were packing aome Gloria. Mundl applea
to be sent to the expoattlon. ... He wanted
to know where he could buy .afw,-and
aald he wiahed to tak them iack to
th Mlddl West 'and place them on
exhibition . a horticultural - ourioaitie.
We. bad more than , w needed. o -I
packed a few nice, ones ' In an envelope
box.- and; he . took them away. Some
time .afterward -1- received . from -him a
newspaper clipping. from - his . oounty
paper, ht which It waa stated that, the
applea would be exhibit for. one week
at. a certain grocery,-and the next week
at another place, and ao on."
The doctor says the worst featur ' of
th lm migration work I
results of misrepresentation by careless
persons whoa private Intereata . are
aerved by .getting people to come to the
Pacific coast, regardle of the' kind of
Inducement held out -H says Oregon
Is good enough to get immigration If
people -will simply tell the truth about
It. and that .ther I rarely a -complaint
heard from any on to whom the fact
hav been fairly and honestly presented.
One of thaf novelties In' store' for vis
itor at the Lewi and Clark exposition
is: the doll pared that I booked for
th afternoon of the 'closing day of the
"Carnival of Nogero , I," September .
Th .contestant - must not exceed 7
year of age, and; In order to compete
must hav little wagon or doll car'
rlage with a doll. The little mother
will march through th aisle of th
Manufacture-building and pais th
Judges.. Th harmony of dress of th
contestant, ' her doll - hd her carriage
constitute th standard -of excellence.
It Is estimated ther -will be several
hundred In competition. No contestant
will be forgotten; t h unsuccessful com
petitor will each receive a souvenir
"doll parade" badge. . -.
The 10 Manufacturer' club, which la
the promoter of th oarnlvwl, aver that
It haa many aurprlaea In ator for vis
itor during -the reign of King Nogero
I, and are working hard to make the
event a success. ; ir; - ,
Steamer .Telegraph for Astoria.
Round trip dally (except Friday)..
Leave Alder atreet dock 7:H a. m." Re
turning leaves Astoria t p. nv Arriving
Portland S:St pi m. Sundays leaves Port-
JUn4 I . m Arrlva Portland ..,'
ip; City of Portland. ;s v;
. : Beachy pluck- ba carried him a long
way in all flight at th exposition, but
yesterday he met with . the ..narroweat
escape of -his career. . ,He arose grace
fully ' enough to an ,elevalon of 1,00
feet, 'but In that altitude ehfeountered a
wind of 14 mile an hour and waa at its
mercy for about IS minutes.. On th top
of . thhi. J h jhlp'f upropeller .broke.; and
th aeronaut- began 'no think of- home
and mother." a he put It.- Had th wind
been much stronger there- is no telling,
under what conditions a landing might
have ; been made.- -As' It waa, Beaehy
came down, unhurt, but. feVling , keenly
the damage to the airship! . -
Splendid Exhibit Made by Corn-
huskere' State in Pavilion ;; '
.;. the Fair.
Governor Mickey, Whoa Presence at
' JCxpoaitioniLDiwiiTremendoua
'- Crowd of Old-Time Friends, Has
Returned 'to His Home. ':
Governor . John Mlckay df ,Nbraaka
haa gone noma after week at the ex
position, where he presided in th' Ne
braska day exercise..--He was accom
panied by bla two sons. Secretary of
Stat A. Oalushl and his family, ex
Senatori William . IT. Allen, and vothof
prominent Nebraakana. - Th governor
made several i side trip from Portland,
including the river .trip to Astoria and
the trip up th Columbia. AU the trial
inm X. .hraikani atnriiawl th.inulvM a
hlgily delighted with Portland and th
entertainment, received.
'iTh large attendance at th Nebraaka
pavilion during th stay of Governor
Mickey, and especially on Nebraaka day.
haa called attention. to th fact that
many Nebraskane ar living In th Pa
cif le northwest' It la . stated at the
Nebraska headquarters that fully 3S.000
former Nebraskans are living In Oregon.
Waahlngton and Idaho.- It la bellevedj
alao,Kthat' Nebraska naa - contribute-
more vleltora-to the apoltlon tbu far
than any: other atat emat of th Rocky
mountains. la the paat two month an
average -of . 100., visitors from Nebraska
towns haa ' registered at 'th .state's
pavilion daily.' Th comm!tonra are
confident that . th " daily attendance of
Nebraskans' for th 'two -month paat
ha exceeded 200, 'On Nebraaka day the
tat badge was seen 'everywhere, arvl
the exercise' were-attended bv a crowd
that filled the annex of .tn Illinois
building ' to ' overflowing;" In fact, many
of the exposition authorities' hav atated
that 'Nebraska day wa more largely at
tended and more generally successful In
every way'lhan: was that of any visiting
tat to-dat.;- 4s: '-:' .- f - f
Ooveraor Mickey stated that th order
for ' the allver service to 1 be presented
to the battleship Nebraaka. launched la it
autumn -at Seattle, waa almost ready
for delivery. -Th Nebraska, commission
haa arranged With th governor to plac
Khls servlc on exhibition In th Nabraak
headquarters, as .aoon a) It I finished.
Which. . will . probably be) . early . In 8p
tember. ' ' . ' . . , . .,.."'? ''...
Visitor to the' Nebraska pavilion are
ahown a remarkable colleetlon of corn
products, or rather .by-products. Oi
the- tablee are. 20-lars each-holding
different, product of either th grain -or
the atock. -These lnclud glucose, sugar.
syrups, oils,, gum, past and even rtihJ
ber. . Of . late . years . tha . value of eon
pltn has been recognised In shipbuilding.
especially In that otwar-Veaaela. Chief,
of -course, ,of all -the products of corn tn
tnis collection is starcn, in manu rap
ture of which constantly increaalng.
One of tha exhibit that at tract a at
tention la a handsome aheaf of Siberian
winter rye, ralaed on th farrn of Wil
liam Jennings Bryan near Lincoln. At
St Loula th Jury awarded thia aheaf
a allver medal, and stated that It wa
in'th gold-medal clasa. Grain of thla
year' harvest la . ahown, which : Indl-
catea that th crop of Nebraaka la finer
than for a nunber f year paat; all
the Wheat, will practically, be No. 1, ami
the whole yield will amount to 0,00,00
bushels,- the bulk of which Is winter
wheat -' Several -fine aheavee of maca
roni wheat . attract considerable - atten
tion among wheat grower. Numerous
ample of three had grain of all aorta
are ahown. , In wheat land. -Nebraaka
ha ranked every year m t he past V)
year from .fourth to flrat. f
TroTialon .has oeen maa ror exnimr.
In daring the expnaltton poultry show
a carload of Nabraska'a finest poultry.
.a.. . '.-4-
.. - V -' V - : .
'' t ' . " zr, lair-
J .''r,
. -
- .It is to the
hearty cooperation
ind "recreation Ithe'
rest and
- . To show our appreciation and reverence to the cause
bargains throughout the
east? 'See Mondaa Telegtam for Tuesday's -big bargain, us vy;-:; 5.1'-
"-' '
,t.L;.Ji - ) r-- ''l a "r"'
ViU DielCK etna COiOrCQ urCS KUUUl Uymt uittawav iuitv, ievwiwu vav iv rr emtsva luuMwiiee uin muvii wf. aavrr - m
? and are now ready for your inspection. We invite you to come here first, to see everything that is newest and best. Our
fall 8howing this year is earlier, better and more varied than ever before. It will be impossible for us to describe these goods
r in print on account of the vasthess of our stocks, but many of them are light weight, delicate fabrics some of .them con
taining more silk than wool such as Crepe de Paris, Eolines, Crepe-EgypU and Chiffon Batistes, just the soft clinging
materials so much used foijthe smartest gowns for afternoon and reception wearT :.; ; "v. f " r i
rOT tne new taUOreO COSlUines WC t C muwuig ikw nmui uivauwuuia, ciHumi (uuum vni.ji, ri.m, -
etus ravenettes
rhave a very choice line of well eelectU Scotch Plaid Suitings at THE VERY POPULAR PRJCE OF C0e. - r
: .54-1nch Germain Broadcloth, all the' wanted ahadea-
froro .lSd to. Jpx.70.
. ' mcn Broadcloth," all colors a Ad" black -exceptional.
vahie-'aJl.OO.ii ':?y:.-g:l-
5Wnch' Venetians, the
shades from f 1.O0 to f
X'- (4 to 60-inch Cravenette and Rain Suitings, colors
castor, gray and black mixture prices f 1.25 to $2.25
i -' 42-inch Mohais Crepes, in all the new shades, also
cream end btockKOOjrard.' ; ;i : At
- 54-inch Panamas all
and black ?1.25. r; '.
50-inch Panamas, all the new shades, also black
special 85e. v 1 '
OuiiiFiPDt Fall Showing of M
: . You can never build
' V f 2
: : had to face the unpleasantness of complaints. . We do not intend you shall be dissatisfied in the
h- t.11 i1m in women's footwear. Thev are riffht in stvle and wearine Qualities..
"o.v. (,..;. mum 1100 to 2.00 aaved on everv oair.J
'.OlVk w ---- -r . .,
,l. m..- mot.nn anrl'ftwt.KO. aecArdinar . to' ouaht v. -J.
U1H.V. V
A Few Himdred
:'( tfv-.r. 1'.'- ''"'--:
the sUte' fair, to 'be held In Lincoln
1- 1- At 8t Loula. Nj-
braaka poultry won higher prises, than
that or any otner weaiern
On xhlbltion In th pavilion ar tws
...1 it,.Ucii and Clark Jour-
TUIUIU.. v. " . - - . .
nal, printed In th' arly years of the
century, and th ' property of - th N
braaka SUt library. .-',V;.-
wrk. tk. aiMtrlA llehta went out. last
.nm.' nna atol a gold watehr and
chain from, th rt. of fr Smith,' fore
man at th - Alaska-otocfc Th-Jacket
was hanging on a palt In the ooca ana
all of th emnloyea, aat welLaa th fore-
man. war vvnj m iimw. . mifc
waa not discovered for en hour after-.
War a. ' TO timepiece veiua
D.f... h. MtiiM nail un.lhe noHr. statfoa
to report th loss, a messenger boy came
ruahlng on tn aori ana numw ine
.M.n nroMrlr. Ha declared that It
waa given to him to.return and that he
did not know It had been atolen. i
(Ipeelal Dispatch to The JoaraaL) '
Salem, Or,, Sept. 1 WUliam Cauthor,
a Chamawa ' Indian student : waa ar
rested here thla afternoon by Sheriff
Culver on - a charge or attempting to
sell a suit -of clothes stolen from the
rommlasary department of the. eehool.
II genie any other marts ana waa new
pending examination by th school of-,
flclals. , companion waa dismissed.
.... . - v. . ,
1 1
Sept. 4, IGOS
wage-earners that all credit is due for the
at all times could we ever have
store will openrith a new fulJL
store will be' multiplied many .
--.r-:':---- ----' if .-r'--. ' '.t
A Ja,sk,ieMAi lataawA
,.;;r. - : l
finest of wool, satin finish, all
15. - i:ysz,y ;
the wanted shades, also cream
'.'iv 1 -; ' y-f "J
do nn
something up by tearing something 'down. We could have never made thia department the great
. 2 .J 4a..4.Ja eVT kMke4W. wer.t-.aiw ak-4 ..-. fl dUA WttlllaT lf K 4SsSmww AXifa kttVf MaWat
- . . " -
Piir of tho Faxnous
- : " -. ; . . . -v -
. ... . .
' Mg ar) y w-ti '4m
'. aksBawaaaaawaa4as '' :'
-LiMftM Dfeseteb- to The JearaaL -
Albany, Or.,-Sept. f John Hamlett.
h engineer employed by tha Curtis
I.umbr company of MIU City, at Ita
logging camp near Berry. J mile east
of Mill City, wa struck on th.hed
with a cable a a result of th breaking
of a butt chain thla morning, whll run
ning th engine. The cable cut through
hie ekelfaa with a -antra, - Tha man
I unconscious. . A special - train from
her went up, bringing Hamlett down to
- Iiabopay:
wonderful growth and success,
hoped to occupy the high pinnacle we now do. After a day's
bloom of bargain 'values.'' ''zyyyyyyj''S,
of labor our store will be closed
fold. New goods are daily arriving
- ." -V; , "- '
aaa4 vV . mwA Immaiaai mflAa4afi . awaf M aM TTeill CfrwlaMi
.. 50-inch Serge Suiting, strictly all wool, all colors, also
black 75e. ,X.,J, -i-. '
-'- .38-inch Wool Cheviot, every color made, also black
50efyardr7r;:'!; .';;: ;&Z?C ;J?::;:-y:r-
42-inch' Crepe de Paris, all colorsTalso black and
cream. Just the fabric for; the swell gown 91. CO yard.
' 48-Inch' Qrepe-JEgypta, all the wanted shades, also
black and cream ; is a jannnerat 75e '."';.!''.'. :'X
484nch Chiffon Batiste,
and bUck 75e
We carry a full line of Henriettas, all wanted shades, I
also black, cream and evening shades 50f to 91.CO. J .
; We also carry a full line of Priestley's Celebrated Suit
ings. r , "' ...
nnri Rn
We r haven't missed buyinsr all the
' , I , ' - .
'. V.'.f- t m
. .. . ...yiir,., .
Biixte Handmade Shoc3 Lcf t at
r i. wai
the hospital. . H la In a precarious con
dition, though physicians say hi pulse
la good, and ha may reoover, though th
cbancee ar against him..';
Hamlett la a man tl years old and a
stranger here.' He cam to the Curtlaa
company a week ago, securing employ
ment. II has a brother at Dakar City.
Nothing els Is known of his relatives.
.. HoTTloher M Bay.
tlpectel tfcipata to The Jerwt.t '
4 Dayton. Or., Sept. t. Hopplcker are
beginning to arrive and a few growers
will b'- r- nd.ail be
at worn i i t weea is over. Hope
hera are t i vt fpp.
il-f-i:!', ,: L :'.''-:- '":.'.'.' '-. 7 t '. v a.:'-'" V"--'"
" -v-- Mt;ti.4m ajh , J j- '- y n ii ii' ' i in h ii ' i a4"' ' r- i tirr ijr' - 1 - ' 'r i 1 -' ' i i .1 at. r -PMt,
;.' ' ,.','
of this store. Without
alday Mondays Tuesday
in carload lota from the ,
'' '
strictly all wool, all sKades
1 , .-
future. We are- now show-T-
with prices on the Roberta
new leathers and styljs ,
, - ,'
. -rr - ., . ,
AGAIN CCI..3 C-...-
-"isserfsl DMaata to TW .fears-;
Corrallis, Or. Sept. t The c
lls Social club, raided, by of?!.-, i
week is doing bunlneea now v : '
py Hoo"rn" rcKalnee. ls
.-t .hunt. 1 we of f
cars wre'f'.l lioa
ef pll-e rrports t
McUlnes hs vsn
ve'ments are
Koatburx t a A