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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 3, 1905)
'.... ... 1 . . the Oregon Sunday jouuNAL, "pchtlaijd, Sunday 'i:c:::::a;' .szrezrrizrv ;li:8!CC...i3:: HOOK J.:3nse" interest Shown Irt 'The Journal's Cantest for a rjre ; ":' ) Trip to Hawaii. . 5 ' CURNSTO THE FORE 1 :V; ; '7 WITH A CANDIDATE UiM l&rile - Crate of e(DaJls Gieea iiiat Emfli Crosuui of the -v, Sum' Town rltaec WjKbld' First f Place, in "pit bietrict ' . ' J ' By thousand from the city and from the country otes rolled in grestsrosy ror'tba candidate ' for The 'Journal's free tr to HewaU.:: The work of tha candidate la - noticeable In tha nunnDoi of new aubocrlpUoDa received, for It jiuat ba borne tn mind that every new subscription paid in aavsoce - m LTLm Lucille Crate of Thelka.v with U a special coupon, which maans a Urge number of votes for tha candidate It la voted for. - That tha voting la now oa In earnest la evident from the' way some sot the candldatea. who have been near .the bot torn of -the list tn their dlatricta, have made ' aubatantlal gains. thirl na - the week the voting at Bums promises to take a bin spurt. Word Was received from there yesterday that a candidate will be nominated and an effort will ba r ade to have the entire section shower tuelr votes on her. - Baker City la also showing- a big spurt and the mall yes terday from there contained - several thousand votes. . . The Third district la one In which a hard fight will ba waged. At present Mlaa Emilia Crosean of The Dalles leads. but Alias Luelle Crate of the same city, who became -. candidate recently, is de veloping considerable . strength. UST IVEEK OF . PiLTS mommssm Cpectaculart Event at the Oaks Will Present Added Fea- . , ; turea Nightly. ' u But one week more "ml. na In which to see Pain's "Last Days of Pompeii" at the Oaks. From thla city the exhi bition goea to Ban Franciace and Los , Angeles, and from-, those: oltlas' returna to. the east. Those who hsve 'not. al ready 'seen this "aummer-nlght'ehow should not 'fall to- do so ss nothing' so gorgeous -and ' massive ' In the ? way t open-air wmusement has been seen la . the . northwestern country before. (The attendance .during 'ths- past 'week; baa Increased ' nightly vand It- is ' estimated by the management and the railroad of. flclsls that close to S0,00 people-have attended ;tlW week's' performances, in spite - of the -cool weather' prevailing 'on the opening, nights. ' The management of the'Oaks Is endeavoring to prolong the engagement lor. three nights. For the coming week attractive pyro technic displays are being arranged. At tonight's performance .the' device, "Nl agara Folia la Fire,', repeated. 'In addition to an elaborate pyrotechnic program. .., ;. T . Interest in the last olshts of "Pom' peU". Increased by. the giving of a namoer 01 special internal nighta. as " 'allows: ', Monday.. Elks', eight; Tuesday, ntgbU Of Pythias' night; .Wednesday. . ssonle night; Thursday. Odd Fallows' - -nt;. Friday. Eagles' night;-Saturday, todmen'e night. On each of these bts emblems of the t t orego- . f oroers win oe aispiayea in fire. i zostase fo neatti Band. IXra. 8. A. Haselttne of South Bend. Washington, will ba hoatess at tha Washington building for South Bend week, which begins Monday. ; " - l-Zt-Oti Only One Half aaMnch Insurance in As in an "Old Line" company. The Order of Waabinfton ia the second larrest fraternal beneficiary organization on the Pacific Coaat. ; IT IS A EQUAkE "DEA1V r; .POSITION. ? There It -j better in f the United v -us. - Send for circulars to T Supreme Secretary, ' i:arjuara Eldg, Port '-and. Or. - ; Telephone KeT.t 1542. J EE IIL JIIE SLOTII :EIER HIKE? . Philip S. Batea TalKt, Right Out ' i In Meeting to Portland . Business Men.'" "'7, SAYS THiEY ARE FOGIES J-' r . AND WANT TOO MUCH Gives Reaiong ;for -Supremacy1, of I California and Sound Country Deal. era 5n' Oreson J and' Scold tViff' . orously Captains' of Commerce.- ; -Philip S. Batea, In Pacific Northwest . Throughout the vast Interior, section of Oregon comprising the southern part of Crook and all of Lake and Klamath counties, a condition In trade affairs exists unheard , of In any other section of the United States.. .Vast In ita area, full to overflowing In all the resources of which our state abounds, and settled with a class of people with ambitions that ths future will be realised in the shape of the wealthiest population in any Jlke area In Oregon, yet their Inter eata are allowed to foster, themselves. as far ae any "help or Inducements from ths wholesale trade of Portland are oon- oernaa. tbs people jn in is great sec tion ot: Oreson state that they pay taxes tn Oregon but live In California. Everywhere yon go you find the Cali fornia traveling-man; California prod ucta In the face on every hand. The stage that takes you tn and through thla country cornea from Ban Franctscet It-Was shipped to Reno, Nevada, then to Madeline tn northeast ern -California, and -freight from there to Oregon. The purchaser never heard of the Mitchell. Lewis Stiver, or the Mollne-Bain people -of Portland. : The overalls worn by the stagedrivor were made by Levi Straus A Co. of -'Frisco. Flsischner dc Mayer's. Mt. Hood overall. madein-PeMlandV-etrewa unknown quan- tlty. The paint on the ahelvee-ef the general merchandise, jitore-eomee rom Frisco. ir.: -----"f-:-;r ; STeeee Xaard of Portland Peeler, ' -The dealer never heard of Whlttler, Fuller Co., F, K.- Beach Co Raa mussen k. Co..- or Fisher, TJiorsen Cow, of . Portland. They might rwll be dead a a faaa . making an ffortXor thla trade ia concerned. The woman pur chase the goods of Murphy, Grant A Co. of San Francisco, and the shelf hardware sold comas from the Pacific States Hardware company of San Fran cisco. . Nothing doing from Portland by Corbett, Falling sV Robertson or Honey- man-Hardware company of Portland, but to cap the climax I met Hlbbard. Spencer A Bartlett'i man from Chicago, who makes the trip twice a year Juat to keep-up the prestige of this oldest and largest hardware house -In - the tTnlted Btates, Henry -Hahn,-preeident of Wsdhams Co. of this city,, who has recently been criticising -the rail roads for not developing the country. when asked why hie firm did not reach out - for -this - bustneaa, replied that "prestige and love of country were not the basis on which they old. business; that sentiment wss of little value as a working capital, and could not be used ee a margin of profit' Wholesalers Lacking la Seatlnteat. This wss In reply to a suggestion that the wholesalers of Portland should go after this business, even If it had to be conducted et a loea for at least' five years, for when "trail sxrtat!on-arri' rived the volume of profit for all fur ther time would be assured to Portland, as the people would prefer to trade tn their own state on reasonable . terms than elsewhere. .. ",. - -. ''; It le the lack ' of sentiment by the wholesalers of Portland that causes this great Inland territory to turn to Cali fornia for trade -purposes... Csllfornla haa the same vicissitudes and triala to overcome that Portland would have tn going after the business. 'Csllfornla overcomes them where Oregon dealer sit complacently by and sleep the sleep of the- truly- great and satlsnod. - It Is the Isck of Interest on the port of Port land trade that keepe thie city and coun try so fastMhind the wheels of progress. Indifference end old-style methods of doing business In Oregon explain why Washington, with ths same resources and conditions, but with truly tip-to- date methods, forges ahead In popula tion and wealth. Washington haa been a state but a short time In comparison to Oregon, but you never hear of her people waiting for railroads or anything else coming to them. They go out ana get what they ought to have, and people know .that they are on the map. ' If theyli ad euch a section of coun try as la described In this Issue of the Pacific Northwest at their doors ready to do business, there would be no mar gin of profit talk. .The business would bveobtalned. . a , . - Talks of OU Fogtae and Bogs. ' ; For Instance, we find fruit and produce dealera In Columbia county, but 29 miles north of porWsnd. shipping to the sound because the old fogies of -Port land In the commission business wsnt to hog It ail. It's this margin of profit that Is the tmgbsar. The Portland mer chant wants aa much on his investment now ss he made during , the packing daye of the early sIxUss and seventies. Others are eatlsfled with less and do the business. . Tou never' hear, of Port land mercnante forming excursions to visit ths trade of ths outslds country. Why? Because the trips are hard and tedious. If the country trade wanta to meet the boss, he le welcome to sit in ths outside office and shake hands with the proprietor of the holy of hollos in the lnnr sanctum and be proffered a cheap cigar. - These things don't go any more. Competition' being the life of .trade," means . more enterprising firms locating In Portland, and to the woods with the present moesback contingent We" recently" received a " number "of gfaceful gentlemen from Chicago, heads or houses of nstlonal reputation, mey did not twins te eell gssast but to aaeet i.UlfLjja49JsJlidgj.TilJ Did AU tha Jobbers S ThlsT After-thelr-departure 4he Jobbers ; vi Portland gave thsm the leugh and won dered how they could afford to go so far swsy from -home and spend so much money, i ny will soon realise wnen they find ' these sams people, erecting their 'own warehouses and taking awsy their ' agencies so ss to conduct their own affairs on a -business basis. Ths Portland jobbers could easily afford to establish a freight team to run from Pokegama, In Klamath county, eaat and from Sbanfko sooth to Lake county to make two round tripe a month Into the asms territory thst Is now being sold by the California' trade. - it this srtlclo Is simple enough to be understood by the Portland Jobber, I would close by making -an illustration' of i the results to be obtsined by doing business st a loss for a limited time l ordef. that all future profit erlsing from a particular line of buslnsss could j la controlled. The Haselwood Creamery company - located In Portland but short time ego. ' Tbsy becan an active campaign in ths esiaouaning or tneir lino 'Of trade-' In a larm number of counties their work' was purely .of educational character, from which prae- tlcaiiyna reauita were ooutinea.ior leaat two years, and a constant expense was Incurred.,- i . - Beesoa for Xte neoesa. 'Gradually routes 'were bUllt up, sta liuna established, ami now the returns are something phenomenal, and there hi hardly a section In Oregon : today In which . soras , product of this hustling Institution is not found. If they had decided to abandon the field after their first Inspection, ths state of Oregon as a whole would have .been ths loser. As it is now ths dairy industry Is receiving more - Impetus through the educational features of the Haselwood Creamery company-in our state than from . any other maana. The nresldent of thie con cern comes from Spokane, Washington which Is sufficient explanation of, his success. Any othor lne ot - trade can ba , establlahea ae. succeesruuy vim, brains snd energy, v If Portland dealrea tn acknowledKO the lackof either., she need but continue her present treatment of tha a rent section or country -men tinned In ths beginning of this article. Othersrjrtt h the proper complement or nature's gifts, are looking from .saesnnl will soon gather to- take a leading part In the feast of good trade In the heart f Oregon. Will the Portland sloth awaksT V'-.'-' 1 ' ' " "V -1 iriTERriATioriAL5 pE0S2.r.i 1:1 ;flo;;oMG(iE "V -rV- Preaident of Exposition Will Be ; Gueat of Foreign Nationa l at the Ffir. -.5 f The foreign nations represented at the Lewie and Clark exposition by commis sioners and exhibitors will hold a cele bration this aftsraoon lathe Auditor ium, bec-lnnlnc promptly, at i o cloca. Two or three thouaand Invitations havs been Issued for the event which is in honor of President H. W. Ooode. : - The ceremonies will begin with a band selection. VHall to. ths Chief." and tne other - features of- the program -will be conducted ;by talented representatives of several of tbe . foreign, nations, aa xoi lows: - . . ' .' - .Austro-Hungary NsUonal air by band; Tyrolese song; Charda'e muaio by Royal Hungarian Olpsy band; dancing by the Misses Stern and Neufeld. - British empire wauonai . muaio oy band; entrance of representative group of the empire; -eong, "Rule Brltanla," by Madame Marakoff; selectlonr Scotch Ira sto snd dance; song, "Bid Me to Hstton, by R. J'T. White. Vrencb--Natlonal music oy oana; en- im nt ronreuntatlva Sroun ' of Franco; minuet by court ladles and gen tlemen of I01. ... Italy National musle by hand; en trance - of representative, group or tne nation; duetto,. "BarooUca," by Signor Pesettl Scharf. ' ' ' Osrmsny xa tlonal antnem oy oana; entrance of Oermany s represeniaiiye sroun: students in double quartat; act by German -turners ladles and gentle men; solo, "uretcnen am epinrau,- oy Mrs. Erna Koch-Carson. Holland National muaio; entrance ox representative group;. Dutch folk dance, awttmWUnd JMatlonal air by band; entrance of representative group; dance by Swiss paaaanta..' .- . .. Russia National anthem by. band: en trance of repressntntlve group; exercises by Count Bsrslmoff with his troupe Of Csuoaslsn Cossacks; banner-bearer. , Japan National anthem by band: en trance of representatives - of ancient Japsn; acrobatic feats by Jspanese troupe. i r. , Orientl"0uiitHs-OrlntaI"leiortsJ and paaymes; Egyptian .magician; Perls and Duunant artistic chanting and danc ing. .-. t ; ; '- ; BIBLE STUDENTS WILL v . ; MEET HERE FRIDAY Of especial tntereat to Bible students. Irrespective of their church efftllattomt is ths Bible Students' convention, scneo- . . s - Ho. 315 Square Top rr; v 6-FOOT :;-;V;' i LENGTH . LENGTH ... $15,005 Finished lr.quartered aa wed oak V with good aire ThcSc tables ....... ..1 . . . : We 172-174 FIRST1 ';-", ..:..Z.-?:;, , .Z-Z-... ... ;. Cy- J .7-;''' 7-'', ''! '"':'?'; V"'"''' -' ' '"' ''' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '" 1 . 111 11' 1 1 1 111 mil" ' .i 1 a ' 11 i'i nfcjT 1 '1 11 . 1 1 i '' I hi .. . ...I'..-, ... ..m.- ,1 vmmmrn- : - . , " r" ' ' ', 4 .'..' ! . '.' ' - " "' j r. ' ' ' . 1; - - --"'',..; " " ' ; ' ' -,; ', " ' 1 '.'' ' ' ' ' V . " Z " , " V,' " .-w-n. ,u.; ' ' ;." f - ' 1 ' .' "" ' - ;r- 1 -' .-', . ...... ,, - t -.. tn. 1 . 1 ;" " .' .i' ... 1. . . A Diagnosis V . Of your Illness 1 Is mads by the . ' physlclsn. by ' ths symptoms, .(history, physi cal . signs and a process of elimination of other dlsessea. There are boil ed down '- and the doctor , de cides your sf f action is - a certain onaahd thee prepares his prescription to fit the ease. - r . Is the probable length and. final out 'come of your Illness. .. . i r"" V- THIS'PEPENDS " largely, on where you have your' pre scriptions filled and the quality of drugs used In, their preparation. :Our enormous business Insures ths fresh ness of our drugs forty years .10 buying guarantees their purtty-r-only registered clerks employed In this -department guarantees , sccuraoy. , ' If your prescriptions era filled here the Prognosis will be good. ' ' NOTE ML : Ffceae Is ' (Frlvate atxcJissige 11). We wilt" eall foe and . deliver yon prasortptlona wrthont extra oaaxgw, . MADAM At our Robber Department you will find ' experienced salasladles. They know ths business and are here to aid jrou In selecting your goods from this counter. Use them they . like it! JAPANESE IVORIES These wonderful little figures rep resent the highest attainment In this Art of the Orientals. JfyJ ere closing out-the. line at- oae . half the regular price. .. . ..?'' : . ,-. SURGICAL' DEPT. '' We csrry the most complete line of Surgical Instruments. 1 Appliances, Pressings, ' Operating Chalra, Instru ment Cabinets, Medicine Cases, Physi cians' Electrics! Apparatua. ate. In the northwest. Complete hospital out- llttersrrwrtts -for . catalog. We-nje 1 agents for ths W. D. Allison Ca's Surgical Furniture, urge and vanea stock ot Artificial Eyes. ; We Bent Xavalld Chairs and Oratoaea. Our-Auto . Quick' Delivery. S,y stem gets -it - there in"' a hurry. Don't forget the phone 1 . ' Private: 11 Exchange: nled to open In a. three days' session next Friday morning at the Woodmen's hall, corner of East Sixth and Eaat-AMTrrc-in the Lewis and -Clark-Fair and der streets.. A pumber of delegstes sre slresdv la-tbe city. snd by Friday ent, representing nearly . every section of the United Statee and Canada. Sev ers! prominent lecturers will be present snd will speak. raator . x. Kuaseii, president of ths Wstch Tower Bible and Tract aoolety of Allegheny. Pennsylva nia, but the more widely known es tne strthor of "Millennial Dawn" series, and Whoso wrlttings have now reached the enormous circulation ' of over -si. 000.000 volumes, will deliver two public dis courses. Sunday morning. September 10, Overstocked on - , ..- " . ' ' - l- .. f ' 'M' 'm: m fa y legs. ' ' . . J'-'"' '. ... . . '- . - j, . cannot replace them STREET XGIUAl Ou'r Homed- pathlc Dept. Is a complete pharmacy In It self and is In charge of skilled homeopathic druggists, v We are sole agents for Luyties cely ebrated . HomeopathicT Rem f ..''I. ' ' dies. r;".l : .')';' 'H :'' y -PELLETS -X' ''j MOTHER TINCTURE --r : TABLETS :' DISKS 'DILUTIONS ':'7;?: TRITURATIONS ' We have a fine line of Home opathic1, works free fot, those interested.. -.':.; '. Filipino' Currency - We have the - exclusive sale ; of a limited , number, of Philip pine Half - Centavo coins, ithe coinage ; of which : 15 now. ns- f'A Unique Souvenir ScEach lajiKm.tom'-i .blank. ;' WoodaffiClarf(e 2 Co. at 10:S0- a. nv. In toe contention-hall, he will sneak on the "Bplritusl I-essons at I o'clock on "To. Hell and Back; Who Are -Jhera,' and-Why; Hope for tha Re turn of Many." The First Methodist churclu corner Third and Taylor streets, haa been engaged -for thla occasion, "- Many questions of especial Interest to Christian fifoplo-wlU ba taken up and discussed during' .the sessions ; of '. the convention, . , . . Jlmplre State Society KeethMT." - The New Tork SUte society wiU hold He regular meeting next - Wednesday evening at the city hall. - Thie-will be. ' -i'.;'T"" . . - '-..'''' ("V . ' seCaMaisx1 lgs Ja. waa Jast Fine Dining r; , r J -4.. vv i r r. f ' r i ' ' - tv '" ' ' '-'-'S . . - . ' . . . ' . . . ..';,-'..., I.: . :,:, -..'.,.'' - for the priceuoted- come and get one at Photo D The Expo Watch Camerathe : ', exact size of your watch Price Films, 25 Exposure! 25 Cents .''A new orintinfi? room'haa-been .mens ana every picture, receives Non-Curling ; Films all ; sizes Plates Cameras, Mountings. , r . B. Watch our adsi for announcement, of the Photo con- testv.r'V-.- Cr?S:-'y:An:Jci;-?U?:."t Lewis and Clark Statldnery GOLD EMBOSSED. :Wliaye'a fine line of this Stationery pure linen, several 'IJ-, tints," .While it lasts, regular 50c. -SPECIAL..... ....... a&fiW LET MS , DEVELOP ' YOUR: FILMS 1 Expert ;! work, .", quick service, i -' moderate charges. t , .... . ' - ... ,,.-'- And guaranteed send for. rneasurement. .We manufacture all our Elastic, ' 4 Goods. . - the first meeting elnce the adjournment for the summer months and modi im portant business concerning the plana, aaieV-aKdiojldLifcftjlo cussed. MISS HAYS SUCCUMBS MO DREAD TUBERCULOSIS ' Floryanna" Hays died yesterday 'after a long fight against tuberculosis. Miss Hays wss formerly secretary at the Ba ker theatre, but had to retire several months ago because of her poor health. She went to Arlsone. where for a time she Improved, but the dtssase had taken No. 315 "-, . -y, '- ... .... ,;,'2-v:"-"''X;.- Rpbhi:;nTablesiS';"i?S' ;;;:. " ? LENGTH 8-FOOT ? -V v v:'-:-Vi',':. 'perfect workinir extension tables. - . . I -. ' perfect working extension tfbles. - 1 . iTj: - '. - ' '. . . . PORTLAIID,- OREGON A latest idea In puotogrx;hy the makes perfect picture. : ' - 1" ! -' '-' --' ' added to our photo depart-. tne. oesaiiciuiuu uium wpciu ond.of pictures? ' Then don't fail to come andi look' over our latest arrivals., The very latest in the f ramer's art? .many familiar old' sub- jects, some of Gibson's newest ones those funny little - ' . "SUNBONNETGlRLSr and well, the list is a long one. better Just drop in and look! them over.: One thing about this store is that you are never Urged to buy we never insist ton yOiiraklnanythirig"l)ur the courtesy,' of ourxemployea, ?THA VS GRATIS a too firm hold on her. and ehe began to falL Seeing that -aba could not recover, sne returned to roruana, wnere nsr me her former home was In Eugen. where aha wad aducatedghgjrM vt&ZZi bright and cheerful disposition, and her friends were legion. . Arrangements tag the funeral have not "been oomplsted, '.'''-'y Ho, ; for Astoria.' 0::'-;' ; Swift steamer Telegraph leaves Aide, etreet dock T:I0 a. nv dally except Fat. day.. Returning leave Astoria 1 p. m., ' arriving Portland t:t0 p. an. Sunday ' leave Portland a. ut,, Aatorla p. m." Arriving Portland p. m. SPECIAL,! ":--:.;v y .Wedricsdajf .''-....'.-..;. v . Round Top , ,: .'. -. ..- s.-'i .. ... . ,4 i f'.. ....... 'A