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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 3, 1905)
hoco tKz r.:;,r.xiT 13 cr? fairly cocd trad:::q is 8how7 in chicago. ti:z 1:2? L.:Xt c:j .s ccurrr f urx- cncra: 'maics. a fractic::al adv;.:;c cuair.a day. It lL2 r- FOB lICES-LSEf:.!;! ; HOP t.lARUE Crower ' Who ; Rfu$ed to Sell V Their. Product at Thirty- ; 4 ; ' " THOUSANP. .BALES-HOPS r ; : poultry Market Shows a Tremendous v . Slump on Account of sj Avalanche ' of Arrivala Egg Are Firmer With V'- Small Receipts. , - - V 7v";- -; '- : '; ' - J.' ' ;". ' ' Front Street, Sept, B. S .- m.Tbe principal feature et Ui Portland wholesale markets th i- Bt week werei . , ' nop marset, rs Brassing. ' t-'i Hon min In break '..., Wheat trading ebewa larger Tolume, ium nru mod burera of flour. i. ' v4nigar -market drop 6a huudred. :- i' iHwcml meat held Tory firm. vy . Paarh market oa emaU rrlel, ' , : , N rHtuitrr market break aaddealr. ; , ' lrm and prlcea adTaeoe. ',j - ' r'" KttUer-mkrket la look In klber. ... riaaaaaa come la rerr poor atiape, v' , ' Toawioei (lut aaiTpiieea dmO. - V T" , T i,1)-' 'Apple market le better aupnlM. ' Mi irara to Sew York from Portland. , ' I'etatoea weaker, reoelpte aTlac. ;J i Mntoa- iMrket dulL a trifle off. , ' i' . Only, tlmotojr bay le m' demand. ' t ; "i---. - ! "'.,. sV'V'Kei Market b raaAta." ' f ' It la paw apparaat te all tbat tbe tea mar--"ttlt . WckMne .baa been erefcen. - Wltk practl MOr.U.OOO bale of tbe eld erep remalams .oaeiiM-ta-flwt kaade, wbUa tba ew area la t-aae far tbe bale, brewera are ot aftowtld . mock, laelhaw ton te turce toelr erdera ea the -market, jfevet baa aepollea of aaaold hope , beaa e bean. tba and: el tba aeaaaa aa tbey are today. Moat of tbeaa aopa aa beU m ' kOrrfoa, T(a)weni Ja many laataaoea reftwlac te '.aeil wkao tbe market, atroek 83e earlier la tbe ' eeaaoa. Now tber era offered JOWHOr Ibe . aame ooda and quite -a nuoraer of eale ere now v reiiedfad at tM .two latter flan ree. .. Tba Mi bluck'Of booa w tba kaada of tbe Krebe Brua. W atlll huaot. ae far aa tba aeaerai trale kaewa,: bak ramera bavo beea walta freely elr ulate4ibepajiL;ifc.raj f forta were . bow khi- made e e at trout abder before he ' aiperted eraah eotnea. bareral of tbe leadluf . bulla of tne ISO croB-are- aow reported wtlllof to aell.tuelr kope tbe tnoineat a fararabla of Aw ' ia (Iren. bat dealera and brewera eeem la a bony to take tbaia area t areTllln ralooa. : Harry L. Hart reaterdajr purrbaaed 100 baleo t bona the will' raaae prime to cbolea from . Itoeoer UouWit of .Bmuka at laVie a poand, and aeTeral otber. lota of. taoea are reported anld areaBd.' tbe oaaa' nanrw. laatead lof (ettht( ": etroacer, a1 tba ball leaden bare oaea aaybu the alluatlof would, tba bop market aerer looked , a bad aa at preoeit. - Not eonteBt with tba danuM tbey bare doae to tbe bopaToarera darleg ' . tba aaat aaaaoa. tba bull teadpra are airam try Inc to booat tba price, tbto time It betn tin ,- luoa crop. Yeaterdajr It waa reported to a boll erren'Mbat a aala of Mv balee of eboire hope of the; new crop bad beea aold betweea demlera, " .Baataa uakoowa. t Ids, fBee aiviaa tbe market ' : retrahir openln price. Tbe Journal baa btn - anahle to verify thai aala. aad tba- trade etoeww ' "l'a mrel a raeb"' owe. aa faot. ae aala .; at all. Tbe aorpnea of TlrcelaMn tbe repurt , waa to lnniaraca-tba oTwere--Bot e aeU their , abwbf erop.' d Calrfornla tbe boa. barreet to iow WeU . adder operation aad ' a , aumbe . - aernal aatom bra reported there at tower prtcey. 'allfomtaae did not bold met eeaaoa and- art j .lairtm-crawera for. tba .meal part aod tbelr v boldln-e early met year wbea prteea were blub, ' ' and a lanre number of. eedtraeta for tba- com tut crop bare beea made there ' av Tory - low i'' Idurea; V "' k '"'"- - ' ' " '" f .'.. Xer Crop WfU 'Be Beary. ..- . '.'' Tbe eoerrn hop orop la tba atate at Orecoa ' arlll be- a.reahrd-braaker If rba .areerat Indlca .,Ua Miat for anyUilnf. . lb to tree that tbe erop aatfered to a rent extent aa aecoaat of . tne 'rraee f Itba lice-, -and later from- tba Of facte of tbe lark of aMWraro, bat the beaey ' increase ta arreaee" to eipeeted to place - tba nradurttoa erer tbat of . the', prertooa eeeeon. .Tba Jnvroal's revlaed - eat Una te of tba crop airea tbe prodnetkm: of tba aomlac aaaaoa te thla atate at bJ.775 balee. aa asalnet a nop - af ehoet 0. 100 ha tee a yeat ao. By eonatto 'the ptadaelma-aBantTlbated aa foWewok Balee-- ' ,' . -. ioo- Hentoa -t.i v riackamaa ...................... .o Teoa ;....Tr.i........ " l0 - Columbia.. ................... .I1 . Dattdea 1 Joarpbtne t.r0 lne ....... ....-. J-WO ' f tnAI .--a.aaeataa ava a a a a. a a " BW 1004 .nsa . iw ( lim . 1T6 ', blfl . a.oiio r.I Marlea .vk... ......t........eO," a.000 MBltnomab ............ STll -." Pnrk ... ...ISO. lt.000 , Waahlnfftoa ,.......'......,......" 0 XaniblU ,U.,..........V...IW total '..;C......VV.vr.''..ta.nB' PO.100 -jT - ai,,,, ta reultry -If BemarkaMe. V ' The alamp to the poaltry market tba laat week ' area remarkable. Tbe market opened up 'rather ahaky with the aadertoae weak. To all eaj tba aatalda the toae looked atnac eaeach. bat the deelre of tbe ratal lore for eteck waa not aa Sroaoaneed aa tlm former -week. Berelpta at a liter date bna to pfla p faater thaa erer area alea Front etreet "mce the daya wbea ' tba flrat eommbnitoa biaan neoned for trade,. aln a alalia day tbe ,-market, which bwked ' atrona aad keeltby, ,becan to crumble away ' and Uka an aTataacbewtM' racelpta becaa to ' anew bp, Prlcea were cut like enow before a July aaa ant 11 eabwa were practically an loerar ' thaa tbe preetoaa weak. Tbe aitreaaa weakneae waa abowB la tbe demand for aprtnra. Of tote tbe racelpta la tbeaa bare beea larper than la c tba real of tba market aad. of eeuree, wbea tbe market tell from ander the praateet atnmp ' waa abowa ta as hi btanca. Old bona were eowo-whal- wenker aften tlta aeatoarba arrack ; tba market, bat for the moot part they held tbelr " owa fab-ly well. yThe- market rmaed rather v weak with eenelderahle amoant ef atocb arid erer for what at parrbaaera. . ' , " - Mrt BUrkef Kalda Tory tttft. - -Tba aetlna of tba erf market may poaalbry glee a reason tor -tba great aTamnche of ehwkene . whh'b arrived la thla market durm tbe peat " Week.ArrlTa1a of eyre were eery B7nalt.;lDe rreeb itocfca kem la aomlaal mipply moat at the week." Saltern aad local eold atarage eyre were I takea eat of tbelr hiding pmcee to fill the , heerler demaad and tbeaa kept the market tram ' makbuf .a treiuaadoaa .adranee. Tba onlkmb-4r ' tba coming week to faeeeebkt for the prtre - Craamary Butter iMekiaa Higher. Condltloae la the ereaaier bnllsr markeTire T-.Kif rne n antance. ear mo Man Rerelpte ef local fancy Block the peat week I aaa a reaatt. Tbe trade baa m-1 - T" nerU to tba eaalfra aterka and aunpllee ek. meal produrt are too amall rn an it tbe trade. Onontry store hotter to i alao ftraf with receipts ae aear ee beery aa ' the preceding week and prtree are firmly held. v Tbe cheves market to fully lo. higher at k v r ftio nrearat areeb thaa It waa a : . age. i emppnee are mora emniirr ami ii .mil.- There to ae seat em stork' mt : kLCHANGE$Ta: 1 ' 5 CLOSE ON MONDAY f- dv atb, nV'mm A mV'am m. a 4 A maP A m 4bV aft aft . Z T'.T -,. '-r: "-"-r - .; 2 " ' Mondd ! Ibor f nt It d -dvwiubei aenarallr" eelbtte In th f atorn eltle trWIid nnn--d Z,"clr" xchanifr'er- irr tiw- country dh will t rleJ on ttikt flay'.a m , d) ' Z: rteoin ' T ..New , jJMtq.. ' anrl trofTea exchahgdg wfr clo4 lArrattr. ' ..J '' oov c ; o ' JOURNALS DAILY: ' -r--TIRST0-SHIPPERS . .' 1 " - - - ... T Comrolsklon tioaae will i rt- e 4 - olv . good Monday morning. - d) ay- no preaent ouuuvi T w d : poultry tr lead. ' kny rooaeauenre'oa tt martet Hi tb trade oauaot bn annnlled. ' . - - 7 ' Peaok Market Sag amall BappUea. ' . . "'Of good pear bra tbe market bad email Bap pUea most .of tba week, atneke were .far too beary earlier la the weea and prlcea took eery euddea drop. ' Tbea, oq the adrtea of Tbe Jguraal. ablpmeata eeaeed oatll tba , market bad recoTered and the raetilt Waa that . tba market waa eery goad tbe remainder of the alt daya. There were eery liberal auppllea nt-amaU nines, bat these are not wanted by the trade aad prlcea for thla elaas at atoek. rutod aa- tow aav BOe.-- ' -- -' -'V -. Baaaaaa Onma ' ta Tory Bad Baapa.. Basauaa came to eery bad ehepe tbm- week aa-acamiBt ef -the nutnerona dalaye ea tba road. - aeTeral card ot Bertlett peers ware aktpped ta New York by a Front street firm today, dup pllea are ksarler aad tba market to bot aa firm. ,L c . ' " Tba apple mafket ii i Wwertai mrtter 'adppllei and the atarket to not quite no firm aa tb preceding .wank. 'i" V ' " . . IL "' JII ' Toaiaioea - glutted - tba naamst oaring tn peat weak and the paaalt waa that prlcea went down aa tow aa athv with tba top ef tba market at'fiOe. .'- '-" ' ''s- ; ; . '.- Fetateea Weaheri Onion lower. . Offeringe ef poUtoea were rery beary tba pant Week, aad aa tber waa aa entire abeam of any eutaido demand, the market ruled rery dull and lower - prlcea were accepted by 1J trade In order to keep tb marker morttgr- Bra local trader were not ta any hurry td -pur-chase around peers fling eeotallraja.,. , . i - aUhough the.arrlraui ofwtooa Trom tocaj points are atlU rery amall. tb onion market to weaker on -account of . tba larger rreelpt fraa. Walla Walla. . '- j ) ii , Sraaaad meat SleU Tarjr Flrat. . The enttr. dressed meat market along Front street waa hi a strong position during the week. . There waa especUt atreagtb ta bog aa account of the smaller , arrival, put .real waa at rang area Wit tba; alight in area la raedpt. . '. - ' - Larger Trade ta Wheat BTarkati. v.. ' A mrg volume of trad waa shown in tb local wheel markets dor trig tb week, i Frjr took another din and were weak aa eecounrof Urorpeoi and the' downward teodency ot tba eutrra arte. Many grewara who refused to aeU eafl4pt when- aloeewere higher are now nuwhig a dlaponltloa aaload auam of, tbalr crop around pteaat valoe. . " , iTUo Japn iWr gonrt ntiTrra ot flour, dur ing tb- wssk, tb number of order accepted being somswhat greater, thaa during. tb pre ceding period. ' Titer waa nothing doing durtaig tba bU day ta tb way of a Chinese Inquiry, but indlcatme an snore hopeful aow that tba Chinee gorernmmt has tabta afficial atone bl atop the boycott. - '"' Tbe following prlcea' are those paid along the street by retail merchants for first-claw quality la round krtsi ,. . " - trmta. Flea aad Teed. , ' ., f" WTIgATOo tracts. 10B-K,1r cmh, 8c; Bed Buselan, 4o; blneetsm. Tie; valley. Tic. BaKUCY Feed. 21.noa23.0O roiled; 2XM 02& 00: brewing, t2XoO2a.Ou. . . . CORN Whole, Wl-Oo; crack sd. tS.M par tarn HYK II. M per rwt. OATS No. 1 white. $38.00; gray, f 38.00. FLOUR Eastera Oregoa nateotn. . M W .(Bi stralgbla, . S To: . eiporta. l3.VftlMi rye, SO. tS.OOt bale, ft To. MIUjSTU FFBrant M0. 00 par toat told. allngs, (tS-OO; aborta, avaaUr, 122.00! city, Ul bo: rhon, Iiaoo, - . .-. H-A t Prodocere price Tlwsllir. Willamette ralley, fancy. V11.004I1S.OO! ordinary,- tfl.ooe 10.00; eestera Oregnn. IM.OOQia.Oft; mixeC M.SOffP.OOi curer. H. 00 10.00; grata, t&.6VQ $.00; chest. I8.00tls.e0. ; , . ' Butter, Xgg and Beahry. 1 " -. "" "-e e . ss.. tflt i BUTTER City creamery, best,. ucj second arada, 37 l oatald fancy. !t; ordinary, foe: ator. .10iVe California faacy. W1 "VonANe. i freak Oregon, CBoxUod. MQMUei astern. aatJ22H. x . " CHSK8K New Full cream, twin. . 13Qleci toung America. I4l6ei Cheddar. 14c. ' rXCI.TM Y Chickens, mUed. UHtalSo per lb; ben. 13tle per lb; roosters, 0d. , J, per.ibl frrera. UlieiSc per lb; broiler. LZHti 13c per lb: docks. l3fHH per lb; geesa, aerlAe per lb; turkeys. lNi2- per lb; dreesed. 32030 per lb; atniaba, 2.,V)t.t.OO per du, Heaa, Waot aad Jlldea. . HOBS Contract. 1B08 Orsinili, 14tl5ei Washtngtoa. Hileev.lOd crou. 1ItjiT; tor cbolea; lal"e for arlsae aad Bsadiama. WOOL 1BU6 clip, ralley. eesxss to mediae WSc?" tBa' ! etm ttregea, BHCBl8KI!-bearlna. 1M3 abort wneL euajjoc, meoium weot auaycpei ami auruil.oo eaca. - ... -v ialo-w w i-rima. pa, m; Q3c; na. a grease.' tO!V4 cnmM BA ee I If. . at RK akSVPr lb.1-? -!.) bldea. Na. I. 1 am end ah. UIOKg tkry bldee, il wer Ibi dry lilH per lb) dry kin, ,. I. eta Id Iba. He: dry calf. N'e. L. i noer a Rnh-.iaayis; ry salted bldea, ateera, aoand. 80 Iba n. Mar m; SO to 0 ibe, StgSH rowa, t)8 .taa .aBd balls, mrnnd. aidTet kip. 1 to &t lhe.act eourra. ) es U Dja, t Het eaJf.-aoad..Bndsr 10 Iba BHOIIe; reea taueaireo), ja per Ib.leeei aiM, 1 per m less; keraeblde. aalteaV each. ifUROLTB: dry. each. l.OOOl-: eolt blew, each, tSOMici goat afclaa, aammaa. - each. JW.leet avngora. althr wool en. each, 3ctl. - Fratt -aad -Tegotabtoa, " POTATOES Beet Oreaea. TM80e: ear loot, Or aark; ordinary. dOftnor; tweet, tt. ONION'H Kew Oregnu yellow bnneet, fl.OO; eer hu, POcj Walla Walla. V garUe. J10e VFKt:"n FRrfTS Apple. Orerna. 90cfl B5: fancy, tlJO; crahapplea. gOrttl-00; orangee, lata Valencia. 2.T&i 40; banana,- ! lb; kemv choice, a.8U per nog; fancy, 4.I3 per bos; - Umee, Mexican. - $1-33 ps Ion; pineapples, gt.00 per doa: peaches, fancy, TBQSOci ordinary.- 0tjT9c; plums. T 5c till. 00 per crates cantakwpee, tl.OOtjtja per rete; iter melons, Tacetl.oo per ewti grapav Oregon. Tn: ralieornla, I1.1511. 40 box; pear. Oregon. 8oct1.36 per box; blackberries, gl.S6tl.SO: easabes, l.D033.3a per deal fresh prunes, 30 ejT.te per erate. feoSTABI.KH Tarnlpa, aow, SVM per aek) esTTofs, aj.oofl.ta per eacki Vet. l.j l par nch; Oregna radian. 20 per deal cabears, y Oregon, II. 0001.23 per ewt; greea peppers, gsa per boau. toral to ma roe. 'l 0e: nsrenlps, tl.00j(l 23trlug beaea, Vt12c; rnnuiwwer. io per aoa; rnabera, XNe per. iol bnreeradlab. 13 lb: artlrbokeo. 40M)e per doai ketheane tottoeo, bOT8c head tottaee. Ike pel oa: a-reea ealone. loeMtWff net Ami arjlneeh. to par lb; greep enra, TV-r H.O per sack! pees, se pet lb; encumber.- bote 7 tie per sack ; relery. voioreoa, T3c; meal. 73gf par ' aoa tggplaat.' 33-00 per ersts: ou si skins, like. DRIED mi; ITS Asole. ets ears lea. ttn as lb: aartenta. PMrrlSe per lh sack, te eer lb less: Beach, 8rt 12 per lbr aear. MB.lbt arenas. Itsllsn. Stt4, aer 11 rrenrb. 8Ua4Hc per- lb; figs. California black, t?e per Ibi OaUforala white. ae ftt elneia. pttted. aer lb: dnraa. aaMea. 8 eee tat tarda. tl.M nee- 18-? boa. - - ftSa)VfaIw VVaBB lfrB ' ,tfl - - - a---w- m ffl. abaar slasaTat at ft raffl anyeeBjaaarBj BB-srW1 By"" Tt rwa" BBTB . g V ssje.arTysari t.V.V trait grannlaied. 4.V45; dry greaalatrd. gaa. A. MMi beel aiannlalid. 8S.BIH extra 0. t-tlrj; gcl.tee, '$4 H.V; D yellow, Pt-TSTMInV rH bnm, ncTnoie Wt adrvKW ea sack beela. lesa 30 per ewt fa ess. 14 ears: manes,. 14a-loe- eer ton L- -j , . . UONKY-48 rer erata. '' - , 4 COrrKB Package braadB. 915.TB. " . SALT rtno Male. Se, as. .. Aa. 10a. ILdOt table, dairy, ana. 3IL.0O: loua, Ha.lS: nw perid l lrerpeet. arm. - 81T 0t . ino. la..; iHm, 310 0: . extra fine, , bels. Se ha. Me. tt.50e .V); balk.: 120 Iba.' adOfthjudi enrka. Ok nndiaoa." - r- . . SALT Ceerre Half rroawd. per tea. t OO: 30a, n km, $1 hoi l,leren taea reeb. MS r tnnt M-lb rsch. 3T. Obvious. aa.TS. lAbor prlcea apply re eato et lea tba) rar kote Car tota at aotol prteea auhtoat to flnetnatkmsi. . - - OBAIM BAA Catoa'tta, TH. " "- i n iv n amnsnai -. k i. act .' a. IVe: New tktoeaa bead. ) A lax. 4t Ora- m. .- V ' - - 8BA maft Whttd. 34H tor wMM, tue: nlnk. IkllUti bare. 4lai Uau, ti;i Kstirsn rede. . . KCTe feanita. 7Uet tambae, hide pee Ih: rew. aatiOr ner lbr nartKi. eoroaBnr. 0-. outaioa ablpmenta Kep egga ay from advancing. " .,; Prune aj dellln at low .al- d-. uea. ' dw Careful khlpplng ot tnjat paya. d '-d d d d d dd. asmaoe nec : -wIatm. 14481ns aer lbt pin anrs. I04II3U aer lb: blcke.-r ant. I Or per lb; efceetneta, eaetei. IKtllele f- hr Beastl nntn. lae per lb: fllberta. 14tt1Ae par lb; fancy Borana, 144 IV: alawnd.' Mtll aer lb, V . Faint. Ceal 01U. ltd.' r 'yee klaetm. 14e: (taadard. 1JHI f ' d l. t . . . j - v. I or Antral, t-asssl t7e.f aet DffS FULL ' HOT Chicago Wheat' Market Makes ; Good , Advance Early but J Tails to Hold Same. f? PROFITVTAICING CAUSES t : . SOME OF THE DECLINE All Options Cloa With Ma ot ' Three "ElShtha . Point-Broomhall Eatimatia Shipmeota at Consider. , -abjr Xecas Than Week Ago, r V ' SATURDAY'S WHAT MARKET. - :'....,:' 'Cloaa . ' Cloea Oata .. ' Clo. -.. . - bat. ' ' Frl. , vital. Tr eptemher .-... ,T4, ,7914 .004 1" peeemba....,81UJjT . '-OOaJ - May,.,. jui -. r4W JWIiMafi ' Cillcaso." Ben' a m,i eV Brvan aart 1 wht Broorohalla tlmt . tb world'a htp aienu at LAO0.0U0 bunbel tosa thaa a week agoi Price md aoma further headway ta th day' market, but tba full gate for tb day could net be retained, la tbe laat IB minutes of tba trading profit-taking, supple men ted by a little ggrseelr beef praaeura, seat tba market about half Its advanesu basvtnr thn KalB fee the day abobt - higher tbea yesterday. Tber aeeme to bare been peratetent buybig the hist iws er tores onya ny a prominem iocsi mine bat. hosrsees. lha eellen-eg the aaarket. doe HOI aeem tn respond aa formerly to baylug of" tbat character. Trade apparently la ta a nmewhat mixed Bastttsn aa to nrlce morement. Heeltatloa is showa ta eelllne wheat eirent aa the bulges. out .on the other Band ah mw peiai noes an sesm ts ran any great ameant ot encoanua Mttt among the' rank aad file of tb trad. Tber bare beea eren fog-up nf eua U' net peml Ing th holiday, and aabl from t We. and bayuig by tbe ahnre mentioned pmmtoent local later, eel, development ef tb day bad aa special signifies nee. '' ' The 00m' trad raattaaaa alow and Olsart polnttag. Casta buata ama .ta bare petered .out. -. . '.- - . Tbe net trade ermtlnneai to bb made BP al most wholly nf local -pit eotxMlnae. -Boms boar preasare deremped ta the May future, bat aato iram this trad waa wiiaeot mgniiicancv. ' In workman It to purely peckers' market. TV ArnHnM alfr ni m CntSM. .. . fftclal. q notation by ; Orerteck.- Star CjBokt ClBMy; , v - t , . 19 II E AX. s.- - Kept... M: t, .80 I .TU 9. -T8 liec.t .. . -May.,., CORrf. : I Old Bepf. .53 ' .MM J4 Old Ito,' , .4HZ . ,4B1. V .4IHi- May...r .4-'-jtSH -.. '.." ..... . , . OATH.- Bept " .3R4 . y?. Dee..... . iSflH,'. May M J 2 : 14 BHB MEBS PORK. 18.48 y 18.48 ',. t J3.25 18.18 ' 4 , 12.60 13.W -. it- LARO.-' -.- - '.. T.wTs- ., T.0 r a.os ' ; T.P3 T d.M v SHORT TUBS. -A 9.t':t.Tnit a bo "'s'.r.8.o ' , 8.60 - '" .30 Bept... Oct.,. Jan, ., V. " . " r. !. , .4.J33S . 13.50. T.PT 1S.4BH 13.32A U.80.H r t.po- . 8.92 ' a.T t'B.t BJA- ;,B0-' Bept.-... Oct JaB!.. 3.08 Kept B.8T' Oct.... ; BBO Jen-.... '. ao -ix- 1 Chicago,' Bept PrlmarV receipt:'"1'"" ' 1 vi . , ...,'- '-" - - Today. v Year Ago. - i .- . r'-v -i . 4 Bushel. ' J . Bushels. Wheat .... .1.OIB.0O0 TT 1,000 Corn BoO,OU0 834. 000 Wheat BM.OOO .. BJIOOO Corn 8.VI.0.IU 407.000 Clearancea: . PiTisat. 28.000 beshels; corn, TT.otio buakel; aour. 13.000 barrels; eats, 33,00 auabeto, . J ...,.... 1 ..... . ' ' " chicaoo cajtbi wzxat. ;.-' Cbtoagn.' Sept. 3-Caab whaati . , ,-.' . . Bid.- , Ask; Ma. red...:......... .814 .83 Me. 8 red. ,TH ; 14 No, 3't .80 Jft No. 8 herd. .. .TBVk M ; No. 1 aortbera. ...... .. ..8. ....i Ne. 3 northern .80 . Mi bo. 3 spring.. ........ .80 , .83 t .'.it 3AJf rBAJICaCO 0B-AX BLAJUEXT. ;' ' Baa maetoeot Sept. S. Official clo! J . .. . WHJSAT. P .'. . Opea. Rtgb. Low. Cine., 31JIV41J0 3..30 RABXKY. December..... J . M ;M- .J V lJTXioot; obajb bubjcxt. r" ' Ltrerpool. ' Sept.' B CVwe! ' Wheat Septem ber, no Hd. Hd higher; lermbr. Titi bt higher. Cora Beptember, 4a lOHd, anchanged; Decs as bar, 4 9&. an changed: January, enchangsd,. v ;' T03T0FAH atTBTBS BT0CX8. -, Ba rranrlec. Sept. 3. Tonopeb arocka,' of- Bid." Mnntaaa .3 WHinixl 3.18 Mldwar ....... 1.88 Kendall ........ .13 McNanmr ... 30A Belmont 183 Koeth Star .... fl Beeco .OH Gold Monnula 13 Jim Butler. .83 Colombia Mt IT Jnmbe .IT , Ullrer Pick ..... .08 Jumbo Kitea.... - .18 Black Butre .... .33 llleldea Anchor .. .T -,' Red Top .88 Bar O'Brien ... .08 t run. Neeada .SO .31 ' 0P .OB , .ta Ton. Extea..... 8JH .i.l'iai. imn .,...4 O. Bull ro. Ooldnetd .02 Bauibtterm ... ... .66 Bandemrm tx.. .od Adame ..A... .Od DUaaoodBeld ... Lone tar Homeatako ...... Cash Boy ...... Mohawk 1 .iS -hUps . tirerpwl Oettea Higher,' . IJrerpnnt, Sept. 2 Tot to rutarea cloned 3 points higher thaa Friday gall water white, kaa bbhv 18 par gal: wooden. 18 nor gall headlight, ITfedmu aa. HW ner ral. OABOUWB. Bwasg. am S3a ear aalt bbto. 3n per gnli store, cease, 34 e as asl; Iron rle. g pr 1. BKN3ISB M er. eaeea. 2B par gall lrea ktlla. isue eee gsl. TrftPENTlNK la eeee. Pis pa gait bbhi. KBc per gal; troa bbla, Bn par gal. , wntTR LKAtv-Toa lots. TM per lb; 800-lb lots. 80 per it,- )ss lots. Bit per tb. WIRB WAILB - Preeeat base at 83. TO. 14N8KD OIL Pure raw. ta bbm. Te per gait esssa, TSe per gall gennlne kettM bolls. reeea. TO per gal: bbtoc dae per anl: nroaa-l rake, rer lots, f 30j08r tea; la the ear ta. 130.88 ner tse. . ... ataata. Ftoh asm Fritulia. ' ' " PBEBTT" MBAT rwmr- 1 f ee iKe4f ' tteees. 1414c per Bi: pork, block. THQSe per Tb pacto srl. TV.4TSC f rut bng,-4ia per Th' owv with pelt. QSe lb: eeal.itr. THai ordinary. dHttTe per lbt poor. Be pa.- tb. HAMB. BACOft. BTO Portland Bee ttocslt llama. 10 to 14 Iba. US ner tb: 14 to la Iha, I3c per lb: IS to 30 lhe, IX. per lb: cottage, no per lb; break faat baeoa. 184) IB H pa ibi picnic, ta ner Ibi regular short, esters, an smoked, lie per lb; smoked. I3e per lb; clear backs, anamokrd. 10 th; aaaeked, 11 par lbt La lea better Id telS lha. anessoked. Be lb; gnwked Be per Ibi eleap bellies. Bar wd. 11 r lbt maogaa ixe ae ia; aaial- LOCAL i!a BrWKettle leaf. to. U per Br 8a. llTae per lb; n-tb tlna, Ufce per B tean rasdsred. 10. 104 pee lb; ea, I0t ftr lkv . rABrtwO BAtJin Cnhrmbhi rSwj, t-B tnlm. It BO; Bib tall. 2.T; fancy. 1-lh fiaka. 1 io; W -lb fancy flats, 1.18; fancy 1-lh aeato. iti Aleak talto. Pink. annOOei red. aiJMH REM ED ta. iil. M 08. flsH Hoc od. T per r? ftowndera. a per hV kallhut. 4He par lb) grata. 81.30 par dee; rrtod.haK- Itifce per ibi esttok, e per lh; esimem, rblnook, T per B: blue barks. Be per lb: herring, fc per lb I eoh. dc per B; akrlmn, JOc per' lb; perch. Be per Rx Mark end, .Te pee lb: ellrer sreelt. Te per lb; mbetrre. IBcilVab mm-ksrst. Be per lb; era wash, gse ''ovhtbbb rtboalwatdy tmy. kwr gal. txaai per tack. till. CIA Herd sbeO. : par a. SXOBt raaa (ke ixM eer bea. . . . - v. - -;' PAIGES RULED UP 8QUI COUIIT Fact That Monday Is Labor Day ' and a Holiday Causes Bet - " ;. ter Stock Buying. . SHORTS COVER SALES ON k K;KRTfIN CONDITI0N3' Foreign Markets Irregular and Heavy With Paris and London Strong In tatter ; Market Much Is Made of 'Large Holdlnga of Gold. . ADTANCBS. Amalgamated .... Missouri Kstr PacBe AtcbMww .......... Ateblsoa, pfd ..... H Car Foundry -.-." Car rouudr y, pf 4 . Bmelter .......... hi Baltimore ........ k Katy, pfd., Norrk Amsi Pennsylvania People'a fia .; Readln . . . dlmnklya , .. ...... Heeding, -za Dia .. Canadian ......... X Houihera By ...... Altoa H Boothern ractna I'Bloa . Partao .... ) Hteel .v.. e HteeL pfd Ont. d Went ..... PaciBc Mall Pressed Bteel Car.. Rep. Bteel ., Rock Island ...... , Rock Island, pfd ..1 St. U J B. 'Wrr. Ht. LAI. W.. P. ureal wester .... 8L Paul .......... 0. at N. W Norfolk .......... - H Cbeaapnake ....... k Vol ek Hudeoa ... Dearer, pfd Erie 1 Brie. 3d afd . 1 Brie, lat pfd ..... tiiinam t sacral ... kilWIsconalB Central 11. Metropolltaa ...... Ul Wabash mananiia ....... x Mcxioaa Central .. U Wabash. Vm ..... . . . v vrx L,inrici. Anareada ........ dHIHuga Bmelter, pfd V. I Colo. South ... . N. X. Ceatral,..! V, Tenneeaa Coal Kortbera PaciBc. v ml Rubber (SpeelaJ Dta patch by LeaaedWIr to Tb Journal) Well Street, Mew Tork, Sept. 3. Forelga aurketa war trregular.aad beary. aad Pari aad fcacMfcm atrong. la Parte mncb waa mda ot . tb farorahle effect et tb large hhtmg ot gold. ' - Kantian band adraaeed te that crater bat war tedy la London where Jspe nese bond mad good ralllee. T la the market arbitrage house did a rery- attraeUr boat, aeea tor a kalf-dty aeaalna aad with total purchaaea estimated alwut 3o,WO and gaalgr ly or Uatoa Pdtl. - ... - r . j-V Fries Baled rraetUmally Tp. '. ,,- Daring th . greater part of today' abort bastneea scaalon anotatUwa .ruled fractionally higher thla yeaterday'8 flgoree bat price more. menu throughout tb Biornlng were irregular od - generally limited,- (The market opened materially higher la gymfeathy with tba adV ranee eoowm in mrncna nuenn in uses. Inasmuch tb bulk of tb operations tor professional accoant during tba week bar beea apoa tb short aid ot tba market. It was natural tbat than should be corerlng ot abort contract today, especially ta -rlew of tbe fast that business will be suspended here ea' Moo day oa which day tb forelga aurketa will aU be open. Aside from the weekly report ot th mercantile arenclee which continued to let forth the areraleaea at rery aotlre trad conditions .ta all brancbr f tba country In dustries, tber were Be new derelopaaeaU with th essr e buetaea. lntereat aad discus loo cooeorged almost wholly apoa th bank atatement prerioae to the pnbllcetloa e the ftgnrea ef. wbleb- U; waa cemmenly expected that aa exceedingly week ahowlng would be made. . Thar waa a new aad littta gomip relating Br- store awn la In en stock other. . - - Freeear ta Copper aad Bmelter, ta the 'early part of the baetnee Aroalg.mxtrd CXiinttf 1 tag reflected partlcuhir praasure bot both stock mibasaoeatly rallied sharply. Tennessee Coal Iroa waa compare tl rely beary wbll th 'Coltad flXataa-Hteel . shares ware firm throughout the day. Tb local traction shares war steady oa rather (mail transact lone. Th chief featurea ot tb railroad itot war Brta; Beading,- Roci Island. Uatoa Pacific and Bbathera Pacific, LouiaTlll A MaabrUl aad Canadian Pacific. . , Tba number of ban at stock aold today waa 334,000. Tbe total par value at bond aold was 1,345.000. r . ,. There was little offering la ' koada today. The market waa quiet aad tba aaly trading worthy ot Beattoa - waa la Japaneee Issues, American Tobacco 4 aad Barllagtoa joint da. . . Leadea Bengkt Vataa Faeifl. Tber wer rery fear fearoree of taterest. Union Pacific was bought by Laadoa and by local cnmmlsstoa bouses. Canadian Pacific waa strong oa pool parcbaaaa nad Inside an p. port waa aotod la Amerlcsn aaaelter. Tb. trading, bowerer, ea the whole, was ef aa aauetlal significance, arttha Bide being ag grsaalr. It wa as Id tbat Gate d Co. were opea seltor daring tb morning bat tba amount at stock put oat was aot rery -mrg. Bull oa Vol ted Btatea Steel com mod polst ia th wtdo difference la tbe ' price of tbe two stock Issues. They claim that thla will be partly corrected ta tbe aot dtetaat future. , , Official anotatloaa: . . . ; f 5 DESCRIPTION. L t Anacnada Mlnlng'On.... 10. Amalgamated Copper O. 83 BO I. 25 'aiin' B3H a tc' 80 104H loot. awrnuKm, rem. da Breferred Am. Car 4t beaad., om.i 3d do preferred. ...... ,.. am. nugar. com....... 138 14 13014 13B. Am. Binelt, com......!. 124 drr preferred......... Baltimore A Oh lb. goat. Brook Ira Bantd Transit. IX.I 1X1 tax 1 113 V 8N 1 BTH 8 IX 814 112tA rlK'4 111 np 1W Canadian Pacific, com. . Chi. Alton, com...... do preferred.....).., Chi. Or. W.. com. CM. Mil. Bt. Paul.. CbL a N. W.. cera... , C beea peek A Ohio...., Colo.-Fuel 4 Iroa. com. Goto. Bonthera.. com... MO. 1B1 .311 3114 31 11a I7NH 1TB . 3I 31H31S 318 B4S 4S? 37 V, 4t 43U 84 a a ao 4 17 43 0 37 V 43 Vs do- M preferred...... da let pref erred.,.,. ou aw . n.j. Deleware A 11 taisfwr. . . , 313 Dearer a B. O. 85 8N 80 17V U.Mi 13X do Breferred Erie. com..... . BO M 7 ao aa prererrea. . . . do leee preferred . . T B.-1 ln 138 B2'4 17.1 B3 Illleoto Ostral Loulsrllto B Nsshrllle.. 173 1 14Ttt 138 Metropolltaa Bt. Rx... Manhattan Railway.... Men. Central Railway.. Mknwmrt Pacific M.. At. T eum..... .'. do oref erred .....i... 2 104 H '' 108 414 184 3.1 H 104HM vtl 4 T0'4 Tl TO 54 Tim la Sew tork Omrrat . 148ll4Nt Nnrtbera Pacific. . ou Norfolk West 84 M 'artkABrtricag , . 7 Y.. Ont. et Weal HMW-ff.-rJa' r eemajr reanja- hallway 14214SC M lift U43 People'a O.. L. A C. Co Pi mi 4 Bteel Car, ma. An eers.ese1 1IO 14 10R A1S Bo 4.1 '4 814 Pacific Mall a. B. Ca. . Beadlmr. com 11 li 113 ao 3d preferreei do let Breferred...... Ben. Iron HteeL cam.. 30t, B tin L do preferred. iBerk islsnd, com....... M n 3 T 4 ik', B3H preferred TPV, 7tZ Boor been By.. Com . . . do b referred ....,. Boot keen Paetflc........ 'bbm do o referred ...... . . llSH llBVb li Bt. L. A B. P., 3d pfd.. St. U. n, w., com do arefmed- .. ' as . 125 3R 83 M KM Mt Text B Pnetne .... Tea. Coel at Iroa.. I'atmt Pacific, com.. d Breferred l.M Villain. 1 en 1 bo 60, iBOli aw 48 D. B. Bnheer. com.. preferred 6,B. Ce i com...-! BBtU mtU ss4 11 .: ... Ml a a .1 swt irrrtTM I l 35l irll!li n it 34 i-iH BS B a . no 8 B4 34 Ueree.' """ " Wheel. B L. Brie. 11 do a prererred.. do 1st preferred. Wis. Centre L earn. dw pre W. f. Telegraph. . rflhftt, B"(Nf7tSH QU'iSTE" LOSS II) 1111 SumnnmtmBl nmmfJ BBamnmnmwBnmaaP , ,. . . r " . . . V mt Little Business .Doing for .De cember, While May Option Has Only .Bld Price. '-.. .... ' a-BsmwBaaBamaanm CRAPES ARE PLENTIFUL WITH DEMAND FAVORABLE Fine JPeachea Bring Good Values, ' , Those Prom ' Mountain Sections Selling . Bea wNo Snap to Butter v anluasw " :' ("pedal DtspatrmlybNund Wtr ta The Jooraal) Saa Fraaetoc. Sept. 3. JJecsmher wheat mad a further deUae today te 1.3014 Bat cental. - or " t ' balow rrlday'a etoalng prtce. For buy aiUd waa bid aad (1.18 asked. . Spot I price were ancbajngrd. ball quality and easy to weak for tba lower grade. There was a decline ef wo per cental mt December deUrary t teed barley. Spot Bar ley was lnactire at aaabaagad prlcea.;, Oata, corn aad rya wer featareleee. Borne sew crop beaaa bar heaa recetred rrom the rirer. Th steamer Para took out 0.878 tomb of fkm for rations aMattaatloea today, InctodV tag ,83 for Central A merle. Price all rouad wr aaebangrd. J; -j .' - The market' 'for "fruits, ratota and ants pre sented ao particular change. Tber was a fairly good local aad ahlpptag demaad tor Bom Use. Tabt grapes hare par urns - ine feature at tb taarbet aad they bare beea ar. rlrtng rery freely, with orlcee baosmlng weaker. Win. eranen bar. aaade a at art bat It to yet rather early tor tb local trad to baadle ay large qnantltlee to adraatag. 1 xowara the cloaa ot th week the merket waa ar felted wltk BBtawc melona and caatakrapea. - : Boat resekat ktoU WU. Fine Reaches bare ban bringing good prlcea, especially tboas from tb moaatala regtooa. Today carriers war care aad higher. Fig are arriving -genre freely sad tber has not been aa adeenete demand for them, eipptoa bar ruled quite , ateady for tb ehotr uri- rats . one eumievei -. -Choice berries keep ap well In price. Pre nee are aaaklna- n liberal ahowlna. esoeclslly Oer- bm, Cbolc Btrttott pee re Bar kaesms lea aad most offering recently bar beea lthar greea or ot boor quality. There waa ao quo table change la 'pptatoe r obtoa aad ether article ruled abouS tb Mia aa preTtously, . Fdbry WbU etataod Vp. '" . Tber was no arm . to tbe batter Bad egg market today, pad In fact trade wee raBher quiet during tb week aad at nominally un changed , prlcea. Tbe commission boane will be earned aa Moaday, and Tuesday the. rap. pile of batter end - g will probably be aire tiheeaL Roaltr waa pretty wall cleans up. with fairly ateedy prlcea for-cbotr large bona and beat young atoca. xmnng pan ox use weak tber waa a aurfett et cbickaaa aad they ratod weak..-. ;':;'3rTIF.T0BJI BABK STATOtBlfT,- j KetTietkr; Septr" -7,, tWiiicreee Reeerre. . .....-. .......... ...... B.tTu. Rerrt lr-a II. S... 45T.fT5 1 m ..... T, 87,100 SiMCle ............-.-..''J'.. - 8.808,1110 1.440.4OO KDOalf. l,f?.BtJ0 Clrmlathm ..... Tad.tOO la - Baa Franctoco, Bent. Bid. BalHoa .81 Belcher .13 rM CaL.V k.. 1.10 3. Ofadal cKmw: Bid. Be rag ........( .47 Pnteet .08 Unloa Cob ..... .83 Yellow . Jacket,. .13 exchequer ' .44 Hale 4 Norcroaa. i.30 Aades .......... 1 .33 Opbir .......... BT Caledonia ...... -Z Mexican ' 1.10 Coe. Mercur... .48 Seorptow Id " From thd London Talesrat'B. " -! PAxuo naa nor iwiwh . ., -.-. wiraa. who try to look as If tholr fathera OP huabanda hmA tan ' thAiiaanrl a rear qrhdB they JuBt have ten hnndrad. " But tharo aim cr tauvly rw such in Paria. f If you go Into too lirut apta. what thd UdlBd Of aummar'a day ar vaporous apparition of , taco an4 tulla. fop which you-'Boppoa. that s.. ,! hnnma- ha monsieur en par th drwaaraakar'a bilt, you will find that they ; bad thaao dream of aoft ..T.. a . kmn. hiv a mat re es bi. r - . -- e ma ae, hnnr An a model DOUBnt from a bis flntrprotyably th only dimaa ohtalnoa from tn urn xma Tha Pari cotunr. thrlr on forolfn cuatom. . Parisian Udloa har on gown r . klm . .emaon. and have th others copied from U at home. ' ' ' -J e - . A thrlf tlaaa wlf1 tn Pbtib wouia 0 looked upon aa dangarously oecwntrio or probably mad. A wtfa la "toy definition" thrifty, , In "tho rrenchmBn's 'lew. . Th poorer the mrarana tn xaninwr wife. . No peoptot apend more money than soma Partetana. but even they do -not apend it wildly. The amBrteat woman Jn Parialao eociety naa ner rasnm wre fully, mended, , whan ncry, by a maid, and Uugha at actreaaeq who re fuae' to- wear a droaa. twice. In th haurweolala thrBfttnese and - propriety are the cardinal ylrtuemv, , r ' r. . .", the, nama'ltma be thB greatest vrbrtak tor tha- thriniema wlf to aet down. the inriny yTnon wum.i am a frump and a dowdy hauafrau with her mind In bee pot and pane.- On th contrary. It la 'a rule- Buffering tot t plngl eaception ,, tnnx mw oman'a flrat car in lire is ner ww appmrsncn n'.'J www . . recognises tTiAV am Bcknowledgr It t . . . ei , . v- i. lha eniinrro .11 T-u a. etawt tnt -It doO come next.. Th Franca wuiiinii nr 1 geautty h tfoexror. conctmi.iru . n theae two end ot Biatncw to w wall and , to ant- walL - The rt will tak care ef ttaelf. - - . . -. - j ' Needleaa to say. the preliminary step of BewurlnaT the purawatrlnf- has bd taken, aa a matter of rourp. a wR after marrlag. Not on Frenchman out ef l.aeo.BOS reeleta. Among the wealthy monataor Kbb hi aUowanc. ' Among th fairly wU eff. be keeps back cash for hM threw evenings a mw at mm esfe. - for the . reeUuraat. mnerana theatr outing once eg twlc a week, ami for his tailor.- Anvong th working claaaea be endarwre. ,ot aJwaya Buo- ceaef ully, to wltnnoia live iranc - on Batarday erentna. -w - - - But tn aU ctaaooak wHrt ptWin. he hande the hulk of the bonaohold mmmaw awaw .a - Km wrOHld ncl draara of ttmptln to. do etherwls; nor would a aingi r rencn wowiant nsn Me attemptlna It fop one- hour. For Ih.l m.MM aha, ssnsrslle kaa a hit K-5 : : a ,-i i:a a - 1 r ' " . . . . . hog l;;.ih;et off MODE '' !' kl I III'' ' ' : ' .-. . :. e " - 7. Eastern ; as Wsll jas; Portland Prices Show a Decline Dur in-Past.; Week.', HALF FAT GRADE HURTS U a THE LOCAL QUOTATIONS Sheep Are Firmer With Receipts Much Smaller Than UBual Cattle Market In OoodShap Wth Beat 1-a-Hetock .t tha Top. , ; Port la ad CeUa Bteckyarda. Sept. 3.-d p. m. e-UraMck raealptat . ' " Bog., cattle. Bocep. Thla nreek ...'............1.1TB " BOT 4HT Uat week BTd 1 13 -.3.833 1 - - -1 -1 1 n ouw e.axM Tka .etrasne weeklies aa wall a dallai mem by tha' bog market tb pfst weak did ant (opt aotly aa a surprise becai tb aad 'ot tot-wk' price was wk. Arrienle the Beat wsek ware euraiderabiy la- ereesed rer those et tb arerloae period, and arlcea took a eaeera draw about tba middle of the period. It waa aet the Increase ta sr. rteato bat tba poor condition ef tba bog that reused tb ' market ta drop. Moat of th boes that came te market daring th week wra-kp -balf -fat- wt- tha -beet- and the trade dees aat- ear. Bor-thl - elan goede. Wha tba packer really waat ar good block hega, although aome beattor lae 111 bring tb auuraet - prir quiu reeuuy. Brra after a decline ef tram 35 to SB cents In local Boa orlcee during the week tbe Port. land market to atlU fully 1H orate higher than tba aaat, the decllnee here being pre by equal waa east ef tb Rockies. r---OatxW Itarhwt ta Bettor Shape. - Locally tb cattle market to abowlng befter barm. - Becelhta during tba week were fair hot the demand snows a gooa uumu.snr sad tbe tea at tb market to better sU ths way taroagh. Best steer ar being eagerly sought araead prevailing price bat tb poorer ae do net find a ready a alL Now Ust a meal necking gaacern has engage ta aanmafnatnee nf f til goads there will bere- sfter be hetter cattle demand ta-tbto -etry ad prices are expected ta rale considerably Better. Although in eemsno nr sen enin waa quits brisk tb pact week yard official CO IB BUI KB . a nnaw ia ie prww. '". Sbaap Bhew Iateane Filmsaaa, ' Inteasa flrmaeas to eaew f the eheep market, , Reeslpts th pact week wer rery small la compartsoa with pnrloas week and demand ruled fully' a firm. If not firmer thaa erer. There ta aow a eery healthy call from neighboring titles bat few a beep ar ar. rlrtng ta fill It. Prlcea daring tba week were aarhaaaed. Tb closing Was firmer. Me portion at tba. Mreetoek mark.t shews better form tbga doe tbat pertaining to real calre. Receipts th Bast weea were rerj and demand wa many time greater. Thla brunch at tb Ureatock market to com. naraHrel a new one bat has grown greatly In popularity. Pucker bay, ta th yard Whenever poeelble. m. v . ' riffiei.l neteea lo lrraatock: i Ucg Beet eatern Oregc,. adStJCSO blockers aad China fats. 8&.0U; atocaer aa - - as on. 1 ' 4 - Cattle Boat eeetera OtrgoB) eTeeta. ' ItS.OOtB BBS; tight and medium ateere. g3.8OCI3.0O: Ught eoera, tl.AO4X.0O; alerters and reeaera, fzjoqy 3.T8I holla, 1JML - Sheep Wethers. 3e; mixed eheep. Sf freight rxw. 3T3c: eprrng lamb. Calrss Oood real. ISO to 300 poaada, dCTreugb-aad bseyaac ....... r,,. r EASTERN HOGS FIVE - -TO TEN LOWER V.- '-.' ' y-.,i-'.---..,v-A rkteann. Sent, 3. Cattb) Becalpts. BOfn market steady.- tod to. prim ateere. 83.Bl3 8.80; stork re sad feeder. 8a.35tJ4.0O; cows. the flnanoes of Francd ar In the harrl of the women of Franc. ' Tbey are worthy of the trust. Tby devote their acuta brains, unimaginative, if you will, but possesslne; sheer genius for the practical Ufa, to -the two ends of existence already spoken of. Thy will spend hours of time and Incalculable energy and' Intelligence "on looking weiL Nor Is It merely looking welt, but being really wl dressed. ' . A" French 'women will, rather stay In bed than go out wits an undarned hole- tn a garment, bow ever Impossible ft may be for", the outer world, to see toe blemish. v. .-' -l It would Je there., and ahB must feel, as well aa aeem.. perfectly dressed. If the great lady goes over all her toilet minutely, the little "burBeoiee who has to manage with a huaband and twochll dreii on $1.00 a year does juat the same,' and the Paaistan workwoman as much as she. 'The merest tnldtnatte ts a paragon of neatness, and It la her pride that 'were she ever to bo run over, of which' therw- are always many chances In ths streets of Paris, and taksn to a hospital to have a broken leg set not an 'undarned bole would be found in petticoat. or stocking. r " ' Holes having been darned, th aprthg dreaS freahened' up Into a summer one br aorae mysterious trnnsfortnatlon it harmony with fashion, and madam being finally aaUsfled . that she looks well, then, but then only. Oomee monsieur's dinner, f He would. nerefdreaoi of ask inr for It. of course, while she la occu pied, with the maid if thqy bavs one or with her own needle and thread , in humbler households. ' But the secret i-f monsieur's dinner,, of course. 1s that It Is madam's also that is to . say. tht she enjoys it Just as much aa haT . : Kvery single article . of: food,- except fruit and vegetable, being much dearet In -Partw-thpti rnlgidori. for vitnu complicated Wonomloreaaona, the dln- ner In q oration must always remain a myBterr-iu wuoo miranintar biiih im arcana of cookery. But the"lacta are there.-- Some fatttBsr consptcuoua b their absence, such as cold meat. It Is tru that-Paris meat Is. usually uneAt bly eold.' ao 1t mut'- be dona Bp; but now it is aon up! Observe how th thrifty French, lady has a luncheon served of a Juicy ome letta, unknown tn England where tht thing called omeletta is springy, tblcs and dry four ouncea of mutton baabrl in soma evacret way which malt you eat it. a llllputlan eotelett per pereon. with souffle potatoes the cookery of which Is apparently elementary. If sot Instinctive, with Frenchwomen. whlU r.ea CT ITr,!ere Ctloa", ve il a- e1.3B44jss belfor. P3.1S84.r'; coee ' V4.ou; ball, 83.3uin,3 80; ca.ea, . Huga Keeelpta, 10.UUO) axa'ket it I tower. Mixed aad butcher. td.8SCtd.ld: to choice beary, 8.Tft.IO; rough 1 IS.40w8.d0t light. 3A.naoid.18. 7 Bbeep Recelpm, 1.0W); sheep and V etradyj Oood to rtwdro wether, -1.M,. . aatlra tombs, 6. 7618. 00. ' i ' V I ;" M Kmuad City. -h J Kansas fitr. Re. Sept. 3. Cattle Reeelpt 300. bailee ateere, 84.3M3 18; stnrker feeders, t-TC4.T8; calm. S0i"tt.O0; era stem, a.3bj4,T5; wee tern oews, !.., .38. - . ' ' .- -.' Hog Receipts, 300; market weak . te P fewer. Balk ef Balee. S.TBctft.aft; keary. 88 T It. 80! packers,. 84. 7ft tJS.PO; ptg aod light. S.TBalB.BO.. .'. Bhcep A rnpxlpf. q . , 1 r j ;i:ri'mt-fmajuC -v;;-v Omaha. Rob.. Bent. R Cttl WceV 100: nisrket unchanged. Nstlre ateera, , tSd.SS; laatlr oow and heifers, 1.73T ' western steers, 33.0oqj5.00; canners, fl.b 3.38; torker and feedera, 3.ittJ4.30; b. auga, ate., M.OutJI.75. ".. . Moga Receipt. 3.IU0; marset iw-wrr Resrr. tt.804ta.S9: mixed. 88.4P4ta.bft; llgi.. B0.7O bulk ad a.lon,, Bbeep Heeetpte, lbuu; amrxsi sieeey. ste am rcerllB, BB.lAexB.SOt wethers. M.Bt .23; ewe, H-BOOS. 00;. tombs, B9.T5CT.B0. BROKERS' OPINIONS OF STOCIC MABKC't ;Nw trk, -'.Sept. t-T. aJ MchByre t mw- It s. eulte clear tnat the unfawsb.. lerhBlcal stork markst ceaMIa ereeted ft or. too much bulling sad menrpulatloa th fortnight ar largely reepeaolbl tor thto week uneipectod break. SB the bear raid aloaw ran aot bora otherwise been aacreaafnl. aa tb aderlytag coeallttoaa bar not cbanged a P" cto aad bare aerer beea a raromom. - enanoaa are tbat tb market will be tree"'. -and unset tied for tbe camtog wk. ' How o further tba alump way ga as am to aenena n it entirely apoa tba extent ax toe erati--- week long Interest and the enmher of r remalnlne to bn Ibratdated. and tba cn. f aopporf-rjiV mrket laonlsam Marshall, Bpadrr cn. aay: Th riy tr tag today reflected steadiness ta sla ' toe apprehension regarding tbe monetary- atloa. The bank maieawat rnetd meat tlclpsfloB regarding It character, aad we f took to ar It Influence to some d.-e market opera t too aext week. On ta retnrn ef fund from tbe crope will net. beaiB. wttb toctosstog export ot eottna an. corn. - and totor ot wheel. - of whW lr- cereal, Urge xc win Be arraTiau.e J" foreign trad during tb coming eeeeon. 1 , market to Inclined to be to flee need fame, bly by good leadership aad aapport of atanuer. ' mOSTOV OOPFXX BTOCXS. Boston,-' Sept. 3 OfBctol copper B - AdeaBtara Wv4 Bn0 Atlantic .... 31-78 ' XllMie. ....... Bl.m Mae ... 'lereota . .9 B.OB , e).N , Bingham .-...' B0.00A Cak A Aria.. 100.13 Calumet ..... 840.00 fAnnee C) . . ... 80.U Pneealx ..... Qnlney- ...... j Shannon .... Tamarack ... ITrtBlty I . 1.00 . 101. fr . T.l . 130. f" . 8.14 , Sa.(x . 3-T. .10.8 1 - 46.M -. 84 41 . . 18. i- Centennlnl ... 34.25 Pely West .... je.w I'nlr.A 1.. ... Victoria i' I. . . ' 1311 Wlnma -wit IWnlesetne Old Tmmlnton. Mohawk ..... Michigan .... irtah 58. TB jr. B. Mining. 13.39 IRoyal ....... BAJf lTUlBCIBCO lOeiX tTOCKS. Sa Frpaetaca, Sept, i-dfaetal etna; Contra roeta WateP ............. 44 "v Bprlng Valley Water ........... BP Bea Pranetace Das Rlectrte T t Olnat Powde Hoaoken Bagar IB Hntcktneoa Ancar ................ IB , Makawell Bugnr ..... a - -- JT Paanhea Bngnr .............-Bl. Alaska Packers' ...... Psrl Be Btntew Tekpaoaa ..........103 . Ask, fniA' TT SB MBtnnl Blecrrle" ;...'.v........v. It" Cellforala Win '...... ........ J... 88 . Oreaato Bteemeaip ................ B4 . 18' Pel a Quern saa Sugar 3B St. reel Weet a. ' I. a. . woeJ ereede : . till I IteTr .d 'smm mi din m. 3042 JOr; flu BMdlanee. XUtUt; fhse, ITdJlBe. v- Monro, n littld ptac tn In county mill noon hnvcv-dtw f Ik nnrit ri dence and a tor with tha largoat Boo gpac ot any In tn eounty. wa must ' go to first-class hotel char to get them a eaka from umv pastr cook's around the corner-to follow, th Camambert Just lip t a turn, sr. trawbarrtaa. To cap it all eornea t cotTqtv gnrally andrtnkabla In Par oaf as. usually perfect In Paria houa. where tho thrifty wlfw Baa looked a. ter 1C .-- - ,' - - I- wa one privileged to reoetvw t confidences of a French lady who ha lived la London In Oat, Bn had tw servants; a maid who waa perfectlo. and a general cook, who waa EngLU. In fact. Cockney. Tha cook's ham ar eggs wr really superb. Har bo' dumplings war exquisite. Beyond t her sclance was dim. Tb Frwach 1 (ao she told at) took cook la hand o th first day. and made an omelette t. for her eyes. Tha cook sat down on chair with fac Ilka aa astonlahet. full moon. Sh said it made her "tha nervoua to- ea madam whlak tha gf about o." Th omelette waa donavand ready fto ."Berva befors) eook had reouv ered.' , The' madam stewed up yesterday's mutton. 8b mad some auburn-colored, aauce. she conjured with herbs, she Jug gled with condiment, ah kept tho pot on tha movo over three flamea of the gaa atovo all th time. . Cook sat mop ping her forehead. . When th dish was done, cook tied her bonnet string, whl : had hitherto beea) dangling, and shooir the duet of tha kitchen frm her ft. She was a cook, she was not going inte service at her time or Ufa t do ncr maru?y. . ; ... , ','- . ' . As a matter of fact, the French lady was no eook at all la her own opinion. She would not have ventured t a good gejnrajv aatwarit knowing culi. In Paria. She merely knew tb h doaen -srrepta -rb-ks of cookery -wbk every ordinary French woman awems t know. r "" ' ' Olaaa tJi-sBT Mf ''aTaBVewfl Mf 11 1a'sartTTHPlevTBTr' "I saw that aome or tha Bioux ir. or Indlaftd r traytnB sutomobllaa-''- Xlettlnr m ehaanog than white bi era could. I uppoaa." . "Wliy aor e . . ' ' "Bex-au they dnn t need any hor honkl They ran furalah., the who whoope' - , - ' ' '- sowimro, r9TmJi u c; tamtaMlabed ttyl.) WeOUT mCT l-ZZt X 4 f r -'it of her own. It la an abeolut fact thaU